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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
March 28, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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March 28, 1957
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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OF Miles P. Sutera, Chairman• , Attorney-- Mrs. Donald R. Bianco Sec- ] Carole J. Blaker 2,760.00 retary. " ] Myrna Reifschneider 1,620.00 SUPERVISORS Dudley Henderson. I William J. Kudrna 4,000.00 Mrs. Louis Petrak. I Janitors, Court House-- Martin Wiley. 1 I Lawson Steadman 4,320.00 of the Board of Super- : On motion by Supervisor Wi ey, sec- I N. C. Adams 2,880.00 Unty of Linn ss onded by Supervisor Sutera, the fol-I Lee Steadman 3,000•00 15, 195~. I lowing salaries for the year 1957 were p Edward L. Nezerka 3,000.00 met put- i approved; all members voting "Aye" Ruth Thompson 2,4~.00 thereon. Albert Grimm 2,5~).00 Mr. Vernon, Ia., Hawkeye-Ree~rd and The Lisbon Herald 7 Thurs., Mar. 28, 1957~age Ram Trackmen ! • Pick Relay Queen Henderson iAuditor-- Hurley Bassett 2.880•00 . Minnie Johnson $3.060.C0 Lottie Milhulka 3000.00 Wiley, sec-Alta L,. Hageman 3 0O0•C0 Earl Lawrence laourly During the recent National School I on the trip to and from New Jersey. ~. Joy S.eldel, sopn.omere~rom West • ' B ucs iviomes was cnosen uorneu Jxe- , the rain. [ Marguerite Roushar 2:760.00County Home-- Administrators conference, therelThey a tt e n d ed George ernard j ..... i 1 - 11 "" • 8th were l Anne Winters 2,640.00 Wm. H. Bleakly 4,260.C0was considerable .... emphasis placed}Shaw s 'Apple Cart," called thei ......... lays queen m the z na oa otmg members votingl Ruth Dubbert 2,520.00 Grace Bleakly 8,540.00 Berneice Fitzgerald 2,520.00 Warren L. Bleakly 3,120,00 on America's role in influencing the Hartzells when traveling near their i ~Y me ~am varszty track team Jane Aeton 2,400.00 James White 2,640.00 peoples of the world and the part Pennsylvania location and Gretcheni ±l~u::~ac~ass nominated n candidate )r Sut Treasurer-- Dalton F. Boren 2,640.00the school plays in forming philos- Beckhelm at Hood college, but miss- i ...... " ". ~. • giley, Mary Burke 3,0O0.00 Arnold Stegen 2,640.00o h:^- ^* livin~ ~mon" the cumin" ~ed both ~or ~ne ~elays zn an elecuon m author Ruth Turner 2,640.00 Thelma l~taher 2,520.00 p ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~[ • , . Bernice Mason 2,640.00 Rhoda Kann 2.520.00leaders of our country, reports Supt.[ They were accompanied to the! chapel. Can.dldates were Barbara Barbara Capps 2.520.C0 Marie Ewald 2.520.C0Plank of Mt. Vernon• . convention by Supt. Ted Hunger- Boysen, semor, l~ u n n y ±emmg• Mary Ann Fee 2,820.00 Mildred Bowen 2,520•00 ................... ~ ~---- ~unior and Bonnie Wail,co fresh Patricia Morrison 2,640.O0 Carile Bowen 2 520.o0 l~orman gOUSlnS, leac{lng cam- ioro oi ~oggon, ~up~. ~a~pn ~m- jL , ~ . " ~', - Iayne Ann Sturdivan 2,640.00 Ruth Lubekemann 2:520.00mentator and evaluator of world af- bach of Tipton and Co. Supt. Lusteri man. ~ofia Kollman 2, 96~n.