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March 27, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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March 27, 1941 |
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2~, 1941
NOTICE tiff you wilfully deserted the plain-
t of Iowa in and tiff on or about May, 1933; that one
ty May Term son William Frank Bascom was born
B ' [ to you and the plaintiff and that he
~aSCorn !Is now residing with the plaintiff
rlainti~f and asking for a divorce from you
and for the custody of the said
! William Frank Bascom, and for gen-
a* i eral equitable relief.
~" ! For full and further particulars
L:- I see petition.
tiffed that there I Now unless you appear to said pe-
,e office of the ltttion and defend thereto at or be-
Court of Linnlfore noon of the 2nd. day of the
-~tition of the i next May 1941, term of said court to
alleging that be begun and held at the Court
Were married i House in Cedar Rapids, Linn County
that without I Iowa, commencing on the 12th day
of the plain-k of May, 1941, default will be entered
if i i-- --
ii i
against you and Judgment and de-
eree rendered thereon in accordance
with the prayer of the said petition.
Attorneys for Plaintiff. :
In the District Court of Iowa in and
for L,inn County
Orvil L. Malfeld, l='laintlff
Okal June Maifeld, Defendant
To the said Defendant:
You are hereby notified that there
is now on file in the office of the
Clerk of the District Court of the
State of Iowa in and for Linn Coun-
ty, the Petition of Plaintiff afore-
said, claiming of you an absolute di-
vorce on the grounds that on and
before your marriage to said Plain-
tiff you were pregnant by another
than the Plaintiff herein, of which
J fact Plaintiff had no knowledge nor
information prior to the marriage.
For further particulars see Petition
on file.
the pigs before they are born. Cut And unless you appear thereto and
defend before noon of the second day :
the sow's loss in body weight while of the next May, 1941 term of the
said District Court to be held in the
Court House in the city of Cedar
re of her pigs by keeping her in Rapids, Linn county, Iowa com-
mencing on the twelfth day of May,
ition. Unless proteins are add- A D. 1941 a default will be entered
against you and judgment returned
rain she will rob her own body.s.idtbere npetitlon.and decree as prayed in
g meal provides the best protein Attorneys for Plaintiff
EXECUTRIX. No. 16026
State of Iowa, Linn County, ss:
always pay for themselves, the undersigned has been on this
14th day of March, 1941, duly ap-
is 5% higher in feed value than
pointed and qualified as Executrix
of the estate of Mary Cameron late
of Llnn County, Iowa, deceased. All
All are
low in mineral and protein, requested persons indebted to make to immediate said estate pay- are
pig meal supplies all the neces-
m and mineral.
Vitamo 40% Hog Balancer
Vitamo 32% Concentrate
Vitamo Minerals.
Get our prices before you buy.
line of all Mill Feeds on Hand
At All Times
line of Chick Starter, Grower,
Chix Scratch, Grit, Charcoal,
Chick Feeders and Waterers.
merit thereof to the undersigned.
Those having claims against the
same will file them duly authentleat-
ed in the office of the Clerk of the
Linn County, Iowa District Court.
Gee. D. Sailor, Attorney.
II I I I Illl
Ribbon Condensed Buttermilk,
kegs, kegs with Cod Liver Oil,
Germ. Try buttermilk with
for your feed this year. Drop
get our formula. It will pay you.
feed cost.
Sioux brooder stoves, none bet-
oil burners, very low cost operat-
Safe, get our prices installed.
oF Salt on Track April 15th
tr prices and book your order.
Iodized Blocks, Sulphur Blocks,
and Fine Salt.
Phone 3912
IJT on your car any halfway job is
- a botch. The engine's full of poison,
rel21e t "
V -" roper, as long as it's full of scratchy
~l~ter oil. Today then, drain and re-
f-" ~or Spring But be more than half
i:lr to yourself and your engine Get
C[rained, refilled and Oil-Plated besides
"--all at the one same cost--all in mere
~i~utes, at Your Mileage Merchant's
C a co station.
tits Germ Processed oil--patented--
~tains a man-made extra "energizer'.'
