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Methodist l
L|~D~]~ ]~t]~]~ Mrs. Joe Ronek spent last week The Study group of the Mrs R. H. Chiverton of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Slyer T.|~][~t'~]~T I--I| l.][rP]~ 'N ENDS Miss Eva Floyd
lt~DUl~ ~ VVt~ !in the G. H Caraway home at Mr. i W. S. C. S. will meet with Mrs,Rapids visited, Tuesday with her t Betty and Ray Overman spent Sun-I X.~Xk.TX~XLL, XXX=LJXX=~kJ I Has anybody noticed the picture Bertha Miller an,
Vernon :~C. B Johnston on Thursday, April ibrother O P. Wilson and Mrs. Wil-Iday with relatives in Cedar RaP-I ~Pe~R~tT -- -- J Buck is sporting in his billfold?i Kettering at luncheon
Mr. and Mrs Raymond York were I Mms Luella Johnston of Oakdale ! 17 son. I lds. l Wh~* ~ffect do the modern moviesl Nine going, Buck. day evemng.
Tuesday visitors in Waterloo i was a week end guest of her broth- I Mrs. Howard Blessing and Mrs. ] Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Frakes of/ Dr. and Mrs. H O. Smith of Ce- ] pro'duce~on the minds of the aver- I Could it be true that the only I
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beaver ' er C. B Jonnston and family I Lester Trachtat of Cedar Rapids Viola, Ill were week end guests inl dar Rapids, and Charles Hartley of I a~e American citizen of today~ In I reason fluke goes m moun~ ver- [ 9
suent the week end with their I Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dice of West!spent Wednesday with Mr. and the Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd PetersoniDavenport were Sunday visitors of imv ovinion, they are dealing" more In n is to se~ pins? .I think Betty! ~ --,
dR" ughter, Mrs Elwood Resewehr L!berty were Sunday visitors of iMrs. J. S. Kohl. I home ]Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Petting. I wi'th -proaganda-at this time than I Kn ws more ROOm tins man we up, I ~ M~Vgth2]~
and family in Stanwood. am mater, Mrs. J. M. Bridges and Mr. and Mrs. Harley RobertsonI Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lee and Miss{ Mr. and Ma~s. Raymond York lever before One almost needs to t "B~l-h'as'chosen a theme sona ~fi| AVAIt~A~,Ii~"
Mr and Mrs J~hn Do*e .~ t Mr. Bridges 1 and daughters spent Sunday with I Bessie Kurtz spent Sunday after- I and Maynard attended a dinner on I go to a movie with the idea in I ' ~ ~ !
sons Don and J Dean were Sunday i Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Burhngame Mrs. Roberts n s m the,M s. Ma Y/noon wtth the H. K. Lee familyI Sunday to celebrate the 72nd birth-Imlnd that it is purely flctmnal, un-I,~ ~ ~ ,1o ~ ~ ~t- ,~,i,W|th a |01]
guests in the Mr and Mrs Glenn and Marwn of Clinton spent the ! C ay at Hale [ m Maquoketa. day of Mrs. York's father Jess less it ~s absolutely known to be a h~,~ V~u'r,~ ]~ina vo~]r n~mnh I
McLaughlin home at Anamosa l week end with the O. S. Burlin-i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bear were' Mrs. Lillian Springer is home Peek, given by Mrs. Peek and true historical picture, and that[~'il'"~ i| ~'~.r
I game, Jr family ! guests Sunday at a family dinner from spending the winter with rela- daughter, Dollye Mac, at their home { any ideas aerived mere~rom arel FRye is pretty disgusted with the i [ =~"--
Mr. an mrs ~ean ~mrK are I / in the home of her sister Mrs Stel- d rives the Burr Seal family nearl in Martelle Others attending were) purely non-basical. It proauces on) rain too She had a date to the i -. a.~
ousts mis evening to their bridgemr. ann lvirs r~arola ~aws, mar- ' " ' ' Mr " t e " " " ' ' ~'
'. ~ I la Eldred near Martelle I Mount Vernon / and Mrs Chris Pederson and] h minds of children a definite, or l,~ance ~na *hen h,~r Rome- cowla,Caras, Toys,
ClUb. ~arus Will Be player a~ mree garet ann marun VlSl~eo. on ~unuay ~ I " ~ ~+ ~ a~ . xr ~ o.~+ ;ao= ~o to the relationshi'~ of~ - ; "" " ~, .~a
tables an~ M, ~,~ ,al l in the Mr and Mrs E R Finsonl Mr. and Mrs. Randall Warfel and l Dr and Mrs N A York and Mr.( ~; ~'~.~ u%A'*v~" "=.''":: ~.[?Y .'~ . ~ . [n't get through the mud I won't,r~os]ery, mo~
" ~"=' D" ' ' ~r ann w~rs wooarow nar ley o$ me people in me movie to ~nose Ln i
refreshment~ l home at Central City I son lckm of Dixon Ill.were land Mrs Vernon Jaynes were Sun-I- ' ' - . I )tell you his name but his Lmtlals,Frocks, etc.
