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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
April 25, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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April 25, 1957
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mt. Vernon, la., Hawkeye-Record and The Lisbon Herald Page 4 Thurs., April 25, 1957 Large Group Spring Musical Lisbon Junior and Senior High Groups High School Gym Friday, April 23 7:30 p.m. Adults 50c Students 25c Activity tickets honored Jean Bednashek Will Wed Earl Lipcamon L Mr. and Mrs. George Bednashek'~ announce the engagement of their daughter Jean to Earl Lipcamon of Cedar Rapids, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lipcamon of Pittsfield, Ill. Miss Bednashek is a senior in the Lisbon high school and her fiance is employed at Wilson and Co. in Cedar Rapids. No date has been set for the wedding. ;MYRON BLOOM ON LEAVE i A1/c and Mrs. Myron G. Bloom i and daughter Denise are spending a 130 day leave from Dover, Del., Air I Force Base. Phone 2961 Open Sunday Mornings Deliveries Twice Daily Orders in by 10:30 a.m.; 3 p.m. Specials Thursday, Friday and Saturday - MEAT ITEMS -- Ibs. SPARE RIBS .......................................... lb. 39c Bartlett of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hotz and Reduce Brucellosis WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS Joyce and Mrs. Seth Ruhl were Brucellosis suspicious dairy herds', -- FROZEN FOOD ITEM - Easter dinner guests of the Don have been reduced to 11.3% in Linn ! RuM family in Anamosa n I ... ~ . . 'o ~. county according to the latest ri g. Snow Crop lwlss ,:mma Anaerson oz venison test report released through theI has been a visitor for the past two ........... ~ County Extension office LAINGIS STANDARD SERVICE LE/V Oh . • weeks in the home of her niece and i , This compares with 13% last Sep-I family, the Rmhard C. Carbees. ii :~ i tember and 34% three years ago and Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. John Walton and Mr and Mrs Ro"~ E Kohl an l when the first ring rest was con-I Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Fisher of family of Mt. Vernon and Mr. and n ounce Che en"a-e~ent" and foz~th-- iducted" Tests are made twice a yearI Lisbon Dial 2151 -- FRUIT AND VEGETABLE ITEMS -- ' " - . y . te s we e Sunday ................. h ........... I throug the coupe at" n of t e r Mechamcsvllle announced the en Mrs Ra man S arn r ~ ~ h r zo h Iowa a ement of their dau hter Janette • . ~ ....... s ........ s~ u~ ~ ...... ~ ...... i . g g g , . .. droner guests of the Fred Smbels l~o~nn t,~ -l~m~ A ~endricks con and U.S. Depts. of Agrzculture and ~~ ~ ~! Texas Cello Kay, to Clmr Whitman, SO~oOt lV~,T~: The Howard Masons and Mardel of Mrs: Ivan Spieer of Cedar Rap-I~the dairy processing plants in the j ~~ .... PPs =een set I and the Charles Nosleys and Candle ids. . coumy. . . , . I m~ ~ ~u CARRel S . . . 2 for t.:tarence ~ue e, oL ~u . ' weaning aa~e n D Owners of cUSplClOUS neras are l • : of Iowa City spent Easter Sunday in The candlelight ceremony will J . ~ .... Mr and~wa" Billie the Glen Kern home at Mechanics- take place Friday June 7 at 7'30in°tiffed ann encouragea co consm~ RED POTATOES ............................ 10 Ibs. 39c and Kathy .......... of Mechamcsvflle" " were ~"'=' "'.m- ~-* ~*he F^~-r=~,= ~=~, ...... ~,,~,~,,'~"~ ",...,.I their local, veterinarian.. Individual Let Us Give Your Car A Lz i n - " I blood resting zs the only sure moth- " ~ " ..... F ~ The Joe Bova famil-" were Sun t sbon. Fr e ds of the couple aIe m- ............. vited to attend lad of determining whmh aromas BEAUTY TREATMENT 49c lvmnuay evening caners m me reu y -L .... z Calif. Navel ORANGES doz. • bels home ~ay amner guests oz me mann ~em- - • Sm • " " I ~ are mfected. becks zn Cedar Rapids The occa I : Miss Doris Cilek of Cedar Rap-. .... • , -I Mrs. Jim Smith and three chil-I i els and the stun nonorea ±v, rs ~ova on ner t , wasnma--ronsnma--waxma z the Eu ene Str e ds, g g ~:_..