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April 3, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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April 3, 1941 |
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~i 8, 1941
in Mount Vernon
20, 30 Years Ago
bun was robbed Monday evening
about 7 o'clock while Mr Gish was
at supper. Between eighteen and
twenty dollars were taken.
Joseph Bennett has been in busi-
ness in Mount Vernon nearly con-
tinuously since 1897.
Miss Alice Williams was the guest
of honor at a strictly social eve-
2, 1931
Was isolated as far ning of the Thirteen club Friday
Was concerned, with Miss Alice Betts. Miss Wil-
Friday evening, liams work as Red Cross Instructor
blizzard drifted the of home nursing classes was an in-
aatll Sunday after- teresting type of conversation.
the cater- The sacred dust of Private Joseph
Pushed its way E. Dvorak, who was wounded Octo-
r Rapids. The plow ' ber 8, 1918, and died in a hospital
a .Procession of, in France October 10, was conduct-
ed to its final resting place in St.
Were late visitors Peter's and St. Paul's cemetery on
last Friday night !Sunday by one hundred ex-servlce
and then only by men from the Ely, Solon and Mount
visited in the lVernon American Legion posts.
home Friday! George Woods has bought a store
Saturdaycoming building in Springville. He expects
then by Ioot,
the last lap
and this one by!
Mable MeQuown
nore spent two daysi
home; where
high school won
sub district
at Vinton on last
in the cello solo
:Mary Peet in
The boys
of Roy Bowman,
Randall Hart
Were awarded
the small vocal
Was award-
the baritone solo
's Sextet was on
program and
for Mount
died Wednesday
Angeles, Calif.
won fifth
of butter that he
Scoring con-
State college,
being the only
that placed.
il 6, 1921
Market in Lis-
Met hf:iSat church
to open up a grocery store of his
own soon.
The marriage of Mi~ Eva Emer-
son and Floyd ieneks took place
Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. at the home
of the :bride's parents, .Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Emerson near Lisbon.
April 4, 1911
With two concerns after the elec-
tric light plant, and one of them
offering the town rates much below
what is now charged, it begins to
look like that Mount Vernon will
soon have a service that will suit
every one. The two companies are
the DoTs-Smith company of Cedar
Rapids and the other one is F. J.
Cross of Monticello, who is asking
a franchise in a line of towns.
The accompaniment of thunder
and lightning to the snow storm of
Sunday was something unusual.
The Cornell college orchestra,
Prof. H A. Miller, Mrs. Julia Seller
Shaw, Miss Jane Lewis, and Robert
Blackwell covered themselves with
glory at the concert last Wednes-
day evening.
S. C. Johnston has sold 120 acres
of the W. C. Johnston farm to J.
W. Parr of Cedar Rapids, at a
consideration of $95 per acre.
Isaac Cork of Lisbon bought the
George Goodyear house in Lisbon
at the sale recently, and will move
there soon.
Mrs. John Stockton and Miss
Gladys left Saturday for their old
home Ladora, where yesterday MTis~
Gladys underwent an operation for
About fifty farmers were before
the board of trustees last week, pro-
testing against the appraisement of
their land. Franklin township has
been on a higher level than any
other township in the county. The
trustees have the matter under ad-
Mrs. Harry Freeman
There is to be a union service in
the Methodist church at Springville
Good Friday evening at 7:30. Rev.
Charles B. Willming of the Presby-
terian church and Rev. C. D. Boggle
of the Methodist church will co*
operate in the service. The general
theme of the service is to be "The
Seven Last Words of Christ," There
will be special music. All are in-
vited to attend.
You are all urged to attend these
Easter Services.
Sunday, April 6, Palm Sunday.
Thursday evening, April~10, Can-
dle Light Communion service at
Sunday, April 13, Easter Sunday
service. Reception of members and
Sacrament of Baptism.
Remember the Easter Offering for
World Service on Easter Sunday
and the egg shower for St. Luke's
hospital, April 20.
"This do in remembrance of me".
Does memory make us happy or
sad? Does it cause us to want to
be better or worse? Jesus would
not have asked his disciples to do
something detrimental to them; but
meeting with them would be a con-
tinued challenge to them. And we
dare not forget sacred things if we
would cultivate the noble qualities
of our lives.