Is bonds OIL-PLATING to
Darts as closely as the plating on body
l~ts. Then OZL-PLATING can't all drain
down. As long as you use Germ Proc-
essed oil, the OIL-PLATING stays plated
up--every mile--every hour at the curb
--or standing overnight. That's why
your OIL-PLATED engine is protected in
advance against the worst old starting
wear much as if Germ Processed
ell hadn't even quit circulating !
Likewise, when sun and speedometer
both swing high, the OIL-PLATING
stays plated up against needless wear.
And that's more than half of the battle
for oil economy. Change to Conoco
Germ Processed oil that OIL-PLATES,
Today! Continental Oil Company
A full
t:arbee, Operator Truck 1 W.E. Kohl, Operator Truck 2
On sale at the following service stations:
: & Son Garage, Mount Vernon Zimmer Garage, Lisbon
Mechaniesville Bowers & Sehoor, Mechanicsville
MAKE ::A::~F~o;reema"
Plans are under way for a bene-
fit bake sale for the 1941 alumni
banquet, March 29th in Hunte's
Furniture Store. If you are a
graduate of the Springville high
school, your assistance will be ap-
preciated. Do not wait to be solic-
ited.---Secretary, Maurine Christian. I
Initiation party for the new mem-
bers who are Arthur Chudzinski,
Arnold Port, Francis Seery, Donald
Heald. Ping-pong was followed by
refreshments. Coach Melvin Mohr
is the sponsor.
Wednesday night at the school
house Melvin Mohr gave a waffle
supper in honor of the basketball
team. Supt. Win. Johnston and
Prin. L. G. Thorns were guests.
Bingo was played for entertain-
The teams consist of Bert Cooper,
Bob Graham, Arnold Port, Bill
Graham, Francis Seery, Donald
Heald, Arthur Chudzinski, Loren
Rodman, Bob Rose, Russell Clark,
Duane Barnhart, Jim Graham, Chas.
Draker, Richard Dice, Walter Cope,
Don Bedell, Leo Palmer.
Monday night the alumni and the
high school basketball teams play-
ed return games. The alumni first
team won from the high school
team. Then the high school team
won the second game from the sec-
ond alumni team.
These games were followed by
l a game with the alumni vs. Whit-
tier. Whittier won 27 to 24.
When Jesus left the world he gave
his disciples a commission that he
has never revoked. But we have
not obeyed his command. What
will be our alibi in the day of judg-
ment? We should be thankful that
it is not too late to obey this com-
mand, but we must get busy.
Next Sunday we study about,
"The Great Commission." We in-
vite you to study with us.
Sunday school at 10:00 a.m.
Preaching at 11:00 a.m.
Chris Nielsen was honor guest
Sunday in his home in observance
of his 80th birthday at a dinner
party given by bis relatives, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Anderson, Mr. and
Mrs. Erhart Anderson, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Law-
rence Nelson, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs.
Scena Samuelson and daughter
Caroline, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Niel-
sen, Hila Paul, Mrs. Margaret Rol-
lan, all of Cedar Rapids; Mrs. Marie
Nielsen, Mrs. Florence Nielsen and
Laura Mae Paul of Springville.
Mr. Nielsen has lived in and around
Springville for the past 60 year.
He is a retired farmer.
Mrs. Ralph Waln, assisted by Mrs.
Esther Hepker, will entertain the
Presbyterian Missionary Society
Friday afternoon. The newly elect-
ed and appointed officers will take
over the year's activities, namely:
Pres Mrs. Eva Stearns; Vice-Pres
Nolle Wiley; See. and Treas Ida
Bowdish; See. of Literature, Leta
McShane; See. of Missionary Edu-
cation, Elizabeth Burroughs; Sec. of
membership, Ella Faust; Sec. of
Stewardship, Ethel Freeman; Spir-
itual Life group, Hattie Pollock;
White Cross, Bernice Pollock; So-
cial Education See Lucy Cooper;
nominating committee, Jennie Van
Sickle, Lucy Cooper and Esther
Mrs. Don Colehour and Miss Mil-
dred Peterson spent Monday in the
John Havidie home in Anamosa.
