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April 17, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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April 17, 1941 |
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17, 1941
Mean Higher
Tax Levy
statehouse was getting
this week after
disruption and jit-
coming and go-
legislature. The
and most of
have been holding
SPace in the cap!-
moved back to
Strongholds in the
a legislature has
in the statehouse,
and gone home to
the eyes of the
unique in
for quite a
devoted its last
itself of a reputa-
in finan-
Went on a moder-
7y BOO.~TED ?
into spending,
and Warned against
nPtroller, may re-
raise in the state
thing wholly un-
time .by the state
eXpenditures that
-ninth Iowa Gen-
a the position of
l~resent state tax
lat contributed to
of government in-
of $125,000 for a
: laboratory build-
tte College, Ames;
)nstruction of that
l~brary building
:Sity of Iowa and
e aid to dependent
n the social security
,there were minor
"WOrthy causee to
),000 appropriation
e building and
L Oderate expendi-
~mpro~ ~ments at
Under the state
0f the state office
building in the next two years is month. Then there was the bill NEWS I Mrs" Floyd Hand and Jacqueline
left to the discretion of a legisla- to codify the school laws of the of Cedar Rapids and Mr. and Mrs.
tire advisory committee acting in state, carrying a $15,000 appropria- Reynold Morris and family.
conjunction with the state execu- tlon for the work. Mrs. HarryFreeman Mrs. Bess Newland spent Sun-
tive council. ~ Against these were losses sus- RCLASS---PL~kY day and Monday in Marion with
A part of the cost of constructing tained in the failure of the leg!s* SENIO relatives.
the engineering laboratory struc- lature to adopt a resolution chang- The senior class of Springy!lieL Mrs. I. S. Pearson spent Easter
ture at Iowa State College will be ling the state constitution in the high school will present a three- Sunday and several days with Dr.
borne by the state contingent fund matter of a new apportionment o! act comedy, "Take It Easy," in the and Mrs. George Pearson and faro-
in the control of the legislative in- the public school fund--a state high school Friday, April 18 at 8:00. fly at Burlington.
Leading roles will be played by
Anna Caldwell, Lois Lundeen and
Bob Whitman. Others in the cast
include Duane Barnhart, Lorraine
Draker, Roy Olinger, Allen McAx-
thur, Bernadine Van Horne, Robert
terim committee on retrenchment aid measure, and the unsuccessful
and reform. This committee is teachers annuity and pcnsio.n plan
endowed biennially by the leg!s-]b'~OUR-YEAR TERMS OUT
lature with ample funds to take Four-year terms for public of-
care of emergencies arising ,be-ricers also were scuttled by the
tween sessions of the legislature, legislature. Four-year terms fol
building that housed the laboratory changing the state constitution to Graham; business manager, Lillian
was destroyed by fire and there- provide four-year terms of office Dvorsky. Music will be furnished
fore the subject matter comes un- for certain state officials was kill- by the vocal and instrumental de-
der emergency classification, ed by the tabling route in the of the high school.
NINTH 1NNING RALLY House after a successful career in
Contrary to expectations, the TROUBLE AVOIDED JOHN NEWMAN HELD HERE
Funeral services for John New-
zealous House. As finally enacted, trade Practices act (loss leader The services were in charge of the
the measure strengthens the pres-restrictions and so-called "mark local order assisted by Rev. C. D.
ent beer law. imposed numerous up" bill), the barber's minimum Boggle. Mr. Newman was born
Oct. 14, 1855, one of five children of
restrictions on the traffic but dis- price bill, and new plan of taxing Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Newman, they
regards the question of local op-truck operators.
tion desired by many drys. having been Linn county pioneers.
