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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
April 25, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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April 25, 1957
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Vernon Social North la. WSCS To Meet Maturity Keynote Festival Prompts NOUSwith Mrs.Will Jamesmeet Dutcher.M°nday' E At1 Dubuque May 2 , Of,._.Effective,,__,___ _Living Social Courtesies E. Rogers will have the Several local women plan to at- i tend the annual meeting of the says mocKmore The social activity schedule for fie club w'111 meet wl'tb I No-th.. ......... Iowa Woman's Society of "The first 20 years of a woman's the coming May Festival week end .Yn Fisher Monday ADriliCtlrlsuan ~ervme ±nursaay, may z, is taking form, with invitations for ....... !numerous courtesies having already Forrest Brown will ore- ! m St. Luke's Methodist church re,life are filled with growing up, get- ] gone out. pro.~ram.~ - i Dubuque. Mzs+. C. A. Meeker, edi- ring an education and being at- circle will meet atit°r of the Methodist Woman, and tached to the parental family; the ......... Esther Armstrong who has return- next 20 are devoted to being wife /~pru 3u, wl~n lvlrs. , ' . ....... ...Mrs. Boy..a Horton •~ ed .... from four years. - m mma, wnl De and mother; the third 20, the worn- hostess• !me prmclpm speakers, an, no longer tied to the home, is on club will meet with I the sucker list for community club activities; but the next 20 she is free Ballard Friday, April 26, ' WILL MAKE PLANS FOR as a bird!" declared Mrs. Buena tesses for the annual Thursday eve- dinner at 12 noon, tel-JMARKER DEDICATION Mockmore with a chuckle as she ning reception for artists and fes- and their families, the Francis Smiths and the Ed Ransfords of Morley and the Bud Smiths in Ann- mesa. The Harlan Bickerstaffs, the J. R. Bickerstaffs, the Ralph Bargers, Curtis and Terry, Mrs. Amber Bar- ger and Wanda spent Easter Sunday with Mrs• Muriel Lane in Cedar Rapids, April 21• The M. E. Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. Fred Austin for an all day meeting April 18. Students home for Easter vaca- tion: Marilyn Hoppe, SUI; Keith Hay, Ronald and Dale Findley and Lowell Nelson, ISC; Mrs. Nelson, teaching at Roland; Nancy Hoppe Wed On Saturday Easter dinner guests in the Bar-IMt. Vernon, In., Hawkeye-Reeord ]clay Heald home were the Lestertand The Lisbon Herald _ Hoffman family of Whittier and iT huts., April 25, 1957 Page Mrs. Emma Hoffman, Ruth and Martha Heald, and Rachel Hodgin of Cedar Rapids. The dinner was given in honor of the birthdays of Barclay Heald, the 23rd, and of Charlie Hoffman, the 25th of this month. Connie Sue Finn is a patient in St. Luke's hospital suffering from rheumatic fever and pneumonia. The P.E. Ballous spent Easter with relatives at Oskaloosa. The John Woodworth family were Wednesday supper guests of the Bud Taylors. J~hn D. Koith, Salary ................ 238.13 Ella Funk Blom, Salray ............ 140.00 Adelaine Burmeistcr, Salary .... 192,00 W'm. R. Noal, Salary .................... 270.00 J• %V• Early. Salary .................... ~.C.0 Frances L. Roushar, Salary .... 92.00 E. R. Petro Post Master, Post- ag,. .................................... 60,00 Beu!ah L. Schott..qalary . ...... 192•00 E. R. Petro. Post Master, Post- age .............................................. 21•00 Albert T. Gravelle, Misc. Ex- pense ................................ 30.00 Iowa Electric I•ia'ht & Power Company, Hen( ..................... 1 309.27 Jack s ~tore, Prisoners Ex- oenso ..................................... 94.86 a business meeting. Balliet chapter D.A.R. will meet addressed the Woman's Club Men- tival patrons immediately following and Rosemary Shumaker, teaching The Don Underwoods entertained '.u ire board of the P.W.O. at dinner April 14th for Mrs. Under- in the church parlors at ]with Mrs. Wilbur Etcher on Wednes- day night on the subject of "Living the concert by Adele Addison. The in Olin. Lday, April 29. Mrs. Dale I day, May 1 at 2 p.m. Mrs. Blanche Effectively". The speaker is an ex- affair is being planned for Arm- The Fritz Sanders, Tipton, were wood's parents the Carl Culverts on tension director in Family Life from strong Hall, with the Music Depart- supper guests Sunday of Mrs. Sand- their wedding anniversary. Others Will lead devotions. King will have charge of the pro- men,t making arrangements under ers' parents, the W. B. Pyes. The ~loble Grand Assn. will meet I gram. Election of officers will be the Iowa State college at Ames. present were the George Finn fam- IOOF hall for their annual I held. Plans will be made for dedica- The status of w~men has so general