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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
May 4, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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May 4, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Six THE MOUNT VERNON. IO%VA. tIA%VKi.;YI;;-RF;CORD AN D THE LISBON HERALD Thursday, M~I , ~ .... .............. _ _L .... 22' "= - ...... ,,~,--;: ................... "'" .................................................... ..... :""" ..... eral da"s in the Arthur Siverl .............................................. at Center Point Sunda Mr - L ....................................... ~vv ~ Y- I . ana Mrs M. F Emerson of l home .... ]home. t It ][--][A.~ ][-][|~][-][ ~.OW Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Little wereIMartelle were Sunday guests of] Mr and Mrs ~v ~ • I! ll ~ I% 11% 11'!1 I% ~ 11% il ~ 11'!1T ~ T .......... r'a i .L~. ._.,, .,,. ' .,..,. ~ ..,.,,-,, ,,..., -- .,. ... ~ .,. ,.., .,,,..,,..,,.',,...,,..,,-.,,.. ---'--- ,, ........ L ...... t " : I%1 114 I [ ][4] I~ i | |! ]14 | | | | I | i k ~ ~ I Mrs. Jonn lneoe spent ~azu a y guests m me tJeo.J~ye nome zn ] Mr. anct Mrs. Henry ~eeger. I were Sunday dinner 11 12, I U II! ][J U 1% Im ~ ~J l]1~ ][J VV 1,3 [ in Cedar Rapids.. . . . [ ...... : : : .............: : : : : : : : : : : : ..... : : • _- _- -_ : : : -- Anamosa Sunday. ] The W. B. Guthrie family spenti Dora Hoffman home Mrs Howard Bearusmy Mr ancL, ........... the week e " • . . ~. . ' ." ~ ~ ~orest nao me nigh cow of butter fat Mr. and Mrs. Purl Pearson and nd in the A. K. Kramer!bon - ----,,,-,, , ,,,, ,',','"""""""'"""'""'""""'""'""""'"""'"'""""""'""""""""' Mrs Joe Hur~ ant 6arDara Jo spenz ........... ' ~. " ' ~ ..... I Monday night with Mrs MillieI m Lmn ~ow lest z-~ssn. ~o. z mr one hundred six cows on test pro- son of Mechanicsville, Mrs. Rob-I n°~7 aaCn~e'~rs Rmhard Reed ofI The Hoot Owl Club !i ................ • I[~qPlF'| • |" ~l['lznL, ~as nero ............... a~ me ~ooseve,~ not~t i-nn Hurt • !April according to Ernest Nation duced over 40 lbs of fat each All inson, and Laura Platt of Mount/ • - " [Russell Mallacoat ho] IrdI I| ~I~l • [~IM~IPJ~ ~edar Rapids on Friday evening I " r' H C Moore and Jane sAc'- ! tester. Mamie a grade Holstein 22 members were feeding balanced %ernon were Sunday callers in thee Springville called on Mr. and Mrs. I evening to help Mrs 1~ liltlllkllaLLk ill V ! ........... ended a I M .S.... • ~ ..... V- i gave 2016 lbs. of milk and 72.6 lbs. ration; the high herd receiving 300 Wheeler Erich home. [ lxmnard Reed Sunday afternoon., i brate her birthday. .......... In ~er me oanquet mey a~t ] ped m t~.eaar ~apms ~aturoay. ., i of fat ClarenceStonerook hadlbs of corn and cob meal, 400 lbs. Mr. and Mrs. James C. L. Clark,/_ M.r.. ano Mrs. t:nnora onsmt~ ozI served at 7 o'clock, ~i~@~;ii~iiii' ' ~!!r~~n)i ~A pNIo~ZIL" ....... LE i ed c°wii i :7~2!bSiall k ry ' ;ii~2~ii~~~t~!