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Mr. Vernon, Is.. Hswkeye-l~.esr4 College -- College Com- ] Marion-- Marion Rural Center Point Consoli.
The LisboD Hel~ld ~ ,~ munity .............................. 4.69 57,081i Independent .................... 6.22 834 dated ................................ 2.36 28
Thurs., May 2, 1957 ~'age ~ Fayette -- Palo Consoli- Marion City--Marion In- , W a 1 k e r Consolidated
dated .................................. 3.76 45,762[ dependent (trench) ..... 81 108; (town) ................................ 1.03 12
P a l o Consolidated ! Marion Independent .... 1.75 2351 Monroe--Alburnett Cora-
(Palo Town) ........... 67 81541Monroe-- Cedar Rapids [ munitv ................................ 3.37 40
Monroe New Buffalo In- " ] Community ................... . . . 2.20 295t,Cedar Rapids Commu-
LINN COUNTY dependent ........................ 1.13 13,7531New Buffalo Independ- ; nity ...................................... 3.80 45
C--Cedar Rapids Cam- ent ........................................ 1.53 205i New Buffalo Independ-
BOARD PROCEEDINGS muntty .............................. 1.80 21.907. Rapids --- Marion Rural ent ......................................... 77 9
Putnam-- College Cam- [ Independent (C e d a r iWashington -- Center
munity ................................ 1.71 20,812[Ranidsl ............................... 49 66 Point Consolidated .... 5.65 67
(Continued from Page 7) College Community 42 5 112 Cedar ]Rapldl C, ommu- Center Point Consoli-
(Ely Town) ......................nity (Cedar /~plds) ..... 49 66 doted (town) ................ 1.31 16
Iowa-Illinois Gas & Electric t Rapids -- College Cam- I P~it4~-Worthimgton Line WATERLOO, CEDAR FALLS
Co., Maint ....... 1 41 munity (Cedar Rap- IBrown --Viola Consoli. & NORTHERN
Johnson County Treasurer. I lds) ..................................... 21 2,556 dated .................................. 4.14 555 Monroe--Alburnett Com-
Maint ............................................... 223.47 : Cedar Rapids Com. I Springville Consolida- munity ................................ 2.80 33
Northwestern Bell Telephone I munity (Cedar Rapids) 5.4566,$30I Cedar Rapids Commu-
Co. Maint ..................................... 52.051 Springville Consolida.
Claude E. Sprague, Maint ......... 1.16t De•arab Rrameh I ted ........................................ 3.06 410 nity .................................. 1.24 15
Grant -- Walker Con- 4 81 ted (town) ......................... 55 74 Cedar Rapids Commu-
SECONDARY ROAD CONSTRUCTION~ solidated ............................ 2.80 3 007 I Linn-- Springville Con- nity (Hiawatha) ............. 29 3
Cedar Rapids Gazette Const ..... 215.70 Center Point Consoli. ' solidated ........................... 37 50 R o b i n s Independent
Coggon Monitor, Const ................. 307.44 i dated .................................. 2.36 28,723 . Marion-Ced~ Rapids Line (town) ................................ 2.26 27
Otter Creek --Alburnett
STATE INSTITUTION Walker Co~olidated ~arion City--Marion In-
A. T. Gravelie, Att'y Fee ............ 7.50 (Walker Town) ............ 1.03 12,536 dependent (trench) ....0 1 Community ...................... 2.38 28
BANG'S, DISEASE { Monroe -- Alburnett Center Point Consoli-
Clarence Hettinger, Indemnity 75.001Commtmlty ...................... 3.37 41,015 Marion Independent ..... 25 34
Cedar Rapids Commu- dated .................................. 1.40 17
Clarence Housman. Indemnity.. 12.501Cedar Rapids Cam- ty ......................................... 04 5 Washington -- Center •
Harold Kolda. Indemnity ............ 25.00tmunity ................................ 3.80 46,249 Rapids -- Cedar Rapids P o i n t Consolidated 5.42 65
LaVern R. Kuehl, Indemnity .. 25.00INew Buffalo Inde- Community (City) ........ 4.11 551 Center Point Consoli.
Clarence Mollenhauer, Indem. I pendent ............................... 77 9,372 Cedar Rapids Cam- dated (town) ................ 1.49 18 SEE OUR DISPLAY OF NEW POTTERY
nity .................................................... 25.00] Washington ~ Cent~ munity (city) trenoh .. .40 54 Raoids -- Cedar Rapids
Boyd Owens, Indemnity ............ 12.,50] Point Consolidated .... 5.65 6~,765 Community (Cedar
I'_'__ ."