~_. • i dren returned home Monday after -- GROCERY ITEMS -- Bruce McCulloughs were Easter ........ ,y. o " ~" ~tpr hnlirt .... ith I s endzn.~ the Ea ............ ~ ...... 1 Sunday droner guests in the Frank Henry. . .... Carbee and Cuyler Reed of Jl her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claus,, Cream Style or Whole Kernel Slofer home at Solon Sprmgvflle were v,s,tors on Friday Haack in Remsen. ] r,. J :ac(, Sel :e C.F. CORN . . 8 Ior $1.()0 The Bill Neis' and Jeffrey of Nor- at the John Carbee home in Mt.I The'Richard Shulistas and Briani folk, Va, were Tuesday dinner vernon.and.wzth Clarence and MellSunday evening visited Mrs. Joel Dial 3821 Lisbon guests of the Milo Kalibans. Mrs. l.aroee m Lmbon. I Shulista who is still a patient at i ~|W#m.~ Neis will be remembered as theThe C. E. Gemberlings of Albur-IMercy hospital in Iowa City. She i We give S. & H. Green Trading ps C.F. RED KIDNEY BEANS 8 for former Marilyn Lewis. nett, the Barney Beasmore family of ! is suffering from rheumatic fever, i C.F. PEACHES, Halves or Sliced .... 3 for $1.o0 Mrs. Joan Asplund, Mrs. Belle Stanwood, and Robert Beasmorei Miss Martha Nosley and Mrs.i were Sunday dinner guests in the Henry Hunwardsen attended a spe-i Thompson of Mt. Vernon and Mrs. Verne Beasmore home.cial Eastern Star meeting at Tipton] C.F. TOMATO JUICE ........................ 4 for $1.oo w.F. Holiz attended good neighbor night at the Rebekah lodge in Mar- Easter ~,undav dinner ~uests in ~ Tuesday evening which honored the i the Milo I(aliba'n home were thelW°rthy Grand Matron's visitation. I When The C.F. BLENDED JUICE ........................ 3 for 89c on Monday evening. L alka famfl th oh 1 Mr and Mrs Lee Evans accom Mrs. Irwin Stlne and Marion Stine eo Cab " y e J n Ka i .... 1 bans of Mt Vernon' and Mrs Lena partied Mr. and Mrs. William Schoffl C.F. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE .................... 3 for 89c of Des Moines and Burdette Stine of " o' " IS, unday on a scenic ride throughI F I S H Arlington Heights Ill., visited rela- Cabalka of Cedar Ra lds. ~ . ........ eastern Iowa and western Illinois j C.F. ORANGE JUICE ........................ 3 for 89c tives and friends in and around Lis- ~,aster omner guests oI Mr and .... i ........ :.:. ~_ vlsztmg places of interest along the ban over the week end. ~v, rs. rmrry ~mer were ,he ~oDer~ wa, I ARE BITING C.F. FLOUR ...................................... 5 Ibs. 41c The Leo Cabalka family of Min- Begley family of Marion Mr. and~: ....................... I .. ... __ ~ _ _ _ '_ _. MI, clllu 1vile, J~ikJ~lb D~LV~::I~ J[~ICll- I ~|W~"l.~ neapolis, Minn., have been visiting zvzrs. ~uaay -ocnenK ann cmugmers ~rd R~nni~ ~n,~ C',~nni,~ ,~e T ..... I Gerber's Strained BABY FOOD 12 for a d Dr and Mrs J R Gardner in the Milo Kaliban home for the ..... City, Mrs. Bertha Spidle of Cedar! vOUI]J past week. They have also visited Mrs. Seth Ruhl of Anamosa is Rapids, and Mrs. Charles Beaveri Sunshine Krispy CRACKERS ...................... 27c friends and relatives in the Mt. Ver- staying m the Ernest Hotz home spent Easter Sunday in the home ofl want" 'your ~ non, Cedar Rapids and Monticello while Mr. Ruhl is in St. Luke's Art Spidle at Rockford Ill.I vicinity, hospital because of a fractured hip ' , --- suffered from a fall a week ago. Sunday callers at the John Cook home were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clay of Grinnell, the Ernest Piepers and Spring is the time to get that engine i~ Everett and the LaVern Cooks, Ran- aid and Russell were dinner guests. -~ U.lque d.