The Iowa House toiled diligently NE~V ]PACES For years the family home was the
in providing an estimated million There will :be a number of new farm now known as the Mrs. Bess
and a half of new revenue for members of boards and commis- Foust farm and owned most of the
support of the elementary and siGns after July 1, by reason of land surrounding the small part of
secondary school system by taxing appointees displacing incumbentsSpringville.
every known species of slot ma- named during the late democratic After he left here his home had
chines and amusement admissions, administration. Confirmed on the;been in Chicago and later in Cal-
only to see its effort nullified by aIf!hal day of the session were the ifornia. He had spent the past six
appointments of two new members
Senate which ignored this exten- of the state board of education. W. years in the Masonic Home. Burial
sire program to augment the pub- was in the family lot in the local
lic school fund. IS. Rupe, Amen publisher, a repub- cemetery.
liean gained one of the places,
IK)SS AND GAIN succeeding John P. Wallace, rcpub-
Another piece of major legisla- I lican' Des .Moines. The other place PRESBYTERIAN NOTES
There are many ways of telling
tion that failed to survive legisla- went to Mrs. George Keyseth, what we know, but no way of tell-
tire treatment was the widely sup- democrat, of Clarion, who displac-
ported teachers annuity and pen- ed Miss Anna Lawther, democrat, ins what we don't know. Christ-
ians know the greatest truth in the
siGn plan asking no appropriation !of Dubuque, who had served on the world, but unless they tell what
from the state at this time .but board for many years.
which had hopes of obtaining one they know they will cease to learn.
at a later time. The bill died in BACK TO q[Tl~? IND1AN~ The only way to keep fresh the
sifting committee. One of the unique bills that pass- contents of a vessel is to empty it
Important gains made by the ed the legislature was the deeding and refill it, or at least to have cir-!
public school system in the late sea- of land "back to the Indians" with culation in it. The Christian does l
siGn of the legislature, however, the federal government acting as not waste his life when he pours
trustee. The transaction has as it out.
appropriated is
for the enter- t 65 ernment, show our gratitude for the liberty
~nstruction of the er's salary from $50 o $ a
PRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY to worship by attending divine
~ ~ / ~ ~ Ill ~ Evidences of good will of mem- services next Sunday, and by faith-
bers toward each other in the leg- fully witnessing every day.
EI) 3 "ilL J( :1 ~ S islaturetook the form of giftsand Sunday school at 10:00. Don't
treats showered down in profu- miss it.
sign. There were flowers ])resent- Preaching at 11:00. A good ap-
ed 'by Representative Knudson of petite improves any meal.
Mason City, ice cream by Rep.
1" 2TON TRUCKS Swaner of Iowa City, baby chicks
from Rep. Prentis of Mount Ayr, Brown Township F festa, at
Pickup . $225.00 coal lump paper weights from Springy!lie high school, Wednesday,
Senator Lundy of Albia, cheese April 23rd at 2 p.m. Everyone wel-
Sedan Delivery $235.00 buffet lunch from Senator Hart of come. Added attractions will be
Lee county, and hams from Sena- South American exhibits, and a
Pickup $265.00 tor Berg of Waterloo. In addition, "Well Dressed Clinic." Tea will be
~the presiding officers of the two served. Plan to attend.
tional Model C-30 157 in. wb. chassis houses were recipients of various
Cab and 32x6 HD duals $295.00 tokens of esteem. Mrs. Lee McCullough has receiv-
ed word from her son, Jarvis, that
he is now in cavalry
mechanized division. His work
SRI ;AT! ON,~ L : UC! ~S Dorothy Mac Noska comprises caring for and equipping
Bernadine Bar-"~o~, Doris Noska, the armored scout cars which car-
AVenue West Phone 7183 and teacher, Mrs. Mile Andrle at- ry six men, three machine guns, six
Cedar Rapids, Iowa tended the music festival held Fri- revolvers, cannon, rifles, ax and
day at Mount Vernon. spades and their packs. An elab-
Vernon and Donald Klouda, Leo orate demonstration and parade
and David Beuter visited with were put on on Army Day.
Leonard Noska Sunday. Mrs. Richard Kolek of two miles
Dorothy Noska was a visitor ateast of town, was hostess Wednes-
the Matt Klouda home Sunday. day to the Wires Corners Get-to-
,Mr and Mrs. Leo Noska and ram- gether club.
h| fly visited with Mrs. Edward Vis- Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Condit and
lisel at Oakdale, Sunday. family were Sunday dinner guests
Mr. and Mrs. John Bartosh and of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Brickley
family visited with Mrs. Arman in Anamosa.
lt0Use of a Million Auto Parts I~febure in Cedar Rapids Saturday FlorenceMrS' HarOldNielsonRamseYand Missand NevaMrS"
Maier attended a cosmetologist
West End 16th Ave. Bridge
Cedar Rapid, s, Iowa
to 8 p.m. Open Sunday to 1 p. m.
meeting in Cedar Rapids Monday
The very best insurance against evening in the Cedar Rapids GasI
automobile accidents is a long af-
ternoon nap on Sunday.--Ex. company parlors. Mrs. Ramsey is
a member of the N. H. C. A.