~Waden~ Seiberling 2.52~).(}~ fairs observed, "The U.S. has be-Gill of Cedar county• } The queen and t er attendants Ju~t'l'th'~ee 2'~:~ ~krieneSee 2:~:~ gun 'to regain some of its lost re- ~ !will present track awards at the Re- te Velma Hefflefinger 2"64000 Engineer-- ~n~rt ~nd nresti~e amon~ rmonl~ of R /1" I I -. / i ,. ,.~ AnrM 12 e Betty McVay 2400.00 Win. H. Behrens 8000.00 .... san on I~UDIIC IS invffea ' . members ' Dean ' Asia and Africa since Its t d Miss Se]d¢l will aLo b,~ Cornell s Jean Sword 2,520 00 R. Herzberger 5,64)0 00 . .. ~ . • ~ ~ ,,_ Helen M. Blake 2,4O0,00 Joe B. Hurt 5,000.o0tiungary," sam ~ousms. =w al l= =. I !oueen candidate at the Drake Re- "~'~ ~e~-Darlene Netollcky 2400.C0 Ha~'oldAndrews 3,720.00 "All at once Americ~ and /O flay resrlva~ s at Des Moines April 26 and " Recorder-- " ~tutn T. ~ovelace 3,'t~.(~ ~ i Y ' ' • accepted Mar]orie Ho~s ~ 120 0O Marilyn Vahn 2.6@0.00 Americans ar e being re-ap- , .... ., 27. The Drake Relays' queen is au mem- Mar~ McI~well 2'640:O0 Extra Help--- $1.00 per hour praised in a new light, especial- Eleven women s cluos anal six ] selected from nhotographs of can- i Deputy Golda Frame 2:640.00 allowed reference is made ly by young students, who for a community groups will present l ~i-~-*~-~ -ent *ron~ schools com~ctin~ I Sheriff-- to cmlm ~os. 136 to 278, both inclusive ............ ul~_ firm]-" con plays this year in the Iowa Play, ~ ,?~=o ~ . • . " ~ I Sherif~ Laurance Condon 4700.00 also on file in claim register under~ w~ q ~ Y " -- ............. l in ~ne ~e~ays. i ff "" Harlan E Synder 4'70000 this date vineed that Communism offered resuval to oe s~ageo in me ~ta~e ................... I)'eputy P. J: Wh!ttemore 4,700.0~)On motion the Board of Supervisors the new road of life aml nothing University theatre Friday and Sat-I ~..mlss ~eloei, !~emver o~,~ ~appaI ,.. ~,,{ ~. Aczerman a~.~ aujourned until Jan. 22 1957. ,~,la ~t~na in i~ w~v of ful- urday April 5 and 6. The annual]Tneta socmt group, was ivan ~rc~n-t ~lrector 2aarsnali ~. ~rown a t~Jmw Dudle He e o ' ~- ...... - • ' ' " ~ "s of Philin C Hoover 4'f~m'~ ~. y ~nders n,.Chalrman, an~,~,~ festival is sponsored by the Iowa lman Homecoming attendent. She i ! ...... • ,- ~oara OI Dupervlsor~, ~=umvu.. • , ' " nd Oroner Evelyn B. Willis 3 180 00 Ltnn Count,,Iowa , ......... Federation of Women s Clubs and ~ a member of the Orchesls Club a I 'asure' • Jail-- ' " -' • -lne r-resments message o~ uc~. . . • , ? r Lmn ~ ........ Otto F. Hanzllk ................. the University i presented a solo m last week s show. ~griculaurtal ,co ~mltn 3 U~o.uo County Auditor ; ~i in regara m me LVIlC[CIIe P.~as~ msunties of lAnnI ..,~ v,,~-~ ................................. Z ......~"'~" ire~:F='v~.S.ors of los M. Hamoton 4.380.00"Aye" thereon. Imelr own ~lant~. (~omance: x:~ ~,~u.~u ........ ~1 and Johnson. St,~te of lowa: [H ~h in the Iowa sneech association state contest this Saturdav I ~aC~r~[Y~thati Ruth .Sharer 2,580.00 On motion by b~pervisor Wiley sec-I M. F. Ashley Montagu, an out-[good entertainment with several of That the time for filing of objections ] .