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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
May 2, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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May 2, 1957
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Louisfamily, the C.I Sunday guests of the Myron Nal-[ C~|~,,,,~ ~|~,am~ trabrid and the Raymondileys and Patrick were the Frank] j~a%e|| |1~vvo ~yer family were visitors iSchleuters, Marion, the RudolphI Mrs. Atom Seller g the week of the Otto Buch-LVotroubek family, Sigourney, Mrs. rs. Sunday visitors were the ! Marguerite Abrahamson, Iowa City,] P.N.G. MEET .... Buchmavers Iowa City ] and the Clyo Castles, Marion•] Past Noble Grands club met at me ' ~" ....... .... /Rebekah hall Wednesday afternoon, aUghter, Debra Ann, was born rue ~ay, ~nies were t~u_naaa~/April 24 Members of the Rebekah '. and Mrs Francis Steinbrech~ guests or me uarence narL ey~ . _ " ....... . da .....' ...... -- }Mechanicsville i loage were also invited; 1'~ were m , .~, Aprn sT, at ~vlercy nospit- [ • .~ ..... I attendance. Next meeting will be -~lgning 7 lbs. 4 oz. Grandpar- Rosetta Cerny, t~eaar r~aptas, via- with Alba Kessler Ire ,the Linus Griffins and the |ted her parents the J. F. Cernys, __-" Steinbrechs. ~ S,unday. SERVICES FOR MRS. DOSEDLO IN SOLON APRIL 25 Funeral services for Mrs. Mildred! Dosedlo, 77, of North Liberty were The J. M. Zeniseks were Sunday afternoon visitors of the Mile Cer- venys at Fairfax. Mmes. J. M. Zen- isek, Stanley Zenisek and Raymond Zenisek visited with the William Seer|st family at Downey Thursday. Sp. 3/c Donald Kohout of Fort Niagara, N. Y., spent a 10-day leave at Easter time with friends in New York City and attended the Ed Sul- livan show while there• He spent the past week end with a friend at Detroit, Mich. The Raymond Hennesseys and Mrs. Leonard Noska attended the wedding in All Saints church in Ce- Mrs. Don Nicoll and Greg of Mor- ley and the Lester Nicolls. The Frank Kruegers of Lone Tree and Carrie Emery were Sun- day dinner guests of the Louis Ket- terings. Sunday evening callers in the Kettering home were the Karl Ketterings of Lisbon and Mrs. Mary Fry. The Ray Bulger family of River- side were Sunday guests of the J. R. Jacksons. Mary Arline Inks, who has a posi- tion in Sioux City, was home for a couple of days last week. She came to see her father who is a patient TRASH HAULING. Donald I. FOR SALE: German Shepherd iMt. Vernon, In., Hawkeye-Reeerd Krumm, Phone 8262, Mt. Vernon. pups, 6 weeks old, $5 and $7.50. Artiand The L|shen Her~ld~ q,~ 29tfe Meyer at Ivanhoe, phone 8802 Mt. Thurs., May 2, 1957 P'age l U ~E~D~---~~~an ~ ' Ve r n o n. 29c gardens in Lisbon evenings• Floyd ~M-al~el Carpenter. phone 3795. 29-31c ;father. Helen Fisher. Dial 3695, L~s; 10 black and white prints in an al- W ~ZUl) II~Lfr AI~U NI~: 'I'WelVe SX ~M~ __k .~_ bum you'll be proud to own $35. New roofs and repair work guar-I FOR ,ALE: 40-inch gas stove ,in Rober Studio dial ' 22tfe anteed. Albert L. Allsup, phone 3302 good conoifion. $35. J. W. StricK-i ............... . - ..... __ n ' i Lisbon. 29tfc la d, dial 6181, Mt. Vernon. 29p! AMERICAN Standard plumbing F~~L--IhIN--GS ~ght~! ~~L-~.--2~-~. t~n-~;'~ fixtures, boilers and furnaces, Len- and repaired. Albert L. Allsup, electric lawn mower, $25. Mervyn! nox furnaces; Youngstown kitchen phone 3302 Lisbon. 