Next Sunday at 11 o'clock we
observe "The Lord's Supper" in re-
membrance. Sunday school at 10
o'clock. Wouldn't you like to be
one of one hundred on Easter Sun-
Choir practice on Thursday at
7:30 p.m
Mr. and Mrs. Donal Gordon were
hosts Saturday evening at a pot
luck supper. Guests were Mr. and
Mrs. James C. L. Clark of Mount
Hugh Roberts Photo
The ladies are, back row, left to i Mrs. Otto Fischer. The society
right: Mesdames Will Ferguson, !has 33 active members and 8 hun-
Charles Wickham, Will Clark, orary members. All but three mere-
Merle McConaughy, John Strother, I bers were present the day the pic-
Merrill Garrett Robert Leigh, Geo. ture was taken. All day meetings
DeForest, Edwin Harris, Roy La-lare held by the organization from
cock, A. F. Kahler, Ray Martin, iDecember to March. During the
Ralph Stewart, Marvin Johnston, ! The present officers are: Mrs. Ed-
Merle Goudy, Kenneth Kirkpatrick. win Harris, president; Mrs. George
Harris, Ann Holcomb, Margaret lsistant secretary; Mrs. Sam John-
Martin. stun treasurer; Mrs. Roy Lacock, as-
sistant treasurer. The first presi-
This picture was taken at the dent of the organization, which was
meeting of the Ladies Aid society established in June 1900, was
of the Linn Grove Presbyterian Georginea Boxwell Davis; Mattie
church last month in the home of Kyle was the first secretary.
Elizabeth Stewart Circle, past!tained April 10, rather than April 8,
matrons of the O.E.S. was enter-l in the church. Mesdames Shaffer,
Itained Monday afternoon in the iStarks, Schwab will be hostesses.
Mrs. L. A. Johnston home, with Mrs. i Mrs. C. C. Wells will entertain
Mr. and Mrs. Biford Corn are fer home. I guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sher-
moving soon from the Bishop apart- Helen Parker of Hopkinton spent man in Central City.
ments to the cottage on the south Saturday night in the Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Dale Upham of Mason City
side recently vacated by Mr. and W. A. Shaffer home. This group is a house guest of her parents,
Mrs. Kenneth Jones, who purchased were callers in the Ralph Frank Mr and Mrs. F G. Taylor, this
property in Waubeek. home Saturday evening, week.
Twenty members were present Joe Mysak, who underwent an op- Mary Graver of Ashtabula, Ohio
Thursday evening when the Mon- eration in Mercy hospital in Cedar is spending a short vacation with
day club met with Mrs. D V. Peter- Rapids a week ago, returned to his her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard
son Adella Ulrich read a paper home Sunday and is recovering sat- Groves.
on literature. Betty Ann Fishwild isfactorily. Violet Bruger arrived Sunday
reported on art and Mary Wolfe Mr and Mrs. Leo Patten and morning from Camas, Wash to
I Gibson of Marion were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hurl
Davis near Monticello.
The Dorcas Class is meeting Fri-
day, April 4 with Mrs. W. E. Bell.
It will be guest day.
Mrs. Kendall Gibson spent sev-
eral days last week with her sister,
Mrs. Carsten Johnston and family
in Norway.
Mr. and Mrs. Purl Pearson and
Donald of Mechanicsville were Sun-
day guests of their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Erion.
Mrs. Wilbur Cooper of Marion
visited Sunday with her sister, Mrs,
Frank Foughty and called in the
W. S. Palmer home.
Leona Burke of Cedar Rapids
was a Sunday guest of Bernice Pal-
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ramsey in
company with Mr. and Mrs. James
Barraclough of Rock Island, motor-
ed to DeWitt for Sunday dinner.
Berton Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Folkerts, Mrs. Georgia Murray,
Caroline Brown of Anamosa; Clar-
ence Hall of Monticello were Sun-
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Murray, south of town.
Springville and vicinity have been
represented well the past week call-
ing on David Whitman, Mrs. Harry
Jacobs and C. W. Calvert, who are
patients in the Anamosa hospital.
Mr. Calvert was rushed there Sun-
day evening, having been accident-
ally shot through his body while a
group were target shooting east of
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rowell of Ce-
dar Rapids were Sunday afternoon
callers in the Wilbur Whitaker
Mr. and Mrs. J. ~. Drahos of
Waterloo, Mrs. . . Capple and
two children of Cedar Rapids were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Mrs. Mary Heady entertained the
L. W. Club Tuesday evening at a
picnic supper.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bell spent
Sunday in the Marvin McShane
home in Cedar Rapids.