leadership of Mrs. H. R. Milton Bader family and June ily of Marion and Mrs. Ethel Kirk- ay at 2 p.m. Thursday, May tion of a D.A.R. historical marker changed in the last 59 years that Hanley, assisted by 1V[mes. Harry Smith of Monticello were guests patrick of Anamosa. Sizer, Clair Howard and Virgil Friday evening. Robert C. Ballou, son of the P. E. esses will be Mines. George lwhich will mark the old military this free period is no longer re- Stoner. garded as a sedentary spell for I Friday morning Dean and Mrs. The Little Brown church at Hash- Ballous, has recently been elected , Ren Siver, Sam Zimmerman, ! road from Dubuque through Mr. grandmothers. To live effective- Joseph T. Meade will be hosts at From Our Subscribers ua was the scene Saturday, April 20 sports director and a board member' Unash Dale Travis and O. Vernon and Iowa City to the Mis- of the wedding of Lille Mae Kelley, of North Hollywood Y.M.C.A. Bob: 'Mmes. Fred Blaine, souri border. The stone with bronze ly during one's lifetime, said the brunch for artists and for the Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Heneks of Hale daughter of the James Kelleys of lives at Glendale, Cal. :k and Ralph Stoneking plate will be placed on the north speaker, one must set up values Meades' houseguests Mr. and Mrs. Center, Texas, write that they look Springville, to Arthur Busch, son The Dennis Taylors called Tues- the program, corner of the Don Pringle life and aim in the direction of realizing them. Don Kreger of New York City. forward to getting the Hawkeye of the Charles Busches of Lisbon. day in the Teldon Hoagland home These values change radically in each week and still enjoy the news The Rev. Glenn Utterback, pastor of at Cedar Rapids and in the Lon the order of their personal signifi- about folks in their home town. the church read the ceremony at Hagerman, Frank Strait and Gene cance during successive periods of The names are familiar although a : two o'clock'before an altar dec¢~rat- Newman homes at Toddville. i l new generation is in many cases~ ed with Easter lilies and mixed The Kenneth Taylor family of I one's life• For example, a teenager making the news• i flower bouquets. Hopkinton were Easter Sunday din- pays little concern to health; in the i The bride chose white lace worn ner guests of the Dennis Taylors. second period of life the health of [.inn ~rove lover blue taffeta for her wedding -~ others is of paramount interest; in Mrs Edwin Harris dress• Navy accessories and a whiteI Gran-e Nail the third 20 years poor health pro- be R. W. Sippola Dr. G. E. Rahn, • orohld ~n~sa~,e ,,o,~,qeted h ..... ' For April and May vides a common and convenient ex- Lee Evans and Wfllard.Neal.._ The Andy Bobsts were Sunday:tume. She was attended by Mrs•l Mrs• Milton Koch cuse for avoiding making difficult . .~ luncneon. ~or Iamlims oI ~nose visitors at ,the Merrill Garrett home. i David Kelley of Springville, as ma-I Social Circle Club met with Mrs. decisions or assuming responsibility; IR i oemg memorlanzea a~ me l~a'~ ~es ..... . .~ { .. " The Marvin Johnstons and the [ tron of honor attired in a pink linen I Milton Koch Thursday afternoon Dn rival wiu De given oy ~r. ann mrs. il were in off the hould dr ' " " in the fourth period health very ............ Russell Johnson tam y d "I s er ess. Her accesser-[There was an exchange of plants, ion often heads the list of values. ~ecKnelm oemre me ai~ernoon can- ner guests Sunday at the Errolties were also navy and her corsage]bulbs and seed. Next meeting is Effective living is not lmslcal- cert_.. .......... Shanklin home in Cedar Rapids.I was a bronze orchid. ["an evening out" with the members ||||S |~ ~W ...... " ....... Mr. Bonm Lar on pent several] Dawd Kelley brother of thel t ng at p haps Wendy Oaks ~__ ~,| ~ ly related to chronological age;"~tna~ evening mr ana lv, rs. ~um-s 'e s s eai er :e on rather it is a matter of maturity, ertana L~ows wnl entertain iesuval - 1 -- w k n- S "a at the " .......... nays as~ ee a a una y bride served as best man [ May 16. stressed Mrs. l~ackmore, arusts ann specml guests a~ alnner .... om in "~ - r ~" ids ' -- ' " " " at me uoosevelt no~el m ~eaar ........... i ks l A mature person has a sense of [ ............. ~on z~aKer n e ~eaa z~ap • I The oriue's mother chose a dress [ Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Koch Teresa ~, .. ~ues~s oI me ~eorge ~lrKpa~r c, of rose mesh, with accessories and] and Sammy were Easter dinner r~aplas e 1 e Mt. Vernon, Lisbon, and 3 Mile Radius personal pride in achievement, hasj • .......... Sunday were the Leo Kirkpatriek,]carnation corsage in white while~gu sts of the N'ck Br yers at • _ .' ..... Roe Kwkpatrlck George Graham tMrs Busch wore royal blue also ac-Sprmgwlle and supper guests in gained self-respect and respect of~ Yresioen~ ann w~rs ~ussen ~JoLe . • ' • • ......... ann MIKe ~oay ~amules. I cented by accessories in whRe and e M. H. Koch home. M. H. Koch AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE the community, has learned to face]nave issuea lnvltauons xor ........ ' • " ' th " obstacles and solve problems, and[me annum atter-me-concer~ cox ......... ~ .., fee being ptannea oy wnss r.lme , " ...... . . Janice called on the Don Koppen- I The newly-wedded couple werel The M. H. Kochs and their grand- has a constructive attitude toward ......... 1 -xne ~nerm ~annas, ,.ym ana la corsage of white carnations. I was ~ll on Easter. ral Electric change, she noted, all l • • • '' ~y~ " . It was a little amazing but cer-ieR:ma~n~ihea?t3tbet~eldeOn~ ~rems~°3nag ha~l~r fLm~lyMS3r~da: ev:t~lnged on h~n;red ~ted:nnZp?dtsthweiHOteoFiSh ~1~ Le~tnhesT:;h~ut VwSeltee: ,~Mt~nd H _ ......... Sunday following several months at llaid for seventeen. The bride's caketD°nald .Culbersons and S heryl in R.C.A. Victor tainly hearteninrg to follow members ~); LaknglafndmF w:th ~;;~i ~~'-'-''-r--- of the club as they itemized out-[ s~P:aC~a laurM;:ryM;~tr~2:ree~ Va!~a~ trhore;-ut~eredndd~3r~]eds the~lSobseWrnv~3 t~neToc~' Philco standing developments of the past[fe 's:nj:etw~l~c~;a~°~Sign~°Jt o 10 years--in the home, in medicine, [ Wilbur West, head of the Cornell art month a~o I :tnnn¢~ hv ~ mi~infuro hridnl' hair ] 44th wedding anniversary a n d Motorola in transportation and even in social I de~pavtment: - - "h Arm Ladies7 Aid will meet May l with' "-,~ter a~ short trio to Ch[cagoMr. K~th' left the 23rd for W:sh~jrg~tt~n, attitude toward world-problem solv- .19uring. me week .ena ~ e " Mrs. George and Mrs. Kenneth and Mrs. Busch will be at home at u:~., wnere ne w I ce [e u .er Admiral ing. Perhaps the future is not too Istr°ng art gal.lery wlu naye acon: Kirkpatrick 1563 Fifth Ave So Cedar Rapids, scnoonng as a commumcauon teen- dark. ifinuous snowing o~ me wes: t~oas~ L~t,~ Sunday afternnrm the Mike • *, .... ~.~ ~" ~,~-~ .... n o~ +h,~ nlemn in me u.~. l~avy, xne uul- Serigraph Exhibit. Also for the leod~s'and dau~,hter a'nd'theGeorge r~^'~'o~]~2,~t-'~,~'he"~'~;~ ,~Iow~ bersons visited Monday till Wed- "Do not burden yaurself with 1 " " r ...... ~ ..................... n a i pleasure of campus vlsltors P of. Kirknatrieks attended the onen ~r~+~,,~ • ........ r,~ esd y n the Koch home• |@~ • ~ ~ old worries, do not conjure up Earl Copes will present a carillon house at ~tanwood for Mrs Hem-v ~'~"'"~"~;" ...... ~ .~'.', ....... The Francis Stingers are remodel- [Jig : ~ ~ 0 future ones, but shoulder only . ..... rne Drme was grau~,acen ~rtml me • • • - l each of the fes- mg and redecorating thmr home on / • those of today if you are to live p.~ogram preced ng Brown's 95th birthday• Soringville high school. Mr. Busch +~.~ ~,o~n~ t~val concerts. The Edwin Harrises and the Gary from Martelle High and Buena Vis- "'= ~'~Y~ . ^_, ,_^... f, ..... ~, effectively," c o n e I u d e d Mrs. ~ ~ ** " ~ ~ " mil'" dinner at ............ Wh~ ~uau w~ ~xum ~.~ ~x~ 8291 Mt. Vernon Mockmore. . .... . _ ro~ers at~enueu a ,a yn h ta College a~ ~torm. l~aKe. me crime- is bein"~s s'raded u-~. Will Speak at rlnnell the Don Steele home Su day. Ot - groom served w~th the navy for a M" T-T ~nob~ r~ll~d l~v{r~ .... tha The speaker, with her good hu- -- ers present were the J W Car- eriod of two ears Nor"'m ............ = ........ ~ ....... O >¢ O mor and basic insight into human '----* -.£ 1--~^- ^££...%... • • P ' Y • an Techaus m Clarence in the iffJ[, q,]ll lill~l fiilggl~ -- nature, was well received by the " bees, Mrs. Leda Harris, Mrs. Ethel In addition to the parents of the new home they had purchased and r'~ Erie t° ~ollrnnn Of the Cor- Kirkpatrick, Carrie and Bertha Kyle, couple and the bridalattendants, moved into on Wednesday club women who represented all .................... one ' --" ages. Her very tactful references nell history department will be on Sondra Steele and Glen J .s. other out-of-towners attending the ÷ho ,~rogram of the Grinnell Insti- Mrs. Bonnie Larson entertained at weddin~ were the Alvie Kelleys and ,~ ~, ~, , . .. to adjustments and problems com- ~;~ ~-t,~n~tinnal Affairs at dinner Saturday evening Mrs Ivan boys of Randalia Robert Prulls of |en D|gn ~onrracr$ Per • • • men to most women, and her sym .................. ers '~ C',rinnell college Saturdav Aoril 27 Reed and KeRh the Don ~aK Martelle, Carl Bunches and Steven t'~,.~,~,,,,,,,~;,,_ ~^,, ..... pathetic and frequently subtle ree ........ " • ~.. s Vernon Van D ke of SUI and sons of Cedar Rapids and the of Blairstown and Melvin Conleys ~ a~'~"~" ~a~'~ ommendations for making these ad- Profes or y .... '. justments were even more deeply will discuss the political resources Caren Reeds an~ son o~ ~meago. and Loren of Mr. Vernon. ~ ....... , ..... • " ' ee ~-~ge~ in ~ne eonservauon re of the U S for international co The Clair Richardson family w r ~ i appreciated by those in the audi- " " " ......... ohn HAS HEART OPERATION i serve program of the soil bank is l ence during later reflection, operation. Kenneth MacDonald, ~unaay a mner.guesm..a] me o ................. ann ~rand i increasing in Linn county accord-[ editor of the ues lvloines lxe~is~er, ~romer nome in ~v~anon.~vu-. a.u~.e ~- ~,,u~,o '~~ ", ~ .- • • + ~., ~. ~, ^ c'r, ~. • ..... m~ ~o ~es~er ~,,l~e~,e,, ~ o ~ c,alr Mrs. Don Henik presided at the =..11 n~ ..... ÷h .... lication of our Mrs StTother recentlyreturneddaughter Carolyn Arnold andthe .... " meeting and the club chorus sang w,,, ............ vv " ' ..... v man resources to Asia and Dr Kollman from a several weeks vlslt wlth Irwin Renfers and children dro e to _ • the hymn of the month, will dwell on the United States in relatives in Georgia and other states Iowa City Sunday to see the Forrest tr:c~sn coC~v2rServajti~.~ areSerVee con- The Amana trip has been post- European relations Prof John Cot- in the South Arnolds who were at the University . - _ g -; . ^s . .w ported until later. The American ton Brown and several students, Will Clark wash dinner guest hospital by the bedside of their little m ~8e~ aJOemsPJr~o ~Ch~ comracl.s Home dept. took a gift of homemade under the sponsorship of the Public Sunday at the J S Hanna home. 5 year old son David who under- ,~. . . . n~ ago. . • " went a serious heart 'o-~ration on -±nese contracts call Ior annum cookies to the Children's Home for Affairs club will also attend the . v= .......... ' ..... o-nin- The-- allpayments o~ ~ vz~ 7,o It is estl- Easter and some of the Crafts Guild Institute. " r f ~°e°3 ~;rla~Y retrieved ~ his ~ndi mated that the contract holders can made paper carnation corsages, Last week all three memoe s o g y y - boutonnieres and nut cups for those the historical and political science lion at this time. also qualify for an additional $4.00 OPEN-AIRE Tapered straps for the vamp •.. slim strips at the heel, .; for the season's ¢oolest casual. SUMMERETTES . . . by Ball Band ... Many Styles to select from . . . ool . . . Comfortable . . . Washable. izes 4 to 10 In Quality Since 1909 ii LII Condition Maytag with Aluminum Tub Easy Spin Dry Apex One Minute Ref "g rl , rat01' Norge Refrigerator with capacity for . 2 10-gallon cream cans One Minute % Several Used Gas Ranges in apartment and full size Lisbon, Iowa in the Mt. Vernon Rest Home. Mr. and Mrs. Carnott Thomas and son Charles of Seattle, Wash., visit- ed Tuesday night with Mrs. Thom- as' sister and family the S. N. Mer- ritts. The Thomas' were en route to Winnetka, Ill., to attend the wed- ding of another son Carnott jr. on Thursday. Abbey Creek Mrs. V. B. Boyle The Merrill Hoffmans were guests Saturday in ,the A. L. Doubenmier home at a surprise birthday picnic supper honoring Mrs. Doubenmier Sunday evening they called on the Harold Hoffmans in Mechanicsville. The William Victorines of Cedar Rapids and daughters Betty Kay and Carolyn were Sunday dinner guests of the V. B Boyles. Friday evening guests in the L. E. Hoag home were the Sid n e y Schweitzers of Mt. Vernon and the John Schweitzers of Cedar Rapids. The Hoags and Kathleen were Sun- day dinner guests in the Sid Schweitzer home. The Raymond Schott family were Easter Sunday dinner guests of the Leo Schotts of Brooklyn. ___ ,'CHEDULI' ,':, Effective PRIL 1957 KATE SHELLEY "400" Starting Sunday, April 28, 1957, the Kate Shelley "400" Streamliner will operate on an earlier schedule East- bound and Westbound. See new schedule below• NEW DAILY SCHEDULE Central Standard Time Eastbound Westbound AM PM 5:45 Lv. Cedar Rapids Ar. 8:15 "6:03" Mt. Vernon " "7:55 7:08 " Clinton " 6:55 7:24 " Morrison Lv. 6:35 7:39 " Sterling " 6:21 7:50 " Dixon " 6:09 8:11 " Rochelle " 5:45 8:29 " DeKalb " 5:32 9:35 Ar.Chicago Lv. 4:30 *Conditional Stop For your convenience, the Kate Shelley "400" carries reclining seat coaches, parlor car, dining car and club lounge cars. Please consult your local North Western agent for full informa- tion on train schedules, rates, etc. He will be glad to help you plan your trip. CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY dept. and several students attended the annual History Conference at the State University. Faculty Rehired; Coach Resigns MORI~Y--All teachers have~ been rehired ex e ep t Coach Charles Woods, who resigned to accept a pc- sition as superintendent at Craw- fordsville. BEAT