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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
April 25, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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April 25, 1957
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mr. Vernon, la., Hawkeye-Record and The Lisbon Herald R ~.' Thurs., April 25, 1957~t'age ~ i The Hawkeye-Record The Mount Vernon Hawkeye and The Lisbon Herald 104 2nd Ave. North, Mount Vernon, Iowa Official Newspaper Mount Vernon and Linn County The Mount Vernon Remarker Founded in 1897 by Minard Lozier The Lisbon Herald Founded in 1894 by W. F. Stahl James W. McCutcheon Editor and Publisher Published at Mount Vernon and Lisbon in Linn County, Iowa every Thursday. Entered as second class mail matter at the past office of Mount Vernon, Iowa, and Lisbon, Iowa• Subscription Rate "It was two years before the Nix- ons were inside the living room of the Gettysburg home," he observed• PRESIDENT LOOKS GOOD Speaking of t~e President's health, Mr. Smith said that he looked good for a man of 66 who had gone through two major illnesses, and that he seemed to have quite a lot of strength. His cough this winter has been very annoying and he still coughs once or twice in a 50 min- ute period. President Eisenhower is a very active man for his years. He likes to hunt and fish as well as to play golf. "It is a mis~ke to exhibit criticism for this a~tivity, as the more active he is the better are his chances of good health," said this reporter who is in a far bet- ter positbn to pass judgment on 'WAY BACK WHEN Rotarians Dine Dr. Kollman Will Be On TEN YEARS AGO i; n;nr !Program At Grinnell April 24, 1947 i~'~''`v" "~ ='="~'~*'~ • , Dr• Eric C. Kollman will be on Film debut for A1 Morrlssey. ~:no i Students must mature mentally, I the program of the Grinnell Insti- appears at ~ayet~evme, ~rK., m m- i socially and emotionally if they are ] tute of International Affairs at Grin- surance mourn,;. ~rannwapmspre- to make good citizens, said Max I nell on Saturday, April 27. Prof scots nyorid tea rose pmnts tar Clark, supt. of schools of Dubuque, i Vernon Van Dyke of the University of Iowa will discuss the political resources of the United States for memorial garden south of Cornell at the annual dinner of the Rotary l Wh/te House... Considerable proP-club for the seniors of Lisbon and erty shifting: Boyd Horton buys D.~ Mt. Vernon high schools. E. Hedges house on north Fifth Mr. Clark is the governornomJnee Ave.; Dr. G. E. Rahn purchases for this district of Rotary Internat- Holmes house on north Second; ional. Pringles buy K of P building; John The dinner was served by the Lis-I Engles of Indianola new owners of ben W.S.C.S. ladies at ,the new Lis- Busenbark Tavern... Dolores Mallie, ben school lunch room. Committee weds Lawrence Larson. ' in charge was Mrs. Verne Beasmore, Mrs. Lyle Capper, Mrs. Lyle Grif- TI~ENTI~ YEARS AGO fith and Mrs. Carl Hansen. April 22, 1937 The seniors were told they must Consideration of moving highway accept a philosophy of continuing 30 south of Mt. Vernon and Lisbon to learn after they are out of school international cooperation. Kenneth MacDonald, editor of the Des Moines Register will discuss the application of our resources to Asia, and Dr. Kollman will dwell on United States in European relations• Prof. John Cotton Brown and several Cornell students will also attend the insti- tute. Last week the members of the Cornell history and political science dept. and several students attended the annual history conference at the Sixth in a series e t II :_ T: .... ~ ~j;~;,, this subject than are ma~y who included in Iowa Highway Cam-to keep up with this changing University of Iowa. ONE YEAR , .............. J~.,.