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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
April 27, 1972     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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April 27, 1972
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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!, Page Two Mount Vernon Hawkeye Record and The Lisbon Herald Legal ising Leg Leg ing Sp Crane and Russell Starks, who Cedar Rapids. Thursday eve- C Advert al Advertising al Advertis Legal Advertising ringville News received the arrowoflight, whtch ning supper guests in the Thing a/T~pUS y.B ' pla l ntMr then thls county, we will county, ena mat such County assistence :Punt Pard s,~ ~s womd ~nge Ills redde~.~ to h~ Ck~r L.ake, Iowa, Cerro Gordo ~.~of~~ ~tu-L~ eul ~rlze@the CountyfheGeneraltram/ofFund ~ Miss Colleen Ozburn is the highest award a Cub can home were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold 0otlfv the Cearo Portia Cotmiv ~ of .as ~s ~ avallebie or may thereafter L,%om~vat~ ~=~. ~ ~ The Springville American Leg-earn. Following the awards, theGrassfield. On Saturday evening Thomas O. Miller, 5(mervlsora and Hsndl 4g Village, Inc. Decorne available by virtue of h s res- o e ~ noven~ed es io ovided in Senate .4 ~.~m,10N ~l ~ remr,~ to ~ county final run-off of the Pine Wood Mr. and Mrs. Thing were visitedand Mrs. Earl Milleri .~NTmnat~.onn t lese tha l 3o days in eclva~nce, or},or tOot dlome~~ this CguntY will continue unless ion Auxiliary entertained the Linn )roceeulnt#s .~v ~ ~.- cLrcumstance or condl- Derby was held. Champion was by the DonDelashfamilyofCedar ~9~'~'." r-una not ~or ~n oecom~r 31, Mt. Vernon, was on II I~tr~ ~ o~ ~Lheff of thlsind4~idual, r,m~.s, Diner man the placement et me ~ ~ ~ "AYE" lhe lmn. County meeting at the Legion hall BE IT aESOLVED, ~EREFORE. ~t Wl~ou tn C~ L~e, ,owe. Cerro C,~ SCott Carney, a Webolo. Robert Rapids. list at Western Illinoi! Trade, ~ Z. 1972 ~e s.oard of s~rv~sors of carlo oor~ last Wednesday evening. There lr~ II~rd of Supervisors of LInn ,C~. nI,L otter .the legal r~monsl'oilltlas of fl~ n~flon qf $uparv~or ~V~rtln, ~v~t~t~t~u~etlnln~im. geN~ed~ ~-ounw end the Ex~cuNve Olroct~r of tins ~unt~. we agree to notify Carro /~ t~ ~t~oorv~or emmor~, the fo~ Root and TomHoyttiedforsecond Ralph Atherton and son Charles sity, Macomb, for i~ Har~ca= Village, IInc. be advl~d if*at Gr~r~lesO~ nty a~l Ha.ndlc~m Village, Inc were 129 at the banquet. Greet- ,o~r~ r~r~i~?o~4~ ings were given by Charles Ro- place. Atherton of Cedar Rapids were quarter. ~1~ I~w~,M 10:~A.~.CltY of C this eOaCd of Supe~bors ondetINmdl termthatlon of any County asslstanoe then W'.H.E~R.EA$, ~ere.k~ now in the henda KJJ~ Murphy, son d ~t eo~mtence of Jacnel Oeg~ Silllmen Ntss ~nen 30 days tn advance, prior to Ttj~ ~ wet gell~l to ~ tw the .?mceme~ ot Pmndagao Village, I1~. is being pa~d On bohaHf of this Individual. o~ me treasurer ~e sum of $4,~'r6.42, zinek of Walker, and aclmow- The Boy Scout father and son Sunday afternoon callers in the RMlge~nm~n'lmlmmt~$ulmrw~melCllff rd' ~Fioydt~reB. ~ c mmgem~ essur~nC@County,s rellX~btlt1~kmthat ~sre~- BE IT RESOLVED that a o~y of this a%dstiffed to the Coneor~tlo~ aoard fund, ledged by Stephen Rice, Legion cake bake will be held next Mon- Dillon Atherton home. Mrs. Joe Murphy, ha~ I~en~Wtlkqm~D.