~ • , .... r- • J ......... J r~_ I ~ _ . / ,~ .mu on ina LNasn ~U~-J~LI I in thereon h ~m been al ur nnell k. ,- ~.rause is alrl~ci~f ~lrlKi rclUl ~arson slage man followin~ n---J I Le ............ ""'~'~'~ onded by Supervisor Sutera,' thelstanding physical anthropologist, I these clubs annual top rankers in having elapsed, rul' g ~ I " " " as m~;2~ ~'"~.i,~ --~ ~mt,vm P--~.-v'-~2 semi-annual report of Frank F, Bates, I,,o~ o, o~,q÷ina ~l~a~ ,~n th~ ad. ]~r~q,,~tinn I made by the Joint County l]oarc~s oz Euu-I r~r [ Soc~aT,,~ers of j ~aye ~auser 2,640.~J County Treasurer was accepted and I--.~.?" ? ............... :'t::-~ -T I~ .......... [cation of Linn and Johnson, St te of Iowa I"~u~''. .................. .... •are ~robation Office-- ordered nlaced on file• all memberslmlnlstra~ors' program. ~uoomg m[ Saturday morning at 9'30: two or- ~ in the matter of the formation of a c(m-I /V~ary Wl i o so enter nalVlaUOl europe? ~ on n nterpretohve Genevieve Henderson 2,520.00 voting "Aye" thereon. ' lone evening when Sen. John Ken- iainal nlavs--"The TwiWs Inclined" } munity school district to be known as tim] r~I;*~ ~ 7 m m Re~rhe~rf~ n dramatir d~ctnm ,~t R.A~; a m • flick ~--~------___ I .on..,s ,,lane wa~ ~-ounded en routeI -¢ -~ " ~ • " .... ~" TM ,, ,~ ~ ' ', Mount Vernon Community S::hool District I "~'~" '~ ~" -- t'"'", ......................... • ..... ,.-~-.~ ~- ~ ~,- mancnes~er xne uUSSl¢ler us~a .................... I .. , ., ' .~ . ' ...... : [ in the Counties of ainn and Johnson. State in radio speaking at 7 p.m.; Bob Beckman in extemporaneous e-ram dune l, 1~ go ~ee. 31, 1956 I to me convenzlon, mlonmgu oroveiloosa" AlSO the iowa ~i~y A~uw i of Iowa," and the said county boards of l ~ -- ~ ~ ~ . •. = • . . -~ ~t~ ..... [home a challenge to the schools Of lwill present "Something Unspoken" e(ucation having amended the'county plan l speaking at ~ p.m.; ancI ~oroora 1~4eal in humorous or / p.m. ' m ~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~'~ " " " ' of each the county of Linn and the (,aunty " " • ~ ~ ~" o~ ~° ,,~ ~ -~ one of their basic purposes., m. theI Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m..wllll o~ .................... oonnsun, ~a~e o, ,o,~.:., .......... ),-,..-~;-~. land Gad YelsIey at 3 p.m. = a I world today--the respons~bihty of] be four club plays" Cedar HeightS!determined and f:xed th,, boundaries of ~~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~-~ Iteachers to build a philosophy ! "Florence Unlimited"" Letts "The ! said school corporation as f011ows: " " m ~o m " '~ I ..... ..~...4.~.~+o .~ ~*~' ...... o [ ...... ,, -;- . ,,~- ! Commencin,- at the Southwest corner of [ West 4Vt miles to the Southwest corner ', Range 6 West, the point of beginning of ~;~- ~ B ~ ~ I?.-,v,,~.~~-~ ..... :~ ...... .,~v~,=-iAmazmg e~raoella ; waveriy iviaryi the Soutl~east Ouarter 'SE1,4 )" of the[ of the Southeast Quarter (SE'.