|g. perm|f$ perfect running condition. Whether it $ a tune-up, Mrs. Claude Bittle and her father deeper at s;mnle or a ma 0r M k I d Chartes Ehresman left Wednesday Ioweroperatbgcosts. • r" thebe¢ a es awn care an a venture to return to their home in Madison- ,~ Gives plenty of wafer overhaul, we are equipped to give you at plenty of pressure ville, Ky., after a visit over Easter ---sufficient fo, op- at a reasonable price. in the C. C. Kerslake home in Lis- avoi2u Models from which to choose ban. Enjoy a smooth-running car, and The Elmer Clay family and Frieda MOWER later costly repairs. ~ Friedland of Mt. Vernon, Mr. and Price,...rom Mrs. Buddy Jones of Marion and Bui~f~ Charles Fisher of Ottumwa were |/ Setl/)hO MAKE A SHOP DATE WITH US NOW! Trims to %" Adjustable cutting height from 1" to 2V2" Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. W.F. --- Holtz. b¢~ • Leaf Mulcher • Windrower • Spreader Mrs. John McHugh was an Easter Sunday dinner guest in the M. J. ] Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Carstens were Mr .and Mrs. Bruce McCtl]]~ I Lisbon Church Notes I Easter dinner guests of the Duane were Friday guests in the Je I LISBON METHODIST CHURCtl ~ LeClere family in Cedar Rapids. ] Nesley home at Coggon. ! Rev. Eugene Miller, Paslor i The trustees of the Lisbon Meth- , odist church will be honored durin TOP QUALITY i the Sunday morning worship hour. ! Bishop F. Gerald Ensley will be I~| |• __ Hie the featm'ed speaker at the District i r,umo|ng - neanng i Youth Rally to be held Sunday of-i i ternoon and evening at Marion. All Air Conditioning i Senior M.Y.F. groups are to attend, i i The May meeting of the Lisbon :WSCS will be held in the home of I:: D I kl Ig, ¢ !Mrs. J. Buell Miller at 2 p.m., / I~ l I1 I~, ~1t ~ Thursday, May 2nd. Mrs. J. R. Gard- TWENTY-ONE cars of teen-agers were lined up at the Lisbon school baseball diamond for a]ner will lead the devotions. The of- Plumbing and Heating Service fleers will present their annual re- safety check which took place on Sunday afternoon, April 14.Doug Wolrob and John Hatch iports" Dial 3771 Lisbon, Iowa sparked this impromptu project. --Photo by Richard Radl i A "ladies' night" is planned bythe men for their May meeting which Announced I Lisbon Locals Rosena Kohl Will Wed ,,will begin with a potluck supper at Engagement . 16:30 p.m. Thursday, May 2nd. The M. E. Pikes family were Sun- James Hendricks In June National family week which be- day evening guests of the Leonard gins May 5th will be given special Ask Us About Our Pike family at Spr[ngville. observance on May 5th, during the Bud Slzer o~ Parsons college spent morning worship hour. his Easter vacation in the home of THE FEDERATED CHURCH I-n his parents the H. W. Sizers. Ralph E. Schenck, Pastor Mrs. Mary Franks and Mrs. Ho- Thursday, April 25, 8 p.m. prayer mer Fuller were Sunday dinner meeting. We will begin a study of guests in the Stuart Franks home. the Holy Spirit this week. The Lee Crellys were week end Sunday, April 28, 9:10 a.m. the Another wash job FREE if it rains on your car guests in the Bill Keith and Charles Sunday school teachers and offi- Runkte homes at Davenport. cers, pro-session prayer meeting; Guests in the R. M. Radl home 9:30 Sunday school; 10:30 Worship; within 24 hours after we have washed it, from Friday to Monday were Mrs. 6:30 p.m. Two-Fifteen Club, Young Radl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Peoples league; 7:30 evening service. , 18" 20" New "activated" Pilot Wheel assures level cutting -- no scalpingMcCann home at Marion. She was and CuttinE Widths an afternoon and evening guest in Improved design provides lighter weight, DIAL 3501 LISBON, the J. W. Zachar homeat Cedar maximum safety, closer ~'lm, contour cut Rapids• with NO SCALPING. Adjustable front ASK FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION Mrs. Erma Dean was a Sunday grass =huta eliminates windrowing or dinner guest in the home of her bunching, simple height adjustment from Guaranteed for 5 MOHN daughter and son-in-law the Carl IVs"to JVs" permits the cuttingof high by the OSCAR Mohns. In the afternoon they called grass or tough weeds, plu~ new Briggs ~c on Mrs. Lena Mohn in the Albert Stratton 4-cycle, easy starting engines for