Wyatt Contrell of Sanborn is a
guest this week in the Harry WAit-
Dial .5412
First door east of Methodist church
Mount Vernon: Iowa
Physician and Surgeon
Office Gearhart Residence
Mount Vernon, Iowa
Office Phone 3021 Res. 3451
Calls Answered Promptly
Day or Night
E. C. PRALL, Dentist
Office -- 5712 Memo -- 4841
Mount Vernon, Iowa
Office 2761 Residence 2763
Mount Vernon, Iowa
Practice in state and federal courts
Counselor-at-Law and Notary Pub-
lic. Office over DeLuxe Coffee
Shop, Mount Vernon, Iowa.
Phones: Office 5612 Home 2871
Funeral Directors
C B. Johnston, Licensed Embalmer
H. R. Johnston, Licensed Embalmer
Lady Assistant When Wanted
Mount Vernon and Lisbon
Free Prompt Removal
of all
Call Our Nearest Phone
Cedar Rapids 4612
Anamosa 542
Stanwood 800
Mt. Vernon 11000
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Iowa Dept. of Agriculture
License No. 1
man home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foughty have
returned to their home from Mason
City, where they have been lo-
cated for many weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bowdish, Mrs.
Meda Bowdish and Minnie Feet of
Viola were Sunday dinner guests
of Jackson Bowdish, Sr in Marion.
Mrs. J. S. Bowdish spent Friday
night in the Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Bowdish home in Cedar Rapids.
She also called on Mrs. Sadie Rob-
erts in Cedar Rapids.
Mrs. Amelia Larson moved last
week to the farm home of her son
Ivan west of town, while carpenters
family of Martelle, Mr. and Mrs. dames C. I. Mitchell, Oscar Bas-
Howard McShane and Marilyn of sett, Glenn Bassett, Ed Harms
Paralta, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gib-Floyd Thomas, Clarence McGrew,:
son of Marion and Nelle Davis were Mrs. Perrington, Wid Scarbrough,
dinner guests Sunday of Mrs Mabel i and Miss Lorena Cooper. A din-
Nielsen and family, nor was served at noon. ,
Mrs. Jesse Travis and her moth- David Whitman, three year old
or, Mrs. M. E Turkle were Sun- son of Mr. and Mrs. John Whit-
day dinner guests in the Mr. and man, was rushed to Mercy hospital
Mrs :Merle Kepler home on the Mr. l at Anamosa Sunday. An opera-i
Vernon-Lisbon road. tion showed a ruptured appendix.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Port of At this writing his parents are with
Cedar Rapids spent Thursday in the him and he is critically ill.
A. C. Port home. Mrs. Low Thompson of Mount
mrs. Lizzie Strother of Marion Vernon is assisting in the home of
called on Miss Lena Mann Sunday her sister, Mrs. John Whitman.
Page Nine
Saturday in Marion and Cedar Rap-
Mr and Mrs. Russell Mallicoat
attended a dance in Baldwin Thurs,
day night.
The Good Luck Social Club met
at the Hazel Pilik home Thursday
afternoon with a good attendance;
The next meeting will be held at
the Gordon Neal home on April &
Mr. and Mrs. Golden Miller and
Mr. and Mrs. Than Dean were Ce.
dar Rapids callers Friday.
Lin rove
build a new home at her farm on Mrs. Elsie Bradley of Cedar Fap- t,
the west edge of town. ids called on friends in town Sun- fl~kD~ey ~;reeK Sunday dinner guests in the Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Palmer of day. Mrs. NaUm~lvl ~m and Mrs. Edwin Harris home were
Cedar Rapids spent Tuesday eve-I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wain called Mr. and Mrs. Carl Calvext and
ning in the Frank Palmer home. in the Don Torrence home in Mar- Mrs Letha Kanlan i~ in *,i*h daughters Anita and Vera, Robert
Mrs. Albert Babcock and John ion Sunday the ~in-les at th - "". ":"- Wild of Springville; Miss Ethel
g e nome ox nor Harris, Marion; and Verlus Wild
Dew of Mount Vernon were Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. George Maxfleld parents, Mr and Mrs John Lentz
day guests of Mrs. Bess Faust and and son of Robins and Mildred in Mount Vernon " of Ames. The dinner was given in
Marlyn. [Peterson of Anamosa were Sunday Mr and Mrs " il honor of Miss Harris, sister of the
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harper have guests in the Mrs. Margaret Cole- Jim~e attended W: t~?rt2~bn sin! host.