Leo Rula. Indemnity .................... 62.50] Center Point Canaan. CmCAGO & NORTmST STERN Ra ids) .............................. 3.s 4o r,gur,nes - -
Frank Skvor, Indemnity ............ 37..50] dated (Center Point RAILROAD CHICAGO MILWAUKEE. ST. PAUl,
CHICAGO-OMAHA LINE & PACIFIC RAILROAD Tea Pots - Cookie Jars - Planters 'e
Raymond P. Strang, Indemnity 12.501Town) ................................ 1.31 15.944 Bertram -- Mt. Vernon
Karl Whiting, Indemnity ............ 12.50[ KANSAS CITY DIVISION ,
DOMESTIC ANIMALS I WATERLOO, CEDAR FALL8 & Consolidated .................... 2.75 369Marion City--Marion In- i Assorted Demitasse Cups and Saucers
Vernon R. Phillips Enumera- , NORTHERN RAILROAD Bertram Independent 1.25 167 dependent ......................... 55 7
. $6,354 per mile Cedar Rapids Commu. Marion Rural Inde-
tion .................................................... 1.00~tonroe- Alburnett nity .................................... 3.54 474 FOR YOUR GIFT GIVING Regular $7.50
COUNTY ASSESSOR Community ...................... 2.80 17,791 dent ..................................... 23 2
E. R. Petro, Post Master, Post- Bertram Independent Cedar Rapids Commu- i
age .................................................... 22.5~ Cedar Rapids Communo (Bertram town) ............ 1.16 156 nity (Hiawatha) ............. 04 I
Frank J. Zahradnik, Salary .... 377.25 ity ........................................ 1.24 7,879 College---College Commu. Ranids -- Cedar Ranids l Royale _
Frank J. Zahradnik, Mileage .... 16.73 Cedar Rapids Commun- nity .................................. 1.72 231 Community ~(C e d a r I 50 Feet
On notion the Board of Supervisors ity (Hiawatha) ............... 29 1,843Fairfax--College Commu- Rapids ................................ 336 43 NERWARe
adjourned until March 5, 1957. Robins Independent nlty ...................................... 5.42 727 Marion Rural Inde- I DIN
Dudley Henderson. Chairman (Robins Town) .............. 2.26 14,360 C o l l e g e Community
Otter Creek -- Alburnett pendent (Cedar Rap-
Board of Supervisors, ............ .......... .= ,,,~(Falrfax town) .... ~ ....... 76 102 ids~ 47 6
~inn County Iowa ~ l ty, ...... .~ ......... ;.: ......... FranKlin --Lisnon ~on .......... T'n'~fA'"'D~'ION" I .... 5 Ibs Dy
c~*~o ~ ~-r in, ' " ~:enter ~'olnt uonsoll- solidated 51 ~o ...... r
.~, dated 1 40 8 896 --- o. . .......... ~; ......... :.;.. Do Clinton--Palo Consolida- t
'.=aunty Auultor. • ................................... verno, ,o,so,,- Par .................. 98c lb. - " Finest in Melmac
Washington--Center Point ~o~o~ ~ ~,7 ~Q~ ted ........................................ 2.09 25
--'-- Consolidated ................... 5.42 34 439 ~-l~b ~.-n.....~o.n~Z~i~l.a::d ..... o Stony Point .......... 02 1
• ' "~ " ~ 21
Clinton Center 1 80
Proceedings of the Board of Super Center Point Consoli- ,TA~han t.x~n~ 1 ..... • ........... .'~ -~ ............ n'.,'~'5 -- 1--
visors • " dated (Center Point M~----~re-~a~m"-;Mi~'"'"'~=r" -'~ ~v* Silver ureez .................... ~.~ ~a
" " n 149 -- "° oo- ' ............ S'.*S lb.
State of Iowa, County of Lmn,__as. Tow ) .... =...; ........ ~......:.~.. . , non Consolidated ........ 1.10 147 o,H~o,~.~ ~ ~ .~
march 5, 1967. l-~.aplus -- ceaar ~.a~tas Ravids -- Cedar Ranids -~. ...... "% ............................ ~.'7.7. ~'31
The Board of Su ervisor Commuit (C R C~t ) 3 36 21 349 Llnn Inn•pendent . z.m v }
P s met pur- Y .... Community (Cedar 1 ' All Products of " . ~" "
suant to adjournment. CHICAGO MILWA~]~E. fiT. PAUL w,,~.~ .~ ~ ~ . Martelle ~Consolidated .5 6i
Present; Supervisors Henderson AND'PACIFIC RAILROAD ............. "C'it~'"Llne4 ...... ~armn- ~armn Rura, __1 Northrup-King Regular $1.75 Regular $2.95 Value Our line is
~utera and Wiley ' Kansas City Division Mt Vernon M* %~ .... Independent ........ =.....: .... 6.22 7~]
On motion by Supervisor Wiley sec- $13,736.81 per mUe ;4 .... ,~_~'~-.; ~:..'~.~"~" no , Marmn City -- Maroon
onded by Supervisor Henderson' the College & College Cam- M~rl.on~,~,~M~on, i.n ..... Rural Independent ..... 50 6]
minutes of the meeting of Feb' 26thmunity .............................. $ 1.35 $ 18 545 ~ .... ,^_,-- ,m ^_ _: Marion Inaepenoent .... 2.06 24I
were approved as read" all meznbers Fairfax- College Cam- ' ,~.~ ..... , ..... ~ .... Monroe--- Cedar Rapids [ True Temper 3 pc. •
voting "Aye" thereon ' munity .............................. 5.27 72,393 ~r~'~=r~.:':'"~=':~':'.:::_':~::.';. ..... Community. ................... : "6' Outdoor Bubbl er _AI I I I, ClOT Doo-KI,p t E W Y T
On motion ,by Supervisor Wiley sec- Walford Corumlidated.. 1.13 15,522 ~'~ov~n'~,~oc~'l'~=p ........ 17 ,~ New Buffalo Consoh-
onded by Supervisor Henderson' the College Communlty Ra-ids' 'Cedar'Ra~icl's" ~ dated .................................. 1.53 18] ~j~I~E~I t~I=i {~
