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April 18, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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April 18, 1957 |
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I • • • • • • [
i Palisades mated ToFam'lYTalkL'feTo Spec,ahStclubwomen I!Arr -¢t liB...!- .!
O ~ ~nmuu VVnll mvvnm •
- - -.,, - I|lU$1[ n
, • .. • from :,enam Bill m m. m P
1union bervlces Inn LISDDR ror • • • n •
I ly W __ . .._.____ , .
, F )n' eel n Robbing Priest I rl$1OU I I
and in the legislature. ~ ~ i "=
hold its 59th __ I The Methodist and Presbyterian The $1 500000 program to improve A Cedar Rapids youth DeWayne -- ~ ' Music u il from i "
' ' ~ ~ I ' I P P s L sbon high
:~wa, m ~mg -- churches offer the community union !akes and state parks submitted to ~ ~ t Corum" Rt. 3, who had robbed a ~e A .... |n6,~l IA/:~k I school won six first place ratings
on Thursday Fri- ! me iowa ~enate appropmatlons ..... ~!i~::~;~i~ ~ : i : :.~;i~:~ ....Ceaar italia priest oi ~llOx was piCK- ww~,4,~ r'tg~,i~l~J ww ilia ~ anct nine second divisi n r~finaQ ~¢
~ay ', Mt. Vernon Faculty services on Good Friday and special . -~i~ ~: . , . o ...........
committee on Monday does not con .... ~,~,~.: ...... : ::::~i~ led up at the Lamg Standard sta~tmn • the state music contest "
~e of *~,~' ,~-~*,:,~^ I=• ~ m i services in each church celebrating E .:~ ................................. p at Wyommg
............. • ...................................... • • Fnre De t. 37 Years
testra accomn-ni I Issued Contracts ]Holy Commumon on Thursday and tam any mention of the Pahsades. I ],n Lmbon about 4 a.m. Tuesday P ;on Fmday and S,aturday
, ~-- - .................. So far it appears that $990 is ex-]~~ Three plain-clothes officers from I Division I ratings u,,: ..... ...~.~
• of the f~-+ ..... I I trad~tmnal Easter Day worsh~p ser-
........ I • -- - pected to buy electricity, gasoline] i~ I Cedar Rapids, Detectives Jack Mills ~ " "- .... . . I by: the boys' ouar't~"(Du~=~_:~
• ~ wces on ~unctay
)ral Work will be i All teachers of the Mt. Vernon, ..... ". . • and oil and all supplies for the Pall- / and Wally Johnson and Deputy ~ ~..'3b~a~ meyer bass" Bill Burlin,,~,~ ~-*-""
ation', a cantata on~olidnted di~triot war " d The Gooct ~rlaay ooservance in- ................................. ~":::~ , , ~,,.~, u~-~-
,~, , , C ......... e reh,re ] • sades for the next two years, l Sheriff Harry Ackerman, appre- ~ ~~-: !tone; Steve Mcquown, 2nd tenor.
~ephen eludes an hour serwce at the Meth
Vincent by recent action of the board of di- • ...... " ~t looks ridiculous to proposeI [hended the youth. ~ ~~i! :Don Gugler, 1st tenor); Nan~
~ .written for the jrectors Except in cases where res-I°dmz enurcn, at 1 p.m..oasea.on }ne spending $296,000 on an artificial] ~~ I Shortly before, Corum had come] ~ ~~ii ~ark and Kate Franks, fhtte; Jean-
u m 1953 b the li n ions h--~ ~-^ena .... *e~ all~''~even ~.asz warns" m wmcn me
co y g at ,~ ~,= ~w u, ,
