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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
April 17, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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April 17, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Of The 0f S upervlsors Iowa, January i941 ~mty Of L:nn. ss Cedar Rapids, Iowa FebrUary 4. 1941 nttPervisors met pursuant dsor Seevell and Super- is0r Beeson ! Of SUpervisor Beeson. ~was selected to act as uoard. ~lPerViser Petty seeond- ' Seevell, the report of LI or the year 1940 was ~rvu Placed on file. All t'~e" thereon. '~Pe~'iser Seevell second- Petty, the following re. ~1, all members voting '1~1) By THE BOARD OF r LINN COUNTY. IOWA: notice to depart, as ~ter 189.4 of the 1939 ~Dl~rent the acquiring of ~ ~oUnty, be served upon wing named persons, 'a]~, 12~2" 4th Ave SE. ~15 5th Ave SE, Cedar ,R F D No 2. Cen- 612 7th Ave SE. Ce- 532 9th St SE. set Petty second- II. the report of tbe year 1040 was on file. All thereon. sot Seevell. second- the following re- dl members voting ION )n~;y. Iowa holds to Lot 6 Blk 18. ~ka 15 and 16. L. Vest Cedar Rapids. hapmon have made Said property pay i51.00 cash. and levying and tax an interest in the said property have for said proposed of this board interests of the )r: BE IT RESOLVED aOrs of Linn Coun- of the said C. E. to purchase the z from Linn Coun- Of $451.00 be and Pied, and the Chair- authorized and di- teknowledge on be- deed of Conveyance he said C E. and hand and "wife) as as tenants in coro- t OWnership in the them to take the '! property of both kbsolutely, for a ~) eash. riser Petty seeond- veil, the following all members voting lION THE BOAP.D OF ~I COUNTY, IOWA, Yance executed and f of Linn County. ~eVell as Chairman g Lot 6. Block 18. ~ks 15 & 16. L. S. t Cedar Rapids, to )~an (husband and and not as tenants right of ownership of them to take of Property of for a cash, be and the Seevell. second. I ii ii II N W Bell TelephoneCo,Shop 1 Clines Marion Spring Water Co, /War(i and as granted by Judge Harry S. food stamp acct 6.00~ tel service 14.29~John;on.All members voting "Aye" C R Gas Co. poor gas service 1,50,Norris M J. poor rent 6.00!thereon. Cut Rate Food Shop, poor prey 5.80 O'Meara F G, poor prey 26.92t The County Engineer having submitted Consumers Co-Op Grocery. Door ]Owens C E. poor rent 8.001estimated cost for the installation of the prey 4.081Osbern Mrs Frank. poor rent 8.00 following described bridges, ire estimates Community Grocery poor prey 2.30 Preston R A. D C Bailiff salary 104.001were approved and ordered placed on file Cities Service Oil Co poor Pinney Grocery, poor prey 1.10 iand work authorized to be done. All kerosene 51!Pazdera Steve, poor rent 5.001members voting "Aye" thereon. CitiesService O11 Co, poor Peterson Oscar, poor rent 11.00~ Bridge No. 1768 located in Section i fueloil 3.77 Phelps Ed. poor rent 5.0016-82~5, estimated cost $333.80. Collins Neal, poor fuel 6.00 ~Palo Savings Bank. poor rent 10.00[ Bridge No. 2120. located in Section ICha~ima Coal Co. poor fuel 138.11[Peoples Grocery. poor prey 222.31 i9-83-5, estimated cost $214.30. Central Park Fuel Co. poor fuel 149.75 Peoples Grocery. sol relief prey 1'2.8.51 On motion by Supervisor Seevell. second- Cohn & Son E, poor rent 1000 Pioneer Lithe Co. Res bindng ~ 27:541ed by Supervisor Petty, the following re- Cuiberta Grocery, poor prey 20"40'Prancer Lithe Co. O'secr ofc !solution was adopted. All members voting City Water Works, poor water " 1 supplies 1.22 f"Aye" thereon: service 102' Pine Knoll Sanatorium poor heap 27.35 RF~OLUTION C R Gas Co, poor gas service liS0~Peoples Grocery, sewing proj Chadima Coal Co, sol relief fuel 612 supplies 12'1 Concurring in Recommended Award of Centra~ Park Fuel Co. sol relief IPaul Zenota. Rec extra help 75100 Contracts for Fedeeai-aid Secondary fuel 18.36,Petty Clare, per diem mileage 19675 I~roJoet. Chapman Dr R M, sol relief tel Pinney Coal Co E E, poor fuel 299.4" 81No. FAS-364-A (1) Llnn County call to Des M 1 431Parrott & Sons Co, Matt, aud WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Cross Betsey Mae, sol relief rent 10'00 blanks & binding 14050 ]L inn County, Iowa, has considered the [Clark Ross, Bd of Education " Quaker Oats C o,Co Home feed 157'00 bids received by the Iowa State Highway meeting 2.311Red Arrow Stores, poor prey 16"01 Commission on February 4 1941 for con- Cunningham Mrs J S, Bd of Edu- Rodman E M. poor rent la'on~struetion work on Federal Aid Secondary cation meeting 260!Riekard Rebecca, poor rent ~'~ Project No FAS-364-A (1) Linn County i Cedar Rapids, City of, Assessors ' [Ramsey Agt. Harry, poor rent 8"00 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVE~) ofe utlilty set 40.001Rice Dr Bert, sol relief rent 10"001thai'the said Board of Supervisors of Linn Cross Mrs Everett, Door rent 11 00' Ritter Dr E L lecture 22 00 County, Iowa, concurs in the Commission's Craemers, poor sewing proj suP-" ]Reid Dr George D, poor med aid 15.00" ~recommendation that contracts for said plies 30.77rRozema Mary, eo nurse mileage 16 80]w rk be awarded tothe low bidders as Childrens Home The, dependent Rozema Mary, co nurse salary " follows" 50.00 children 38305 Rejsa Gladys, clerk extra help 7500 Bridge V~ork: Carberry Jos W. del tax coil " Ream John, D C Rep salary 240"001 Perry Jayne 33950 Reamer ~rs Mac poor nursing 105"00 Cedar Rapids Iowa $833685 comm 2~'00 Grading Work: Cressweli Service, lubricating oils 138"24 Reamer Tom poor nursing City Water Work, shop water " Rushek Mrs Wesley, poor rent 800I ~ M Duescnberg Ins g2]Rttmmel Mrs F W. poor rent ~ 00 CI ~ar Lake, Iowa 28,27532 service I 1Oi00 Surfacing Work: Ch~dima Coal Co, poor fuel 13779 Rogers. Hattie E. food stamp acct 22'80 |St he Jeanne, Tress extra help 52.80 IC. B. DoWses, Cary S F, Co Home rprs h IStritesky Rut Ann. aud extra Marion. Iowa 12.336.70 Dahms E J, poor rent h2.00 hetp 75.00I On motion by Supervisor Petty, second- Duster Bros Grocery. sol relief I Sands W T. Roe books 117.81 ed by Supervisor Seevell, the appointment