~" ~ -" Davenport Mr FeeK was remem- me setung. TaKe xor instance a '
. . ~ I week end guests of her brother G. I day guests of Miss Louise Eldmdge/ 7 ' I hor" time]are Don Brannaman. I| - ~-
mrs. ~eroy ~mith and son Spell Mr. ann mrs. wuus ~,aascn ancl L Albri-ht and ram]l- in Cedar Ra,~ids oerea w~tna numver oI g~I~S ann mowe mat came ou~ a s ~ ~ If ~,ou see Eu~,ene wanderin ! BEMBERG l~a
of near GaFrrison a former Lisbon i sons Stanley and Tommy of Grand I '-- ". ~. ~ ." I ~ " . I greetings ( ago. The setting was Russian In) ~ ~" 71 ~ ,
. . ' ~ lVlr ann lvlrs dark waaaeL1 oi Wtr ann Mrs doe ~lovee an0 " " " r n 1 " i aruunu toe nails wItfl a mls~y LOOK
g~rl were calhng on Lisbon friends ~ Mound called on Mr. and Mrs. W. L . " " ] . " . " ~. ~. I -- t it the Russians were st o g y rid -I ~.; ! |Handsome Dr
' (~prmgvllle ann ~vlrs. i-i. lvlOnl~l oz cniloren or ~=eaar trap]us were ~un- LISBON CHURCH NOTES 1 *" "'~ =~' x warn you ~o Know l br]
on last Thursday. They were on Boyd Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Laaschi I ]culed and ,t made them seem a-[ h,~ didn't ~et hit over th,~ head it's l) from royal fa
I ~nIcago were ~unoay gueszs o~ clay visitors in ~ne Mr ann ~ars. -- Ilk " ~ ~" ~ '
their way to Mechanicsvllle and operated the Boyd care three years ~a 4 a#~. ~r ~ r,h.u ~ D I I most e head hunters the way it] ~ust Jane,beautiful styles.
the L ~'*~' '~"~ ~'~' ~ ~m ~. ,~. ~.~ ~rlnK nome. ~u.tmueu trom r~e *~ built u socialism One man would ~ " .
andnfearb~sC~UftaYfte V~aLrelahves i ag " i Mrs. Joe Proietti and daughter I Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Challis attend-I f SaintsAMatthew, Mark. Luke and/think ~othing of i't to shoot another/ 1~. lph's interests are wandermgll worth a look.
z " t Miss Peggy Frink was hostess atlJoette of San Diego, Calif arrived]ed the funeral of Milton Bowling, IJ nn" ?n Holy Thursday .Weimerely to gain the victim's political[aga~m- ~ nnle~.~a~Jng ~nep~c .e]] ~k-'$5 00
dress for
~ars. ~elmar Ireland, Junior and i a oinner, par~y last .weclnesclay Friday for an extended visit with an uncle of Mrs. Challis, in Maquo- pause so~emmy to reHect on toe i position. / ~ ~:,~ ~ ~.~ .~u ~ ,~ ~=~,! ~ ~ " -- - Jd
Joyce of Madison, Wis. are spend- evening in honor of Miss Evelyn Mrs Proietti's narents Mr and keta on Tuesday afternoon events of 'The I~ast Supper' when ] 'Ph~ ,-e-+-r ~ ~ +~ ,~,~,i~ /now. ~ JUSt OH toe u,-
mga week's vacation with Mrs iMeyers and her guest Mms Ehz- Mrs T H Cameron IChrist instituted the Sacrament of]~ ~. ~ ~.~ ~ .~ ~^,Say, Johnny, what were you do-I~ boards
Ireland's mother Mrs Jennie Clark abeth Miller spending the week] ~"'~ "~-'-" lin- ' a in '~" P ul[- lvlr. anct ~v.irs. ~no ~.anoan were]the Holy Eucharist and the Saeri-~=or~on="o~ ~hem~"ru~ ~n~*t=~s~str~'m:/ing between eleven and one last," . ~ ~
. ' ~ . ' ~. ~. ~ur game w s ~L. a,noses ~o melr cIuo at ~wo moIes o~ fl,~ v,' Wednesda ni ht Don't ou think~
and mater Miss Melba. On Sun-:with the formers parents, Mr. and ce of the Mass On Good Friday[r~f .ouro~ I -m n~+ "~'q'~" +^ +~ Y g Y ] HEAD SQU :
Mr- '~1 i [tending the A. B. C. Bowling] Kahban served refreshments. I fixlon We sto" from ~ 1- i e te t o s y g there are no edu-] less than two hours~ i| pun may
of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Clark fur i Included in the courtesy were Miss- ~.~=.*.; ~'" ' ~" " ~, [' ~'['.~.~"r~[[ Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Crelly and pursuits for the three hours dur-[ io ence Pinto on +*'~ ~,~ ~'~.: [ The boys arent the only ones][ uor~ va~.~.v ,h~
dinner to celebrate the first birth- tea Caroline Kepler, Ethel Mac Big-lw%a~=~'~ ~'.~" me / Mrs. J. W. MeAleer spent Friday ling which Jesus ,'as hanging from [ there ar~ numeroug ~'~ll~n~t'~m~n'v~'[ that travel to Mount Vernon nearly ][ mercnanolse . v~
day of their daugter Nancy Kay. ger and Alma Van Fossen. --.~ ~o ~.~ .~ [night. and. Samruay with Mrs [the cross We follow Him in spirit|ies--~hat-I wi~oiel~ear{e~l~y-say--are|eVery night Maxine is seen up]( would expect, t,