VIOLA Morley defeated Viola in baseball 4-0 Thursday, scoring all its runs in the first inning. Battery was Ruhl and Conner. Morley: 4 hits, 4 runs, 2 errors; Viola: 2 hits, no runs and 4 errors; Whi.te p., Danley c. ATHLETIC BANQUET Morley High athletic dinner spon- ELY -- Bids were opened Wed- nesday night by College Communi- ty board for the gymnasium addi- tion to Prairie High. Bids totalled $163,710.00, $2,290 under the $166,000 voted for the bond. Lowest of eight general contract- ing bids was $113,863. This left a total of three mechanical bids, properly accompanied by bonds, the lowest amounted to $43,857. There were four electrical bids with $5,990 50th ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Art Holub entertain- ed Sunday in honor of the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Kreeb of Monticello. At- tending were the Byron Bowling family, the Ray Kreeb family of Ma- quoketa, the Fred Kreebs of Monti- cello, Charles Kreeb of Muscatine and Margaret Mack of Cedar Rapids and the honored guests. Sprlngvtll,e Methodist: S.S. 9 a.m., Church 9:45, MYF meets at church at 2 to go to district rally at Marion. Registration $1• Bishop F. G. En- sored by Men's Community club will be Tuesday, April 30. It will honor 45 athletes. Principal speaker will' be Ben Corbett of Garrison.[ Three members of the girls' state championship basketball team will accompany Mr. Corbett. Entertain- the class graduating in 1960, 36 McShane, and Mrs. Alma McShane ment will include a movie of the credits will be required instead of . . . Happy Hour club Saturday at Kansas-Iowa State game and a car- the traditional 32. 7:30 p.m. at the church . . . PWO Friday, April 26, church basement 2 p.m. Devotions by Mrs. Gearhart; I toon for the kids. The affair will be I potluck with the men's club furnish- i CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY ing ice cream and coffee. ] Sheryl Malatek celebrated her lesson by Eva Stearns, Lena Mann [llth birthday Friday with a party and Leta McShane. Hostesses: Mary TO'~-E-CALL RESPOND in the afternoon given by her McShane, Margaret Johnston and The volunteer firemen made tWO " mother, Mrs. Robert M a 1 a t e k. Anna Mac Schnucker. calls the past week, one to the Wal- Games and an Easter egg hunt ---~---~ ter Hoppe farm, due to a trash fire were enjoyed. Guests were: Bar- The Kyle Clarks entertained their which was out of control, and an- bara Hoppe, Steven Bures, Mike children and families on Easter. other about 8 a.m. Sunday to the T. Hasley, Diane Chmelicek, Nancy Mrs. Helen Pearson was a week end T. Tilton place near Forest Chapel, Williams, Steven Lament, Barbara guest. on account of a roof fire supposedly Truhlar, John Andrle, Lou Scriven, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rose and Lori started from sparks from the chim- Randy Meyer, Donald Irons, Fran- attended the State Rainbow conven- ney. The Tiltons had the fire under ces Zach, Andy Tjemland, Donald tion at the Roosevelt hotel in Ce- control when the firemen arrived. Schultz, Diane and Gregory Bull- dar Rapids last week end. Morley Meth~hurch, Rev. O. cek, Linda and Bonnie Zbanek, Mrs. Chester Timms and Mrs. Virginia Sheriff and Carol, Sue, John Lemon attended the Legion Sandbach, pastor• Sunday school, Lois and Tommy Malatek. Auxiliary County Conferenceat 10 a.m. Graded lessons for all ages. Central City. Worship, 11 a.m. Sermon topic: HONORS GRAN~UGHTER The Billy Cotton family and Mrs. "How the South Reads the Bible," Mrs. Lumir Truhlar entertained Emily Cotton of Sabula were Sun- reflections on a recent visit in the with a party for her granddaughter, day dinner guests in the Dale South. We urge our friends to keep up the fine attendance record made during Lent. Visitors always welcome. M.Y.F• members meet at the church at 1:30 p.m. to go to the district rally at Marion to hear Bishop Ensley speak. Seniors will attend court day at Anamosa on Apr. 25 . . . Juniors are preparing for the junior-senior ban- quet and prom Saturday evening • . . Seniors are working on their play, "Second Fiddle" to be present- ed May 3. The Rev. H. A. James of Anamosa Methodist church will be the bacca- laureate speaker Sunday evening, May 12 . . . The senior class is planning a trip to northern Florida then to Washington, D.C., and back home . . . A new ant colony has been purchased for use in the gen- eral science and biology classes . . . Eighth graders have chosen "Little Nell" as their class play. , Mrs. F. A. Hunter, Mt. Vernon, was a dinner guest of the Lloyd :Hunters Saturday and called on the ~Charlie Hays in the afternoon. Recent visitors of the Jack Boom- hewers and Carl Mertka were Carl's Maureen Garnant, on her 4th birth- day. Twelve guests enjoyed the games and Easter egg hunt. Bal- loons were given as favors. ELY LUTHE~---N---- April 28 Worship at 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Luther League meets at 6:45 p.m. at the church to go to the First English Lutheran church, Iowa City, for a Youth meeting . . • Dorcas Society Thursday afternoon, April 25, in the church basement with Mrs. Joseph Sladek as hostess . . . Choir practice Saturday at 2 p.m. FIRST PRESBY'-~IAN April 28, 9:30 a.m. Worship; I0:30 a.m. Church school; 11:00 a.m. Pres- bytery Mens' meeting at Olivet church in Cedar Rapids . . . 