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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
March 28, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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March 28, 1957
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thom~rno~ (~..| Ingleside club will meet with Mrs. e Tho~ ~vl, ltAI Albion King Monday, April 1. Mrs. calld~a ....... Walter Stromer will give a book re- i~l mott~-']~'~Z~-e~-te-s will meet view. ~v,~e uthoff Friday lrdaY~t 2 p m Mr- -- ' Entre Nous club will meet with ~as the~ll present'the les~e"nna Mrs C. F. Bauman on Monday, _._Jecorain~ r],~h~o " .... " April 1 A program on Easter cu~- d ~1 ~o*~wil1 _~-.v~...~o. toms will be presented by Miss buna~um meet w,th Mrs. J. Nellie Hartung, Mrs. Lewis Mitch- ~ kg~e~n" ih e n~rrgSsualaaB °mr APi!I ! ~e esM~l~u ~ cAldl a~ ~ ~meYr ~a!n d ill7 ~e k" b,- a review of ."The ! annual Cancer campaign which the ~ club will again conduct. , 2LITY II: COMFORT ' I WITH EVERY FEArUH ~~~! ~.'~ YOU WANT MOST IN • Sturdy Oak Lealher Soles ' ing .Work Shoes... Soles... Card a °c! 1Rubber Socl s ;" • iSoles... Sizes 6 it FOr'rE'ErE EEEEE Some st,:les'made w'h Insoles with Archrest and steel arch liver¢ " N & . Quality Since 1909 of n m¢ MARK THIS AND HELP GUIDE • YOUR LAWMAKERS ~.~ator Frank Byers " ~ntatives Ernest Ko " ~tat L . , sek, Em Novak e L~glslature" ~s I prefer a 3 er ce present P nt sales tax AND elimination personal state income tax tc~ltprefer a 2 per cent sales tax PLUS an increase of ~ I= inCOme tax to meet appropriation needs. • prefer a 2 per cent s • ,_~ ~t ts now --.- a es tax, the state mcome ISIQ • , t'LUS a state property tax. .,/ Name .... 4LE : ........................................................ d Address .......................................................... a:~/a~ ~::v^m.aiI this questionnaire to the Hawkeye- turned"=- ~t at the newspaper office. The results ._ . over to the leaislators It is your oppor- uUtae them in an important problem. e t0 ,o.';i'i W A L L P A P E R ethan 500 fresh NEW atterns generous full saPples, ,ill or grouped in six sect,ons. 10°':aluable deco " try -a rating in formation on back • I : ,r a:nSwer.s your ques!ions and OII sit d .... hi.on right decoration. .ill.enter in our Wall a er Decora M IERE" |-lip to the color yoPu Plan to use rr,U'i ;,,,. " " • pattern after pattern, all types, C:C)LC)I nge in every fashion shade, of to ch f°re so MANY wonderful NEW U;ES tfor:• And never before rlg h R? amve you time and make nts, so easy, so SORE. of OOLWOI ? Sg/ve your home the triple YLE, DESIGN with wall ca E. "'e'nernber, ONLY wallpaper does ALL LINE INDOOR AND OUTDOOR PAINT PATEK PP r °' Lisbon Dial 5012 Mt. Vernon Poetry Published Call Clubwomen Rainbow Girls e,,,,:,,,,, u,.~LJ ~_- . ]~e~ ~ppola ~s ~endlng the ML Vernon, ~. Hawkeyeo]~o. ~IFVl Vlqi,..~O ll~lldl r~ll-~pring holiday at the home of his and The Lisbon Herald ,.. _ .............................. ~ ................. ~ ............ ~ .......... ~ ........... ~ ° I " " To County Meeting , Dedicate S gnet ,VllOelUll'*" L11~wlbl--" =%.. l~Urll~l~ .... [Parents,is a firsttheyearR' studentW" Swarth-Bert" Thurs.. Mar. ~8. 195T rage o ~~ ~ The m " " " m n' Mt Vernon Assembl NO 112 I more in Pennsylania. ~~ ~~ ... :" . emoersnip of the wo a sl . y • Funeral services for Mrs. LewisI Bill Nichols will leave Sunda- ~,u.~. .......... ~~ ~~ Club is invited to attend the Linn]Order of the Rainbow for Girls met Burns 73 were held m the Beatty for ' ' ' " .