~rtln. /t~cacide~emtt~, wlll not ch~mgewlthhls r ~utlon be torwardad to the Cerro ofW.HERE~S thofe Is~w m~he hend~ commander of Springville. A day on the sidewalk on Main Mrs. H.L. McMahan was in- cepted for enrollmed ~roo county ~o~rd of St~>ervlsors and~ r-ee~tweX the ~ of $345,173.75, On the m~lo l of Sel~ ~lsof E~, p locemt~. ~t H~ndk:~m Vlll~le, Inc. In to t~ Executive Director, Hand cap burg College as a fre~ ~ onag~.~v St~ervasor ~rtln. the mln- ~. ear LaKe, iowa, Cerfo Gordo County, Village, Inc Clear Lake. Iowa. oroun~ to the ~o~tv c,*nare ~nd, ~ bake sale and white elephant street. Cakes will be sold at lured last Saturday when she fell Y~I~ 3~ W~14j~ w~re Reproved ~ orlnted.on ff~ ~tlonffm~Nngofh~ld~ervlsorTU~m~P/'N~rtth,Meroh a .voflablen wand availablethat bYsUghvk'tue rCountYmaYof thereoffarNsaSSlstance~w,~lengybeComeaS inls AllA Pted fins 21 st day Of M~roh r~s voting "AYE" thereon.1972" to~" .WHELRE~$ /~. ~O trom ',itffmis Coun~r~w c-e~a It tr~fund auction was conducted by Start- auction after judging, from the loft of their garage. Nofall He and his par .e.~tJ up :m~P motion of .supervisor Emmons, me. *.on=ervat~ Boord ~<, for ~he visited the campus in ~lec'o41dld bY StA~'vi~r Emrnor~, ~ tol- mrs ~oonty will con$1r~e t~le~s ~ tO,OWl r~ : ley Smith. Thebusinessmeeting, Debbie Binley and Valorte an- bones were broken, but she SUS- ~rmoluflonw~,de~tad: c.~nge, of clrcums~mce of ~t@ltlofm, Ho~n/~o QY.~,u~ervsor Mertin~rapuest The ~onse~vasu~t on Board fund needs thls gel entertained the cast at a tatned bruises and shock. She Kim has been active~ ~r Helen wetzger ~o attend theJowa held in the Methodist Churchwas RESOLUTION IF/2-3-43 9 l~ner man ~le oleceme~t et the Ville~e in 3.t~te Sher!ff-s Asloc~atlorl Sdlool of In- Mnount ;o operate untl regular tax W .he ~m, t~ Urm County Board of ~.lem" Lake, Iowa, Cerro Gordo County, ~r~uc~nCo~,oes MOI,~s, Mer~h =7ra ~ ~one~ ~ ~o *~r r~r Cameron- conducted by Mrs. Stanley Smith, party in the Binley home after was taken to St. Luke's hospital during his high school ~aN~'VlIOPI Itava rncelvad merll re- altar the legal resuonslbllltles of ~ts m e ~.~nry ex nse. On B~'rd fired. This Sransfer ts made Atl members ~n~ "AYE" thereon. Per Senete File 1014, and the play last Saturday night, for treatment and remained over Miss Linda Wallace, qgells (of ~ s~m=l ernlf on car. C ourdy. We egree to notify Cereg Gordo county president. Coffee followed toln counP ~'o~. end (-ounty end Handicap vtllege, inc. ~ On the rnoflon of Su~oarvlsor Martin, W~EREAS, groper errengements hove ~H~ roads +rove ~ analyzed ~ .t~)an 3o d~ws in adv.lecement, witheu~ more, All members votlr~ "AYE" thereon. .Afll su~,y co can su~ly ~ Clarke, bear badge and gold ar- Twelve Springville Camp Mr. and Mrs. Bobert Prenosil Mt. Vernon L ~ql~t day of Ma~:h, 1972, If~fl@tes and r~:- ~houk~ not .offact the status of his rest- 10:30 e.m. (CST) Th~s ~elng the time ~,en Andrews Auto Restoration, onwn~ed~ ~ the ~otk0~ing Ofo~cts be ence for me m~rpose of auch asefstance end place set for hold ng a real estate auto exp . 