National Sponsors
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May 1, 1941 |
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MaT I, 1941
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Vernon Social Gardner Bennett Is Wed I
----- In Istanbul, Turkey
Will meet Monday
5, at the home of Mount Vernon friends will be in-
terested in the following announce-
RUSSell Cole will meEt: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dodd
at their home on of Montclair, N.J are announcing
COVers will be laid the marriage of their daughter Miss
Edith Dodds, to J. Gardner Bennett
on April 5, at Istanbul, Turkey.
Pranklin Corn club The couple are at home in Istan-
ed at the home of bul, where Mr. Bennett is a member
Peddycoart, of the civil engineering teaching
ng, May 3.
staff at Roberts college. Mr. Ben-
Industrial society of nett is a former Mount Vernon
Church will meet'resident and is a brother of Mrs.
of .Mrs. Josephine R. P. Ink.
evening, May 6, at
- : t --7 ~
The Friendship club will meet
~hlefs association w for a work meeting, Wednesday at- IIIllll
' nUal guest nig~lt ternoon, May 7, at the home of :
~: of p hall Friday ~Mrs. Evelyn Staskal. Mrs. Mildred
Supper will be Blderm~tn and Mrs. Mary Wolra,b
will be the assisting hostesses.
.'ry entertained her Mr. and Mrs R Van Tuyle and
lelUb on Tuesday son Darwin, of Moline, II1. called I ~ ~i~''
fie Was played at Sunday at the L. M. Current home,
refreshments were and on their son Richard who at-
Stess. tends Cornell. Kathleen Current If yOU have been reading Big Town catch 'em adds,
William Dunn of accompanied them to the Amahs but are unable to get to them, just visit our store dur-
Were guests of Colonies where they spent the day. I I,[ I I
rlOWard Johnston, The Auxiliary to Hahn-Howard ing National Hardware Open House week, and get a
and attended the post of the American Legion wnl thrill of your life. You will be astounded at the many With Life Time Guarantee
nell Little theatre, meet for their May meeting at the REAL bargains we have to offer. But its our treat, SWPplgmentsare ~.
home of Mrs. Eva West, Friday at- I ~~~" (~'~ f~-g~ou~d . . . - SPITFIRE play
Bridge ternoon, May 2 at 2:30 o'clock, and we are determined to show the public that the cover better. ] / gW on [}is
t evening
I bethis PlayedWeek atat threethe Members wishing transportation aregreatest values are right here in Lisbon. ~ I XN ~ SWP colors are(ff % ~" [
d Mrs. L. M. Cur- requested to meet at the city hall.
by refreshments.Mr. and Mrs. Dana Stearns an-
club will meet for dinner on Sunday. included were:tertained a group of relatives at Set of 4 BUY AND SAVE I co lor-f~t. } ADMIRAL $28.95
of the club year Stanley Auger Bits Ball Bearing and $39.95
May 5. at the Mr and Mrs. l,ee Brock of Me-
chanicsville; Mr. and Mrs. Ever- / Lawnmower--5 blade / S WP retains LADIES $27.95
~arollne Hartung. ette Beatty and son Dennis of ~ 10-in. cut, 10-in. wheel I// ~- ~"'g~~
Will ,be enjoyed at Shellsburg: Mrs. Frank Keyers ~?bcmltbr ~ ] Easy Payment Plan
' D'A.R. will meet Boxwell of Martelle: Mr. and Mrs. 5.75 SWP k ly SPRING TIME SPECIALS
~ing at the home Kenneth Graver and family of Lis-
Th, annual elec- of Boone. 98c G E. Trouble Free I SgERwm-Wg.u Come in and Get a Souvenir
Will be held tel- Miss Mac Falrbanks was hostes
for the Ingleside club meeting at Electric Refrigerator Shopping Bag
E. V. R. Dvorak her home on Monday evening. Mrs.
SUrprised by a C. C. Tull presented an interesting
last Sunday, in review of the book, "Gentlemen of
Wedding anni- Stratford," by Brophy. The club
money was pre- endorsed a Resolution approving
the proposal of the National com-
rkers club met at mittee to aid the suffering people
Richard Hoke, in the small democracies of Europe.
