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May 4, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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May 4, 1939 |
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Leo Beranek Awarded u.,,nber hip in the hono,'ary ,ra-i"Our Town" Was Very
t ,rl t',, Sigma .Xi, at Harvard. tie]
Harvard Fellowship ,,,so said in the let.. that he was'
working on a sliest]fie researchilmpressive Drama
which wouhl be published in an 1
Mount ~¢eri3on friellds will be early issue of "l•]lectronics'', an en- ~Vilh N¢'t'III"N ;ll/(i ¢'Ol/x-'t'l'N:ltiOll
~lvh ic h rang tl.llO lo tht, pel'sOll;i ]
very inter(!sted to leaFu of an lion- l)tlblieation" l'nd(q" or- t li,,'cs of IllalIV i I 111¢, ,lll(lioll('t', |hi'
or received by I.eo l~;eranek, ('or- li I l.l'V oircunlstanees Prof. ~|oots I ])I'Odtl('tion Of Thol'n((Hl \Vihh,r's
il('ll '36, formerly of Mount Ver- suggests I.eo, p(,rhaps wouhl g°["()/ • Town" by the, i'orncll I,itth,
ru)n, \\'he is a student ill frht, I'~n- to I']uropt' for study ]IUton ,t('('ollu~1 ]Th(.atr~' pl:.lyl'l'S OIl April :2:'; and 2~1
gineering depat'tlllenl of H~tl'Val'd of tilt' un('el'tain eonditiun alllro,ld
xxas appreciatcd as a thrilling4 4,x-
Iruiversity. The faculty of the he may choose to stay ill the I'nit- l)eri~'u('~', q'eehni/'allv, the pl:tv W:ls
I~niversity have presented hilll ~% ith ed StaD,s. :ihnost sp('(q;t('lll:lr, shlt'(' it x~:ls
't general tFaveliug fellow,'-;hii~ f()r - ............ ]pl'l'solltelt on a ~,tl'e sl:l~o \\ilh lie
the year of 1939-4o, whis.h means
he ,,lay ,t,,t,,,,l e,,.e e ,t,. ,,,,i- Market Reoort i s~iless, '2 iX)lind llackage ........ _..17('
IIiI(X~M, Ii'ive Sewed, Good Qnality 51t(', with free Chlthes Pin
llaI to tlang on Line.
SAI[I', ~NloltlilU.']i l(~lizt~! or Phihi, '2 !)onlid tnho, 2 for . ........... 17('
CI~ISCO or SI'ilY, 3 llonnd can .............................................. 53e
MAZOLA, for ('ooktng t)r S, ahid l)ll~,dng, Qnart ........................ 4-'1(,
lllllE1) APRICOTS, ~']ioi('e, pound .............................................. 23e
AIISOIIENI'] %%'A!i!~ PAi)EI~ CIA,;ANEI{, 3 calls ........ 2"~)C
I)RANO, for (,h~'g~ul pilx'S, can ................................. 21c
KIRK'S HARI)%VATEI{ CASTIIA'] SOAP, ti hiil~ ............ 25('
OXYI)()I~, llegallar Size, lia~kage ................................................ 21e
P & G SOAP, 5 hol*s ........................................................................ 19c
T()II~FYP IIRUSHES, VarniMtod Handle, each .... 10('
MATCHE.% Carton 6 boxes ............................................................ 1 9c
Bob It,irlung of Mount \'~rnon
added ()lie ]llOl'e otllsl:l!/(tiIIN' I'()h~ lo
his at']]ilK r~,perloire :t.~ 1!~' l~'elli'A1
and ch'v~'i'ly hlllll;in ~i~iL't~ Ill;i~l~i~i'l'.
who brought ]hi, colllinuily ()f lh('
Specials For Friday And Saturday
POST TOASTIES or POST BRAN, 2 pkgs ........ 19c
JELLO, 6 Delicious Flavors, 5 for ........................ 25e
FOLGER'S COFFEE, pound ................................ 29c
MIRACLE WHIP DRESSING, Quart ............... 37c
SALT, Plain or Iodized, package .......................... 5c
MARSHMALLOWS, pound ................................... 15c
GRAPEFRUIT, Del Monte, 8-oz size, 5 for ....... 25c
PINEAPPLE, Crushed, Del Monte, 8 oz. 3 for 25c
MUSTARD, French Style, Quart jar .......................