• poser Norman !teachers were issued contracts Fri-jRev. Karl E. Swanberg and Dr.i.lakein Polk-Dallas county wlane! ~~.!' Imto the .Lamg ~ate anct or~erect] ~ e~te~.ortg treble voice high- Steve
as fir ' . Hugh B FOUKe wit'kjoin. .me,me ~alisactes ham wnlen crea~es a ~,~: ..: ~u.~i e-,,s ann toast Mrs vir'~il ~ole '"'~:*"* ................................. tvl '
st performed da , to be roturned by April 23. • . . , , , ~1~i~::: " ~:~ ~ ~ , j ~i~!~:;~:.~ ~:?~:~: : ct4uown tenor; Nancy Kay Zear-
m lVIay of 1953 with~e board has adopted a salary Chamberof Commerce has. mv!tedllake, is allowed ,to go to pieces for ~~....: ~ ::~ I who was on duty then noticed tha¢ ii!i~ii::i:~:~ ~~~: ing, piano:
~rrator • 19usmess nausea w erase ior m~s lack of maintenance. ~ ~~ Ihe ata~dW~th thhl he~drd:W2o:ni:hi~t Dhinnning division II ratings were:
~ _ . Thm year!schedule and the new contracts ......... I _~ ]~ ~ P• [ . "s Beese and Ellen Bieber,
oe Harrold Shiff- ~,,,~,~ is~,,~a ,,,, ÷~o ~o~ ~,~o .... ~, hour m recognmon oz me umversm
......................... ~-~ .... i D• ,a,o~| lIJ~lA~,~,~i ~ ~tw J ~ J~ had finished, t ~~ clarinet; Marilyn B 1 o o d treble
and Dramatic Art l^r~a~es vari~ '-- " w:: ...... .. I observance of the Crucifixion. At
theUniversity of'Cabout ..... five to six per .......... cent. ~u:~ 7.:30p.m. the serwce" will' be held inl I%t~lUl WW~lil~a, ~ sw~I ~~ He then went to the adjoining] !i~! ~ voice medium; flute trio (Jucly Mill_
~,~4b ~AS, ~l| 1~'~ [~ ~ Istation where Ronnie Gammon was ~ ]k~6~ er Nancy Clark K~*,~ ~,~,-~
, ~ J me rresoy[erlan cnurcn anct lea-I ~lt~U myra ~l~,~m v ~ ~ on dttty and asked ff he could loaf ~ .~.~ girls' sextet (Mardell Mason ,n~
~mmimmmmmml~ . ~ ell' • • / ~tures the story and spirit of thet mm nn • ' ................ : ...... ' .............
~l~eTe ~oTTeen r~eaaslevents of Good Friday, closing with ..... aunt Farmi~ ~ la while. • t ~ ~~~. iLorraine Morningstar, altos; Sarah
~],,s m -- i a dramatic candle service. ~. 2~nnuai ~.jnn t~, y ill be I MRS. BUENA MOCKMORE ( He was still there when the of-I ~]~ ~~~k Franks and Sharon Kruse 2rid so
~]~akes[~eare ~as~ Holy Communion will be admin-]~ureau ttural womens aay w • I ~ficers came into the cafe and in-I ~ ~ii pranos)" ' "
held on Tuesday April 30, at haWK- r a m i in~ ' • t '
i m listered in both churches on Maundyt--- . .' ...... I A topnotch p r o g comb n g~ qmred of Mrs Cole concernmg a ~ ~ :~ Girls' trio ~ ~ "]vr~ IRis,,4 .~1¢¢,
• • .M_m.~ ...... ,,~v"
eye ~owns starting at iu a m wzm a t t
"O Romeo, Romeo wherefore art Thursday at 7:30 p.m. I .... :" =. _ I two outstanding features of the ye r I young man about 22 to 25 wearing ~ ~ I Betty Bowers, 2nd soprano; Nanc
--'~tthou Romeo?" These famous lines] The churches join in the youth]~e t~o~)?(~ff~e~ii:~~w]i~ i?i~~i! ~frwC~))I ~ ~ K~i~?eK~Pg~S~r::~:t°~'relbb~I!? vbG°~is~
~J~~twill be heard from the stage of the tsunrise service and breakfast on
] Cornell Little Theatre on April 25, [Easter Sunday and each church wil!]