~ . "{ Asheville N.C. where he will UU~INE~ CARDS ~~ ~ county IFWC convention to be heldI Saturday, March 23, in the Masonic Beurle chapel in Cedar ~apids on renresent Ni'ssen Tramnolin~ P ~~ ~~ at the Cedar Rapids Women's Club Temple for its "Spring Promise Th ....... o.,. ursday, March 21, wzth interment at a meetin,* of the southern distri^t R.A. SAUTI~R, M.D. ~~!ii building, 1110 Second Ave. S•E., on School" with instruction at 1:30I in Campbell cemetery:. The Rev. of the American Assoc. of Health~ Office ~,t 61"/ First St. W. ~~:ii:: Wednesday April 3. Mrs. Bryan and inspection at 7:30. Mrs. Omar ~ ~emon~ ~mzcn oz ~ennetL a zormer Phvs Ed and Recreation 'l Telephone: ~~i Cronbaugh will preside. ]McGlaughlin of Cedar Rapids was ipastor of the Bertram Methodist .~ ...... " ...~ I Office 5311 - Home Phone 747! ~~ Registration will be at 10 a.m.[in charge. Worthy Advisor Nancy church condu~te-~ ~ ~*h~ ........ ~w~u. J ~v~r• and ~vlrs... rran~dn ~vt: ~rown~l ~LZ ..... no answer JJzm :'--'-----~z~.;~ ~~ ~ Club presidents will all report on fClark and all of her officers were "~- " ..... was born in were guests ~aturday evening at a r %-~--~,.A~.- I ~narm~e ~. ~urns ~' • • ' ~WXl~ ~O-GEN B-EME~V~--- ~~ the year's activities• Mrs. W. Craig present except Nancy Gibeaut who/England April. 18 1883 the daugh- u mner dance and ~us~ess meetingli "Attorne- -" ~-'- "~ ~ill ~~ Tenney will report for the local was on a Florida vacation, Kay ' • ' . ~a~ me t:eaar uapids t~oumry club ~ *** ~,=w ter of James and Ahce King Coster .... . . :. ~ • ires 120 First Av~ ~ n~ ~ ~~i~ ~ club. Mrs• Will.ard Ingalls, second lCarnahan was her pro tern as Sister land came to this country with her zor pro.auemg agenrs oz me ~.qul-, " - Mt--V~;~n,~"T ..... ~ ....... ~i~ ~ ~ ........ district chairman, will be the speak- I of Love. Guests were present from narents when a year old On Jan 1 ) came ,4ze Assurance ~ocie~y. Mr.i ---o: .... -:-=-::::-" .... . ~~ ~ er of the morning, talking on "Un- Lisbon and Mechanicsville. ~'~2 she was "n~arriecl' to L~=i"]Br°wn was honored as the second .-. uznce ~ 1-1]gley Bldg. Burns and they lived in the Mt. g . t p oduclng agent zn the east-! __._.._____=_ __ , _ ~! ~~ derstanding Our Federation•" There[ A six o'clock dinner at the Hall- ' .... hi hes r " " I ~zal EM 4-7969 Cedar Rapids Ia. ~~ ~~ will be eleetion of officers just priorlday House in honor of Mr. andlVernon vicinity for several years ern,owa agency of the Socmty. I A~f,~r~eWO~E L i y L~aW ~,~ ~ to lunch in the lounge at noon.Mrs. McGlaughlin was attended by before establishing their home inI Mrs. Frank Blymyer of Hinsdale, i Notary Public ~\[~.~ ~~ The afternoon session will open l forty guests, members of the Rain- Bertram. Mrs. Burns was a mem- Ill• spent a few days last week in lprnh~t~ • - f~: ~~ with Japanese songs by Sally Lynn t bow board and Rainbow officers' . ' i ........ Tax -- Civil Practice ber of the Bertram Methodist church / the home of her daughter Mrs. Rus- i Office 6821 Resid .... ~. ~..:~:~: ~~"i~ and Mary Gene Blaekwell. Mrs.[with Mr. and Mrs. Julian Smith our land Hill City Rebekah lodge in Mt. sell Cross. Mr• Blymyer joined her .................. :- ........ ~~;~i. "~~.~:~ Lynn Blackwell will talk on Native I faithful custodians also guests• Two i Vernon. l for the week end and they returned _.G. E: RAtIN, M.D. ~~ Crafts of Okmawa and Mrs. Cl,arkl long tables were decorated wzth I Mrs. Burns passed away sudden- l home together. They were present[_. ~nymemn an(/ burgeon t-none ul~tlee 3311, After Hours 3131 ~~ ~~-.