3 p.m. Westminster Fellowship Jr. Hi ral- ly, First Pres. church, Cedar Rapids. Senior Hi rally at Kenwood Park Pres. church, 3 p.m ....April 29, 7:30 p.m. P.W.O. Executive com- mittee meeting with Mrs Agnes Vavra. Francis R. Larew, pastor. Mrs. Olney of Clinton spent the week end with the Robert Olney Stentz home. George Stentz was home over Easter. The John Knapps of Cedar Rapids were Wednesday evening dinner guests in the N. J. Schuler home. Clem Ozburn of Upper Iowa spent the Easter vacation in the Bub Ozburn home. Ivy Bennet visited Alma Mc- Shane Monday evening• Royal Neighbors will meet with Mrs. Charlie White ,on Thursday May 2. The Guy Hildebrands of Monte- zuma were Easter guests in the Charlie White home; also the Leon- ard Gordons of Martelle and the Bob Gordons and sons of Cedar Rapids. The George Minors of Pale and Dee and Linda Taylor were supper guests at the Dennis Taylor home Saturday. Easter dinner guests in the Homer McShane home were the Harwood McShane family of Marion, the Rich- ard McShanes and Stevie, the Harry Wursters and Doug, all of Spring- viHe. The Carl Burroughs' have return- ed from a two weeks' visit in Flor- family, ida. brother Louis who has been station- Mrs Frank Krob surprised her Mrs. Pirie and Lesta Jean Darsee ed ih England; his sisters and theirI families, the Robert Carpenters, l family last Friday by coming from i visited Mrs. Nellie Creglow at the Joan and Chris, the Roderick Dun- I Phoenix, Ariz., to visit her children 1Vinton hospital this week. i laps and Brenda, all of Central City. i and their families, the Robert Krobs t The Merle Stewarts spent Satur- here and the John Phillips' of]day in the Reginald Torro home in John Willison, Bradley, Ill.. was a '1 Solon. Cedar Rapids• dinner guest of Mrs. Burt Angust Tbe Frank Helwigs and daugh- ! The Evert Heals of Elkader were and a luncheon guest of the Law- I ter of Keystone spent Sunday at IFriday evening dinner guests of the rence Duncans Saturday. the Andrew Clark home. The Loren C. E. Heals. Lloyd Heal of Mt. Ver- The Harold Windsor family °f~Wildes and sons were also guests, t non was a Sunday evening dinner Atwater, Minn., spent a few days' The Eddie Dowell family spent lguest. last week with Mr. Windsor's par- Sunday with Mrs. Dowell's parents ! Mary Stentz was ilI the past week ents the C. L. Windsors; his sisters at Burlington. and out of school. per acre by carrying out conserva- tion practices already authorized for the reserved land. Chairman Mitchell said inquiries at the county ASC office have been increasin.g indicating that more con- tracts will be signed. Deadline for entering contracts in 1957 is Mon- day, April 15. The William and Kenneth Kap- lan families were Easter Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Leitha Kaplan and Harold Kaplan. LINN COUNTY St'~to Printing Board Books & Bindingz ...................................... 5.00 Morris Sanford Comnany. Stock 8.97 Addressograph Multi. Corp'n, A ddre.~ogr~Dh Acc't ............... 1.75 Cedar R'~nids Gazette, Fub. Board Proc ................................... 8?..48 Mnehniek Tv,~ewriter Company, Mise Exnense ............................ 4,45 M,tt Pnrratt & Sons Company, Blanks & ,qtationerv ................ 167.07 Stun Kuta Electric Company, Renairs ....................... 16.33 Dem~'sv Jones couniy i~ecord- er Recording Fes ...................... 4.30 Louie P. Levasseur, Twp. Trus- tee Meeting ............................ 4.{)0 CH¢¢ord ~urns Twp. Trustee M~eting ....... i ................................ 4•00 T. LoRov Scott, Twp. Truetee Mectin~ ......................................... 4.00 Byron Rusenbark, Twp Trustee Meetina" ...................................... 4.00 John Murphy. Twp. Trustee Meeting. ........................................ 4.00 Ch~rlie F. Hynek, Twp. Trustee Mooting ......................................... 4.00 L-*nir A. Cuhel, Twp. Trustee M~eting .......................................... 4.00 Lester E. Mitchell, Twp. Trus- tee Me.ling .............. 4.00 Fred ~. Bowdish, ~i~:";~'i'ee meeting .......................................... 