prop 6.73iSanford Co Morris ofc supplies of Daniel Arnold as Justice ef the Peace. ~I 14.07 Grant Township, to fill vacanCy was here- Pious Meat ~farket sol relief prov 3 St Drew George, poor rent I . ~u~ks Meth Hospital Poor ho~p 60.00 [by approved. All members voting "Aye" Dolezal Joseph poor cash allow 17.001Sankot S C, poor prey 10.20 thereon. Panner Frank M. C R Aseesor St Anthony & Dakota Elevator [ On motion by Supervisor Petty. second- salary 40.001 Co, poor fuel 38.1l ed by Supervisor Beeson. the following Drew George. poor rent 9.00[Safely Robt I. poor rent 10.001bonds were approved and ordered placed Dougherty Welding Co. e~luip rprs 2550',Staid A G poor rent 10.001on file. All members voting "Aye thereon: Dennis & 8on. L J, poor fuel 76.501Stickle Port, poor rent'"iill I0.00] P J Whittmore, Deputy Sheriff Hromek Hazel R Tress extra help5280 Sweet Mrs George. dependent chil- led tract, by the person named following 10.00 the description of tract, in the amount Hampton Ida extra help 73:601S d nM ;= 50 weet Po Hanson Dr H E, poor med aid ]set opposite thereto. Heefner & Newman. Poor prov 14.37I drer~ 12.00[ Deseripion of tract: East Cedar RaDlda. Hayek Joseph. poor rent 800iSunshine Mission poor bd & room 17.00 Kenwood Annex. Hart's 1st W25ft & E15f$ HeIebrant Frank. poor rent 10100 South Side Variety Store sewing [W40ft N79ft. Lot 15 Blk .5: Offer made Hedges Co, poor rent 32.00 t proj supp 40.801by Kenneth S Borschel and Mabel B Hermanek Frank poor rent 1000 Spahn & Rose. Lbr Co. poor fuel38.25 Borsehcl: Amount: $50.00; Certificate No. 5~00 Security Laboratories, Co Home 1579 PB: Sale January 6, 1936 Harringtcn Lula. sol relief rent 800 med aid 17.15 And. whereas all tax levying and tax Hill James D. sol relief rent Hagerman Gee R, T B damages 43105 Starred Ed, Co Home clothing 38.08 certifying bodies interested in said general Hinton L A. Bd of Education Security Laboratories, criminal taxes have given written approval to such meeting 3.30 invest ~5.00 compromise and assignment of said ecrti- Helmich M Daniel. C R Assessor Seown E S. ro~l rprs 13.65 genie and this hoard being of the opinion salary 40.00 Sinclair Refining Co road supplies 10.20 that l! will be for the beat interests of Heath Merritt R. C R Assessor Seevell Elmer M. per die~n & the county that said offer me accepted: salary 135.00] mileage 174.9.5 Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Hendryx Seth A, D C Bailiff Smith James H. expense acct 133.50 Board of SuPervisors of Linn County, salary 64.00 Smith James H, expense acet 35.37 Iowa, that the County Auditor is author- Hubbard Charlotte. O'seor extra [Tnrch Press. aud books 17.34 ize~l and directed to execute an assign- help hr 1 75.00~Tayior John. poor rent 10.00 ment of the above macntioned certificate Hendryx Seth A. s f extra he p 44.80 Taft & Wagner. poor rent 6.00 to the party making the offer to pur- chase said certificate, upon payment lnl case of the amount of said offer. On motion by Superv, tsor Seevell. second. ed bY Supervisor Petty, the County Au~litor was aulhorized to a~sign the fob] lowh~g tax sale certificates and in the M MOUI r VERNON, IOWA, HAWKEYE- Itl) Alq) M I;SBON Pqre II I li I II I I I I I II liillSUl ,~ | AUd water ti~cts 1~.00 WORK El[~L][~]~ PAY ROLL NO. l~ L. Johnson for eontraet awa~d u]~lHou~r ]~ Blanche, poor med a~ ~.~00.0~ Carpenter E L, fox bounty 1.00 ~roderson Chris $ 9~60~date of February 11. 1941 was approved[ Home O11 & Gas Co, Door fuel oil 3.V7 Criseman Wm W. advanced fees .60 Cortez .Pete 9.60 and ordered placed on file. all members[ Hoffman Mrs Mlllie. poor rent 10~00 Celto A. poor rent 10.00 Fritz Virgil 3.~0 voting "Aye" thereon. |Haegg Coal Co. SO1 relief fuel 88.74 Carpenter Mrs Maud. poor rent 11.00 Gabbert @bar[as 6.40 On motion by Supervisor Beeson. second-! Hlnton L A. bd of education City Water ]~rorks. sol reliefHeath Mauriee ~ 6.40led by Supervisor Seevell. the County Audi-[ meeting S.40 water service 2,00 Hilt Gee W 9.601or was authorized to assign the foliowi~g|Holden-Kahler Co surplus eommod 1.6~ Clines Marion Spring Water Co Hanson Ole 6.40 tax sale certificates and in the amount|Hetheringtona. Eng pie supplies 3.~7 clerk water tickets 15.00 Krumm Gee J 9.60 of taxes due with tntorest and PenaltY|Handler Mote Co. equip rPre 10.40 City Water Works. Ct Hse & Kruse Orval 9.60 thereon on the date of assignment, ail[Holub Frank M. tiling 3~.40 Jail water service 67.36 Lee Richard 6.40 members voting "Aye" thereon: [Harpers Ante Refinishing Co. Christensen B~kery, Jail prey 24.88 Ledvina Edward 9.60 Certificate I~8PR. Tax Sale, February[ prob ore car exp 7~0 Children Home The. dependent [Lopez John 3.2D 2, 19~0, Assigned to H J Cousinl [Hasek Dr V O, Door raed aid 26.0@ children 38~8 Medulan Mile 6.40 Certificate 13981~B, Tax sale January 6,[ Harvey Dr R A. poor reed aid $.00 Chandler Co. equip rpre 51 M/kesell Guy 9.601936. Assign to Edwin Hetherington and[ Hanson Dr H E. poor meal aid 1~,50 Central City Telephone Co, shop ]Miller Charles 60 Amy H Hetherington /v. z~]~ '" ~ ~.~,rle l~lgn; ~ rower t~o. tel service 2.96 Martin O R 6.40 Certificate ll4PB Tax Sale. February| ~nor lbrht service Center Point Lbr CO. materials [Raygor James 9.602. 1940. Assigned to Clarence Leverich. /igfa & Kalell Door P~v 6.886.80 & supplies 46.81 Sunberg Alfred 9,60 Certificate llSPB, Tax Sale FebruarY[r.~hl,~ l-~trv ~',~1 ~,~lh~f n,~v As ed I n 5.~0 Crescent Macaroni & Cracker Co Swore Walter 9602 1940 sign to C are ce Leverich. I~. z~ v ~ L ~^ o^ Jail prey 18.06 Stark Alfred 320 Certificate 119PB. Tax Sale. February| N Y A light ser 4.68 C R Auto Supply Co, equip rprs [Stoneking Scott 9.602. 1:940, Assigned to Clarence ~I~evorieh Ta El~ot~l~t TAe,ht J."'P~'~"~'"~/.~" & supplies 462.88 Smith Francis J 9.60 Certificate I~IPB. Tax Sale. Febrmu'y| shop light ser 46.4~ Carpenter-Johnson Co, Co Memo I~Voed Rhea 9602, 19~@ Assigned to Clarence Levarich. [.~.~.~ ~.~.~ fth ~.'~""~=~.~ 5 ~ I ~I P x F t, ~- ~ 11.18 prey 117. 