~] . z~rs; wnlmey ~tani ancl lvlr~ ~u[ Amena ~stervroo~ m ~avenport. I as He made that Journey from / worth nnvnn~'g tim~ ~,~N ,~[ at the bowling alley quite frequent- 1| t~ la~ ud,]~d (0 ~t~
~;oealicza were callers in the ~ ~.| M~ ~om~r Liah* Crom ~o.+h o [Jerusalem to Mt Calvary We re-| ~-'-" :-'"~-':":.':: ~ ~,ily now-a-nights Oscar is pretty,**'~'~'T~uu~"~" An
h e ~" " " see. Une can almos~ ~ell ~ne goocl . -,~ ann PrOCKS. "~
i |lStahl home during t e past w~ k/town called on Mrs. W. M. Oberton [ fleet respectfully upon the seven ] ,~ ~ +h,~ hod b" +h hli~i+" ~,~,~/race, lsn t he, Maxme. I|
~ ~ ~ ~' iiwmlevlsiung WlmfeiafivesIn ~e-!Saturday and a Tuesday caller was last sermons which He uttercd|~=":,~,~era~",~i=,u~sion~'~h.~ ~,~:] There were an awful lot of Mr esung place t~:~
m I[ ildar r~apios. Tney lel~ on TuesoaYIMrs" Sam Kohl from south of LiB-[from the cross We adore the|:'~.~,~'~.'~ " ~h~^~o"~ ~'~.~=~':|Vernon girls down to the dancel| solve many prO~
m ----- v. - v ~. ])for their homes in San Diego, Calir. lbon ' ]crucified Savior who died that all[+~=~.~ iTi=~'"~ i~: to=l~k' +~e"~'~e=|last Wednesday night I wonder]~ ----~'7 .m4
m ~, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dacken w~thl Mr and Mrs Fred Enaelkina mankind might be saved. The sea-] ~ ~+ ~^~.~ .~.~.~.~,~ + +~ ~,what the reason could be. ( PRICES THA
m r,~.~r~.r mvm~r m'Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dacken of Mt. lson Frederick and Mr an~ Mrs'[s n of penance terminates at noonian~'go~oVt~eUmov~'es t~t~at~=a~e~e~u:'] --- ]| Every
--v. ~ --~,~,~ mlVernon visited Sunday in the home)verle Harve- of Olin were Sun') n Saturday We make the final|~ ,i~n 1 an~ "hat hav^ -^ J^'ri-|1~'~4~'~ r~,1.~ ~t~ ~- IN -------- ~
m i m of a brother Rev. Russell Dacken ] dR- visitors of Mr and Mrs Chas,preparation for Easter by receiving] . r ~,AT OUR
m . .~,~ ^ J^ ,~. ~,m at Oglesby, Ill. On Monday VerneslEngelkin, Ithe Sacrament of Penance Then)~,~ /Wmth Wilm~r I(a~ [l -----
I~,~tl| ~ I~IlU~Y U Ilillll, ~21tlH2][" ~llU -- I~C m]mother, Mrs. Frank Dacken of) [Easter will mean for us a day of m CHAPEL,| Palmolive Soap, ~
wlrs 1~ ~, tbrelly was nos~ess on Ressurection al -- :
m ~in Dn4-4-,' ~ " o~.~ m Lone Rock, spent the day in h)sThursday eveying at a bridge party ) As we rise so. Easter mornin~-/ Wednesday chapel was held on) The regular meeting of the Put-ll 4 bars
I " ~ [in honor of her guest, Mrs. J. W. ] ~.] the stage with Rev. G. S. Hamilton| nam Pals 4-H club was held at the I| Criseo or Snry,
tile air oreatDes Iortn a Splrll: oI w
I lla|l! I~tt~ ~Ot; II Mrs. and Mrs. ~rvai oonl, rnyl-|McAleer of Monticello Therewerel " ]as the special speaker. The mes-|home of Wilmer Koss Wednesday [~ 3 lh can --':"
pe~ce aL'O napplncss lne purple
1,s and Carol of Cedar Rapids Mr
m c~o~,a p,r, 9. ,h~,~ oKo m) . - :) sixteen guests ]o,~l,~: - " : j] sage was taken from Joshua 10 and] April 2. Those present were: Joseph),o I,~;.~ . -,h ~~D
mayo w~rs wal~er r~on~ ancl puny o~[ Mr and Mrs Seth Ruhl of Ann- ) ~vith' the ~Yh]~'~co,~'~ ~,~" ~v~u~ Isaiah 38. The message was en-/ Moses, jr. club leader; Lloyd Stast-i,~ .~,A .
ivloun[ vernon, ann mr anclMrs " " . v. j,~. "'-'"'- " 1 o h e i D al E n r er ar
" n " - ]oyed by a ! th se w o art nded t. ny, on d hre be g,Glenn and J
- - mosa a d Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh bulb of mourning give way to the
I ,~~-,~,t, |Ray Kamerhng and Billy haddm:Ishoon of Martelle were Sunday ,~eal of t~ ]The main point was that scientists) Harold Klinsky, Raymond and LeoiJ Peaches, Peeled,
home ~moKeo tmeon. ~iJl~{] m .he I ner in me parenmI o ~. ~oni ) ~ :." I ~,~ . . .? v:~ ~ ~:.v,~| have found out that there is a whole] Truhlar, Wilmer and Gerald Koss I ~ ~ I/. ~,~n
home Sunday to celebrate the =v=m s ~-vv=- su=~. v,l~~l,- chant or Ailelula'sl, Jvery ~nris- 1" l" n ' -z~ -~
I,e H z f il . " " " day m ss rig. I these two refer- Edmond Jones, Maxwell Netolicky ) ~
m ~L-: :T ::- mlbirthday of Orval Kohl. I st ot am y. tmn rejoices today for Christ has[ h i +h **, +hiolw ,~ ~ '/| leaches, Hale .