29tfc Armstrong, phone 4608 Mt. Vernon. ! units, dishwashers and food waste OPPORTUNITY FOR INEXPER- 29, 30c i disposers FRINK PLUMBING & IENCED man age 17-45, in Electron- FOR SALE: Gladiolus bulbs. Mrs. ! HEATING, dial 3771, Lisbon. 32if @ held Thursday at 2 p.m. at Solon, dar Rapids and the reception at the in the Veterans' hospital at Iowa ics position• Must be ambitious and William Miller, Mt. Vernon• 29ci .... LIN-I~ ELE~IRIC- ~O_- ~-- Rev Raymond D. Moore of North CSA hall Saturday morning of Miss City• willing to spend one hour a day ~~T-~.-----/~~,~,~TJ2 . .... ~ " Liberty officiating Burial was m Phyllis Path3ens of Anamosa andI Mrs Frank Campbell was admit- four days a week trainmg under .~,^~ ~ .... ~x~ .... ~;.. ~.~.~..~' ........... Memory Gardens in Iowa City. Edward Shimak of Waterloo• I ted last week to Mercy hospital Ce- the guidance and supervision of our 5421 Mt Vernon ' 29~ ; _.aunt vernon_- r.~,~ _ L|sDon - 2718 Mrs Dosedlo was born April 9 Marvin Panzers left for their dar Rapids where she is under ob- engineers on practical equipment ................... LATE MODEL SPINET~ .- . ' The • ' ~ . ~ " FOR SALE" Yearling colt gray J assume lo For April and ~ay 1880, in Czechoslovakia and came to h .... f W,bort~ Wis after a few servation and treatment. Arrangements will be made so that . . . ...... , . , . w monthly payments or the United States in 1904. She lived ~. visi-t-wi-t£-the Frank Panzers. J John Carville is a patient at Vet-it will not interfere with your pres- win wn~,~e mane, tauanaJe~, nor-iwil! discount for cash. May be seen. in the North Liberty area for 23 ~,:.~fo+o in the Frank Panzer homelerans' hospital Iowa City. ent employment. Salaryopen__$92.501ace neat.n, m}m norm o~ t~range Write H. A. Christ|arisen, 322 First • ' years. She died at Mercy P , d,vino" their visit were the Clarence} t C nnors and Clayton ,to $137.50 per week when employ- t .... ' " P , - - J~1 ......... " has ital ...... , .......... The Alber o I nan, ~prmgvlne phone. . mZUPAve NE CedaI Ra ida Iowa 28 29c VIa on an, Iowa City, April 23. Panzers and sons of Iowa City, the of Mohne, Ill., cal}ed here Sunday ed. For strictly confidential inter- FOR SAI~: Treadle sewmg _ a- FOR SALE: Used Westinghou~ Survivors are a daughter, Mildred Robert Severs family Iowa City, at~rnoon on r eiauves ann ~rmnas. [ wew, write "Electronics", giving} crone, orop-iea~ tam e,_wainut chest ! Laundromat with water-saver. $65. i three sons, Frank, Mt. Vernon, bridges• Charles Panzer of Iowa son C~ty spent the week end with ltion and working hours to Box B,I enport, stroller, basmnet,6:year crlb. l Mt. Vernon 3051• 28tfc ' ~|| ' ,~'||~|~| ~W ~ ~ ~ r~n~m~ ,~ v~ .... 1~ .T .... "~m ~,,~ o ........,~ r~ ~ ~ml The-~ooert J~asen ~amily of lVla-[name age phone present occupa-at drawers, oureau, tame UeSK oav- Clyde Lutz phone Lisbon 2795 or a IHenry, Oceans|de, N. Y., and Ben of City visited a week with his grand- ±vx~:s. ~asens parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hawkeye-Record, Mt. Vernon• 29pi ~:. w. r~lng, phone zoo* ~wt. vernon:l--F-~-R-~-.. 14-Hampshi-reg]l~, |North Liberty with whom Mrs. parents, laden JacKson. . ..... J GARDEN PLOWING and custom} ............. ~, eve! bred in March; also fall boar• Del- LDosedlo lived; two grandchildren; The Joe Miltners and Martin} ~vir~ Jonn t:arv~ne spenfi lv, ionaay] work. Call J. LeRoy Heady, 4261,] FOR SALE: One Minute washer, i bert Stewart, Springy|lie. 28 29p Mt. Vernon, Lisbon, and 3 Mi[e Radius two sisters Mrs Bessie Mudhauser Rinderknechts and Bud and John ann tuesday in me ~. ~. nappm[Mt Vernon 26ire/in good condition• Don Siggins, diall-~--~~--~- ]of Houston, Texas," and Mrs. ndMarie Veohl of Shellsburg were recent In°me at t:edar Rapids. J "'---=-'W~~ ~E-~~ ,/5422' Mt. Vernon. 