0~Woof Wm 9.60 CerU tcate 123 B, Ta Sale. r ebmar~[ Jon~s Mary Anna noor esmh allow 18.54 . C R Pump & Supply Co Co Home I Wasendorf Dewey 6 40 2, 1940. Assigned to Clarence Love ~ch. ] J~hv .T~.~ m~nt ~-t~ h~ 13.60 rl~s 4,581 NBING Certificate I~3PB. Tax Sale, Fcbru Ynku a-; h~';- "&'" c~-~;,-;/'J~/ Carbee J M, Ct Hse insurance 44.04 =~v ~ .a~-,o ~. 1940 Assigned to Clarence Leverieh mmnll " Dougherty Welding Co, equip rprs 13,50] . r~. . 3TM Certificate 134~, Tax Sale Februar~[Ki~-~n'~stmen~"~o""~w~'".=~; 7,66 4 47 Aoams ~aargaret ~ w.uu ' g,~ p~ Davis Dairy Co. Jail prey 4 ~, 1940. Assigned to Clarence Leverich rent a. h--t 6 7"Al~en Uora ~ "~ rtffie -- 136P 1~.0~ Duster Bros Grocery. Jell prey ~ ^^ ^^ t;e ate u, ' 'ax ~aie ~'eoruarYl ~. ~-n "~ ~--r- or -re Dolezal Jamea, gen election janl- . ~ o ce a W II 400 Babbitt Bertha 10.00 .~ ~ti - ~ 1 r ~ t" d[Kre|ciMrs J mee,sol re ef tor ser " .^ ^^ un me on nY ~Upe~ SO ~e tY. ~ "i --nt Elseabast 0 J, eonun'r of insanity 33.00 uth . .oy.m ed by Supervisor Seevall, the following re-| . """ii"" ='ai'd12,00 6o74[~srnes ttose~ary zu.uu.nh~*t,~n v~, o,~t~r] ~1! ~,ahm.~ ~r,tt~,lKee@u ~ tt Ja. SOl re C~ meu u ~,~ Eggers Meat Mkt, Jall prey 1 ~'~ " ~ ~k m' 12 00 Be~fller Ne]]is 0.00,~o, ~her |KoPeo y F E, eom r salary & Eastburn Allie, Poor rent iBislg Alice 10.00 mileace 10.30 Evans Stationery CO. ~ ore { 30.00 RF~0LUTI0N,Klipto Loose Leaf Co library WHEREAS, the Linn County Rural Else-| books ~ 3,as tric Cooperaitva Aseociatten dnrisers permis-[ Krts Emma poor rent . 10.00 sion to make s/x side-arm attachments tot he| Kaeena Co 'Co Home rPre 1.86 north side of the Center Point-Pale Bridge.|Latimer Hdwe Co sswin~ ~roi a~roes the Cedar River in SextOn 3o-.1 supplies : ~. f - I0,~$ Township 85 North, Range 8, West of the|Lytle Gladys poor rent ~ ~.~ 0,00 Fifty PM in Linn County. Iowa, and |Linn County' F~od Stamp 0flies WHEREAS, this would he a 7200 VOI~[ sol relief prey S0?.M grounded neutrel PEA ~M llne. and|Leefers Press, shrf ore suppllea5.~ would be attacnou so that men D~intlng|Linn Co Rural Electri~ Co OD, or working on the bridge could not o0n~[ R O W exp 8~.11 Field Leonard M, sen election janitor set 4 00 Foley Mary 20.00 in contact with the hot wires, and Limbaek Lbr Co bridge lumber 34.47 l~'a0 Freeman Frances B 20.00 W~LEREAS. the total vertical weight on Larimer Hdwe Co E K equip rpr's 385.4~ Gouldin Florence. D C Rep salary "~'~ French Olive 10.00 the entire bridge would be 10~2.S potmd& Linn County Food S~mp Office Gazette Co. pub proc Fuller Elaine 30.00] while the total horizontal pull would be poor prey Grant Township, clerk & trustees 3n 0a Fuller Philena 10.00i1780 pounds, and Merritt "Jos I~"'~'"H~'"in'sur~'~ 2,1~9.80 38.70 meeting ~'10 Gilmor Louise 10.001 Wd~ERR&S, it would be uneeonomioal to Midwest Fruit CO Jail prop . 16.11 Grove Coal Co, poor fuel %~'00 Groat Marguerite 20.001 try to span the river at this point where Maine Township" posting qu~ Galley James, poor bd & room ~2'nn H~,nshaw Vcra 32.00 ] the bridge measured 1039 feet and both sign ~ 1.50 Gaakill J A. poor rent ~'~j~ Haft Elizabeth 10.001approaches are only five feet abova water Morr/s Frank. poor prey "" 2,56 Gilmore Mrs Louise. poor rent ~'~u~ Hatter Lucille 30.00, fine at the premmt date. Murray Hassen. poor Prov"~ i.i~ 6.1~ Gregory Mrs J E. poor rent ~'~}~ Hayes Clara 20.001 NOW. THEREFORE. be It resolved bY|Miles Grocery. Door prey 12.14 Gunnison 0eorge. poor rent ~Heddinger Ceva 30.00ithe Linn County Board of ~l|Ore ira]Mann Mrs Mary. sol relief rent 10.00 Gabel Ira C. D C Jurors meals ~IHenderson Helen 20.00 consideration of the pern~saion sought,IMt Vernon Hawkeye Record. Dub Gazette Co. pub notice 13"34 /Horsky Pearl Mac 10.00 which is hereby granted aald Linn County pree ~5.17 Hach Broa Co. Jail supplies = I Johnson Emma 10.00 Rm?al Electric Cooperative Association. to Mercy Hospital. poor heap 118.~0 Hubbard Ice & Fuel Co, 0'~r |Kascy Mary 18.~7 make six side-arm attachments to the Melts Charles, veer rent 12.00 20.00 north side of the Center Point-Pale Bridge, Martin,-R~aaa Tra~tor & Equip ice service 13`'3--8000 Eeut Olive Harvey Dr R A. poor meal aid Kouik FranCes 10.00 the said Llnn County Rural Electric Co- Co. equip rpra 1.044.46 Hoover Mrs Harry. poor bd & 2500 Lineweaver Daisy 60.00 operative Association hereby agrees to pay Morse Alfred. tiling 4~.80 room 10"00 LOw Alice S 8.00 all costs of installation and melntensmce Men's Reformatory road signs g~t.4S Hedges Co. poor rent 22"00 Luettjohann Minnie S0.00 of said side-arm attachments, and to hold M~rion Sentinel. p'ub proc- i~ 91.441 Hedges Co. sol relief rent ~4cMurrin Laura 10.00 Lima County. lows. harmless from any and Moravso Dr E L. poor meal aid 9.00 Hubbard Ice & Fuel Co. Ct Him ]Maekey Rose 3~.00 all damages of any and every kind. natttreI MeCright Harold W. Co Home supplies . 10.66 I Margretz Pauline or description which may arise by reason insurance Harris Mrs Lura E, poor nursing 15.00 Martin Angeliue ~0000~ ~0.8~ of the said use of said Center Pelnt-Pelo McCoy Paul Ct Hee insurance " 110.10 Harper & MolnUre Co. hdwe ]Mo:endy Juauita 30.00 Bridge. Said Linn County Rural Electric McKesson &" Robbins Door dru'gs 13.83 & supplies 74.84 Mendel Joan 10.00 iCooperativo Association further agrees Me~nanv Mrs Margaret riper Ia Electric Light & Power Co. ~ ~0 Miller Della 8.00 that said construction of side-arm attach- nursing ~ : :" ~ food stamp aeet ~Miller Josephine 24.00 merits shall be in accordance wtih tits N W Bell Telenhone Co" 'shrf "tel 12.00 Ia Electric Light & Power CO. IMiller Laura S0.00 National Electric Safety Code, and in ac- service r sol relief light ser 1`50[Minor Eva 10.00 cordance with all requirements of the laws N W Bell "'~le'~'bo~e'"Co~"O:~r 4.10 Ireland Coal Co, sol relief fuel 8.00]Newkirk Ruth 60.00 of the State of lows. tel service Ia Electric Light & Power Co. Nifwlin Wands 9-0.00 On motion by Supervisor ~Bee~sn. second. ~aseo Rros Door'"~rov 2.90 4,96 Ct Else light & power and heat 01Nofai Eugenle 30.00 ed bY Supervisor Petty. the appointment Nasoif Sam' ~)or rc~nt 10.00 aeet 1.097.9 ]O'Brien Vlrgtuia 1~.00 is hereby granted to Mary Loukota againel Nashel '~Irs" Frank " ~nn~'"~,~t" LO 10.00 Ia Builders Supply Co. road melnt ~48.00 Olmetead Alice ~0.00 t 1 Block 6 Cobban & Adams RoPlat of Nash-Finch Co. antifreeze ~9.74 Illinois Powder Mfg Co. blasting 98~Patton Edna 80.00 Mocks 2. 