@!ij ~i~i!" ~~~ !. ~. D~'~~ ][ "~i~ii|/ Services 1 n t her and Mrs ClarPre y till ........................... '... evening g i Mr and Mrs Fred Austm Flor i~IS a . ' " . . Mrs. Clara " " - " " " ......................... " " "gie k" n ith her a h r Mr~ v'a train Tuesday morning Rev " ___~_" . Ann M~ddelton To thzs umon ll ent Wednesday in nicsville Senior class Sargeant and Rose .............................. GG 11 1 755 348 e e d w d ug te ~'] c~,,~o ~n .... ~^~^~ . ,~._^L .... ~-I .... ~ ,a/rit~ children wasborn. , ..... ] ~lY2ar ~a;r~s sp I ~lThety~)Chgiven on Friday eve-_ C. E. Neal & Son ............................... G H _ 21 2 854 29.6Mac_ CAveman m Ma~on~ ...... [ B]'l~le Revivai"'cam;aign'a~eF~r2~tl *Ji .... yr~g~e: n;t thr0~ ThOSe leit to mourn are nls w*~ei "ie Thomas Mrs Mar- • 5 will onen a series o~l ~ry's umry ....................................... lVllXeU ;~Y ;~ "I;~UZO.a zv,[. ~uu ~v,~. o~/nc~ .~uim, ~vx~.] Chano] nnrfhon¢~ ,~ ÷,~,,~ , a_L ~tu~j, u . .~vJt Millie; four sons. EdwardandFl°yd!-aMe~SThBe~as Mrs ~I'ina htchelll 'r -ZpMaYco;mected*with ti e erad-I La'keside Farm .................................... RG 16 2 591 29.0 and Mrs. Loren Brown, Mr. and] ......................... ilight on the originOS ';;, of Anamosa, George of Martelle, I~=n ~rs Amelia Larsen shopped] .'.+~,~,~ of the Seniors The play i Edgewood Dairy .................................. GG 28 4 581 28.8Mrs. Donal Gordon, Mr. and Mrs.| ~r.... ~ar. • T~ • ]generally agreed tim, " and Joe of Cedar Rap~SarJhlreel ~n'~Ce(~ar'Rapids Wednesday. ]"'SD'~ng Fever", promises to be, en= J bow's Maniti Dairy ........................... RJ 134 10 542 28.1iJam~t~oCm2, pCla[ck ~Vne~(~yed2yp'Cv;C/~¥rlfS* l,VllnlSn U alns _ I duced Into the we~derl~; daughters,_ mrs. ~,unsze ~e .To¢~gl forrest Boxwell submitted to an] tertaining and worth while. .,, I TEN HIGH COWS nin~ "/variety From Canned Phoe.lcl..s ,y messm ~nKney ........;~. ,::L;:: i oneration in Chicago last weeK. I On May 13 the junior class Wml Lbs ;-~" : ......... / a z T • ~ . i cnat the t,hoemCmU Norton all of Anamosa' two orom- ~ T,~,,~ ~obstMrs Marthal ..... ,~: ....~ero of the scniw ...... ~vxr. anu ~vxrs. ~evere ror~ en-/ /~nO ]L~OCK~, ,~.~nt ...... ,:-tian _' ...... '-, ~ ,~:,_. i Mrs........ • I UIllt~ztahi J(~-a,,u o -] wwner cow mreea mK zat,^r,~,--^~ ~, a ~'irthd-- ;inn^r "n/ ~z ~vl~l,~ i Daseo on the ~g~L' ~,'_. era, 1~. l~. hurt, o~ ua~maa ULY. IBarber and Will Clark are all vie-Irides at the annual Junior-SeniorI E C Forest Mamie GH 2016 726 ~und~av~Uhaonorin. t~-l~r Udau~ht~ri ~-- paratlve antlquity¢ of ~ Ind.. and Thomas ot martene: and!tims of Smallpox. banquet and dance. A toast pro- [)'ow;s Maniti iJairy ................ 5Io. 200 ........................ ~ 1461 716 Mar aret of Cedar Ra ida s "Variety is the Spice of Life''~ Ass rid " • .e,~ one sister Martha Barber. also of~ Mr and Mrs Frank Carrothers] .......ill be ,,resided over by La ............... .......... ~--h ........................ ~ ....... "" g P • / ............. : ! . y. n or Akkadmn ..... '.. ...... ~:~.:,~...~,,~I -.--. • ,, i ~--'" ~ ~ ~ , ." I ~. vv. n. L~H~,~ .................. ~=.,~ ....................... ~,-. ~ ~V.~ d L h 1 er/u.u any cnange in mea~ prices m]s termmeo Ma~eUe;anacmmren, @" .