~l~~-'*.:w.w ~;** '**~.-, .O.~ -.~ Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander re-
turned Monday from Chicago where
Lisbon Business
they had spent Saturday and Sun-
day with their son, Mr. and Mrs.
L, irecmry Harold Alexander. Their grand-
~e~w~**we~ ~I**~:.*** ~j~ daughter, Carol Ruth, returned with
them for a visit here.
Attorney a'~ law
~--. General practice
=. Lisbon office, across from City
Hall, Phone 146.
Cedar Rapids office, 518 Mer-
chants National Rank Bldg Phone
But if you want to
win on your Spring
change of engine
oil, go clean past
HTY H E RE those old favorites,
Drain and Refill.
.With your messy Winter oil--today--before a
something's half shot. Then beat old-type
by changing to an OIL-PLATEn engine---
Spring change you get with Conoco Germ
oil includes a rare man-made extra
strong "power of attraction,"
O~L-pLAT~S a sheet of lasting lubricant direct
parts. Close-knit OIL-PLATING can't drain
dry not all night at a standstill
day at double-qulck never while you're
Processed oil. Hence no bone-dry start-
~or flue-fitting parts rubbing dry at speed.
OIL-PLATED engine gets a real chance
its fine fit and to keep going extra miles
lttart. Get your correct Germ Processed oil for
at Your Mileage Merchant's Conoco station.
0il Company
Physlela~ and ~urgeom~
Phones: Office 2-91. Res. 3-91
Mr and Mrs. Warren Carpenter
were Sunday visitors with relatives
in Central City.
Mr. and Mrs. John Yocom were
Sunday visitors of Mrs. H. J. Wiley
in Marion.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dircks and
Sue of Cedar Rapids were Sunday
afternoon callers in the Lee Wilson
Notary Public
4% Farm Loans
Phone 127 Lisbon, Iowa and Mrs. J. W. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown were
DR. ALBERT YORK Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eu-
Physician and ~nrgeen
(~orner Main and Jackson Street
Telephone 36
Lisbon, Iowa
Dealers in
Cemetery Memorial~
Mrs. Vena Greenawalt returned
her home Tuesday evening. She
a fall last Friday and has
resting in the home of her
~on R. A. Greenawalt in Cedar
Rapids since. An x-ray proved no
broken bones. Mrs. Greenawalt re-
cently passed her 84th birthday.
Mrs. Frederic Fuerste and son
Frederic of Dubuque were Friday
visitors of the former's parents, Mr.
gene Reed near Whittier.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Walton and
Evelyn were Sunday
guests in
Davenport of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Mr. and Mrs. Will Shellhamrner
called Friday in the Monticello
hospital to see Mrs. John Wilcox
and the new baby boy. Mrs. Wilcox
is the former Margaret Boxwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Carnahan
entertained at a family dinner on
Sunday. Present were Mrs. Nira
Smith, A. A. Benton, Mr. and Mrs.
Claire Carnahan and family.
Heating, Plumbing, and Wiring
Res. 9t PHONES Office 110
Richard Carnahan spent the week
Lisbon, Iowa end in Anamosa with Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Heady and family.
GEORGE D. SAILOR, "LAWYER' Mr. and Mrs. J. L Tarbox of
General Practice Clayton, Ill spent from Tuesday
Notary Public, Deeds, Wills. through Thursday with Mr. and
Licenses Mrs. Wm. Shellhammer.
Office in residence, corner Wash- Evelyn Walton entertained at a
ington and Market St Phone 80 roller skating party Tuesday eve-
ning complimenting Violet Bruger
of Camas, Wash. Others enjoy-
ing the courtesy were Mildred Irons
and Bernice Palmer.
Mr. and Mrs. George Emmons of
Robins, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bedell
of Whittier were Saturday eve-
ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. B.
