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April 13, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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&Pill 13, 1989
Page Three
rs. GeOrge Nemmers of ! Roy. and Mrs. S. V. W'illiams of
'SUnday callers i Toledo were visitors in Mount Ver-
home. i non on Monday.
FOrdyce returned toi Ivan Hedges of Iowa City was a
after spending!visitor Sunday in the home of his
m the home of her mother. Mrs. It. I:. Hedges.
Mrs. O. ~. Rowley of Shell Reek
is a guest in the home of her son
I)r. W. G. Rowley.
l,M.ward Hanson jr., of Cedar H.a-
pids spent several days this week
visiting his friend, Laurence Me-
Mr. and .~frs. Charles Davis of
Til)ton spent Sunday at the home
of the formers mother, Mrs. l.uey
and Mrs. A. p. John-
Pound daughter,
on .Wednesday, April
m Mount Vernon.
Harlan Levy and
tPPer guests
e of Mr.
Sueppel neat,
Yates of l ,ime
nesday for a visit
her 'brother.in_
r. and Mrs. Dick
R. j. Nosley of Lis-
Martha Nosley of
"ere visitors lariday
honte of Mr. and
indsey, Student in
] Miss .Iolia Crow of Cedar Bapids
Miss Geraldine Bryant and Miss[was an over Easter visitor in the
Margaret Keyes visited Miss Vir-{ home of her mother, Mrs. W. H.
g'inia I:ossell in (q)ieago, Ill., last [ Crow.
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. I,ewis Chapman on- I Miss Harriett Scott visited over
the week end in the home of hot'
tertained at an I,]aster dinner Sun-parents, Rex'. and Mrs. 1,'. ('. Scott i
day with nIembers of the lCepler in Toledo.
tastily aS guests. II. ttoover e:llle,1 '['u~sd:tx' afternoon
Mrs. ('. S. (":llqey spell( Ill(' wo('~; :l)ll ~ll'. :ll)ll Mrs. .l. I:. lleaeil ill
Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Eyestone
and O. J. Cull~Jnit)er attended the end visiling her son and dao~'hter- Marion.
in-hiJW Mr. and Mrs. (leo 'ge ('arley,\It. and Mrs. \\:direr Gaines of
funeral services of (,. ('. Gardner in
~,Velhnan on Monday. in (,hie.~go. II1. i Western were ealhws Sunday after-
Mr. and Mrs. (Henn Sones and :noon in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. (?lint Berry of Ce- family of Anamosn were Sundav il:ramis Gaines.
dar Rapids were guests Sunday in
the home of Mrs. Berry's mother, evening guests in the Mr. and Mrs. I Mrs. W. H. Hoover and Mrs. T. I.
Mrs. 1). D. Kleineck. l.'arl Simpson ,home. I Mitchell will be guests at a hmeh-
Carl Burge of l,ong Beach, Calif., I con :It the home of Mrs. A. J. Keyes
Mrs. Hurry Hartnng went to Van
arrived early Monday morning for i in Marion on Friday.
Horne nn 'Monday afternoon for a a visit with his father Ehner Bttrge J Vern 1 etttiiohn aecotnpanied Mr.
brief visit in the home of her aunt, , • .
Mrs. Charles Van I)eusen. and with other relatives, i and Mrs. T. I. Mitehell to lrniversitv
Mr. and Mrs. Don ,Goodyear and Mrs. Fred Merritt spent over i Park last week end an,t visited his
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hunter visit-
ed friends in Morley on Sunday af-
Mrs. Rose l)vor'Hi spent Tuesday
visiting in the G.eorge Kolda home
at Marion.
l)r. V¢. G. l{owley spoke re('ent-
ly at a Pal'ent-YOllth eOllferenet~
ilanqnet in lloone.
Mr. and ,Mrs. M.irk \Voodward or
Marion will lie dinner guests of
Mr+ and Mrs. T. I. Mite,hell on Sun-
R, ov. ()its Moore of Tipton was
a dinner g'/leSt \Vcdnesday noon at
the Mr. and M'rs. Charles 10ord
Mrs. T. 1. Mit+'hell and Mrs. \V.
...... [ ..................
louchstone for the joys of our re-[and "Tribune" offices and plant
will [ Geoloffv Teachers Will Moot
cent celebration?
lalso be visited it" time per'nlits. Th( I-Lara ~, ~ ~A ~'l~ .......