- • •" ~" 00 sound off mission'stentative5-year pla n. world."When you reach maturity tn~ £ounIites ...... ,P~. . " . ONE YEdR, t,u, ............... - ......... .... " *~ ~0mnuence wire t~ongress nas sui-!... Dick Carbee whittles his trou- your childish ways," the speakerl e Ads ]ozntng counties .... ,P~.~ ~ _ ierea because ne cannot be a candi- bles away and expbunds a philoso- said. "You should develop a whole- ~ date for re-election. This might phy of living as he carries lead in some philosophy which helps you _ _ ....... force him to become more active Lisbon senior play "Whittlin'" . . . make satisfactory decisions." IN TH~ANDDISTRICTFoR LINNCOURTCOUNTy,OF IOwAIOWA' IN ~1 1o Des Molnes On O I and take his program to the people, I Bruce Mullens and baby Kay Irene How you act when you try to fly Probate No. 24242 • he stated U S 6 has been widened all of the " of Chariton visit in Mt. Vernon .... 'solo will depend on your prepara- NOTICE OF HEARING ON THE MATTER • ; ......... "The men who make the laws are Helen Peet entertains Spinsters tion and your willingness to assume oF THE APPROVAL OF THE SECOND way tram iowa t~lly to L~es molnes .... ....... o~ making out now ior the political Club (Margaret Dilley, Marl. Littell, responsibility, he added. PROGRESSIVE R EP O R T O F CO- this wrker alscoverea on a trip ~ ......... GUARDIANS AND OF HEARING ON ........... nl weamer m l~0u. lois might force Jessie Hughes, Betty Rowley, Marl- "You have a resoonsibility to your THE MATTER OP FIXING FEES FOR me annual iowa tress ~ssocmuu ~ • . the President to a more active pro convention at Des Molnes April llthl - an Scott.) . . . West End Clan holds community to show that the faith THE GUARDIANS AND THEIR AT- t ..... t gram in support of .his policies," housewarming for Lawrence Hunt-] and trust placed in you was Justi-, 1[~TOTRuN~E~a.~rle..1~ T.l~ f'.,r~,wn[~,~J. °P~r~.~ of the navement between|Mr" Smith sald in closing, ers in their newly built home on fled," he told the seniors in closing. ["" SH~ ........................... ......... " ' OF .the two cities is new 24 foot con-I • |. a~ .* 10th Ave. S.. : Rotar}ans and Rot- Carrol Stoll, Rotary presldent,] ....... ~ ................ crete, while m other places the old lM|an~ ~en~|an . • • ary .Anns ]o.m lor a st Ky omner preslded. Dr. Hugh Fouke gave the TO LEONARD KOPF and all other parties ..... ~,~ont has been widened and l ~w ...... ,~_,_, smelt, ma~ is. l invocation. Supt. Paul Seitsingerl interested in the above-entitled guardian- ~"'~"o~"'acktpped~.. :':::~:l:n::':: ~R~RS i'=~Ded pP:~2:;t~a~ Cll;l::s Cla~ng~b,I~ele[~ :Yaah~uPt:h~enl ~aCho°f oY°Uii~:eihet~lYo~f~tlefled" ' bl~,c p,,~=,mnt from the edge of "Next t e e apprec- 21 ,,o~AGO i e . u t T,~,o C'i~,, t*, " as~'~" . ,, . ~g~. ~ , xo~. '~lsoonseniorpreslctent presences the Clerk of the District Court of Linn ........ ~ .hrou,,h Coralvllle h l~tton of it, said Thackeray. The . . . , i been widened to four lanes Fur- excellence wasprovided Monday Miller and Van Etten start 6 room the Lisbon seniors. Supt. Harold County, Iowa, the Second Progressive re- ther west the relocation, which night at the Craft Guild and student English style.home for, Clarence i Plank responded for the Mt. Vernon I ~°rt°:hYac2gFu'arBmec.ker oafndthKatbhoevrmeotSi~r~ misses Oxford was paved a year or I art show, and the appreciation was ~elsman . . : ~leanor ~rosn of Led- seniors anll ~aroara t~rmges, vice Leonard Kopf. Incompetent ; said Second two nao The new location from f evident in the commen~ts of the large yard home Ior "mud vacation" . . . presioent of the senior class intro-]Progressive report sets forth the accounts ....... t o • • • uro~t o°f Ladora to the interseetJon,orowd wh~ viowod it Easter decorated tables and two duced the M.V.H.S. seniors. ]and doings and receipts and dmbursements .................... • • ; • • Ot salu guar(llansolp irora march 31 lvao ..ich a2 7 miles e f rinnell cakes feature primary room b~rth-Dr Otis Young was chairman of M. ~ ~7 . ~ *- ' re ........ , ......... ast o G , -------- . .. ' . . .until .....reh _I, 19 ........ and ~..ld P - was completed last year andis a Many there were who wished day for Letltla Beranek . . . Ada the committee of Eugene Miller and [ ~ressive Report also requests the court to dream of a highway. It goes north[ aloud they might sketch or use Sherwooll presents "Reminiscences" A. B. Wallace planning the affair. I fix the fe~s of the guardians and their at- i t torney for their services during the perlodl of Victor and Brooklyn. water colors as skilfully as do some o Rotary Club. Among them, men- ~ {of this r,~,)ort " " " i~ A crew was completing gradiogl*of the local high schoolers-, and eq- , ....... tion of completion of railroad thru PIONEER ......... FOLLIES You are" hereby; further notified that the I • .~. ~.~,,~.o a..;~h~..,, *he ~.o,. uallv amazing to most was the liViI, vernon and t.lSDOn in 1859 ~; ..... 1Dt~ll; .... 4- Ar*.ll Og~ _¢ ] District Court of Iowa in and for Linn ( cuts and sowing grass seed l achievement of some of the adults when .every citizen of both towns Bethany Mitchell's with Joan Dris- h°aUr~'tn~ haSsf~edetheat~ne.andsa~l~e...°f • " " " " was 1V " e , ........ e. ......... ~-.-.~ The highway has been widened who have just taken up oil painting ~. g, ena iree rme m t.: oar i col1 as co-hostess. Muriel Mitchell at the Court House of said Court in the through most of Grinnell Newton]under the supervisionof Harold[ttapms" Jeannie Bieber and Lois Kohl were City of Cedar Rapids Linn County Iowa, I - o • ' • I " -- ! on the 15th day of May 1957 a.d at 10"00 • and Colfax except m the buslnessiTuttle of the high school• I ~ ............. t... chosen to go to camp at Boone ~, 1 k a d nreaerii)~,t 'not.le~ thor£of ( ~V~Xl rav~ xr~ttl~ t~ c oc a.m. _n_ ~ ........................ . district of Newton .... -'-7..'7-- ._ 2' ........ June 2-5 and Patsy Kohl and Ar- and that the said Se:ond Progressive Re- Toe speaker oI ~;ne evening Mrs | April ~5 11~1~, )art will come on f hea The ir~tersection with 65, the diag-i,. T2 . . . , • ' lieta Achenbach .to go to camp Abe ~ " or ring at said time • and place unless you ap ear and exce t '~ anal road from Marshalltown to Desl t~uena lviocKmore at Ames, cam- Lisbon schoolpiano fund aidedLincoln June 13-15 Janet Tlsinger o- -' f '~ "~e "" "~ ~ p " " "P " • mentea on me new role "IS ell to .......... t' . . ' ~ _ r ue ena t, reLo shill aeeona yrogresslvs Moines, 5 miles out of Des Molnes,]d b "h _ .