Mrs. A. L. Tate and daughter
Susan of Davenport were recent
uests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
~7. E. Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Groves
Mary and Marvin were Sunday din-
ner guests of Mr and Mrs. Earl
Moore in Whittier.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Mayberry, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Mayberry of Ann-
moss were Sunday afternoon call-
ers of Mrs. Margaret Fowler, who is
confined to her bed most of the
Richard and Ralph Reed motored
to Washington Saturday. Their sis-
ter Lucille returned with them for
a visit Sunday with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reed. Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Reed and Mere-
Residence vlsement, read a paper on music. Roll call grandson John C. Patten, jr of spend several weeks with her par- dith Ann of New Liberty were also
r, Iowa was answered by naming a favorite Iowa City spent Saturday in the ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bruger. guests in the parental home for
Res. 3451 song, artist or author, home of their parents. Burial services were held Tues- Sunday. . . .
Promptly Martins Creek Evelyn Walton and Bernice Pal- Mrs. F. M. Bailey spent Friday day at the cemetery for Mrs. J.B. Mrs. O. J. Emmons entertamea a
i: ght mer, who recently sang on an area- in the Marvin Bailey home in Co- Pherrin, who died in the home of group of 20 ladies Wednesday, corn-
I* "-'--'---- ~ Agnes Marak
-- teur hour, won first place. The dar Rapids, while Mr. Bailey at- her daughter, Mrs. L. K. Perry in plimenting Mrs. Joseph Emmons.
RALL, Dentist Sunday callers in the Mrs. Agnes girls were guest singers at the Mt. tended an insurance meeting in Des Moines Saturday night. She
Phones Marak home were: Robert Wild, Zion community club program on Iowa City. was a former resident. She had also
Friday evening. Mrs. A. E. Ernst is spending some lived at Central City.
Mrs. Janice Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Manley time in the home of her parents Mrs. Carol Evans of Cedar Rap- Mrs. Frank Letner
Home -- 4841 Verne Welch and baby, Mr. and were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Till in Bellevue. ids spent Euesday with Mrs. Lyle
Io Mrs. George Getlin, Mrs. Glenn ~ Evans MISS BORGHART SHOWS
wa Hymes, Fred Steffel of Cedar Rap- and Mrs. Harley Williams at Cog- tar. ann mrs. ewxs ~ecn ann ~
gun. daughters of Cedar Rapids were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Raft of Ce- ~ ~ ~ur+~
,miss ~Hen ~orgnar~ ot t~eaar
I~ ~ ids; Leo Oler, Mrs. Ed Oler, Mr. Thursday callers in the J. C Patten dar Rapids were Sunday guests in
I~RYANT i and Mrs. Clem McGowan; Joanne Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carbee call- - 'the A C Port home ~tapms was me gues~ speaker aur-
ed Sunday afternoon in the Mr. ~iI.
~e|erin 'and John. ". . ' " ." '. ' . . . '. " . . -
~, --,an,Charles Hass helped George Mar-~ and Mrs. J. W. Carbee home at Mt.
~l "-nones: Ink with the butchering on Friday. Vernon.