26, 27, at 8:L5 p.m. Pete Coffeen hold their Easter worsnip service ~t
whom many may remember a;]10:45 a.m. show colored slides of his visit to ].. Solon Martelle Me-h-ni--ville! " -.- i: _.~i . Y - "1 With his recent resignation asi _
I Homecoming as Pa Pennypacker in] _ ~ • • new nes-- c a cs puns wmcn ne ma nay ann znenI •
"The Remarkable Mr. Pennypack- [~-k I. Water° f:Ub~de~ will ~2d:tan~t°°dth:V~u~e~:r ~l~te2:eaed. t%kshiomc:°tfed:rr eRamP'dSe~l beforej secr~ta~YM°f~h:be~%b~rinf~r~o ?P~::e hsbon Post
l er", will head the cast in this play ..... . be "Around the World in 60 Min- g " . P ...... P3 . ~ !almost 37 years of service to this i __
as Romeo. The other lead par~ of Mip~*lql |~ utes" Is•n" tleaving me sranon anow /~ssembly win i students of the Mt. Vernon high
school bus barn at 11 a.m. Tuesday, ed part of .the paper with the re- ankle. He is now able to p.u.t a little Rapids bakery where he had been ~ I spouso.r a myproject tar,the Shrin-lschool. Mention of his addressing
' n lo ed d rm wmters He was D,ck 5ames was taken to St e~ t~mppma t~mmrens ho,p~tai in the Lisbon students ~as omitted
at the April 23. ,mainder going to the Tipton Co - weight on the foot while getting emp y u ' g " ' • " . " . • i ". . ." ' ~ ' . , ' ' " •
l ~ non on March 7, Luke s hospital Cedar ttaplds on Mmneapohs Mmn Anyone carmgl
saw' ~ servative, about on crutches. Mr. Hoodmakerborn in Mt. Ver ' , , i , • '
~nd oper- FIRST GRADERS RIDE , sustained ,the fracture three months 1893. Monday morning by Baxter Ambu-/to donate toys ,to the assembly may I GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES
Firs~t graders of the Mt. Vernon F've students from M.V.II.S. cam-
~elementary school enjoyed a treatpe~ed.~ Saturday in the AIC typing
contest in Davenport with some 2~0
Who teaches rather rare for many of them dur- the Iowa Electric Light and Power
Ln dng to ~ ing the last few days. Each of the contestants from Iowa and Illinois. i Co. in Cedar Rapids. Francis Hood-
tl- -~r, Mrs t three sect'ons made a trip to Cedar Joyee Olmstead and Gall Yeisley t maker of D~nver, Colo., is expected
n er has I R~pids on the train. The ~rou~s left ' were entered in the amateur man- [ for a visit w~th his father, during
~g letters I on the a~ternoon train, Mrs. Bold't's ual division; Marilyn Dean and IMay Festival week.
t~-~r, who I Friday, Miss Bovle's Monday and Tbiara Bys in the novice manual; The Floyd Hillmans will spend
telling of ,:~I':s. Gardner's Tuesday, and were and Mary Hartenberger in the nov-tEaster with Mr. Hillman's father,
spent with m-t by school bus at the station in ice electric. Their instructor Mrs. lthe Rev. F• O. Hill•an, at Dunker-
Cedar Rapids. Hemer Fossler accompanied them• ton.
ago when he slipped on the ice Surviving are his wife, a daugh-
while at work reading meters for ter Mrs. John Zachar of Cedar Rap-
ids; three sisters, Melbia Thorring-
Iton, Grace Bohr and Minnie Burge,
all of Cedar Rapids, and a brother,
Ernest, of Martelle and a grand-
daughter Caroline Zachar.
The C. A. Barretts of York, Nebr.,
came TUesday evening for several
days visit with their daughter, Mrs.
Thus. Habecker and family.
lance, suffering from an internal!contact Jane Miller, Sarah Franks, fAT COON CREEK CItURCIt
hemorrhage. He r e c e iv e d two or Worthy Advisor Lela Griffiths. t Communion, baptism, reception of
transfusions on Monday and two on
Tuesday and is under observation
and treatment. His condition was
better Tuesday evening.
The LeRoy Kitzmann family of
What Cheer were Sunday dinner
guests of the M. E. Pike family. Af-
ternoon callers were the Lyle
Frenches and girls of Springville.
Lisbon Rainbow Assembly held a [ new members and the dedication of
surprise birthday party for their l a baptismal bowl will all be in-
Mother Advisor, Mrs. Glenn Plat-!eluded in the Good Friday evening
tenberger, at their meeting Man-]services at the Coon Creek church
day afternoon. Mrs. PlattenbergerlApril 19. The Rev. Keith Taber of
was presented a gif~ by the Worthy Cedar Rapids, former minister of
Advisor, Lela Carroll Griffiths, from ithe church, will be in charge. The
her and the girls. Mrs. Lyle Grif-IDean Kirkpatricks, C. C. Kerslakes
flths baked and decorated a cake jand, the SCouts will be in charge of
for the occasion, a basket supper at 6 p.m.