returned to their home after an hour home. ner Sunday in honor of Mr~ ~--- Mr. and Mrs. Merril Garrett had
absence of several weeks spent with Mr. and Mrs F M Bailey were Wickham in P- ?; ~u$ as recent supper guests, Mr. and
. . ~. " ". ' ~le JiilOll WlUlalns
retahves at Savanna. /nursday callers m the Mr. and home near Center Point Guests Mrs. Marvin Johnston, Mr. and Mrs,
Mrs. Alma McShane entertained Mrs. Harry Rhoads home in Aria-numberin 22 were ~reseni *o o~ I A. J. Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs.
at a family dinner Sunday. Present mesa. iov tap ~rrn~inn " Harry Stewart of Martelle.
were Mr. and Mrs. Marion McShane Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitman and " ~Irs:'-DoraWHoffman is snendin- The Ladies Aid Society of the
and family of New Boston Ill.' Mr family attended the funeral of their ~ f^ '-.-^^, ~, ~ Linn Grove church will meet for
n- "'r "~ il "~ =w w==r.~ ~ uz= merrzzz r~ortman regular session, Wednesday, April
a a r~ s. ~ec ~ennet~ ano xam- uncm, A. ~. l~au~)enmmr, held In home.
2, with Mrs. Laurance Holcomb.
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ciem McGowan the Turner Chapel in Cedar Rapids Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Hoffman The many friends in the Linn
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Saturday morning at 10:30 a.m. called at the hospital in Anamosa Grove neighborhood will be sorry
McShane and Marilyn of Paralta. Burial was in the Lisbon cemetery. Monday to see their little nephew to learn that Mrs Minnie Goudy
Ruth Caldwell of Cedar Rapids, Mrs. Clarence McGrew was host- David Whitman, who is seriously of Cedar Rapids, a former resident
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Caldwell and ess Thursday to the Home makers ill with a ruptured appendix, of the Linn Grove community, suf-
family of Marion; Mrs. Ed Wild of l on the west side of town. Fifteen Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook were
Viola were Sunday visitors of Mr.
ad Mrs. Oliver Caldwell.
Mrs. P. Doran of Cedar Rapids
is a house guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Caldwell.
Mrs. Millie Bolton has returned
to her home from Des Moines where
she has spent the winter with mem-
bers of her family.
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Clark and
family visited Sunday in the Mr.
and Mrs. Burleigh Pratt home at
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Thomas of
Cedar Rapids were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ralston.
John McDonnell of Marion visit-
ed in the A. C. Port home Tuesday.
While Private J. J. McCullough
was home last week to attend the
funeral of his uncle, L. B. Christ-
man, he was honor guest at a pic-
nic supper given in the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mc-
Cullough, by a group of neighbors.
Mr. and Mrs. John Clarey of Wau-
beck were Saturday guests in the
O. D. Clark home.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Chisman of
Marion called Sunday in the Clar-
ence BoRon home.
Mrs. Bertha Stinger accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stinger of
Mount Vernon to Elkader Friday,
where they were guests of friends.
John Vernon went to Des Moines
Monday to spend several days on
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacNeil and
family of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Emerson of Delhi were week~
end guests of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Whitaker.
Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Bishop and
granddaughter Audrey Bishop of
Nevada; Mr. and Mrs. Don Bishop
of Marshalltown were Sunday af-
ternoon callers in the Wilbur Whit-
aker home.
The Royal Neighbor ladies will
members and guests attended. Mrs.