29p [ in all vKa~rieties A~soC~e~N1avallao!eo nyorm AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE Ual[~er?fiC::chTl°:~k#l~a o; Flora- j dmn~:m~;.sts of the Bernard Milt ICedar Bluff [Di;1cEo.M' ~55~ C~d3r R~idScBe3kr! bF1Os,R S2LeEnou7:~lol3dserSvhi°rth2r~ ~v0~etl~?rnv~:O:olb. Irwin Clar~d~ct l ida. She was preceded in death by j Mrs. Edith Stahle and Mrs. Oscarl JRapids.' ' 22tf] 12 Polled Shorthorn heifers open,! --." ................ _ ~erleral EJectric her nusoana in ~u~ ann a son oerry, jGlick attended the funeral of Mrs.} Mrs Roy Flockhart Stanwood I~~-----r-------~;- [brucellosis free Melvin M Andre ~_ _ -- . . . . " . ' YY,~klNI.Phi): lJullalngs $o wrecK., • . . ' I [Herbert Wilson at West L*ber,tyJvlsited her s~ster Mrs. Ike Achen-J .............. i Mechamcsvflle. Lmbon phone 3311.| | R.C.A. Victor iALTAR AND ROSARY SOCIETY JWuesday afternoon• ]bach Thursday evening caller was|t~m z, earmg, l-'none zatm, urea Oh.! 29, 03pi,| ~S ~,~ | • Z'ltIC ! Altar and Rosary Society willI Visitors last week at the home of[ Mrs. John Eckrieh of Solon. ~~ [ DAVIS RED barn pant. regular! | IP'II l~'l~|K|~i~ | PhiIco )!meet Thursday afternoon. May 8, in,the Raymond Hennesseys and Mrs. The Isaac Achenbachs, R. I Ach- CUSTOM CORN sne,~mg wim[$3 35 snecial $2 49 in 5's J&L Hard-!| | ))St. Mary's auditorium. Card play- Libbie Kohout were the Joe Kas- enbachs Ernest Dvorskys and Bob-/John Deere sheller. No job too big|ware I~isbon "" 29c | ~~'~ | Motorola , ling will follow and lunch will belpareks P J Hennessey and the|by of CoralviHe and Mervyn Longs}or too small. Glenn Plattenberger, l=:--~-,¢~-=-~.~--~.-~-~--~ ~---~--~..~-----~,--LI| r~[%~,,,l"~ | • " ia 2751 " o 48if ~vi~ ~ v ~, r~-~rt~t, rrl White AdmlraJ .I served: Hostesses. . are Mmes Fran- I Milver Kohout family. ' .... hi and girls of Walford were dinner] .................... d 1 Llsb n house pain~t regular ~o ..... ~u. ~pecial ! | | Icis Miltner, Gilpin, Roy Delaney, J Mrs. James Ham is visiting wit. ]guests Sunday of the Andrew Ach-] WANTED" Fill dirt If you are ¢429 i,, ~o 'r.~.T ~o~-,~,~-,~ Liobon '| D J~1"'rl'|~|ar'l~ | 'i Gilbert Worrell GeorgeWorrell~the Henry Ham family in Detroit, jenbach family Webster, and attend-[looking for "a place to haul dirt in- ~ ................... , ° 29ci| iJ~lll~l~ll~J | K diban Appliance Co and Frank Steinbrech. JMich. [ ed the funeral of Guy King of South ouireofHillcrestCountrvClub C J .......... | | ! ------- ] Sunday visitors of Mrs. DeliajEnglish. 1~ Bauman or Ralph Streets'Mr". r uix ~L~: ~:ne xonow)ng par tsi| ~ ~l~ | • The George Turkals Cedar Rap 1 were h Arthur Me era and Mr and lr . . I tram 1931 Chrysmr radiator s~art 'r nr .... '] . , -]Be e t e Y ' ~ . Mrs. V" gil Stinocher arelv'ernon ' ' 21if .... : " , . -i| -'I~[.~'~ | ( • 'J ms, recently visited the J. E. Kas- [Jane of Davenport the Raymond] the parents of an 8 lb. son born Frl- ] --~V~-~-~~ I er, genera~oL iuel pump | | . pareks and S,unaay evening guests[Macharts and Johnnie, Anamosa, lday April 26 at Mercy hospital / _,~,f~. ~..$~._~,,, ~u_r ~te~_, ]~ayiora r~. uwens, phone ~oz, urn-I | 8291 Mt. Vernon ~were the ~rank Zemans ..................... ' .