Misses Hope and Zoe Kurtz Har- risen. "This is the day which the v ~ - Sliced 2m
m t, rounu ham ean, ham Joe m) Mr and Mrs. Oscar Stabenow and[ 7 . J) -r ~" ]statement. In Joshua 10 we see]tosh. [ I/2 .
rle~t iyloon ann 5~nel wooclorlclgeio u has maue ~(t us De g/an anu t 21
m . . mt Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Stabenow I I r :, . : ] tha there are five kings at warm The topic for discussion was /,Pineapple,
o~ ~eclar ~taplus were ~unoay al-ejo~ce ~nerem we rang ]n toe with Gibean Jo hu r e~ L / 3 V
[ t and son Claire spent Sunday at the ( East-r M s a ec veth t]"Beef Cattle Breeds," where they,Santo Coffee,
ternoon calmrs on mrs ~ ~ ttun c ass mucn or 1.~aster joy [ #~
m v v- ~ o l[Frank Klinkhammer home near[ " " "l = . -. : . ] and God fighteth against them with] originated and how they have been Wh~l~ Kornol
Kle anclmiss rlazel isoue tO tneIaet tnat SOmany O0,*-----~
m Dark Chocolate m)Stanwood. On Monday Mr. and I " I c hailstones. The sun and the moon] developed into good strains. A) ~ ~
m l~ilkCho o]ate m Mre~tO~:rd2:abe?2:~rndL~:~)n~i: II2~ ~diL!~nnbau:hh fChamp~Ig?s :~:t:/r~bE:ii~3'i}n!h: ~sif}n~iUs~il~nd :tilifiate theg:~d p % tH:;e feC Ubg ii Who;e'Kerne' ~
: /. e"s- [ home at New Boston, Ill. p s, . and Mrs. Lewis Lein- Z L ] cave. Then they are brought forth,] was also read and discussed Corn :
m ) -- for ----~ mRRM!:ris ~heHlh:?i~To~eu~ed:s. }h~l. ii~dg:y, ~OrrJenl2aYv~r C~am~:: I?! Iwini~ cri:a~d: :/heeci::~ea~alan~/~jCnO~UJrlseYtU:j~t:r~:h~~ts~:~m White Oak i- W hat. e
m v~.~.~ m[wr ht of Davenport spenY',~art o~f] Mr and Mrs Charles Sankot and!b:rtsthe change f p-assage:.the c n'~reference the sun and moon stand/ Mrs. Glenn Slyer I Red River Seedr
Y ',',IOI1 OI toe ueaa to iHe. May
m ~~ - u~u~ m[sunday with Mrs. Wright in her{Fanny Low with Mr. and Mrs. S~d- w~ nu .~ mstm for twenty-three hours and[ "--7-- i| 100 lbs
No. 1 CO~RI,EILq. 10fl Ih hu(r 1 ~ ]llmother's home Mr and-Mrs. Ran- Iney Sankot of Mechanicsville were l [.~.~,~;,~.~ter g~ormumy an,Oitwenty minutes. In Isaiah 38, He-/ .Mr. and Mrs. ~.ew Kohl had as ~ Certified Seed
m ~ ~'~S iidall Warfel of Dixon Ill, called on)Sunday dinner guests in the homel resurrec~tloL" ~.~'~ ' as ,tn e ~avmurS|zekiah, having received a message|dInner guests on Sunday, Mr. and| inn lk"o
m ~ ~-~, un~u~, auu m pug ~l.4a ilMrs. Ringer Sunday and :Sirs. Erroll[ f a brother, O. B. Sankot at Belle| manent ~ pus an(, per-/of death, by prayer has his lifemMrs.Amos Kohl and Elaine, Mr. ),~, *"~ "'~ ---~p~
m . ~ o 1 Miller of Mount Vernon was a call- Plaine. " |lengthened. The Lord told him in/and mrs. wm. Bailey and children, :,weemearr ~--
]Uill'~lllp~, p~r [OOUII(I ZC m er on Monday. Mrs. Fred Downing, Mrs. Lewis FEDERATF.D--P--R-~RAM )the eighth verse that "he would)Eugene Koh~ Mrs. Charley Miller,| 4
i n{ -~,~ ~ w~nt~ ~rno r~,~, ]Leinbaugh and Miss Bernice were Federated Easter program will'bring again the shadow the degrees,[ .; .~nd M~ s nor.ace ~rutsman ) Protex
Soap, a og
i AnDle~lici~n~ ], ]h~ ~o m~ o,= =- o= r=,="=:~ 'o~::- Iin Lone Tree, Friday, to attend the take place durtng the Sunday ] wn~n is gone down m the sun dial| an u ~.m~ el, zars. ~.arrmt~ ~.lllOOn ano i ~ Pillsbury Flour,
---" ) ~ ":. ~." ~, ":" ~- 1 Iowa Classis of the Woman's Mis-,School hour at 9.30 Evcrvone Is / ol Anaz, ten aegrees (which is forty] ~.axe. *he oe.easlon was in ooserva- I,~ ! 1 ~a
1)ton were guests ~rom ~aturclay un-|~i i,~+i woe ,4)cordially invi*od "~h'~ ~.~. ~^(/minutes) backward So the sun/nOn of me 55m weclding ann]verB-i! a.u ~x *, ~a.