~) of theI the above described territory• ~CI _a ~ ~ ,~a t ~ I~lon wire one anomer, ramer maniaf Scotland,,• Belmond "The Case[ Southeast Quarter (SE~4) of'Section 34 I Southeast Quarter (gE~/,) of Section 84 : THEREFORE YOU AND EACH OF = g o i ~ Ithe current dog-eat-dog doctrine by [ of the Wierd'Sister" t Township 83 North Range 6 ~ West of I T ....... hip 82 North, i~ange 6, West YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an ~/ i . ! ! I which we now live ....... ' ..... I the 5th P M " thence North'.~l/4 mile to thence North 1 mile; thence West ~z ;electiOu will he held within said territory ///~ : i ! ~amruay nlgn~ a~ ~:~u: ~pencer Northwest corner of Southeast Ouarter mi e to the Southwest corner of the Ion the 9th dav of April 1957 the pal s /~/I. : : : I The tragic truth about the West- I Drama Club "The Woman"' Sac, ;e,~ :~ ~¢ ~.Tortheast nuarter ~NIi'l/.) of Southeast Quarter (SEI~) of the South- I therefore to be open from 12 00 noon un- ~/ I~ i h s ~ mile to west Quarter (SWi/~) of Sectmn 27 82 6 tfl 7 00 P M Central Standard t~me of I ~ i ~ ~ lern world today s that we teac City WC "A Cup of Tea"" Burling- said Section 34 thence We t (t " / - • ......... ": =.-; t: " .". ....... / I ~ i i ': I÷h~ l~,., ,~¢ Ph,~;e+ o~*~ ,~,-.~÷i~ ÷h~l. a ....... ,'~- •-- Southwest corner of Northwest Quarter thence r~ortn a'd roos ]nonce wes~ z~o isaio clay ann that tnere will Le sut)ml~:,~efl t i ~ ~ i I"" "" "" "=.'"'~.~ ~"'~ ~"~"~ "'~ ~on ~'iayers worzsaop uver ~ne (NW,A~ of Northeast Ouarter INEV,) rods; thence South 120 rods to the South- i thereat to the qualified voters residing , ¢ • ~#l~ ... : i i " " IlaW of the ~ungie... We do notI Teacups"; Iowa City CommtlmtyI ofsaid'Section 34 thence North 2~'~east cornerof Northeast Quarter (NE~:/,) ]within said territory, to be by them voted ,/~-~ ~dlt .............. ~ ~.. ........... I teach love in school at least not "~ H~,,~,~ ,~f B,~rnard Alba"" F~ miles to Northwest corner of Northeast of Northwest Quarter (NW~/~) of ~ection upon the proposit on of establishing a /x ~ ~e ............. ' ......... v w,~.~.o~ $ ~fl) fa~/.~ $ 9{) 972 50 $ 69 492 ~7 $ 21 480 13 I ..... c~h ~¢ ;t ' ~ .... ~,~ v .,.. ~-- " ": ~..~*^~ ~.n~ / ~ ^¢ ~ection ')2 g3 6 • 33-,~9-6" thence West ~/~ mile to the i Community D-haul D strict to conta n the .............. '......... 575449.06 57544906 57544906 .... u~.. ..... Madison bittie Theatre "Tne ~ono -~ ...... ~ ..... 4,. ,~ ...... , 'o~t-hw, urn rhwe ua ' ' " " ' " /~1] ,~..d Credit ................ ~-~'~g ~ .~'no¢• .... '~',w I "qI~ ..... ~.. ¢ ...... I , I thence East 4 miles to Northeast ....... ] S eat c er of No t st Q rter ! above descmbed contlg,t .... terrttory. fA "Ill ..... " ............... 2 s_~ ~t ......... ~,"X~'~,'~i o~,~.~/?! I . "....... % .'~-~, -"- ~-'~=-" Between• of Northwest Quarter (NWl/~) of Section (NW~/,~) of Northwest Quarter (NW~.~) That for sa,d electron the above de- I/-~ I I l~s, tructi~" ............... 183'~',M .......... ~,?~..~ _~,~'~..-~_ ........ I pte, many ~eaeners WhO are I ~..~^.•~.^~ .......... invited I 20 Township 83 North Range 5" thence ! of said Section 33 ; thence North 1~/~. ' scr bed territory has been divide(] mtu I~::1 ]~/~ntenan~ •............. ""2~R'~o'A~ ~'~.