Albert Pollock and Mrs. Wid Scar-
brought presented the fourth lesson
on proper garment fitting. Miss
i Gove, H. D. A was present. A pic-
nic dinner was served at noon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wets of Ce-
dar Rapids were week end guests
of Mr. and Mrs Byron Wetzel.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Simpson visit-
ed their sister, Mrs. Ida McLeod in
Clarence, last Sunday. Mrs. Mc-
Leod had recently returned from a
winter in California. Enroute home
she visited Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Simpson and family at Loveland,
Colo. Mr. Simpson is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Simpson.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Watson, Mrs.
Ollie Duncan of Mount Vernon were
Saturday visitors of Mrs W. C.
Ralph Waln, L. A. Johnston, H.
C. Carbee, R. F. Wiley attended a
6:30 dinner and meeting of the Mar-
ion A. F and A. M. Friday eve-
Ray. and Mrs. Chas. B. Willming
and family called on Mr. and Mrs.
Pierre Tracy in Cedar Rapids Sun-
day afternoon.
Winifred Wiley, Imogene Chris-
tian, CloG Frank of Cedar Rapids
spent the week end in their re-
spective homes here.
The sophomore class held a skat-
ing party in Cedar Rapids Saturday
night, which included a number of
invited guests.
A picnic supper and receptionI
was given in the church Tuesday:
evening for Rev. Chas. B. Will-
ming and family. A large crowd!
enjoyed the dinner which was fol-
lowed by a program.
David Kouba has returned to his
home in Center Point after two
weeks spent in the home of his
grandparents, Mr and Mrs. John
meet April 3rd with Mrs. Rosa Mr. and Mrs. Iver Courter of Chi-
White, north of town. cage spent the week end with Dr.
Past Noble Grands of Evergreen and Mrs. W. O. Courter. Addition-
Rebekah lodge 149 are being en-
tertained this afternoon in the Hall.
Hostess is Mrs. Wilbur Whitaker.
Bob Bell of Cedar Rapids called
Sunday in the home Of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bell. :
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Clausen and
Dorothy of Atkins were in town:
Sunday calling on former friends
and were Sunday evening supper'
guests of Mr. and Mrs F. C. Rob-
Mr. and Mrs. Clement Ozburn
and family of Cedar Rapids were
Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs.
Ralph Ralston.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stearns and
Mrs. Joe Stottard of Cedar Rapids
were recent visitors of Gladys
Bruce at Independence.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Calvert and
daughters Anita and Vera, Dave
and BOb Wild and Ethel Harris of
Marion were Sunday evening din-
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wild
near Viola.
Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Beck and
family of Clarence, Mr. and Mrs.
David Beck and Barbara of Man-
chester, Mr. and Mrs. Dilman Beck
and family of Cedar Rapids, Mrs.
Jay Richard of Independence were
Sunday guests of their mother,
Mrs. Althea Beck at dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Binley of
Anamosa have moved into the Dr.
Gearhart property in the northwest
part of town recently vacated by
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Streets.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mann of Mar-
ion were Saturday visitors in the
Wilbur Stearns home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Carson and
daughter, Ivan Armstrong, Mrs.
Charles Jenks of Cedar Rapids,
were Thursday evening visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Stanley. i
Mrs. Dillard Merritt was brought
to her home Sunday from Mercy!
hospital in Cedar Rapids. Her
daughter, Mrs. Ralph Brush and
son Roger of Cedar Rapids is spend-
ing some time with her.
Bernice Palmer, Evelyn Walton,
accompanied by Mildred Irons sang
a duet on the WMT amateur hour
Saturday afternoon.
Alfred Johnston of Chicago, Miss
Harriett Needham of Monmouth
were Thursday evening dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ricketts of
Jesup were Saturday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Ricketts.
Mrs. Lee McCullough left late
Monday night for Fort Snelling,
Minn. Her son J. J. McCullough,
who is in the army service there
will soon be transferred to a camp
in Texas. She visited Tuesday and
Wednesday with her son.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Emmons of Ce-
dar Rapids were Sunday visitors in
the O. J. Emmons home.
Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Dewees and
family were Sunday dinner guests
of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.
