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4, 1939
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1 Mrs. H. M. Rhoads will be hos-
!tess for a kensington given by tile
i ltoyal Neigh'bors at her home ICri-
: ]lay afternoon, May 12. l,asl Thurs-
I day Mrs. T. 1,. Mclntosh ,was hos-
I tess for the meeting of the or-
Have Mrs. A. R. King was hostess for l~ganizati°n and Mrs. Nannie Hainen
Seattle, Wash. the meeting of Ingleside club at', was guest of /loner in o~bservanee
Bergraann who is he- her home on Monday evening. Mrs. i of her birthday. Mrs. Jennie
IF. F. Ebersole presented the pro-ilAtts baked a lovely birthday cake
her husband on a bust-gram during which she presented which was included in the re-
. i
the west, has a most interesting review of, The freshments. Eight memt)ers were
Mrs. M. B. i Great Physician," the life story of:present.
a very enjoyable Sir William Osier, by Edith G. Reid.
ago Monday i he Fegular lueetinK of Entre I
Seattle, Wash. ! The annual election of officers ofi Nous will be held next Monday eve-
were pres-i Methodist Intermediate league was l
which wasi held at its meeting on Sunday.I
dining room, i Dorothy Sipple was elected presi-=
m said they i dent Jean Hunt program chairman" I
Dorothy Ann Rogers, socml direct-I
and as long asI " " "
e present were:i or; Catherine Osgood, secretary;i
Mrs. Bergmann, i Barbara Rowley, treasurer; Arthur i
O'Neel, herI Foster, dues treasurer; Jean Ann
I-I. E. Wilcox, Mrs. i Trego, community chairman; and
Weiss, Mrs. Mary Diana Pringle missionary chairman.
Mrs. Eleanor!
Mrs. Eleanor i
Alice Day
Carl s. InI
went to!
where i
enjoyed and tea
Bergmann expected
the first of this
Ore., San Fran-
Calif., and
they return
zill meet with Mrs.
on Monday eve-
:30 o'clock.
Will be entertained
afternoon at theI
W. H. Hoover.
ea will be enjoyed!
of 3:00 o'clock
and will close
ag of Hili City
be held next
their regular
precede the
will hold
and program
May 9, in
the regu-
meeting at
member is per-
Mrs. Leila
Mac T.
in charge of the
evening bridge
DUtch Treat din-
the Roosevelt
Bridge will
after the
society of
lrch enteretain-
the newly or-
society at
church par-
until 5:00
' afternoon. The
charge of Mrs.
The Linn and Franklin Corn
club will meet at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Don Goodyear, Saturday
evening, May 6.
Mrs. H. W. Scott was pleasantly
surprised last Friday afternoon by
twenty ladies who came with well
filled baskets to help celebrate her
birthday. Out of town guests were:
Mrs. Ruth Wilkey and son Larry
and Mrs. Jasper Wood of Cedar
Rapids; Mrs. Nellie Plattenberger
and Mrs. Ed Franks of Lisbon.
Mrs. 3. J. l~unner of lo,wa Oity.
presenteA a very interesting talk
Oil, "l)ersonality,'' Tuesday evening
at the ulonthly dinner meeting of
lhe Mount Vernon and IAs'l)on
Bnsiness "~ro rll eli'S chill, at tile
l,odge. Lower I)atis'tdes. Mrs. l{un-
net delined personality in a very
vivid manner which iulpressed tile
mcul'bers of tile ehvt/ greatly. There
were twenty-one nll'lU}lel'S present
und MFs. I{llnnel"was a guest. 'The
elu!) will enjoy apicnic supper on
the ni;zht for thelneeting in June.
The place will he "lnnounced l'tter.
I,]lectiou of officers will lie hehl
at the first ulee|ing in .June.
A class of candidates were ini-
tiated into the nlysteries of the lo-
('el Kni;4"hts of Pythias lodge, on
Monday evening by a staff of of-
liters fPonl the Anaulos& Knights of
I'ythias lodge. A hirge attendance
\vas pl't's(qlt. ()lie week fl•oln next
Monday evening, May 15, the rank
ot p'lge aud the rank of esquire
,will be given l/y two visiting lodges,
probahly froln Montiee, llo and Mar-
1(qle, at the local Knight of I)yt'hias
The New Century eluq) hold a
guest day nleeting Tuesday after-
noon at the home of Mrs. Grace
Wihter. Re'bert Clenlens, t!ornell
student, presented a very interest-
ing review of the book, "Union
Now" itly Clarence Streit.
Miss Bertha \Vent entertained at
a delightful picnic supper at her
hon/e on Wednesday even lng'.
Thos(~ prvsent were ladies of tile
Mount Vernon pu~/)lic school facul-
ty and the wives of tile nlen faculty
opened with memhers, which inchlded, Mrs.
Was followed Clyde IAndsley, Mrs. Ralph Carl,
Mrs. Hugh Mrs. Richard Fuller, Mrs. Harold
• The Misses l l,'isher.
Fisher sang a l
"Runaways,"] Mrs. lAoyd Oakh~nd and Mrs. S.
Merle Kafer ,I. Mcl~aughlin were hostesses at a
Mrs. Emma dinner VJ'ednesday evening at the
in charge of the home of Mrs. Oakland. There were
sixteen ladies present. Bridge was
playe:l after the dinner.
of the Presbyter-
for The Past ('hief's association will
Men- meet for their .'Way luncheon meet-
of Mrs. ing leriday, May 5, at one o'clock,
-it the honle of Mrs. Ida Fordyee.