Board accepted the check of 'Lana (Fairfax town) ............... 83 11,402~,~__..::~,. ,,~_~ ..... Rapids -- Marion Rural I
Dankert for assignment of tax sale Marion City--Marion In- ,~,,~ .... y~ ....... p- , ..... Independent (Cedar I ideal for Youngsters Pr^n"~ Cult~|I/~l~d SHEARVacuum Cleaner
certificate No. 56 PB, sale of Feb. 4 dependent (M a rio n ,eSd]OWneui~l_...~:m.~.u ....... Ranlds) ............................... 49 6] ~ , s.~ ~ •
1944. and. tax salel. 1947.eertificate, instructedNO" I0 town) ................................... 55 " ...... Cedar Rapids ..................... Comm.- ' dOFountamrink'na.... , , T, g'ransp'an"n- and m'l,, II" PoCompletewerClean
PB sale of Dec. and Marion Rural Indpend. ulry. (weuar ~.ap us, nity (town, 49 61 Out__or D_
the County Auditor to return the check ent ......................................... 23 3,159 ~useaJ ~A':':'L~'-'"~'-'~':-" a.~m ~oz Worthington Branch ]
of H W McLaughlin to him" all mem- C e d a r Rapids Cam- ....... - Brown -- Vlma ~:onsoli-
. ,, ; n,[y ,t=eaar l~apms, d ed 414 49' Diaaincl__ .. Trowel eitlel~d'
bers voting Aye thereon, munity ................................. 04 550~ ~ .... h~ ~ "~B o~ at : ..:;~ ........ "= ......... ~-:'~ ..... I
This being thedateandtimeset forlRaplds- Cedar Rapids ............. "Y'"'"X'P"'E~'~ A('ENC "~ ~prmgvn|e consollaa-.. ., $349 $2 98 _ $69 95
hearing on the proposed gravel as- community (C e oar I RAILWA E R ~ G ~ V tea ........................................ ~.t~ .ml --
sessments against the following sec-Rapids city) .................... 6.97 95,746 CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC Springville Consolida- [
ondary roads and there being no ob.] College Community I RAILROAD ted (town) ......................... 55 7] Easy Up/nDown •
jections received in writing and no (Cedar Rapids) ............. 54 7,418] MAIN LINE Ltnn-- Sv.ringville Con. . 8[ • •
objectors being present, on motion by[ Marion Rural Inde- Clinton -- Palo Consoli . solidatea ................................ , $3.95 Value $4.50 Value Ac':tion --o.Renular $89.95 _ValU
Supervisor Wiley, seconded by Super-/ dendent (Cedar Rap- I dated " 1 83 22 CHICAGO & NQtTHWESTEKN I
visor Henderson, the County Auditor ] ids) ....................................... 47 6,456 ] College--~'oii'e'ge'"Co~'u- -- R AI]L~AD ]
was authorized and directed to spread | Iowa Divislen nity 4 69 56 Bertram -- Mt. Vernon I
the assessements against the various Clinton Palo Consoll- I Fsyette'"~'"PMo"Consoi'i- " Consolidated .................. 2.74 33[ ~ I
parcels of lands as per schedule on dated ....................... $ 209$ 28,7101 ¢iated" 376 45 Bertram Independent 1.25 151
file in his office; all members voting, Stony Point ..................... 02 275] P a 1 o ......... C'o~o'ii'datecl ' Cedar Raptds--Communl- I
"Aye" thereon. I Clinton Center ............... 1,80 24.7261 (Palo town) 67 8 tv .......................................... 3.55 42J PRE-SEASON 10 Qt Household Insect W ...... "
No. 511 Otter Creek Township..Silver Creek.........;;...-.~ ....... 1.83 25,138i Monroe--New Bufi;M'o'I'n: ." Bertra.m Independent "1" 141 ¢au,ue_c enrau " ,,E$IIIKN
No. 512Maine Township. Linn -- ~vrmgvme t~on- I dependent 1 13 14 ~town} ................................ ~. ~ I
No. 513Maine Township. ] solidated ............................ 3.32 45.6061 Cedar ~pids'"Com'm'(~- College- College Corn- I FAN CAN SPRAYER ,,,,,,,,,,
No 514 Buffalo Township Linn Independent ........ 2.76 37,9141 nity 1 80 21 munlty .............................. 1.17 14 ]
No. 516 Brown Townshiv. ] Martelle Consolidated ...: .51 7,0061Putnam'"'"'"C.oilege"'Com- " Fairfa t - College Cam- -42 641 Name Brand ISKALII:K:
un motion by Supervisor Wiley. sec- Marion -- ~amon ttural i munity 171 20 mun ty .............................. o. I
ondedbySunervisorSutera, the'Chair I Inpendent ........................ 6.22 85,"3iColleg"~""Comm'u'nity " College Community j ,I Lid Fits Ins,de Continuous Type
the Board was anthori ed Marmn City -- Marion I(El,, 43 5 town) ............. 10 Oscillating Big 18" $9.95
directed to sign the following agree- Rural Independent ....... 50 6,8681 Rapids --Colleee"Co~'u- " Franklin -- Lisbon Con- [
thereon.ment" all members voting "Aye" MonroeMari°n-- Independentcedar Rapids'" 2.05 28,298], Cedarnltv (Cedar Ra~ids~Rapids ~om~m'u; .21 3 solidatedMt. Vernon ............................. Consoli- 75 9,[ $1368I-- V~AA£ 98C
Agreement ] Communitz ..=.,.~ ......... .~. 2.2030,221! nity (town) .................... 5.45 65 341 Bigger 24" $14.7
For the purpose of extending and~ ~ew ~u~[am ~nuepenn- " ~ "1 "1"' DECORAH BKANCH ~Li~hon ~o~° mares , ,~ ,~1
provin ublic health work in the ......................................... Grant--Walker Consoll. " .......................