Mrs. Harry Erickson and Mrs. L.
L. Batchelder entertained at a din-
ner in a Cedar Rapids cafe Sunday
complimenting their father, W. F.
Dunlap, and Max Batchelder in ob-
servance of their birthdays. Mrs.
Dunlap, Mr. Erickson and Mr.
Batchelder also enjoyed the cour-
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bailey were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Gray in Anamosa.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wager of Cen-
tral City were Sunday visitors in
the D. V. Peterson home.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Stanley enter-
tained at dinner Sunday Mr. and
Lisbon, Iowa
Real Estate and Insurance
Farms for Sale
Houses for Sale or Rent
Office Phone--146
Of Dead Stock
Tipton West Branch
580 41
DaglV of
J~l~Li/Renderlng Works
State License No. 7
Clean -- Fast -- Service
OPerator Truck I W.E. Kohl, Operator Truck 2
Sale at the following service staUons:
~" IL ~ooper & Son Garage, ~)unt Vernon.
Zimmer Garage, IAsbon
Bowers & Schoor, Mechanlcsville
Mrs. P. W. Sterner entertained
the Girls Bridge Club Monday
Mrs. J. V. Patten is entertaining
the M. O. B. Club tonight.
Mrs. Guy Mcgee, assisted by
Mrs. Loren Brown entertained on
Friday evening complimenting Mrs.
Joseph Emmons of Cedar Rapids.
Present were Mrs. Ivan Bowdish
of Cedar Rapids, Mesdames O. J.
Emmons, Donal Gordon, James
Dunn, Dale Miller, Floyd Wood-
worth, G. C. Bowdish.
Mrs. Raymond Smith has been a
guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. C
W. Calvert and a frequent visitor
to the Anamosa hospital to be with
her brother, who remains critically
Mrs. Ralph Frank, Mrs. W. A
Shaffer were Friday callers of Mrs.
Samuel Palmer, who we are glad
to report is gaining rapidly since
coming from the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shaffer were
Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. E. C.
Frink and son Kenneth and callers
in the A. J. Rogers homes, both at
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Parker and
Barbara of Martelle spent Sunday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Patten and
Joan accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Leaf of Morley motored to
Davenport Sunday and were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. James Brecken-
ridge and called in the hospital to
see Nancy Leaf Breckenridge, who
was terribly bitten in the face and
ear by a dog as she was enroute
home from school, close enough to
her home that the mother witness-
ed the accident. A plastic surgeon
believes that the injuries will leave
no scars.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Peet and
daughter of Martelle were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.
S. Armstrong.
Miss Bessie Smollen of Cedar
Rapids was a week end guest of her
sister, Mrs. Esther Hepker in the
C. F. Butler home.
Miss Lena Mann, who had spent
the week in the D. M. Beck home
in Clarence, returned home Satur-
da~rs. Althea Beck was an Easter
day guest of her son D. M. Beck
and family in Clarence.
Mrs. Ida Bowdish Linn A. A. A.
Educational director, spent Tuesday
in Tipton.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Thoma, Keith
Thoma, Mrs. S. W. Kuster of El-
gin, Miss Miller of Claremont were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. L. G. Thoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Hurless in Vinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frank, Dar-
rell and the twins Pauline and Ger-
aldine spent Sunday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stoneking
at Mount Vernon.
Miss Mary Wolfe spent the week
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jerry Wolfe, at Grand Mound.
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Freeman were Mr. and Mrs.
Harve J. Christian and Mrs. Edna
Dolan, and Miss Imogene Chris-
tian of Cedar Rapids; Maurine
Christian and Stanley Smith.
Verlus Wild and John and Bob
Kluber, Ames students, were week
end vacationers here. Verlus came
to see his uncle C. W Calvert, in
the Anamosa hospital. The Klu-
bers visited their parents near
Maurine Christian attended a
shower for Mary Ellen Forbes of
Marion in the Mrs. Robert Nelson
home in Cedar Rapids Monday eve-
David Whitman continues to be
confined in Mercy hospital at Ann-
Donald Christian spent from Fri-
day to Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Gilbert Leinbaugh at
Mr. and Mrs, Howard Brutsman
of Cedar Rapids were Sunday din-
ner guests of their daughter, Mrs.