- v Ly - Dy ;~lO.U proIl~ .~rom proa.uc Ion oiwill represent the clue at toe state Report will he ~0proved and the prayers t ay y te granamomer ageo wom t:a lainel v'lymoum in opera v n ne 2 L IS An thereof will be granted "~ has been rebuilt with a divided " -" P " con e tion Ju 19-2. o' - " • en who 50 years ago would havehouse Colle e students or amze Dated at Cedar Rapids Iowa this 15th highway. The intersection has alsooeen- ' In ........... ~ne aaugnter s name prOD :aunaa'''scnool" " gat .... ~cnle scnootg" " derson is our candidate for county Ida-. of A.~ril~. 1%7 a d ' ' " " ~! -),"nn and ~,,nyU'a'Ln pniUum-ar:es, a gm-'au-'-*ers of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey been rebuilt where 6 turns west and ......... - . Y . Y ,- office with Pat Jack her campaign [ CARi~ i~ i~ECKER Attorne" • . - amy ~aoy-shfing anll menaing TO- house wes~ of Mt V Frank "~ ' " the city route 6 continues Into Des ~ ,' ~ .- - ....... .. - - ... . speaker. [ 10. Second Avenue North "wtomes oays granamomers aren't recog- beach anll lrv ..Ulson make suc-1 After a -eriod of relaxation led ount Ve ..... Iowa < Humphries of Holiday House, Nt. Vernon, ore shown enjoying I~Aslth°Ulhsth: dls::n7Cem°i~eU lo:gt°r iiii:lm~ii~ehs.Teah~Yi;:hat~:~Lannr:" ' i?:ful" tilPw ~:2 lower Pal up Ce l~ksM2~ladeMmllli!Ititohe wfO:~iv~invg A rfl 1A~i~]eaCldarl~ ~(;!ilatnrdndt. than U.S. 30 through the edge of uses travelling '- g"0gn " " - ~ en: Picture talks by Susan Jack, I p" '-'~ ¢ their family's RCA Victor color television set. Cedar Rapids I believe I would . , . . tnena~l o5, ous, ~..~l:-- t~--|--&-~---~-- Pat*Jack Marcia Mitchell; picturel ( favor it because of having to con- ~ral2 iancCtrt2tavne,2o~i:slng leisure ru~ttt; ~eltllrlOnl~ ihanging by Lois Anderson; useful-i NOTIC~IFMIANIPPgINTTgRENT OF emt Thls made • hess of portfolios by Susan Jack No tend with far less s "s. " " -- * - -- ' " ' I The Humphries' and their friends have found th t the many a more pleasant trip with very few I Mrs J B E~ sendin= home onterence Friday i cleaning blinds by Muriel Mitchell'. State of Iowa, Lin~ Couuty .... ? • " ' • " " ' " " " ~ Mrs Tisin~er told how to select l NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the ;ae~e.:n2fa fs°~Fggng ~rr~mng4~ItoCa~i the: g::meti2;s f:;°mith:u~aSmt:~i~:n A good many visitors are expected window curtains. The girls heardI ~re~7i~9~ dl~y :pe~onin~end tahi~ Ituhalidfiae~ °flt hours of full color add immensely to their TV enloyment and ...n .... h,,,,r 1 .......... ." on the Cornell campus on Friday 'some of their listening numbers Administrator of the estate of Carolyn ~,*vo ,~. ,,v~, . Colorect lanoscape" lvirs /M ~aoeocK ' " her la " Had a mild shock as I drove to thel o.nin= hoirlcu~m ~hniv: snn .... April 26 for the 6th annual Iowa Bethany Mitchell Joan Driseoll and War te of Llnn County, Iowa de- that the set also delivers excellent black and white reception. e, - ' ...... ', ..... i ceaseo. All persons indebted to said estate r e usual arkin lace .~ .......................... i Conferenceon Pubhc Relations t~amy aonnson nm canay ~aster a e " " Walnut Ga ag , P g P I ln~r t'ha ~ltt~ art ,~¢ h~,-Ir ~v~l~,~;~ I I re r quested to make Immediate payment ( - .~ ..~ ~-~.÷ r~o Xaoin~s hotel / _ .. wh ch opens in Armstrong Hall at eggs for an egg hunt. Refr shments thereof to the undersigned. Those having ~t ~t~il ~iiiiil~iii, i ~t~iei~ilillaillt stile !!