City of ~e~tr Rapids. Iowa, and the{ P~pids -- Marlon Rurarl { dated ........ 2.80 33 (Continued next week) { • ---- _ . _ .e
Deluxe 24" $32 ya
County of Linn, a cooperative agree.| inuepenaent t~eaa ...... t~--= ..................... ~=--i $16.95 Value $1.69 Value $1.19 Value
ment is entered into by and .between J Rapids) ....;.~....~ .......... :::.. .~-~ ~,~z[ I ......... I
the~itv of Cedar Ranids Iowa and/ ..;euar ~tapzas ~ommun. .. _ ~ NOW, llnerezore, be Ir and I~ is Jtlere~y 1
the; County of Linn ~ f~)llows" | nity (Cedar Rapids) ...... 49 6,7311Ntoun~ vernon t Resolved by the City Council of Mount Ver- [
wo.._ BE RA IIIE/['$
i~, The ~ity of Ceclar Rapids, 'Iowa,[ _ n Viol ~onsoli [~. *| ~ D* Inon, L!nn.~,County, Iowa as follows: I
and the County of Linn agree that] ~row .-- a ~ -- ........|C;ouncll vroceeainas i Sec i That the ~)roposea lease withI
there shall be employed 'a Sanitarian] antes ............................. r,;.~ ~.~ ~ oo,~v] - ~ ICornell College of certain realty for the]
Springvllle C o n s o ~
or Sanitary Engineer. under the Ad-[ _ . _ - ~.o .,,,~o~] ....... ~ .... n iowa[purpose of a Well ~ite for the period ofI
ministrative jurisdiction of the De-[ aate~ ..~;.,......~ ................ r.i ......... ~ ...... "~e~1'8 1957199 years at the rental of One Dollar and|
~prmgvlne t; o n s o ~ -
partment of Public Health of the ..... . . * "l .... o" "h "~it of " n:' V'rnon I Other Valuable Consideration on the foi-I
C~itv of O~dar Ranids Iowa who f;halll cla~ea ~pr]ngvz~ e I zne t~ounc~ z~ et~ y l~lou ~e ! ............. ~.
.............. 55 7 555~ m ......... it "~a]] ~ ~ow]ng aescrt~eo rea~ assay•, w-w~: I
v._. = '" ' l ni cown~ ..................................... ~ in speclal sesslon I~~ne ~ y rl i • r W1
provide general env]ronmenta sa - I., ° -~"~'"~ ~on " i u ~ ...... ~ . o~ ~, w~'h "he I Commencing at the West Qua ter ( ¼) I
tation services in accordance with the ~.~-~. ~ - r~ ~.n2] ....' • :~' . ' " |corner of Section 10-82-5' thence South I
'. . . , sodua~e~ ............................... v. v*/O IOllOWlng memoers presen~
following provisions, - ' ......... ---'~-~°N I .......... 1437.5 feet along the West line SW~ 10-82-5[
we~r]t~°?d~ctin~)e?t~gatl°en~er~de~UtTe~s] $I4,~¥.~S---~r-miis [ ~:2nn~,m.... a .... l" ...... uresn, ,or- i~rid we~t li.e sw v., ~0:~.z.s .to .center of ]
v ~ o " e e r n o n • z~ zoot aiamecer circle wmcn m to contain
ri B rtram--Mt.V The Mayor called the ~pecml meeting to
ment plants (septic systems etc ) P ces also an easement
rate water supplies, en~,ironmen~]! C°ns°lidated~=='=XZ;:~:'"'$ 2"7t $ ~44~'~6i discuss a Resolutlon providing' for Public ~oerII :on:strauP~c~irntenannd mainten .... of a[
sanitation, housing, and mobile home[ 2er~ram~n~v~fi~"~'~,; ..........IHearing on the. proposed wellsite leaSe|W.,~ alomr a line eommencln~ atl In Mount Vernon S'nc . 3
~euar., v with ~ornell POll•g• an~ r~rloln notice .............