4.00 W. Lee Finn, Twp. Trustee Meettn~r .......................................... 4.00 John ~. Ricklefs Twp. Trustee Meetin~ ......................................... 4,00 D~rrell Meredith. Twp. Trustee Meeting. .......................................... 4.00 Koch Bros., Blanks & Station- err ................................................... 3~.93 Shmerlor Press, Blanks & Sta- tionery ......................... ='"";'" ......... 28.25 H, T, Weiereisen, ~OOKS & Rlndin~ ..................................... 154.50 T~'~d~n-~h~r Company. Of- ~'~ Sl,,~nlto~ ............................. 197.25 M~-fon Sentinel,Pub. Board Proc .................. ~. 37 Board ~roe ...................... 139.74 w A. B.rgman. DeU iJent "::!cJ nD:~te~erei'~'en''-''~O°~'•''-'i~ 4".,4 .Tn~,~s ~l':" ~'~iti~'""i'T, Xi;ni'y Sher- 24~.00 iff S~lfrs Mtle~.e .............. $62.07 3"~,~es ~-t. Sm~+h. (~mmtv Sher- iff. ~t o¢ Comttment .......... I~J.63 C~ "~-t Baking Company Diet B~al~*~,,,a ~mt Cantrol of C. 54.26 M: "", *xnense .............. 1~ CO ~aho~t N P~qh. ~o~nners Fee 1~.~1 T~no ]~unk. Diet ~ ~re ......... 9.00 D~'~,~,~, .Ton~. C~unty Record- o. Misc. Expense ........... ~ ........ 7~.40 ",¢~ ,7,.,,~ ,gt,~re "~qo. ~. prn~,. ........ 1R.¢~3 ~.,-mt r.,rne=q Groce,'-,. Prey ..... 11.,rffl • ¢-xrl,q'~ ~,'ocerv p,'nv 1R•~O ~,'qv?- ~'~,el .......................... 27,25 ~+~ {< ~h~?acal Company, ,~+ r.,,~o'~ Hospital. Nurse & TTo~n|taI ................ P+~n,,e" I,t*ho Comoany'.'""Of- 7.00 fio~ ,qllnp1{o~ ......................... ~.60 G-~dve~r ServiceStore.Car ~ne~ mrom 9,32 wr M 'T'~'nmn~on. Runnlie~ .,i. lv P,0 152.64 456.58 ~.~n g0.5~ ~.~ 40.68 chw,~+ +,+.,; 45.52 ~w'"+hw~+~rn ~ell Telephone Cn.• "ro1~,nhane ........................... ~. 55 P~t'~-Davis & Company. Med. +~+a ........................ 59.98 P-'~okf;"'M P".t cgniroiofc~ R.. Mi~~. Ex~ons~ .................... 50.00 Vr~*wor 'Farm Market No. 3, +~'+',+". 1 1 1 g ~r ~ ~,,,t- c.,~.-..,~ny' Pue! .... 16.25 E R. Petro. Post Master. Post- ~et T w. F,,vlv .~-~..r ................. 48.00 E,,-+vn Hamlel, S~lary & Mile- BOARD PROCEEDINGS I'+' ...... ,'+•,,,,d,- ..... 13,,0,, T,-~ ~r~nkn.~O1e,-le of D.'CI+, r, I P oceedings of the Board of Super.] ]:~+rhy+"d F, Nazette. crim~ Tn- 3.5q visors. State of Iowa, County of Linn. ss./ q ....... *V L"horatorv:Crim:"in2 ~6.6~ February 5, 1957. [ ...... + |0.0~ The Board of Supervisors met pur-I ~r~ ~ ~,~+~ o,.-ntv *r-~a- suant to adjournment• 1 ~"'~" T""~r ~" ~XrPn"~ ~'~m 79.64 Present; Supervisors Henderson,C~'~ "'1 *cab .... (~1"11 ,~ ¢ ~¢ "P~fee. S~atera andWiley. ~.,*,.... ~-;,,nn.~-" fn- Tr+~l .... !7.45 On motionhy Supervisor Wiley see- ~r,,+,.. ~m~,. C|tv Treasurer. onded by Supervisor Sutera the min-~c,..+;•~ T,+,,,..+.~t ,~ ~e utes of themeeting of Jan.'29th were} ~* v v',~""o;"J'~ "~no/:,,t~ *iiiiiiii 17.0~ approved as read; all members voting] ~xr ~.~ 2.~+in~ Comnany, ~ . "Aye" thereon, f. .. -~ x- ~,- .io~., ........ ~..5 On motion by Supervisor Sutera, sec-[ % .... ~ TZ ~,+~ oo,,ntv Sher- onded by Supervisor Wiley, Feb. 26,1 ;~¢ .~,~,-~-,~ ~xr~--~nt~ .......... 136.71 1957 at 10:00 o'clock a. m. was the] ~ .... ,- ~ ~,-+~- C',,,,,t,, rove, date and time set for hearing on the] ....... .. Cr,~.d. D C. & Witness proposed gravel assessments on thet "~'~ . 1+~ "+'~ following secondary roads: j o~,,-,,'-,.-r~ ~ ~V ~(3,~ m ~[ ~ T~gT~NAN('?E No. 5~7 Spring Grove Township. ]~¢,,'-+ ..... v'e Pay Roll No. 2. No 508 Grant Township. ~.,~.,-;.,~ ~ ~o~ o. No. 510 Grant & Washington I ~ .... ~" ...... ~.o.,q,,,...v ................ .......... onn n~ Townships. [ ~ .-.~,a ~++,~+~,,,~ o,,~, oo~ n~ all members vocmg "Aye" thereon. I ..... w ~+-,,,z,,,~ ~.~, .... .].iii. i:: lO~ nq On motion by Supervisor Wiley, sec-t ~;••'~" ~ ~.d+~. galarv ~a o= ended by Supervisor Sutera the fol-I v ~ ~,.+h q, 1- .... ' ........... ~ lowing resolution was adopted all] ~ ..... ~ T,,.,','~. ,qqla;';~ iiiii]ii 2~.75 members voting "Aye" thereon. ~xr .... ,T."~ehr+~n~ Office Ex- Resolution I ""~ ~ ........... 42.30 BE IT RESOLVED: That the BoardI ,T..... h r~ Hurt. Office & Car of Supervisors of Linn County, Iowa, ~", .......... ................... 32,5~ this 5th day of February 1957 recom-I~ ~" ~ Machine Company, mends that the following projects be[ B,'.'~+ v',,'.nit,;;-~ TT~b~l~%~n~', " approved by the State IIighway Corn-[ mission for improvement with Farm tot ,e. a-,niP-nee o~,~,,,,nv M~nt ~ 50 Market Funds. ] o,-.,+,-.1 c,;+.. Tolenhone Corn- Item, 1; FAS, 2337; Type of work] ........ ~+olnt ~n~ and location of project. Install auto-] ~._~ ~...,~o ~-i*,+ .............. ~ ~" matte flasher signals at grade cross-] rr,~h~ r~,~.,,~,,... ~%i.~+ 73+15 ing on the North line NE% NE: See. I T ...... "/pl,,.+.;~ T+,~ht & Power 25;.