I ~~/4iant I-IPa d.~ gl/ o l',til Tuesday in the Harry Sizer I :~=~'~,~ ~'~ ] lOWS *' P [ returned ten dearees bv which de-/ary of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kohl. ] I Omar Flour
m ' ,~ m]home. Additional guests on Sun-I " . } H'~m- ~, o Ide~rees it was ~one down This| Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tonne hadl| Callf Na-el 0~
day were Mrs. Martha Sizer, Mar]- w.w. ann ~vws. Lenaau ~vlerriss oz ," ".".'~~""~;'~,'~. 'y". o ol .~ /hogs trucked to Dubuque on Wed-)| "~"~' '~ "o'~'~ 9~e. bl
I1 n and rol Indianapolis Ind spent Friday ~y~r--rtev. r~amnton. -*-~--~. ~-. o - i uu~. ~u~, ~"-,
m ,~ -- ~, . m Y Ca yn and Mr. and Mrs . i ~ |that is accounte ,~ ~.~ [nesday and spent the day Ln that.[ a q t
lr~tr m~i~,a~r~v m{Wesley Seward of Waterloo, andlnight wire nis parents, Mr. and] ~,~,~,^~--~.?.~tone ~ -Ithe kina recovede~ ~i~ H~ezeki:~"/city. )| Grapefruit, v, .0
m ~~ *v~st st~,~, mlMr. and Mrs. Robert Begley and Mrs I. V. Merriss, wno accompan-[ Jesus'~r~-o'~?~- ~.~. ~. anu[cha~eI was attende~d "l~ (lae'~'l~| Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bixler ofli for ----';~
Free I,I,~RfiN IfiWA Ph ~ a~ m[Tommy of Springville. i~e.~ ~.nem .xora week ena vlsi~ wItn]by'~unior'~De~artm~='+ ~t ~u,roeam ]school and the junior high also~-~"Inear Martelle spent Sunday after-!| Large Fresh be *"
relauves In waterloo Mason ~I~y ~ n i " " '
I ' ' Annou c Ellen Burrows pun n the Leo Thlmmes home
~ ' Mrs. S. S. Dunn Donna FRye and Sheffield t n ements I I| head :~
' ' " ' The Palms Tr . a,~,/ xne ~talpn wetnlng~on iamny a~-)I n ~ #-%.l^~*~*r ~[I
Joyce Ann and Jack of Lansing " ."-- umpet ~omo oy ~,a ** [-~ al eivt ,
m~mm~lmlm ',Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Andreas had Bill . tended a music contest at the Me-II ~c ~ .~ $
mllllll|mllmllmlmlml||mlm l|lllilmm [II1 came Wednesday to spend a i~ .~; ] Yount. Last week we spent two perlodS[ohani '11 ' " are b
m l week s vacahon m the parental Dr. oo~ Mro i e Spinning Wheel ---Clarinet IstudyIng the framing square. We|n~,h+ ~ ~ ~ [ }
m' ~ y g "Th,- Wednesday Radishes, 1 g
.=,~ a ~ a.u solo b Churl ~ ~ penn, wno is a senlor~ ranc bOllU
! ! W3nP?drdnerf?:r~e CaAspS:r'arr~yng I M:claanLpiM;:' #erbI~r~liaKjillanot~f [ Me~ory w:t~e Gr%7n Burrows. [~rl~datr ~e2:nmh Wnt ~hiet diA e r /g 2egcl nb ~u~ bemjXuefe o~h ?aSh :o~dll CarrOts, bunch
---- ' " " "Easter Angels vocal duet by ent tables on It Some of the boys As ara us,Z
i were Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Gard- r "-- "' ' P g
. e,Mrs. Strlckhng of Keosauqua, Al . . was unable to accompany her class
1 1 1 [ ner, Conme and Marvin, called here [ and ~,r ] berta Gaines and Katy Kruse. I have been sharpening b~ts. [ I bunches
m) 1,1 . an~ lv, rs. ~. ~. ~ml[z. rues- lll~ ~U ,uwa ~l~y wnere me ~-,
a m ~ ~,~ #,~ m!bY thedeathearly Tuesday morn-]damesKillian StricklingandStoltz[ ~ ISOPHOMORE NEWS led chorus was awarded first andl| ----==="- "0~
m m m m m m m ---==- m m m m i i(lng ox lows. ~araner's ~a~ner, A A ~ " ~ r'r'~TEo uM~t~t~tm ( What's this we hear about 'No/ II 25c FANCY v
were guests o~ ~v, rs. ~nctreas as an me glee ClUO secona prlze.
