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April 4, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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April 4, 1957 |
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VernOl~ I~, Hawkeye-Reeerd I P.W.O. MEETING APRIL 10 PMo-nt V rn^- I*~eale
and Tim Lisbon Herald , ,~] P.W.O. will meet in the Presby-i ...............
TI~Ur$., April 4, 1957 I~age ~ I terian church parlors at 7"30 p m .............
I ..... " . :i -lne lvlerle van blCKles OI I$.oeK-
weonesaay, April 10. Mrs. l~arl ¢o,~ ,~1 "'e-e A;-"~r ~uests ;,, *~,~
Mount Vernon Social a Swanberg will present the programI home of the Dolph Van Sickles Sat-
! ann memoers of Ruth circle will be, ....
• • , uruuy
Chapter DT P E O will meet with hostesses -.- " ...........
........ ",'; " ... .... 7-." ........ J u ne o. u noyes o[ ~stnervule
i~ars. ~uenara wolie on weonesflay Toe ~eaar lxapius r'resoy~erlal*~ri¢i,~a M,-¢" I x ~'~. ~nd _T~,o,~
Ap 10. will hold its spring meeting at the! .... ~-~ '~ " "~" ..... *~--il'" *r~m
/ . . . ~lIIU bll~ k.~. d. 3U~.ldlll~l" J.¢llIl ,y I ~)
The Good Luck S oc.lal club will[ Presbyte.r.lan church, in V~nton Moo- Monday until Wednesday.
meet with Mrs. ulair watson tnurs-, hay, Aprn t~ beginning at ~:ID a.m. ,rh,~ w~,a w~,,~,,,~o • ~1, ,~,~ +,, ~,,
day afternoon, April 11. ] DISTRICT PRES-'-~NT WILL I roll Friday to attend a state meeting
Past Chiefs will meet with Mrs. I PRESENT WSCS PROGRAM i of the Best Western Motel Assn. of
A. J. Baird Friday, April 5, for a ] M-s ~a-,o Baile~ of Marion nres- i Iowa. They will return Sunday.
potluck luncheon at 1 p.m. ! {r~o~t "~'f ~h~ l~]~nr~rt di~tri~'t ofI Mrs. Joe Pelisek and eight mem-
i .................. s- ............. :
Hill City Rebekah lo .dge will meet iWSCS, will present the program at bers of the h.igh school GRA will at-
at. 8 p.m: Tuesday. April 9. There lthe meeting of the WSCS on Wed- tend .a d!strmt play day at Frank-
will be mitmtmn of new members• [ nesday. April 10, at 2 p.m. in the hn H~gh m Cedar Rapids on Satur-
Townsend Club will meet with ~ Methodist church parlors. Mrs. A. day from 8:30 to 3:30.
Mrs. Ballard Friday, April 5, for a lB. Chamberlin, dist. v.p., will be in Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Eilers of
potluck luncheon at 12:30 p.m. fol- I charge of devotions and circle 7 will Wyoming were overnight guests of
lowed by a business meeting. ] serve tea. the latter's sister Mrs. C. E. Ralston
.____ Sunday. They were en route home
The Don Goodyears entertainedI Past Noble Grands will meet from a trip to California• I
the Kenneth Yeisleys of Springville, ': Thursday, April 4, with Mrs. Fred Mrs. A. J. Baird accompanied her I
the Patti Bowers' of Lisbon and the Blaine. Mrs. Frank Petrick and cousins, the Paul Moreheads of Dav-
Clair Howards at supper Sunday• i Mrs• Ralph Stoneking will be assist- enport, to Springfield, Ill., Saturday
Jane Koza and Mrs. Pitt Manning ing hostesses and Mmes. R. C. An- for a visit with Mrs. Baird's daugh-
spent Sunday in the Forest Davis derson, P. D. Archibald and John ter and her family, the Harold Ole-
home in Cedar Rapids where a tam- Ballard will have charge of the sons and Donald. They returned
ily gathering of 21 guests honored program.
home Sunday.
Mrs. Manning's birthday, which was Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Bryant and
on Monday• ~l~l~*-u ~rAa~" their daughter and her family, the
N~w C'~n~,~v olnh wil! me~t Tu~- ~7 ~'~'~ Harold Moores of Cedar Rapids,
~v-A~'~'l ~ ~--'f~ ~'~.~O-n~n'~*"th',: h,~n~ ~v~rs. V. ~. BOyle spent Sunday in Geneseo, Ill., with
of'~l~Ir's.~I~:m I-Ieni-k~. ~Ir'"s.'l~au-1 ]~'e~c'k~. The Phil Carneys, Harold Longer- anothe~ daughter and her family,
helm will present a program on beams and Don Waltons were the a e Nortons. They went espec-
"The __kmoM~ " ~ of Hats." Mrs. M_ra .... v t guests of the Kenneth Kaplans Fri- ially to help Charles Norton cele-
Keve is assistant hostess day evening at a surprise b~rthdaybrate h~s 10th btrthday.
