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May 2, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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May 2, 1957 |
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.................... "~-~"'- °"rk^ of Lisbon has '--- • I,,1 $ DR. RAHN MEDICAL DIRECTOR I ML Vernon, Ia~, Hawkeye-Reeord
Ii • $ Mrs. i~UQOlI VO(llCKa, lvirs, v. ±vlr~. z~a,~ DU C . . tim--...~..~ -- --...m --IN'" "~"-'NTY TB ASSN ' n .... s-o "1 l-
vernon Locals Stodola, and their houseguests, the come to stay with Mrs. Wllhaml ¥¥QIII|UI| ~) ~,~IUIJ . . . t, .~ cut) . ]a a "xne ,,I u n ~tera a n__- ,~
• " ottsbluff, Miller in her home Dr• G. E. Rahn was appointed Thurs., May 2, 1957 ru~kl ,J
Donald Marek family of Sc • m ~i " ~ir tor ~ *h * "nn C un~ '
CLEANERS]I / / '!GARDENpalmers attendedCLUB while they 1 vedl I high schools to the May Musm Fes / eq ca1 a ec oi t e La O ty I
a t callers at the home of the Nebr., were guests at a fam~lY::t~- Mrs. Lula Schmid of Elgin, In., is ] Garden Club will meet for des-I Tuberculosis Assn. at the recent an-i~~--
~nd Mr~ C. L~?artzwell were nerSun:aYe~ta:h~a~O2: t~h~e W ~ visiting in the home of her daugh-[sert at the home of Mrs Arlo Sting-~, nual meeting of the organization, i Youth Fellowships meet at 6:30
~aa and the Terry Wellors of Barnes family of Iowa CAy also ]ter Mrs. John Ly l er on Monday, May 6, at 1 p.m. , ......... !p.m; .....................
,~;. . .... .~ , a/r, nnd Mr~ H C Dillev were Members nlease note Ine sniIl IO an the taenry u. oacobsons ann two- ~ Zvlonaav l:ea p.m. ~v~ectmg ut t,~
"-~e, ±viinn. were ~uc~. "~" ............... ' : " : ' " n
~ !Sunday visitors in the Lynn Mor-l afternoon meeting time. year-old Rmky of Norwalk, Conn., !Comm~smon on Educatio .
• • I land Dr and Mrs Paul E Jacobson! . . _
t, [ row home at Waukon. I The program will be given .bY i .... " .... " .... ' " - ~ ~ Wednesday, 1.30, Annual meet
• ..._ ~1 ............. weekJMrs J. D. Peet on Flower Omgms, an.a H-mourn-ore ~ee .,~uanoi~e~- ing of the Woman,s Society with in-
lvlrsJ~lSle Nell S em the ' - •" • iK n /~1 SK re
~iii~!iii~~" u ~ ] . ' ..... Y . p - "he [after whmh the retting club ehmr-I [ cn a , . a a, a ex.l~.c~e.a to dr- stallation of new officers.
. ,ltt i' r l h nMr :sFpAiH s .t W le::V; I'~:rn;eX~j~ee~s~)°r avds't~eAhM~.! THE PRESB~-'-~'I~IAN CHURCH
W --- ¢~//~;~]i/I~ ¢ I Mrs Ed Litts returned Monday ]answer roll call with interesting in-! Nortons. The men are sons of Mrs. ! Karl E Swa, uberg, ]Pastor
TZhrough the' ................. TZ CLEANERSI]r~~~STOLTZ Jill id[Sill Ellorlle o, ,ho aombn endg lean corporations with rive mnno there ~ I JacoDson__ an(] oromers/oI,\~~.__311vlrs Nor:: 1 ~t'/~" " '
r ~ i ~ ~/li~ ~ ]from Mercy hospital, Cedar Rap , [formation on thaw most dep - I I +on i Thursday, Jumor chmr practtce at
I * '- -- ., zl: where she had undergone surgery able annuals• i ~ ' ~ 14 p.m.
1 ["rom ~t.~Dove! a /,,~j ,i f ~,~lj, ~]a week earlier• l "~- I I AAI ~1 ..... r*L. __L ~, .... i Friday. College choir practice at
CL.'--'..~. I :,.,l~b ~] Mrs. Frank G. Brooks of New AMERICAN HOME ] .v.. --~rilon ~nur[g i~lOlg~i4 p.m.
• .D|IlIlIII~ 1.1~111 • ° ° ~ IYork City is arriving this ThursdaY l Members of American Home de- [ ............. ~*~Da~r ,~ ..... Next Sunday, the pastor will
~[ -- - _ ~ evening for a few days' visit• She partment will be guests in the home' O*'R~-;%~ Un~