~.. ' usen cars. t.u ...... e ..... or o ...... Don. zv-~u ~s s ' Sundayguestes°ftheh°uisKrouls Mrs Bele is slowly improving. The Don Hansens and Gary of[n ~ °~"~L~'~u~"~]-t~--°~-] HALLMARK Mother's DayCards.u rresn ~tOCK | were the Rolle Kesslers. J The James Tesars visited Sunday] Wilton and the Lyle Elgins and] wA~rl~u: r~gnt t ess..~Dpiy]BLOOMS BOOK STORE. 29, 30ci| ~-, . ~ | ~~ }afternoon with the Louis Tesar tam- Cathy of Tipton were Sunday din-]Beac°n Care, phone 2391,Lmbon.[~x___~:1 uaranteea l , 10if u~u ~uou~ tour used ree~ lily near Springy|lie. ~ her guests of the Irwin Kramers. ] _ 1. . ' . . n | type power sawn iwowers one used [ Paul Krob of Mechanicsville was! Fred Becker is spending a fewl~~~m[ .......... ; . . | • a week end visitor of the Joe Krobs days with his sister and husband theme Call 4711 Mt Vernon be- ~eneral.J~le~r~c ~utomat!c washer;i| Full Line of I ]and Edward and Duane Krob. Ar-I the Charles Wagamans of Lisbon. Jtween 8 a.m. and5 p.m.C.M. Du~-I~e ~se~ ~.~.t~wrAUn72atic y~vS2s~.i| ........... | ±ne onow g g typ ~~"j/ .... u~., llita and hrnie hchenbach of Me- The Paul Kellerhals family andl~ap office manager Iowa Electric ............. "'a FI;;NCl;;R SUPPLIES • ('--'--~/~ ":~i!:: ....~!~ chanicsville were Sunday guests Mrs. William Wagaman were in!Light & Power Co. 13 tfc m:e l~aCvn.ln::e ~W:nre°r~ellton~Vela~t?e~i| I ~~ ~:~ ................ also. ,~ .... jTip.ton Friday. ~~l~----filli~l Queen one Thor, one Bendix I)~;-ier.]| | ~$:...,. ~uests ~unaay at mrs. ~mma ~------'-"~--~ Jwith Gehl self-propelled chopper, 3|Three'used Gas Stoves; two used[ IgAIIDAkl | ................... Shima and Mrs. Mary Lorence were ~| or• / x | ~ Gehl unloading wagons and blower I ~efri~erators" three new Admiralim I%g~KL'llWiPdm~II | ~+~%+, ~N}!~ Jthe. Alfred Mallies, Tripoli, Joe L.[ lOSSltlea l.xas jUse either sickle bar or hay pickup.'i~efrigerators'at very special prices, i| ........ = L-+.,.- | '~:~+~++++z-:..~ ++..':++;:..~ ~nlmas mwa ~ity and ±v~rs t~lancne j , , • [ Call Willard Palmer 6404 Mt. Ver- BERANEK'S 24tfl ~l~r'~'~L|J~[~lU~ l The Old , Brickner. I non 25tfc ................ '1 ...... I mi ..................................... " FOR SALE" Vacuum cleaners The Bernard Casey fa ly and ........................................ , • , ] ............................... t CARD OF THANKS used upright tank type hand vacs i l I ~l~: I of the Clem Byrnes family at Wau-],.A,+D'bF ",~iXKr/;& ................. ~©KV=~.= [Sutliff Generator Shop, phone 3931~ i -- ken. "~ "* . ......... . ......................................... Lzsbon. eou • I wish to thank my friends and .... , tAlL .... I. ] The third birthday of Teresa Bltt--~^+i .....,^_ +, ......... ;_ +,**~ J LINOLEUM-CARPET Floor-Wall FOR SALE" Hi Fi amplifiers V¥ il~lI gill ]ner was celebrated Thursday eve- flowers and calls I received durin= Tile Installatmn. Carnets remade, speakers tuners speaker enclosures, I ning at supper. Present were the]mv ~tav in th~ ha*ni*.l ~n,~ ~ino~lHand Binding. SMYFrY'S TILE turntables, etc. Bill Randolph Stu-! • " it ......................... F J Blttners Maumce B triers r urnin h T I SHOP dml Lmbon 2485 28 29c die Mt Vernon 19if I~l~Vl~__~ l'~r~_ ~h~ ... • ... , ,t et g ome. hey were all~ , _ . - ..... , • • + ........... re resa ana ±iommy. ,, _ .~ [greatly appreciated. ] --------CLINTON ENGINES . --~--X-N-D--us~b~d+, ,he t.~lloert worrells and t~eorgel Authorized Parts and Service ' • ,, ........ Mrs. Joe Shulista ] " Conventional Washers BEST OIL i ~==~A ~'t~" Moeis mane a trip to lviassinon ;~un- ~= ~ Sutliff Generator Shop ph 3931, -" .... " .... ~i~.~ v. ....... -'-:'^~ ---ith th^ AI U~l~U o1," "I'HANK8 } .... , • ~O,, l~lsoon. ~UII¢ hay where racy Vl~I~eU W = " I' I" I I ,ISOOl~ ' .............. , . . =_ e~,^~ ,~...;,_ We w sh to thank our fr ends and .... PLOW LAYS of any raze bmlt up • .......... '~-rl ~ -remnves Ior melr Kmane s ShOwn like new $5 each We also build squirrel ears da ineL a3 d ya arSea 3n ay ~ia~_ us during our recent bereavement PUMP SERVICE Havmg pump tanks of all types. IRONCRAFTERS, ors of the Clifford Wears family following the loss of our loved one. troubles? Call Frank I-Iartl, dial phone 4121, Lisbon. 18tfc • • Extra PIONEER Seed 'vainable at Loomis Produce, Mt. Vernon and Farmer's Co-Op, Martelle ! 5600 Mt. Vernon For the regular price of a cabinet sink| ) KITCHEN YOO.S,o. ONLY (~heck these sink features: Matching wall cabi~.ets: ' Full 54" wide with 2 shelved compart- • Deep shelves hold dishes, supplies ments • All in sparkling, easy-to-clean 5 drawers glide noiselessly on nylon Youngstown Star White slides • Come in today and see this "Cab|- near Cascade. Mrs. Fred Zimmerman of Chicago was a week end visitor of Mrs. Lib- bie Ocheltree and Mrs. Anna R. Pauba. Mrs. Pauba accompanied Mrs. Zimmerman to Chicago for a visit. Other guests during the week end were the Mar Batchelders and Laurie Lee, Des Moines, and the Donald Ocheltree family. The Jack Peterzelka family were week end visitors of the latter's i mother, Mrs. Evie Boddicker, at Newhall. The Albert Hrubys were Thurs- day dinner guests of the William Murphys at Cedar Rapids and vis- ited the Anion Novaks near Mt. Vernon Sunday. Jeffrey Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Randall, was baptized by Father Clems at St. Mary's church Sunday. The John Phillips' of Iowa City, the sponsors were supper guests of the Randalls. Sunday guests of the Leo Beuters and Denise were the Fred Wade family, Marion• Mrs. C. F. SAlmon, Kay and Neia, Judy Krob, Karen Fiala and the John Cileks were Thursday evening visitors of the Roland Hen|ks near Mt. Vernon• S,aturday evening vis- itors were the Herman Stouts and the Cileks. The Schueyler Zellers were en- tertained in the Joe FJala home Sunday evening. Mrs. Anna Zeller and Florence Kucera visited the Robert Kutch- era and Mrs. Bertha Kutehera in Cedar Rapids Thursday evening. Sunday visitors of the J. B. Krals were the Clarence Shimons and Shirley, Kalona, and Fred Bartletts; Saturday visitors were the Louis Krals. The Frank Steinbrechs and Eddie, Mrs. Robert Steinbrech and Denny The family of Theodore Kopenhaver CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to all who extended comfort- mg sympathy following the loss of our infant son. Paul and Donna Shatter CARD OF THANKS Many thanks to all friends and relatives for gifts, flowers, calls and cards while I was in the hospital and since returning home. Friends are immeasurable. Dorothy Resewehr CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank everyone who 7652. Mt. Vernon• 23tfe --WESIhE C IAi?i ZEIN--~ LIABLE REPAIR SERVICE. We're head- quarters for dependable Muffler and Pipe Work, Tuneups, Brake Service, A u t o m a t i c Transmissions, Bear Wheel Balancing, Front End Align- ment and Overhauling. Besler's Auto Repair, phone 6201, Mt. Ver- non. 25 afc FLOOR SANDING--old or new floors. Call 6505 for an estimate. Lawrence Hunter• 16if ~----E-C--TRIC~A--L Appliance Serv-]-~. Leave at my home or Stanley TV, Fred Siebels, dial 2841 day time or 3622 evenings. Lisbon. 