National Sponsors
April 25, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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April 25, 1957 |
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Two Lq
To Be ill
Memorialized o
Chapter D.A.R. of Mt. ver- Three individuals, Cornell gradu- The Lisbon school will serve as i , Lists of members of the Lisbon
secured a historical marker ates, will be commemorated this! l host to a boys' sectional baseball'__ _ • l rural fire association were given to
f year at May Festival time: Mrs. El- I tournament with all games played il"l~nl~lol~r~ lake F the Lisbon firemen at their meeting
as been erected on South Wins Training Grant I mer Bergmann and James M. Mac- fat the Lisbon park. j--~-v~:--2~;iv--- -_ ion Monday evening.
enue to mark the old Mill-
el, now known as highway
:h passes through Mt. Ver- au~yayfofaMp~lV~rty,O%a]~d P~I ~tea~ i The tournament is scheduled tojCad,lJac Hub Ca,~s I Each member will be contacted
to obtain information about his
through the years, have by their de: i get underway on Monday, April 29 1 r J
]farm which will include location of
been mounted on a granite
Briggs Monument Co. of ~o:~Onct~3n theory COhllaeg: a:dby the gtO 3ag00ainPs~n th~h~nlthe sLqSb~? b~YeS noTnh:,e~:~narge:O[n~:~lem M~V~hr~ i farm, buildings gasoline and fuel
oil tanks, water'supply, electric wir-
Who have set the slab on their own personal lives made valu- seml-fmal round . w,!l be played juvenile officer~A1 Lowell in Cedar ling and electric equipment and
; base on the parking at the able contributions to the prestige of weanesaay, ±vlay ± wire me warier I Ranids on Tuesday in re~srd to ~i~ other information. This data will be
;t corner of the Don ' of "h ....... -. " " ° ..... Iplaced on a card file which will be
residence• .. iC2:a~el~oran:hih~V~h:X;~lPliefi:danthe Mc~en~ey°°~nc~e~l:n l~;~dse, playlngl C;dill~c:~bc~P:aW?~h w:reitna:e~ carried on the rural fire truck and
bronze plate reads as tel- " • . j The other semi-final game will be i April 17th
'1"his highway is the old tIELEN WAILN BERGMANN WATER IS BEING DPJ INED from the Franklin Twp. tank truck I a.t 3'30 p m between Mechanicsville j Two of "the hub caps were fromi atl a permanentthe fire station.file which will be kept
road from Dubuque to The late Mrs. Bergmann was after it became mired in the mud in a field at the C. W. Hoke ! and Wilson of Cedar Rapids. The fi- ] the car belonging to Dillon Gilmore The cooperation ef members
edger ~YL borderco: gress°f Missouriin 1~ I9. probably o n e of t h e Festival's farm west of Mt Vernon about 1 p.m Saturday This is the t hal game will be on Friday, April 3 which was parked at his home in will be helpful in furnishing
by Iowa Daughters of ]Lisbon, and four from the Laurent this information to firemen.
bYi, waC°ngreSSDaug l_tein rs1839"of ::tngreSt 2"nda mh°i t e tehat ¢anS CdS Pe i f°rmerlt out afterCharlesthe waterLitts place.was emptledTW° tractors were required to puJlj at 3:00 p.m. - -. j Tonne car which was parked near t Lee McHenry was elected as a
eal Revolutionill concert series, perched on the stairs " " " the Stuckslager residence in Lisbon
which then led from the stage to Left to right Don Krumm, Paul Gaines, Da e Travis, Bob Romeo and Juliet ......... :tnew member to fill a vacancy. One
I [ eour were nl(:lclen on the t~orneu ,,¢~_ ....... ~ ~..:^.~
of the marker was met the balcony• From these ehoice!Niederhauser and Harry Suchomeh Richard Hoke is on the T~,e ~-,|- I~,~J campus and two along the Sprmg-t Chief Dale War-man .... -~ -
left over from the publi- • . ,,.mer ~,~,~y ~,,~ ~,~.
seats which local children bought at ! i,,~,~,,,
the history of Mt. Vernon. 1 ......... J--'' i~ w w ~ I~lllb| I ville road a short distance north ell_o ....... .~'~ ~ "T"'.~'~ "
nittee in charge had voted ~e~°r~ :t~:S~neP(~l~si:hleta~:n~ t:~dl The fire was confined to a dead tree and some grass in .c iiumt~ee to revise me oy-laws.
.... /Mt. Vernon. They were recovered IT he I S C firemon~hi,- *~o"-~-,~, *-. n
! final prepara~io.ns and dress re-,Sunday evening. , . " '. • ~ ~ ~" .......... s .... -
money be used for his- offered in the middle west Her own Ithe timber in the background which is along the road west from I " - J ......... B1
cPoses. The bronze plaque natural talent in music was greatly Jthe top of the Marley Clark hill. hearsals are makmg the CornellI Denutv Sheriff Larry. C,,n,~,-,- ~-- l etms will' be secured.
Theatre at Armstrong Hall a busy ter-i~,-~,~ H,o ~, ...... ~...~. .~ end donors were asked to re-
ished by the Iowa D.A R
• '0r the dedicatmn" of the stimulated by the deep appreciation ] The Franklin fire truck also became stalled in the mud after l place, this week. With the play op-I ternoon~an(i'~tu~rne~'the'*caseover i Plenish= ~b Dlckthejamesbl°°d bankBfl for that used
marker will be made at lt~i:hestartjhwiCh she developed inlthe fire had been extinguished with around 15 gallons of water.~ ening Thursday. night, April 25th, I to ,iuvenile au*ho~'*~. ....~.. ,I y. " . . "1 Kristan and
Oliver Burhngame have alread
not a thing has been overlooked. I ~ ' Y
g Y.
meeting of Balliet Chapter Mrs. Bergmann gave of her time ~ ~ IT he crews have worked for months l| |*11 . ~1 | i given blood. Stanley Franta and
' Wednesday, May 1. Myrtle Clark, M.V.H.S. senior and generously to the cultural interests 1~ /l' - P I~ .• I ~ .• . !converting the stage into the gar-~nmcrest ,Juo . . . I Bernard Tiedeman will give blood
story of this road dates daughter of the Jake Clarks, is one O:nM~i Vern0n and of.thePresbyter-i~reaKTas~ J-or|va| at~r~ls~s dens, streets, and balconies of old l Inn rmaay' evenln" g.