~" good attendance. The Past Noble Grands will meet
vas SPent sewing, for their annual guest day meeting
Will be with Mrs. next Thursday afternoon, May 8
8th. ,in the I.O.O.F. hall. Co-hostesses
Iwill be Mrs. CEsta Minot Mrs. I,ulu
of the W.S.C.S. Blaine, Mrs. Hattie Miller, and Mrs.
ie luncheon on Odette Ringer. Each member is
at 1:00 o'clock asked to bring a guest, a picture of
rs L. M. Current, your mother and something which
Members please belonged to your mother.
sandwiches and
3 ]hrs
0 bars $1.00
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watson had
as their guests on Sunday: Mr. and
,Mrs. Francis Watson of Council
Bluffs, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stinger
of West Branch, Mr. and Mrs. A. L ,
Van Fossen of Lisbon. In the after- !
noon other guests were: Miss Stella
Bova and 'Mi~ Carolyn Kepler of
Lisbon. Ice cream and angel food
cake was served to the guests in
the afternoon in honor of Mrs.
Francis Watson who was cele,brat-
ing a birthday.
Mr and Mrs. Howard Neal were
hosts for the regular meeting of
the Presbyterian Guild at their
home last Thursday evening Dur-
ing the business meeting the fol-
lowing officers were elected: Mrs.
Dick Busenbark, president; Don
Goodyear, vice president; Mrs.
Richard Fuller, secretary and How-
ard Neal, treasurer There were
twenty present for the picnic sup-
per and meeting. Dick Busenbark
was in charge of the program and
presented an interesting talk on
Mrs. John Knapp and Mrs.
Amos Leguire were joint hostesses
Friday evening at the Knapp home
for the R. & N. circle. Mrs. Har-
old Ringer, a recent bride, was an
honored guest. Mrs. Ethel Coster,
president presented Mrs. Ringer
with a gift from the Circle. Sixteen
members were present and one
visitor, Mrs. Ella Knapp of Cedar
Rapids. Delicious refreshments
were served, the guests were seat-
ed at two long tables. The next
meeting will be held in the I.O.O.F.
hall May 23 with Ethel Coster and
Margaret Knapp hostesses
Mrs.1 Lauranee West was hostess
for the meeting of Sorosis on Mon-
day evening Mrs. Mollie Cole, who
was scheduled to present the pro-
gram, was out of town and unable
to be present so an informal pro-
gram was presented. A general
discussion on, ' How to spend lei-
sure time" was discussed by the
members Mrs. Lloyd McCutcheon
gave a report of the meeting of
$'1.00 the Linn county Federated clubs
held recently in Central City The
next meeting on Monday evening,
May 12, will be a guest meeting and
will be held at the home of Mrs.
$3.00 J. ] latrd,
The New Century club met at the
A J. Baird.
Ch ~ New.
home of Mrs. J F. Keve on Tues-
$2.00 day afternoon at three o'clock. Mrs.
Flora Buck was in charge of the
program. A very impressive Moth-
Shaws er's Day pantomine was presented
EXcellence the characters representing famous
mothers and daughters who were
l~ 60C influential in the history of Ameri-
1 lb~ $1.00 ca. Members of the cast who were
assisted by Mrs. Edith Current and
Mrs. Buck were as follows: Mrs.
ll'b~ Agnes Dvorak, Mrs. Helen Cart,
$1.00 Mrs. Mae Blaine, Mrs. Hattie Mill-
er, Mrs. Cornelia Penn, Mrs. Alta
1 ib $1.00 Neff, Mrs Helen Neff Mrs. Grace
'Wilder and Mrs. W. Richard Full-
er. :Mrs. Kathryn Penn of Victor,
Pkg. lb $1.00 Iowa,
former member of New Cen-
tury Club was a special guest at the
m eetlng.