~. Mechem, IFWC president-elect, will[Easter bunnies. I ly at her home in Bertram either i at the baptism of their little grand-', : Mount "" " " ~i!*~,~;L'~ ~~ii!' speak on Application• I At the evening meeting a cabinet !Monday night or early Tuesday son Russell, during the worship ser-~ .... vernon, Iowa ..... _ __ Brief sketches of special division I in which crowns and jewels maY imorning' March 1,9. She had appar- vice at the Presbyterian church] DR. R. B. TUBERTY MRS. LILLIAN ROBERTS has work will conclude the program. Ai be locked was presented by Mrs. I ently been in good health but when i Sunday morning. Optometrist added a new unforgettable craft exhibit by the Arts and Crafts lRoy Bowman, Junior Past Mother i Offzce Batchelor Bid her daughter Mrs Vernon Barrett ........... " g. Mt Vernon ' ~ ' " " - m' ur an~ ~v~rs. watson 13avzs are Dial 6731 "-'ffi~ ~" ........ moment to her lifetime of ~,lea* dept., the American Home dept. and I Advisor. The first order of busi- I who lives nearoy came to her no e I ..~....: ................... u ~ nour~ u ~o a:~o • ' - faun- h rIr''''"'g to ~pez,u cite wee~ enct~ Everin~s by A 1 .... .,r- 7. the oil painting class will be fea-lness was to dedicate a beautiful i Tuesday morning sue fl e ,...:,, ..~: ............. ~, • ppontment ant memories. Last week s matt tured during the day. The after-lnew Rainbow Signet, purchased bymother had passed' away Death was r ..... w,~. ~,z~r ~u.;nowaru.~ JJaws... _, and~----~.., i HARRY--z-'-~-----C GAAR--DE------'~ brought her an acceptance letternoon will close with a courtesy tea 1956 projects, with appropriate qua- I " ms ~amuy m ~a~range ~'arK ~n • , attributed to a heart attack Mrs ...._ ....... '.. •l Accounting ~ Tax Service concerning one of her original with the host club in charge• t tations by the Worthy Advisor and' . " ~,ey w,~ ve accompanzea oy lwrs. i . . Burns lived alone since the death of Davis's ~arents Mr and Mr~ ~ ~ Fmancml Statements Taxes ooems, a coov of Easter Ideals Mt. Vernon and Lisbon should ta prayer by Chaplain Connie Mey- 1 ........... , her husband on Nov. 13 956• Van Wirt of Hamnton and b- Dr i Bookkeeping Systems Installed " . . ['. - ,. , have a large delegation attending.!ers With the Signet lighted and In addition to Mrs. Barrett, sur- r~,~,~i~,~ m,~th,~,- ~ 'r~.~ ~,~;~'1 Dial 3611- Mt. Vernon, lovt~ ana a check Tram the taeatsThose who desire lunch reservations! oth'er lights lowered, Mrs• Mc- I ............................... wvors mctude two other daughters ............... Publishing Co. ]or transportation should contact lGlaughlin was presented and es- ~- -~ L: ....... ' I They plan to leave Sunday and re-I DR. ROBERT R. VOETBERG [ lVlrS ~ene ~avlflson oi ~ne ~ertram I .... -- - • -- The poem is appearing in the[Mrs Tenney by April 1• carted to Rainbow Land. Maryi commum~y" " ...... and ~wrs ~oy ~,l-'~n of'~uz'n .... on Tuesday.. _-Ah are looking. OfficeVe~ermarmnDi ..... Easter edition of this bi-monthly [ Delegates named from the localI Bowman accompanied by her moth- -* ~ n-even" zandchildren ~ zorwar~ ~o making me acquaintance i , a~ zz~t • . , ......... [,~ew Lo a.on; s . g~ .... iof a new granddaughterabout ai 725 Seventh Avenue North macazine under the htle The Muszc ! club to this meeting are Pres. Mrs. t er sang "Over the Rainbow. Smters ............ . ........ a of Springtime." Its thought is about iw C Tenney, and Mines. Louis[ of the Bow and Sister of Faith ~andjjkingZ°Urof CedarSZS~erS'Rapids±VXrs A~}CeMrs ~tone-T R ............. ,~,~h ,~1,.1 ............ ~.ffo,,nt vo.... T .... the joys of the springtime how they iRoss "J W McCutcheon Sam Zim-I formed an aisle and presented her~ Stoneking of Lisbon, ~Irs• John" El"- -~~-'-- , BRYANT & LENZ are evzdeneed m the plants and lmerman George Penn and L. A. the keys she had earned In the[lisan of ~.olon and Mrs ClarenceSTUDENTS HOME FROM AMES I Veterinarians blossoms how they are heard in the Davis ' I East she received a Pot of Gold Rottman of Lisbon Local students at Iowa State Col- ! Office Phone, day or night 2761 songs of the birds and the shouts of i " -----'~ I gift of the Assembly, from MotherI " lege who spen~..... a zew days oetwcen i .~Dr" JE.B. Bryant ..... Dr...R.I. Len~ ~ . ~r~es t~none z z~ ~es t'none 2765 the children• ~, AMANA TRIP I Advisor Ruth Clark. I ..... • quarters at thew homes include i ..... :- "The springtime of life,, is child-i There is still time to make reser- Other di.¢tinguished gu ~M~'. • ~,° w,,~,.V~v~l'~=~.. ,~,.wl~/l~l~l~ -~ Susan Albright. , .Barbara Clements, i E.C. PRAtt,Phones Dentist h::r~ ,f~.aYmS th;e p~et~t:ndndT~omUS~ ]vatmu for thed cot~ductt~d GAmr~na]Grand D~il-T-,ea-der:lVIa~e~Sw~Ve:ne Larry Ringer, Dmk Kruse and A1- ........... , ...... vin Klouda Dick Kruse had two!Office-5712 Home--6292 . ,, -, tour sponsor° y . land Past Advisors Marilyn Dean, I ~wr. anu ~vxrs. ~ex ~roor~ ~r., o~ . " _. " i ...... that the full hfe comes at last Club April 26 The round trxp trans- a~r....÷~,~ Pl..- .~ ,~ ' " ~l~+,~n r,,roh.,, ~r,,~+ ~h~ ,,xto~lr or, ct classmates as ms guests Nels Sand ' CARL F BECKER .......... • . ,~,,~,~.~ .... k an,. Corinne Wilcox, R ...... , ....... ~. ................. . ~ _ .. ._' "i • ~wrs r¢ooerts has wzzt~en poetry ortat,on fee zs $165 veryhttle • " [ p • ' • , I who also assisted in choir• Past ............... I ~ ~,~ ~ ,.,',t.,~ thew• son, Rzehard" scram o~ ~r~mgton,va., and Roy .i Attorney at Law ever since her school days Answer-lmore than a round trip to Cedar ~J~oth~r Adv' r~ z~,,,,~,~ ...~ ~.;o ,~.~. ,, Oliver of Park Forest Ill They ~e Res Phone 4304 Mt Vernon • ~ ............. zso__ _race Bowman~,,v~o, a.u .xo ~az,llj. , , • "" ] - , ing the reporter's question of why t Ra ids Each individual will care, nnd R~n "e W" e ......... turned to Ames Tuesday. Office Phone 3412 Mt Vernon [ P • ....... trLe ..fl_ox were alsoI ~v~rs. t~narms t~ryant, t:ra~g and _ "-' "' "~ she writes she said "Nice things for her own lunch there• ,~ ..... ~,~ just turn into poetry." Her two [ -L~-'-'--- [~*l~embers of Eastern Star and the i Carol went to Melrose Park, Ill., ~ ..... :- favorite subjects for her poems are GARDEN C Masoni Lad e were es eciall in ITuesday for a week's visit with her • religion and nature r Mrs A B. Chamberlin will be t ~ _ c _ g _ _ P . Y ." ~ mother, Mrs. A. Edwards. • . • . . " " w~ed and nonorea by a near~y we~- In addztmn to her love of wmtmg hostess to the Garden Club mem- I .... ^ ...... ~,+ ...... .