Residence 278al Mrs. J. P. Marak of DeWitt is~ Mr. and Mrs Harold Alexander
ern }spending a few days with her sis- and Carol Ruth of Chicago spent
~,~non, Iowa i ter, Mrs. Agnes Marak. the week end with their parents,
~IL.~------ --! Georgiann Lnenicka is on the sick Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander. :
~ 8ON list. She underwent an appendec- Mr .and Mrs. R. F. Wiley and
" .-~aw I tomy at the Mercy hospital last Virginia visited Sunday afternoon
aan~ federal courts IFriday" in the Robert Lacock home in Tip- Island. / Vern n;D Mrs. Ivan Johnston, Mrs. I er ano" 2~uarey" " Y'~tan~auY "" "
~)d Notary Pub-I Joe Holub called in the Jimmie ton. Saturday evening dinner guests! evere Port and Terry Wayne[ Music for the --ro~-am was fur
eLuxe Coffee I Robinson home on Sunday after- Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Van Sickle of Mr and Mrs. R. C. Wilson were Evans called Thursday in the Mr.I ~. ~'" 2 -
on, Iowa. I noon. . and Merle; Mr. and Mrs. James "" ~,n ~o r,~+~ ~xr+; n land Mrs John Ricketts h~m- Imsnea Dy me oumor rarm ~ureau
Home 2871 t Mr. and Mrs. Will Mar~in were Dunn, Gary and Joan; Mr. and Mrs. hV~th aof" Anamo~a; Mr.' and' Mr~.l Bill Poole of Martelle called Sun-'vGirla~ Sext~etrj~tn~ tW:nogr ~ePc~io2:
,Sunday evening visitors of Mar- P" E. Ballou and Bob; Mr. and Mrs. Chr!s Dx~ks and Sue of .Cedar daL!.nth~dJOhn R~cke.tts hom.e Mrs. Helen Fernow, the Misses Ida
I BROS garet and Lulu Martin Harry Freeman; Mr. and Mrs. T. ~apios; mr. ano mrs. ~ee wilson, I .Y ~" usoerry recmvea m]urms ~,~ 7~n~ - n ~,~
irect~rs t Ollie Martin, Miss Ruby Martin L. Samuels and Bernice; Maurine Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Sterner and to hm back Friday morning while "~.~ "~Fr ~"e~s+'2~i~d "U~:"=
-~nse, i Embalmer Innd boy friends spent Sunday with and Imogene Christian attended a Bob, Hatttie and Minnie Wilson. !loading a butter truck at the ~uass, r ances ~ r~la.reu, t~n-
i Snringvill~ Cro~morv more anu maymle ~exnnexmer,
~sel Embahner !Lulu and Margaret Martin. dinner Sunday in the Mr. and Mrs. bv~a~o~llO~?:S~2ur~hacc~mpan~I Mrs. Alice Irish who has spent pmmst comprme the group. ~,
he~ Wanted Mr. and Mrs. Lester Scott were F. S. Phillips home in Clarence,~ ~ ' The program opene~ wx~
and Lisbon Cedar Rapids callers Saturday. given as a courtesy to their son week end and until Tuesday with part of the winter w~th her son at
gregational singing accompanied by
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence James in Lincoln, Nebr. Shellsburg, returned to her home the church orchestra, and prayer
Lloyd Phillips, who were recently Mrs. B. L. Hupp returned Thurs- Sunday.
Clyde Bennett of Rolla, Mo Alma 'by Rev. J. Bruce Eyestone. Mrs.
married, day to her home in aKnsas City, Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James Car- Herman Nebiker and Mrs. Harold
Mr. and Mrs. Burr Hummel and Mo having spent several weeks nahan of Cedar Rapids were Sun- Porter comprised the entertainmenl
Maxine and Ira Schultz of Newton with Mrs. Anna Hann since the
and Mrs. Howard Brutsman of Ce- death of L. B. Christman. day visitors in the Mr. and Mrs. committee from division No. 3.
Plq~ Ntm~
Wilcox at Boone.
Mr. and Mrs. William Mikulecky
spent Sunday with Mrs. Mikuleeky's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lnen-
icka, north of town.
Rev. J. B. Eyestone on Thursday
afternoon called on Perry Knapp at
his home. Mr. Knapp's health seems
to be improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Stoneking of
near Mount Vernon spent the eve-
ning Saturday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Berry.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nebiker
and daughter Carol called Sunday
evening at the home of Mrs. Nebi-
ker's sister, Mrs. Grace Freeman in
Cedar Rapids.
Mrs. Harry Decious of near Mt. I
Vernon called Monday morning at]
the Letner home. [
Mr. and Mrs. Osrnond Berry, I
Catherine, Caroline and Osmond,
jr. on Sunday visited Mrs. Hanna
Morrison an aunt of Mr. Berry's atI
a hospital in Des Moines. 1
The name of F. G. Anderson wasI
by mistake omitted from the mere-I
bers of the Brotherhood that took
part in the service for men on Sun-
!day, March 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fernow have
i moved from Marion to the home of
Mrs. Fernow's parents, Mr. and
Mrs Henry Roselle.
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Stoneking
were Sunday evening callers in the
George King and Floyd Kitchen
The conditions of Mr. and Mrs.
Logan McGowan, who have been ill
for some time, remain unchanged.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wetzel, Ira
Mac and Pauline of Springville,
and Mr and Mrs. Frank Letner
were dinner geusts Sunday in the
home of Mr. and Mrs George King.
The township Farm Bureau met
Tuesday evening in the Community
Mrs. Harold Porter on Thursday
afternoon attended a W.S.C.S. meet-
ing at the Trinity Methodist church
in Cedar Rapids.