3. 5 & 6 of Bradley & Adams National Refint,r ~ ~ tf.-M~ 87.70 powder 8. }Pegump Maxine 20.00 Additinn to Cedar Rapids, Iowa for the N'ebrask~ ~Rr~d~r~ ~."~l~"#." T,*~'~ 3~ pp~l~W LGoluiad~ 10.00. Care of Albert Loukota at Oakdale in the C- b-i~-y'-~" Jimenez Joe, poor rent 8. Sl~'"::::~:~:~:~:~ 20.00 amount of $155.o3 as shown by page Norris Ro~"~t ~lh n Jackson J T, sol relief rent 1 . . o, r age ~nr 3,683.00 Kellogg Dr L ~, insp bangs tPollet Grace 80.001199 on the State Institution Ledger in ~ mt~ disease salary lS.90~Habik Frances 10.00 the office of the County Auditor, and Poyneer'Fred"J'"Ct"H~"insuran~ 3.16 $3.70 Klase Raymond N. D C RO~m IRaftis Hazel ~Z0.001Mary Loukota in the amount of $115.20 Phillips Flower'S shon inauranee ~4.1~ 16.00 r pro. supplies ~0.00[Reed Bertha as ahow~ on page 1125 in the State In- Pmon]m~ ~ ~,~,' .Z'! Kloubec Charles, poor rent 8.00,Reilly Beatrice 10.00 stltution Ledger in the office of the County sup.plies I.~ Knapp H N. poor rent 6.M~Robinscn Lena 10.00 Auditor all members voting "Aye" thereon Pinned Coal Co I~ ~ ~,~ e~.~ ' ' r 140,78 Kcech Dr R K. sol relief med aid $.00 Ryan Catherine M.00 On motion by Supervisor Seevell. second-. Peterson n.oar q~ nnn~ ~.~n+ 6.841 Kutehera Sodding & Fuel CO. sol60 IShearer ~essie 10.00 ed by Supervisors Petty. the appointment Pratt Frank sol relief tent 12.?S relief fuel 08helton Bessie 10.00 el Flora Graham. Stenographer in the Linni Pinney Coal Co E E sol relief fuel 27.00 Kopecky F E, Comm'r salary & ~Sicmering Enid 40.00 County Relief Repartment at a salary eli ~.~. c~r~v .~ ~.~n~e ~.~. ~ t ~-"- 7.34 m/lease 14.3~ SJ~/Icy ~ertha 80,00 :~TU.O0 per men n, c~leelave February ,tU Phl ~ l~r~,~ ~1 n r,~ =^ Keller Co Walton A. Eng oft ISnyder Mac 10.00 1941--and Ida Hampton waiter, Linn] roach & tools ". 45.00 supplies 4.~3 8ommers Marie 30.00 County Relief Department at a salary of ~mo~R ~r c~t ~.~ ~.m~.~.~,~ ~7.82 Klinger Paint Co, bridge snpplies 14.95 Steggall Alma 12.00 $70.00 per month, effective February 17. 4 36.70 Kll~Isn ~o, Jail supplies 6.00 Switzer Rena 10.00 19 I, are hereby approved, all members ~t~ Mr. P~tv~l. ~n~ .~nt 10.00 Kudnra W J. rct prisoners for ~itus Gertrude 10.00voting "Aye" thereon. Riverside Fuel Co. sol relief fuel 6.00 trial S.1{~ Tompkln~ Mary 10,00 CLAIMS ALLOWED Rohn Mrs E M, poor rent 6.00 Lawrence Press Co. assessors sup- Vavra Mary 10.00 Ambulance Service Co. poor am- Reo-Jones Co. equip rprs 1.~8 plies ~49.44 Vrdenburg Ce]estia 80.00 car exp $ ~.87 l~tpida ~hevrolet Co. Eng car exD Lord Mrs Jessie. POor rent ~.00 Wainwright Amte 20.00 Ambulance Service Oo. service & equip rprs 66./45 Lobenste4n I M. sol relief rent 10.00 Webb Jennie 10.00 contract 106.06 Rapid Blue Print Service, Eng ofc Linn County Food Stamp Office Wells Luia 8.00 Amebuianee Service Co, poor am- supplies 51.$6 sol relief prop ~ 78.00 Wenger Blanche 20,00bulance 8.0@ Rodman E M, POor rent 10.00 Linn County Relief Dept, prison- Wheeler Mary Ann 20,00 era expense 11.15 Wheeler Winona 40.00 A Ave Grocery. poor prey 44.84 Rummel Mrs F W. poor rent 1~.00 Abraham Grocery A S, poor prey 7.52 Rohn Mrs B M, poor rent 1~.00 County Audl- amount of taxes Jue with interest and Little Frank. equip ~pra 6.00 White Julia 26,79 A & P Tea CO, poor prey 9.18 Smith Robt F, bange disease the following Hunt r Beryl, poor rent pen3ity thereon on the ~atc of assignment. Loekhart R W, hdwe & supplies S.86 Wflford Hazel 30,00 A & P Grocery poor prey 104.26 damag~es 8.00 in the amount of ! Hauser Dr J D, poor reed aid 6.00 Triangle Refineries. road gasoline 534.56 all members voting "Aye" thereon : Leonard Implement Co. equ/p rpre 7.64 Wllkins Georgeuia 10.00 Aretie Coal Co. poor fuel 4.59 I Stroff Elmer, fox bounty 1.00 and penalty there-Houset of the Good Shepherd, I Usher Otto, bangs disease <~am- Certificate No. 90PB. Tax Sale Fehruaryl Llnn County Abetrect Co. R 0 W Wlllita Irene 20.00 Allboned Frank. poor rent ; 7,501Sawyer Biscuit Co, Jail prey 8.0~ merit, all members: dependent children 60.00 ages 8.00 2. 1940. Assigned to Cold Stream Farms. expense ~.00 Wilson Emma ~).00 Abodeeiy Eli, poor rent 6.00 Sand W T. Treas blanks 4.06 Tax 8ale of Feb-i Herring Mrs Don. dependent chil- Uiniversity Hospital. poor hosp 6.50 La4~omareino-GruPe Oo Jail prey 25.12 Wood Jessie 10.00 A . P Grocery sol relief prey 26.36 Seherrebeck W J. Ct Hse lnaur- dren 12.001Van Meter Co. Ct Hse supplies 22.37 In~ertiflc:~te No. ~SPB. Tax Sale February Linn Township. clerk & trustees 8E~ ROAB MAINTENANCE PAY ROLL 4merican CorD. library books ].4.00 &nee 36.70 ~ed to Anscn S.I Hense T E. sheep killed 6.65 Vondraeek Mkt. sol relief prey 7.34,1940. Assigned to Paul Kruger mee~n~ ].o.UU No 1. 1941 American Education Press Ine, li- Stubbs & CO. L H. C~t Hse in- I Hedges Lbr & Coal re. materials Vietorine George. C R AHesor Certificate No. 39PB. Tax Sale February Linn County Food Stamp Office ~ F F Fredertek $ 193.50 brary books 15.471 gurance $6.70 ~or Seevell. second. & supplies 90.27 salary 40.002", 1040, Assigned to Panl Kruger DOOr prey 7:~u ~ . ' '~n R~, Lynch 159.48 Amhulance Service Co. poor trans 4.00 ] Slavia Realty Co, Ct Hse tn- the County Audl- I Home Oil & Gas Co. diesel fuel 469.99 Van Meter Co. Co Home rprs 22.63 Certificate No. 564PB Tax Sale January Linkletter M G. Ct Hse insurance Alton E Seevell 1~2.77 Armature Ser~rlee CO. O'seor car suronce ~$.'fD m for cancellation I Holub Frank M. tiling 88.70 ] V~se ROy hog killed 12.50 ~. 1936. Assigned to Mecie Ellen Phillips Mt Vernon Hawkeye Reoord. ~og.~ C E Sprague 1~1.77 exp ~.81 I Singer Sewing Machine Co.- sew certificate in the Higley Chemical Co. Co Home I Wright H E. D C Bailiff salary 104.0~ Certificate No 961PB. Tax Sale January pub pros ~ H E Travts 156.66 Andrew Carburetor Service. equip ins proJ supp ;. 7.