~o +.. ,,w .... F_,dna Kegley plans to return home verse (she does not wrote prose) i hers Monday April 1 at 7 30[ ....... Inext week after an extended visit ' • ' ' • i Love" were sung to me ~tarsand Mrs Roberts makes hobbms of i panel on Our Chemical Helpers w 11 t ~- • - A~mirati "~o let- i with her sister and brother-in-law, flowers and needlework. Shelives be given by Joyce Kidder, Mrs. Ray I t~:~l~i~a°Wns u on ~c y ~o Berkeley, Calif. in an apartment over the photo FHartungMrs Harold Moore and " i Dr. and Mrs. T. R. McConnell, in ' " • Degrees were conferred on Linda studio opezated by her ~on Hugh Mrs Estella Burd Roll call will be • ~ " I-- " :~ • "~" ;" .... lee Buresh and Susan Martin A duet Glenn Stoner is still confined to Ideals publications, follow .... the sea- ~ ±Tees That ~zve us rmwers, r~ - endued" ......... 'when Ws bpringtime' in L St. Luke's hospital and his condition sons in theme and in art aecorauon - • - _ . - mr. vernon" was sung as a benedic- remains about the same. He is suf- There is a strong empnas}s on re- tion by Jean Cookes and Mar I fering from complications following ligious material, and often hymns Bowman Y surgery. are reprinted along with poetry of *- " --.. ..... ~v~rs. ±vict~aughlin foundmost Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nelson of lesser known poets and mose oetzer - ~ . 1 mcmres word perfect and comment- Boise, Idaho spent the week end known like Guest Sangster Ri ey ed *~a~ ~he A s mb , , . m ~ ~ s e ly showed her with the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Hugh and Frances Frost. The magazine exactly how the work should be Fouke. The Nelsons were members is beautifully illustrated with sepias, note date• exemplified rather than the reverse, of Dr. Fouke's church when he was art reproductions and colored pho- APRIL RAINBOW CALENDAR a minister at Boise. tograpby. Mrs. Roberts has been AMERICAN HOME April 7 -- Sunday at 10:15 a.m. Mrs. Dale Davis accompanied her asked to submit more of her work. The American Home dept. will be Go to Church Sunday• All Rain- nephew, Arthur Stevens, to his ~ hostesses at a tea the Thursday be- bow girls and Rainbow board will home in Cedar Falls Saturday for a Mount Vernon Social j fore Easter for all senior girls of be guests of the First Presbyterian week's visit with him and his fam- the Mt. Vernon and Lisbon high church and the Rev. Karl Swan- ily and with a niece, Mrs. Owen The Mt. Vernon American Legion schools. Therefore the group will berg. Auxiliary will meet Monday, April not meet on the first Tuesday of the April 9 -- Tuesday at 4 p.m. Leslie, and her family in Waterloo. ~j~..~ a/r~,~,~iP T~m~l~ re~dar business Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Prall will go to 1, at 8 p.m. month in April• meeti'ng ........... Des Moines Monday to attend the Thirty-two relatives came to the ~ " " Tal annual meeting of the American home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Have Housewarming For April 13 -- Saturday at 7:30 -I ....... ent Night at Mt. Vernon high school ! ~ocmty of. Den. ustry ~.or Children. Hodgden Sunday afternoon, March D~ Prall ~s wce preszdent of the 24 to help Wendy Kay celebrate her Mrs. Bennie Pospisil auditorium. Dads will be honored. "' R E I= R I O E R A T O R third birthday. April 20 -- Saturday at 7:30 at group. Fully Automatic Defrosting Jolly Workers will meet with Mrs. Twenty-two members o f t h e Masonic Temple, conferring of de- The Chicago and Northwestern Albert Blinks Thursday, March 28. 