At the meeting of Hill City Re-
bekah lodge on Tuesday evening of~
last week Mrs. Odette Ringer, a
recent bride was honored as a spe-
cial guest in conjunction with the
members celebrating birthdays in
January, February and March A
delicious picnic dinner was enjoyed
with the guests of honor seated at
a table decorated especially for
them. Two lovely cakes centered
the table. A wedding cake was
baked by Mrs. Flora Buck, mother
of Mrs. Ringer, and was topped
with a miniature ,bride and groom.
The birthday cake was baked by
Mrs. Agnes Leguire Those seated
at the table were: Mrs Ringer,
Mrs Hattie ,Miller, Mrs. Gusts
Minott, Mrs. Belle Thompson, Mrs.
Laura Anderson and Miss 'Minnie
Ristow of Cedar Rapids After the
business meeting Mrs. Ringer was
honored at a miscellaneous show-
er, and received many lovely use-
ful gifts for her new home.
Set Special
Jr. $11.00
$3.00 to $4.45
Mrs. Harold Fisher was a guest
at a luncheon at the home of Mrs.
G. V . Gearhart in Springville on
Tuesday. There were fourteen
guests and included county and
state officers of the Federated
Womens clubs.
There will be Red Cross sewing
at the home of Mrs. Mac T. Mitchell
this afternoon and Friday after-
noon. The ladies are especially
urged to come. Layettes are to
be made and there will be garments
I to featherstitch.
Dairy Pails, 3 for 89c
Large Assortment of
Tinware Specials
FREE Shopping Bags
For Lady Shoppers
A Buy
Washing Machines
Perfection Oil
Cook Stoves
Builders Hardware is Our Long Suit
Lisbon, Iowa
Prof. Baltz Discusses i
Festival Program i
Prof. Harold Baltz, of tile Cornell i~ FLAG DEDICATION
The best of good paints--
Sherwln-Williams SWP HouuL
Paint. What better proof of thi$~
could there be than the fact that
More Homes are Palntod
with SWP Than With Any'
Other Brando House Po in t?
NOTICE: ]l~or yonr con-
vcnien('e durir~ t h e
~llnlnler nlontbs we
~11 be open every
evenittg except Tue~lay
and Thursday.
Mth S WP Undereoa ter No. 450
New-type SWP Undercoater No.
450 seals, "blankets" and uni-
forms toughest surfaces with a
shale coat. Makes possible per-
feet two-coat paint jobs. Foe
details, see us l
Mount Vernon, Iowa
Plumbing and Heating
bars, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Brokel
and now a member of Joy High
School in Illinois, won a rating of
second in the Illinois State Music
contest at Glen Ellyn last week. She
was also a member of the sextet
which rated third.
Eighth and seventh grade rural
students will take their county
exams on May 1 and 2. These are
the finals, we wish them all the
best of luck.
Mr. and Mrs. Rhea Davis of Mt.
Vernon were visitors Sunday in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Yeisley.
Begin Repairing
!Tornado Damage
i V ork of eicanin up after the
4iornado north of to,VEal;: ro/Ts
,sing. .h)hn Stroth ,:" d "," 3e-
idar trees to Mr. Pieper for saw
logs. Many trees have been trilnvued
iup and windows and shingles rc-
i pl::teed on the houses.
i Clifford I~,layney has completed
a 3-pen hog house, "~nd work has
i been started on a new poultry house
,' at the l)utcber and Garrett farm.
Gracia Guild of the Presbyterian: Mrs. Jimmy Cook was taken to[ The R.E.A. repair truck was out
church met with Mrs G. Dutton on St. Lukes hospital, Cedar Rapids on i
following tiae storm for several
Friday evening, Mrs. Dutton gave Saturday night, where she submitted i days, repairing the lines and
', the Devotions and Mrs. Becker the i to a surgical operation. She is re- ' straightening the poles. 1Aghts and
'lesson. i ported improving, elecl rie s( rvicc was out 24 hours.