0rebllshedthan ata IowaCentUrYcity.t° 1839 of 50 Iowa girls from 35 counties se- e Urcn, Ior wmcn sue was or-~,~,~ ~--* -- I • __ • --. Verona Apr 25, Thurs. 6:30 p.m. stag and Orville Crawford demonstrated a
territorial capital of Iowa lected to become a recipient of a ganist for a number of years. As the ] Orchestra Pra|sed L! ~'~b~he I The crews the people who never!l dinner, Mr. Vernon committee, John fan he had built to suck smoke from
$500 grant for nUrse's training. Her libretto memorial tribute states ,~-|~a~o ||1~111~ appear before the audience have Colon, Boyd Herren, Fred Baldwin a building-• Refreshments were furn-
.~ed for a road from Du- stipend will be applied toward tuN,self_effacing and modest to a point l~'~l~l~ T~ ~1 I~%l~' I ......... had an exceptionally difficult as- Corlyn Bauman, J. G. Beranek. ished by Jack Morgan in apprecia-
Iowa City became urgent, tion, fees, books and uniforms for of deprecation, she held a highI= ['~"'" --v --v~,,~ Imgnmen~" ....... in ~ne preparauon tor ~o-tl __.___ ~ti°n of the fire company's quick
ttlersa meanSprotectionOf travelfromandpos_tO hospital,three yearScedarOf sheSt" Luke'Splans standard for excellent performance, ( ~nyone ........ WhO cares to a~enct me 'I men and Juliet.' Fifty-seven" students I WIN ............ PRIZES AT CARDS I work at the recent store fire.
no matter what the task, and ........... urn mprnh~r~ ~f fho nvn~l,,~fi,~n ±he uesserz-Dmage par~y a~ l-lin-i ---~
[ian attacks. - . to enter training this fall. h ..... h* . ),~* ,,¢ o,~+~ + .... ~..+ lannua~ DreaKIaS~ Ior 'me t~mcago ............... I crews under the dlrectlon'"'~" ~ ......... of Mark crest .......... Tuesday was well attended LIsbon" Music" Gr ull~
United States took a hana Ann Calvin of Center Point is the evers'lae ~ouched '~" ...... ~ .........Symphony Orchestra, which will be ! Wilke"i ..................... wnn ~u women presenz ±virs harry O--r-
-~dings, with the excuse of
roads to transport troops second girl from I.Ann county select- ~,~,, ,ar~,~ r~: .......... ~.^~.. l held at Holiday House at 8 a.m. Sat- ~' ,l "~" x=,o,=~"-~'=~"s ~^,,,~ ~',,,~. "~r~'~*:~s',=,,,,, ~'~ m '~s~ Sizer and Mrs. Otho Curtis were Plan Concert Friday
tse of Indian uprisings In edselectionsfOr the grant, made m19f12 wa era uated romCor-" day May 4 is invited to do so ~charge of make-up" Jackie M~ri-!winners at budge and Mrs. Forest
1839, Congress authorized were because of nell in '1924.Sanddpassed f away in Members of the orchestra are guests ' ....... .... the- ,~e ~o~....o,,¢+ ..... . ~,,,,~. a~~. I Moffit won the canasta prize. The students of the Lisbon ]'unior
ruction of a military road scholastic standing, results of pre- ' . • of the Mt Vernon Chamber of Com-
1956. Her memorial was estabhshed ." ...... son and Larry Hutchms of lights" ! ~ and senior high schools will pre-
)uque to Missouri, and ap- nursing tests and demonstrated per- b her husband Elmer C Ber nn l merce WhO sponsor me DreaKias~ J - • - " • - • ;=' * I|e~ ~,.^,~i ~-,,,,~i~ sent their large group spring con
Y . 'gma I I " Erwin moef~ oI props ana oonn t~ i....~wv.. .~..v,.~.. ~.~,~.,~.,~ . -
cl $2,000 for that purpose, serial character ........ 7." ~.._ n order that the number who will • ' ..... • cer.t Friday evening, April 26, in the
anu son inomas warn ~ergrn ...... :Visits S U I. Museum b,gh school g~m at 7
I Perry and Ken McKinley or puonc 30 m Achv
$1,000 was added in 1844, Myrtle has been a leader in many I attend the breakfast can~ be known I ity. i . . ' .* : p. . ' _
) more in 1,845. activities in school. She started with 3. M. MACAULAY on Friday, May 3, so arrangements ' • ..... ity tickets will be honored Admm
All this WOrK win De clLimaxeQ in La " Tues ............ ' " -
USED 4-H club responsibility and took her James M Macaulay a Cornell I for food can be made .tickets will be ÷~, ...... m ,~ ......... ~...:.~., ^- s~ hay ~t~ ,.moon secona slon wlmout an activity ticket will
a Cascade contrac- turn at all the various offices. She graduate of'1929, was so closely con-/s°ld at $1. They may be secured at ..... v ................. ~ ..... ~,~ u, -'rude children and their "- c~-- b ...............
Whursda Frid ~ .. , ,~ g tea nor e ~ cen~s .or auuits an(] za cents
to plow a furrow was chosen by her class ash mere- nected with the college for so many the Mt. Vernon Bank & Trust Co. or Curtain ~ime wi~l%ea~.'~5 ~.2stray" Mrs• Frank Carbee boarded the for students Ad on page4
: p• . , . .