parks making such recommendations , = ""~ "~ ........ - " P " q " ~ c ibed circle-
or ta'l¢in~, such legal action as may be[ mty ...................................... 4.34 63.SS0]thereof also to consider Permits for Beerlthe center of the above dear • ,] ~ ~msmms i~
o ~ " " Bertram Independent : • , thence 87 18' E 175 feet more or zess to
necessary These duties to assigned .... ...,~ ~ and Cwarette heensesforBob sSuper .......... I
"'+ha ~'~o,*m=,* ,¢ ~;,h~ ~.~*h ~¢1(Bertramtown) 1.1o z~u~|V~]u~ M~rket |connec~ wltr~ existing water main a~ 81~eI
the City of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, result-I C°--lleget_-- College Com. 4 34 63 890t RESOLUTION PROVIOIN~ FOR PUBLIC I ofres°:da~andr-'PtsPe'ovAelS°xea~eme~tri:=r a)nndi ......
ing from requests or complaints regis- . ~[.tun ty ~."7. ......... ;:4"'"'Z::" .... [ HEARING ON PROPOSED WELL BITE/g . =~ " ~ -ns'-uc'ion [ "--'~"--''~
tered by residents of the City of Cedar ~-alrmx--wouege t~ommu-~ .. .. ~oal LEASE WITH CORNELL COLLEGE ANDI runaways as necessary.~or .c~ ~r ~ .--I ~l l~
• n nn nlty .................................. o,~ ~,~o~ and malntenance oz well ana water slze
Rapids, Iowa, or the Cou ty of Li -I "~- "'^-" ^ ~ ..... ni*-" 1 PRESCRIBING NOTICE THEREOF ~ ............ roved I
h h rut he erson ~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~,..., ~ • • • De ann me same m nereoy zuuy a~v .
(b) T at t e se ce of tl p 11 188 WHEREAS, it m the considered ~udwment
~ emnl~ved h~ ~vailahl~ t- the Board I (Fairfax town) .......... 76 , } ............, ....... v ......... I Sec 2 That the Mayor and Clerk of the]
.................... anklin LisbOn Con o u~cyw .... -- " " E I WEEK END ]
of Health of the City of Cedar Rapids. I 1~ • - . 7- " , .... 9101 that it is man~'~l'a~r~" t~"the~C'i't'y"forth"- I City of Mount. Vernon, Iowa, are. I
f soliua~ea ............................ ~.~o ~, . duly autnorizea ana empoweren to slgn
Iowa, and/or the Board Of Health o I M, Vernon Consll- l with arrange and p .... de for more .de-! ............... I ON SAL Every Item
the County of Linn, upon request toI da't'ed 287 422501quote water supplies for said municipalitylan,a e xeeu~,e sa~a ~ease on vena~z u~
the Department of Puolic Health of l ~..~..__-';.'::'"':~;'"'~:;=.':C: ' ' land ~w~y oz mount vernon, xowa. . o |
the City of Cedar Rapids. Iowa, eitheri, m~ v22,~:~"~ .......... ~11 lfl.q41 WHEREAS the City Council has negoti-I Councilman Davis moved that tne zore-[ Thursday, Friday I I A Real
orally or in writing. I Li~)onn__"i:~;t~on'"'~on'soii............ lated a tentative Lease with Cornell Col-[~'°mg.Res°luta°n. b-.e.pafSoslle~owiSe~°n?db:rYs~
(c) That the City of Cedar Rapids. ~ ~ ~ " ~ _~ ~n] l~e for a ~eriod of 99 ~ears for ~1 a.dlCOuncdman Pro.. Jne zo~ g |
Iowa hereby agrees to furnish alll~.~a~e~ ........ "~"'~/Z'='""~;":: ........ lo~t~ .... lual~leeonsiderat~nofad~iro~'le|VOt~l: Aye: Davis Pra]l Burssh Rhoads,/ and Saturday I II~F I II / dl I Money Saving
necessary office space,clerical he n, • • [ Morgan, Nay: none,
" i i~sl ................................ 7,43 110,115 site for the drii]mK of .... well, be,n • Value cl
supphes and equipment to satsf&ct.I ~. /'~ ..... ~, .......... I ........................ ,. | Passedandappr°vedth's4day°fMarch'/ I IIil'HPl I IIL
orily execute his duties and that the l ?t~°~ ~'~ ~ea-~s'i.......... 89 13 1021"e ~°~°~ne~tn~*~;[--~bo~'~V~T~u;~t~r': I A. D. 1957. ~ May 2nd, 3rd
~ costs o¢ transnortatlon to be l Jackson -- Coggon C - ......... [ SW¼ 10-82-5. thence east 171 5 feet at._, I ................. '
.... . ~ ~,,uI ' " ey ~ouncilman J~noaas ~na~ ~ne counel~
i e r Ra ids munity .............................. ~ 3.71~ ~ , right angles to sold West line SW~
billed by the c tv of C da P
• ' CentralClt' Commu adjourn to meet at the call of the Mayor
