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March 30, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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March 30, 1939 |
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• [ ' Band Problems State Y Conference ........................ I -
APUVDC i Has 89th Birthday Are MUSIC ENT NTS H la A* Pol !IMPORT TBILLS ,oo ,WILLI I MER
! ....... ................. ............ Special Meeting WIN FIVE FIRST , .ro om.,o,o,,IBEING CONSIDERED ..............."e' , - " " ' -- ,,r
.stt 'mr* '• -- bv tile ('ornell Christian Assocla- ~ ............. --.d, sm vs
" 'r'l LllSU I - "[`he Mount Vornon school boar,l Ol API;' DATIMCq ti ,n to entertain iu a two day on- DV I I PI I ATIIDL" [, Ionnt r,n.•a.r,h..
II - -J .... and the city council met on Friday ll. Uh II]~'][][llll]U~ ferenee at the P.lisades St.te Park 1)l llallJUl,JllatllU ll .... I LI3fiIIN LKEAIWII'.K¥
u UO " ev .nlng of last week iu the city' __-- or,," .0 (.ollege . tud,nts froul __ ........... ................... "*
• _ m_m]ttees, hall at a special meeting The pur- co 4 e and unive "sit* ill -- • ~ ~ -~
T- amed Fnr the pos,, of the meeting was to dis- Also Cop an Excel- [vT;[on tll'l?,,,,te,-end of Xi,]-il .... Teachers Annultyt :: l Succeeds the l,nto
..... " I 9'ss. hig!, school .rid ,nun,cipal lent and Three See- .rid' This affair, which "[ and Beer Bills Are f ",K" . ;:'_ _-_:"
. ~ I [ I ,,ant1 promenls. ' ---,r'~, *hewn as the "Calnp Y ('enter- T~ i' ~ --. "~" ~ .... [ I¥IlIU 1.~llr. g, £VlOrll=
. [Unt Vernon schuvl--^ I ] The re,owing petition ,,as pro- ona t'laces once," IS a ,onvent,on for t,alnll, lserore AssemDly .... m ingstar on Board
,~lld]ngt^ "g in the high libel IV l)vor'ik anti M "s l 1 Fisher 'clans uho competed in the suh- an l Y W C ~ to" duty during th (IVeokly Newsletter of the Iowa~ a ~ ...... * -- .
• o corn " '. .............. ' ...... - . ' " I ~Vllhanl Rleuler has succeeded
n meet Plete the re- ' representing some of the parents:II dist "let nlus c contest in Ananlosa 4.o ingye ron their "espectlve PI'e.~ A.~('iation) the late Mi o I
lng ' ' " ' ' .... :¢:::~=> I • • . ~ehr as president of
~ * eeTin 1 ~ .- . ...... . . ~ , - perattve Creamery
~r.s"was . .~ ast Week,, II~;-;/~J council or the city of Mount Ver-. place ratings one excellent and Started toln' years ago at the s( arelv before the Iowa egisla- : ~
• • ,'e-ele . . ~ . , , *, - ~ : - , , :. ::~.:.~.~,~ corn pany. n -. [~lemer wasy,eo
[~e boa~(1 r,. eted presl- [l~~~ non: 1"o hire the M.uslc Depart- th "ee second places, l'alisades the, conference has al- turo lhls week. following nearly a ] ~ll~: [,,reside-- ,w *',,, ~ ................
(|~e meeii~'~'',an°thor )'ear [~~~[ sent of the Mount Ve'non schools ('ha-los Hedge was '(warded first wtys votel to "cturn there finding week of nl'll~4UVel-ing for posit'ion ~~~" ; ~.~ ],~.-.U ................. Y ......
t'-s tat , ' '~~ " " " ........ "'" ' ' '" ' " { li ~,~ .,~h~.
~4]~eonlmitt.~_ s ~eek the i~[&.~:~ . ~| to furnish the sununer band con- place in the bass solo dlvlslon and the stLte lla'k all ideal locution lor betweeu two schools of thought on Dan Me|n" '
i -~,~ Wer - :~: . . , . : . ingst,~r was appointed
~L.E.~i~.. .EeapPomt-[ | :*~ /:] l'e'ts Said band to ,e vountee" Pat'icia Mitchell was t'st pla-e thistypeof wo'k conf-'ence, rheltheproperl, nlconsltttlona ,,eth-] t~ as a dire to,"
"' ,,~,er, ward s ' • , . , . . : ' . - , . , '.. ~ .. , : ~2~: , : f om the north-east
Harold E.hle h" chool F and. undo the school supe X lSlOn. ~ mner l ~ theflllh• ......... soloeompetl- ] ~ is~des edge serves meals to the o,1 of taxing,. . th( etl,t ns.. : ~:~:~i* distil(. • "t ~tl :l lnoelt~.g of the board
~ ~..~?~:.... ' lgh school ] "he moray to e I sed tel' the dir- tion group .rod ,he "ou- cab ns of the(HAI~ TAX l : ~ ! ,~ ,
, " " " ',~,uu a • • 1 . • ~ • . • . ,, . ::,¢, ~i-':' j,,, . oil _ aim d,i ).