Prairie from Iowa City to bet of the student council and as years that his passing last year af- Bauman's before Friday, May 3~ school bus bound for Iowa City for The program:
With a huge plow drawn president of her class when a junior, footed not only the local commun- A larger attendance of oeal
of oxen. The furrow She has also been Worthy Advisor ity and campus but hundreds of al- people at the breakfast to welcome, CarneJJ Band Appears a visit to the University museum. ItHigh school concert band: His
proved to be an interesting exper-Honor, Allelulia, and When the
100 miles long• for the Mt. Vernon Assembly of lumni homes throughout the court- the orchestra was urged at a recentI In Concert on Sunday ience for everyone. Saints Go Marching In, March.
brothers, James Rainbow. I try. meeting of the Chamber of Corn- ! The following day many interest- High school mixed chorus: I Am
~ing stories were written by pupils a Poor Wayfaring Stranger, Mary
given the contract The student body named her this For 28 years he had served Cor- merce. Since the entire Holiday The Cornell concert band, under, .
and were to be paid last fall as the Homecoming queen nell as admissions counselor, direr- House will be used for the breakfast direction of Robert Cantrick, will I telhng of their trip. Had a L~ttle Lamb•
and 9,000 for corn- and she was once the PTA Carnival tor of admissions and finally as di- a larger crowd than usual can be present their first concert of the Pupilswho enjoyed the trip are: High school boys' glee club: The
road in 90 days. queen. Her interests are varied, and ~rect°r of public relations. "His de- served. 3OltGE BOLET season Sunday, April 28 in King Nancy ~oaugh, David Askelson, Battle of Jericho, The Whiffenpoof
;a~luslYtknoTWnr?tS° the sh~ hma~xebedenh~r~n~uer Ofe:::e:lrUb jvotion to his work js reflected in ,, ~-- --,-"--_ The 59th May Music Festival will Memorial Chapel at4 p.m. Kenneth Armstrong, Tommy Blinks, Song.
~, ~ act, ne t~er~!~t ~al * . ..... y . , . -Ihves or nunareas oz alumm WhO flflar~ l~owman in ~antest bring to the Cornell campus one of Although termed a concert band, ~regory mova: goyce ~rown, Mary rngh school girls' glee club: I
ota~e ~oaa ann me in por~er ~or me senooz paper 1or Iour m h 1 -- ~Jurnn ame Marlene ca er
.... ' .- . -- • . --. " • ' I ca e to t is col ege because of his ,. r ~ ,., ,. the most widely-heard recitalists in the group is actually a symphonic .~ g , .. pp , ~anet Heard a Forest Praying, The'Happy
xtoaa, mus came mm ~na2inetglrls ~:;le[lc recreation or-l insight intotheirneeds and his en- ror farmer s uaugnrer the world in Jorge Bolet pianist for wind ensemble. With this type of ~arpen~r, ~naron uOoley, Kenneth Wanderer.
g a e t me, nan oeen a Icouragemen~ of meir hopes, aims the Frida- evenin~, concert in i~i"" orchestration, only one brass instru- t~oaer, uaro~ t~nmore, Dawn neam, Junior band: Flagship M a r ch,
Y stage coach to Iowa cheer leader, taken part in declare land ambitions." Representatives of WMT TV call- Memorial~chanel s us merit is used for each part, with the Dean Hubler, Douglas Johnston, Keep In Step, March.
~sed the roan, enangmg ~wo years, participated in a one-actI His widow Irene Landt Macaulay ed at the Roy Bowman home Wed- Attestin~ cr~'tics' claim~ ^* ~.~- ^-- majority of the ensemble composed Gloria Laing, Sally Long, Jimmy Junior high boys' glee club" We
uently. Most of the great and both the junior and senior classland their son~ William and Douglas nesday to announce that t he traordinarv musiciansh~'¢2~,~ of wood-wind instruments. Can- Miner, David Nelson. Alan Norden, Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder Eze-
,~men WhO Du*I~ ~ne wes~ pays ann nan earnea her member- } established the memorial to him ~owmans' aaugh~er Mary was onete.h..~^.•^ ~. ......... "_ t~-~.:~" trick, former band director at the marc ±~utt r~amy unstott Bobby kiel Saw the Wheel
uc traverses it. *c passes snip into Velvet Curtain, dramatic' " of 4 girls chosen from the 650 en- ~ -~,~,= ~.u ~*~mmg vlrmom~y, Carnegie Institute of Technolo , Owens, Rodney Potter, Billy Radl, Junior hi h irls' 1 :
~Y West Cascade Lan PAUL E BELLA~Y Mr Bolet has been re engaged to gY g g g ee club
- , , g- club. I • tries from all over Iowa in the Fav- -la" - :"- ...... - • has experimented with this type of Sharla Stahl, Sammy Tvrdik, Doni- Thanks Be to God Green Cathedral
)nhcell Ann a M r p y w~m unnos~ every an/or sym
• o, men , a - In additionto maintaining herI The third memorialisintribute orite Farmer's Daughter contest, -hen-- or[ ............ - I group with very favorable results van Van Dusen, IAnda Watkins0n High school dance band" Blueber-
It Vernonthe vanished p y cnesu-a anu ms toUr or me ,
, " :scholastic standing and contribut-Jto Paul E. Bellamy, of the class of sponsored jointly by WMT and a "'S ....... ' ...... J On the program will be 'Invoca- and Freddie Bilky. ry Hill, Kiwanis Pancake Boo ie
Inhoe n h iv r u ~as u~n a to, at sell OUl g
,.. , o t e Cedar R" e , ~ ing to school activities, this diminu- 11903, who made not only his col-feed company. Mary goesto Des "H'is .......... ~ .... - "" " -, 1 tion of Alberich," by Wagner" ~ ~ "
lIy and Crawfordsvllle prugrazn will meuse ±vlozart s , , .
