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April 11, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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April 11, 1957 |
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Mt Ve, noa, Ia., Hawkeye-Reeord I Amos Meyers and Andy of Cedar T tt~__l___-•1 ..... I Charles Tomas' and Linda of West STUDENT INJURED ! West Music, Sup............. 26.86I Utilities ' R. M. Davis, fire set.
• • .... i | n |~ WS ' Br i h • • . Buresh Imp Sup 9 50 J M Carbee March salary 65 00 Stanley Franta fire s
and The Lmbon Herald .~ _ Rapids visited Sunday afternoon, ~O O e anch Mrs Clara M c el Mrs Floyd D Dirks 21 a University Kacena Co "' Mat ...... 19"75 B'est 'Oil "~o "nc :'uel ..... ZV ,t '.. , T '' r
tga . , • , , . . [ • ¢ ., ................ i t~ . i ., i ...... barl nansen Ilre se •
Thurs. April 11, 1957 ge O j with Mrs. Mary Meyers. I Mrs. Anna Zeller I Elma Slaymaker and Grace Kess-of Iowa student from Sprmgv]lle, i State ~,urplus As., Sup. 7.20 In. El. Lt. & Pr. Co. 2651 KW I Edw. Johnston, fire ser
~-- ! Tbe Charles Tomas' and Lindai i ler were Sunday visitors of the C. ;received lacerations about the neck Edna Means Ser., Mat....... 1(}.95I Power .......................... 45.51 Milo Kaliban fh'e ser.
Saturday visitors of the Roy East-~of West Branch and Mrs. Clara KRALLS HONORED SATURDAY B. Cambridges. Roy Cambridge of at 9:15 a.m Thursday when the car The Fideler Co., Books n 7 s.17 In. ~l. Lt; & PI:. Co.. Lights 124.7(!iWm. J~ K ristan, fire
woods Leo Dam anct mrs. ~mma iyllenel vvere ~unuay omner guests ~x nut0~vv±i~iVllr~tr ~tuart was a recent V1Sl~Or. ne was driving smasnefl ,nto the I S E A Library Book 9 19 ~'tate Tax Comm ss on T~x 41 5*[ltobelt I inn' ¢i~ ser I
Hartman were the James Eastwoods of Mrs. Elma Slaymaker and Rob- A housewarming party was giv(n ! The Norman Kuensters of Iowa I rear of a truck about one-half mile drover Miehe, M'ileage t~:411 ~" W. Morris Treasl/rer Trar~s: -" -! Howard ~Mason-fire
and Dixie Lee, Cedar Rapids. L era j Saturday evening as a surprise for i City were Sunday supper guests of I south of Solon on highway 261. The / s w. Ptlblishing Co.:. Books ..... 975.19 i fer funds ......... 1,000.00[ M. E. Pike.~ fire ser.
..... t • . • . • . • • . Cnas. .~lerrlll Co. I~OOKS ~lJ.55 Glenn Plattenber er
_. the Haiold Krall family ~n then the Dean Kelth family, highway patrol said the truck was I nn Bd of Educ Rnnk~ 1~7 ..... Street ---] ~1 ;7 g ~i
..... ~ ..... • . ., .............. t,enera~or ~ervlce ]factor reDrs / /.~ ---- ........ ,
I I new home and a handsome gift was The Henry Kosses and Lewis and]just starting up after picking up a]Carl Mohn, Labor . 25.00. Ironcrafters Sm~ices " o'00 Roy Plattenberger fll
I~I~&A -..-J Ut'%&Ale' ilpresented to them• The eveninglMrs. Bertha Babbitt were Sunday]porlion of a load of straw that had PeterRadl, Labor :: :::::::::::::: .... 96.13 L A. Dav's, Gasoiine :: : ::::::::::::[:::: 1~:3l] 3-1-57 :-----~
r/.~kRIV| {~1111~1¥|l~ lwas spent in dancing. Guests were dinner guests of the Kenneth Bab-ldropped off when the crash oc- Don, Labo ........ 32.251Joseph Zbanek, 1fi2 m .... lary ... 125.367FloydShaffer, fireser'
........... the Roger Krouls Donald Kralls bitts of Amana icurred Dirks was taken to the ~m,meM~cQ°tW)wLa'I°,rbor '~.!~ G. W. !!ames P Son, rock 217.07 Lre~ ~teo~s, }~res~r.
Jr u ~ ~ IX i i ~m "T [William Potters Raymond Grea-i The Joe Krobs and Edward andlUmvers:ty hospital for observation Ib, u-Ball Manu. Co.. Sup. .. 71.9513 ...... h Z anek ~(, mo salary I~5%:];e'mrd Wiedemann, ~t
.... I " l & I Hardware Mat II o8 . .. , _ . . ...... o .
~[ !I In ~ II i I "~ i l i zels. Virgil Bartas Richard Lahrs iDuane Krob, the John See family -- I Lisbo'~ "'1 s " ......... ./';)t' Mun Ent ~.o.-5i . . .;-.-~
[] [] ~ ~ •• ~ [] ~ [] George Reinharts, Norman Greens, i and Frank Krob Paul Richard and Big Grove Buddies meet with Cr~wfor(~ ~s~, &~/ec-~- ....... ~[!':? J" M. Carbee Salary [ ] 15 00 ~am ~a~a.... ~re.~
• .... ! • I " * ' , .......... ~u~,/o . " .... ~ ~ 1"4 1CK Williams, ilre
Robert Millers William Leldlchs John were Sunday droner guests of Lany Leonard Ma~ch 1 All tractor Elex. Motors Rep ~7 ~ W. L. Pelper Labor . ............... ,1__5 Thos Williams fire
• ' ' - I - . ! . ' ". - .... D. M.Minert Mower 127.80 '" '.
