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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
April 3, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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April 3, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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8, 1941 VERNON LOCAL AND PERSONAL THE MOUNT VEI~NON, IOWA, HAWKEYE-ltECORD AND THE LISBON HERALD Rl~er of Springville her mother, Mrs. I~fsr spent the week Mrs. Hulda 0aLes and daughter )ate~ arespending Ill. Son of Mr. and of Lisbon, spent his grand parents, Caraway. F. A. Blaine joined 'Simpson and for a nlotor on Sunday. teacher of at Marion, was for next year Salary on Monday A. B. Christensen Sunday dinner and Mrs. R. H. the afternoon they Butler. of Cedar Rapids F. Meyer, con- at the Palisades Will help Mr. Mey- that need the Open season n Miss Jenna Beadle of Clarence was a guest Friday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Blaine. Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Miller of Stanwood were Sunday guests in the llome of Mr. and ,Mrs. W. W. Miller. Mrs. Dorothy Leavitt of Detroit, Mich is visiting a few days in the home of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Bassett. Miss Bernice Gough is spending the Cornell Easter vacation with~ her friend, Miss Marjorie ],'arnham [ in Rockford, Ill. Guests in the Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Chapman home on Sunday were: Mrs. James Park, the Misses Addle and Alice Firkins and Fletcher Park of Belle Plains. Mrs. C. W. Neff returned homeI Friday from Polo, I11 where she spent several days in the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. i and Mrs. James Seeks. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Yeisley and family motored to Parcels on Saturday morning ami visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waid Lentz until Sunday afternoon. Miss Letitia Beranek, student in Clarke college, Dubuque will arrive next Wednesday to spend the ]Easter vacation in the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Beranek. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hill of Ox- ford Junction were dinner guests Saturday evening in the home of Mr. t{ill's brother-in-law and sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Beach. A six weeks old baby son arrived at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Samuel McI,aughlin last Fri- day to reside permanently. He has been named Stephen ](eyes Me- Laughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Current of Connersville, Ind are expected next Monday for a two weeks vacation visit in the home of Mrs. Current's mother. Mrs. Grace Risser and Mr. Current's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Current. Mrs. Whitney Stahl and Mrs. Ed. Jedlicka of San Diego, Calif were 1 visitors Monday afternoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bider- Imam Mrs. Stahl is visiting relatives Filter Rod in Cedar Bapids and Mrs. Jedlicka end is visiting relatives in McGregor. Patty, the pet bulldog belonging rlae[ Holder to Catherine Jean and Martha Jane Rod filters delicious without filter or chain Holder provides upper glass at anytime. supplied If yours get combination Osgood, has contracted the rare disease, meningocephalitis which struck several Mount Vernon ea- I nines last week. The Osgood dog is in a Cedar Rapids animal hospital. Merrill and Eddie Pitlik will be hosts for the Boy's 4-H club meet- ing this evening at the home of their pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Pitlik. The lesson will con- sist of reports on the years projects and record books. William Herr, Linn county 4-H club leader, will be present. Mrs. Charles Maybauer who spent several weeks in St. Petersburg, Fla is spending a few weeks with and Heating Vernon, Iowa The two lmy windows and kitchen lean-to are distin('tive features of the front view of the Bergumnu "Cape C~nl" house. This ,settee fa(~s the fireplace in the living r(~)m. The strtped wall palmr and ruffled white window curUtins are shovtll. The pictnre loolcs towards the front of the house. The modern, conveniently arranged kitchen Is shown In this picture. The electric stove is on the left and electric refrigerator on the right. are supplied to the room by the wood on the chair-back and on the love scat as well as by a convinc- ingly "Cape Cod" desk. XVALI,IL~t PElt SEI JY~TEI) WYI~I EXQUISITE TASTE The other