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May 8, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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May 8, 1941 |
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~ay 8, 1941 THE MOUNT V~ION, IOWA, HA~YE-I~OItD AND ~ LI~ON ~ Page
I I I--
I Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dill and son Prof and Mrs Philip Henderson I Lions Entertained a t, v Mi ,o op.
ETIREt o aymg they were enjo in
e r a,%a r r mmmm% :fon :o ?o lens ,ub we, e
~ ~ ~ e ~ ] : ". .~,' ~ Athanasius Klrcher, who lived h~
I ]1]] hyg~emst on June first but because]
I given a fresh coat of paint this his home with a badly sprained : - : : : : : : : : : - I e.ntertalnea, mar~eioumy after their the Seventeenth eentur~
Boxwcll of Marion I ROy Young. travehng photogra- I week. Herbert Hogle is doing the ankle. [ ' I omner at tne nouse Tuesuay
Ursday with her friend, i phcr, is spending a few weeks with ]work ~io~ ~rtrude Cowan and Miss[ D,~,~||o 1~*o4- ~['4-|,~w~ I ': [evening oy ~aumce Flack, a ms-: F--- -~ ~ -~--- ------------'~
Cleineck. l his f'lmily in Mount Ve non ' . - ~ - .s] ].~,ltl~ It" 1Lo~ t.~.~o I ~ ]gieian and a junior student at Cos [ ~ ~
" " I C 1" Gihette |eft las~ tnursuay Agnes tlanaait were umner Su~.t ~,~ ' .
~" "" " /college. (edar Rapids. Mr. Flack
yrs. T. B. Stoneking of] Mr. and Mrs. B. A. 'Sm,th spentifor I)over, New Jersey, where he Sunday in the home of Miss AnnaIOfMount Vernon I~~~ '.-ears on man" ro-r ,n oo : [ Phntnaranh |
c ~Unday evening callers t last week illthe Mr and Mrs. ' etedto transactb ~sinessfor Jordan ] vv v ~ ,~ ,', ,~ ~ ~ Jt.a ~.~j tb~.# ~.~. .a.L~
~e of ! . ~xpe . -------" i,professional and ranks among some ! ~)
Mr" and Mrs" A" L' H ward Sm'th h me near No~ Iseveral weeks, " Missh'enelAvengoodofChleag ,lonhmseventiethbirthdaythls~~~]nf~hobo~,tnht fo~qi {[ !
. i I'~oston, I,l. I Harold Chapman of Cedar Rapids Ill, is an expected guest in the]week, I rof. Charles Keyes said I ~~~i.:.~ Ihas be~n interested in his follow-I,][our rnotograpn is {
,-'a Mann of Marion came Mrs. C. W. Riddle, of Mechanics-. spent last Saturday afternoon and home of her friends, Mr and Mrs. { think I have taught long enough". :~~i~ since he was io years old ' Charl s .~[ Most Ann . ro rmten " fo r {
~or a several days visit{ville was a visitor on Monday m evening in the home of his brother C E Hedges on Friday. /and resigned from the t:ornell ca- [Grier manager of the lno~l ~e~i~. { [ r ~=.~-.~:,~ ~ |
eof her friends, Mr. and I the home of her hrother and sister-I Lewis Chapm~n. "Mondav afternoon callet~ in the {culty p siti ,n Which he has held l~~ili~ !of the Iowa'E~lcctric IAghtand P'o'(v'-' i [ DIO'I'I'IISI1U~ l)2kI- i
'~*'t, tn-htw and Mrs A. L.StoneKing " . . - for the past ~'J years. Ano so, ' . ~
- ! I Rev. and Mrs J. J. Kidder and home of Miss Anna Jordan were. ] [ "~ Y:l I cr company, was m charge of the{, Gifts 4
t, aUnd Thompson return-[ Miss lois Smith spent last week{daughter Joyce were expected to Mrs U S. Jordan, Mrs. MetzgarlW.nen Junec mes this year ( rneHi ~'.:,i"~]program and introduced the en-][ ------- |
~tUrday evening from a end ~'isiti,:g her brother and sister- return home lmst night from a and Mrs. Durbin of Clinton. ~'Hl lose trom active, serv,ce a i~~i~i tertainer Children's Pictures I
~e ~ . German teacher WhOSe interest anti { and Mrs. Oscar ]in law, Mr. and M,'s. James Smith. lwinter's sojourn m the south. Mrs. A. J Meakin and her daugh- work in archeoloo'V has broughtI ~~-~~1 --'----------- A Sneeialtv [
,~Ume near Marion. !in Chicago Ill She also en. oycd Mr and Mrs. Clint Berry of Dav- ter Mr% Austin Legge of Ithaca, { wi-'~ -~(ention i)r and " ~?Ji] I May Husk Was I I r . I
~l [ ' { ~ * ",- illi|l ll~LLl(~{1- II(~ ~tt,i . r
rs Fred Hahn of Earl- a visit to the Art Institutewhile i enport were guests 'Sunday m the N Y were guests today in the home Mr~ Ke es will continue to make ; ~!i:l l~.da~o~A ?M[.~A.~ I ~%.! ~m ao ed ~ ^ t^.J.