~8 with interest and supplies 497Z Walter Jeanne. Treas extra help48.006. 1936. Assigned to Mecie Ellen Phillips Modern Bakery. Jail prey ~''ffi C L Peterson 87.$~ rprs 3.26[St Lokce Meth Heap. poor neap 41~.~ ate of assignment I Heath Merritt R. C R Assessor " Wiley Virgin/a. Treas extra help 65.60 Certf/cate No. /516PB Tax Sale January Maine Township. clerk & trustees ~.R/chard E Burlingham 61.38 Auto Electric Shop. equip rprs ~Z0.361 Security Laboratories. Door drugs S.00 ~" thereon: I 8405Iwilc x Verona. Treas extra help50.806. 1936. Assigned to Meeie Ellen PhLllips meeting ~u.vv 8am C. Frasinger 92.04 Armature Service Co. equip rprs 11.99] Sunshine Mission poor rent & B. Tax 8ale of ! mileage iWalterick Htlda. Treas extra help 24.00 Certificate Na 1531PB. Tax Sale January Marion Water CO. N Y A water lJce Hurt 40.04 Burleson Agency H C. Ct Hse in- Bd & room 29.00 ~d to Sam A Lieb.'I wa State Employment Service ~nu Whitings Dairy. poor prey 1.476. 19:t6. Assigned to Meeie Ellen Phillips service S.SSIWalter Hurt 78.84 sUrance 36.701Super Service Oil Co. Poor fuel set Petty. second- I co share ot exp Waddle Mrs Nora. poor pray 18.78 Certifieate No 1532PB. Tax Sale January Miilard Fred. poor fuel ~.~ Vivian C Young ] oil 92.08 Burkhalter Insurance Agency, Ct ~4.00 ,the following re- I [a Electric Light & Power Co. ~ 61 Wick B L, poor rent 10.00 6, 1930, Assigned to Meeie Ellen Phillips Miller Mrs George, poor rent 36.70 ] Sanders K D, poor prey ~.10 LI members votingI poor light scr Loran Voorhias 184,10 Hse insurance " " Certificate No 1533PB, Tax Sale January Mun~t Robert. poor rent 7.00 W L Morgan 134.10 Boyd Earl, Ct Hse insurance 58.721Sauers Grocery. poor prey 4.06 Igram & Kaleil, poor rent 40.00 ~i~Is~nBr~uc~eya;lof ~n~en) 12.00 10.00 6, 19:]6, Assigned to Meeie Ellen Phillips Murphy Mrs J J. Door rent 6.00 Jake Searles 152.77 Baker Paper Co, Ct Hse supplies 23,41]~fleieY George, Door peep 11.S~ iOJ Iowa Builders Supply Co poor 663 Waffle 0 G. poor rent 20.00 Cez tifleate No 1534PB. Tax Sale January Miles Francis. fOK buonty 1.00 Dewey Alexander 148.65 Big Shoe Store. prisoners expenss ~.021 Stewart Mrs Chas. poor rent 8.14 by the Board ofIafuelElectric Light & Power Co. a. o~ WrightWagner MrsG W.Mary.poor rentpoor rent 6.337"506. 1936. Assigned to Meets Ellen PhllUps Mitchell T I. food stamp acet 10.00 Kenneth Anderson 127.20 Baker Paper Co. sewing proj sup- Sinkey Howard. poor rent 8.00 Iowa~ acting Co Home light ser Certificate No 1535PB. Tax 8ale January Master Tire Tread Co. equip rprs 84.60 Leo Baker 127.~0 plies 82.41 Shelton Ollie. sol relief rent 1~.00 by law. that " Whitney Minnie. poor rent 8.006. 1936. Assigned to Meeie Ellen Phillips Mitchell T I. road maint 1.30 Wesley Bartosh 12ff.20 Beehears Dr W H. poor me~ aid 2.00 Sauers Grocery. sol relief prey 9.18 ed as full dis- Ia ~Electric Light & Power Co.~ ~n Ware Grocery. poor prey 10.35 Certificate No 1548PB. Tax Sale January Martln-Rosaa Tractor & Equip Wm Broxey 67.20 Butterfield Dr L W. poor meal aid 2.00 Sedlacek Dr Leo B. sol relief .sting for the shop light ser ~"" Walfe Machine Co. sewing room 6. 1936. Assigned to Mecie Ellen Phillips Co. equip rental 20.00 Howard Jordan 1~7.~0 Benesh Dr F B. poor reed aid 3.00 me<] aid 3.10 Tis G. B/shop. Jones Dempsy Co Recorder. re- ~ supplies 5.00 On motion by Supervisor Beeson. second- Marion Garage. equip rprs ~.9.2T Howard Lockwood 122.77 Borechel Mrs E F. poor nRrsingM~3~9 Simon Frank. comm'r salary& at the State eording tax deed Walbrand A H. comm'r salary & Marion Sentinel. Pub pros 114.13 JamesMoubry 127.20 Bulk Oil Co. poor fuel oil against the Jackson J T. poor rent 12.00 .~ilea,~e 9~) ed by Supervisor Seevell. the resignation m~leage 13.00 7 O0 ~ ~ ='"'== of Bertha Dempsy atenographer in the MeShane Mrs Nora poor rent 7`50 ~chadle Mrs Emma R~ M O~ estate: The East- Johnston Mrs Gee. poor rent t~se I0.00 Emmctt Murphy 125.13 Bear Fred, poor rent Warren Webster & Co ~t "" ' 5955 Linn County ReBef Department effective MoNall Machinery & Supply Co 8 education meeting ~ lloek 29 Brown's Johnson Emil C. C R Aassssor 40.00 Wi;~lPa~eSMr's'"~rc~'e'"'~oc'"~e~" ' as of FebrutrY 10. 1941 was accepted, all MeeqKe~asPonrPre ~ I L Sword 127.~0 Bokorney Service. O'seor cai' ezp 6.6 . . Rapids reserving, salary :. 6.20 K E Graver 148.65 Blook Co W G. pOOr ~ SS.S~ Stones Truck Service Co, ~q~lp and 'r~w.~re ,~ Krapf Carl E. aneep KilICO 13.3~ "-~" ' " 62n members vot'ng "Aye" thereon. & Robbing. CO Home Lester Caraway lg2.77 Burr Elmer F. bd of education rprs 38.1@ 3 n68tandard Tire Co equip rprs 600 ' any balance of Krejsa Dr Oidrich, quar med, aid 7.00 W~rner "Ma~rlha /~'"C'"R'"A~'s;or ' ~ On motion by Supervisor Beeso seooud, reed aid 7,14 Lewis C Ellington 70.40 meeting -- - Kadiee Mrs J M. poor bd & room 26.00 e ~ ^^ed by Superv/scr Secvell, the County was Naseif Sam J. poor rent 19.00 Hobart F Fowler 70.40 Beranek G A, hdwe & tools 5,10 Sa~nds W 1, prob ofc stationery 5.~6 ~r Seevell second- Kinney Co G R, poor clothing 37.77 salary ~'~" authorized and directed to notify the Nie Arthur J. O'seer salary 1S5.~S Francis Gaines 122.77 Bokorncys Radltor Service, equip ~cnmldt TyPewriter Exchange. Arthur" J. Nie Krejct Broa. poor prey 274 Williams Mrs Auebert. aepenuent t:u~tees in the various townships that Newmans Merle. ~iuip rpre children 26 58 ty Relief Denart- Klinsky Grocery Jerry. poor Drop 89126 ~ . . "'""'""- " ~.' ^ 10:00 A. M. February 27. 1941 was the N W Bell Telephone Co. Co Home 8.80 F E Graver 12~$.77 rl~s 10491 Tress mach reittal 4[.0@ llo' i Isims Mrs C W, poor rent 600 of absence with Kimberling Mrs E L. poor rent 10.00 woo~en Agt Jonn A. poor ren~ oo.~u time and date set for the meeting of the tel service J L Heady I.l~.'