Iowa, to the .County of Lt.nn,..monthly. nit'" Y - 1 28 18 059] 1~8,2:5 .to center o f_25_foot,, d ia_ameter ARTHUR E KUDART, Mayor'
(~) Tne wiry o! cenar l-t~plaS Iowa ..................................... d n 71 10017" c~rc~e wa,c. m to cu.~,, w~.... =v- H C DILLEY Clerk
---,~ ,~,~ "f"~-nt~ of Linn do 'hereb~'I RJlins Indepen e t .... ] purtances" also sn easement for eon- [ " • ' ' ~ ~ " | "
............ ~ o munit "
re ointl and e uall share all Coggon C m y structl .... d mainte .... e ofawator DRY GOC S STORE VARIE
age to j Y q Y / ,~o~--on.own, 97 13,688/ ........ I Mount Vernon, lowa u ' STORE
. -- $1.98 Value Plastic
Terry To .4 Ends . ,,
2 f0, 29c Dress Size
On motion .by Supervisor Sutera, sec-1 Alburnett y Communi'ty " ' l at t~ C'ity Hall in Mount Vernon Iowa [Milan Freese, Marion, Iowa ............. .$6480.35
onded by Superivsor Wiley, the rec-I (Alburnett~ 230 32449tat7"OOPM onthe4thdavofMarchAD'|Thorpe Well C°', Des M°lnes Ia ..... 4554.00 18x15 Squares - Hemmed Edges •
ommendation of Wm.recommen~mrl.~p_enre~l~Im Rab-lds -- Ceda'r "~o'i~i's " " I1957 "on tl~e matter of the iea~ing of afore' IR..°~" &.. Ames, Lincoln," Iowa ........ .5593.50
County Engineer . -1 ~ K ¢~ [ Community (C e d a r i said realty from Cornell College under said ! .. 1~o bias were accepted ~o as to give the
ointment o! J~'rancls ~a nes as .
app" .. .. ' ... ~ro~'al Ranids ................................ 3.45 43,674 ~ terms and conditions at which ti .... yl.epresentative of the Tnorpe Well Cam- Pound Size Moth Balls or Flakes
man of District ~o TWO (~) a
• - " "; ..... -'~"~1 I CEDAR KAPIDS & IOWA CITY ,~ objections thereto written or oral will be lpany of Des Moine~, Iowa, time to confer
maintenance crew el[eCLlVe ~a~r~u • ' '
.... " .... embers vot I RAILWAY |read heard, and duly considered, relative lwith hm office in Des Moines upon a deft-
] "AWase"aPpr°vea;thereon a ..... -] $14,4~01)erm~e .................... [t~ th ....... 1 of said Lease: inite starting date for drilling of the new Low Loop Regular 39c Value - 27c
~- Y:. ~ v, ~.-~;o^~ Wiley sec I Collego -- College Com- ,, ......I SEC. 2. The Clerk of the C~ty of Mount { W_ell.
un Hlo[Ion Dy ~,
.... o.,. ~. ,~,,., ~, f,~1-]munity .............................. ~.~ ~ ~)a[Vernon is hereby directed to give due no-{ Motion by Councilman Prall seconded by
onaea oy .uperv,sor ~.u.e.a ........ lle e Commu :*2: Cotton Rugs ,
. .... "2 ........ IRapids~-Co g. - Iti~ofaf .... aid HearinlbYpub|icati°n°fIC°unci]manDavisthatthec°unctlad'°urn ,.o.,.'-o*,- Waste Baskets
, . ...... u ¢1 ~R k
stltute, Independence, Iowa, as set] ..... ASGI'O.~0][~OCP]~ ISI~ND & I Councilman Davis movd that the forego- Mount V .... n, low. 6 quart Size - 10 inches High
out atpage 3327 Vol. 1 State Instltu-I ~n'~'~C KAIL_lgOAD lln~ Resolution be passed, 'seconded by March 29, 19S7 , 4~'le~v V~#II Approximately 5-6-7 inch Sizes
' fl Of r~ ~ Councdman Prall The Couneil of the City of Mount Ver
tional Ledger on file in the of "ce [ (or B C ]g & N ]gy ) / " . " "
th~ ~r~nt~ ~-ditor and I ", " -:"-- ; .~: / The foliowin~ members voted. ]non met in Special session on Friday,
-"WI~E']~.AS'~-said' county has ~een[ .... Burlin~bon~. I~_UI_ J~l~O / Aye" ..... Davis "Prall Buresh Rl~oads Mar-[March 29, 1957--8 P M at city hall with 24x36 Latex Back L
offered the sum of $65.00 as full set- - - - 1 e~ 245| gan. I the following members present: .,
lement of the claim, and after proper _ qatee 'Coile:e'"Comm'u" "~" / Nay: none. Mayor: Arthur E. Kuaart. Councumen:
investigation it appears that saidofferI co l~e.g -- ~; * 469 629| Passed and approved this 18th day of|Davis, Prall, Buresh, Rhoads, Morgan. Ab- Our Regular $1.98 Rugs ~e~ ~Eq~l|
is proper in view of all the circum-I ~.-.~... ......... ~-'v'"'~:n'~ii'" " |FebruaryAD 19S7 Isent: none.