46.45 rOW; Jim Hoyt, bear badge and Fire Girls leaders and sponsors have sold their house to Pete toC mmls~l~nA~ byfOrtheimpreveme~tlowa ~tatewffhHigt~ayFarm mayfr m bethiSavailable.COu~y as is now or hereafter ~.ou~tyaUCti n oy-onvirtuePr pertyof takaCqUng taxied deed,bY thethe Dr.careArthUrpris E. . Berne=, mad gold and silver arrow; Tom UI- attendeda training session on Rudish, with possession soon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo rr~d IA~tN~rk~l@.f'~F.~:S. Route No.; Project changeWe areoccurfUrtherat agreedany timethat wiNchSh uld thismW followingthe highestPr pertYbidder: was auctioned off to C.R. Gazette bd pro 1,270.72 rich, silver arrow for bear bad- camping and cookouts Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Steve Carnahan Mrs. John Neff r C.R. Ind. Towel & Cle~m Towel Thursday night last We~ I~r; Tyt~e of Work an~ Location of Board feels wo~ldchar~efll$ resdence to 1) On the re.orion of Sueervsor Martin, ge; Rick Law, bear badge; Tim of last week at Anamosa state moved to the Jim Ellyson house ,'roleS; Estlm~ted Cost; Lengthsome place other ~ ~'bhs COUnty, we ~c~$1.r~aed by Sugervisor Eromons, the bid" 5erv inn suop 73.30 ov ~ ,u~u oy the city of Cedar Rapids was misc 600 Morse, one gold and two silver park. in the Manor this weekend. 1 4#5; ~N-248~(6); 'ErKI Gt~, dre,kn, ~ll/noti~ the Cerro Gordo County ~oard Town of Center Point, gen co visit since Easter in ( PCC pvmr with curb & gutter, in Town u~ervsors and He,riced Vfflege, 'Inc. ec.cepted sublect to the approval of the Chandler Co r~ r I arrows for bear badge. Brian Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Hepker Jack McKee, who lives east of The Penns visited tt ~. Albu ~t, OHar ~e~k Twe.; 100,000; not less ~lecement, without more, being ~id on behalf 4 this individual 5) On the motion of Supervisor Martin, BE IT RESOLVED that a COpy of this U,S. Grant pilgrimage Friday. Fred Garner, DeriVe should nat offset the ~k%tus Of ~tS re=i- RGorere~lution be forwarded to the Cerro s~onded by Supervisor Emmons, the bd W m.H. Carmichael, atty fees . 89.25 David Underwood, acquanaut; ium Sunday. Elizabeth is a sen- dance for the ~?ouse of such ~sslsta~e ~llff's Snack Bar, jurors meals 58.95 o $1,100 by Carl Newell was accepted for Dubuque Co. Sher h, atty tees 5.75 Curt Brown, forester and show- ior student with the Dieman- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stapes Ralph Garner, Mill vall~ from ~ county ~ ~s now or hereafterrdo Cou~tv Board of ~;uoervisors and Lots 1 & 2, Block 13, Central Park 2nd Michael W. Fay, atty fees 412.50 may be available, to the Executive Director, Hand cap Addition to the CIty Of Cedar Rapids. Bennett Studio of the Dance. and NicholeofMarengoweresun- and their sister, bl~ We ere furtt~r agreed that should erw Village, Inc Clear Lake, Iowa. All merr~0ers voting AYE" thereon. ~a. SouK & Supply, misc 4.95 man; Marry Clarke, sportsman; S.tephen Jackson, atty fees 41.25 Mrs. Clarence Bolton, a day evening supper guests in theI Boyd, Davenport, cI ghen~e ocour at anv time w~ich thisAdopted this 21st day of /V~rch, 1972. ) On the motion of Supervisor JOneS Co. Sheriff, cnm invest . 