~2-7; Estimated Cost, $10,000.00. { :', ......... ~a~+,,¢ " ~gq un motion by ~upervisor Sutera see- ~ ,~-c.~.~. ~ ~-,~. r,c~ • ~ Oc~N'~TRUCT~',r ended by Supervisor Wiley, the' Be-' c~...,., m ~.~- ,q~l~rv .......... ~n hemian Savings & Loan Association{ ~ T ~, ,,~ ~,~] ...... " o~ ~r, were granted a refund of $18.75, thel ~ ....... e,,.¢~.= r~..~ .......... iiii I66.~0 2nd installment on Lots 3 & 4 Aud. Plat. No. 173. having been paid twice; r~ .......... ~,,t,.-.~,~ ~ Construe- all members voting "Aye" thereon. I ,: .... (-~ r~ .... + ......... 18.20R.46 On motion by Supervisor Sutera, see-, ~" ~,v~ x--o,~mr~mrc~-, ended by Supervisor Wiley, the Countyl v,,-,..,..,-++ ~., h.d+t~r In- Auditor was authorized and directedl ~ ...... a ......... -~oa to assign tax sale certificate No. 56I ~¢'~"" r~ ~,~o~ * ~'-. "~ee. ....... " "~ ~'¢~ PB, sale of Feb. 4 1944 an d tax sale[ ~ ~ ~ ,,,~-- ,,++'-, ~'~o 7.50 certificate No. 10 PB. sale of Dec. 1.[ T..... ~X a--~*h O...... +v Sher- 1947 for the sum of $8.13 all membersi ;.o =.~...~ ~.r .... n~ ?~.9~ voting "Aye" thereon. I --.~',,',-..o ",-,.-,'.-~,~o'~ On motion by Supervisor Sutera. sec-] ~+" ~ o, r'.,~n~n T~r~eotnr.¢l onded by SuPervisor Wiley, the Chair-I ~., ..... " ..... ~4 ,~ man of the Board was authorized and[ Dr D. R, Bromwell, Inspectors directed to sign a deed of conveyance~ Salary _: 4.~,i:,..,omb,, Ins eat 15,00 to D. William Pringle and Mary R. [Dr. O xV. w.~tc , p - Prin~le for the following real estate;] ~re Sslary ...................................... 69.00 E% Lot Ten (10), irr sur SW [D~. R. L. Houmes, Inspectors SE and SE SW Section Ten (10) ] .q~l~rv .............................................. 115,50 Township Eighty-two (82), Range[r~OMESTIC A~IM~T,,q Five (5), Town of Mt. Vernon, R-.,mond Carl Wiesenhofer, Ltnn County• 7own. I Damages .......................................... RN~ all members voting "Aye" thereon. I Mr~ Niel~ Fn~horg. r~amages lO.~ On motion by Supervisor Sutera, see-] ,an*h~nv ~J. ("~nn~r. Damages 140.00 onded hy gupervisor Wiley, the fol-~ OOrr'~+'l'~r A,~E~'~r)R lowing resolution wasadopted; all[ E. R. Petro, Post Master. Post. members voting "Aye" thereon. I n~e ................................. 295.20 Resolutloaz tN V¢. J. Konisgsmark. Ssl- BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of ;~ ~/a.0~ SuDervisors. Linn County Iowa. that] T,~,.n~,o ~,..-~v S-Inrv ................. it is ordered notice to denart as pro-i r~,~ri~ P,-~n~-. S-lar., ........... ?"~00 vided by Chapter 252, I954 Code of] v~.~..-v ~' 'vrtmh~o ~'~l~ry ., 9~°.~ Iowa to prevent the acquiring of al r"'~r],-~ MoC,q~bt. 9-~,~rv ........ 3S~(u~ settlement in this cmmty be served I "a~.~, .Tq,,~o~ ~,~e:qn, ~"+q,'v .. 99. ~q upon each of the followingnamed l w•-~ M.,-qo .Toh-~nn. Sal~rv ..... ~9~7~ persons, to.wit: I ~X~" R TT'~nnq, Sqlqrv .......... 2+'~(~ Mnson. Billle. 521 5thAve. SE. [r+o ..... ]~+.,,r~''+ Mil--+o ....... ? q . 7~ Wmshington. I "+'"'+ " r~,,db,,, M+loa~+ 9q.m~ Darling. Cbarles. 6th St.Road i x~r "~ l~.,n-'~. "-~'ib~.,,~,~' ............ ~o.2~ SW, Hardin Cot,ntv. [ ~U~,,1 ....."~,+m,.i~'~.+ Milo~go ......1'~ el) King, James, R No. 3 Cedar Rap- ] r~)r~ "o,.ir, o,L~. ~ileqgo ......... ~K ~ ids, ] ~ a ~,,,,,aor~,¢o. 5+;~,,,~m~ 23 80 Homestead credit application No. "v-,n,.'.~ [.otter Shop, Misc. Ex- 25709 wns approved, t n+~--',~ . .......................... 1F,,o~ For clairn~ allowed reference is made, r ,.~,, ~ ~ ]~r-hrl~t .~M-ry ..... 3to5q to claim Nos. 48t to 6t5. both inclu-! ~',,,'*,, C C~v. Milea,~o ......... 26.46 sive also on file in claim register under this d~te. Claims Allowed c'OUNT%- Mqrtin Wi?ey. Miles~e ............ $ 90.R7 ]Vlorence ~lasbor. ,qalary ............ ~aO.O0 Pquli~" ~Frv. ,~alarv .................... taR.N9 .Tune R. ~riffin. ,~'Mary ............ .22.0(I 1~nmona Huston. Salary ..... . ...... 9~.0N ~,dna Locatell, Salary 19200 Margaret A. Prout, Salary":[:::::: "~'~0.(~1 Juan Sherwood Sniffy ................ ]qo.O0 Gladys Torrence. Salary ............ 112.00 Ray ,qt,rrv. S~larv ........................ 1~2.0q X-lazel Irrm~r. N~larv .................... 171.00 Zenota Panl. Salary ................... 71.0li Charmeda H~rrlson. Salary .... 194 Oq E. W. Laurence. SaIary ............ 139.25 r., ,--,~ .~ \Vriszht. Post:~ge & M~,,,., ~ .............................. '7 9R IT. T, Feiereisen, Office Sug- nl i.,~ ................... 203.5,9 \XT. '~P q"nd~ l~rlnfing (~onl- o+,;e,+ T ,:,,~,~,, ""'+,age ......... 32,7~ C,C~T r:,,'vv I'~A~ W ,od],-.n Convalescent Home. O'"O P- T~'C'O•~ ................ '~'liq C~n r~o*t,'~rl +ha x:~,~qrd O# ~,~Derlvsors adjour,,od ,,nti1 ti'oh. 11. ]9~7. D,'dlov ~-Tn. ~ or~on Chairman. ~,~rd nf gun~r~'lsors. T ;-n c' runty. Iowa. O'+++-, ~. }T'~n"llk. County Auditor.