The L- dia Bible class'will me "I dinner for Kenneth• Don Millers of
with M'~ Fred ~,~1~ T .... ,~oe~lcedar Rapids called Sunday after- g~^^,~ ~.^^!. /~i...~1. tA/:ll
April 9, for a potluck dinner at]"~un~a_ the V B Bo-les were~'~ "" - "~ -" ' ~ '
12:30 p.m. Miss Maude Worrall will I dinnerU~,ests in the "Dou~ias Cush-uealcare I~apTismal bOWl
,lead devotions and Mrs. Sadler williing home in Iowa Cit~. Other i COON CREEK -- Coon Creek
nave cnarge o~ ~ne program• i guests were the C. C. Cushings of church family night wiu no~ oe on
Cheskchamay Camp Fire group I Woodbine and the William Cushings its regular night in April but on
will entertain at tea Friday at 4:15 ! and daughter Barbara of Keystone Friday. April 19 instead• The Rev.
at the home of their leader, Mrs. t The Raymond Schott family call: i Keith Taber of Cedar Rapids, form-
James Dutcher. Guests will be] ed on Raymond's mother-Mrsler nainister, will give the Good
Mmes. E. C Prall, candy chm.; Mrs. 1 Anna Schott of Hills on Sunday i Friday message after a pot luck
Lloyd Ellison, dist. publicity chin.; i afternoon• ' I supper• On this same evening a hap-
Mrs. G. H• Seobey, dist. program Mrs. Edward Pitlik spent Friday tismal bowl in memory of Mrs. An-
chm.; and Mrs. Edward Dvorak,~wRh the Lester Komgsmarks m~na C~ha. will be dedmated during
local pub. chin. Cedar Rapids. i the services• The sacrament of bap-
Seed available at Laomls Produce, Mt Vernon; Farmers Co-Op, Martelle
Dial 5600
Mt. Vernon
Fourth in a series
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rhoads are shown in the recreation
room of their Mr. Vernon home with the RCA Victor Big Color
TV set they purchased this winter. Rhoads, a retired farmer
from near Mechanicsville, finds the beautiful color easier to
watch besides being more enjoyable.
The Rhoads' are enthusiastic members of the growing color
TV Family in this area.
You, too, can enjoy color TV Now. Arrange for a demon-
stration. No obligation.
Eastern Iowa's Pioneer Color TV Dealer
Memorial Building -:- Mechanicsville
Home Address, Mt. Vernon, Dial 6605
' e .... You an re~t.Onl
tism will be administered and new[ The John Kohl family and the Bertram wer : Mrs. ~mer t~rapes pres•; " c
members received. All who wish I Roy Kohls were dinner guests Sun- Mrs. Amos Berry, v. pres.; Mrs./ing the desert ~. Aa
baptism for themselves or their day in the Glen Lehr home. M~. l~k Let~aer IMurray Fawcett, treas., and Mrs 117 000 feet ab0~
churchfamilies are asked to contact a Steve Kohl has been having theLadies,boardAid meetsmember'Thursday after- i redThemeasleS.L M Gishes of Lisbon were i] '. ''i ! !i '"., .....,...! i .,..!,..."". t.' ...." i! i ..~i ! i" 'i " .i' ,.' ". 'ii
noon, April 11 ,with Mrs. Dale~iovernight gt~ests Saturday of the ""
jonnston, wtrs. ~ernard Ciha co-!Dean Kirkpatricks. Sunday they all
hostess• The lesson will be given by visited in the Howard Willis home
Mrs. Robert Dolan; Mrs. C. C. Kers-, near Olin
lake will lead devotions• Plans will', The Claude Stines have moved]
be made for the bake sale in Lisbon ] b ck to h r f r
• . a' t e fa m o the summer.
April 2Oth There will alsobe a l
- _ :" ,. . The C. A. Johnstons arrived home
seen ann oum excnange, i late Wednesday afternoon from 'I : '
Th -- ,~ .":-"-~ .... i their winter vacation at San Juan
e Leon t~ames iamuy are llV-J ........ ",'
.... , ,xexas ±hey were at, toe lYlOya
mg m toe house on the Mrs. Irwin L_ :" ........
Stine farm• ~ ~eneKs nome near ~-mmwew wnlcn
has been a guest of her sisters Mrs ........
Vernon Barrett and Mrs. Gene ~errys. ]r., nas returneo to scnoo~ scrapbook?" .,
Davidson She was called here by zonowmg a case oz measies. ! - h'" the
the death of her mother Mrs. Lot- -- . -.-~--~ . !! .. ne~•e'S.Wn~ ~}
tie Burns. Seeing More Impressive i'ts. 9m'. •
.. . • -- , ano nearts ol
~smond Berry sr has been in the Than He,',rlno ge m .thina I to touch on thek4..
Umvermty hospRal for the past ~ ~ from which a11~ Y (
near Solon i and Dennis hlbaugh, week for a check-up. Dorothy Kilgallen, the columnist ii-;~gs--the neW~lave I
The Charles Bieber family ofi The Virgil Beese family wereI W.S.C.S. met Wednesday after- and television star, recently had lunsurpassed ~Actio~
Anamosa were Sunday d in n e r Sunday visitors in the A. B. Crozier~ noon with Mrs. F G Anderson Of- something pleasant to say about' ~oods and s~
guests in the Aliban Bieber home. home at Walford. ricers elected for the coming year newspapers-as reading matter. Clipper. ~2edar,
I 2601
,,, ,L __
% .~,.~ west H,
• i Ninth
'i one
the big show of men's fashion:
our showing of new 1957 models by
Did you ever stc') :n a me:.'." store to see the new suits.
|taila h-i:r¶
as you'd stop in an auto dealer's to see the new cars? You're
welcome to do it here at the best possible time: right now,
while we're showing new Hart Schaffner & Marx spring suits.
We can't think of a better line to look at. You'll see the
features America's be t- men will insist on this spring:
lightly-padded shoulders, trim lapels, straight, slim line ,
(HS&M calls it "Trend styling"). You'll see the finest of
fabrics in new lighter weights, fresh colors and patterns.
Come in, even if you don't intend to buy. Nobody will
"pressure" you. You'll enjoy it... and benefit too.
New tts&M fruits for Spring from
Nationally Advertised Surretwill suit . . . $50
"Cricketeer" suits from $39.50
" "'"k
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$1.s0 VAi
A Big Store in a Small TOwn
, i,"'i 'i ]Wq .................. " ....... i'~"~ ii0]]I ~1 iil " ""~[ ................ r "