' ' i tive senior girl has part-time era- ilege but the community of Rapid Moines Thursday to meet the gov-- ......... I 'Suite for Military Band ' Holst" ~/:---- r'_.._~.. ~*._lJ ~ u u ....... I ~,~ , ~
town in 1841 r an~asy m t~ Mmor ~aszts ~onata , "-----~ ~o~,i~' ~,lli ~ n n~wora r'nel s I~u
• • i ployment outside school City S D a better place for his ernor .... , " !' Three Hymns" P a 1 e s t r in ~ : I " P
,j ~-~. _ _ ! ............... !having livedthere. His friends ~ in ~ ~.vlinor, a contemporary sonata!,,Slaughter'on 'lOth Avenue" by !Rally Oeeur May 1 lth I(, n.A#k M.,II .... :
I Dy t+mas~era, mree reuses D - / ........ I --.,..~..,. . .w,, ,,v~ot~
"Mrs. Peter Down I Start JnstaJJine, 4 Block- ]characterized him as "optimist Lions See Movie On ........ 2.... Y iRichard Rogers" and a collection of [ ........
)~ ....... ,, --- . ~ - " Idreamer who does things for oth: .... • tr~acnn~anmo~z ann ~-'roKolein's l oc- ! marches A trombone quartet will The annual Linn county 4 H Girls ! Mr and Mr ..............
' " ' - I ~ JU3.UWcll'tl _r-II~l S nave
'.~ ca~a upus II P
upy mew house Of New Phone Cable ]ers." Northern Construction , ~ " .... !be featured. ...... IiRally Day has been set for Satur-leontracted to i~uy the Kenneth Hall
eter Do .... ~..~h. ..1~.. ,oI .......... I A man of great enthusiasm and a ^.. ,., .... ,~ ...... :^ ,,,,^_ ~,~:,~. ~ eom_mumw act on page ~, ! ±he concer~ is the nrs~ in a series any May 11 at Marion Rural School residence in Lls n.
• i ,-o *,~---z w-a- ~ ,.memen Ior ~ne $~ormwestern • • • -~,, *,,~=*=~--s ,,uv,= ,,~=, ,,,~u, • • I ' ' [ . be Possession wlll
day to their new split- d ~en ............. ,elepnone ~o t>egan work *as~ I deep. sense, of responslbllity, he was One-Thousand H~nas"_ .. , ..~.,~,-,i~*i,,~, ...~*h~ ~na~aSP°ns°red by the Mr. Vernon. , of sprmg musmales on the Cornell i according to Grace L. Bacon, CEHE, I be given on June 24. The Halls ex-
~e o~ the Boulevard which . " . a pioneer m the larger sense of the . . ~er or (;ommeree, reviles campus• ~ startin at 12"45 m ~ c " " •
L Wednesday of mstalhng new cable J . . .use of heavy construction machm- t . . . ~ g • P. • pet to move ate their house which
l~nder construction for the from "~'-- ~-*^-- v ^^~.^.. .^. ,~. iword as he took up his rearmed hfe err in the buildin~ of a Lar~,e h-dro you .... to attend the May Musie Local students parh. c~patmg are ' This-Your 4-H Life has been cho- |is now under construction
r ~,,= ~,,-~. ~*~ I - ~" ~' ~ - V'esuva~ Richard B1 I . . •
by Merrill Bur,'e and hisi ............ '- • , In Dakota. He managed the only ~.+~ ..~._+ ~.. ~.~,~. o~,•..~,.:^ • . ue who plays ~ne sousa-sen as the program theme Origin-
The l state owned cement plant in the A corn lete ~a ram of phone Jerry Rmger the trombone al skits b club will t
• y have been living re- near the Mr D - . . - . . ' .... was shown to Lions club Monda P p g the .., .. . , . . . ., y s portray 4-H ~r~ ~,-k~l D~,,--J I I--
an apartment a,t the Wade deuce ' "js~a~e, ann ownea and opera~ea ~ne evening Bill Nichols was in charge festival numbers appears on lane ~anemoppennaver, aaugnter oI!activities and projects. Mrs. Madgel_'_ .".'_ v , ~Hu-~lj
t s onn Watson real Y , .~. ~,~.,, v
i .. " ......... ,iirs~ Dun ann truck company in me _, .~ =_" ...................... " page 3. line t~erala rxoppennaversoibpring-~Bowers head of the ISC women's WIll i'~..H,. #'%n ~.'.J....
I iNew poles wuI De se~ on wnlelxl_.~o+~... ~.~.~4;.~..~e r~.l..~+. T-T ...... Ul ~II~ p[ug[aIIl a~ nulluely nuub~, viH- +h~ h~a~ t*1~.-~.~÷ . ' -- ,. " ' • [ ---.. v'~.~i V|| |||%AIbdV
~ .... [ the cable will be placed The Iowa [ ................................~ Mr. Bolet s recital will follow the I P y ' -" -- p " --, pe os- _
, ........................ reuugn*~u a~ a *e~u~ ~uu prumt~ter NEW MAIL SERVICE ""en~'" number of *h .... :~- ~ ...... ------------'-----" ', are ann unarm ~ne will be assist Parents havre children ex
,~ .... Ilater v,-lace its wires on the same. ! .......... The m~e ~wr. ~eHamy, WhOSe' hasWeworked°pe theoutnew mail schedule day evening by the rising,? concert hellO worla !club y t e Fairfax Jolly Juniors!tOremienter kindergarten, this. fall are
.~ ~0 Wednesday I poles and remove those now belngldeath ~ame also in 1956 wa° a m~m ........ better for others and opera star Adele Addison. The I ....... i ~" ........ I..^ nded tha,t Friday, April 26th, at
m .... . ~ .... .~ ~ ~ .... -man l~ nan a~ me nawKe e ortice nerson 1 h ~ sen, weight ~ los ~ oz was r~amy ~eny coumy 4-H iris I ~u p m in the kinder arten
~:r ot Mt Vernon peopm ..... ~ Y .._ a c arm of the sager and f .... , g I " • • g room
ber of the Cornell board of trustees J
~dinu ,~,o ~ .... ~,.~ o,,~ [ ~ ! .~ . , .... •Mail has arrived earlier and thethe emotional values she ives to born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ed- president, will be in charge of ~the of the Lisbon elementary school is
~.ror~ th'~ ~,,~'~;~"~¢ I I~ |e ,e ~f IT. ~ne memomm was setup oy ±w~. carriers leave the post office a half the composer's 1 rics have brou h ~ wards of Fulton, Ill., Wednesday l business meeting assisted by other the time and place for registering
~ish Cl~n~'~'~.~.~o"~'l UI~.I~JI["I[~I'|I~ [ ]t ]~enamy t,.ucy uorom, rlorence ~. to three quarters of an hour earlier thisartist acclaY2 from g t April 17. Grandparents are the Har- officers, Phyllis Mollenhauer Barb- and other necessary pre-re uisi,tes
................. , ~.,~,,~-,-=~,.v. • v, ,xoung t~arol ann ~ames ~enamy . both the 1 • ' " • -q
~ll" o12 Wednesday.................. ~v~nlna t lwaryger~ruae~ ' .......... ~ Uolrman ~v~arsnau" than formerly• musmallh,-trained critics and from Edw° d LongerbeamSr , and the Thomas ara Rohlena and Anita Trachta. for entering kindergarten this fall.