Dr.~i,-~-~ thletlc field ector Jn fo 'n s nlusienstruments The musical groups wh eh at- ark furnish lodging fo • them. Last I he rest of the skn'ulishes of ~ Two ,~" s i .... - .....
• ~,s~t" an I ' P ~ .... ~:~;?~.~ ..:~:s ~ ~ ~..l.t. ! ...... ~..~ v, ,f.," ~-," ,~o-
" inan e ?-Mrs. s I~L& ~1 Ietc. Have one hu'ge consolidated ed first places a,'e:the con- year al)proxin,ately 80 students i the F, ast week ,,'as a COlnprotnlse I ...... pacity and fast .... o')e,'-/l el have
:~llrehasi..- , .vtrs. Cul- ] [~~ ~l Iband In 1 nile "nl A Mount Vo "- eert hand the in xed eho -us : were p "eseut "tll the t ne whi e at- ] I , ~ )ody ng parts of each nleas- [ b ........ h ......... "~-
~e S/ip~rintend21ttloe: xa:/! I I~~: ~[ 1n°n band for Mount \rernon." and the gi~l]dgltE c//;ilil T~h::lCOl~- to~llhnee ~)~nlt:l~)!:li~ oV:)[;~7 l~;'ll-] :~i~;] '~lt~'dd?re[]ile;aa~ie;n l~ot||!:le~ne:(: ] ,..:: I increased production of the cream-
;~. " - "-""'~'~'~ ~! This petition was not officia y testants, a "g ." "-. . , "¢ *' ' " • "' . ~ ~ " " "." | : l ery. Additional storage space will
~rd_ re-elect . I "~a('ted u,mnv ...... tl-* ""u~ ~ ........ v-*:.-~- ..... *" •chestra. ., which had no competition ('ornell qeis. as, host school to the of a spel'ial eo n nittee in the Sen- | . . be. provided for buttelmilk- " and
~Yde Lindsl^-ed SUperm_ I dOHN H ML'I{IH'rT [later at a 1-egul'~r lneetin,~ of the in the sub-district contest, will pal-- ~conference, luaking all local ar- [ate nalned for the express purpose [ ,JOHN O. SMITH [water
~f the ,- t[y and all the "'- " l itv council ' ~ t eipate "n the dist "ict contest which 'rangeu]ents while v't "ious other eel- lot" bringing forth a compromise | ~ Mr" I ehr had SOlved on ~ho
d~°l for anoth~£~h°°l and Joi!n H. Me]'ritt, fern]or grocery Th,~ ~**,*, , .............. ,,~,~ ,~,.,,;,,,, will be held in Monticello on Satu,'- [loges take the respol]slb]hty for the ] Whatever decision the Sol]ate was [ Quietly In his sleep ,John O. [creamery board of directors since
lee(lags . ~r Year. The merchant in Mount Vernon, cole- . "~'" "'.'~'( ""~ s ........ ~ "*~'.~.~'."" clay April 15. progruln. This year Grlnnellham to make tills week, if it passed the Slnith passed away ahout four the creamery was el anized in
/b~ eel.:°~ the school brated his 8.qth tlirthday on Men- Ior banu purposes states: ~ltles A'rdis Stinger contestant in the the u'cnel'al chai-uanship of the]neasures had still to find support]o'clock Saturday lnornin~ To (hollO5 g
!:' ,,UnUed as in dav The c " * having a population of not over " - '.. ' ' " "" . ~ . • . "" ....... '"'
i on the .s-- " for- ] .'" . o easion was o/,served ........ . soprano solo division ,,'as rated ex- convention while Sinlpson. Iowa ]in the House. /faInlly and friends his death from --.