~'.~. a~v.i~a.a~ ~mi,~4.Tu l~,'~J~.:t~| ~.~hin~r v~ n~n~h~di~=..nat hv I .~_11 ~u~x~u wu~,,=,~ a~= ~ South ~A mile" thence'East 1~/, miles to[ miles to the Northwest corner of Section prec net8 and the respective polling places |l J Wf[ ....... .- ................... ""~ ~7"~"~ ~",~'~ 4~,055.~ 475,617.~ 19,~.~4| =--U:'-:~ --~ ..... ~--~.- "~.~:, l to join the players, coaches and ~ ~he Nor'~theast car ~er o~f'the"Southeast 28-82-6; thence East 1~ miles to the therefor shall beas follows: Precinct Num- [-1 #~ '. ' .................. 2~'f~'~ ~'~'X~',°~ ~.u,~'2~ ,.w~,~a#o.ul ~'.~'~/ ~,re~.,.r~-~ cuurses ,n ~,e suu~c. WC state and district officers for Ouarter (SE~) of the Nor]he]st Quar- Northeast corner of Northwest Quarter ]er One-M unt Vernon Consolidated ~"&A'~ k ....... "..................... " ~.'_~g'~; ~'~."IX .?~,~%~.~! ....... ?~,~v~.~.!.TI but b~_ their attitudes=by a ...... ~.~.^~. _. +~^ ~ ....... I ter (NE"/~ 'of Section 21-83-5~" thence NW~) of Northeast Quarter (NE..) School Distriet Linn & Johnson Countes ~ll~:: ....... " ......... 28292849 1 i -~ ~a~s~7~ ~a~_wa, ~aa~l look, an expression, an inflec- rr..; o-...A ...... ~)uth 7~ mile" thence East 1 mile to the[ of Sectnn 27-82-6 thence South /4 mfl ~ Io a. [[~.~'~as ..................... 4S'la~'~a 01,2~ ~X~'XgT",~,~ -,=],-:,~.... ~'~:'-~ i,,^ , ,I. , ,I. .,.~ ,~,,,on o~uru~y .~u.. ~ Nor't east corner of the Southeast ~uar- ~ the ~ce E ~st ~ m le to the Northeast Pollin~ place--Town Ha 1 Mount Vernon • ,t ............... - ...... *u uu co~.~,} ~,'uo~.O,~ I~,21~-Z 90 ~0 ~R~Io49 uuEL ~n i~me VOICe, or ~ae W©asa=- , ~ ~ • 1 • "~ ' ~'~ ................. ' ......... 305,011.84 230 548 72 535 ~ 56 .1 ~ ~, ,,~., ~ I , ....... , ~ ter (St~, ,/t ) of the Southeast Quarter (o, net of the Southeast Quarter (SE¼) Iowa , - - lng ol a WOl~ ~ucn ~cller~ a a S u h of Northeast Quarter (NEV~) of sa~d Pre lnct Numter T~(~ that area n , ............... ' .................. 6199179 27'584"6 8 ' " " ................. " , SE { (f Section 22-83-5 the~'e ~o t " " " i ~ ...... ,~_ ............... : ................. 710130 14"928"784 ~'{~'~ ~'199~'7~0 4~'~1"731do not belong in school. Choir Wdl Travel , 4.~/4 miles to the Southeast car ..... t" the Sectiou. 27; th .... North approximately ;eluded in the abo:'e descrit~ed ~ ...... t.ary r |~ I]~':~7 ........ " ................ 10 P54 81 12'933"45 23'788"26 40'351"4.5 ~16'~'~1 "The teacher must add a fourth . Northeast Quarter (NE~I of Section I5 21/~ miles to the Cedar River; thence fol-i from Bertram Inuepenoent Dmtmct, Lmn - "- ~'~mCation ................... 1,421.93 7'~'~ u'~7%n ~,'n~-',~ "=,'.~g'~ I ................ ! I =I~ &l-*|---- ~-- ~ .... I Townshin 82 North, RanFe 5, West;[ ]owing the North bank of said river in a ]County, lowa. ~'," ...... - ................ 92012x ~'9.~'~ 1~'~,~;'~ ~,~'~'~ ~,~,-~/r~ ~o ~ne ~raaiuonal, ~rlo--~ne It oI 1.1UU ffllle~ ~n lot#[ thence l:]ast ~ mile• thenc:, Sott~ ~//~Westerly andNortherly direction through Pollinff p]aee--Ed. Hartl's residence lo- r~n~ h7 TM ..... " ...................... " -~'~Tfi'T:~ "~"~';~ "7~'7~, "'~°'~U[human relations" " mile" thence East %'mile" thence Smith Sextons 10 9, 4, and 5 Township 82 cated in the SW~J. of the SWl/:~ Section ~ts ................ " ........ 27,6_~7.61 5371.75 3300936 1530 32994061 Supt• Plank remarked "You can Fifty members of the Cornell Col ~ mile to the Center of Sectmn 23-~2-5; North Range 6 Wes~ and ~ectlon. 32, 3-82-6. . ....... ~.. ...... .. " ............. l~ ~70 78 1S 4fl~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 1~ ~O'g~l 1~ ~e~ "~ [ I~ 4- .~ 4 ] ~A.~ ~# ~.~A~...~.~ -- - thence East l//~ mile • thenc~ South 1 rail - i ~ownsnip ~ £~ortn, ~ange b weal "CO r'reeinc~ r~umuer tnree---qnat par~ at • ~ ........ • .............. , • -,---/-- .-,-...~. =~.-...~. .~,..=..w see w.a~ srea~ ~e~u=rs v. ~v,~,~ ~.~ • • • " ' '~ .... • • • , " un his 0 "~e~=,. ........... • .... 164,827.14 2605 30~.69 2770 13283 2720642.73 4949010] ........... , ] lege Chmr will start on tour, cover- I thence Westl~ mflestothevc, merof Sec- i the ]ntersectmn of said rlvel with the Lmn Grove Rural lnde~en(!cnt, L nn (,o - ,,^.= @~..~ ,,ts .. " ............ 48 621 64 1 368 895 41 1 417 51706 1'.~284#~1 19'9~q~.'4a/w linKing In reiauon to our scnoo~s i,~, ~r.~ ~h~ ~ lnn mil~¢ thrn,~ah t on 27-82-5" thence North 1/: m e thence[ East and West center line of said See- ty, lowa that m included m the above de- ~T" ~tioZ' ........... ":: ............ 22,100.92 '319'209:~0 '341'370"22 24--9284"~ 92,1~'~ l in America You can see the chal-[ ~"~" ""~",~ ~':.,"':." "~:.-":~.Z ...... West % mile to the North~-~est corner of tion 32; thence East approximately ~/~ I scribed area. , . .. The~ 1"liio~ " ... ' .............. 2 479 28 15 196 43 17'WTK'71 1.~'~9a'~ a~'~ I~.~..o ÷h=., *h...,, .,,~ tn ,,¢ mhov ~our sm~es, ~riaay, iv[arch z~. Section 27-82-5" the ce St utl ~ ~ roxi- mile to the Southwest corner of theI Polling place The Wfllmm NetohcKy - e ,\ ............ ::": ........ 13,3.~ff.75 27:/20"31 ~,:~ ~00:~ i~"Z~/:~L':2,7 o~.~.~;-~,~,o"..~'~'~'"~h~n..~"~;[ During the eight day trip the[ mutely 1 mile to the Cedar Rl, el';t ...... "c~ ~orth .... t Qualter (NWl~) of Section residoen .... located in the SW ~ of Se(tion [~at"~/:.: ................. " ............ ~z,ia1.63 20,674.53 32'816.16 ~',104.11 4',712.05 |u ...... p .........~ ....... ~-~ .... [ aha;.... ;ll ...... ÷ lq ~,,~,~,~,-÷~ ~nr~ following the Cedar River ira a S(m!heast- 33-,~3-6; thence North ~/4 mile to the 1.7 ....... , ......... Udre~l~ense ~';~':i ...... i2 010 07 11,197.59 23'207 66 16'119 40 7 0~8 26 Imiracles to be worked, yet tney are ~ ~-"-- ~"" v-~o~,,~ -.............. ~ erly direction to the point ~hcre said river ! Northwest corner of the Southwest i A separate t)aHot ~)ox wui ~e prov~ae~ , ..... u ............. .- ~,,u .... 8.461.36 32 2,50.11 40'711"47 38'157"25 2'5~,:22/nutting into the lays of the admin-I appear at the Great Lakes Naval intersects the Southerly township line of Quarter (SW ~) of the Northwest Quar- J for each affected area, • . ~ffl~l~ l~On'd .............. : .......... 