/~ Barren MOtor Co. equip rpre Scott County. poor heap "*'* 5~60 17.65 Arthur Holub 113.9'~ Boulder Township, M of ednoa-12008tandard 0/t Co. Co Home Eas Woodside Agt J H poor rent o u Nez 'd. lncindinz nay Kriz Emma. poor rent 1000 . Board of Approval t0 adopt the coming erka Joe sen election ~ani- ~arl Lehr 12~.77 tion meeting ~'s of such-leave Keech Dr R K. sol relief meal aid 2'00o.o~ Witwerwelch PrintingGr cer COTreasHOmeblanksProv 77.47e ut p.r ad~^etionPr gram4.4~f r3"IAnn~n"nC unty~''~^as ^~pr vided~- No'*~'pt r ssrvi~'~ ~ ~. " 4.00 Virgil Longerheam 86.40 Blu~ki Mrs Win. poor rent ~SI~ ~ & fUel = P~.6~ rs votinK "Aye" Koss Mrs Frank, sol relief rent o.~, '. ',o~ ---,o,~ ~,~ u, ,~wa 1 ~, ~ ~se insurance 74.87|Edgar Lyons 67.20 C R & I C Ry, poor trans '~ I~wift & Co up Home prey 121 2~ - -- Kopecky F E. eomm'r salary & ~ Whiting James ~. (~epenuen~ 0m~- 1449 .%11 members voting "Aye" thereon. Parrott & Song Co Matt, clerk {M L Miles 122.77 Callaghan & Co. Ct room suppltem 10"~)0 Takes & G~iner. poor fuel ~[" 7~7~$ ].465I dren On motisn by Supervisor Petty. second- blanks Tuckers Auto Salvage @o, equip Yeager Co Jack poor clothing 202 Pl ~r Ssevell. second- mileage 2100 . . . " ed by 8upervisor Beeson." the County "Pals Meat Mkt. Jail ~.~ l~.54[Ralph R Streets 57.60 C R Clean Towel Service. Ct Hse the rental agree- Keller Wilbur. fox bounty Yellow Cab Co. poor trans 615 Treasurer was hereby author~'zcd and di- Posplsil Joe fox ho tv--"- 6.79|B C Walmar 121E77 supplies 1~26 Tirpr~s $.~l ~stmant CA)~mpany Kessler Grocery. poor prey 11.94 ~ u~ ' . 1.00|R M Clark 14~.6~ Came Richard F Ct Hoe insurance sm'.~nl re Retread Co, equip rprs 1~00 Zacher Bros poor prey as 213-215-217 Kintzinger John W. D C Rep '. r n 10"00 reefed to transfer the sum ot $~89.35 from Perpetual Says & Loan Ase'n poor ~ Glenn Bassets 105.16 Coekburn & Son G H. ~ Hse Triangle Refineries gasoline ~ 535~ 17400 zacel~ ~atnerme. poor e t ' ~ the County Road Improvement Reruns rent ,m [ Ulch Jerry. Ct Hse rprs ~6~ 00 Rapids. Iowa. salary ]0"00 Zahradnik, A O. sol relief No 116 Fund and the sum of $2 50 from Pohoraky Mrs Kate. poor 10.00|John Cassatt 30.83 insurance Vacek, Godfrey. poor rent 20 00 8.001GeeClark 122.77 C R Clean 'rowel Service, food Wing Project and Kysilka Helen. poor rent .'.~a WORK RELIEF PAY R ~- ~ the Primary Road Refund Fund No. 3 to PYle Mary. poor rent ].0.60077~Wm Conrad ].2~.77 Stamp acct ~7~[Van Meter Co. shop expense ].4.47 ~dd agreement on Kelly Mary. poor rent Broderson Chris $ ~ the General County Fund. and the County [Peoples Grocery. sal relief prey ~'" Woodward W ACt Hse insur- ~. COunty Auditor. Kendall Hdwe. Co. Co Home math 7|C W Fro~eriek 122.77 Crosby Roy. poor prov 6.44[ an ~ ~. u0rtez ~'ete o'~ Auditor was authorized to correct hie ~orPetual Spas & Loan Ass'n, sol L, members votingKendall & toOlSHdwo Co. shop hdwe ~btt~hrt MCh~F]eeeS G ;';; tAOkay,i~eee~or~ngly all members voting prar~e~rar~ntnk, poor rent ::::.:::: 10"0015.00| Al|EarIw LLe01eroKaSMerHelbig 12~,77122"7"I ~2.77 CookCoreyCenter&Gr ~erY'P intwilson,Dairy'poorP mP rprovProvpr v .~"~:~'9~|~", Welch, surancece A~eneY J M: Ct Hse In. ~0.II0~6.70 ~vell,~r Seevell,the second-county Lutes& aUPPH B, Treas extra help oz u26"62 HansonmU Georgeole W : ~.60v.=. ll~mestcad Tax Credit application No. I Pate D-K Service Statlon. ulP I c M Meroshek 106,~ Castle Brns poor fuel ~'~,|Whlppie AgenCy Milo R Ct Hse ].0 00 14248 for the year 1940 was granted, ~lse[ ~Prs "~'031 insurance l to purchase dy- IAndahl F W, food stamp aect ~rumm ~eorge ~ v .~ 8.17|Jack Norris 122.77 Coggon Creamery, poor fuel ~0 department in Lefebure CorD, Justice Ct dockets 09"40 v~-.^ ,~ . 9"60 on file in the llomestead Tax Credit Re- Perpetual Says & Loan Ass'nDoor IW A Peterseu 143.65 Condon Mrs Christina. poor rent 'o.|Witerburg Lee B Ct Hse insur- 36.70 ~-.~ y;.a o'.~ gister. F rent 9.60[Lloyd Davis 109.40 ~aihoun Thomas. poor rent l~'00]West Co Bru~"A"~'Hse incur&nee 30.70 ' All memhers Lcacox Howard M. bangs disease 800 t ee,x,eowna.mCnaro owaro ;. On motion by Supervisor Beeson. seeond-[Pardubeky B J. fen el' tion [ElCy Elgin 122.77|City Water Works sol relief wa. damages 2"00 -- - - " 9160 ed by 8uperviscr Seevcil. the following re-r Jan/tor ser 4.00|~ve~ett Elliott 122.77|'~ ter service ~ 1.53 ~hitney Gee P.poor fuel ~8.~4~ ~or Petty, second- Leidigh Dr R E, poor med aid 28"~t5 ~Ol~Z aonn 6"40 solution was adopted all members voting Peterson PaYSon W ~"~"~s~; |Frank Fee ].$2.77]CarDenter William, fox boUnty ~nnl atsabaugh W R, Door rent 10.00 eeVell the County Lifts Goreery. poor prey ].~'00 Mi~.u'a'n .~ o 9'60 "Aye" thereon: ' I ance ' ~5.05[Forest Hart 86.40|0 R Fire Dept. Jail recharge a"vv[W rmleY' J M. poor rent 10.00 to draw warrants Lefebure Waldo, poor rent ~KCse~ ttUy p on the Widows' Lambert Earl. poor rent ].~.00 Miller Charles 9.60 RESOLUTION carson & Robb. Ct Hie inlRir- [R W Hartsell ].S~.77] extlnguishere o tin|Wagner Mortuary sol relief burial 60.00 of Widows Lobenstein I M. poor rent 20.00 Martin 0 H 6.40 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of[l~eor p;'~'~'l'"'-'~=i',~"~';=~" 7 ^^(Frank Hendryx 1 77|CUnningham Mrs J S, M of edu- ]Well Joe, sol relief rent 10.00 k~tion 3641. 1935 Llnn County Food~ 8tam Office ~eek Louis ~.ou Supervisors of Linn County Iowathat lKo .- . ~--. =-.~t ffi.~w~ xo.vv a u m:m 12~ 771 cation meeting 8 ~1 [ Walbr~l~l A H. eomm'r salary & ~traount as shown sol reliel prey 20 ' y ~re~cnen "x~ea~ extra help 196.00 MeMunin Merle 3. pursuant to the ~owers conferred by law [ " ": 49.20~C B McNeil 88.40[Clark Rose M ""oi'""~eation [ m~tlegge 4.5@ ~der to Margaret Lawrence 0 W. arty fees defend- 0 4t0 ~r ~r~ vtrl~ma so~ reuei I Wilbur Oliphant 122.77 meeting ' o ~ William~ & Hunting Co maint ex~ ~J~ Noble Sam said county hereby releases any hen now| rent "" We ~n. Minnie Luett- ins prisoners 20.00 Sunberg Alfred 9.60 existing against Lot 12 Block 49 Hull'aIReamcr Tom"'~i'""ii"f" "? &00~Glenn Piughaupt Sd40 Chadima Coal'"~"'~r'"fuei ~oo'Sg| nn R C0 surfacing S/~.~ . ] . Centra. Park Fuel Co, poor fuel "~a'~,t| Wadsworth EL Door rent ].~.00 hid Siemering and Lilyard Mrs Amy, poor nursing 30.00 Swore walter 9.60 sixth addition to Cedar Rapids, for the Re--- " ' re e nurmng 9500 Howard Ramsey 122~7 ~ ~'n~|Western Union, O'seer telegrams 8.4'/ .