gUests [ ' " ' " " " ~ )i lik '- ~. .~ - ' {-*~.u ~,*~,*,u ~j, { *-,~at ox~ wa~ct u u ~ut:~
,on Sunday in the~ there. ',hom,~ of Mrs. I) D. Klemeck andof Mr. and Mrs. F, dward t t [their home in 'Mount Vernon ] ~":':~ I
mrs. Hahn's brother and n h+~,o d,~ughter Mrs Jessie Krumm .~T, nnd Mrs Flovd Brackney of{ . . " " . I ~iiJB -- { t tot appointment |
W .~ o.~.~ xx . .~. { NIPS. ICL1s~ell t~ole a ~ut~ -o !' ' " " - ! I~r l~O'ves has llVe(] here most o1" ~i:i~ill } The ~],"t HDSK the last number .*.* .~ ~ .* ~ ] ~ ~s* AGQ I
1 fa~r~h~ rs. ~r~.ur]Betty and Nancy expect to spendI Miss Marian Scott of Chicago, Ill IAneoln, Ill were visitors over tnelhis life ~)cing graduated from thei " ~~i]of the ve,~Vr was'released Monday ] t pa~ |
--'"'" x undav with Mrs Cole's moth- .trrived Monday for a visit of the week end in the home of Mrs. { ' .
,!ne. tS . l,o a, pub,it . chools In He i lCla in ): cket contalns I l
,~e Aekerman and son er, Mrs. F. V. Bush in Van Horns. remamoer oI the x~eeK in the home Braekneys mother, .vHs. oameS iknew the pioneers of this vicinity " " " .~ a eolle'tion of nroso ~n~ m-~o [-'~w~ ~~4"~ |
Mount Pleasant were Dr. Cole is on a business trip in of her mother Mrs. H. W. Scott. Bryant. { as a youngster and rememl, ers: - ~-i ~ : j[~ '='~ o[.':]~ [ llU]~fll lkOOUlt~ I
).^~, m the home of the ]W~sconsm and will not accompany)Mr. and Mrs. Charles Emerson, Dr. and Mrs. Frank Cole, who ate/Squire E. D. Wain and Wflham : ~i~ 1 [
-~t. I ~Lr(1 el lne I31 IgazlneWhiCh has
net and sister-in-law / them. i of Davenport, spent the week endspending several weeks at their [ Hazlett, two of the earliest settlers. ~~~!i~ t " . . ~ ' " " [ Mount Vernon) Iowa
lca. Joe Bennett I he visiting in the home of Mr and fxrm near Blackberry Minn plan|His first memory of the Cornell ~~i~ Ibeen ceionrating it~ twentieth year ] J
r Aorian .'doore member oI t,' " 'r ' ~ "
ernon and I isbon court {Cliff K(,cs dance' band was "t din-[Mrs. John Co,on and other reid- to return to Mount ~ernon about] campus is of three buildings--Main |~~ii~ of existence, i k~---~- -~.---- -- ------- ,-
Oilers ~x"'" " -- -i ""~ '~- ~ ":f M, ~tives the 26th ] hall South hall and Old Sere He:~~~li~ [ Mariorie Hohnes Mighell who isI,--
"ill Open ~FIO sea- iner gues~ ,~un(lay in i:ne no|no o . ". " " / ' ~ " I v~~'.':::~.::~ i " "~ ' ~ -- - ' .