1.75 Brian Crane, athlete, citizen, OnAll member.sthe motionV tingof "AYE",Supar~isorthereon.Martin, theE~'b~d ofSec ndeds1,500 bybYcarISupervIsor~Newelt Was~artinec- DonKlesewetterHenry Keyes, attYmfeeSsc . 389.1Stl.45 engineer, geologist, sportsman. Springville resident for 39 years, Russell Schmidt home. friends in Mt. Vernon' seconded, by Sunerviser Em~nons, the fol- .C~O~. ed sub lect. IO. the a~aroval of the Paul 'H. Kinion, arty fees 1,659 00 Entering Boy Scouts were Brian died at a Cedar Rapids hospital Mr. and Mrs. Milo Machula The Garner family liV~ lowing resolution was adopted, mnor tax leVy!ne bodies /or Lots 3 & 4, 'Brant ,Harstad, atty fees 138.75 Leg RESOLUTION 1972-~-47 Block 13, Central Park 2nd Add t on to Jerald W. Kinnamon arty fees 195.00 last Saturday. Shewas alicensed and Neola Machula were Sunday farm now owned by the On this 21st day of ~arch A.D. 1972, the CIty of Cedar Rapids Lirtn Co. Genera Fund m sc 167.74 thebeingl.innconvenedCOUntyin aB ardregular of meeting,SU~ervis rs'the All members voting "AYE" thereon.Marilyn Mc~vor, m I 17.90 practical nurse. She was born onevening guests at a barbecue at on the northwest ed~ ~,er rorequest f~.*or~o'theB ard~ounty OfandSUpervisors~of Hand=cap f o~'~c ~ed7)$1,325On thebVby motlofl~RobertSupervisor dIN. Superv sOrEmmons,theMa~ln,bid MercnantsWalter McNamara,Nationa attYBank,feeSmisc. 187.30105"00 al A~J ,4"- "- Dec. 12, 1895, in Champaign, Ill the Steve Machula home. Vernon in the 1920's. ~chaufenDuol was D~vi.d D. ~itchell atty fees 191.35 ,-,ve-,s,nu and was ma~'ried in 193~. SUr- Auxiliary membersandfriends Village, Inc Clear Lake, Iowa, for c arl- accepted for Lots S & 6, Block 13, Central P ys~cians lab, crim nvest 20.00 ficatlon of the residential status Of Gerald Park 2nd Addition .to the CitY of Cedar Helen N. Pras,mi~ 6.00 John Fox, rent 60.00 viving in addition to her husband held a coffee for Mrs. Charles Lawrence Morrow, who i$ being consid. Rapids. Richard Raymon, ally fees 14~ 2S Wm E Franey, NiD, f care 48.00 ered for housing at said Village, is under All members voting "AYE" thereon.Ralph Schuttz, rail ::: 177:30 Wm .Frese, rent 175.00 is her half-sister, Mrs. Millie Johanningmeier, who is leaving THE HAWKEYE R|0 consideration. Lynn Frantz real estate agent for the Adrienne A. secor court costs 26.25 Roy Good, rent 50.00 Huck of Kenosha, Wis and two for Colorado to join her husband I042nd Ave. North, Moon' This Board is aware that said individu- Cou/My was directed to prepare theArnold Tschirgi, roll 47.00 Mrs M E Garmoe, rent 50.00 and The Lisbon Hg~ Jerold Greenblatt, t care 14.00 OlcializedSeeks placementcare over atantheindefiniteVillage tOrperiod.S~e- pro~erBoard ofres lut'ionS, supervisorsf r fo~resentati nconvey lhet landthe Westernpoor Union, etty fees ,~4'00 Mrs Wm HOffman, f eere 14 68 nephews, Donald and Charles who has found employment there. Iowa 52314 We, the Board, affirm that we regard th s to the above highest bidders, after ~'eceiv. A.& P.A .M#rt, ~"ov zuoo Julia Horak, orov 230.50 The Johanriingmeiers held a FIRE WIND ~nd,vidoa. as a resident Of. this Cotmty ing a~orova of the other tax levying v,oa Auoaeelv, rent 3S:OO Hy vee, orov 43.00 Huck. Services were held Tues- TNE LISBON HER/l Hy Vee, prov 1.511.40day at the Murdoch Funeral Home household sale last ~aturday. 