'Friendship Circle Ladies' club from grees and special Easter service Railway has cancelled delivery ser- Freezer space costs less in' Mrs. Leonard Kleineck and Mrs. College twp., Thursday after.noon honoring Immortality• vice of inter-state freight shipments Norge's new Big-Freeze refrig-' Wayne Clark will be co-hostesses, surprised Mrs. Bennie Pospisi] at a ~ effective this week. Delivery is still erators! Why pay a premium This notice was received last week house warming at her new resi- LO~AL WOMEN RE ELECTED in effect on less than car-load intra- when now you can get almost " " " double the freezer space found state shipments and unintentionally omitted, dence on the Charles Hedges farm TO DISTRICT WSCS OFFICES • in other comparably-priced re- Balliet Chapter D.A.R. will meet north of Mt. Vernon. The Pospisils Mrs A B Chamberlin was re- Mrs. Carl Magdsick of Charles with Mrs. Wilbur richer at 2 p.m. moved March 1st from College twp. electeci vice "president and Mrs. C. City arrived Friday to visit in the frigerators? And just look at all the other plus deluxe features Wednesday, April 3. Topics for dis- to the Hedges farm. J. Kramer, secretary of youth work parental .Murton Kepler home. She Norge offers: cussio,ns led by Mrs. Frank Peter- Attending were Mmes. Darlene for the Davenport district of the will be lamed here ~'amraay oy son jr. will be Origin of the D.A.R. Trachta, Mildred Hartley, Ella WSCS at the annual meeting in her husband and they wi~.l return • Molst-Cold • Egg nest--. and The Effect of Comic Books on Knapp, Gerry Zach, Cecil Martin, St. John's church in Davenport to their home the following Man- compartment Tall bottle lhe Youth of Mt. Vernon• Anna Lesinger, Phyllis Hidinger, Tuesday. A number of local day. • Shelves in Zone Leona Trachta, Lulu Burian, Irene women attended. Week end guests of Mrs. Fred door • Butter-Cheese Karen Williams, sophomore at Kral, Elise Taschner, Marilyn Cech, --------- -- Blaine were her son and daughter- M.V.H.S., was guest of honor Thurs- Evelyn Lamparek, May Novotny, s a. • • z~ z in-law the F. E. Blaines and their • Roll-Out Keeper day evening at a farewell party Mrs. Frank Benesh, BLarbara Trach- ~T, vernon ews daughter Audrey of Chicago. They Shelves • Twin Crispers given by classmates at the home of ta, Adeline Volesky, Irma Modra- were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. i • Meat-Keeper• Color. Styled, Linda Schick. Her sister June was cek, Blanche Volesky, Vicki Trach-I S. N. Merritt entered St. Luke's LOW DOWN PAYMENT! honored at school that afternoon by ta, Anna Hess, and BlancherTr~v~rhs~ hospital Monday afternoon for ob- Blaine'Sspringville.father, Hugh Yeisley in her classmates of the 8th grade, ta. Mrs. Pospisel's moth .,servation and x-rays. The Williams' are moving to Green- Mike Miller of Lisbon, also attend- [ David Bachman a student at rbirdsDr" to J' H.theEnniSfourthShOWedgradeSlidesclassesOn EASY TERMS] field, ed. North Central college in Naperville, lfrom the Mt. Vernon elementary WHILE THEY LAST! . school at the visual aid room on "M" CLUB DANCE LOCAL l~IO~~ Ill., spent the week end at his home. t Members of the Mt. Vernon High The Herbert E. Johnsons and two-[s Mrcl ~d ]Ma~erI-Iar~d oHat~:Lwi~l the Cornell campus on Thursday "M" Club held a spring record dance year-old Timmy moved this week P ........... P.