'ekfr R mend Weston and n Mrs J M Bridges of was only flvt 3ears old when ~ork I f~cquently represented in maga
' om ~unday May 18 and M)-~ Dick Busenbark Mr Mrs ay Mr. a d . . ~,"~ ~ ' " ~~':~ " ~,*'~ "rwnAU~lflMflT{
W ',* . g~rw~.v),~,tv t-v,
illrn ~ r (lit hteiC:~nthm of Mason C~ty Iisbon ~ere ~-unday dinner guests was sttrted on the chapel m 1876 t " ~i~ zm(s of national circulation con
set the Monticello lMoore and Mr. Busenbark ,'e e i ~ g . " " i ]" :' " ~,- ~/d~ . .m@an.m,rtmte~'|
the ~ t + ~fll beMa t eshval gu(sts m the h home of their son and but he can recall that and ho~ i ~ ngKvut,~ m~
. Montioqlo course. {elassma.os in the W'ashington, Iowa I "" ~ Y ' ~" in t e [ " . " " 7 "l / tributes "The Doll," a story of ~ ~ [
"~ are Urged to attend high school home of Dr. and Mrs. Jay B. :Mac-daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. DIl-[ for several years someume m the DR. CHAItLES R. KEYES [ strikinw poignance Winifred Van ~ ~ I~ "I~; t~tJ~2 [
L "- " " I " { Gregor Ion Bridges { eighties the large windows were,~ . = - o . . . ~--~ ~, ~
~I ' Meakin and her Mrs. Edith Townsend, who spent Mr Dale Johnson and P rsons went to Can " boarded' up and only the first floor / r~tten, WhO won natmnat promm- ~. a %," ~
rs. Austin Legge, of a week visiting in the home of her {. M[. and.:, s I. ~Ilv.Maude- a, : -:[was used until funds were raised ] ,{ante with her prize winning novel ~ :~1~
.X S { . i(laugnIsor NIISS ~vtttl~U~[~t~ ~l~c ton ()RIO last week ior a ViSit O1 ~lJlrector OI iowa Al Cfleologlt',~-,
,2 Pent Tuesday and~ sister, Mrs. Hazel Chmen, m Den-, ~ [ " . ' ~ for completion of the building ] I Am the Fox and who has con- i ][ ,~[~ a
,tat i~ .~ - - ~ ~ ~ to spend bunaay ,u~,~. o --'~-, several weeks in the home ot net| " " ' {~urvey .t flue WhiCh ne S[lll not(is./ # Iqk ' .~'%~ ~ O llt~l
- the home oI ,vtrs. I ver, ~oio. returned on we~nesoay t : ' ~ m r home " ~ . ~t He remembers, too, when Elder " ' ~ / tmDulea snort stories to the AT- i I ~ ~'/Z ~r ~&.L--I and sister [ for a brief visit in the home of her ! x~th rejahves ]n their ior e,ibroth~-u!-l~.w ano .sm~er, ~v,r. a,m{ George Bowman returned to Mount L It has been the practic(~ of I)r,| LANTIC MONTHLY offers "Cele-,~///~/ ~'~
,ra. Frank Cleveland, in ) father, H. 1 . Hahn leaving for her Il:=arivum' . Mrs. t, rea rJlacKweu. /Vernon from California when Bow- Keyes to make his studies mostly| br~+,- ~9~0" ~,x~~/ I
{ home in Vahlosta Ga. [ Mr. and Mrs. Norman Current ol [ Mrs. W. W. McClintoek, mother] m~n hall ,~ huilt [ from materials already existing and[ "~': :-' "~"'~"~'~. " " |
' ts this nfin d expemence m the ~outnwest last
}Clinton are expected gues [of Mrs. J. C. Milholin, is co e ]not so much from excavation. Hox~-| ~ ~
~, $] week end in the home of Mr. Cur-]in the Virginia Gay hospital, in{ After leaving the local mgn[ever, he began excavation work in[ summer. Dean Boggs reveals a I~1['~/~t~ " "
r SChOOl Dr ~eyes spent one year
|~a~" |lrent's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Ha -{Vinton, where she submitted to a[. . '~ " . . " ' 11934 and 1936 aided by Ellison err| striking imaginative grasp of time "- . I
{n the L;orneH acauemy tx~o years
~U~. Vernan Hitch SChOOl Senior Class ! i old Current. ]major operation last Friday. |. ~ " ~ " '` " ", S[of "~Vaukon, 85-year old retired] and thought with '~l?he Sea Wmsh ~'~1~|~ |
O In (;ornoll COll(~ge anti in the spring
I Dr. J. B Mageenleftt3natMt:nndaaY[ The registration ofhP~Pr~ilt t?2:/ of 1891 hc taught at No-way, Iowa, { tthl:~h n k p 3~Pedt~a~tPleTrYeL'rva:d/Repeats--Repeats." James Somers, IM~til~~ I
~,i for Nashviue, e { will enter SChOOl for t e '] finishin~ the snrin~ term and the [ " who was supposed to be a freshman " |
IJ-~O~,~,o I meeting of the Board of Education next fall ~ill be held Thursday af ~, v ~ had bern acculate it Corn II
) |l "" " ~rch of which[ ' ' .~ lock in the[ following year, 1891-92. Then he/ |' ' e this year but who could-