Bess Hendrickson and son Howard
and James Story.
Mr. and Mrs. John Vernon were
Sunday guests of their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Kouba in Center Point. Their
grandsons David and Dale Kouba
accompanied them home for a
week's visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Goodyear and
Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Seal
and Barbara of Mount Vernon were
Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Neal.
Bill Lyman, a Cornellian, spent
Sunday with Roland Seal.
Dorcas Ford of Cedar Rapids
spent the week end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Risden of Ce-
dar Rapids spent Saturday after-
noon and evening with their moth-
er Mrs. Delia Trimble.
Mrs. Delia Trimble spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gramling
in Central City.
Mrs. A. C. Newman has been in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Gram!ins in Central City for the
past week getting acquainted with
the new grandson.
Mr. and Mrs. John Nyman of
Bancroft called Wednesday in the
home of Mrs. Nyman's father, Chris
Nielsen, enroute to Iowa City, to
take their daughter Mavis home
for Easter vacation.
Mrs. A. L. Halstead of Rock Val-
ley and Mrs. Ida File of Coggon
were business callers Saturday in
the Harry Freeman and N. G. Gra-
ham homes. Mrs. Halstead left
Marion Saturday evening via Hia-
watha, to spend two weeks with
Mrs. Willard Lacock west of town.
Bert Jordan, Mrs. Mary Newhard,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meek motored
to Garnavillo Sunday.
Mrs. Bertha Stinger entertained
the L. W. Club Tuesday evening.
The Methodist Ladies Aid met on
Wednesday afternoon in the church.
A picnic supper followed the busi-
ness meeting.
Mrs .Walter Paul of Whittier
spent Friday afternoon in the Mr.
md Mrs. Charles Meek home.
Mrs. Elwood Kirkpatrick of Clar-
ence spent Monday afternoon with
Mrs. P. E. Ballou.
Mrs. Claire Davis of Marion spent
Monday with her sister, Mrs. Sam-
uel Palmer.
Townspeople and the many
friends of M. F. Burroughs wish for
him a speedy recovery from his
Mrs. Forrest Easterly of Morley
is assisting with the home work in
the Laurence Allamand home.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Allamand
announce the birth of a son Sun-
day evening in Mercy hospital at
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Emerson of
Delhi were week end guests in the
Wilbur Whitaker home.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Apland of
Center Junction were dinner guests
Sunday in the Dillard Merritt home.
Mrs. Maude Seer!st of Chicago,
Mrs. Wilbur Cooper, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Murphy of Marion were
Wednesday supper guests of Mr.
and Mrs. W. S. Palmer.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Neilson of Ce-
dar Rapids spent Sunday with their
mother, Mrs. Marie Nielsen.
Miss Lucille Reed of Washington
spent the week end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reed.
Mary Pauline Groves has return-
ed to Ashtabula, Ohio, where she
is employed.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Groves and
son Marvin, Mrs. Malissa Moore
were Sunday guests in the Daniel
Shaffer home in Cedar Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlyn Palmer and
son of Cedar Rapids were Saturday
overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Gregory.
Mrs. Mary Heady has returned to
her home from Mt. Vernon, where
she had spent a week in the home
of her son Leroy Heady and fam-
Rev. L. C. Smith of Brandon call-
ed on friends in town Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foughty call-
ed in the Ralph Allins home in Ce-
dar Rapids Saturday and in the Edd
Wild home near Viola on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stork were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. H.
Coves at North English.
Mr. and Mrs. Platte Bowdish of
Waubeek were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bowdish.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Colehour and
family were Sunday dinner guests
in the I. J. Hay!die home in Ana-
Mrs. Margaret Colehour and son
Bob were Sunday dinner guests of
Mrs. Jennie Labarge at Stone City.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Palmer, Mrs.
Nancy Pearson, Mrs. Mary Bailey
were Sunday afternoon visitors in
the W. K Pearson home in Ana-
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fowlie were
Sunday guests of Will Stanlake in
Mrs. James Thompson, Mrs. Maud
Duncan, Mrs. Albert Taylor, Mrs.
Charles Draker, Mrs. Earl Lehr
were guests of Mrs. Laurence Beg-
ley at a quilting party Wednesday.