Cedar Rapids Pump and Phone 2714 Lisbon Gaines home. extreme flexibility and power. Specially pply designed blade and shroud has desirable Su CO. v01t' Guests at the H C Skew home mu ¢h n action. ubu ar type a"- Have your carburetor, points, plugs, over the week end were the Del- ,tael handle stands up for easy and corn- F i k's PI bi g d g - - J ,~o' bert Voss', the Fred Voss' and A1- pact storaga, r n um n age regulator an enerator checked anu " e bert Mommsens, all of Bryant, the Now oa display. ~k for demonstration Emil Bengtsons of Low Moor, the and Heating Co. lusted here for trouble-free motoring. We or TedJaCkNelsons.Wilkes of Andover, and the , R. A. Travis Service Dial 3771 Lisbon, la. especially equipped to service Carter carbUrr Miss Gale Hanson of Independ- Mt. Vernon -- Dial 7901 tars. ence, David Luse of Springville, Miss Coleen Picher of Cedar Rapids, MENT and the Carl Hansens went Satur- DIAL 3931, LISBON FOR APPOINT day to spend Easter with A/1 Den- his L. Hansen at the Lincoln Air l Force Base, Lincoln, Nebr. 'r Sutliff p Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Mohn attended i a Rawleigh convention at the Mont-: rose Hotel, Cedar Rapids, MondayI to learn of new products. Mr. MohnJ i~ was awarded the first emblem i among the Iowa dealers for hisI i i == work with the company. I Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Decious and , CILI, l • • • boys, the Harold ALes of Omaha, I Nebr•, and Mr. and Mrs. John Dec-I | ious and Joan were Sunday dinner! guests in the Harry Decious home1 at M,t. Vernon. The group were Set-I Air Filter Cartridges Universal J°i':t; urday supper guests in the Floydi • • • • Deeious home. [ Oil Filter Cartridges Wiper BI.ade' Mr. and Mrs. A1 French and ehil- I dren of Wama were Saturday night l Shock Absorbers Tail p pe , • supper guests in the Thomas Moore] home. Other guests were the Homer I Wheel Bearings Mufti-e° Stonekings and Kathy Moore. The[ ItO/~ her°CCasi°nbirthdayh°n°redand MrS.Mrs. Frenchstoneking t°ni . f_ / ~- " ~1 ..... r-- A, B, V-Belts for most fractional hp rno- • baked a cake in the shape of a big; We carry a re -resen*a';ve p ,. stock of these .;ter ' • • • • ' white Easter bunny" tuys, "Calif., ~~ ~~-- ¢~~ ~.,~ • m NMrs Oliver Ingraham of Van: BliAC ON SHEI visited her parents theI F. C. Palings last week and theyI We also have power lawn mowers • accompanied her to Newton whereI ! they visited in the Kenneth Simp- t pip'his [ • son and Howard Pelger homes. Mrs. I Ingraham returned to California on! Friday and Mr. and Mrs. Poling re-I m turned home Saturday. i U:a Hlgh;a ::6 On Highway 30, Lisbon Dial 3 11 The Roy Millers of East Malinei L=sbon, I 1 24 Hour Serv=ce and Mrs. William Miller, the Dean j Browns and Sherri were Easter din- Free Pick Up and Delivery I ner guests in the Darrell Kohl home l • t at Alburnett. The Richard Shulistas land Brian were afternoon callers. 'Mrs. William Miller, who hadspentl Service For All Makes of the past week in the Kohl home,I FISH .. ..... returned home ~unday evening. , ision Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stanton re- Every Friday Night ./ V Open All Day Sunday from a.m. to 8 p.m. tin'ned to their home in Phoenix, Ariz., Monday after spending sev- p,,-'one orders for -. - "-" z a*ur' a"--.../'4el;very on _._.Fr;Hav eral days visiting in the Lee Evans $1 per person T. LISBON DELIVERIES -- Please home. Other visitors in the Evans afternoon or by 9 a.m. Saturday. Lisbon phone 3661. home were the Jack Stantons of THE CAVE Motorola and DuM°°t Springfield, Ill., the C, M. Manleys, 8 to 8 Sales SerVice STORE HOURS -- Week days 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays a.m.p.m. Mrs Charles King, Miss Sally er, Mrs. Frank Kohl and Mrs. EmeryOliv- ae II Store 2841 ReS. 4~01 and Kohl of Cedar Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. " LiSDOn, Iowa Lisbon, Iowa Lisbon, Iowa Phone 3661 Milton Koch of Mt. Vernon and the William Schoffs.