The Monday bridge club met The Freshman class had a "skit-
with Mrs. Clifford Ayres, April 28. ing- party at the Rink near Clar-
Mrs. Angel of Sterling, lll whoI ence Friday night. Each member in-
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Paul vited a guest and a happy evening
Thomas was a guest and won the passed all too quickly.
Conservatory, spoke to the Lions i A large and appreciative audience prize.
Club Tuesday evening, discussing gathered at the M. E. Church Sun- Clyde Onstott received a graduat- ~
the history of the May Festival, Iiday morning to attend the "Flag iing announcement the last of the [ Central Linn
which dates back to 1899 He spoke Dedication." It was a worth while lweek from his neice, in Sturgis, S.i Mrs. Milton Koch
of the obstacles which had to be '. program from every viewpoint and D The u ~ a v " e
'"" I " yo no l d is th daughter!coMMUNitY CLUB MEETS
overcome in order to present the ~, all wee attenoeo tell well repalo zor For t')nst (T k s o
I of roll art oo. ) a h wasi . .
festival continuously, other music !the effort. A large American Flag~ familarily called when living here.
festivals which were started in this lfor out door use, the property of the I They left here some years ago but Mt. Zion Community Club met
part of the country early in this cen- i late Mayor Frank L Miller who for I it "'-s Ua"m- h,m, oh~ +~,* '+~,~ FridaYbusinesseVeningsessionAprilthe25. After a
tury having dropped out long ago. imanyyears was S.SSupermtenen" :
qui*c~iyand~'~a t's~esh rt
Mr. Baltz also discussed some of the i and whodidmuch'for theChudrcht.
Donna Yeisley. Movies on a trip to
artists who will appear among them iwas presentea ~y hiS wile ~ rs'l has finished her high school work. program was given Piano solos,
' Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Dorman of Yellowstone Park were shown by
Lowden were Sunday dinner guests Ralph Bachman and several hum-
in the home of the litters parents bers were sang by the Linn County
T D " !being attached to Hula dolls. Ruff-
lme In Washington,
. ". " ]led tablecloths and fiesta napkins,
Mrs R P Ink returnea rest r rl
. - I printed with "Isle of Paradise", and
ida evens from Washington D C [
Y ' g ' ntal memory booklets in the class color,
where she attended the Contlne i Garnet Red and Stone Gray added to
Con ess of D A R and served on
gr " ' " !1 the theme. Nut cups were also mini-
'the reception committee at a tea for s shack
ature gras s.
national officers'in the Mayflower ~
hotel which was attended by 4000~ ,e room na~ a Ialse caning oI
,",I red and silver crepe paper, with
uests and was one of the most
g !streamers attached by a chandelier
lamorous features of the congress
g lot balloons, in the center Lowered
While in Washington she attended
' " I lattice and a rainbow of blue, pink
services on Easter Sunday in the
L and yellow streamers completed the
Lincoln church and on Easter Man-
~age. l a wn iurnlture, DeautllUl
day witnessed the Easter egg rolling
. plants, palm trees, and huge flowers
on the White House lawn
. decorated the gym. The guests en-
Mrs Inks visitedwith Pgaa
tered an arch way of crepe paper
Morehouse Cornellex'12wEe is
, . anu eaen was given as a Iavor a
director of radio advertising in me ^^,~
t.OlOlltAl lel ~O wear walzresses
Trade communications building and '
' wu~c uu~uxeCI blouses fine multi-
Leo Paulger, Cornell '06 who is dir- colored grass skirts.
ector of the examiners in the Feder- The toast mistress was Kathlin
al Reserve board. She also visited a Keihl, Jr.: Mary Jean Wethington,
session of the senate. Mrs. Ink ae- Sr; responded for the class. John
Sauer gave the class prophecy, and
Don Davidson the class will. Supt.