ela m here oand theac ~'ayette -- t-too ~u,, - •• "
stances r t" g t t - " - ; - 3 76 504/Attest: Meeting" called by the Mayor to discuss
ceptance thereof would be aavanta-I ~atear~;~;,';y;~"i'i"~";~"t"e'~l " | ARTHUR E. KUDART, Mayor /further the bid on the new Well made by Regular 98c Valve
geous to said county. I ~-?";" "~- ..... ~" .... ~ 90~ H. C. DILLEY, City Clerk I the Thorpe Well Co. of Des Moines, Iowa,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RE. t ..(l~alO ~°wn)-A::'9~;-'i':"q": .v, 1 The Clerk presented to the Council Ap-I which was low bidder. I ~'~"~'~$
SOLVED that said offer be and the I monroe~-~ew ~uzza~u ~.1 13 152 1 plieation for Class C Beer Permit and Cig- i RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE
3 Piece
same is hereby acceptea ann on oay-~ u~pe.u~,,~ ............... .m ..... , [arette Permit, together with Cash and ACCEPTANCE OF BID AND AWARD-
merit of the sum of~36.00 an~ e lal'm! C~tdar Rapids Cam U-Is0 2411Bond for Robert Nlederhauser d/b/a Bob's'.ING O" co~. Cotton Plisse ,,rer,
that this t:oun~y may nave aga)nst tne] Y ...................................... ] V~lue Market
• -- m- Sniper . STRUCTION OF A NEW WELL g"U
sa~d Guy Hall is hereby released and Putnam College Co
.... • ,muotty ......... .ot,oo ooooli--n Mar-- .•canaled, W. AS oar--at ton Not,ee to.on
o..oa...o ....... -- 3y_el.0
• -(-" .... =.. ~... ...... ta..~TJ,1 ...... I Col]e"e'"Communlty ,by C~unel]man Rhoa~ that .ermi. 'or,traetorsdalypublishedasprovJdedbyS~. •--J. g.. n ;lass Mixin owl Se
(Zl town) ....................... 42 56 .bo e be permit I. gi A the 19S Cede of Iow., relative eiI
'~," 'resolution adopted" allJRapids---College Commu. __]Feb. 19, 19S7andtheCtgarettePermitef-to receiving sealed propeaais for the coo- urm IUI l
~=~',.~....,,otin.,,Ave,,thereon° , nlty (Cedar Rapids) .....21 o28,,ectivetoJuly |0 |957. ~otton eorr!t~.. ',struction of a new City Well at Mount 29C--- set
............. ~esoi'ntion " I Cedar Rapids Commu- _l Motion by Cau.n¢liman ~'rall ~econoe~ vYIVernon, Iowo, sealed bids were duly re-
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of/ n it.v (Cedar Ra~Ids) .... 3.641 4881C .... ilman Day.re_that the C~. uncil ad-[celv_t~_, opened, and noted at the ~P~ular
..... '-~r-Linn County iowa that| ~'eaar ~apms commu- ]journ ~o meet a, toe call o, ,he mayor.,set Hearing therezore on .Mar ..... "~" h;s Pin n CnlRen du ::
~'t~'s'or~dered notice to ~e'Dart ~ pro-| Ity (Cedar Raplds {Carried. ~at 8 P.M .... d said meeting having been i ors n i
2 ,t y ChvaPt~rt252,a2q~u5~rlnC~de o~/ tren~;..~i~i~D.;~;~h.~j27e n2JH. c. DILLA~RY, HCRlerEk, KUDART, Mayor Ic°~l~RedEt~,M:her~e~tylgcS7u:c~, meeting 36 inc " - g I yard Regular 39c Value
!~cytoiri~i~Wai~nd~ola~ci!:~ ] ~ii~uo~.~i~.l~i!ii~,,l',~en,in this county be serve?| Grant--Walker Consolt-ii [in formal sessmn therefore, after due de-~O~T~~ii~!i ' #" -- ~l__x_Brach's Morn,ngs,de
" Ladies Spring and Summer . " i_, .
n mbtion b Su ervisor .... Wiley see ............... / Y ............................. I-an Absent" None '' o "on" of
o y p ._- = .... ~c.,, o, Mai_. io_ ~to, t~ , : ,C~ ,late Covered Cher
onded b Su erv s
• ' Y P - -- - -~" "~" ----| unit" 3 80 510[ Meeting called for the pur@o~e of receiv-I lowest bid for the general construction of
National Bank oz ~eaary..ap,as wa~/ ......................................... the Cit Well in the Blouses
-~med ao a denositorv for County| New Buffalo Independ. I ing or hearing any objectmns to the pro- I - - y , . amount of $4484.00 is
....... • -" --'4 ..... ,,--~-~ o-+ 77 10~l~.~a Lease between Cornell College andtnere~y accep~ea.