Cole of Ohn G S Hamilton, Pastor Ma z]
g ~ ~ R R U I ~ U I I I i ' [afternoon bridge party. ] S S "Teachers Pra er [ ga 'nes,' could it be that we) Mr. and Mrs. Longerbeam andll Easter SpecialS,
E ~I Mrs. Mary Jelinek arrived early I Mr and Mrs Ralvh Moeller and~,~ o'm Y m eeung--|are supposed ~o use that time for)children spent Sunday in the Frank l| Bunnies Easter,
)Sunda m r " ' " " - ~: review ~or Academic tests? Har [ ' $
i Ill I |, y o nmg in the homev, oflRmhard moved this week to Cedar/ .~,~, .~,1 ~ ] - .~ . - tman home, where they were,| h ~h~oO ~ll~
m --Iher dauahter Mrs rl /]=~nnid~ m~,~ ~. ~^,~'~-- ~-~!~-?""=~. ~-~':'--~'f~^~ / in ~eometry we are trying to dinner and supper guests '^ ~""~ "
~ returning~" from a twYyearW':r~te~/e~a~'lovment~itl~"the Co'i]~s'Ra~d~o[ worsmp~ervme~--~u:~u a.m /learn about similar triangles, (it/ Jacqueline Kinler of Olin and ! Maple C[eam
T -*,~r~, . l!in Portland Oregon. Joining them |co;a~pany Moving into the Arbin- [m xoung reop,es ~erv,ce--~:~o p. [really isn't so bad.) |Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Siver were ]| Orange urea,'
,~lnomum rmors are Deauuim i! for Sunday was another daughter, |gast house they vacated was the |'"'y p Prayer Serviee---7'15 p m [Th~ngUsSp ~jassis rather dull lately.]Sunday dinner guests in the Otisl[ wiches, Ch .o~,'~,
Mrs E D Holvenstot Mr Holven w Rays we nave oeen Slyer home. tir~
) - Wm. Readnour family of Cedar Evening Service 7:30 p.m. havin dic i i " 1 Cake, Choc. S
,and easy to clean. = stot, Kenneth and Mary of Cedar [Ravids Mr Readnour works for [ ~ / g tat on n preparation for [ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walder-I J ~r ~]r *2 A~~
v s wm De snown / ~ t~ ox-t~
- w the acaaemic tests. /bach and children were Sunday [
m i iRapids. Mrs. Ruth Herring of Ce-[the Johnson Implement Co in Mr. tat the Sunday evening service Pic- [ Histor . " . "
i ~[dar Rapids spent Saturday ni~'htlVernon /~ . .y. as you know, pertains to evening supper guests of Mr. and Our Usual C
o tures ann message on the theme' the ast and we ar a 1 " :
in the Warner home with her son ' P,e 1 wondering Mrs. Glenn SIver. 2 lbs
i lit In the seventeen entries, Miss The Easter Witness Special if we're t
Let us give you an estimate on,DeVere and Sunday went to Me [ [ ~ ~ " . /" o pass(t) or flunk in our Mr and Mrs Ernest Tonne spent .~na,~i~hSneda]L
. '. - Ione Smith, director of music in eerwce on ~'maay April llth at tea ' " . ~ ~ u, ~ r
]chanlcsville to spend the day with th . ts, too. Saturday afternoon with Mr and ~
II vour k tch - [ e Wyomlng high school, presented~7:30 p.m. The Quarterly Commun- ]FiRST AND SECOND GRADE / " ]/ Easter Candy
- her uaugn~ers ~'atsy ancl Joanne ~ . ~v,~. ,ouu ooaenno~er ox Anamosa. Iv"
--i |in the prehmmary contest at Mon-lion Service will be observed at thin,The second ~rade Lan~ua~- cl~| ,r~o ~ + I Rabbits & t~
i im! Mrs. Ralph Roberts of La Grange, |t~cel ' 1 last week nine rece~vedltime. ]dramatized the story ,q~o o~mol| = family called I ~,o ~, #~,~dv' ~.