52,407.63 16 964.79 69:372:42 ' " 69:372,42/[strators and boarcls a terrific re-i Training Station Ill announced V [ said T .... hip 82 North, Range 5; ti~ence ter •(NW~,~) of said Section 33; thence . Witness my han~ a~C~q].~ Rap,ds, Iowa, .,.----,, ........ " ......... ~o, 527 559 65 122677169 86547668 36129501~ .~ . ~ " ." " West approxmatelv ~ mile to 1he South- rmst ~4 mue to [ne i~orLneas~ corner at ~n:s ~i)~zl tiny .)........ ' ....... ..... " .................. " .............. 61•25 ' ' 61'25 ' ' ' 61'26 1 sponsibihty. They are in positional ~arl ,~opes conauctor, t east corner of ~cti~n '~'b8°-5" then('ei the Southwest Quarter (SW ~5) of North- WALTER A. SttI!PP = 1 2 003 15 10 963 52 g ( s he ¢~ ) ht ~ ( ne of east Quar erNt, 4 ) O[ Sectmn 33 rr County St per ntendent of S hauls ................. ' .......... .. ,~^_._ • 12 968"67 19 85 12~r~'621 to view the world in broader scope Evening concerts are scheduled South 0 rol" t~t .~ "( ~,~ ~ • ~. ! ,, t . ~ ~ " " " . , ; " " .~ ' ~ ....... iiiii'.ii~ ................ ~ ~x'~:~5 ~24~'19S 41.,~8~4.~4~ 41,~.~Ithan we are; they know what they in Freeport, I11.; Portage, Fort At- ~ertNOr~?~s~ .~ua-~,~, ~)N~),,~" ~ifontheI ~he~ehi~itne ~f ,~,ilwent~i;hesS°u~hoe~Y' File,'! of R ..... "d March 25.L~,7 .... ty .... a J~ ................. i ............. ~_ .00 " 2~'00 ~'001are talking about, kinson and Eau Claire, Wis.; and Township 81 ~North," ~'an~e~ 5 West li Range 6 West; thence East 1 mile to the WALTER A. DHUPP 16 ~ .................... [ ....... _1117.12 1~7~27 127:9.71 "We must strive within our Mason City Other concerts will be thence West 1 mile; thence North g0 ! Southwpe~t corner of the Southeast Quar- i County Superintendent of Schools .=~1~7 .................. " ....... 13'7.27 235 03 235.08 I,~,,= ~ ~.t thM. ~h~len~s. I . . .-:' _ _ . • [ rods to the Southwest corner of Se~tion ! ter (SE /4) of the Southeast ~uarter ; l~mn L,OUnty, iowa ......... II'II~ 8 ................... " ............. it03 71 208"71 3~ 70 154~01 1 ".~'£"'~ "" -'='~: -"%- o~"~" "~ I glven a~ mgn scnoms en route. 33 Township 82 North Range 5 thence . SE~) of Section 34, Townsutp 83 ~ortn, i iv]arch 2~, t'Ja7 I I i ~'-. .." .................. ' ............. 117.76 117"76 " 117 76 ] we must a~tequa~ety prepare _ ' ....... ~ ~- l~I :......~ ................ ~ ..... 481.o68 "°4~l~ 481:68 1our young people for t~e heavy = ,, ,, , ,, , ,, ,,,, , , " - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " L':......~ ........................ ~ 511 80x 167,022.60 167.022.60 167.022.60 I tasks that will soon be theirs in I I ........... .o+ x.o , ' - --' I -- I i ii II I I I I d Cou ........... 17 574 58 4 830 06 , • shaping personaa s nail , • , . 22 404 64 490 13 21 974 51 ,, ~. " .................... .... 24,045.53 8 509.54 i2 555.06 12,478 17 76.89 policy. ~po ~ .......... :::::::::: :: ......... :::::'-: 7 ~:1~ 5,7~.~ ~7,~11.72 3 104 ~' ~4'1a~76"17~ l It should be added that therewere I lrl I I I I 1 I ~t_ ................ 