bay window at the front of the house belongs to the By Marybelle Mqson Completely and charmingly "Cape Cod" from the apple-green rug to the hurricane chandelier, the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bcrgmann now stands completed at 10 Fourth Avenue South, looking her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. ["like a picture"--a picture design- and .Mrs. W'lllard Maybauer in Chi- I ed for graceful living. Everything cage, Ill and her son-in-law and l about the cottage has been chosen dining room, which, again, is tn daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell I ~:ith the exterior style in mind, so the mood of the home. One of the ~Kraft in Towanda, Ill before re-lthat the general effect is one of most remarkable things about the turning to her home in Mount Ver- complete and comfortable unity. The lovely white ruffled tie-back This pictures shows the attractive fireplace with the two lnterestlltg (,hairs Col)led from authentic "Gone With the Wind" versions. The front doorwuy can be .~yen thru the d(~)r at the left. All Photographs By HUGH IgOBI~IRTS Dial 5192, .Mount Vernon Shown oil t h e right is the dining roont with the ]my window at the front. The wall lmper has an attravtive fruit ~n~sket deMgn and the hurricaue chau- dellcr is a "CaDs Cod" tOIl('h. white. Everything in the room is The old New England stop~ when toned to match this coloring. The one reaches the kitchen, for here other bedroom is in blue and white, is a lovely modern place, by its with a curled what-not in the ~ eonvcnient arrangement guaran- corner of the room showing well itecd to delight the heart of any against the blue and white back- cook. A narrow red feature stripe ground. Here again are white running around the outline of the ruffled curtains. The mahogany mottled gray linoleum about a foot furniture, with the antique spool in from the edge leads into a corn- trim, has a "seasoned" look which fortably large but compact kitchen. is quite in keeping with the Cape- In the one end of the room is a Cod-like ruffled dressing table set red, black and chromium breakfast before one of the windows. The set. Red drainboards lead to the Bergmann home is the exquisite "skirt" is in blue and white print sink, and even the electric clock NDABLE Delivered Prices: tqANA SPECIAL -- $7.75 BLACK ROSE -- $8.75 LOTHAIR -- $10.50 BRUNHILD -- $10.75 RANGE -- $8.50 [I, LILAND II~IIR$ non. taste with which the wallpaper waS!material, on the stove has a tiny red rim w through the two chosen to fit in with each room. In I to 'bring it into the room. cur~inSdtonwa~ 'i~ the fron~ and 'set I the dining room the paper has a ~1 The bathroom, entered through "off"Y" the wnite" irame ex~emor, amo l: ~ large ,anti cole-ful, but definitely ~ a,hall between the two bedrooms, l A back hallway leaus" ~rom' the where the living room I not gaudy, fruit basket design. Low i is decorated in yellow and .black, adjoining garage rote the house. ttris atnestu(wlnsm~'m tne" integrateu e~Lect ! white wainscoting, adds. to the effect, with the newest tube lights illum- ! Thel'e are stx' plenteous closets The soft light 1 The chandelier is in keeping with i lusting the mirror. Unusual "fleece- throughout this home. iithn~mlial~lip[p~;stC?pPdtvebltin~is !h:sp:mt onbet:tgea cgorlUpx tfthcrYiS:hlt ! ?:~h b;:b;):t2.c:tCUp~eeitnlhi:ro~':,l,:1. witThe~tteir~,i:loaCwe shadef?ronilhel ly in two shades of soft green. The bulb candles showing through 4 those little touches which helps to woodwork is all white, and the tra- "hurricane lamp" shades. ! .M()DI,]I[N KITCHI~]N make this house simply glow with ditional fireplace is brick trimmed The Bergmann's I)cdroom is fur- i The kitchen is In the "lean-to" the "just right" feeling. with white. ]~{~side the fireplacenished with maple furniture which part of the home, the north addition arc two interesting chairs, copiedblends well with the wallpaper, !which is set back a little from the The building was done by the from the authentic 'Gone W'ith thewhich is vertically striped in the front of the house and is decorated McKay Construction company, Ce- Wind" versions. Warm wood-tones colors light chocolate, yellow and ] on the outside with green shutters, dar Rapids. Mr and Mrs. Robert Steffa are J. ~,V. l~loom was confined to his I,]oyd Ellison is spending thisRalph Klinefeltcr of Adams, spending the Easter vacation with home with a severe cohl last week week with friends in Kansas City, ~,~ls was a week end guest in the relatives in Gladbrook. end. IMP. Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Mitchell home. C O A L S Fred Travis is remodeling the Mrs. VC R. Wilder who spent the ] Mrs. Frcd Sadler left Saturday Miss Frances Coleman went to second floor of their house into anwinter in Pasadena, Calif arrived] morning for Michigan City, Ind Cedar Rapids on Sunday to spend to visit an uncle who is seriously ill. several weeks with her brother-in- i apartment. When it is finished Mr. home on Sunday. and Mrs. Harold Still will occupy Prof. and Mrs. F. M. McGaw W.H. Bair went to Victor last law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Wllmer STOKER -- $7.75 it. spent from Saturday until Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Swift former day in Chicago, Ill. residents of Mount Vernon have Prof. and Mrs. E. E. Moots left recently purchased a home in 1239 on Monday for a week's visit in First Avenue, N.W. in Cedar Rap- Ames and Des Moines. ida. Miss Hazel Pirkey of Cedar Rap- Mrs. L. E. Sipple is spending two ids was a guest of Miss Anna Cur- weeks with her daughter Miss nutt on Tuesday night: Waunetta Sipple who is a nurse in Miss Alice Betts, dean of women St. Mary's hospital, Rochester, at Cornell, is spending the Easter Minn. Thursday where he is visiting in the home of his son Volney Bair and family. Mrs. Alma Cooley of Clinton is making an indefinite visit in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Hahn. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Cork of Lis- bon were callers Sunday afternoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Jones. Bud Kolek took delivery on a new Dodge luxury custom four door se- dan on Friday from Frank L. Kil- berger of the Smith Garage, local dealers. Mrs. Clyde Baker went to Chi- cago, Ill on Wednesday for a brief visit with her sons Maynard and :Drew Baker and famtlies and Facilities More You need up-to-date banking facilities as much as you do modern machinery on the farm. The financial side of farming is more important today than ever before. Pay- ing by check aids in keeping records in a safe and business-like manner. A loan in season may help to plant crops or market your products. Our officers understand agricultural conditions in this area and their financial experience and cooperation can bc most valuable to you. vacation in Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Carl Crumbaugh of Clinton, came Tu(,sday afternoon for a visit in the home of her mother Mrs. J. F. Keys. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Baird are visiting this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Oleson in Springfield, I11. Kirkoatrick. Miss Mettle B. ~-Iunt, matron at Guild Hall, is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Reid Hunt and family in Tipton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles West of El- dora were over the week end visitors in the home of Mr. West's mother, Mrs. Ely West. Miss Sadie Warner and Miss Robert Baker. Mrs. William Gormly has return- ed from Cedar Rapids where she spent a brief time with her son- in-law and daughter Mr. and ,Mrs. 1,ester Frezek. Prof. and Mrs. Chester Williams are visiting during the Cornell va- cation in the borne of Prof. Wil- liams parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. OF THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Mr. and Mrs. I. on Platner and Williams in River Forest, IlL son Bruce of Cedar R.~pids, were Marie Kugler of Cedar Rapids call- Mrs. G. E. Bartholomew and Sunday afternoon callers in the l ed Sunday afternoon in the Rev. Mrs. Helen Sebroeder returned home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kafer.! and Mrs. E. G. Hunt home. home Monday from Detroit, Mich :Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stinger were Mrs. John Auracher and Mrs. ~ where they spent several days with visitors Tuesday in the home of j J" D. Bowers spent Tuesday visiting i the latter's son, George Schroeder. their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.t in the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bates and Mrs. I,eou P]-tner in Cedar home in Cedar Rapids. Miss Bobbybel Kirkpatrick of E1- kadcr, will arrive in Mount Vernon Rapids. Mrs. Sarah Tallman returned to the last of next week to spend a Clark Hull and John Huebner, her farm near Paten on ~unday one week vacation in the home oil students at Corncll, were dinner afternoou after spending a month