}[p~ |lof the .vletno(lmt cn ]tern n" May 22'at Za~'Cthe Ward]returned to Cornell, finishing inl I)r Keyes plans to continue hisln't make it, eontributes a beautiful m,--u s. ~ L, s. (~ I
]he ]s a member kindergarten room
L'n ~? I~ " " " { "' " " [ 1894 with a bachelor of philosophy]work in this line after his retire-[ bit of poetic prose entitled "When." DoYou UoAwaim Night*? n
n~ ~ 1~A~1' I~mll d~l~---- ]1 Miss Velma Hill, teacher on the/schooL l degree. The next three years/ment, putting an extensive report| There is a hWh ~ercenta~ -f ~TTt~ J~ ~ ~. ~ n
i lift ~ ~Nt/~l ll/ 1 11 II IIP ! i schools at Jefferson spent the week/ Edward Pitlik and Harlan Elli-[ he served as principal of schools/ of Iowa's archeology in several| :.'f~' = " r, ~"",'~ ~.t~ffiv ~,s.t~ w ~, ~s. 1
' ~u~L~ ltl L[ll~ JlUIIIDeY ~Alarlotte
" ~ ~ ' r r om It 0U never ~low when
j IL ~ ~t~[,~ ~m- ~LVm'Im,lend in the home of her parents, M .[son were champion mush o |at Blalrsto~n followed by tbree]books. 125000 specimens of all| " ,~m, younever~mowwnen |
' ' tia(XSIllI "Ariel"" JC~'ell l$OInWell
I~ |!and Mrs. J. W. Hill and attended/gatherers on Tuesday when theylyears graduate work in Harvard|kinds must be analyzed, as well asl a taeepl algal conuag. |
|ithe Music I e,~.tival at Iowa City. |brought home more than four] university. Next came three years l the organization made of some| Tu:~, h'Swastika on Olympus"; Bob Why not be l~l~l~ I
ill |] Mrs. A. A. Bauman of Oak Park,| bushels after a few hours hunt.|as instructor of Germ'ln at the thousands of notes, hundreds of[' s ~ l, "There Will Be Four ----~ a--a*
|I,1t. spent )ast week in the home of{Where? |Unlversitv of Callfornla. photographs and the surveyor; { Walls": Olenda Hodge, "Sprlng is S I
]~;~.l~ ~,~l~,~r,1 A,~l;4-,~,;,~,] her niece, Mrs. J. ~,V. Strickland./ The Misses Mattie and Nellie] IOINFI) CORNFIJ, I plats. He may, also. write a paperI Afraid"; Geneva Ingrain "Precipi- EH~r~stenk Nervine Tableb I
-~tS~al ~O~ttUUl 2-~UUlt~Uzataztt {]She expects to leave soon for Exet-| Robinson of Moundsville, Vs whO[TACU~Y~iN ~1903 ion the English and Gcr)nan l-~n-]tation Normal" Bill Holeh, "Noth- hdp to quiet the nerves and I
|crNHto pendthesummer|.:vi.ito, sintheMrsJohnBlair| " ~uage, tbe use of rime and allitera-[ ln~ Beautif,1 ~ ,*.e~.~,~'h, s.~
. Tuesda morn ~n the ra, of ]. 3 I)r Keyes tton in German and Engltsh prose,
~ . " ' . "Ml ] St/:t'eed. ~vre~V:i't'v ~'l:~Ude~otwinc~he iRn b'fn~ :'.a~ fT:n~:ftto sp ndYsevera] ]came to Cornen college, aria h. s material whleh he has been collect-' { the Heart Slowly; Dave Fmh, %=; L'~'~e ~" rO tO- I
,tmeSn V r.vontnff nvnav lqUl |]' ' ' .-.'" -,Y'[ g,- |beenon the faculty here ever since, ling for 40 years, l"Heaven(~omesQuietly"; andHope ~t $~tlCl g~; a ~e. I
~J ~v~'ax~9 ~'~ J |[was a v~sltor ~aturday afternoon[ months. ] HLs wife and daughter Catharine I 1Chancy, "Notation." ~ -- -~---~- 1
~ { and Sunday in the home of his par-1 Mr and Mrs C R Carpenter re-] ~ n vo~v ~,t)h h|m in O.ormnnv { ])r ~eyes has been a member of{ All *h {+ o h ~ Dr. Miles Nervtne Tab- |
. . Try Dr. Miles Nervine Tab- 1
0'~) &lents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Travis. /turned to their home in Fayette11912 13 Catharine is now librar Cornell's athletie committee for{ T lets for Nemmtume~m. 5"~ea- |
Adm za ceres [ ' [ " "" " - n] tne rlt ~t~ t)etore With the excep- ~ ~'* ~. ~"~.~ ~-~--r"
I Mrs Mildred Currell and family [ Monday morning following a visit{ Jan of the conservatory of music at I any years although he himself] " ~, ~-- ---~.~--,~ ---~--r- |
' " ' " ~a n hl lion ot ])ave ]Olsn who makes his ~$$t1~$$ GlO, e IO =~O)~(T~))te~)
Iasadena Calif arrived Tues- over the week end in the ,ome f{Oberlln oo,ege and instructor in " s o at cte. Ten years ago he{ L2F . m I
~ day evening for a visit of several Mrs. Carpenter's sister, Mrs. Fred! musical theory' His other daugh- ! was awarded a "C" sweater in ap-] debut in this number. ~ e~0~, ~W t~.~ t,~ ~.~ I
) ) M rritt ' precmtlon of the ~ork he had done ~tl~) ~Tt~Ot~ J[~i~.