~anted by Judge LinColn O11 Co. equip rprs & Stark Alfred 9.00 ears and su--ort of Nora C''-~ ~ ) Kers ~ames. Door ren$ 600|walter ~llte 8640 ~.- ~r ~ v Sm ' "" " ' T " " Continental Oil Co, &ntifreeze $778 Stoneking Scott 0.60 State Hosnital at Inde~ndence ~ ~ [ ith E S. Oseer extra help 75.001SF L" 'unKs ~ ~ 122.77 Coggon Monitor, Pub tax deed |Yellow Cab Co, poor trans ].I.88 i members VOting suPp : ~ ~ " Str a a~ ~ Yellow Cab Co, sol relief trans ~ Linn County Food Stamp oxI~ee Smith. Francis J 9'60.^ at ~a~e. 1676 of Count*'s Aua"-,~,- ~ v~'-'-I insader Dr. H N. ~gs dim I I~C JgOADCONSRTb'CTION PAY BOLL notices we ,OWED poor prey 132140 woo~. Rhea ~ ou Institution Ledger in the amount of SecondP smarYAve P~'"'"'"'" 6~.60~ -- P. No. 1. 1941 Cook R L. shop tools 485| ~ IK]~L~IgF ]PAY F.OL~ No. 17@ 61(}0 |Broderson Chris $ 9.6@ ira helps 4480 Mason Lois, ~l~reas extra help 75.00 Woof Wm 9.60 $614.21. but not releasing lien for saidI e~ clerk station, iU a, eterson $ ~6.43 Cammn Mrs Earl, Door rent 27~[Cortes Pete 9.~0 DOor am- " Mason Bernice. Tress extra help 75 00 wa~enuorf uewey o ~tu patient's care as set out at Page 2686 of 8tar'" p~ :- S.~|Richard E Burlingham 61.39 Mnison Eldon C't Hse insurance tlel 24.004.85 MorriSsuranceD M. co property in- ~.80 Lingardon motionMarial the'" Boa~"'"":'"'2"o! ~uperwsorsS'60 toSaidenforceledger' paymentand reservingof saidallac.~.unts ther rights i-.- ~-- """ nungs up. dog license 12.7~ ]|Samjoe HurtC Fraslnger 26.307673. Dameur r~v~ n.~rvF W~'Ct~Hue.~vinsurence ""3 57|Gabbert'~O,Duarte MaCkcharies " 6.409"60 ~ 8t Lukes Meth Hoa DO ~- 10.00 Mt Vernon Hawkcyc Record, ReD adjourned to February II, 1941. CLA " P' p r hops 156.40 Walter Hurt 30.66 Diamond Bros. pOOr prey . l~i$4|Hughea Ralph 9.60 10.00 books 2.52~ ~u~ ru~w~.~ Searles Dairy, poor prey 10.261Viwan C Young 30.60 Dennis & Son L J, poor fuel n~7|Hfll Gee W 9.60 0De PiPe .7'~ Mee Too Grocery. poor prop . -.--' Auto Electric Shop proh ofc Summers Della Poor rent 10.00|Glenn Baasett 8.76 Dixon Mrs Claude, voor rent ~Tm|H&nson Pie 0.40 ;~ The BO r- Of Su crv~;eDr;Umar:t J'~urs~n~ car exp : $ 3.00 Scott Cl,de C, 'poor Mt :::::::: ~0.00]C M Meroshek 1.7.54 Dicks Coal Yard, sol rellef fuel 8081|Krumm Geo J 9.00 au p P ~x prey 7.67 Moravee Dr E L, poor med aid ~ "~ a -- ~*,~ ~;,r nr~a~nt ' Ambulance Service Co poor trans 20 00 8ixth St Grocery sol relief prey 11.01 [On motion the Board of Supervisors Dennis & Son L J, sol relief fuel ,~',z [Kruse Orval 0,0@ Assessor Mercy Hospital. poor heap oovv ~ ,~ " :"~" " "Yfor re A & P Food Stores sol relief prey 40 19 Sauera Grocery sol relief Drov14.69[adjourned to February 18, 1941, Darden H G, sol relief rent 1000|Lee Riohard 6.4,0 40.00 Marion Water Co, poor water This being the aate heretofore se~ " Ailis Ch Im r ' "" ~ - a e s ~axg ~o eqmp rprs x~ uu ~Ke.y Oil Co sol relief kero~ 1.0S( C. L. BRESON, Chairman, D~miels Warren. foK bounty 61~0|Ledvina Edward 9.M , shrf ofo ser ce ~.~s e~ving hids. for t .e was u ,r =tlAnderson Iseac gen election |anl- Stritesky L~ir sol relief rent .'o~|Lopez John 9.60 8.00[ Board of Superv/~ors, Linn Denuison Eldon, poor r(mt "~ 7.96 Millard Fred, poor fuel wall in various oIl~cos t ' t " ~ ~'~h~]Medu~n Mile 0.4~ ). rent 10.00 Miller Mrs Ida. poor rent 9.00 the following aids were received and open-IA.:r set 'L" :'"" :'"':" 4.00 simon l~rank SR Comm'r salary I County. Iowa. Dickey A V. fox bounty e~velopes 65.28 Mickel Mrs Jennie, Door rent 1100 ~I .t ~ o~ob p ~r u a x~ ~ gen e~eet~on lant- & mlles@e 13.00|A~EST: Rob't M. Ve~ely. Ellwood. Jackson & B1~l'~tte, Ct -'~-|Mikeeail GuY 9.(10 . torser 4 00 Sehm/~t Typewriter]~ch [ Linn County Auditor. Hse inmlranee ~a~a|MJiller Chas 9.60 ts Postage 10.00 Morris Frank, poor rent 8.00 Broulik Bros Cedar ~amus ~owa B 1- i "'":'"='"'-'":'.=. . arise, - " . a uw n e'ran~ ~ ~ot J~ comm'n prob of~ suppMee 8.06 [ Eelipse Lumber Co, poor fnel "~'~ |Martin 0 R 6.40 ~tra help 75 00 Marigode Apartments, Poor rent12.00 0 C Hughes ueuar ~apms. ,owa; osta e ' - " trustee " Murray Hasson. poor rent 10.00 H L Johnson Cedar Raptds. Iowa B.~.~ g "'"'"='""' ~.uu n~ar t-tinting Co. t'oad ctf 38.15[ JANUARY 81~SION. 1M41 Eastburn Allie. poor rent 9~00|M Laud Mbert 6 11~ |Murray D S 0.40 16.00 Mikuias Dr Gee. poor rent 10 00 Josenh Manderfeld Co Mankota Minnesota sduwm ~'ranK ~, 'ITean po~tage n2.00 Sanford Co Morris. Edff ofc aKP- [ Cedar Rapids, Iowa F~onmny Lbr Co. 111~ber & suP* I~ ~|Meek Louis ~ 9.~ 10"00 Ed Swatooh " Cedar Rapids Iowa Baldwin Frank B, supt postage 30,00 plies , oes 39.62 Mitchell Mrs A T0 sol relief rent -~[ February 18.1941 plies --7 :"': ~ 08"00|NnM Sam 6.44} " - --" " . Boulder Township, clerk & tru~- Smith B A equ/pmont 'or 39.46 Mt Vernon Hawkeye Reeord. pub JOsepn '~'eeam~ i. ~on. uooar x~apms. ~owa tees mcetin ' "~ .uu[Stete of Iowa County of /Ann ss #3ener J~uner. cierg postaim ar fuel 102.03 proc $4.17 On motion by Supervisor Beeson second.~ Breme "~h g : -. - ~.w ngetly Oil CO. road supplies 4,50| The Board of Su~rvisors Met nurSuant Ford Eda R. "rreas oxtr~ help ~i~|~t~vgor James 9.~ - .* - . r ~ as w xox ouonty ~u Smith Garage eq~l ~ed aid 4.00 Mach Mrs Frances. poor rent 10.00 od by Supervisor Petty the contraet xor Bent h h~ o." ~. " '~7 p rpre ~.04]to ad)ournment, all "l~mbers bemg~present. Fah~y. W L. ~tt~v f~ d~f~Uz~ " |Stmborg Alfred 9.6@ 10.00 ]Swore Walter ~.~0 a ~a -- ~, ~ ' . .~ .^ s o ~ o.ore, ~,oor s.oee ~.o~ st Anthony Mota Blevatoa" It 3.00 Marshall Mrs C M. Poor rent ~.~ an o painting wa.s m ~ = v~.~-~. Brunner Edith poor nursing 3500 Co matel~al~ & mlDD Prisoners .~. ~ On motion by Supervisor Petty. ~oM- - --" " - "': :"x ]Mark Alfred 9.60 rent 12.00 Michael Mrs Laura. Poor rent o,ilces m the cour,ouse was awaroe ,o . k "" '- -- -'"" -'- n . led by Supervisors the foUowing re. ar sa ,0.001 t kh W ej ot II I# or rent 6.40 Miller Mrs. Myroe, dePendent H L Joh-sn- c.a Inw. ~- ~he Buehle~ orney mrs ~re~ poor rent o uo State of lows. gas tax 4 r .71 [solution was adopted, all members voting u e~. not~ . : 9 6@ 20.00 children ~'3.29 .'o.a, sdm 0~ ~ ~v.uv," anu .~ ~u~ ~r. B ^r ~r ~rs~t*eorge, ~ xo J~.