W. B. Hammer and D. C. Gember-
ling, Prin spoke. Supt. Hammer
presented medals to Lena Aaron for
music; Kathlin Keihl for scholar-!
ship; Herbert Platner for athletics;i
and John Sauer for citizenship. Joy
Scott, Dixie Lee Mason, and Louise
Creamer were on the entertainment
program Music for dancing was fur-
nished by Herbie Westman's or-
companied four other Iowa D A. R
state officers including Mesdames C.
A. Karlock of Fort Dodge; A. S.
Elder, Sioux City; John L. Hull,
~oone, and Jerome Adams of Shen-
andoah. They returned to Iowa via
the southern route, visiting histori-
cal places of interest. The trip
covered 2500 miles. Mount Vernon
friends will be interested to learn
Mrs. Ink called on Mrs. Loren Lind-
say Cockrell, the former Miss
Josephine Sherwood and her baby chestra which was greatly enjoyed.
daughter, Mary Lindsay Cockrell, at A large crowd of visitors, enjoyed
Charlottesville, Va. ~,i watching the young people dance.
Mr.-lEd ~-~r.~]--~-. ~ I eterson left ISENIOR CLASSP--L-AY
last 1 riday for ~ visit in the home m~e
c ' ' ~ "~ -- ; I ~n ~enior ulass play WIll De
of Mr and M~s A~thm I o~tll m
. " " ' ". '',i given in the school auditorium on
I Karts us C~ty Me tEd ~lth eli
~ ' ,~ " ' " " ] Friday, May 9th. They have selected
tires in W~ch~ta Kansas
'' ' ", i a three act play entitled 'Smokey
Vic Blaine arrived home last I Joe."
week from Baltimore, Md whereI The Baccalaureate services will be
he was employed, and is waiting held for the graduating class in the
his call in the draft He expects school gym, on Sunday evening, May
to be called between May 1st and 18. Rev. C. W. Tyrell of the Pres-
byterian church will have charge of
10th. I the services, special music will be~
Ellison who is confinedI given A most cordial invitation is
In the Cottage hospit-0, Santa Bar- I extended to the public to attend.
bars C~lif ill with rheum'ttic fever . ='~'7-- .
.' :' . . rdI mrs ,:mma Miller went to west
us. Imp10vlng, actor(ling to WOand ~ -erty" Fri-aa y and in" company w'thl
received by his parents. Mr [
her cousin ~wrs oases weir orove
Mrs. Ottis "Ellison. the first of the
week. Cordon EUison, who was lt Des MelEes in the afternoon to
visit friends
Miss Gordon, of the school facul-*
ty, was an over Sunday visitor withI
her people at Glidden, Iowa. I
Clyde Onstott went to Belle Plaine [
on Monday where he will redecorate /
both inside and out, at the home/
of the late Mr. Sankot. /
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lehrman, north Woman's Chorus. This was a very
east from town i good program.
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Feyen went Mr. Lee Howard and family
to Dubuque Sunday afternoon to mourned the death of Mr. Howard's
visit Mr. Feyen's sister, who was brother who was buried on Thurs-
confined to her home suffering from i day of last week
a dislocated knee They returned' Mr. and Mrs Milton Koch spent1
home late Sunday night, i Friday in the home of their daugh-
The McVille fire Company was lter, Mrs. Norman Techan at Grand
called to the Hanlon Farm east from sauna, r~elm aria Jeanne came
town on Monday afternoon where!h me with them and Mr. and Mrs.
the men from the Nicoll Hatchery lTechan and Sandra came up after
were shelling corn and the eno~neithem on Sunday Others visitors on
caught fire and burned. This was lSunday were Mr and Mrs Francs
the extent of the damage done. i Conner and family, Mr:Milton Rice
Rev C W Tyrell attended Pres i ann his cousin t~eorge race at ~tan-
b- ter " in IVIt Vernon on Monda-I wood and Mr. and Mrs. Milt Stone-
Y Y . " . . Y i king of Bertram.