~ . ... afternoon. The program was in at Hill, crest Country Club Friday .... rtment in the wnn me wmmm Jganes m ~vunne- I recognition of state bird day. evening. The Harold Kruses and zrom me upstmrs apa ..... apons ~wmn house owned by H. A. Schurfield on , . The Robert Baumans of Park Roy Bowmans were chaperones and First Ave. S., into the house owned Mrs. D. L. Stearns attended funer- Ridge, Ill., spent the week end with members of the coaching staff were by Miss Minnie Kopf on A Ave S al services for her aunt, lv~rs, t:mra Mr. Bauman's grandmother, Mrs. sponsors• High school faculty mem- and occupied by Mr. Johnson's Myers, at Anamosa Tuesdaye afrteer- F. A. Bauman, and his uncle, C. F. bars and their wives and husbands parents, the Herbert Johnsons sr. noon. m~. ~v, yers ~sa zo m r s~- Bauman, and his family• They were were invited guests. The elder Johnsons own a trailer aen~ oz ~:eaar ~apms and oz me guests at a family dinner at the C. Lisbon, Iowa New members of the "M" Club as F. Bauman home Sunday. announced by president Paul tar- and plan to live in it when they find Martelle commum~y. son are the following from the a location, probably in Lisbon. Mr. and Mrs. ,)ames McCutcheon Mike Englert, two-year-old son of wrestling team: Roger Dennis, Ed Mrs. Robert Stahl~ and her son, and Ann returned Saturday eve- the Robert Englerts, was taken to Fordyce, Paul Herbolsheimer, Tom Jack Jones, .are moving to the ning to Cedar Rapids by plane from Mercy hospital in Cedar Rapids on Kleineck, Meryl Hartung and Jim apartment vacated by the Johnsons a four day trip to New York City to Wednesday, March 20, for treatment and the Jim Wilkinsons will move attend the spring conference of the of bronchitis• His parents hope to Clark, plus Rodger Brush, basket- ball manager, to the house they recently purchas- National Editorial Assn. at the Cam- bring him home later this week. The __ __ ed from Mrs. Stahl. The Homer Em- modore Hotel• They also spent some ! Englerts live in an apartment in of the Schurfield house, der while in New York. I Ave. N. Camp Fire News ersons occupy the lower apartmentI time with Mrs. Mary Jean Alexan-IMrs. Roy Lacock's house on Second CAMP FIRE NEWS I Mrs. P. M. Ikeler of Gary, Ind., ar- ~'-~~ 1948 Model A John Deere Tractor with roll-a- Leaders and sponsors of Dist. VI I Mitchell Dennis home. ARE YOU MOVING? matic cylinder and hoses. Guaranteed will meet at the Methodist church trived Sunday for a visit in the in Mt. Vernon at 1:30 p.m. MarchI 29. Blue Bird graduation ceremon-]1949 Model A John Deere, same as above, ies and a Council Fire will be dem-From Our Subscribers onstrated. The program is in charge [ and guaranteed. of Mines. G.H. Scobey, James iTHOMPSONSWRITE Fill Out This Blank and Mad It To Us Today Dutcher and Fulmer Jensen of j FROM MINNEAPOLIS • • - - F20 I.H.C. Farmall with nearly new tires. Martelle. All leaders, assistant lead-I indicates that they are getting set- ers and sponsors are urged to come. A letter from the Ed Thompsons -and Avoid M ssing Any Copies of Your tled in their new location at 5604 . 2 - 290 Two-Row Corn Planters with or with- HEAR MI~A--RMS~G IBrookview Ave., Edina, Minn. The HAWKEYE-RECORD, Mt. Vernon, Iowa out fertilizer attachment. Members of all of the local C. F. ' Thompson family will probably long groups went to Cedar Rapids Sun- remember this last moving, one of day afternoon to hear Esther Arm- many in their lifetimes. It rained 10 ft. KBA Heavy Duty John Deere Wheel Disc. strong talk on India at the West- "pitchforks and hoe handles" the OLD ADDRESS minster Presbyterian church as part day the van loaded and then the M.W. 10-inch Hammer Mill. of the observance of Camp Fire temperature dropped and the wind birthday week. Miss Armstrong increased to 60-70 miles an hour. I showed costumes worn by women (This was