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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
March 28, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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March 28, 1957
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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! messD~' -.~'-'=~ ' ¢~e~,elc I:ID~T visitors Sunday in the Ronald When Morgan Funeral Servicef , . .,~v,--. : ...... t ~~ eu~i=Me mmm%,=wm ohn Ni • electronics laen •laKe cllal t)ouD [ ..... • Campbell home were the J - phone does not answer dial 3271 ...... • ..... ' ,, , oest si~ ........ o,tfl ivit. vernon; laU lwecnamcsvine. I ~ ak• DECKS lvl~ vernon, o. .... , ----.--- escue~J~ e:~, _f • / .... ~, The John Nibeck family were ..................................... f ............ ~u~zl lmost; ~I~K o]r n|ne ~|str|cts on tour year averages, Saturday evening visitors in the CARD OF THANKS ], FRONT WI~EEL ALIGNI~NT:! give . Lynn Dripps home. i[ncluamg ~Jaszer, ~amoer, roe-m ........ ward, ~ ................. |Phone 3271 Lisbon for appointment. , It Will For ~ .................. Pat s D-X Service Highway 30 rat, Palisades we wish to take this opportunity]. :.' ' ' t A, / --., ~P. fi',^ 'PvQ]lab~e e,, ,___._ n ~ ,, ......... ,, ....... Dolezal to express our thanks to the many]~isD°n" 38tf wash ~e~er L tam¢a un =-uomls rroauce, /YtT. vernon; farmers .o-up, /~arrelle ,._~. uu. freinds and relatives who sent us[ ........................................ ~rsi°nSc~u ~' ' Mrs. Austin Armstrong returned cards and gifts dour•rig our stayl ......FOR ~AIP LOaKm I gla~a~~| Y°-^A ~ home from Mercy hospital Friday. in the hospital and since returning1 ........................................ ~ ~ ~al~/ mm¢.~z Callers grace' then include the Clar- to our home. , FOR SALE: 1 Guernsey cow. • • . With ...... 5oft Wafer Z cnge~ ence Gardners, Mrs. Frank Bider- Mrs. Gaylord Owens I comin.g in with second calf. M. H. os ~'-~, ~ ~ a=. i, Meirs family and•the Cecil Benions C-,~kRD--0FTHANK8~ the Springy•lie road, phone 6405, ~ --~-|' =.4 ~u ~=,, .e--A wealtt~ ~Kh^ man, Adeline Biderman, the Dean and George Harley I Koch 5 mi north of Mt Vernon on mr. vernon from Cedar Rap" . We wish to thank all our rela-Mt. Vernon• 24p |~ ~a| l] l~r ,.~e~rv|~.~ • S is " " . ................. --~- v,= vv,, wm1~v ~4l Antone Blderman, who wa d - byes, neighbors and friends for FOR SALE: Girl's Schwinn bi- . . missed from Mercy hospital Thurs their help cards the lovely flow l " . . " " , , " eye e, regular size. Judy Kohl, Dial 3233 Mf. Vernon day: isimprovlng dally. - .. .- era and the food that was brought phone 3671 Mt. Vernon. 24p • me ~we~vin uonieys ann r~ennem to us when our mother passed ........ m~ Conleys from Marion enjoyed din- away. HALoL MARK Easter Caz~dsi L. ~' ~ ~ how Wednesda ...... ~u~wo ~,~ ~n-~. z.~-~c ---" ----------- ICILY ner ou¢ ann a s Y, Mr. and Mrs. t~ene uavzoson .......... Feb 20, in honor of Melvin's birth- 1V~r and Mrs Vernon Barrett FOR SALE: 1951 International .._ ~ day. Mr: and Mrsl Roy Elkin L-132 pickup, dual tires, grain and &A • ~ u "~A~ Mrs. Julia Phillips and Alice Neal ........................................ stock rack. Eddm Webb, Lzsbon. V VI'X :mrv,ce ~#F~ from DeWitt were week end guests faST 24-26p U Dial us for promptdelivery. We have the Aech¢ "ds, ight lr ill Mt. Vernon, Iowa SALE |Urs.. Fri. and Sat. 28th, & 30th PLASTIC ,al • MILK in of the Howard Neals. Sunday eve- ning the Howard Neals and Lloyd "'LOST:"Blacl~"and"white'spotted LoG•is' celebrated Lloyd's birthday wire haired terrier. Answers to with a dinner at the Amanas. name "Pepper". Phone 4242,Mt. The Don Dolezals attended a Vernon. 24c party in Cedar Rapids last Wednes ......................................... day evening in honor of the Don Merritts' 10th wedding anniversary. Saturday night the Dolezals and the Dean Metcalfs of Cedar Rapids had dinner in Tiffin. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR No. 25412 FOR RENT FOR RENT: 2-room apartment. also sleepin~ room. See Richard Price or call 5281, Mr. Vernon after 5 p.m. 23, 24p --FOR--RENT--Tape recorder, sound systems, microvh o n es, speakers• i State of Iowa, Linn County, ss. amplifiers. Bill Randolph Studio. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Mr. Vernon. 19tf !undersigned has been on this 8th day of March, 1957, duly appointed and qualified -~O--R--RENT: Crutches. when ~--nd /as Administrator of the estate of Robertif you need them. MEREDITH ] Boyd ~tah] late of Linn County, Iowa, de- DRUG. 42tfc ceased. All persons indebted to said estate ]are requested to make immediate payment--FOR-RENT--Wall-p~teamers. I thereof to the undersigned. Those having sanders, edgers, buffers and waxer~ ! claims against the same will file them, duly authenticated in the office Of the Clerk of Kaliban Appliance. Mt. Vernon. 18tf Linn County, I .... District Court. ~R-ENT.:-Mode~n-o-n~-b-e-d~0om V. ROMAINE STAHL house with garage Adults only I Administrator • • Imogen B. Emery Attorney Glenn Lehr, Lisbon. 24, 25c Mar. 14, 21, 28, 1957 EVERY ITEM A Real Money Saving VALUE Brach's Assorted Sunset Ridge Reg. 59c lb. Caramels and Nougats feed it•re stock of 98c drapes at this low price. Plain Colors and Floral Prints lko Vanilla Mint - Maple - Coconut Cremes /ol'i/.h Handi-Cut .......ESS AND SKIRT LENGTHS 12 Piece Jadite Heat Proof ff P[!I STARTER iET regule .,, ' River Fabrics, Rayons, and Da 4 Saucers , ends 4 Dinner Plates Regular $1.29 value MEAT TYPE GILTS FOR RENT: Bred for summer farrow to Hy- wealth Hybrid boars• We take a DiE for sow use. March last month. We take orders• Serviceable Hywealth boars for sale. Hywealth Hybrid hogs. Jack Smith, Center Junction: Paul Smith, Anamosa. 24p FOR RENT: Suite of two rooms: bedroom and living room. No cook- ing. Phone 3741, Mt. Vernon. 24c WANTED ... ................... .. ......... ... .... WANTED: Baby sitting in my home, by day or week. Mrs. James Dye, Dial 2521 Mt. Vernon. 23-24c WANTED: Experienced baker. Dial EM 4-7555. Cedar Rapids Bak- ing Co., 330 6th Ave. S.W., Cedar Rapids. 22tf --~%rAN~D----Person to exchange rides to Cedar Rapids, working hours 7 to 3:30. Dial Lisbon 3871. 23-24p CUSTOM CORN shel~ing with Deere sheller. No job too big or too small. Glenn Plattenberger. dial 2751, Lisbon 48if WANTED: Fill dirt. If you are looking for a place to haul dirt in- auire of Hillcrest Country Club, C. F. Bauman, or Ralph Streets, Mr. Vernon. 21if WANTED: Cash paid for clean used cars. Gilmore Motor Sales. dial 3091, Lisbon. 39if --WANTED'-Night waitress• A~br Beacon Cafe, phone 2391, Lisbon. 10if WANTED--TO--Rt~NT--2 --3-be--d: or room home or apartment Ross De- Pue. call Hawkeye office, 7431, Mt. Vernon. ] 3tfc WANTED: To rent 2 or 3-bedroom home. Call 4711. Mt. Vernon• be- "ween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.C.M. Du~,- ~aD. office manager Iowa Electric ............. SERVICE USED GOODS: Four used reel type power Lawn Mowers: one used General Electric Automatic Washer: one used A.B.C. Automatic Washer. The following wringer type Wash- ing Machines: two rebuilt Maytags, one Easy, one Ken•ore, one Speed Queen, one Thor, one Bendix Drier• AAA Three used Gas Stoves; two used ~V~J Refrigerators; three new Admiral Refrigerators at very special prices. : BERANEK'S. 24tf FOR SALE: Two registered Duroc boars, about 300 lbs. Mervyn Arm- strong, phone 4608 Mt. Vernon. 24, 25c FOR SALE: Good feeding--oats., W#~T~#~,.A~yOU~ Glenn Lehr, Lisbon, phone 2715.i 24-26p ! --FR-E-S-PI- F~GG-S-a~'-th-~--fa-r-m-- be- i tween Mt. Vernon and Lisbon., I~$N~F'~,g#,, Gladys Kepler, phone 2416 Lisbon. i Trucking. Webb Brothers, dial 4481 or 4486, Lisbon. 24-28p FOR SALE: Vacuum cleaners. used, upright, tank type, hand vats. Sutliff Generator Shop, phone 3931. Lisbon. 43if FOR SALE: Hi Fi amplifiers, speakers, tuners, speaker enclosures, turntables, etc. Bill Randolph Stu- dio, Mt. Vernon. 19tf Here's Where You Get The Bes~c For Less TROPHY SEED Highest Premium Quality At Wholesale Price Level Cert. Northern Ranger ........ bu. 28.00 Idaho Grimm Alfalfa .......... bu. 25.00 Cert. Montana Kenland Ch). bu. 32.00 Montana Red Clover ............ bu. 30.00 Timothy, Iowa ........................ bu. 10.00 Lincoln Brome, Nebr ......... cwt. 46.001 Orchard Grass ...................... cwt. 37.001 Cert. N. Y. Empire Trefoil 1 65~ Open 7 days a week until 9 p.rm Drive over on weekends or eve- nings. Satisfaction Guaranteed. FARM SEED & SERVICE CO. Scotch Grove, Jones Co., Iow2au~ I (On hi-way 38 south of Monticello) PLOW LAYS of any size built like new, $5 each. We also build tanks of all types. IRONCRAFTERS, phone 4121, Lisbon. 18tfc USED MERCHANDISE: Freezers, refrigerators, ranges, television sets, Spin-dry washers, automatic wash- ers, water heaters, water softeners. Priced to sell KALIBAN APPLI- ANCE CO. 31tfc ~INSULIN--- Refrigerated for your protection. WHY TAKE UNPROTECTED MEDICATION? • MEREDITH DRUG • 42tfc AMERICAN Standard plumbing fixtures, boilers and furnaces, Len- nox furnaces; Youngstown kitchen~ • units, dishwashers and food waste --~ FRINK PLUMBING & i~m disposers. HEATING, dial 3771, Lisbon. 32tfI E J requirements for many cement usages. Our mixes include sand-•ravel concrete, limestone concrete and floor toppin• concrete. Our materials pass state ••sped•on Out of town customers dial 6961 collect Mt. Vernon, Iowa If you don't believe it, try us. We have as varied a stock as any in Iowa- lumber yard AND AT Dial 2821 YARN ANYTHING FOR BUILDING OR REMODELING Mt. Vernon, Iowa A REMINDER If you have registered for our Free Chicks for this Satur- day, Mrach 30th, bring your own box and get your chicks anytime between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Next Free Chick Day Saturday, April 20th. mort lexll Heavy Multi-Color Cotton Yarn - Plaid Design . 27x54 Imported m# All ;lllai:f/2, e Sanforized Broadcloth in "-u ors, Stripes and Polka Dots Sizes 32 to 38 AND CHILDREN,S 4211, .. I n Ladies' ......... ........ n Authorized Parts and Service | Sutliff Generator Shop, ph. 3931, "What's New in the Hog Business?" Lisbon I 24tfe Come and bring your neighbor next Thursday ni•ht, • 3 " $| -FIX)ORSANDINCr--old or--~-w NEW April6, at8p.m, to our store. Discussion andfilms i floors. Call 6505 for an estimate, by Don Minert, local Purina district representative. Lawrence Hunter. 16tf Coffee and doughnuts. We hope you will join us. • Assorted Colors - Small and Medium Only 1 1 Quart Pliable Polyethylene PLASTIC DISHPAN Assorted Colors W, Open Saturday Evenings ......... Mount Vernon PUMP SERVICE: Having pump troubles? Call Frank Hartl, dial 7652, Mt. Vernon. 23tfc HOME O R FARM ROOFING: New roofs and repair work guar- anteed. Albert L. Allsup, phone 3302 Lisbon. 23-26p ELECTRICAL Appliance Service. Leave at my home or Stanley TV, Fred Siebels, dial 2841 day time or 3622 evenings. Lisbon. 14tf RUG AND CARPET WEAVING: Two automatic looms, no long waits. Bring rags in now for early de- livery. H. S. and Louise Smith, Dial 2485, Lisbon. tf LAWNMOWERS machine ground and engines overhauled• Sutliff Gen- erator Shop, Lisbon. 24if TV SERVICE, bonded technician, radio and record players for sale; also used radio record players, am- B~ll Randolph Studio, Mt. Vernon. 19tf AGRICuLTuRAL LIMESTONE, road rock, fill dirt, drainage ditches and cellars excavated. George Gaines & Son, dial 7731 or 7732, Mt. Vernon. 28t~ --CAR-TRO~IdLES are a thing of :he past when you have Besler's ~,uto Repai: check your car regu- larly. Dial 6201. 48tfc New Models Maytag WASHER and DRYER and your old machine Get the new Pfizer Terramycin with the "Terra-Treater". You have seen it on TV. We have it. Purina Pigemia in the plastic bottle for baby pig anemia. Handy, safe and effective. $1.45 pint. Pig Wormer in quarts and gallons. Don't feed worms. All kinds of farm supplies: feeders, founts, poultry litter, heat bulbs, brooder wafers, sanitation items, chick feed- ers, chick guards, pig creep feeders, calf nipple buckets and other items. Custom Grinding and Mixing IN I FEED ~::Re!ph Bach•an, Prop. Dial 5471 - Mount Vernon, Iowa II