and Tuesaay ~n Monoay evening t ~t.c ~ ~-t7 tf~nd~
Rev. White, from the University of i meeting'0"f Ce ~,~?11 o~e.~idt2
Dubuque gave the address which he i ^.~=~ ~. ~. ~. ~,;m,~ ~. ~i
states was most interestmg. Rev. a~. ~ ~,~ ,~o,~ ~ tMk on
Fred D. Tyrell of Center Junction !,~,~:;~=~,~' 2.';,~hs~'~ '~o;~,
a orotner el ttev C W 'l~reu was
- - i Mr and Mrs. P. D. Archibald were
licensed and will be oroaine~ in a!calle~l to Decatur Ill by the death
few weeks
Mr and "Mrs Robert Helm have of Marion Archibald a nephew, a
'" "~ "; am n th first lyoung man about 27. They left on
mase~ me norm re s o e
I Sunday and returned Tuesday noon.
Iloor m tee t)la Hotel Dunumg ann
[ Social Circle club will be enter-
will move there this WeK. '
tained in the home of Mrs. Francis
Mrs. C. W. Tyrell was stricken Stinger on Thursday afternoon May
ill at Church Sunday and is confined 8
Betty June Hedges of Mr. Vernon
was a Tuesday evening dinner guest
of Carolyn Neal. They then attend-
ed a recital in Mr. Vernon in which
Peggy Magee sang.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Coppock and
family had as their supper guests
Monday evening Mr and Mrs. Har-
lan Coppock's, Irwins parents and
his brother Willard who was leaving
on Tuesday for camp and training.
Rolland Neal brought his parents
to her bed at the Presbyterian:
Old time friends in this place were
saddended this week when they
learned of the death of Samuel
i D. Buell, 34 years of age, which re-
sulted from burns which he received
Sunday morning as he was cleaning
out a water heater at the city laun-
dry where he had been employed as
maintainance man for the past 6
years. He is survived by his wife and
four children and his father Samuel
K. Buell of Independence also. The
Buells were residents of this place
for many years.
The Self Culture club met Monday
evening. Mrs. Guy Gleason gave
the lesson on the history of Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Neal to the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Neal on
Saturday for a brief call. We are
glad he is able to ride out.
Friends of the family will be
interested to know that Helen Bro-
keI daughter of our former neigh-
Proud you'll bc to place a ring like
this upon her lovely finger! Its
diamonds shine clear and true
each one beautiful! The modern
setting shows each prccious stoae
fm its full, radiant beauty!
~ieat Pavmen~
Prastka Jewelers
()l}lx)site Paramount Theater
in (.~:~lar Rapids
Diamond Wedding Rings
$12.50 up
Engraved Gold $2.50 up
summoned to Santa Barbara hy his
:brother's illness expects to leave for
home on Saturday if Myron's con-
dition continues to improve. Hc
will be able to leave the hospital in
a few days but win have to reet
quietly for a few weeks before re-
turning to his work.
Mount Vernon, Iowa
Mr. and Mrs. J. ~V. LeTar and
daughter of Central City, moved
to Mount Vernon on Monday and
are located in the Charles Hedges
tenant house on Sixth avenue,
North. Mr, l~cTar is an insurance
salesman. The daughter plans to
enter Corncll nexl fall.
Chevrolet Sales
Recent Chcw'olet deliveries made
by Travis Chevrolet Co,include a
roupe to the Iowa Electric IAght
& 1lower Co four door sedan to
Harry Siggins, town ~edans to Rex
Brady, Leo Henik, and Mark
Hutchinson and special deluxe
town sedans to S. F, Emerson and
Will Robinson of Meehanicsville.
Mrs. Clifford Conner is recover-
ing from a log injury received Wed-
has(lay of last week when she
struck it on the running board of
her car. As Mrs. Conner ,backed
from the curb on Main street, one
of the doors of the car opened and
her little three years old daughter,
Mary, fell out. ~Vhcn she got out
of the ear hurriedly to rescue Mary,
she supposed she set the brake but
the car ~darted rolling down the
street. In getting back into the car
~o stop it ,she cut a gash in her leg
below the l