March 14 and 15, remem- in India. A birthday cake, which ber?) was served to those present, was, a On the 15th as the family drove special feature• in their car in the stiff wind they l "-'-----'° saw within a 75 mile stretch some The Nag ki pew group met at Mrs. 20 cars or trucks stalled or over- Golden Miller's Tuesday, March 26. turned in the ditches• They had The girls worked on beanies for "visions of our furniture blowing children in the hospital•Marsha into Illinois." Viter, scribe• Billy is enrolled in Edina Morn- MT. VER~LUB ingside school, five blocks from WILL ENTERTAIN VETERANS their home• The school is new and The Mt. Vernon Music club will, well-equipped• Billy reports he is present a musical program at the!not behind in his studies even Veterans hospital in Iowa City from though ,the school is rated as pro- 7 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, April 2. The club chorus, directed by Mrs. Will- iam Ford with Mrs. Kenneth Plum- mer at the piano, will present sev- eral selections. The remainder of the program will consist of instru- mental and vocal numbers by club members and other local talent• BOARD ~ORS ENTERTAINED AT DINNER Members and secretary of the board of education of the Mt. Vernon Consolidated school and their wives, and school administrators Harold Plank, Clarence Gardner and Leo Gerst and their wives and Prin. Mrs. Myrtle Staley were guests of the high school home economics de- partment, including the classes and the club, at dinner Tuesday night. The dinner was served in the lunch room at the high school with table appointments following a spring theme. Name .................................................................................... Route or Street Address ........................................................ Town ................................................................................... NEW ADDRESS Name .................................................................................... Route or Street Address ........................................................ Town .................................................................................... gressive. He has a man teacher• The last obstacle to the new ad- justment seems to be the compli- cated street systemof Minneapolis and the suburban section. Ed is con- sidering "employing a guide" to get him to the office and back for a while! (The Thompsons recently s01d their residence in Mt. Vernon to Tom Meredith, and purchased a .home in Edina, southwest of Min- neapolis, because Mr. Thompson was assigned to that district.) PLAN TO ENTERTAIN LISBON C.F. GIRLS The Cheskchamay group discus- sed plans for a party with Lisbon 'seventh grade Camp Fire girls as guests at their last meeting. As a special project, each girl drew her own family tree to put in her mem- ory book.--Donna Billings, scribe. Subscription Blank Please send the Hawkeye-Record and Lisbon Herald to the following address for. years. months. 14Dine City. Street and Number Amount enclosed $ John Deere 2-14 Clutch Plow on rubber. John Deere 2-16 Powr-trol Plow on rubber• 1 No. 25 Combine, new, a bargain for some- one. 1 17x7 Van Brunt Drill, new, and at a dis- count. See the new endgate seeders, lawn mowers, Century sprayer, Heider boxes, Energy hoists and other machines. Get in the habbit of stopping at Miller's for a deal. We're always glad to see you and we'll treat you right. Your John Deere Dealer Lisbon, Iowa Phone 2461 I -