119 East Main St LII ~or to pla~t at the V=llage and webodies where requ red + ~i ' Clair Richardson, Sec. th" flvB~ard of $~ervlsocs of Cerro Gordo Code ~of Iowa, 1971z at the Cot~r~ Hotn~ Io claxfon Phgy, t care 74.90 74.50 Mrs. G.F. Darland of Waterloo Coca Cola CO. FOOds Dlv prov 334.60 BRPrles and Everett Mysak. Founded in ]869 by S. t1.~ Coon y ~ the Executive D rector of . (CST): All members of the Board of Dr. F. H. Collings, f care 46.50 N~arion Heights rp~cY, f care 4.44 were callers. It was in obser- Handicap Vi lags, nc be advised that Su~efviSOrs waivi~l arw legal re~/irre- Mrs. Bessie Oiaz, rent 48.00 Marion Skelgas, util 33.80 Douglas Wiley and family of THE LISBON HF ,R~ Mt. Vernon, Iowa this Board of Supervisors understands ~rems e~ to notice for "the war~ose of Drug Town, f care 3.45 Mays, f care 1s.20 vance of Mrs. Freshwaters' Founded in 1894 by W.~ that acceptance of Gerald Lawrence Mor- ensferrmg funds to the Conservation Mercy Clinic. mad aid 53.70 Cedar Rapids were Sunday visit- Single copy 15c plus ~P~ Phone 895-8417 row for placement at Hendcap V I age, CiB~lf.rd tuPa Present were 'Supervisors Eagles, ~rov 444.27 Me Too, prov 3o.oo birthday Saturday. Subscription Rat~.~ Econornlcs Laboratory, misc 269.38 M~nneSota chemical, m~sc . 513.89 ors with Mrs. R.F. Wiley. Inc. is contingent upon aesm'ance that his torn, Morrn and Emmons Absent' Dr Jacob Eisen4~oh, f care . 13.00 The Junior Women's club met to one address contlnZ Res. 895-8456 res~,~ce, and this County's responsi- None. " " 'Moore StanderdOil Sales, utll. 26.40 bi ities incident thereto wil not change secO~on the ,"notion of Superv $or Ermworrs, Family Serv Assoc of Amer ca, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ramsay ONE YEAR, in Linn, john~ st misc 9.~ Wafter Morris, rent 60.00 at Michael Fay's office. Speaker were Sunday dinner guests in the w~th his oacement at Haridcap V lage, ~ o dad by Supervisor Martin, the Beard Farmers Co~o, utll 18.mJ Nerds Repairs, rem~irs 5.05 and Jones counties .' Orchard Place, f care 1,418.10 was Jerry Kelley. He talked to for 6 months ' Paramount Phcy, mad aid 18.74 Harry Whitman home. ~r 9 months PauisOn Electric, rel~irs 37.54 the group about the SANSI pro- Peoples Bank Trust DePt, rent 70.00 Mrs. Harriet Denny and Mrs. ONE YEAR, Outside Linn BI=N FRAN un,i.s KLI N P gman, rant 23.oo Robert 01erleftMondayforColo- " Polk CO welfare Dept, rent 48.75 for 6 months ' Price Electric, re, airs 47.31 for 9 months . ." Rosalie ,Ratkewlz, rent 32.50 rado Springs, Colo where they NO subscription ac'c'epiedt Ric'hard Retm~an; rent 25.00 will visit a few days with Mrs. than 6 months. Mamle ~Robertson, ~ 30.00 ~r~&LarrYF Laboratories,RUSSell' f caremed aid 174.~31~" Ron Stout, a daughter of the NO foreign subscri other titan fo U.S 6o.oo Piers. APO addresses. Seasonal Fabrics at Low, Low Prices! All the fashion colors popular prints terrific tex- tures all in easy-care blends. Visit our Fabric Center for anything and everything you need t0 sew-up ward- robes for your entire family! Machine Washable Ideal for Spring Dresses, Sportswear and Many More Fashions! SAVE 45c Yd. Reg. $1.29 Regularly 99c Yard Pert prints and sassy solid colors perfect for Spring and Summer fashions. Choose from all cotton, polyester/cotton and rayon/ cotton blends. 