• • • ~*t,L.a~ Ava~ty cp ~llU ~ll+ll
the High School League will be/group plans lo return late in the l
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. evenin .... .....
Young Sunday evening at 6.15. The t "" ......... (:eolo~v. te ~(' i rs fo ' t o eges. lo-
College League has invited the Coe A.I ...... 1D,,~,~.II,,~,,.~I. O.,,..i ! cated in (,very se 'tion of the Irnit-
Colle e Lea "ue as ue " ~1 1 a'ILLi¥¢ilitU 12dlllOlllllUlll, qJ[tll~F(]J I . ,
.g g g. sis ~unaayi -___ ed States will ~ather tn a national
eveningat 5:15. A somal hour will1 \Vith tile enrolhnent of |'l'eshnlen ('onvenlion on the ('ornell eanllnls
be he!d. mA buffet supper wall be for next ye'Ir surpassing the pros-~ l,'riday and Saturda.~, Mav 5 and 6.
serv~o, rne t=eaar (rapids xoungI pvetiv(, m~,t)er at this ti*nt~I'tst()ffi 'ial hosl to this ,,'roup lh( As-
People will provide the program " "' ' ' ~ ' '
Calendar for the week " [ year. the adznissions olTice is ex- soeiation of ('()liege (leologv Teach-
Tuesday 6:15 Rotary Club meetsI peeting the months of April and ellS, will he I'rof. Nell Miner who is
in tile dining rooms of the ctmrch. IMaY to be he IVy in numbers of ad- n()~\ice-president of the associa-
Tuesday 7:30 A. A. U. W. will/missions. ('onlrary to a year ago,
hold its meeting in the Ladies Par-[more boys than g'irls are enrolled.
lor. t Iowa has ouly three lnol'e students
Wechaesday 2:45 Joint meeting of coming than has Illinois, and there
the W. F. M. S. and the W. H. M.
S. in the Church Vestry• The For- ar, girls eonfing fronl both New
eign Missionary society of Lisbon York and I.uckuow. India.
is invited and the Missionary so-
ciety of nur local Presbyterian
Eleanor t, ougn-,o rresent
lieu and \vho ,,','ill, at'cording' tO the
by-l:lv,'s of the gll'OUp, ;ISSlllllc {lie
pr(,~i(lency at the time of the con-
A varied l)rogl'alll of let'ttlres.
trips, and eonl'erene(,s will be head-
ed ])y l'rof. A. C. Trowhridge, enlin-
enl g(,olo,gist of the State l~nivers-
i seionce ('or)leil will
fOl'lll Itnothel" section (H' the eon-
vention pFOg'l'(lnl ill which 9rotes-
SOPS of I'elzltcd stliLi~+(,t.n on |he ealll-
pus will ('ontri})ille to t}lO entellt~lin-
I)l(q/t ill' lilt' g('O|O'2,O~es. "]'tie ban-
(lib'| Of Ill(' g'l'l)ll[) I,'riday Ills'ill ~ill
lind l)Fof. ~1 in+Pr t)l'esiding willl
I)o:ln .\l:te(lr("4ol" gi~ing lhe :lihll'ess
oJ \~('l('OIll(! t() (*orncll.
I"iel(l trips lo the Cedar Vfilley ill
(']t~ll'~.~e of the ('oe lind l'oruell tit'-
+ I)al'llllettls tO study I)ioherlls (a tYl)('
of total I't'ef) al/d ;I llllI(+ll off ;I
"ehucl,, \\:IgOll" at the Palisades
presidod t)\(u' l~y ,,','('olo}43' Slltilenls
aill I)t, (.Otlll'it+~;tihg fc:t|llli':-; of tnt:
('Oil vention.
church will be present. Dr. w. G. Junior Recital on April 18th ity '' |" l O '\1 ~ t i : Jt S ~k~' (' St S ~ '('i t 1~ (' |"q ' ' " I" ~ t , ' ROBERTS FELI,OWSHIP
Rowley will lead the devotions. " ...... ('ultural Aslleets ot" (leolog'y"
Miss Katherine Keyhoe from Bar- Next Tu(,sday eveniog, April 18, be tit(, subj('el of l'rol'. Trowbridge's \V