u Ill Ill and Miss Mar]uric Christensen |supermr ratings. Included was the ] Thursday Prayer Service and |and the Pig" Mar~" Carol Fer |~ u^ ^ P I,-, ,~--+al*. ~
m ban " Bi l . - t:ream
,We f]#~ Oli~-#~m ur~*lr ~w~] ~-~]~1~ lof Chmago were Fmday and Sat-| d, brass sextet, clarinet quar-f be study at 7:30 p.m. /~,son took the ~'"r l| ~,-d~
F bo s' le club 'home of Mr Br' --- ~ ~a =u ~,= ~,~ ~,ver .ome on
,~orts. [ loyd.Mr. Roberts and son Paul [ Y g e,trombone solo i s. ~ggs at 2 p m. We |of the pig / Eer~s lb
m ez ' . ~unuay vz~rnoon. ~,~,-"
i were guests m the I. L. Cork home. |m zo soprano solo and bass solo. mvtte you to the worship services,Mrs Frink visited our room ~e~-i,~++,~ r~^ ~ } J M ~m~
They stopped enroute ot and from / ey will compete m the state con- I o the Federated Church Plan to ]day afternoon |and Mr~ ~aA ~.r ! ~ ~-~=~1 1 ~(
m m l attending the funeral and burial of |test at Waverly zn May. Miss Smith lattend. We preach the Old Book,The follow]n- bo-'s ^-~ / I J "
-- ' h " --h -- s ~ a~u g~.r~ uay Wl~n lvlrs, frank riar~man. .m v
-- - M IMr Roberts f~her at Ewart, near,asbeen .elected for her third year j ~e Blood .the .Blessed Hope [made a perfect score on the spelhng/ Mr. and Mrs. Verlon Baker spent I r :oh0~l
,1" i [~ralnnett on ~sa~urclay a~ternoon, ja~ wyoming. ) vne ~onowmg m tne mumc ~or/test Friday" Mary Carol Ferauson /~r a~,~ ~,~ c ao ~ ;a. ~ ^ ~ II ~,~"
Mrs Roberts and a daughter, Mrs e aster morning service Thoma Fer J
1 ' . The eighth birthday of Beverly s guson, Patricia Sizer and calling on relatives. [~~
! m~m.ti~~~ ~ i)Arthur~orn~acc~mpan~edtheb~dy)JeanG~uchee~daughter~fMrand)`~rganPre~ude Resurreeti~n)D~r~thySheber~B~bbyDeanKa~i-) CalLlng on relatives. ',~
m lzrom L~)s Angeles Calif where Morn--Jonns~on ban and Joanne
i U l . ' ', Mrs. L. B. Gouchee was celebrated," McCall.---MLB ::~
m 913 l I OLUI I O m iMr. Roberts died after a short ill- [wMith a -art-,"L [ I roeessional--Christ the Lord Is ~,~rnn a~ / ~~i
m)ness. Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Horn[schooI onp M~da; m~nnEams~e:~er Risen Today--Davidtca. |-'~'l~arles'~os{~'~'~r.~.~ ~~
m mount vernon Lisbon Ill came to Lisbon after the service]~' ;- . ggl Anthem--~e Lives Again--Von [ - ~ y, p r ran ;os -/
- m ~ I nun~ was par~ O~ me emerminment, [ Berne lrom, ann t~eorge Mill laave oeen,~ L ~~~
m Dia ann spen~ ~amrclay mgnt in me ~.
m l 5012 or 6832 Phone 50 [ [and refreshments were served. Solo ~,~ ~,~ ~.~a ~ |absent during the past week be-|
m .~ a.ner nome. ~unnay ~vlrs IBeverlv receive.~ ~ -- w .~ ~,~ I~ "A I~~~
i ~iRoberts went to La Grange tolU~ " ." "tL"-a "".~= ~"ts'lthe Morn--Hastings Carolyn Kep-m~"=?~ . / ~ J ~~
I ' ~zu~e snarang m me party were, Tne tnlra graclers have been
m n mmmmm mmmmm nmmm |il,ler |lately, (Could it be no operetta
lllmll~liilmllllllill~i~ stay wRh her son and family' 'lJoann and Pats M ] ~~J~~
i' y c~an, va~yl Offertor- I Kn treauing avou~ ~apan ann ma~ing a i ~.~~~'~i
y OW ~na~ ha y 1 e
ISizerHelen Lucille Frink Carol de-m --, ~ -[collection of things made in that
|'onk'lin '-- e er ~,vetn--manae, . ~~
I ~,~aroLyn ~Tln~, ~onnie f Recessional "r~ ~- " . .~ ICOuntry. / ~ ~ ~~~.: ~-
:,': ]Lenore Emerson, Jean, Mary Carol) ~pos,l,-~.~o"~ [~ect spelling score on Friday were/
|~ d humus Ferguson, Margaret Choir Director Miss ~o-~, ~. -- ICarolyn Frank, Bernadme Harris,) P
IAnn and Eugene Reyhons, PaUllkle -- * ]Janice Hotz, Harlene Robertson,[
IStoneking, Bobby Dean Kaliban,/ Or-an]st Miss Dai ~ |Billy Sailor and John Smith of the|
I Laurence and Floyd Gouchee, Miss,~ --- sy ~ura third grade; and Margaret AnnI ] ~~
m m m m m a m |Wishart and Miss Westphal. ) METH~DI-~-y C~vr~, I Reyhons Evelyn Burrows Mar- [ ":~.~ ' . ~.~
"" *~'~ "~ garet and Martin Davis Everett
/tit klI KHAL APRIL,M~ssBettySwomley, daughter of, Rev. Wm.D. Bostrom, Mlnlster I rae "-- .1 "
Th v r wanaa ~.ou l~e~tze| ann
[Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Swomley of ursday evenlng, April 10th,[~ ' . ' ,~ [
mum ~mm,= ~mlm ~,lm mm a ]Cedar Rapids has accepted a double 7:45, "The Sacrament of the Lord's]x'nl~ ~an oz zourm ~ --~**~'1 ~ (
mN mN~ %llmmm |ml= i/l~ltl [scholarship and assistantship at|Supper." (FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADE [," ",~[~*~[~I ~1 ~1
- m~ gi~- ~VVffi- Vn ||l~ll [Johns Hopkins University, Balti.[E~ter SmeaRy-- In Art this week we make Easter[ . !