em are Alumni D~r'~t"r J A || ~| | I ..... . . ., .~ However the Springville news ar- the ordinary music-loving, nublic ~ a ds. The baby has a three- Mrs. C. V. Hoglan and members of ---------
I * ~.~. v • ' . ea ~- .... , . . .
i au, ooo, ~oo,o,o~, ,o ] .ee e, en] ~aul x helen, oames,~ar-, roved around. 4 p...m mstead of. 'rues- Her first group Thursday night" year-old sister Pa.tncla ....... I the girls.' 4-H committee will assist LISBON SCHOOL. EVENTS. ,
dent and Mrs. Merle Den- . _ p l,~.ana ~ur~ls ~or~m,~n, al~ o i t~apld day morning as it has while the will include several 18th century Thomas Robert was born to Mr. i wlth the actlwtms. The public m ~ .Thurs;. April 25, G~ris softball at
and Mrs. Howard Troyer ] D|~,~ ~Aa~, ~ i~,~y'an~v~" ann lv~rs. ±warK lwur- Morley news did not come until i songs, to be followed by Purcell's ann. lvlrs. ~obert Zinkula Friday, i invited. ! ~-nsDon-~oaege~wp.
-~tuss~n o~ .~.~ ~.o ~'l||" "" "" "~"" " -~-- -~ ~ • i-~J ........ , ..... hirer a p m I The Ble~o,~ v~,~h,,o ~ .... ÷,.~.+~.. l~prll 1~ at -~aercy hospital in t~e-I ~ I -~rl., /-kprll ;q~, Large group spring
~" I 7 !.,~ . .~ _ Post office window hours remain Three songs of Franz Schubert two dar Rapids. Grandparents are Mr. i Comina q concert 7:30 Lisbon Gym.
at 8 30 a m to 5 m which is less I and Mrs Frank Volz of Norway ~ ---- rrl April 26 Pro School round
.. ,"~----- ! Dedication services for the new Duresh Implement Co. : .. p. • " " . of Johannes Brahms and a Dei~ussyI ~ .~ ;:, _. _ ~ .~_ ~. I Anril 27 Sat "1 n.--m--..'sa~,e o~ an .... ;~n ,~ ,.. ' " -
~15 • ' . ~ convenien~ man me old hours of 8 ' number will lead into th on , anu me ~eorge ~.mKulas. ~ne i • = ....... " ~' *:~" v .....
kaJ Buys, Farms ~lawnAllee ad~ommgChapel wlllthe bechaheldl on°n thethe ~ Orders New ....... v-, Ji porary group and the lovele YC netem-'gro ~ kulas' dau~,,~,),÷~-o ...... r)i ..... ,~ r~ .... ~ tlqueSMrs Mll' househOldr goods and tools I,, Men., April 29 1st round of boys
Of r~^,J__ ~__:J. i ..... pe .. • i ...... l~niri¢,~l .... ~,~, ,.,~,~. o,. ........ lure staying with their aunt near] ..." ..! d~red.R°se,.MainSt',.spring-lsectional at Lisbon park (Lisb~m vs
~,=~[ ~ n~:) t~ornen campus a~ ~ p m on ~unaay Le B ~ ......... ~ w • ~u~, ~ Vllle W If IVllcenell ann t~ua ~mlth
_ I~ ', ..... " " ' I ster uresh has ordered a new, EXPECT WELL DRILLER ' clu'~ h~" "~'.'.~'~ .......... i Blairstown while their mother is ini . " .:. ", ' " ' I Solon)
~taskals, who recently Ima~y ore. . ........ I Hydra- Gauge Dynamometer f or Tom Thorpe of the Thorpe Well i 1~/~ ~ ....... ....... ! the hospital, auras, r~xcnange State Bank, clerk i
~a ±he selmon %vii/ De Genvereo o i s ~u son Will remaln In lylt Ad on a e 6
rm south of town to .. ~. ~ ...... ~Y, testing tractors under actual fieldi Co. Des Moines, telephoned city au- [ xr~.~.~ • ................... " 1 Kerry Lynn, born to the Kenneth P g • I Lishan H lln W, ,I,4
I I~ ' me ~ev ur unarles ~ nemps~eaa Io on i lOLq Th m hm 1 e ~ . ~ ppear a~ ~olOlSc w tn me [ .....
urges have bought . • " " , i ad c dt . s. c ac " e's d - J thorities on Tuesday saying that~, ,~'='? ,'~ _ ~, . . ~ . Moores of Greensville, Miss., on Fri-, ~ • ~-- ~--~--- , I ............
on the Alburnett road ! pas~orof the First Methodist church, : signed to show the horsepower de- ! equipment for drilling of the Mt. ! ~or,e!~ orator, In SOCle~y,.~or ~a~ur- I day, April 19. Mrs. Jean Moore i ~ecelve I~lew fl~emDers- i Rolana ]~hn was ~ ....... ~ ....