14tf sent us cards, letters and gifts while --RUG~A.N~A.RPET-~VEfi, VING: we were in the hospital and since returning home. Your thoughtful- ness was greatly appreciated• Two automatic looms, no long waits. Bring rags in now for early de- livery. H. S. and Louise Smith, Dial 2485, Lisbon• tf LAWNMOWERS machine ground and engines overhauled. Sutliff Gen- erator Shop, Lisbon. 24if radio and record players for sale; also used radio record players, am- plifiers. Bill Randolph Studio, Mt. Vernon. 19if -- EAVE SPOUTING --- New installation and repair TREE TRIMMING Topping and removal, custom chain sawing GARDEN PLOWING WRECKER SERVICE Fully insured, 24-hour service BILL ZEARING, JR. Lisbon Phone 2906 27,tfc road rock, fill dirt, drainage ditches and cellars excavated. George Gaines & Son, dial 7731 or 7732, Mt. Vernon. 28tf X b-FT -WKT--E gEhVi- g X il, able now. No equipment to buy. No work for you to do. Nears Soft Water Service. Dial 8301, Mt. Ver- non. 29tf Sewer, water pipe, septic tanks, basements or what have you. Mike Schick, Mt. Vernon, Dial 4771. 35tf Home mechanics too often find themselves in real trouble trying to do their own fixing. It pays to have your repairs done by experienced technicians. We're as near as our phone number• DIAL 4701. Flynn Motor Service, in the Litts Chevro- let Building 49-tfc ~t~ stallations, service. The cleaner, hotter propane cooking fuel. Judy Johnston Oil Co., Phone 6761, Mt. Vernon. 22tf electronics. Ken Blake, dial 6605 Mt. Vernon; 149 Mechanicsville. 39tf OIL BURNER Service---24 hr--.~ plus higher heat, No. 3 Shell fuel oil FOA-5X treated--means trouble free heating at a really noticeable ~k$$$ saving. Judy Johnston Oil Co., Phone 6761, Mt. Vernon. 22tf Mrs. Robert Zinkula and Tommy CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone for the lovely flowers, cards and visits re- ceived while in the hospital• Your thoughtfulness was greatly apprec- iated. Mrs. E.d Litts NOTICES ........................................ NOTICE When Morgan Funeral Service phone does not answer dial 3271, Mr. Vernon• 37if church are sponsoring a rummage sale. Leave contributions at church l basement or for pick up call Mrs.' Robert Gaines 7731. 29c! -N(iTI-CE-?~fice will be closed! from May 3 to 12 while I am in l Missouri. For insurance service call Frank Carbee. J. M. Carbee. 29-30p i CAMP FIRE RUMMAGE sale, --- May 11, 9 a.m. in former Dinner and the Paul E,tahles attended the Den building in Lisbon• Pickup May wedding and reception of Carol Ann 6. 29, 30c McNulty and Russell Lund at New- " ......................... .. hall Catholic church on April 22. FOR RENT The J. P. Dvorskys, Iowa City, visited Mrs. Blanche Brickner Fri- FOR RENT: Partly furnished day and Mrs. Anna R. Pauba visit- apartment, 3 rooms, bath, sleeping ed her Thursday. porch; ample closet space• Adults only. No pets. Available June 1.' Mechanicsville Mrs. J. D. Peet, phone 5051 Mt. Ver- non• 29c Lucile Davidson -FO-R--i~E~NT: ~furnished-apt_i~e- ARMSTRONGS ENTERTAIN decorated. Dial 2366, Lisbon. V.C. MOTHERS, DAUGHTERS ! Zearing. 29p A mother and daughter banquet ..... FOR RENT: 3-room partly mad- was nel~ ~riaay evening at the ern house. Phone 3121 Lisbon. Har- ~wemoaist church with the men of lev Robertson 29p the church serving the meal. The ~..~-:---~--~-----:~--. Rev E • ~ **.~ ~_. ~ ~'u-'x. t/J~.'