~!sa~~i~tlt~~i~i~~ii!~iiii (fill Why be limitedAskhaVeustOtomorrow,SforYeSterday'Sa demonstration.TVTVt°dayWhen you can building is under construction bY lpus scenes on ceramics" Mrs H S[Madis°n, Wis., Walter G. Barlow, ~lEodt~e°the ThOm~nO:ta~a~r~~!psonTrust It is sched-I, ..... r n L, ". ".-t vl'ce pres O inion Rep search Co~rp C ooioE l lJ?:?pro :p?d ve r ILe l: "el.. Xtlsse weavl g reea into oasKetry • ': ;: KI-.N" BLAI t,. " TV ~ven by Mernman Smith well ; " ' " e g" " " ' . J Mrs Ray Hartung and Mrs Ther-JShenandoah ; requw ments for many cement usages. known United Press eorresponnent, ' • • . " • ! . . ............ rin" the[ese Jacobsen domg nail-pierced de-/ President Russell D Cole wilt Our mixes include t~md.grovel concrete, hmestone Eastern Iowa's Pioneer Color IV Dealer Memorial BuildingHome Address, Mt. :Vernon, Dis, 6605 Mechanicsville lu in re ; Manufacturers' Assn ' From 25 to 30 men, nc d. g :~ Mrs, G. H. Scobey throwing clay[ Students who re~larly eat at Out of town customers dial 6961 collect >o part oI our creco. /_~, ~y recommenaea ~ , • . . {Davis son of the John Davises jr * |lli ,.~[[~ I{IM"2,. Hagerty was determines to con-[. ~.~.' ;~. ~n ~o"-er" *^ "i" m-'he" "hl/llf ~L~ ~= I[~I~ , ~h:"fni::ret~rYuheclPffeu:lintl :i'L2 Piltr~ th~erAeP':st:Ist Ci~ledtd~t~lill ~i¢/~ " g P ...... - [ again Mother What's that ghost ~ < - .- ters that he ooesn't get irom ms, ' " -- -- staff, hand°in'?" i Recently the President stayed tooI The Karl Hartzells extending no- long under a sun lamp and received I tice of their "latchstring being out" a burned nose. When he opened the i to Scouts and parents from Mt. Ver- Funeral Homes . . . Ambulance Service Press Conference he explained thatattending the national jamboree Mt.Vernon, Phone 5012 Lisbon, Phone 2501 -~ •~ briefly and no one asked any ques- in Pennsylvania this year. Dick will at tions about it. be among the Scouts there. President Eisenhower is a man of great dignity, and is not the "'buddy, Nice to hear of honors coming to buddy" type like President Truman. their oldest son Drew who made the Declining of all banquet invita- college fresh honor roll, won his tions by the President is under con- numeral in soccer, is member of the sideration because they involve end- choral group, Beta Theta Pi, and less hours of time. The time and freshman Senate, and has recently effort used attending the banquets been elected as vice president of his might then be used in entertaining class. ROPER 36" Deluxe foreign visitors• ' Expect to thoroughly enjoy the: Jim Hagerty was character- meeting of the Iowa Press Women BEAUTIFUL, FASHION-WISE STYLING ( ized by Mr. Smith as one of the at Ames this week end. Made no en- SPARKLI NG PE ~r~=m#.~l~,r"P~a" A t,~e, TOO finest news technicians the tries in the writing contest, so will T KE """ White House had ever had. not be caught short like last year, Roper gas ranges bring you fresh new beauty, keyed "It is a monumental task to mas- when my name was called and there ",'\,~ ter the techniques of his job which I sat in the far end of the room with 0~E the thermOstot to today's fashions.., decorator-inspired to enhance includes photography, radio and my shoes off and my aching feet Just television besides news. He is the tucked up under me on the sofa! ....