~dar Rapids. One, con- lf o~ uoage, a member of lhe Cor- velopedby a tractor plus actual fuel Vernon well would probably be! ~aya~cran~?22~presema!~n .°.~ "the p a t e r n a 1 grandmother returnedI U--IJ U-_l_ I~ J. .. " Mrs Robe~*['Rottman Anril';7~'at~t~.
u her I n~ll ooaro oi zrus~ees 1 d r v r e r ' s ~ - ,~ ~ * nolo Da
[ ~ es and located ninei ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~' ~. ,~,~ ~.. ]consumpt'onun .e a e ag~ working imoved in on Friday. The site of the [~eclali~v eomm~ss~on'ed )or orno ,:;home here Monday from visiting the I ,,y uea,cmlon Luke's hospital. Grandparents are
, ~ ueaar t~apms, was i ~---.~. -~. ~t-~ .... ?,- ....... ~ .... ,.conmuons. ~ne ummg ann car~ure, I pump house will be staked out on: Centennial C Al~iMoores. ! Three new members were re- [Faye Emerson of Toronto and Mr
tom vocation ano la~er wmpresen~a iv
• Hattie F. Moore of i~ ....... ~ i tion can also be adjusted to g" e the I the Cornell campus previous to that i At this •initial "erf ...... .~^ ! Holly was bern to Mr. and Mrs. i ceived into the Federated church i and Mrs. CLarence Rottman '
the re o~nluon tO me ctonors of the , w ..,,a.~ u,~
,-, other, a 120-acre i. '~ ....... . " i most efficient performance. Delivery ! time. i music composer ~'T~r'~-" ~^ T^~ ; Ray Andersen of Oak Park, Ill., I and a baby dedication service was ] Steve. R~ndy, born to Mr and
u 12 m ] DUllOIng Iurnlsnlngs ann equlp h onl v .,, .,a** ~c~u ou~u
s i es from Cedar I . , - - of the new device, t e ~y one in ! ...... ~ ,, I was on cam .... +~ ... ............ i Thursday, April 19. Mrs. Anderson i held following the Sunday morning ~Mrs. I~,on S,tassord of West Branch
purchased from Her- mere. L this locality, is expecteo within lC~&~t~E TiME OF KATE ] ..... ;~.o.~ ..... w,u, ,_,~. !will be remembered as Jeanne worshin servioe :~,,,.~ ...... ?~ .....
of Vinton I President Russell D. Cole will the ne,'t 60 days ] The schedule of the Kate Shelley J ~aul ~ecKnelm ~qreetor of the Con- i Prin~lo -~"~-*^- ~* • ~- .... I ~...~ ...... 2~_~._ ......... ~,ruay• ±~prn *~, weight b los. u
• - • , . . • "" • ~ ~ ...... + ....... • _~ .,_ . . ~ . ~. ~, uauN,~r uz ~ L* e ~JUn I SUU~ welcome(1 into u~e church oz Mrs Stassord is a ~l'anddnu~hf~,~
i~l: have, also.purchased ]prcsidedurmgth~dedlcahon serv-! --___~---- (4,00 on the C. & N. W; Ry. will l~*~t~;Un~ar;n.u^uhme°ra~°r~°_, an~.o Pringles, who spent the week end iwere Barbara Crawford daughter of'the b O Anderso,~s of"I~is~)on:-"
-warKcresz aaukion ace. ~ne cungreoa.non ~Vlll ~oln&a--IW' ...... L..-- #'%--~,,, I change on ~unaay ~%Dri± 28 with I C:ILUL JlUl" tile CUIIC~rL. lnlS , in Oak Park m~,~ D.~,,~o' ~*~. ~ ~ ..~ ,-,..,.~ o, ~ ~,~- i ....
~he northeast section of lwith him in conducting the call to ~w~,,.,~n~u~Hy~ ,JN,~,, }the start of daylight time in Chica tyear Harrold Shiftier of the State ~ .... h*o~ ~r,~ T~'~o',t'~'~;~r~'~,'i ~,~'22 "~'~2;~- ,~r,~,~.,, .L~a,,~ ........
~1 . . • . - o " ' ' " ' :i ~-----o ..... , ............ o .~...~, v....o..- . ~,,usI, uaugnter o1: ~ne wayne i ltllUINl)lt~ l~lll&'l'lMll~fl~l U~'
s and will start bald 'wmsh~p and the ritual of the lay go The new schedule a ars m un verslty speech department fac ,kosh
! - ] " .... .... Kold Kastle Dr,ve-ln I • ppe " ' ult~ i ........ - , Win., is staying in the Ander-!Schoffs, and Mrs. Leo Frederick. i [tS. WILLIAM BOHR
~ month. Mr. StasKal 4 m~oi the cornerstone, an ad on page 5. The train will gel ,. y' w u narration. ~ne ] son home helping care for the two The children honored during the Mr and Mrs John Miller were
'crate both farms and! llano presema~ion of .the buildingi Mr. and Mrs. E. R. and Mr. andS. east through Mt Vernon at 6:08!~°ng of a trul.y fine folder children Kim and Scott• baby dedication service were Marl- hosts•to 42 reli~tives for a .,otlu,q~
~ar Rapids. The Sta- I~. ~e made by George M. Allee, ~Mrs. Willard McConaughy announce !a.m., arriving in Chicago at 9:351cn°ram, wmcn ~esuval audmnces ] A son was born to Mr. and Mrs i lene Gall and George Harley 'dinner Sunday in celebrationof *~,-
~-unue to operate the L O~ l~ewell honor of the chapel • that the have CST Returnin i i • are moKmg ~orwara ~o enjoying ', R ' ' • - ~ ~ ""~
Mt - -~ ~' .... . . .. m an adv. on page 9 y. I • g t w 11 leave Ch~-Th r ...... ~ - ~ obert Wolfe Monday Apml 22 Owens children of the Gaylord ~ birthday, of Mrs• William Bohl-
Vernon mm year Tom ~±~kel on presmen~ oI t~or o en th Kold KastleDrive In cage at 4 30 CST and s e o atomo will have the nne at St Luke s h s
rn ~ . . s . . . - ~ ped e - I : pa s through • i • ' o p'tal. Maternal i Owens'; Cynthia A n n Norton, ! which occurred on April 17. Mrs. G.