. ~ t~a~i 2~toe~h~nh:~? ~fe?ernbdr ~ ~resr. ]I W~d from EldonjJ~fhe~, ~ltseronMa~aretasmh3~Pl:teion:omhie: ~ thpairttme3~tt he had taken ie[ Austrian. Write Frequently ~i~~%~~l
[ ,~ j~ 1~5~.~1L~.~ ":. "'. " g |left last week fo - tea her in the Stanley consolidated The Austrian post Is always bus~ ~ ~ ~ ~[l~[i~l
~#~'i~~ 1,(~tk~/h,~=~k~a~ ,~ Mrs. nose Hiekman hadas din lraeks to his parents, Mr. and Mrs.|school. In 1919 Dr Keyes was on the According to statistics the Aus lttadbdldhumUotm ~ .~[kl
~' " ( da forCam Clat b m in r s " e > ~
t//~g~r ~rv ~-~, ~~.~ .Mrs. Ins Dye Miner. and son Har- |leave Welnes ,y P -[ eco e te e. ted m th study of,f~ f Wild Life I rotection at Mac-. " of l tte ers In the ~( m v a,s [ ~l
lan Dye of Marion, and Mrs, W. H. Ihorne, l,a. [archeology, and about1914 he re- ] ~regor, '~nd has been on this facul- [ "rlan writl 2"2 "" "e " r { "-- --
~, ~ ~ t ng x~ n tters a ~ea
~rsons of rest Adams of turned to this hobby with an ty (very summer since ~lth the
m~, [Crew and Mrs. Aley ], ] Mr. : n,I Mrs. Fo [ " " " ' i : " "" ' ' " ]--h r " 'B "- . I -
I~,lU It" M~'~ ~/ I Mount Vernon |Boise Ida called on friends in acuitywhich has brought him exception of two years It is now T e ave age m elglum IS 21).4 v #
much reco nition In 1921 he was know Holland lP,6 Switzerland 172 En~
~~ ~,~.'~-~*~'~.~" / Hans Lange, associate conductor ]Mount Vernon on Monday. They [ . g . '" n ~s the Nature Study Insti-I ~'* ". " : ] ~ y ~ ' ~
,o their home from made research associate of the state'tute H( ex sets to attend this ,and 122 (,ermsnv I t and Ttal~ ~') '
i. "' %.~~~ { of the Chicago Symphony orchestra { were enr )ate t ] . . "~ " { '. : P ' ""
l~/and Mrs. l.ange will be guests next|Florida where they had spent the hnstorleal soci(:ty, with the title ofiyear on August 3 to 14. ~~.
~~ ~ week in the home of Prof. and Mrs. {winter. ~~
~l],:ugene l)eve~eaux. They plan to] Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bryant] 1 I] I~~|l
~r "~r ~ ~ ] arrive in Mount Vernon on Monday. [ and M rs. V izner Bryant, of Prince I %vlr. ana ~rs. ~ A~" w. ~. ocn, xtr. I meeung oi ~n.e ornclat hoard. Ev- ][ ] [ ~~,[
i ~ ~ [ Several members of Vernon chap ] Rupert B.C. left 5VIonday morning an~ .vlr~. ~ rank v reuerlcK were cry memver 2surged to be there. I I I I I I
~, - m ~ - m " " " - ~ " "-it I eatJers ~unoay afternoon in the ~v~r / "rue near is yah,0 I I,I
te~ O ~ S att( ndcd a group meet I for Winnipeg ~;anaaa alter a vm ",
~I~~ ing in .l~ipton on Monday inelud. ] tn the home of Mr. andMrs, i.yall]andMrs. Glenn Stoner home. For the regular monthly meet-II Ill~ Ill
~j ) . " ~ " =: I Bryant "~nd other relatives I Miss Ann Curnutt who has been / ing of the W. S. C. S. they have all I I I -- [ [ I
eo were: .virs. Arisen r~urge .~rs. "" [ ~M D f " I I I [
' s confined to St ] ukes hospital for~ ay ay Break ast in the church
W H Hoover Mrs William Hog-Miss Fleanor Gough who ha. 'fiv x~~ k 1: "" Wednesda "a 14 t '" "
in e "ee S Io lowing an operation y, ~1 y a nine o CLOCK
man M's Irl Hoodmaker Mrs been studyin~ music this year .