~ Standard Brands Ine, Co Home l"Ave" t~t ~'am~. ~npe ~tore, poor snoreSmr ~`501Woot Wm .~ ~Al~ rent 10.00 Myers Mrs Marcus. dePendent of the Board was Authorized to enter into B h " 84.42,RI~O~ON Falconer Mrs Grace. poor nure/ rent 1200 children 13 ~ contract and the Cmmtv Auditor was diros mrs ~tma sot reae~ nursing 60.00 Stolba Frank. W Fen eleotion /wassm~w~ ~J~ 6.40 "Block } BE IT RESOLVtD :BY THE BOARD OF ~re Exchange GrOe~y. poor 1 SS ]. On .~otion .the Board Of S~,l~ore -~nt 12:00 Marion Sentinel, atty blanks - Co W G sol relief fuel ].~ 34 Janitor service rent 666 Morse Alfred. tiling 59.18 ~csstst~uit~/dT:U? th? mCehmee~e~rstOo~h~ t m~;eC.~ Behle Elevator Co. sol relief fuel 6.00 Sisler Rufus. Ct Hse insuran~ 4.001 SUPERVISORS OF LIN~4 COUNTY. IOWA. prey 9~691J urne~ to ~reoruary 25. 194] Clothing'"" 4"05 Marion Water Co. shop water " -- " Baldwin. a. Frank B Tress poatage 120 O08tamy Agen D A Gt 36.70[ That it is ordered noUce to depart. ~ ~ladty Or oeery, poor .prey 6.00 thereon,cy,Hie in- nprovided by Cha4~ter 189.4 of the 1989 z-ranclk Adolf, p~r xue~ : | P'ducation " service " t~ grey W G C State Tress USC SUranee 1.53 On motion by Supervisor Secvell, second- t -r " - 86.70,Code of Iowa. to prevent the acquiring of French Co Walter eL sewing pro] -- ! Febeuary 184 361 McKesson & Robbins. Co Home ed by Supervisor Petty the following re- Be ax.~ on t uc~ 16.80 Tewalt Perle. poor rent 10.00|a settlement in this ecuntY, be served upon suppl/es 7'"""" . .~| The Board of Supervisors met ~ t,o names w epuip rpra 76 64 Taylor Coal Co 0or Mt ~SOr Salary40"00 McDonald Wm. poor rent .7 66 solution was adoptco, az~ memeers vo~mg ~aamw'" "- In .e'ranK'~ - Ja ~" roa~-- mamt-- " 12 00 Tewalt PeHe sol' D relief reu 10.00/each of the fellowin~ named persons, F arme~ ,elevator .l~o. poor xuel ~.00 [to adJotumm~ento all members beln~ Pt~I~k POstage 228"40 MeGowan Rebecca poor rent lo.lro "',ye" tnereon: t . 13.00|to-wit: Flac~ ~rs, Anna ~, poor reu~ ~" . ~ motion by Supervisor Petty, & mileage 198~76' McDonnell Hal. Door rent n nn Bw.~'.LZ~TION Brookman Harry. equip rpre 9.64 Taylor Coal Co sol relief fuel Assessor MeGowan Mildred I, Treas extra BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ~ 1 k G A,hdwe & supplies 10.91 TrOy Laundry Co, Ct M~e euDDlsa4.0~[6"00]MORGANRapid~,JameSlowa 308 I Ave NW. Cedar Fisher~ notlcesJr Fred.; : =.~.y .C. servin~ tax a.'u.~ [FM'~$ 0~ led byM. SqpervlsorBai]ey, c]erkSeevell'of Brow~the Townl~tb n~ ~d~ ""A;~ssor 75.00 Me~i]11Pan ~r~e; ~r ~n~ :~T~ 7000.~.nn SUPI~RVlSOI~n~h ~ ~OF NN COUNTY.^~== IOWA: B~'~ICY"aUr s sonaj H. ~OcriminaiJohn investJatl prov 117.261200 TrlbunesuppliesFublishlng CO. clerk of 13.~6 ] i ~.~.~.~alon lowar n -I~ -,n w~ ~ Mar- Ga~l~Itte6 dl veco,Kenn~In'pub prmXoe ooun~ "" ~'~'~'~ I w'as[all m~mhersaPProvedvotlulland nl~l,A~e, thsl~on.placed on S0"00 provided by Chapter 1894 of the 1930 aron ~otor Co Eng oar exp Travis Chevrolet Co, S.64(OH]~'MSR~: Eaz 1553 D Ave ~E, Mar ~i~lta F r ed J~. Ct^Hse i~a:~p ,~'~.[ OWm0tlon b~ Superv/sor Seev~ll, seeolt~ 130.010 ~ MoDonald Mrs Joe pOOr bd . room . . equip rp~ o & equip rprs 24463 Thorne Mrs Rioha r n ~"'~ salary 26000 McIntosh Mrs Alex. dependent C de of lowa to prevent the acquiring of rd~ poe re t 861,~.~.~. rosa ~o~ear him'vice, u seer ~P .~.~ led by Supervisor Petty. the Connty Au~ ~d "" 4"70 ] eh/ldren ~n a~a .-~*l~mo-t ' .- .h. ~ -~rved Bowers Stanley Gen election Jan- Vondraeek Dairy sol relief roy rv ssaond Guess Dr W M~ poor med ~ ~.v t .v.vv ~, ~,~ ,~,I) 2,58 [On moti'm bY Sure isor Beeson, " r ~ '~8 80 for walt au horized to draw It refund bUrial"~ 65~I McKesson & Robbins, ~e Horn upon each of the following named persons, ~ ter ser 4 00 Wilson Franklin fox boumW acre ~ ~ t.~ ~t,mffi~il the Oountv ~umana t,~az uo, ~ "10"00 warrant |u favor of Charles W Point In ra wlwrm~te Grim Charles, ~ M lent 7`501 drucs 84.67to-wit: ~ckal Harry, Gen election jaui- Williams Dillon, fox bounty 1.00[Audltor was authorized to d w - --- e-- .'~ the sum O~ $1.9.44 for an arrm0~oun Pa}'- ~lldren 7084 McNiel K F. food stamp sect ].0.00 TRIEM. James R. 6134th Ave. Marion tor ser 4.001Williams Mrs. Ma]~|]~, pOOr Mt ,**,*~U4~]^"~m ~.~ ~a~ ~*h fn~ ~lra ~n the. ~dOWll' ~o0~y~ar Mrvlse. ~Jl~rrM ~ ~4~ ~v~. 10.00 ] Pension Fund in payment of WRIow~ Pen- Gasette CO, pub p ~'~ herememtvoting f taxes,Aye,for thethereon.Year 19;~, all ase~- ~ine Co" " iN W Dell Telephone Co, O'seor On motion by Supervisor Becso~, second- Ben/shcek J V. gen election jaui- [ Wenzel Mrs ~dward, Door rent ; ~ 57.00t tel service 10.46 ed by 8upervisor Seevell, the County Au. tor set 4.001w rorand A H, comm'r ssdary & ]~lons as ~-ovided ~ 44. ].|ms Servia. Ena ~ ex~ ~ese On m ouon by 3u rvi . ,w~d- 9.00| Code of Iowa. ~n t amoun as ~ un. l' m ed bY nupervi~or ~ewll sne t:ountw A~- Homm }Naibert Dr A C, poor med aid 8.00ditor was authorized to draw warrants Cedar Rapids City of, criminal [ milage h t S hOWa On ~ equip rPra 140.18 Nelbert Dr R, poor reed aid 6.00once each four weeks on the Widowz' invest 8.11]WalLle 0 G, sol reilet rent 12.00[the Superior Court Oredr to Veea Hansbaw tteu~n uar~o .~o~ u~ ,i.=2 14~'~ tot was authorized to draw a re, tutti j 8. j~. ~m~ton ~ us ~ ~r~ 86 Nassif Sam, poor rent 18,00Pension Fund in payment of Widows pen- Coggon Monitor, pub tax deed [ Wsaeot Co ~eo L,]~ g of attDptim ll.89|and as granted by ~dlte Harry ~ - . ~ ~ ~. w ~ ~tlcAr Ct " rant in favor of Mary F.t~e~d lla the 69.67|Norris Otis. poor rent 1~.00siena as provided in Section 3641. 1935 notices 8.00]Witwer Grocer Co. Jail P OV 1825|1g~. all members votli~ "Aye" th~eon. ~-~m'.---~---*'-M-- 36.70 Of $3.60 for an erroneous sa4~4um~0~t o~ help 65.60 [ N W Bell Telephone Co, O'seer Code of lowa, in the amount as shownC R Bakery Ine, Jail Drop 49.68,Wad,worth A~lmr E H, poor rent 10.00 [ On motion by Supervisor Potty, = ~. u~. 1~ ~ ~oor amublanee~.00 (0e~tlltlNd at ~ rpre ~1.80[ tel service XIJI~on the 8uperior Court Order to Minn/e ClJnes Marion Spring Water Co [ Wolfe. R R. Ct Hso insure ~[4~.00~d bY Supervisor Seevell. the ~ of ~.