586.62 600:O0 I:0~:62 '313:~ '773142 1 also on the administrators program ] I • I I I I I I I II I I I 1 I I III Im ~verdraft $2556 1 ~ • ~ numerous items of lighter nature: ~.~ ..... 91.45 $7,231,061.06 .,787.252.51 $7,880,004.89 $1,927.247,62 ] Paul Lavelle and his Band of Amer- l l, l~ 1,~I~lllI-- II I1 1 I lll~ lica, an International Festival, Na-II III IIII IIIII II II I • IIII ~.Y_ St)e---. , land choirs, wonderful commercialtI . /~I I~III1 1 l~ I I I I I~I I ~lU~io~erv ~o~ViS~rrl, Sutera I RE EIP, I val Aviation Cadet Choir the U.S. [ 1 1 lll I ll ll I 1 I 1L 1 i i ag ,.~ :as ado~c~, tahl~i On hand June 1, 1956 ............................ ~..~.. ........ :.~, ................................................ $2.555.191.451 Band, high school bands, glee clubs I I ~~ I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I~~ thereon. ~I For dehnquent taxes~°r current taxes 195_5 ..................... ; ...................................................................... 4,864.177.75I }exhibits and many fine meals• I~ I I I I I~ ~ ~ I ~ ~~ ~F ~onia~~" ~ldon' ~'~'~ a tDrainage taxes "" " 1 49 1 Phil 1 hia -- " t ..... ro ...... s ~l ....... " ............. : .............................................................................................. 2~. I Gettysburg, historica " ade p ,II ~ I ~e'~'uentl 1 ""th .~eavy f]'a Automobfl'~ ~ ~ecaa~ assessments ....................................................................................... 319,209.90 and other special' places of interest" e followi "1 license ................... " II Northrup-King , } iuo . I ........................................................................ " Ad '. ng Donations on road work ............. '187"50 ,.ulat ,.. ~OUth ~ .... , Sale of school books ................................................................................ , ,o,*~ I Holden-Kahler Company Of- I : ~ ~ I ,, lyil, °-f.tbe SE~lInstltute...: ............. -- ......................................................................................................... 500.O01 ~fc~IceSupplles ................................ 7"751I ,/,., I tAWN SEED • ~ort = uetWee orate Ala (insane) ......................................................... it h~ ~Ste u the . • .......................... 11 177 14 ..... " ~ R ~ ra R ,, ]state Aid (handicanned childre,({ .................. -% .... I Dr. R. M. Laughlin. Salary .. 435.o011 ~." ~III I ~ I • ~" " "'" Cigarette and Beer~-i,,~n~,o --, .......................................................................... a,~u.~ I Dr.R. M. Laughlin,Main- I I ~ ~.::~ / I ~ | ~~.. ---- I L ., nOtle, - 19.ty Assessor's expen~"/u~d".'.'.'.;.'..':.'.': ...................................................................... ~'~'~l 650"° 1 1 : 7 I I I~. t~ed in' ~.ol above .... j fflnes and 'Forfeitures : ..... " .................................................................... ~'~h'~l ~°~,';" ,t~ .............. ~"" oo~ I ~,I~NF me ~ / I -- '~ar ~ ~e Janua,~ v~,2 1 ~econdary Roads .............................................................................. "~'gh%',~ I ~e.. a,~ = ................. : ........... ; ............ I • @S~ I / I'