Save a life. Always dim your
lights when approaching another
'ar. Glaring lights cause hundreds
)f serious accident~.
Only lc Per Word Per Insertion; 25c Minimum Charge.
Terms cash. Have Copy In By Wednesday Morning
To Appear On This Page.
Classified Ads Bring Results
WANTED: Ten foot harrow to
use for harrowing gardens. John
Hank, Lisbon. 25p
WANTED: Custom plowing,
discing and driliing, reasonable
prices. John Haeseler, Dial
2406. 23-4tp
FOR TreNT: 37 acres of work
land and pasture. 4 miles west on
No. 30. Mrs Emma Wertz 23p
FOR SALE: Practically new
brooder stove. George Lake, Mt.
Vernon, Dial 3708. 23p
Thorlngton, Mount Vernon. 23p
Irsed tricycles, new Lincoln bicy-
cles. Repairs for all makes. Mall
Bicycle Co 109 Second Ave S.E
Cedar Rapids. 23-4tp
FOR SALE: Modern 6 room
house close in. Houses with 1 or 2
extra lots. Several good modern
houses, fine location. Acreages,
farms and Farm Loans. Dial 6921,
D. H. Mueller, Mt Vernon. 23p
and lot. :Mrs. Bolton Wilson, Mt.
Vernon. 23p
Rolls, I will let it go for $39.00. $5
a month to reliable party. Write
today and I will tell you when my
piano can be seen in Mount Ver-
non. Write Mrs. Mary Schultz,
Route No. 5, Box 229A, Waukesha,
Wisconsin. 23p
FOR SALE: 3 good yearling
heifers, milking strain. Dial 2607,
N. Dean. 23
wallpaper hanging. Dale Hammond,
Dial 4551. 21-3t
those Blue Ribbon Used Tractors
left. Rebuilt and guaranteed, you'll
find any one of them a bargain that
pays its own way. G. A. Ber-
FOR SALE: My residence. De-
scription. 6-room house, 4 down,
2 up. A large attic, make 2 nice
rooms; city water, good cistern with
pump in kitchen sink; electric
--You'll always treasure a lovely
reproduction of your child in years
to come. See us for fine, high
grade photograph~. Dial 5192 after
i6 p.m Hugh Roberts, Mount Ver-
i non. 23
for the next two weeks. Mrs. H.
W. Scott, Dial 2422, ,Mount Ver-
non. 25c
WANTED: Clean cotton rags
Will pay 3c a pound. Hawkeye-
Record office.
have automatic spreader. V. Bar-
rett, V. Vtsllsel, RFD Cedar Rapids,
Dial 6500 23-2tc
scape plans. Also apples and plums
that 'bear next year and roses and
many perennials that bloom this
year. Chas. Paul. 23p
protects ,baby chick ~buyer~ from
any hazard of losses. With every
order of Gordon's U.S. Approved-
Pullorum tested chicks, you get a
r~placement guarantee against any
losses by fire for the first ten
weeks; and a full replacement for
mortality the first two weeks in ex-
cess of 5%. All of this at no extra
cost. Inquire for details at THE
IOWA. 25c
It's solvent-processed to remove all
undesirable elements. It can not
sludge! None finer at any price.
30c quart. Dreibelbis D-X Service,
Mount Vernon. 23
--Yes, those valuable Sargent Feed
gift coupons will pay for It. Or
any other handsome gift for the
farm or home you may choose. Ask
about this valuable gift plan. See
F. J. Peterson, local representa-
tive, Sargent & Company, Des
Moines. 23
PIANO TUNING, usual charge
$2.50; cane seating and chair wrap-
ping. R. E. Sanderson, 319 Third
Street North, Dial 2622. 9 tf.
FreQ. Call nearest phone by No.
collect, +M[t. Vernon, $07 ; ~iarion 77 ;
Anamosa, 74F21, for clean fast
courtemts service. Ftm.neis Payto~
Agent, Amtmosa, Iowa, for ]~tl'm-
ers Rendering ~'orlm. State Li-
cense No. 7, Iowa City, Is. 17-tf.