1 i . I . "" ar [is slowly lmproving and is a,ble to[The members of D~wsmn Two are[[ I{[ROOM-a-hsmCanBe [[] 1
rtt-ry ,'~lgglns .vlrs l)ana wncox i~:'e'v ~or~ ~:l~v ]s expecteo to -
l~|~~~[-- ~-- { ' " [ . ' . " " "" . ~ ]sit up a very little every day. [specml guests. The hostesses are]] I I I . . . . ~, I I I
,- I,:. T. Gough, euperintend-]r v . ay at enome or net| Mrc Youn -resented the ]the members of Division Eight / I lluurea UlCKIy WlUl Ill
ent of the ])avenport district spent/ parents Rev and .~lrs ]2~ 1,J ~ P ,
-~[I--~ "/// ~rll -- ~ ' " ' :" 1Thank Offering addre~ at the I "" [Mrs Russell Cole will lead the de-] I I I 1-- . I I I
Tuesday in Waterloo attending a Gough for the summer vacation. { -~- ."
V #LL lll 'r a / } ,ons Methodist church on Sunday{v h ns and Mrs. Russell cooper/ IlIKemoaenngtqans III 1
""'/f~ --- ~ m Vlbl) ~~ ! meeting, of. the Commission onl Mrs H C Gilliland. has been the-'" a~ternoon'" ~v~rs.'" " xoung vm]~-" i the lesson. Every lady in the! I I I . . I i I I
~ World Service Bishop Ralph Ma confine 1 to her bed mnce Sunday fferln from
~1~-~] ~.~m . - rl,~ ] "c < ' [ed Rev and Mrs L A Gustafson I church is invited. / Ill If your house is su g Ill 1
i ~IT /,[ gee, of Des Moines and all the sup- [ when she turned her left ankle I in Clinton [ --,I I I ~;om then it's time to see I I I
[[lll lg -" ~ {erintendents~xereinattendance. |when starting to cross the street[ ' t-~, ~ ~-~ *, m t } Ill *~'-'~"-?'~ ' Ill
l~$1'I o, -- -'" ~|~ I ~ near the Methodist ehurch to at- [ Mrs. Marshall Crouch of St. ! lx een I UpllS laKe / I I I us a~ou~ remodeling. ~]ngy, co)or- I I I
M~ and Mrs I d~ard Ho~dahl [ oul Me w s
~-~~5 MORt TI'm .o ~1 of:C'hi(a o "Ili'"l(iall~ in Mount{ tend the m rning service' Shew'ill[ " s "a, a visitor in :Mount]#-~ +.r 1~~ I-.I,~,A 1 /11 less rooms may be transformed mto [,|
~--.~ - ~ ~11 112| ~ ~ II! J~ ] r" g,"' " " " [ "~robabl- be confined to her home I Vernon on Sunday and Monday. ) ~.~UlL~J x~l.o aa~x~ / I I I ~; ~h ~ ~,~A beout. 1 1 /
--II ~I Vernon last ~eek end Mrs Hoi v I n l.n~a;~ UJL l~:~Ulll~ ~llal. lli alia ~ J
Am - m II~ U " . . z -[for several weeks ISheca ~e to assist her mother, Mrs. ~ / Ill Ill
l~~]~ .~|it ~=~ - "" /~ [dahl will be rememberedaS Miss| " " ' /J G Fox in moving from the Mrs { Sixteen pupils from the rural/ I/I at surprmangiy mw n u n 1
~'~ vmtlLLIbR I n|a, ~ [ Florence Chambers. They are liv-| Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Taylor, jr ] l'illian Crofutt home to the George ] schools in the vicinity of Mount] I / I m n+ nlan I I I
,~ "~l, - " of Traer arrived on the streamliner ~ ~ t ~ut ,x,v**~,j p~j v
,/4[ IN FOR St - -"'"r LaW. }l ling m Ch,eago and came to Mount| " '' |Kirkpatrick home on Monday Ivernontook theseventh and eighth| Ill
'|S, ~,~ ~ ~,~n~ ~,a ~, ~t~ -= ~I ]Vernon for some of their furniture.]in Cedar Rapids Saturday evening] " ' " {grade examinations at the local{ III makes I t posslole ior you :uuge ll/
~W~| ~ OR~V~ ~" I1-~[~-~ ~l~ ~r~ land were guests over night with Mr.I ~ :high school on Thursday and Fri-/ lII remodeling expense convemenuy, ll/ 1
,~-,-,- =v&. E N " '
)t'-- =2 '.' - It ---- u )] I M,ss .Tuha Cre~. daughter of Mrs.~ and Mrs James McCutcheon They] MT. V R ON CHURCH NOTES Ida- of last ~eek The seventh] /II . m.^ . ,^a a enta l//
IST . %V H Cr x~ tnd ms Jean Wx so / east She had pta ned ~ x
USTRATNON ~p) C~{~pD ~=. vra'|W~: II - ~ ",~ were enroute to their home follow-{ = }graders took tests in geography] II{ ; . i ~,{{{
~ -"! r~|~lte ~ ~'I Currens ,~urebasod a new home in - .- " [~ml'~.'~$.t~ ~nv~u," . / /I I ~ ave Will Call. l'le Will IIID, K~2 II~l~-ill I
1 ~ ""~ ~lJ~ ~ ~. ~l I . :.2 "" . .''. - ," mg the conventmn and tour oI ~ne/ ]~v $o~k W Gra= *r Pm~[or land Hy~qenc, and the eighth grau-/ It n - ,'~-~ *^ ~;~ in//I
~ ~{f'~GE~, ['-"-~,t TO ~rI /Ceoar t~apios last weeK. 3ares t~rew National Editorial Association in/~.~'.~ {ers were examined in civies Two|,|,-- lUl 8ugge~uun~ ~u ~ a /// I
~fT oun~y
-'mr oorNorte }l land M!.~ Currens are teachers in Florida. / lof th3 eighth g ade up;i:, took/ II/ carrying out your ideas. ///
st,~ the t:eaar t~apids schoom and have ."