funds effective Ja.. 1, .L..., u,e ....... I ................................................ ,v-- -~ he realt de- Sec 2 That the for. e 49 39c
to be named on recommendation of!Washington---C.,enter ...... Icity of MountVernon, of t . y . _. • • -- f contraet, here-
,he ~'O,,-t~ Treasurer at that time" allt Point Consonaa~ea ........ o.eo ~;mlscribed in Pubhc Hearing 2~otlce, for tne|totore approves, as completed with said ~1~
meml~ers" ~otln~ "Aye" thereon ' Center" Point Consoli- . ..... [purpose of a well site and Appurtenances res.pect~ve bidder, is hereby fully approved
---- " *. ~- v,,.~,.,~o~:" ~v~., =~ I dated (top's) .............. z~°l ¢-~ the term of 99 years for One Donar ! ano connrme~, ann tne Mayor and Clerk
un mouon uy ~-v~, ..o.........~, "~'~-I ....... "" ar hereb " •
onded by Supervisor Sutera, .the fol.., CHICAGO, M_rLI~_A~K.E__~_ff~. rAULland valuable, considerations. _. [eoentract Ywi?~lyauthor! execute said e
lowing resolutlon was aaoptea; allI & PACII~C IgAILIH~IJ~II~ [ There oemg no o~}ectaon to me proteus tin i= . ~ Cneo maae r m sam amount
members voting "Aye" thereon, , Cedis" Raplds-R.tI~lge l~.e|]ease between Corneh Co,ege anot .... ty,*or ana on .ena,z of tne C,ty of Mount Cottons and Dacrons- Regular $2.98 13 Da; ¢Reachlarcola59CeValue
Kesolution I College--College Commu- I of Mount Vernon on the Well site as star- i Vernon, Iowa. O U
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of| nity ........................................ 1.35 1ruled, the following Resolution was adopted. I Sec. 3. That all resolutions or parts O t
Supervisors of Linn County, Iowa, that I ,Fall-fay--College Commu. . ..... I Resolution Providing for Approval of I thereof in conflict herewith be and the il r"
it is hereby ordered that the lengthsi nlty ...................... ;:..;...:.-.~ .... o.~2 ~r~l Lease of Realty frem Cerneil Co~ege ]same are hereby repealed.
of mileage of the several ranroaas, I Walford Consollaatea .... ~.z~ o [ for Well Site I ~.'ouncuman ~noads moved that the fore- / ~ j • i ~
telegraph, telephone and express co.m- I C o 1 1 e g e Community oo ~11 ~ WHEREA~, pursuant to a Notice of Pub- I gomg Resolution be passed, seconded by
panies In Llnn County and the taxame] (Fairfax town) ....... :.~ ..... oo ~ ilieHearing duly published in the Mt. Ver-ICouncilman Prall.
value thereof, within the several towns,/ Rantds -- Cedar Ra.ptas ~ 43S 3261non Hswkeye-Record and Lisbon Herald l The following members voted.
townshi sand school districts of Linn Community (town# ~ i .... k ..... ~1 ~o~7-~l*tiv~ foa Hear l Aw ~*.;. P~.n ~ .... h ~k ...... UtS-V- tR[ET
o.__.,. , ,
County. be fixed according to the .-[ College Community .... ling to be held on this date for the pur-igan Nay" None
lowing schedule and the County Aud~-(Cedar Raplds) w~ ~ ' " " "
+^. ,o h '~ a°'e~ "+o s,,read thel "~' o ~h~ Li~ J poee of receiving or hearing of any ob-I Passed and approved this 29 day of
ere y or v ~.~eag v,,,~ the r ed
same. uponthe ta~^books of said]Clinton. -- Palo Consoli- 209 280[~=:t°no~f~iettelnea~(Y°lr:;eintoafter ~Lr°~b~i]M~:ch': A:D'DI;&EY, CityClerk I I •
county, tar ~_ne .year. ~; ....... "--- I antes .=...:...;.....,..~ ......... .~. • I from Cornell College for a Well Site, andI ARTHUR E. KUDART I
Townsmps Taxing ~]s. ~llle~tge Ya|ua-, ..%-l~ony l~o]n~ inaepena- ~ .I ~X~lr~D~k'~A¢~ nn written objections hovel Mavor '
tion ent ......................................... 0~ ~ ] ............. . " ' . -
.................... II~C[ .................... been filed or oral objections presented Motion by Counedman Buresh seconded AND CHILDREN S WEAR Open Saturday Evenings
............ "RA~rT.T~,"~';~u "~ ~"~ I ~tun ~e.t ....... p .... - 1 ~ 241] thereto, at the time and plaee set there- by Councilman Morgan that the council
e19 I~'~A ~'~l~'~ml|. | ~'~,,,~;;'"'~;;:~,:,:k: .................... 1"~ 2461 tar adjourn to meet at the call of the Mayor.
.....M~iR ~n~""~ Y.;~'~'" ~',~'-~Z, qi;;""Con .... I WHEREAS, the City Couneil, after due Carried. Phone 4211 Mount
St~ 170.74 per mile ' "~'o'fi-dat~'~ ......... 3.32 445 consideration desires to a~rove said lease H. C. DILLEY, C]erk
Clinton -- Pa'lo Con~lt. Linn inde~nden't ......... 2.76 370 under the terms and specifications therein ARTHUR E. KUDART
dated ................................ 1.83 $ 22,272 Mart•lie Consolidated .6168 contained, Mayor