TON TRUCKS dar Rapids were Sunday dinner Mrs. J. V. Patten entertained the Cleve Bennett home at Paralta. W.S.C.S. MEETS lights; cement hemement under the
guests of Mrs. Bess Hendrickson and members of the ladies bridge club Mr. and.Mrs. Marvin Palmer of The Woman's Society of Christian whole house, gas piped into base-
[tlp $225.00 +son Howard and James Story. Monday night. I rtaplas were ~unaay guests oI Service met Thursday afternoon in ment also toilet in .basement, no WE RECOMM.END OUR COM-
' . +
~;ekupl 0~ Miss Lets and Mabel McShanc p .metr parenes mr an~ Mrs ~ranK bath l lot 58x160 ft 2 +bl. N from prehensive Damage policy to all car
. n Delivery 00 Mr and Mrs. Lee Legler of Iowa ' the Methodist chuch. Mrs. Floyd
--v~. i City were Sunday afternoon callers were Sunday dinner guests of their I a~Ter' Kitchen led the devotions and Mrs. Main St,2nd Ave. Mrs. L. Spring- drivers. Includes ALL insura~ble
~u man nammona o~ marmn risks of loss or damage Get full
,1 TON TRUCKS in the Dillon Atherton home north brother, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc- calle Clinton Berry was in charge of the er, Lisbon, Iowa 20-4tp
c~. ~;~ / {1 ~unctay evening in ~ne o ~ nrnarmm q'hp ~uhi~ot wm~ om details S N 2derritt Dial 4262
of town. o a " . o H~ lth
~t 157 in: wb chassis with cab Mabel McShane was hostess on Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Newman en-lV~v~r~mX.le,n me" A business session was held at FOR SALE: Sand and gravel. Mt. Vernon. 23
Wb.-cha~~-''-----'--'-i;'$75"00 ana Mrs Arcnie wnke Mr ~.;~+. +*. ,n~+ iaed Mrs Ashes hauled gardens plowed
Thursday afternoon to the Fancy ~er~ameu at ulnner ~unaay. ~,ues~sl ~ ~+ ~,", ' . " ~,-~, -,~ v-~o, ~ v
were Mr and Mrs. Budd Super of i Merwn Zeller joined the soc e y AUTOMATIC HEATINg---NOW
qonal==??===': =':" Work club. Hattie Wilson was an s. ~ar, ~enr spen~ ~unaay it Highest prices paid for Wool Hides
invited guest. Mr nnd rs. ernt. r Ha,-- [ nn eaar allS Wl' n virginia wrote A nicnic lunch was served at the Iron, Rags and Metals. D. Burgess available for small homes, Green
and 32x6 HD duals $295.00 Frank Pearson of Keokuk was sen of West Liberty, Mr. and Mrs.!a ~Ir? ms~enr" close of the afternoon. & Sons, Dial 5341, Mount Vet- colonial oil, coal or gas fired air
ann mrs rrea Uuncan ann a e J B non 28tfc
57 in wb chassis with cab and a Saturday dinner guest of his George Soper of Anamosa. ~. ' Present were: Mesd m s conditioner installed on easy
D duals " . $295.00 mother, Mrs. I. S. Pearson. Troy Mills Rebekah lodge brought I ~onnle canea on .mrs mitareo Eyestone, George King, Charles monthly terms, 1 to 3 years to pay
Wyatt B. Cantrell of Sanborn and the traveling dove to the Evergreen { St ee le, a former resident, m Cedar Bachman, Frank Marks, Ora Craig, ~ Competent factory engineer at your
ltional ~ig~i 5 6 i~5 in wb. chassis Mrs. Ollie Duncan of Mount Ver- Rebekah lodge Wednesday evening,aapmSfrom ~unaay~ - . ~ne . -is recovering G. R. Jorgenso ,n Argene Allbee, ~[l~f~I.I b~l~.f~ll~ service without additional cost.
b and duals : $495.00 non were Thursday guests of Mr. n M E t a proven ankle Done
Mr. a d rs. . L. Patten of Mr ' Mervm Zeller, Emmett Albaugh, Consult local dealer. Dale F. John-
I an(/ mrs o ~ i~owomn en r n C I well er 1 cot
LARGER" "~,~,+~,r~ll~t.)sk~.l~kO and Mrs. W. C. Hoffman. Cedar Rapids called Sunday in the. ~: . " :She wi a d,G a d S t, son, and get full information about
Mrs. Effie Schoner of Cedar Rap- L L Batchelder home I ~ermmea a~ sinner ~unaay mr. ann Herman Nebiker C. C. Berry Geo. AMERICA FIRST EL~INS. THE Green Colonial service and equlp-
ids was a Saturday overnight guest Mmses Alma Miller and Ellat Hay, y, " y ' ' p o d to own. ment. Green Colonial Furnace Co ,
" " I Mrs. Ivan Bowdish and son of Ce- Flu d Kitchen Frank Letner watch ou will be r u
ttional Model C-35 136 in. wb. of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mysak. +. oar r~apms' mr ann mrs l-'latte and Mrs William Reinkin of Min W H Hoover 2t 23 26 De Molne
~aus~ were ~a~uraay nxnner gu~s~S~Bow~i .' %- . . - . . g - - & s s.