PEANUT BUTTER, Quart jar ............................ 25c
SOUP MIX, Nothing to Add ................................ 15c
POWDERED and BROWN SUGAR, 2 pounds .... 13e
MACARONI and Spaghetti, Golden Wheat, 2 lbs 15c
TOMATOES, No. 2!/2 size, 2 cans ..................... 23c
SALTED PEANUTS, pound ................................ 13c
PORK & BEANS, Armour's 20-oz, 3 for ............ 25c
WHITE HAWK FLOUR, 24 pounds .................... 59c
GERBERS & LIBBY'S BABY FOOD, 3 cans .... 25c
GERBERS CEREAL, Reg. 20c ................... 16c
FINE CHICK FEED, 100 pounds .................... $1.85
FEEDING OAT MEAL, 10 pounds .................... 29c
GOLD DUST Soap Powder (10c silver dust Free) 25c
IVORY SOAP, Large Bars, 3 for ......................... 25c
BALLOON FLAKES, 5 pounds ............................ 29c
FRESH PEAS, 2 pounds ....................................... 15c
NEW POTATOES, Calif. Large Whites, 10 lbs 35c
ORANGES, Sunkist, 2 dozen ................................ 25c
STRAWBERRIES, Pint .......................................... 15c
ASPARAGUS, Home Grown, 3 for ...................... 25c
BACON, Black Hawk, Slab or
Slice, pound .......................... 25c
BUTTER, Pound-O-Gold, lb ....... 25e
Thur~lay, May 4,
Use Old Street Car For Crib
l, disc:li'ded ('edar l{al)ids stroel last year. Mr. Bowers decided 1o
:';li" \~;l~; lt'~illsfe/'l'ed to the R;llph use it for a corn eril) althougll it
l>>(l~cl'S |'~ll'il!. t';lSl of the Andre will evelttuo.llv I)e used for a
I l'lllt'|l'i'y I';tS| of ],]Mien, tO be used
fOl" ;l chit'kel~l house. "i\r]len a chicken house. Ho I)ought the car
llllll/p(q' (roll Of ('()i'll WtIS raised .(OF $101).lHi delivered.
M.V.H.S. Win SixibIn i Rat Killing Demonstration
l'htns for county-wide raie ton-
]trol eanipaign iu connection with
MOIJi/l Vel'llOll High Ir;lcks]ers i the state-wide rat killing week 't)e-
(,(Gllhul ]!i p()illls ill I lie ('Ollferell('e i a'inning .May '2'2, are being made I)y
For Sale: Smooth mouth Inule.
half of a good corn planting te~ln,
$35. Luther Plattenberger. 2(i-('
l>ratt & Imnibert Paints.--Pre-/ READ THE ADS.
tared and ready for use. Use
i~" l,ltnll~eFt i~]n,iulel for
wood\york I
and furniture, t{oautiful colors. !
Very inexpousive. ('. W. lost)" I
I)i'Ug Store, ,Mount Vt,rnon.27 i
Painting and paller hanging. I,et floors, l,'l\\ ren('e |{lister,I 91 -\V,
lUO figure your jell. Pri('es and Mount \rerllon. 23-tfc !
work always right. 10rank B. Friok i
Phone 239-J, M't. V('~rnon, 26-7-81)
" Per sale: Vegetahle Plants now
ready to set out. H. F. Hahn, 503
2rid Ave. N., Mount Vernon, Phone
145-J. 26-27-e
Call 135-~/, I)alc~ Ham]send. for
those yard cleaning add sl)rin