eve into their new~11 Student Fellowship will ex ha~e r centl from here at 7 55 m orchestral accompaniment of the rand arents
:a'" n~ , - which they purr ~ d e y : p. . It is a flag stop Chi a o ....... i g P are the Clarence Mr- i daughter of the Allen Nortons of G Keith of Cedar Rapids was a
: n. J press the appreciation for the chapeli Mr. and Mrs. Homer Emerson. The here to pick up or discharge pan- i .~;c g ~ympnony orchestra, which i Conaughys of S t a n w o o d. The '. Mechanicsville; Cynthia Lee Mar- week end guest in the Miller home.
- I on behalf of the stuaent body. ~new owners plan to operate the bus- sengers. ] wm pay t-reluae ~o~c~ ~ oI wag- i ~¥olrcs nave been staying with the tin daughter of the Jack Martins
: Awarded S,utherland C. Down, president of iness from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. servingl .. _ ~ / her's ~onengrin ann ~eemoven's II! McConaughys since Mr. Wolfe was i Wi~ittier; Loren Arthur, Rodney i WILL SItOW "SEVENTEEN"
A .... ,. j the Cornell board of trustees, willl sundaes, malts, hot dogs, coffee, etc. [ Tt~(Ira', ttarold Enms, r e t•u r n e d ! ~ympnony for the openmg half ofI transferred from the Montgomery ! Lee and Lynn Louise Pike, children i At the Federated church in Lis-
SSlstantsnl I join President Cole and the congre- The McConaughys live in Marion ursaay trom St. LuKe's hospital, i~aturoay's anernoon concert. I Ward store in Washington to an-i of the M. E. Pikes; and Richard i bon, on Sunday at 7:30 p.m. the
%rhite, ..... ~5ornensemor,r. ! gation~ in.~ the act of. dedication. • ~ where the-~z have v'-rex iousl,,~ o,~rat~ _ !! Cedar~ ~ Rapids_ , and ...... is recuperating As. usual ...... the Festival will come to . other in Davenport. They have re- Allen Schenck, son of Rev.. 'and Mrs. i film, "Seventeen, will be shown
t Whites of Mt Vernon I ~ne ~ornell choir will present ! ed a restaurant for several years. I a~ nor Irom ~ne enec~s oi a a diana cnmax w~th me baturdaylI cently purchased a home near Day- ] Ralph E. Schenck. i This is a film that was made for
| an............ ~icf~n't"'~'~--~, ~*~2' i The .... Sanctus which will be followed : I ~mall .pace oi. lOO(1, becoming evening, concert of me Chicago or- enport and will move in soon. ,I ~ I ,~_n~,va- ~ ~eo~n rile esne~ ciall,,v ....... .~,~ ....
.'a the Universit~y of]by the concluding ritual by the n.=D^--:*'l~^':----|~|=l|l! ~,,II|IU/=||~L-'IJ'^" l lodged inherwmdplpe. !chestra, GeorgeSchickconducting, ll Diana Marie was born Monday GOOD CtIEER CLUB ~lh°ne that all of the ~voun~" n~n~lo~.~
)lumbi . . President and the congregation clos ~ ~ - A ril 22 to Mr an c. ~ i The Good Cheer club met w ~,,~ ~,~,,~*~ af the o~ .... ~i¢.~, • ~n
"~ Ma "~d,xr~,~ i " * ' - , P d Mrs .~ .. lth.. .................................
--- ............ • 1 ' " " • ' J
, along with six other Iing w~th the benediction and theFor K,nderaarten i Campbell. The baby's little brother !the The~ore L~ght. family Fr!day] feel welcome to come. This film
ors whn ~,i,,o~ ,o ,Gloria t~atri oy the choir. "~ ] Jeff is s~aying with his paternal evenmg April ~, with 25 memoers has all of the excitment of hot
at. tho~ ~,~,,~÷"~"* -=~s-,-~ ] The plaque, in the Chapel reads. Mothers in the Mr. . Vernon. Cons. ] grandparents~m Cedar Rapids. ! present. The. Roy Kohls and Ste- i rodding, jokes, musm and a wonder-
C~l 1 as follows ALL~E CHAPEL Th s e ' ven Connell were guests Mrs Roy ful story It m cast b nun
7. ] : " ~ • :S .heel district hawng children who I " ' " ' ' Y y g people
" ...... WILL ATTEND COURSE ]Kohl showed pictures of their trip who were chosen from life for th
i Chapel has been erectec~ in the will be five years ola oy l~ov. ta . - ' " " L " e
Memor of Mar Ehzab th Allee ' .-. ....... through the Dakotas and Colorado arts None ar( rofessm 1 s.