With cab and 32x6 HD duals $395.00 Mrs. Bess Newland is entertain- u sn ol near wauoeez; mr. ann
of Mrs. G. H. Whitman m Ana-I~#.~ r, neapohs, Minn was a wmtor.
Id T chassis with sleeper cah and ing theandM. Mrs.O' B. o.ClUbG, thiSNewmaneVening.of m~Sr~nk "-~- ~mnn t~ -wasn na s n Classified " Ads a
tlUals $375.00 Mr. Rhinehart of Cedar Rapids "Mrs' L uisaTho'masaand Edith of MR. AND MRS. PAPES WILL . -- --rm.
-- "' Des M0ines spent Thursday night spent the week end in the L. B.ICedar Rapids were Saturday visit- SHOW MEXICAN SLIDES ,H II
in the parental Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stanley home. I ors of Bert Jordan and Mrs Mary Mr and Mrs J L Popes of Mar-
iNA I NAL TRUCKS Newman home. Mrs. L C, Adams of Whittier Newhard. Dilman Thomas joined ion will be guests on the program ,~ . . .
~West Phone 7183 Cedar Rapids Mr. madhomeMrS, thisLinus Dunbar are spent Monday evening in the Mr.} them for a visit who also called on to be given in the Methodist church L~
expected week, having and Mrs. Jesse Carnahan home his friend, Dr. W. O. Courter on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~,~'~ i
i wintered in Alhambra, Calif. Mr. and Mrs Wm Behrens" of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Rotert and Papes recently returned from a ~a~ I[J ,][1 ~ ~i[ J~ ~s~
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Newman in Luana svent Sunday with their is t Hazel of near Viola were recent journey through Mexico and will
company with Mr. and Mrs. Mason ter MissFlorence +Hoth s -! callers in the R. A. Fowlie and illustrate their talks with slides. IF D
Spa 'l~po S Gramling called Sunday in St. Charlene Draker of'Iowa Cit,IT'L-SamuelshOmes. This program should prove most
Lulls hospital, Cedar Rapids, to snent the week end with her par-~ I Mrs. L. J. Craemer, Rockford, Ill interesting at this time when we ~n
meet their new grandson, son of ents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Draker. [spent the week end with Mrs. Ber-are hearing so much about our ~]
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gramling of Cen- M~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I tha Stinger. On Sunday they were neighbor on the south of us.
I tral City, born Saturday. were" S~un~d:vUd'inner ~ues~s'in~'th'eIj ined by Mr. and Mrs. Avery Litts Everyone is extended a cordial ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~#~
It Use of a Milli Paul Eiler of Monticello called ('+ +'~ ~----"'-ar,mnan nome~ ~ near ~'a~" I f Cedar Rapids and spent the day invitation to come. There is no ad- |'~k]l ~t ,~ |
Wednesday in the Joe Mysak home. ra~'t~~ " -, !n the Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stinger mission charge. Mrs. Gerald Scott,~,- ~]t~ /--~g
on Auto Parts Bethany Circle of the Methodist MS inome near mount Vernon. and Mrs. J B. Eyestone comprise ~~ & ~dlr~l~ M ~l~bll* ~1~
church will meet April 8 in the r. anu mrs. oonn wncox o~ Mr an Mr I " " " '
I . d s. van Dunn, who the program committee for d~w-
" tU'es- End 16th Ave. Bridge church parlors, monueetm; mr. ann mrs. 2~rvn h b e "'i i
Tuell of Ho"kinton and Miss Ber / ave e n nv ng n me flurry wm~- stun l~o.