C. Dewees near Whittier.
Mrs. L. B. Stanley and Mrs. Her-
vey Dewees attended the Friends
Ladies Aid in the Catherine Wil-
liams home in Whittier Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burroughs and
Carol were Sunday afternoon vis-
itors in the E. W Smykil home in
Miss Elizabeth Fishwild visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Fishwild at Wyoming during the
week end.
Miss Adella Ulrich spent the
week end with her parents at Van
James Burroughs of Tipton visit-
ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F.
Burroughs Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, Hurl Davis and
al Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Courter of Burlington and O.
E. Courter and son Mayne of Win-
Mrs. Anna Hann entertained her
sons and wives at dinner Sunday:
Mr. and Mrs. John Hann and fam-
ily of Cedar Rapids, Mr. and Mrs,~
Frank Harm of Iowa City and Mrs
B. L. Hupp of Kansas City.
Mrs Vena Greenawalt was a
Sunday guest of her son, Dr. R. A.
Greenawalt and Mrs. Greenawalt[
in Cedar Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Taylor were
dinner guests Sunday in the home
of their son Harold and wife in
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cantwell
spent Sunday in Belie Plaine with
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelly.
Judith Ann Fowler spent several
days the past week with her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L C. Fowler
near Anamosa.
Mrs. Hobart Fowler spent from
Wednesday through Sunday with
her sister, Mrs. Leonard Schmidt
in Riverside, who with Mr. Schmidt
have moved to Cedar Rapids where
Mr. Schmidt is employed by a gas
Mrs. T. W Pollock and Mrs. Al-
bert Pollock entertained at a quilt-
ing Tuesday. Guests were the Mes-
l,isbon Business
Attorney aS law
General practice
Lisbon office, aerces from City
Hall, Phone 146.
Cedar Rapids office, 518 Mer-
chants National Rank Bldg Phone
Phy~ala~ and ltm'g~m~
Phones: Office 2-91. Res. 3-91
J, M. C 1tBigK
Notary Public
4% Farm Loans
Phone 127 Lisbon, Iowa
Physician and Surgeon
Corner Main and Jackson Street~
Telephone 36
Lisbon, Iowa
Dealers in
Cemetery Memorial~
Heating, Plumbing, and Wiring
Res, 91 PHONES Office llO
Lisbon, Iowa
General Practice
Notary Public. Deeds, Wills, "
Licenses ]
Office in residence, corner Wash-]
ingtcn and Market St Phone 8C
w. M. )
Lisbon, Iowa /
Real Estate and Insurance
Farms for Sale ]
Ho, mee for Sale or Rent I
Office Phone--I46
called to Monticello by the death
of Walter's brother, Wm. Cook, who
died after a long illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Golden Miller at-
tended a birthday dinner at the
Gladys Collier home Sunday in
honor of Mrs. Miller's sister Jane
Mr and Mrs. Than Dean spent
fered a slight stroke at her home
last Thursday.
Mrs. Harry Jacobs went to St.
Luke's hospital, Cedar Rapids on
Monday, where she submitted to
an operation the first o~ the week.
Petition--A document showing
how many people lacked the back-
bone to say no.--Ex.
Only Ic Per Word Perlnsertion; 25c Minimum Cha e. 1
rms easn. Have Copy In By Wednesday Morning
To Appear On This Page.
Classified Ads Bring Results
LOST: Lewellyn setter, female,
strayed March 2. Finder please
notify Gee. l~arrts on former Ed
Lltts farm south of Lisbon. 22p
WANTED: Driver to carry film
finishing to Cedar Rapids daily 4-6
p.m. Dial 6412, Mt. Vernon. 22p
FOR SALE: Gopher Oats. Leon-
ard Klelneek, Dial 5505, .Mt. Ver-
non. 21-2tc
wich wood saw outfit, good shape.
Carl Hagan, Lisbon. 21-2tp
FOR SALE: Automatic gas
water heater, like new, will sell at
discount. Dial 3012. 22c
FOR SALE: Choice ,baled clover
hay in barn ready to load. Frank
~Whltman, Mechanicsville phone,
3 mi. south of Mechanicsville. 22p
FOR SALE: Steel frame settee
with leather cushions, in excellent
condition. Call 3861, Mrs, J. W.