45-in. width. Fashion lengths. Fresh for Spring! Lightweight blends in season-loving stripes and solids, Easy-care. ot courser 45-in. width. Fashion lengths. Machine washable broadcloths, pop- lins and sailcloths of cotton and cotton/ polyester blends. Most permanent- press. 45-in. width. Fashion lengths. STOP AND SHOP AT Mount Vernon VARIETY DE STORE St Luke's Hospital, f care Drs Scheffner, Meger, KeHer,':f cere . Schilfig Phcy, f care AArs W L S~ovel, rent PaaJI ,~himek, rent Mrs Charles Silman, f care Arlene Smith, rent Leon Sova, rent . Standard Fuse & ~PlHiance, mist . Star Fixture, turn & flxt State ComPtroller, mad aid TtSaft p & 3hop, OroV Hotel, .rent Mrs I G T=inkham, rent Union Drugs, mad aid Mrs Frank Vetoer, f ~ Virrton Clinic, f Care AI Wall rent Lon Warren, rent Weland Clinical Lab, f care R E Weland, f care Welch Donovan Ins, st misc J G Wratten DDS. f care Dr R A Zmoos, f care State institutions.-- Drs Bomkamp Schmit Jao:)bs, f Woodward 6.00 Des Moines, Polk Co Comm on Alcoholism, all others 1,056.00 Drugtown, all others 22.53 Robert C Geiger DDS, F A wittenmyer 30.00 Handicap Village, all others 317.37 Johnson Co Citizens Comm on Alcoholism, all others 124.24 Lloyd & Myers Prescription Sho~, all others Mercy Hospital, f Woodward N E Council on Alcoholism, a'll others Oakdale Hospital, Oakdale Pine Ridge School, all other= Roushar Phcy, f Woodward Siouxland Rehabilitation Center, all others State Comptroller, all others John F Troxell MD, Toledo Millard A Troxell, MD, F A Wittenmver Univ of la Alcoholism"Center, 42.2S Oakdale 2,398.7S Welend Clinical Lab, Toledo 2.00 Mental Hegltb-- Black Hawk Co Mental Health Center, ment hlth 20.00 Busby Wing Drug, ment hlth City Water Dapt, grp home 1 Delaware Co Home, ment hlth Dows Manitl Dairy, grp home 2 PloYd Co Auditor, merit hlth Grandvlew Nursing Center, ment hlth Fa Elect Lt & Power, grp home 2 ~ Mrs Otis Jarvis, ment hlth Jones Co Home, ment hlth Drs Lehr Aschoff Lake Swaney, ment hlth Linn Co Assoc for Retarded Children, group homes 1 and 2 N W Belt Telephone group homes 1 and 2 22.37 20.06 $40.00 42.11 1,523.37 1,6~.28 32.50 ~.59 Ollle Scholtz Drugs, merit hlth . Social Security Adminlstratiun, ment hlth 204.90 Tame Co Auditor, merit hlth 320.00 John F Troxell, merit hlth 75.00 Wilkirmon Rexell Drug, ment hlth 18.60 Williams Rest Home, ment hlth S4.t0 Dr R A Zmoos, merit tilth 18.00 Secondary Rned~-- AM Optical Core, ~ rds I04.1S B L Anderson inc lec rda 17,721.00 Collins Radio Co, see rds 40.00 Lee Crawford Quarry, u rda 1,260.17 Del Chemical Co~, ~oc rds 67.1S Gen Telephone CO of MIdwast, ~c rds 60.~ Int'l Harv~t~," "I~ rda ~0.~2 le Elec Light, ~ rds 103.93 Llnn Cool) Oil, lira rds 634.78 Midway Fermors Market, rds 4.SS N W Bell Telephone, Igm rds 1S.30 Power Equip Inc, N rds ~7.40 ProciSlO~ Brgs & Drivel, eg rda ~.~ RiN~oh~'$1teii/'~,'u~:"~ii" 116.50 Cedar Falls spent the weekend Sprlngville Couo Te~, s~= re= ~.m in the C.L. Burroughs home. Su~t of Dncumenhk see rds 2.00 Wm Weber Stone o, mm rda ~.86 Mrs. David Taylor entertained John Wiley & Sonl ~ec rds 1S.30 2~1.49 ac~lZl~" FOrd, snc r~ theclub Jolly Seniors Homemakers Wm M Slorensun, <:iv clef 19J0 Tuesday afternoon of last Lt Col LOU Burgus, clvl dof . 