ill ]been room ms'e- for "' Five members of Mount Vernon[ 10"45 Common worship appropri It(-ets m spelling and ITmtcd States| /|/ l/1
t .~ roar years. "
" n e I~, ad(, ,'ess is 3 1 ~ Twenty- T.emple Ststers attended a]at to Mother's Day. Sermon, "How[y~stthY. r,~y:thu)h: to:~Vttn:h, Evaend[ / / / EVER YTHING [//1
" " ~"~ second street NF u,str,ct meeting or tne organtza-/to Entertain God. Bring your eg if, ~, r . " Y/ Ill . I~ *l~J //I I
. " tion held Tuesday evening in Ce-|mother to worship with you. IPupil Test," with the meat seventh[ Ill [O ulla (ll
~-~ Mrs Arthur Eyestone and daugh- dar Rapids, with Winter Temple asl 6"30 Christian Endeavor society and eighth grade students which| lll ~ sw~r~&rr, III 1
*J l ~ ~ ~. ~ tcr Lucille of Chicago Ill spent hostesses Those 'attending from|m~tin~ - included, reading, arithmetic, Lan-[ /|/ qtl Ill2MYLs I|/
Jl ~ ~ =;~t r~~. i last week in the home of Mrs. Eye- Mount Vernon were: Mrs. Merrill] 7:30 I.ast session of the mission ]guage, and work study scales. Sup-| l'' "'"
~- ~.m.~.m. ~ V~m~,~m~ { stone's father J J Jones and with Barge Mrs Bert Avery Mrs / study class erintendent Clyde IAndsley super-[ -- -- I . I
~-. [her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. Charles Beach, Mrs. D C. Davis and|Thin.lay vised the tests on Thursday andl 1 1 .J
,I~,A~I~ Jb. IkllM~l~Ig~l~, Yrop. land Mrs. Eldon DeCamp. Dale Mrs. John Neff 7:00 Choir rehearsal. {Mrs. John Colon jr and Miss Ber-1 mea, es ~umDer anu n
~19 IEyestone joined them on Friday Miss Marie Sipple of Lowville / ~,nice Reynolds were in charge on} ~ I
Mount vernon, iowa land they all returned home Sund&y. N Y~" is'a visitor on the home ofI CHRISTIAN 8CILENCE CHURCH IFriday. [ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 1
{ Dale was a guest of David Hull. her parents Mr and Mrs I, E I "A- m nd Fallen Man" will bet Those taking the seventh grade/,111~1~ o~,~ /,~, ~ i
~~,Sipple. Miss Sipple fell on the slde-{ the 3ua~)Jecal of the Lesson-$ermon{3rXs~de~ W~,U It| ~ u. [ I
" ~,walk in 1.owvllle recently ano su~-/ In all Churches of Christ Scientist " " ,';t m.~.'vmr.s ~ 1
~ ' ' ~ Kenneth Reyhons Donald Henik { ~ lr~o h~ h I lYleI$1~! 1
freed a nroKen leg wmcn ]s m a~ on Sunday, May 11
: " n " "o take her/ : . land Margaret Clark Rosedale/
] The Golden "lle t" ,S trom l-tomanS{sch el" =r "C" "' '-" = :" sa s Dial ZSZI ~ I
, O |'" an! lln ~ownsRlp l)arrel
vacation from her duties as dental/ $'17, 'If by one marts offense deathI" ' :,~ ~1~, I 1
I~ting and lean I sing Pleasant
"",~igned by one; much more they{ '. .'~ .: '. / Mount Vernon 1
-- . m of her accident her vacation was| which receive abundance of grace! o~,~ :~ ; ~L.]' ranK,n yo~:nship:| ='~'
~m advanc~ d about a month . snessl ~L~Ltlley I et2t~l ~en an(1 lluTn ( tnoII/
~ and ot tne gait ot rlgateou Norx~ cod sch " ' "
a r m e r $ 0 "[0 m 0 r r 0 W The Mount Vernon Presbyterian] shall reign In ltfe by one, Jesus ship." 1)arrel ~tlotN 5I~elt~nsteh:'onl'] : - ~--~= ~ - : =--~ -~ -- ~z - -- ~--= ~---=