her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George! guests of Bill Foster at the home of in her home in Mount Vernon. Kirkpatrick. his mother, Mrs. Mae Foster on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stinger spent Sunday dinner guests in the Mr. Saturday. Sunday in the home of their son and Mrs. Fred Mizaur were: Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elllson of and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Ed Mizaur, Mrs. Raymond Cedar Rapids were Monday evening Glenn Stinger in West Branch. !Mlzaur and son Larry of Oxford dinner guests in the home of the Mru. Lloyd McCutcheon expects Junction, Mr. and Mrs. Lester former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- to leave this afternoon for a ten day Mowry of Lowden. vey Ellison. I visit with her daughter Mrs. Mary, Lyall Bryant returned home Sat- The many friends of John H. Jean Alexander in New York City. urday morning from Chicago, Ill Merritt will be sorry to learn he is Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Riley and where he attended the National seriously ill w~th pneumonia at theMr. and Mrs. Page Ntcholson, of Farm Chemurgic conference, held Mrs. Ida Haun Kettlcscn home Mr o, ,)^ !- ; 9 ~" au~, ~vHnn were guests Tues-in the Stevens hotel. He reports it Merritt passedhm . 1st birthday a / day in the home of Bishop and Mrs. is a very interesting conference. week ago today. Thomas Nicholson. They were en- Mrs. Florence Brown Leo, Cor- F. J. Hayes of Chicago, Ill join- route to the National conference of nell '18, of Dysart was a guest Sun- ed his wife and daughter Alice Hunt entomologists, in Columbia, Me, day in the Bey. E. G. Hunt home Hayes, Wednesday for a short visitDr. E. T. Gough attended a con- ~ where she visited her former col- in the Rev. and Mrs. E. G. Hunt ference conducted by Bishop Ralph lege friends, Mrs. Mildred Hunt and ] home. Mrs. Hayes and daughter 'Mcgee, of Des Moincs, for District Mns. F. J. Hayes. The latter, of who have been guests in the Hunt superintendents of the Methodist Chicago, was a guest in the home for several weeks will accom t home of her arents Rev and Mrs ~hi ~" "t'* " " " "" " church held in "Waterloo on Wed-i P pany m ~o netr nome. nesday. He spent Wednesday night t E. G. Hunt. The Mount Vernon school board and today with his parents ILev. -- will meet for their regular monthly t and Mrs. J. J Gough in Bristow. He t Mr, VERNON C][IURCH NOTES meeting in the high school building 1 plans to return home this evening. [ PRE YT -~-|]-- - H R H v ' " I SB ER AN C U C on Tuesday e enmg, Apml 8. Dr.] R Otis X l s o r~,Bigger chosen president of ev leo -e win; a guest Sun- Rev. Joseph W. Gray, Jr Past r "~" ":" . . ". ' ' .' . I day in the home of Bishop and Mrs. Friday-- the ~o~ru at ~ne organizat!on.!nee[- iThomas Nicholson. Rev. Moore 8:00 M P Y Club meeting at the lug IOllO~, lug [he annual election in " ' went to Brandon on Monday where home of .Eldon Johnson. March, will preside at the meeting, he expected to load their house- Sunday-- Mrs. James P, ryant, who spent the! hold goods for transportation to 9:45 Church School. winter in the home of her son-in- their new home in Kennilworth, 10:45 Palm Sunday. Celebration law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. BertN.J. Rev. Moore has received the of the Sacrament of the Lord's Sup~ Minnish in Kausas City, Me ar- appointment as pastor of the per. rived home on Sunday. Mr. and Methodist church in that city. Sun- 6:30 Christian Endeavor meeting Mrs. Minnish brought her as fat' as day evening, he spoke at the eve- led by Jacky Nichols. i Ottumwa where she was met by ning service in the Pres~byterian 7:30 Evening Service. Mr. and Mrs. Lyall Bryant who church and met many of his Wed~e~]~y and Thnr~lay--- brought her home. friends. 7:30 Holy Week union services in Pa e - = ' "~* :' --- 2: ' the Methodist church. Rev. Josepb hundreds of meetings, assistance Gray will preach Wednesday and] given to families, lodging homeless President Magee is expected to men, Christmas dinners, vacation speak at the Thursday Communion lper|ods at fresh air camps. This service, l is only a small portion of Iowa's METIIODIST ()HURCH Rev. W. Glenn Rowley, Pastor Church school at 9:45. W. B. Gray is superintendent. Morning worship at 10:45. This is Palm Sunday and the message land spirit of the day should be ap- propriate. The sermon subject to be used by the pastor will be, [ Salvation Army's program. The foreign appeal