Mrs. Alma McShane and son Or-
ville were Sunday visitors of Mr.
and Mrs. Marion McShane and
Aubrey at New Boston, Ill.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Port were
week end guests of their daughter
Mrs. Leonard Raft and Mr. Raft in
Cedar Rapids. On Saturday eve-
ning the foursome motored to
Amana for dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Port have re-
ceived announcement of the mar-
riage of their nephew, A. B. Math-
ers of Ames to Carol Mueller of
Sheboygan, which occurred April
12~Ir. and Mrs. Albert Taylor were
Easter dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Pollock at Whittier.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elwood and
family of Scotch Grove were Sun-
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woodworth
entertained at an Easter day din-
ner: Marie Henry of Central, Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Woodworth and
John Woodworth. For Sunday eve-
ning supper guests Mrs. Nellie
Weise and Mrs. Chris Conrad of
Mrs. Della Woodworth visited on
i Monday in the Frank Washburn
home at Anamosa. Last week Mrs.
Weodworth spent several days with
friends at Viola.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Von Broken of
Savanna, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Har-
per, also of Savanna were Sunday
guests of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs Robert Harper.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Aiken
and family of Rutland, Ill spent
from Tuesday through Saturday
with Mrs. Alken's mother, Mrs.
Serena Nielsen.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Romans in corn-!
pany with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert:
Peet of Cedar Falls, returned to
their home here, after spending~
the winter at Cedar Falls. Mr. and
iMrs. Peet also called on their fath-
er, Gee. Peet here.
Betty Jeanne Levsen enjoyed a
week's vacation from Maquoketa
Junior College, with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Levsen.
Austin Yocom of Marion was a
recent visitor of Mrs. Nancy Pear-
Mrs. Maude Keithley were Sunday]
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Jeanne spent the week end in Mad!- [ Mrs. Anna Hann spent Sunday
Mr and Mrs. Conny Hyink of tended Easter services in the Pres
to Maquoketa for dinner Sunda~,
and later motored to Milledgeville,
Ill where they visited in the John
Shirk home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stentz and
family motored to Monmouth Sun-
day and were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Gee. They also visit-
ed Mrs. Stentz' mother, Mrs. Thom-
as Thompson in Sabula.
Max Batchelder, Bob Macon, Bob
Smith, Jerry Hotchkiss, Russell
Hagerman returned to Iowa City
Sunday evening following several
days Easter vacation from college
Harry Schley of the Nashua fac-
ulty spent the week end with his
mother, Mrs. J. F. Stiller. He is a
teacher and athletic coach at Nash-
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Taylor en-
tertained at an Easter dinner. The
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tay-
lor of Toddville, Mr. and Mrs. Lafe
Richardson of Gnaws, parents of
Mrs. Clarence Taylor who were en-
route home from a winter in Flor-
ida; Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bait, Mr.
and Mrs. Lon Hagerman, Richard
and Russell and Bert Cooper, Jr.
Mrs. Lee McCullough entertained
the Fancy Work club Thusday af-
Mrs. Willard Boxwell is visiting
this week with her mother and
family members at Goldfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bond of Ce-
dar Rapids spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bond.
Recent visitors and guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Ricketts were DonI
Ricketts, Mr and Mrs. Curtis Rick-]
etts of Jesup, Mrs. Charles Ricketts!
and Marilyn of Gilbertville, Mr. and i
Mrs. Harold Corn, Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Corn of Martelle, Pearl and
Judith Hurdle of Marion, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Grawe of south of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Ricketts have been ill
and are now recovering.
Joan Davenport of Davenport;
Jean Davenport of Charles City;
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Seer!st of Viola;
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Secrist of
Anamosa; Mrs. C. A. Schwab were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. T. Schwab.
Doris George of the Martelle fac-
ulty spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Earl George.
The band, vocal groups and solo
members from the high school at-
tended and took part in the music
Carl Calvert, who has been seri-
ously ill at Mercy hospital in Ann-
mesa, is reported to be holding his
Vera Louise Calvert spent Mon-
day night with Phyllis Johnston,
west ot town, helping her celebrate
her birthday anniversary.