[more Md. The double scholarship] 9:30 a.m Sunday School All cards of gay colored paper. ~ -, . . |
imp ~ |is in the field of physics, while the ages. The Sunday School has been[ Ralph Peterson has been absent [ " " "
f~ [assistantship means she will meet)re-organized with a new youth de-[this week .due to illness, but we| .~
J, ^, ~. ~ r,om -.- .z- lone class in astronomy. Miss Swum- [ partment. This department will be ] hope he will return soon. [ ~d
|. m n u u ~ n m r unm ~ ~ j ~ j~ [ley had her sophomore year of high )in charge of the teachers of this [ Those who had perfect scores in ] [.~dt'~ in st sample ot your nyDrlo seed coru #
. Ischool m Lmbon, and it was in that)age group, w~th an advisory student)Spelling thts week were: Lenore ],~ ~v~ J, - I L . L l~et t~.
{~[ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - [year she became interested in [ council composed of representatives [ Emerson, Jean Ferguson, Robert [ -- t" :i ~--,u~, ~ jo.u * " n~
:~t ~Y.~ ~ ~ t~.~ [physics and mathematics. She will [of each class. Older youth are ]~iockhart Dorothy Gish, Floyd [Planter with its namral-drov seed elate design, s~"r ,a
"~ ~.~'~br~k/]~x2 T~ .Clnr~r~ M~ [be graduated from Cue in June, ]especially invited. Mrs. N. A. York |~oucnee, ~etty Graft, Donald Kali- |, . - * - j ~"
"-~t~//~/~ -~--r---~f- ~,~ esponctsto [and during her four years at Coelis now teaching a mixed class of/hun, Marie Kamberling, Louise[ nopper bOttom oas(rucuoa, and special hybr u
"~,~K'~/ ~'/].J'~me wannu1 ann light |has been secretary to Dr. Weld, pro- [older youth, and that splendidly |~myth, Lavern Brown, Martha Ann / "]at-- - 'It
y ~ from another sphere and |fessor of physics. Unusual in the] 10:30 a.m An Easter Cantata, en-)Bigger, Richarfl Brokel, Catherine[ k' * w~t pma( your seer more accurately. ~d
brings forth new beauh, out [case of Miss Swomley is the fact)titled,For God So Loved The|~ann, uaroi ~ish, Bueta Harris, l Accur ~ w,
t.4 ~' -" r ~ -- -a I that she has received a number [World,' arranged and directed by Iriar ld Jensen, Merle Louis Kep- [ acy ~ m gnty ampor~ant an me planter y .me
,J oz Rareness. ~- )of offers from outstandin~ ."~hools )Mrs. G. L Hill Three choirs" [ler, Merle McCullough, Zola Mac) Decau " " ~0 ~"
' --~-," Reit I se maximum yields and er runts . ,
In Man s soul, likewise, there have been including University of Illinoisl senior, boys and junior girls will zel, Robert Schott, Eugene Rey- gg P dd
,l lanted seeds o, immortali,v whi h [Smith College for Women at North-|participate in this program You/h ns, Kenneth Siggins and Billy [ ing hybrid corn depend lar elv on accurate PI' -
Ill i ~-~ ." . ~ |hampton Mass Pittsburgh Uni-[are welcome. |Zearmg u ~ ^al
. ~-. pe ann Iaiul versity and the University of Call-| 6:30 p.m Epworth League meet-]GOSSIP (ever-present),~oo~ nyvrad seed costs money--you can t gu, ,de
earn raster fo 1 In ' ~ 011t"
rn'a at Berkeley. " g. [ What re the smiles about that| waste it. You II n]an, i, an a
From be r ~ 7
yond the earth there come re- [DeVere gives Charlotte lately? (We |
construcLing forces which pledae the [wonder too). [ ann aependablehorse, or tractor-drawn
. ~ ~ What are the stories Eugene has
surwval oi the best m Man 8 nature 'l ~ ]been seen reading lately (Does he/ John Deere Corn Planter.
after the worst shah have had its day. .~t~t~'~ ~/~ ~=4 ~~~ |really want to care for'children so| ~i]
to chu, s=aor. / Why is Norman so happy here ) F R E E B O O K L ET t
All weights, high quality Western and South Western ~.~+;~[ or has",Come in and -e~your corn ot ~ ~l
Stocker and Feeder Cattle on hand at all times. [aga n' ) Corn." It al]about'laybrld
m What s ha ened between - " I, what it is, what it will do, and how to ~
We supply many of Iowa's best and more particular [Hoke and MZPne Leigh lately? ~-I ~,plant it accurateb It's full of information ~ t~
feeders. )Bill interfered again? ",for the hybrid corn grower. ~ :~
] What's this we hear about the|
All cattle sold freight paid, your station. No ex- Iparty for John Stone? It must |
- [have been good .
pense eomml lONS
What was the bet that Wilma and ~ -- = i k "~
Maxine made?. Ask them. They'll! J I I I !
probably tell you'a Literature test [
that was plenty hard Dh~,~ ~@ " ~I?~
~ ,- Lisbon Io
What s this we hear about Mar-|
shall? (He must love to walk with t
Ill l
TAMA, I0WA Ethel Mac, especially after church] "
and between times You had bet-|
ter watch your step or Mr. Men-I
Gale Frink, Manager. n' ~axWill be seeing you, Marshall).|