;~n ~,,~, I~n~ , Y y " e 1957 are asked to contact the ele-I , ~on ~i~ins mt Vernon ....... i I P , P ' na actors
~ "~." ..... ! adevout ChrlsUan and Iowng mentary school as soon as possible I I su,,t will attend ~ ,~.~ ~r~÷~.. and Mrs. Wlllard Light showed pro- Time of the film is 65 minutes The
", nan purcnasea a tract ~ . . . ~ ~ ~. a ~-,.~,~ "'~ ~ lure " ! e tin o " ' •
Z0 fe~- I mother, by Geolge Matthew Allee and regmter them for kmdergarten• • I t Works Managemen~t short course at . s taken on a .trip .to McGregor s .t g f the film is in an ordmary
t north of the Mt ~ ~
Cmnell 1901 and arah Rose Allee ............ la t fall Mrs Light arran ed the mgn scnool where the kids dare to
~1 fromWard Horton' I • ' ~ . If you have been contacted by Mrs. ~me unlvermw oi ~owa oeglnnlng i r~ " " g ! hve' fo
ats on the old Palisades It is intended to serve as a place of Ward Viter of the P.T.A. committee, next Monday ~1 p ogram. The next meeting will be I film r Christ. Don't miss this
~d ........ ~ ]quiet meditation, prayer and dedi- you need not call the schoolt I ~-~" , at the Willard Light home on Fri-I " •
~rstoo~ ~na~ Mr ~ar i
at .....' .. - -]cation. 'Seek ye first the kingdom ~ " , IRAINFALL REPORT i day, May 3. Mrs. Clarence Border!~,.,~,,~,,~i--£~~
, s.=~ ounamg" several [ of God and His righteousness ' Mat- 'A-- KI.. e--.:---- e_l-- I According to O J Cullumber's J will have charge of the program. 1 2~_~.~_?_~'~_~__* ~t~b~**
- ~e but thac his plans .~ ......... o " P~ll-ilg ~,$1ill~ ,,~Ull~ ] ........ " - ' ...... 1 lylll~lP/l'~ ON ~fl~y 1
'b d ~new o:oo. I I ratn gauge i ,~ in oi ram Iell lvlon- ~ I Th ' • "
, eflnlte at thm time. l ____ i .... . , day startin~ earl- in th,~ m,,-,,"--I HAVE EASTER PARTY , e Federated Ladms' Mmsmnary
,~----------------- I ....... .~ ............ Tr~e ~n-l~u ureas shop will hold a "' ~" ~ ......... ~ ~ The be~'inner and nrimarv denart- ~ ~roun will me~* ~* ,h~ ~*, .... ~. ur~.~
' 1 E - w*~ ~**~l~ ~*~ ~ i : v ' ~ and continuing to fail gently off and j ° ~ - ~- i ................... ,,~,,-
~.' G IN F/kILL I ..... " . ~. spec al sale Fr~da~ and Saturday of ~_ ~ ....... merits of the Federated Sunday ! nesday May 1 at 2 n m Mabel Bow
:~ark had the misfor-I ~,r. ann lv}rs. Sau:.~er•wil~attend blouses, slips, sportswear, sweaters, o~l.unul earlya~ernoon.. ~astweeK school held an Easter party Satur-era, Ione Lehr and'~Ella Luse are
': home Thursday eve-ia meeting o~ me,own ~tace meaical etc., including some spring and j ott~n: ~lL Vlp2Y. mo~%lng ann an-lday afternoon in the church base- program leaders. All ladies of the
• • • . i V (:;2. ¢J¢ /IJ LII~tL, ~V~llLll .
~s ms left leg. He was secrecy in ues moues monaay and summer dresses. See the ad on page ; ~ merit. About 35 enjoyed the Easter church are welcome to attend.
hospi*al by Baiter's I Tuesday, April 29 and 30• Mrs. ShUt- 3.
I GILakSS FIRE i egg hunt and a film which was
the broken limb iter's mother, Mrs. John McNabney, , m, ......... ',shown Refreshments were served Nil' and Mrs. Ed Mesick and
traction His addrecsiof Cedar Rapids will stay in the I~IURPIt~ MOTOR CO. WILL ~ne ~ranKnn mwnsmp nre ~rUCKS! 1.. ÷~.'-~-~ ~---~o ~. "- ~.- ~ Chuckle oe ~,,~t. ~o~...~ ,~ ~....,
............... I ~res'-onded to ~ ~-1" " ....... Ivz ,,,:=,,~ ......................... , .................... v,=,,~
t)I~PLA]~ NEW MODEL CAR , v a ~d ~ ~um me lom the we
Weeks will be room ! ~.,autter home. . . tArmstron-fa ........ i O Blood Don Bowers, Ralph ek end in the par'entai Pres-
g rm a~ l:lU p.m. wea-. ' ' t
sP~tal Cedar Rapld~
'-/-~ ---- " "" tWILL ATT~~NTION t Murphy Motor Co. will have one ] ]nesdav Anril 17 t .... ¢ ~,,¢ ...... i Schenck, Ralph Burge, Clayton on McCall home, and joining them
' of the new Ford Fairlane 500 Sky- i fir^ ~o....~.~ "~':'_'~ [_"_'. ~"~." ~'~'~°. i Nosley and Miss Ruth Kohl. for Easter were Mr. and Mrs. Rich-
all returned to S,t. Dr. G. E. Rahn plans to attend the " - " . " I . ~ '~ v,~ ,~e mtcn ue~me me roaa ~ . . ard Nelson and Danny of Ophiem,
hnei models on display on Fridayl R , l south of the house The fire burnedI
by Morgan ambu- Ilowa Medical society meeEng in and ~.aturdav accordm~ to ad on OBERT NIEDERHAUSER, proprtetor of Bob s Super Va u store ........ • Cub Scout Pack 54 meeting will Ill Dean McCall .... ¢ ,1~ .... .~..
"~ ~" ' ....... ~ aoou~ lo roils between the fence line • .
evening for~Des Moines Monday and Tuesday, page 6. This is the world's only re- I ts presenting the televtstan set to Mrs. Wdham Valenta wh,ch she - ................. t be held m the L~gion^ basement! mght and Friday in the Mesiek
condition. April 29 and 30. tractable hardtop, won recently at the arand n " a t ..... ~,u^,~^~au.._~.£a.~er .._ann ~ealers room on ~amraay, ~prn z7 at o:aa p. theme' then went to the Nelsons ariel
. = or-enln , of h...t.... ,,~,~ u~:u tu u.m~ it u**aer control, m came home with them Sunday.