Mr~ Elizabeth Gritman, who has
spent the winter in Pasadena, C~iL,
returned to her home Sunday. Her
children, Mr. and Mrs. James Bur-
roughs of Tipton, Supt. and Mrs.
Ivan Gritman and Bob of Walker
!welcomed her home.
Miss Elizabeth Shaffer and M~
Rhoda Dickinson of Central City
were Sunday morning callers of
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Patten.
Orval and David Kelly called on
Sunday morning on Ray Newhard
at Viola. Mr. Newhard has been ill
in the Anamosa hospital for sev-
eral weeks but has returned to his
home now.
Helen Pearson, who was forced to
take a vacation from school teach-
mg at Wankee on account of seri-
ous throat trouble, returned to her
work Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Sarah Pearson and daughter
Helen entertained at dinner Sun-
day Mr, and Mrs. Harley Grimes
of Whittier. During the aftar~oon
the following were callers: Mr. and
Mrs. George Wild and Faye of Man-
chester, Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Clark,
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Pearson and
Zelda, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pear-
son and James of Whittier.
Mrs. #Jltarl~ Ford
Mr. and Warner Peterson
and family visited on Sunday and
made the acquaintance of the new
nephew, Don Richard, of Mrs.
Peterson's at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Carmeen at Iowa City.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Zinkula and
family spent Sunday with Mrs.
Zinkula's mother, Mrs. Josephine
Visiisel near Solon.
Ed Kimball was a dinner guest
at the Ben Neal home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reyhons en-
tertained at a family reunion of
the Joe Pavelka family on Sunday.
Others present were Charlotte Pa-
velka, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pa-
velka and family of ~ear Solon;
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Burton, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Dvorak and family
festival at Mount Vernon, Friday. from Iowa City.
Mrs. Willard Boxwell is spend- t~gr~h 71nlr,lst mnelg
s h,~|weee
ing a few days in the home of her ,~i~"'~'~'~"~"~'~ ,~"~'~,~'~'~"
mother, Mrs. Mary K. Hansen, at "-'~,-"~:~"~'"W,~"~-tZ~-'~" ~d
Goldfield. Mr."-and"Mrs."-T'.ya'il- B" ~y" ~mi" are en:
Sunday dinner guests in the home tertaining the Franklin township
of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Boxwell Farm Bt~reau at the K. P. hall in
were Mrs. Rhetta Jensen, Carmen Mount Vernon on Tuesday evening.
and Lolan Boxwe11 and Chris Niel- Mr and Mrs Howard-Neal en.
son " " "
tertained on Sunday honoring the
W. S. C. S. meeting will be held lbirthday of Mrs. Percy Taylor.
Friday, April 25th at the Method-[Those present were Mr and Mrs.
!st church. Mrs. C. F. Hartzell will I Percy Taylor, Miss Eva Spawn, Mrs.
speak on "South America." H. I Spawn from DeWitt-, Mr. and
Robert Cullan of Cedar Rapids lMrs. Peter Wilson, Crystal Faye
spent Sunday iu the C. L. Bur- and Evan from Traer and Mr. and
roughs home. Mrs. Myron Neal and Donna.
0nly lc Per Word Per Insertion; 25c Minimum Charge. i
Terms cash. Have Copy In By Wednesday Morning
To Appear On This Page. I
Classified Ads Bring Results p
FOR SALE: Sand and gravel.
LOST Ashes hauled, gardens plowed.
LOST: Saturday evening, pos-
sibly in theatre, a package con-
taining pair navy blue sandals, size
5 ~. Helen Isaacs, Pfeiffer Hall. lp
termilk barrels. Tom Longer-
beam, Lisbon, Iowa. 24-25p
WANTED: Egg graders and
packers. Peterson Produce, Dial
2612, Mount Vernon. 25c
WANTED: An ambitious, wide-
awake man or woman to look after
renewals and new subscriptions for
the popular, fast-selling magazine
The AMERICAN HOME. It's easy,
pleasant work, and it pays big
commissions. Spare time only re-
quired. Write today to Director,
Sales Division, THE AMERICAN
TION, 251 Fourth Avenue, New
York, New York. 25-26p
WANTED: Custom plowing,
discing and drilling, reasonable
prices. John Haeseler, Dial
2406. 25-4tp
FOR RENT: 2 acres of good
land in Mt. Vernon. Cash or shares.