McCutcheon. 22p
FOR SALE: Several good treed
electric refrigerators. ~ome priced
as low as $29.50. Dial 3012. 22c
FOR RENT: Two or three un-
furnished rooms. Inquire of Mrs.
Gladys Butler, over Vernon Inn. lp
FOR S.&LE: 1935 Dodge tudor
In good condition. Reasonable. Clif.
ford W. Iosty, Phone 5641. 22p
FOR SALE: O11 station, small
bungalow on one acre plot, ~ ml.
west of Mt. Vernon. Reason, have
)urchased a place in my home
town. Will sell reasonable.22p
wallpaper hanging. Dale Hammond,
Dial 4651. 21-Zt
ALFAI~FA $6.90, Clover $6.00.
Blue Tag Hybrid Corn $1.50; all per
cedar posts, see or write me for
prices. George Farrts, on former
Ed Lltts farm south of IAsbon. 22p
WANTED: Clean cotton rags.
Will pay 2e a pound. Hawkeye-
Record office.
~-Famllies, organizations, groups
of all kinds. Special attention giv,
en this type of work. Dial 5192
after 6 p.m. for appointment. Hugh
Roberts, Mount Vernon. 22
and Surety Bonds guaranteeing
your unquestioned stability and ser-
vice. Get complete information. S.
N. Merritt, Dial 4262 Mount Ver-
non. 22
are America's most wanted watch.
Each has 17 or more jewels, each
cased In precious metals. Priced
from $37.50. See them! W H.
Hoover, Mount Vernon. 22
Three-~lfths Of corn crop is mar-
keted that way. ,Boost corn value
by balancing with Sargent Minral
Meat Meal. F.J. Peterson. 22
PIANO TUNING, usual charge
$2.50; cane seating and chair wrap-
olng. R. E. Sanderson, 319 Third
Street North, Dial 2622. 9 if.
Free. Call nearest phone by No.
collect, .M~t. Ve~ton, S0~; 34~mdon ~;
Anamossb '/4F21, for clean fs~t
oourteotts service. Francis Payton,
Agent, Anan~o~a, Iowa, for ~arz~-
ors Rendering Works. State IA-
cerise No. 7, Iowa City, Is. 17-tf.
It's solvent-processed to remove all
undesirable elements. It can not
sludge! None finer at any ~rlce!
30c quart. Drelbelbls D-X Service,
Mount Vernon. 22
here's the manure spreader to go
with It. The McCormick-Deering
Tractor-Drawn No. 100 has roller-
chain main drive---G. A. Beranek,
Mount Vernon. 22
bushel. Also many other bargains
Postal card us today for catalogue
and samples. Hall Roberts' Son,
Postvtlle, Iowa. 19-4tc
FOR SALE: My residence. De-
scription. 6-room house, 4 down,
2 up. A large attic, make 2 nice
rooms; city water, good cistern with
pump in kitchen sink; electric
lights; cement basement under the
whole house, gas piped into base-
ment also totlet in ,basement, no
bath. 1 lot 58x160 ft 2 ,hi. N from
Main St 2nd Ave. Mrs. L. Spring-
er, Lisbon, Iowa. 20-4tp
Dial 5471
Mount Vernon
FOR SALE: Sand and gravel.
Ashes hauled, gardens plowed.
Highest prices paid for Wool, Hides,
Iron, Rags and Metals. D. Burgess
& Sons, Dial 5341, Mount Ver-
non. 2$tfc
and three weeks old. No trouble to
start and no chance for loss. Spe-
cial low prices for quick sale. A
limited number of started chicks
available bn contract. The Gor-
don Hatchery, Marion, Iowa. 22c
Starting, Growing and
Laying Mashes
For Poultry
Classified Ads Bring Results
~, -- .- -- - -" --. 7---- --:': -7~-----7~- - -~"
charged on
Federal Land Bank and
Bank Commissioner Farm
For details see:
Harold B. McTavish, Sec'y-Trea
722 Third Avenue SE Cedar Rapids
221 3rd SL pids, Iowa |
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