~anu ..... ancl~'u~e*'ka nos~"~i ando, Mr. and Mrs, Willie were c.a~-] Vaughn. Scott A dance orcnestr.aj, F, Bowers & Son ................ Goldie" ....................... GG 1101 69.4enMr'taann:d Y~i2er {rueBs~t:v~eeldve-] spring and summer won't need to ........... great gr j era Sunday m the Rev. Baskervn,e[ has been secured to furnish tousle] Clarence Stonerook ................ Tess!e ........................ GH 1518 68.3ning. Present were Mr. and Mrs.| worry the Archze .Mimsh family l~ other e m "C dar lxa ms ~amruay + e ~. " ~ Mrs Ellen Cas J ~ ;i ,~,ci " irs and alwa s tried to do his . . ~__^ • . Mrs. Harry Freeman '1 g the!ger, Mr. and Mrs. Annie Svoboda, l , n -n~t affa ....... ~.Y ...... hilitv [ home Fmday aftefnOOy. . e,,,~ ] C ........ ncement willbe Tt2ursda.~ ] ~ [ Federated Club convention on May I Jordans Grove; Frank Gates, Cedarl appears on the company menu as:] to this 10ca" Spring vil!e..I~e was ss st dve YI Ill., came Saturday to attend the| ,rio. and the mixed chorus. . I worker will speak at ti~'e beginniUngl Bell, wi~ile in Davenport. L ~ and Mrs D M Beck and[ cret ]s to can zt in as many differ-!j ~.~ f~|.~s tery. Mrs Amanda Biayney of Anamosa| for the last day of school Sites|Young people should plan to at- i Win. Ozburn in Marion "They also] guests in the Samuel James home.] Mrs. Minish uses practices in] • i ,," ............. home/ ........ 2 ...... ~/tend the Youths' Group meeting in ! visited in the E W ~lston ~..~._l Mr and Mrs Arne Moeder Mr.| canning and during that are recom-I | ~.-- D--,--~nt l~eill ; Chile(1 a~me o ~.~u~,,~ for mese nave no~uecn ~~,, I • • ,,,~,,,= ' . . r ~* ~u,,~- METHODIST CHURCH .. - .--~ | ..... ]Mount Vernon Sunday afternoon near Ely in the evenin~ [ and Mrs Fred Holeomb of Cedar[ mended by the extenmon nutr,t,on-I [ ,,r MI • r bunaay evening, at thiS time. . • ' o. . . ~ ._ Rev. M. Trevor Baskervflle, Pasto I .....n ~n.~ ~'red Bear and Mr| |and evening I o,,,1 ............ / Rapzds were Sunday a:fternoon call-] ~sts at Iowa State College. She has! i "* _..~ .,v.,.., a,, *~ - "------- • ' " i .... o~amey, a~£er a ioreeu va ..... Sunday school 10~00,^ !and Mrs Albert Pollock and child-| MOTHER-DAUGHTER | WflhngWinkers, May 10..Mrs.I rattan has returned to work at the] era m the Ed Archzbald home. / f, ollowed ~.suggestmns f oun d m,I! ]-)l~,~]-) STDq worsmp servmes ~:uu ] ." ....... "~ ~,,n,~,v in the Mrs. Stellal BANOUET HELD TEUSDAY |R. C. WnsonasmsTea oy lvirs, lxaipn ! m~n ~,i~,~¢ ~nm,~ ~,,,~ .... | ur. and Mrs. ~. W. t.rearnar~ were] ~ home t~utcnermg m iowa," an, I ..... • There will be no Epworth League[ ~.~-'~,~ .... " | The Mother - Daughter banquet]Waln. hostesses. L ~.. r~v~.~-~ro~...~,~,~=.~.~ ~:| Sunday visitors in the N. G. Gear-] up-to-date circular distributed an-! | ¢~.., ,~.., services. ..I ~*~=~'~"'~homas family of Cedari~Don¢ored by the Ladies Aid of] - ---" i ~oot--vvh-n'~-m~,'i=~"h::=~'~ ~'~" "~'~/hart home in Hopkinton. |nually thru the Farm Bureau of-i] ,a..uL ='"l-~-t The Baccalaureate services win l~" ~"~'~:ent the week end at the] the M E church Tuesday nightl.~PRTNGVILLE METHODIST [ _ :~. ~-~.'