E. E. Moots, Dial 4542. 24-25c
FOR SALE: 1940 Standard Ford
Coupe 8000 miles. Nicely brok-
en in. Mrs. R, C. Piatten.berger,
Mount Vernon, Iowa . 25p
FOR SALE: 8 old open Hamp-
shire-Poland China brood sows.
Everett Jordan, Dial 5403, Mt. Ver-
non. 25p
FOR SALE: Nearly new piano,
cook stove, and other household
articles. Am taking orders for Ce-
dar poets. Gee, Farrls, on former
Ed Litts farm, south of Lis-
bon. 2 6p
FOR SALE: 2 horse power
gas engine. Dial 3407. Upper
Palisades. 24-25p
USED BICYCLES $10.00 - $12.00.
Used tricycles, new Lincoln bicy-
cles. Repairs for all makes. Hall
Bicycle Co 109 Second Ave S.E
Cedar Rapids. 23-4tp
straight -posts at 25c delivered.
1000 good choice White Oak, 20c
delivered. Other cheaper posts.
Some good White Pine lumber at
Lisbon. All kinds of Oak at $$0
per ,M and up. 'Soft wood from
$25 per M and $30. Phone 6202.
Herman Pleper. Also some good
Oak Cord Wood at $5.00 deliver-
ed. 24-25c
ily Garden Package: Regular price
$4.95. Berry's Special Price $$.75
i postpald. Quick shipment. Plants,
Seeds. Berry Seed Co Dept. N,
Highest prices paid for Wool, Hides,
Iron, Rags and Metals. D. Burgess
& Sons, Dial 5341, Mount Ver-
non. 28tic
have automatic spreader. V. Bar-
rett, G. Vislisel, RFD 2, Cedar
Rapids, Dial 5600, Mount Ver-
non. 24-25c
Provides upper-cylinder lubrica-
tion, greater power and mileage.
Hundreds of gasolines, .but only one
D-X! Try a tankfull! Drel~el.bis
D-X Service, Mt. Vernon. 25
hard to get from an old corn plant-
er. Get your crop off to a good
start with a McCormlck-Deering
Corn Planter, G. A. Beranek, Mt.
Vernon. 25
PONS.--Every bag of Sargent Feed
contains one. They are good for
valua,ble gifts in a wide variety.
Start saving now! You can get
full information from F. J. Peter-
son, local representative. 25
watch!---That's Hamilton. Every
one a fine, precision watch of 17
Jewels or more. You'll be proud
to own a Hamilton! W.H. Hoov-
!er, Mount Vernon. 25
PIANO TUNING, tmual charge
$2.50; cane seating and chair wrap-
ping. R. E. Sanderson, $19 Third
Street North, Dial 2622. 9 tf.
conect, M,t. Vermm,
AnmnO~t, ~4~1, for clean fast
couscous service. ~3mac~ ~
Agent, Anamosa, Iowa, for ]l~trm-
ers ][~mderl~ Works. State IA-
cede No. 7, lewa City, I& l~-ff.
Colonial oil-fired air conditioner
brtngs you all advantages of ex-
)ensive automatic heating system.
Clean, compact, efficient. Installa-
tion, if you desire, under personal
direction of Green Colonial factory
engineer. Consult local dealer,
Dale F. Johnson, and ask for
printed literatureabout various
types of Green Colonial heating
equipment. Green Colonial Fur-
nace Co Des Moine& 25
insured? Let us go over your in-
surance problems with you. We
can supply complete coverage. S.
N. Merritt, Dial 4262, :Mount Vet-
,non. 25
machinery, overhauled, cleaned.
Work guaranteed. Will call and
deliver, Phone 3161, Emil Walter,
407 1st Ave. S. 25p
WANTED: Custom dtscing and
)lowing. A good job at a reason-
Clarlnda, Iowa. 25e able price. Dial 4912, Mt. Vernon
-- Don Slgmund. 24-25c
i FOR SALE: Holstein-Guernsey
heifer, 2 years old, will be fresh in WALLPAPER FOR SALE and
i June. Dial 4542, E. E. Moots, Mt. )aper hanging, dial 4651, Dale
Vernon. 25e 'Hammond. 24-$t