~e dO the test~, your kitchen. Here, too, is brilliant performance. deepest student in the government ~ ~ ~ on the operation of the press associ- This is the time of year when we ations. He understands technicaljoin others in wondering just why - with top-burner cooking [] problems of transmission of radio Noah didn't swat those two flies It's all done for -, l owork, and television," the speaker ex- when he had a chance! no worHes, with = .-hour Shell CONTRoLLED-HEAT N j plained. Certified Cbm[ort Sexvicel TO P BURNER ~ j Gettysburg is a thorn in the side In The Service We certify you get these i of the reporters• The trip to Gettys- SERVES IN KOREA ~:.':.~t burg which attracted so much atten- 7th Div., Korea (AHTNC)---Sp. ervice extras at no extra tion recently was considered a rou- 3C Ronald A. Albaugh, whose wife charge- automatic fuel deliv- i t] ! tine run by the reporters, who were Nancy and mother Mrs. Dorothy E. e~ before your tank runs dry, annual cleaning of a little surprised themselves at the Albaugh live in Mechanicsville, is a attention it drew. member of the 7th Infantry Divi- your heating system before winter, and Sonitor® Visit Our Sales Floor for The reporters had filed previous sion in Korea. A mechanic in Bat- applications to protect your tank against rust. ~:~ omnlete Informatio° ] st°ries °n the high speed at which tery C °f the Divisi°n Artillery's Andremember-ShellHeatingOflisprendum ° . "|" ~r Coco. without boil-ovot 11%~ - r--Convenient Ter the President's party had traveled 48th Field Artillery Battalion, he :.:::.. once to Gettysburg and once in cntered the Army in December 1955 grade fuel. It is tops in clean burning quality because lOW, tOW HEATS FOR DEll(ATE FOODS Colorado, but the press had not and was last stationed at Fort Chaf- itactually cleans your furnace filter as it heats. You Set .... given them much space, fee, Ark. get more economical, more dependable warmth with , 0rnef """ The recent incident w~aich in-Fort Leonard Wood, Me. (AHTNC) reel . I~DpY ms a Shell Heating Oil. - \.-~-- Iii} i: . ci ..... I ...... Custard without a doable boiler valved two officers in Moot- --Put. Kenneth H. Kadera, 19, son Sanitarr offer's you ,- ~:"~ complete ]ine of ,..~..,: , gomery county made the head-of the Harvey J. Kaderas, Rt. 2, .o t A Call us today for lines across the nation. Solon, recently was graduated from Dairy Prod.¢ts fer ~n y ...... ' eood GAS DIVISION :~ "The order to abide by the speed the a d v a n c e d combat engineer .h~s,t~. ~l,~,*~s more details on Shell "Certified Comfo limit is a great relief to the report- course at Fort Leonard Wood, Me. choo~ S*nit*r~... it'~ I~boratory con. ers who must trail the President. He entered the army last Novem- tro,,~ for ,our pro- ~--~;i'~..~.~'__~".~.~_ ~[~;;~' The trips to Gettysburg have been her and completed basic training at t~¢tioe. quit(, harrowing," Mr. Smith stated. Fort Chaffee, Ark. A 1956 graduate IOWA ELECTRIO "No reporter has been allowed in of Solon Community high, he farm- JUDY JOHNSTON the Eisenhower house at Gettys- ed before entering the army. *---,,, o.--. LIGHTm POWER t"t'l burg since it was furnished. This NEW ADDRESS is a private island for them and OK -.--. Mrs. Eisenhower does not want it Put. Mile G. Wolrab, U.S.55590277 FI~IlUll aAIRIt=$ a'--~"~ ~ "---~" to become a political discussion for- 2nd ENL Student Co., AAVN Sch. Dial 6761 Mt. Vernon ~.,,9....,.z***n,~o~"~ .~,~'~,,"~ um. Regt., 3461, Fort Rucker, Aia. z,o ,,,¢