*" .... J ....... / Bethany Circle of the Methodist] fice i| COl|V*- beheld in the Methodist. church L rmpm~ Thomas ~ home. was lard" eiy attencted ,and a most Rev ........ L C Smith Pastor i Mr. and Mrs: l~on Peterson were| church sponsored, a May Breakfast| ............ One of th .... , r,~oln,~¢~. ........ *h.t i~! [ i-, * T'L.,~,~ Rev. Baskerville ~s to preach. ,, iAlbert~ ~rildred Ellison and Mrs.[ eniovable affair After the ban-| Sunday school at 10 a.m. I week .... enu ms,mrs in me p aarental] Thursday morning. Commzttees are[ a favorite in the Minish family as,' [ t;eoar ag, , The M. E. Ladies Aid Society wi~. i ~"--' ": ...... 11 d in Anamos~] " t'" a miscellaneous program was Morning service at 11 a.m.o....~, wagor home near t~entral working on the Mothers' Guest Day well as the threshers is "l~Ieat meet Thursday afternoon. Hostess Mma M,tchell ca e Que. Mrs Charle Brown wAS] Attention is called to the District!C*ty" [which will be given May llth in~Balls,, 2 lb nf H~mhnr~ ~/-~*'11 Ananlo~ ~ ~d esda evening gwen. . Y ........ ~ ~, will be the 2nd division. W .,, Y ' " " hn of Have- traveledextensivelygave a] Epworth League Rally which will l Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Johnston en-/the church auditorium. ] fresh nork (~round~ .~ o~' I o,,n | ,-s. ---~ ass V~r zma Vaug has .... ~,o .... ,- - i M gthe week end at thetravelo ue; Mrs. Ralph Supplee, .~ be held at Iowa City, May 7th. The tertained their Bridge Club Thurs-| Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sweitzer en-| milk "-2- cu~)s- dry 'bread crumb~ | anwo- Mrs M C Moore of Tuxhne lock spent g ~ u Texas' arrived'" " Sunday from Cah, "-' Mrs. Chloe Newman home. violin solo, and a pantomime, en-i time is from 2:30 p.m. until 8 p.m. hay evening. | sutertaineder FrzdatheirevemnClUb at a Pot Luck[ salt ~)epper and onion to taste" form ~| Io~ l)ept of Agr'l ...........nere sne s n~ me w,,,~*'"*^'! ~ralter,, Decious is working at th titled. "Memories," were among the| Registration will be ten cents and/ Mrs. Clarence Hotchk,ss" enter-| PP .~' Y . " g-o . | into' balls and brown quickly' in!~ : .. "_~ No. mrmaw ...... ~.,~, pe .... Ul vi~it] Bert Miller home south of LisbonI cpecial numbers given. 1 dinner at 6 p.m. will be twenty-fiver tained her bridge club Thursdayl Camp ~!re meeting Monday eve-] hot skillet; put in a deep pan so as( I,]een~ ., ~jtrn nyFh~ha:?son"Dr.~'H C"IVIoore this week. |- ..~.~ - island[ cents. Dr. W. G. Rowley will beI at a luncheon. Prize winners werel ning was nero ,inane nome o~ lvirs.I to have two or more layers; pour | c~,~T]TA]I]l n famil, before oin on to: Jerry Blythe family spent Sun- Mrs. Russen o~.~rana ..... ~.~lin charge. Dr. Eart l-iar~er o~] Mrs. H. M. Briner, Mrs. Milton|r~amerme ~tar~, ~ounsenor. t'lanSiover this one can of tomato soup I ~/~ -,~t aod, t~o wY~h to nag h~gr brother i day at Olin. "[Neb.,,, ~ ~..~:~,,,,c~,~lthe ~tate .umvers, ty,. ur. 0. ~.j~ehrens, Mrs. Clarence barrow, iwere,maae,~°nave_ a M°thersDaYiwhich has been diluted with oneiI RENDERII , """:':7' ....... ' -~ " - L ~-~ Mildred Ellison and Doris, I nome ot ner easter Mrs ........ a~-n Swisher oI Tne ~tate tllstorleal ;:2*0-] nnrl Mr¢ ~z .....w ...... / ~ea ~way ~ m me nume o~ ~waryI can of water" bake in oven until I ,~ J a vmm ~ ~ ----~ ..... "~;Z.. "a~;+.~,~]l ~nd Mrs] nenter south-west from town, theI cietv and the Rev Paul Brown I . :Mr. q.;.~ 7 .... --,,,--~ ~.~%-yy~?u[ Jean Cooper / thoro,,~*,~,, ,~)~-,,~ | Ced-r Raplu , Chr~stmn A, zd soCmWoWaS enter-i tovtrs- ..~nr;ck~a*n~'~irginia shop-[ ~)ast ten days. left for her home[ will" be the chief speakers, t v~mte~^l~mn~.ay ~nm_e n. L. ~em-I Miss Betty Levsen was honoredJ ........... ___ i~ "~ - ,,,e¢~ zainea last rnursaay a~ternoon Dyl ~cn~au~ ..... ~__ / ~vdnv | Th vna~l~v ¢ovxrloo." ~.+ ~+hivc*~ *~u*n~ *n x~p~un, calling on] on her birthda-, at a "-art,, in her]- '" "" ,'~--hone Me, * Geraldine Davis and Doris Str -i P " . .... 2__.] ~'"l~I"r."ancl Mrs Roy Williamson ofl 2 ~.~2-~2~-7~m~rni----~'~ "i •" hman who remains] home Friday | Mrs. Techau Plants Garden ,| • " The Junior and Senior Banquet i Mrs. Jenme Mct;onaugny Spen~l o~w" Ranids were dinner guests~l cnmcnes ne ~ ...... ounuay u .~. quite ill.2._ They also called in the]. __'" .| _Tn .......................... Pr d"oe M"'" V~|.mln~ '~~ / Z%""'. ." .2 home of their cous/ .......... I W w ~uristian home. n ~ • i - ~ • • • Richardson" of Akron Ohio " " ' these but are also lannin to lant i ~ • ~-~~'- ~ ~ [ home on west mum street Tues-|the construction of the new school w~iss" ....... ~l • '..'. ] E~ ..... C:or....n,-~,~ __,._.Runt L. D. Green .... I ~ . P, g P ~ ~r~i~hf at leSS i ~A~ // _-- ~ ~- ~ / day afternoon I ~,,,~n;,,~ ma Maner enzer~amed her l ..... ' ....... l a varmw oz vegetables to insure • .... ~.--- . • • • ~, ...... s. : niece Mr aware ~)onam nernennger and . • : tO sb termn s John Bou er and dau h ~arlety m menus Some of the OVe • " The regular meeting of the Mon-] ter" " LurineRussell with Harlan Main ' ' Let us p i i~~_../|I~oW|LL|A~.IIk|~.,. ! i church Sunday. orn ng, no y nn~2[ day c lubwas held m the home of returned to Waterloo Fridnvm i Ma 7th . several days last week They acting as toastmaster. Twenty_four hioh th' foods especially ..... potent~oh,,~,na ~n ,hoir : ~ yOU call sgV _.,in vitamins e 10 wm ue ...... :" "",,7 ......... Mrs. b. t~. rnoma. ~rances ~azeiy Mrs Ral h F ......... seniorsjuniors and faculty mem- -- ........................... i din Rivw' ii ~--,~[~~l~t:~ /sermon theme wfllbe, The church/reviewed a book The followina, ' p rank, Darrell Paul-]~ .... =~.~ .............. Igarden are Kale, Tomatoes, (both,I fee g i m - ~ ~ ~nl~- • srna~- -- ,~'..~ / and the World Mission." Tl~.e/officers were elected: president', ine and Geraldine spent Sundayl ................. ~ ........ I yellow squash, cantaloupe, I] Meal. ~::iil ~ ~ ~ ~ ] Mr and Mrs. Willard Boots via-| Sunday guest of Mrs Sadie Pear-i ._ 1V[r. and Mrs. John Garmon of/ evening at her home in town. The~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _..,,,~T~ /ited with friends in Monticello,] o,,n " !ceuar ttapids, Mr. and Mrs. Rettt event honored the birthday of her~ ~ .............. ~...; ........