154.00 la EIOC Light, clv def ~ m week. Mrs. Winger of Cr~estview OIck M Taylor, dv ~ ~ spoke to the group about nursing Lo ll Heaitll-- Afforfer "Mechthe~ CO, landfill homes. dum : 11.74 ~obs ~X Sery landfill d~lD 1~ James Taylor, wh(~ has had ~acene ca, a,r ~l back surgery, is recuperating =,tords~.~m. hlth and expects to be home this week. I(~HI C ilarlme-- M~w Fernm~ ~rkat, rd He has been at St. Luke's Hos- ~ m.~ pital the past two weeks. H E Hanng, eangl ~.! Sunday guests in the Curt Thing W E Hoiden, Senll~ Robert K HoIvekL Benin I) home were Mr. and Mrs. James H B Hlmtet" Sr, Bel~ll Newman and family, and Mr. V M Relnhert, Sgngs J A Sloan, San~ aud Mrs. William Nichwitg of ject. A carnival was planned to be held at the high school build- ing on June 4, with the proceeds going to the SANSI. The club will help sponsor Mrs. Neal (Judy) Johnson, past director, on 1S.00 a walkathon for project concern. 5.85 s2.00 Mrs. Donna Shales and Mrs. Joe 45.00 .~:~ Fogarty were hostesses. 63.7s The Jaycees will serve apray- 197.S2er breakfast Sunday. ~.00 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith 10.00 s0.~9.~ of Minneapolis, Minn were 28.oo guests in the Carl Calvert home 32,44 Sunday and Monday. They came 3.70 9.00 to attend the funeral services for 27.50 45oo Frank Calvert of Anamosa, bro- 11.00 18.00 ther of Carl Calvert. 112.00A family dinner noting the 9.00 3o.00 wedding anniversa ~j of Mr. and Mrs. Fern Anthes was held in Cedar Rapids last Saturday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. [van Randall, Mrs. Robert Beck andMrs. Frank Randall attended the funeral of A. J. McGivern of Davenport 10.30 ~.oo Tuesday of last week. 79.8o Mr. and Mrs. MelvinCampbell 2~.30 attended a birthday dinner in hon- 600.00 19.40 or of Mrs. Buena Behrens in ~ 00 Cedar Rapids Monday. Mrs. 67.3o Behrens was 89 years old. 21 .OO Mr. and Mrs. William Keister of Clinton were visitors last Wednesday in the Melvin Camp- bell home. The boy' s track team of Spring- ville High School, under the dir- ection of Roland Koch, won its first first trophy in l0 years, at 325.oothe invitational meet in Marion ~.9s last Saturday. They tied with 9s.~ Iowa Valley of Marengo, and Mt. mss.~0 33.oo Vernon, with 25 points each. The long jump was won by Brian Min- ish. He set a record of 19 feet l0 inches. The two-mile run was a first by Jeff Hankin, who also set a record of 10 rain. 23 seconds; the mile run gave Mark Allison a 3rd place; the two-mile relay team won second; the 880-yard relay team tied for third; the 440-yard relay team placed fifth. Kenneth" Taylor left Saturday for Bradenton, Fla to bring his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Taylor, to Springville. They have been in Florida for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Keith King of Announcing A New Regula Savings Account Interest Effective 1 May, 1972 our Regular i Account customers will receive Savings DAILY COMPOUNDING of their interest with minimum balance requirement. You may still withdraw at any time - lust leave the account open and still receive interest two times a year on your daily balance! Please stop in or call us if you have any Ph: 895-8835