For Friday and Saturdv
ES, Kellogg's Large Package, 2 for 19c
Nut, Drip or Regular Grind, 2 lbs 53c
hite, 24Vz pound bag .................... 69c
Richelieu, large jar .................... 22c
Cloudland No. 1 tall tins 2 for 31e
u Superfine Sifted, 2 tins ................ 39e
Stuart, No. 2 tins, 2 for ........ 22e
Richelieu Shoe String Style 2 tins 31c
TOES Richelieu Vacuum Pack 2 tins 27e
t abv Stuart, Green, 2 tins ............ 25e
Richelieu with raisins 2 lrg tins 35c
)ss and Blackwells, 14-oz bottle .... 19c
rE, Favorite, 5 rolls ........................ 25c
Red, Blk Rasp. Strawb'ry, 2 lbs 45e
Imported, 4 oz. Bottle ...............
a Pi. e Cleaner, 2 tins ........................ 39e
u Plain or Iodized, 2 pkgs ................ 1he
]]read & Butter, pint jar ........ 1he
son's Corn King Sliced, pound ............ 28c
Mount Vernon, Iowa Phone 132
ning, May 8 at the honle of Mrs.
G. 1,. Hi1{ in IAsbon. The l) I
will be presented I)y Mrs. IAoyd t
Oak la nd. t
"Phe Wesleyan SeF\'i('e (hlihl of
the Methodist church will lie en-I
tertained at the home of Mrs. J' I
B. Bry'tnt, next Tuesd'ly evening,
May 9, at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Alum
Shotwell and Miss Alice Nuuman
will %e the assisting hostesses. "I'he
prograul sulljeet will be. "India"
and will I)e in charge of Mrs.
George Penn, Ml•s. llallih Carl
and Mrs. (L 1,'. IAttell.
The Junior "(~hanllier of C'oln-
nleree of Mount Vernon ulet last
Thursday evening at the Palls'ides
l~odge for their usual dinner nieet-
ing'. Vv'ives and friends of the
rllenl}lors tA'oro guests "It the dinner.
Thirty-seven were present. 1lanc-
ing was enjoyed after the dinner to
music froln a inac'hine furnished
I)y Glenn Herman.
The Holue Social chili will nleet
at the heine of Mrs. George ('ester,
next Thursday afternoon.
The chihh'en of the Junior and
intermediate departnlent of the
Methodist Church (Suuday ,%qmol
and Epworth I,eague) will have "l
party on Saturday, May 6, fronl 3
to 4 p.m., at the church. It will
he in tile nature of It sun/nler
"Christnlas Party"; and the chil-
dren are asked to bring gifts suit-
able to he sent in Mission'l, ry Boxes
for dist ri,bution next Christmas.
Refreshnients will lie served "It
la Chinese" and eaten with chop
Corneli Choir Will Sing
At Cedar Rapids, Sunday
The ('oruell a capelhl choir, un-
der the direction of I+]ug'en(! I)e\'c:'-
eaux, has been asked to sing "it the :
Church Night Sol'vice on Sunday
evening. May 7t'h "it 7::tll p. m. at
the Memorial Coliseuul in (~edar
t{apids. The choir plans to leave
'Mt. Vernon late in the afternoon
for this event, e'er their numl)ers
they have ehosen "Hodie Christus
Natus Est" of Sweelinek (16th cen-
tury) anti "Adoramus Te" of Ruf-
fo also a sixteenth eentury sacred
Responsive Audience Hears
Miss Venn, Mr. Jolas Recital
A concert oi' unique qualities was
presented before "t responsive aud-
ience on Sunday evening in the col-
lege chapel when llelen Venn and
Jacques Johis eollahor'tted in the
presentation of compositions for
two pianos.
"Phe program inchlded a Bach
Concerto ill C Minor, Brahnls Var-
iations on a Theme by Haydn, and
a grou'p of modern adaptations for
two pianos. These were presented
with a fine coordination of spirit, a
genuine sense for ensenl/lle, and a
variety of musical color and style.
The Bach and Brahms were well
projected, and afforded nice con-
trasts in harmonic and stylistic
treatment. Of the orehestral tran-
scriptions the Coronation Scene
from Boris Godounoff ,was particu-
larly effective. The arrangement
of two Chopin Etudes played to-
gether, and the Bhie I)anuhe Waltz
closed the group.
The balanee and blend of the two
pianos and the unity of spirit of
the tousle gave a delightful evening
i of selections which are too rarely
Local Choirs Will Take Part
Cedar Rapids Music Week
Miss Ahna Tureehek, ehairnlan
for tile church music events of
Music Week in (:edar Rapids, May
7th to 141h has asked b]ugene lie-
as ehair'.::an in Mount
Vernon to have the Mount Vernon
churches l/:'.rtl qpa'.e i : I::e nlasSOd
choir that will sing" tit this ser-
vi(.e. The First Methodist C'hurch
Choir, I,loyd Oakland. director,
Helen Oakland organist and the
Pregbyterian Church Choir, John
I)uekwall, director, Helen Sehroed-
er, organist plan to participate. It
is planned that Mr. Paul Ray of
Coe College will direct one group
of sacred num'bers and Mr. Eugene
1)evereaux of Cornell College an-
other group of shored nunlbers
with the massed e'hoir eonl.posed of
members of Protest:rot, CathoDe
and .possibly Jewis:l choirs of Ce-
V-t~l oll.d':[:l/l(li'D't .'.el':] l]lt'l't has
l,]n,,"IHnd ]']%'cry l)lAllt:/hi| .