Willing Workers of the Presby- v -!man home since Christmas have --
terian church will meet April 9 with ~hat2:X~emll[ moved to Cedar Rapids. ' METHODIST NOT S $100 )re the Market Record
-- - =" " Mr and Mrs W. F. Dunlap call- Services on Sunday will begin at .~
Cedar Rapids, Iowa Geo.Mrs' CarlOlinger.LUndeen assisted by Mrs. Su~ayne~ve~:Sn~'~es~:tcg~s ~ea~e: ed in the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Neal 10 a.m for the church school to be,~, car wm [
to 8 p.m. Open Sunday to 1 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Armstrong "i and Dan Castle homes in Cedar followed with the worship service ,T
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. mM~!ee~n n me in t~eaar ~apms. Rapids Sunday. at 11 o'clock. The Methodist church Lt -- m --C
ss rtum Jane rlubbard of Craw Clark re 1 n x n ]~[le ~( ~][
and Mrs. Arthur Siver near Mor- . - C g ow of ear Mar'on invites all to come and share in 0
ley. z o.rasvxne spent ~aturaay mght w,th called Friday in the A.C. Port the various services. . *| 4 ~m.|
mlSS enore ~naw. home. unUl 1 Dtn.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Taylor were
~ t
. . Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Evans are PROF. McGAW TO PRESENT
~OW cnargea On Free Prompt Renloval ~unctay ainner guests of Mr. and moving from Cedar Rapids to PROGRAM ON APRIL
of all mrs. Jesse Stiller at Whittier. Waterloo Mr Evans has been Prof. F. M. McGaw will present Take advantage of this Liberal Offer.
I 4
Mr. andMrs. Donal Gordon and transferred to" Bishop'~ cafeteria the program at the church on April
-e,era, .~a, Bank ~n, DEAD STOCK son spent ~unaay with Mr. and Mrs. in that city, having been employ- 11, on Friday evening. He will il- ---'-------
t~ - .
~esse ~oreon a~ ~oggon. ed in Bishop's in Cedar Rapids for lustrate his lecture on "The Life of
-+an ~,ommlssloner Farm Call Our Nearest Phone Sunday dinner guests in the Jack-] Jean Burroughs a Coe College are welcome. The Men's Brother-
Mrs. Ann Hann was among the I several years. Have your car summerized. Let us
Christ," with lantern slides. All
[I,Collect son Bowdlsh, sr. home in Marion. [ student spent the' week end with hood will sponsor the program, check it over after your hard winter
For details see: Cedar Rapids 4612 Cedar~r' andRapidsmrs. R.calledA. GreenawaltFnday eve- flherlBurroughsParents' Mr. and Mrs. C.L. The H. C. ~ family have driving.
'old B. McTavish, Anamosa 5~2 ning in the Mrs. Vena GreenawaltI Mr. and'Mrs. James Burroughs of moved from Cedar Rapids into the
home. I Tipton were Sunday callers in the tenant house owned by Gone Da- Our Prices Are Right
' Avenue SE Cedar Rapids Stanwood 800 Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Fowler and lM. F. Burroughs and Lee McCul- vidson.
Judith Ann spent Sunday in the]lough homes. Mr. and Mrs. George King spent
L. C. Fowler home at Fairview, Mrs Mary Gibson of Cedar Ran Friday With Mr. and Mrs. John )o- ~er mototL'-r
Mt. Vernon 11000 Gardens =. [lds" IS" ' a house guest thls" week "'of Cabalka. and family in Cedar Rap-i
[PLETE OPTICAL SE mrs. t.*. ~ranam entermmea I Nelli- D^" i-
SANITARY i 'd~Ir. and Mrs. R. C. Anderson of ( ~0"
a group of g rls Saturday afternoon
RVICE RENDERING CO. ns a courtesy to hf~r dmu~ht~v "P~ I mrs. rtosa wnx~e is entertaining[ Mount Vernon visited Sunday atI
" a ",Dial" 6912 Your FOrdMountDealerv
the Roy 1 Neighbor ladies today at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene
tncm m observance of her 10th
CtlAMBERS.INsKEEP OPTICAL CO. Cedar Rapids, Iowa birthday, an all say meeung. ~Davidson. I
Realize--Real Eyes Iowa Dept. of Agriculture Dave Thomas of Cedar Rapids1 Mr. and Mrs. Myron Neilson and, Mr and Mrs. Frank Marks re-]
t.S.E, Cedar Rapids. Iowa License No. 1 was a Monday luncheon guest ofi son, Mrs. Mabel Neilson and Fay, I turned Sunday from a two weeks ernon,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frank. Nellie Davis, Mrs. Mary Gibson of visit at the home of their son-in-
The Bethany Circle will be enter- 1 Cedar Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Frank law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ~ ~ i I I II II