this year will be con- centrated at our war centers in Europe. The Salvation Army is proud of the following statement made by William Knutson, De- fence Chief, "When one hundred dollars is given to the Salvation Army the biggest part of that one hundred dollars is spent for doing "The Terrible M.eek." The High lgood. Being somewhat of a busi- School Chorus d~rected by Prof. I ness man myself, I appreciate that." W. R. Fuller will sing twice in the tcaptain and Mrs. W. E. Thompson following numbers, "Gloria" from lare in charge of the Cedar Rapids the Twelfth Mass by Mozart, and office. "Lost in the Night," by Christiansen. The High School Epworth League i Townsend Ball To Aid Greek meets Sunday evening at the Glenn A~.~ t~.~ ~a~. ~.d~ Rogers home. Cynthia Winsor is .-ffin~ ~. vv~ s ~ss ~ the leader in a continuation of the Both the Greek and the Czecho- study on immortality. There were slavakian War Relief funds will thirty a~ this service last Sunday share in the proceeds from the evening. The hour is 6:15. Townsend Benefit Ball, to be held The College Epworth League does in the Memorial Coliseum Thurs- ~not meet Sunday evening of this day, April 10th. week. The ball will open at 8 p.m. with We urge all members of the an hour-long floor show starting at church and others to set aside other 8:30 sharp. Dan Justad of Cedar plans for the latter part of the I Rapids will sing, accompanied by week and attend the union HolyI Frank Voelker blind organist, and Week services in this church. Mary Evelyn Wenke, dancer and -- I comedian, will present numbers. CIIRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH The Cavalier Girls' Drum & Bugle "lTnr~alitv" will he th~ suh|~et ~rtC rps will present their drill J. " ere~ ~urreu wm serve as masmr the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches nr C~hriat .~ol~ntlat nn ~nndmv [OI ceremomes. ~ancxng after floor Aprii 6: t show to 1 o'clock. Music for dane- The Golden Text is from l Tim- ing will be by the WMT Bohemian othy 6:17, "Charge them that are rich in this world, that they he not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to en. jOy." The Lesson-Sermon comprises quotations from the Bible and from the Christian Science textbook "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. One of the Bible citations reads: 'Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, salth the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall he my sons and daughters saith the Lord Almighty" (II Cor. 6:17-I8). Among the selections from the Christian Science textbook is the following: "Finite sense has no true appre- ciation of infinite Principle, God, or of His infinite image or reflection, man. The mirage, which makes trees and cities seem to be where they are not, ilustrates the illusion of material man, who cannot be the image of God" (p. 300) 311 First Avenue North Salvation Army Conducts Drive The annual Self Denial effort of the Salvation Army in Cedar Rap- ids is now being conducted in IAnn County, according to the announce- merit made today ,by Lieut. Laur- ence C. Allen of Des Moines. This drive is conducted annually for the purpose of maintaining Salva- tion Army work in the county and state. A single year's actiivties by the Linn county division includes orchestra. P. A. Kiester of Cedar Rapids is Chairman of this Bene- fit BaIL Photographs Your Photograph Is Most Appropriate For "MOTHER'S DAY" Gifts Children's Pictures A Specialty Dial 5192 after 6 o'clock for appointment or drop a card to Box 493 Roberts Mount Vernon, Iowa INSURANCE Fire and Windstorm Automobile Health and Accident Life S. N. MERRITT Office in Bauman Bldg. 0fc. Dial 3412, Res. 4262 Mount Vernon, owa will break any business. Of course this means financial leaks. On the farm financial leaks may come from leaky roofs which al- low water to seep through and spoil good hay and grain. Prevent financial leaks by having us repair the old roof or put on a new one. II I II Mount Vernon, Iowa I IHII III II II III I IIIIIII II I" IIIIIIIIII CERESAN TREAT YOUR SEED OATS with OR I ORMALDEHYDE =,|, WALL PAPER CLEANER 7c 3 for 20c 500 Sheet [ CLEANSING TISSUES 19c JUMBO ICE CRKAM SODA 10c DYES Putnam, Rit, Diamond, Tintex li I I CLEANING SPONGES 10c 3 for 25c HOT WATER BOTTLE 39c OUT TODAY! NEW MAGAZINES COME IN And Talk PAINT With Us im i i i Atlas SHOE POLISH 4C 150 Sheet PAPER TOWELS 9C WALL PAPER PASTE 3 Ibs 25c 7 oz. lid North State TOBACCO 23c SPRINGvILLE ICE CREAM Quart 29c Pint 15c