~ ~Pi~t|~t~ [ George Millers Russell Kralls, A1- the Bernard hchenbaeh family nearib°°ks ale to be filled out and Ie-IDel!)ert C ...... H.mhng .... 40.00 ~ . J.M. Cart .... f .... erh
a~wt~ *wt=~. • ~v ~. r~ , ¢1 o To 1- x~ ~. xr'~ ~ ~, ,~ I turned to the leader~The no-e* I Lm~on Bank Ins -WH tax 1 771 16 ltecreatlon ~ Mrs Fred Cardner u
~,er~~x or~xy .... c,, ,, a~...s, --1-- i ~,,ec,amcsvh,e. ! ....... ~:%..~ • ~:'- Hiltbrunne.s ' Mat. . :ii:ii: '117:00 Globe Mehy. Co. Mower repairs 16.1Ai " ~:i-57 • .[--~'
.---. __ cent O'Briens, Ralph Kralls. Joe ! Mrs. Max Batchelder and Laurie i meeting wm t)e ~prn za at me ] it am'he Long Labor 56.25 . Pub Safety i ~qo "further business tt
[_J SAKRETE (Dry Concrete--Just add water- Krans Joe Becickas and Ralph Lee of Des Moines visited several l borne of James Koss. Anna McCall, La[ .... 35.00 United Tel Co. of' Iowa, Ph .... :ed t .... t at the call
.---. " . . Millers. A lunch was served, days with Mrs Libbie Ocheltree There were 17 present at the pot- Mln~]leecSt~t.t,cLab~rrvices - 8~0.~9i, & Tolls : ~. ; ..... , 8.11
I I STORM WINDOWS, Alumtnum Self-Stortng I Sunday evening dinner guests of anti Mrs Anna R Pauba Mr Batch hick dinner and sewing bee at theI llnited "Tee;h ~'e ~'~rvices " ~ '~5 ,win. a. ~,e .... g, ~amry incl. tax jl0.(~,: C...... 'il met with
__ , - • - ' .... " .... ~" '. ~.v. win. o. Zearing, Cat e~ Gas exp. 2'0-i1(} It was moved b Rant
r---3 .................. I the Krall family were the George elder }oined them for the week end iMeth°dlst church Thursday. CLlr-]Glenn Plattenberger Trans 9~4604 Iouis Al',au,,h morshal extra ! "- - Y" ~'~
I I LLUII-II-bLINI" FULI-b I Haman jr family of Oxford :Friday afternoon guests were Mrs. tams were sewn for the windows. Kl:pt(~;e([OonS~)awkeye Plintin S.3g marshal 14.(X1 uUSe~s °If,~t't~ea~elnrate-~
: E W' Smvkil and Mrs Florence{ The Frank Shimas Frank Kreil J-- ~ "2 . . ' g 23.90 Roy Leinbaek. school signs lb.00,the counril and'rate~
' ' ............. ~ ......... -- " " ~ ¢ " ~ ....... ' -- - • -- ' I ~'" E. ~bmtsinger, MileagePetty , Dale Wa~aman special police . 30.(~) ! December 1956 reading t~
I I AbPHALI RUUI" LUVt::RINL JOLLY JUNIORS MEET Dunlap, Cedar Rapids. On Satur-j~'a~ ~vatos ann mrs. A~tonlettaI Cash 170.771~. O. Blbod fir ..... to /kl-57 180~ iby Williams'andallV~
• , iSovers were recent visitors of Mrs Taylor Music Co Mat ~ 7 J F B ~a (re se to "~7 14(~ ~ "
1"--'7 /,',ADIKIr-Tt tADI~tAIADr" The Jolly Jumors met April 1 day theBateheldms, Mrs. Ocheltree ~. " ......... "J~.,t,,.. ~,,..;'], c.J 'u~." " ~~,.... ~ ,.., ; .--. .~ .. • ert who passed.
%..~'%1~11~L/I I~'~t.~ VV ~,'~t. • ~ . , ~mma ~_,nln'la and ivlrs mar hor- ' ..... .,.~s ...... , ...•,t ...... t)., ~ u. ~urnngame, i]re ser. to .~-J-a, 18.(~0 i , • . en
L__I with Rose Mary Maher. Louella and Mis;_Pauba were gues.ts of the, ..... • Y I e ...... Carl .... Co., Sup. 2.27 Dan C ...... ny fi ..... .to .i->57 14.00: .rr.h,'.n~,.th~o
Hin¢~¢ . /t~trht~a . Pull~ Steinbreeh was elected vice pres,!uonmd ucnmtree ~amuy m wectar '-:~=- .... ILisbon Elev. Co., Sup. . o.t~I,W. C. Conkli~'L fir .... " to 3-1-57 18,001;;extar~e~u~ar"egeuncil~
..... ~v.. ............ .. There was a discussion on rally day Rapids. ! ~aturcmy evening visitors of the lMeCalls, Rep ........ !92.32iO. L, Crawford, fire ser. to 3-I-57 19.(~) " ~ G F pLATI~
v--1~-,-,,--, ,~- v--1t,.,--,-,-~e- ~ "~ '--i-'- --~ ~" ...... "i The Charles See famil- moved!J°hn Cileks and David were the]Midwest Ser. Co., Equip. .. I3.93iLyle Creger, fire ser to ~--57 11.0( a M CARI~EF Clerk~
[_J LI::/~I-N/ I I KAI-IEK~ ,rene r~cr~r c*~ anu *xo~e ,v, ary ,v,a- . ....... ~ -- I Roland Heniks ~f an# v .....