/nth • ay, : y linner on Sunday~_" ~_ '" . ~ _ '~'~' 'eellent Flwood Young was "ated in 'Stat( and low( a'e in eharg |I{FTALIATION [a heart aihnent came ms a great New Llshan Ph.n
n econd Tuesd [ ~ lth i b rthda ( ro~ [y tnousan(l md to~ns may o of
glven I)vhis da 'Hen au(norlzeu as ,nereluarte " p "o- " ' * . • • ' ' • -- --.~v.. ....~,.=,~
~l~'-----:-~-~ ...... - . ughter, Mrs. Brad-vial-,1 1 ..... h *. ,~e n,~, the second dlVlSlOn and seeon,l various p'trts of the schedule.| Reports trickling in to the Iowa Ish°ck and leaves a vacant pla~ee I r~o * • ~v*~ ~r~
~ /~1~. "~T -- ..~l,~ .UaeGaw, at their home. Guests • " ..... t:y ea.,...year ~fax ...... places were awarded to Margaret Professor I{ussell Cooper of (?or- [legislatln'e fronl the general as- [for the wife and daughter in the' Directories YYlll ~e
~lk~.~ I Sll [lln IO exoeeu t~o nllllS IOI Erie purpose | honle w
mimed ,'.~.' "" g the courtesy were: Mr. and f " .-. ' . " . .' ._ ." Siggins in the clarinet division and nell has been nanled head of the, senllllies of other states, principally | here centered his chief in- I r~____'___~ t'~ l
may Soh-,,i [~Jrs. RObert Kehne sr., and Mrso provlulng a r.untl roj' tl~e maln~ to lhe girls sextette, officer t,'aining se.~sions of thelin the Southwere to the effect that [te,'est. For several weeks Mr Ir ecetveu a[uroay
~.=l_. ~_.~'~''~*Jl .~en.ev,eve Needhaln of Coda," [enance .o~'. enlp,oyment el a rlana The Mouot Vernon high school 1!,39 meeting. Dean Beatty of]large numbers of Soulhern legis-]Smith had not been well and three [
~ly offieer.- . ,~ap,ds. re, nlusle.,l purposes, mixed ehorus .'ill broadcast or( I latures had measures pendin iil,~eeks previously was off duty for[ New telephone directories
~UntU Vernon~ ~_~ere_ named -. -'M~. .. Met. "ritt was in business iT station WMT Cedar Rapids this a: [ retaliation against Iowa on gthe a' week.. '.s rest., m~lled~l to all 1 .... isbon telephone
eel ~-resr)yterlan .noun! \ (rnon fm thn I~ lhe oldest of t r ~su )seribers by Saturday nlolnln
[~oo! at the .~erx,,-^ ;.,,tl ..... '; . " "'ty years am ternoon at 5:15 o'clock. [score of Iluttcr substitute penal- "" • "" h ee children of 'a~]~u ~ ", "•- ,,~. - :i ~ ." " g'
r~rning. Th ' -'"~ on . ~-:,e,~ spout nine years ago. HI -- |ties. Most of the states were con- jueorge W. and Permelia Howe "~" ..... ann Wlll De piaeeu In use
nEl .,e follow, lag is u]exeell~ nt healthan( Suuth he ~as born Se t at once l stel ! Hoover manager
. : , don Jo *" "'. . ' ' , 1 keep: sidering legislation that would set "" * , - "~. S .p. 10, 1877 ' ~,. ~]s *]. .,
/tnofF~e se~h2son, sup- hill!self bUSy ht the home assistin~ UN|ON HOLY WEEK /up internal tariffs against inlporta-[in Otter Creek township near l~t-!of the ].lsbon exchange, has stated.
~er Dacken'~'"" uepart_ ~! its the daily tasks of house~ ..... 7-'-- ........... lion of agricultural and dairy pro- [ layette, Iowa. His home was on I As nas Peon the case for a number
~a" DVOrak 'su ass.istant; ~:eeping. l~l A~il~il~'l| ducts of lowa, Wisconsin and Miu-[the farln ilntil going to Cedar Ra- Jot years the lAsbon and Oxford
Jan Perlnten M~ Melrlt plds In 1914 he came to I Iun(tlon hstlngs are combined in
~JUnior-de.." . d- - ". - • ' t ean/e to Mount Ver- t'~l~l~j~ lhkll~l~Ll] nesota The South wants to are { ' '" • Asbon [' " " " "
n . -~trtment. Mr non on -~ vis" " " "~ ' • .... " ." where , • . " ' the same book
[ i~_n. a~istant .....' s. I -" , ,it lU 1876, and the fol- tent ~ts Inarket for cotton seed oil. [he had mnee resided. In [ ,,,_ • • ,,
~" ~l~r-etary of the "'~' A. J. .o~utg year accepted a job as c e-~ PAYI{OLI~ PITI~LICITY [ 1898 he was lnarrled to Esther[telH~( (over ls el green spee.lal
/Yrs.- Irl ,Senior de- in the Addle h'~ "dware store Fol ,, , ........ |Stonerwho (lied he'e in May 1915 [ ephone dn'ectory stock whleh
a ! ". no . • . ' ., ' • '. :,n m' aprlJ |, the state On June22, 1916, Ihe was un'ite~i opens emsily. The directories were
~h~oi°ds?e;~adre~a2ke(; !~i!dlYelas:Slh? :i~)dt"a~tnedls~.,Sh°,[e.~,n ~:]~l:(41~y~:ll0 I£~S~.~st ~°~o?~¢;~ppI'the /in marriage with Hazel Harma'n ~h'ientH1a:kethe job department of
~erle I