church was represented at the Cen-| Christ.' [ L': - ~ .~ . : ~ " " 'l
~o ;~ Hnn townsmp
~ ~ tennial tea at the Brick church last] The Lesson-Sermon comprises[ :'. ' . : |
- -- -~--" ' ~ r--- th- Bl'-l- -n~ from l Iq]gntn grace pupils mciuue~'~ ~ . - -.---
I ~~ ~ Thursd~ty oy a |arge oe,egat{on { quouttlOn. um au u . ~. u " .~'- I,"
~,~"- --sm~'~ TU ~ Mrs. J.I.Hainen Mrs. AnnaGorm-[ 'Science and Health with Key toi. ". :v r : . . L . " 'l ~ /l~il~'[ -Ii~l,
Z.~ ~ I' ",B U,{~ LL l ly, ,Mrs. Charles 'Ford, Mrs. Grace I the, Scriptures" by Mary Baker :C~;.n I'~3n:Chy ~ ran'~a LainZ ti(~:tt;! ~~m'~~(/~/~/'#l~r//V//)/~ //////
A '"'- eWll b M s. 'iora Buck. M, s. Eddy. Pos isi, oseda, e schoo, Nk ;
~'{ ~ o. A H ~ IW v =- ~, Gust,~ Minott Mrs S E Bair Miss Oils of the Bible citations reads: ~, y ' .
" r f r bid in ou ~sertram township' Phyllis Connell (,~
/"7" X I~II ~ Emma Cardey Miss Gertrude Co- Let that the eo e a e Y a " "'"
"~'-~ "- " " " ' hlch -- have heard from the he* na Maruyn wooos vteasant l-llll
J~.~(~ ~ wan an, rams Alice ~;namnerun w ye . '
I~ ~ ca~'~rS'fr b~:ankr'Y Udg Mre:ei~dlp~ ~lenan~n~r mlft2a~egT:nI~hg :~allhT: =::ll At FRESH BOX CANDIES,
Klinefeltt r on tour i t main in you, ye also shall continue
~.~-- n he south D Packed and Wrapped Especially for Mother s Day by
w m the ~on, and in the e'ather And ~,ss,~,{{,t, ~e~[-t ~ULttp ,
The futvxe of aqricultuxal progress in ~ith the National Editorial Asso- ,~ ,~. ,o. ---- one of the country s largest candy manufacturers,
ole and more u on y g,Miss Martha Jane Rogers and
America is reslingm ---P a'wondel, ful time Th~ cara w~ promlsed us, even eternal llfe (Ii. f Page & Shaw.
cT, h~,1 ,T,~,1,4,~a of our 414 boys . ~ u ,u~ ~,h, ~.9~ ~ i Mms i'egg~ tierrmg, seniors at tne ~1~,~ 4 @0 ~
~ ~ ~, v~,~.~.o ~ mailed from Havana Cuba A~ril o,a~ ~ ~t ~], I lllll- /11 -I ~" IIII
m m " ' ' *'~''*" Awn,~er th~ a~l~){~a @wn)~ ch ~ount vernon nlgR sonool nave vv.~ ,~ W vv
allm~,~Ll:lS;. 30. They ,'ere delayed at home for o~'~=~ q=Vo:;2"'~=XT~21 '*~ [he iann triced their plans to work at ~~
ents were gone. the Ideaof God, not formed ma- from Chicago. It is a Presbyterian By such well known manufacturers as
terlally but spiritually, and not sub- camp. part of the time used by vs. Coty --- Lucien Lelong -- Lentheric --- Yardley
Ject to decay and dust" (p. 200). eationists and part of the time by
underpriviliged children from the Shulton and many others.
311 First Avenue North slum areas in Chicago.
Today it has become one d the siqnifi-
cant youth movements o| America, pro-
ducin millions o| dollars el new larm
wealth. Furthermore, it is creating sturdy
citizens of tomorrow who are learning
%= themselves how best to deal with the
p::blems of unemplo m ent. We salute
the youth oi our 4H clubs and pledge
them our utmost cooperation.
Mrs. Helen .~ehroeder, her moth-
er, Mrs. G. E. Bartholomew, and
Mrs. H. C. Lane returned home
Tuesday evening from Dallas, Tex
where they spent three weeks. :Mrs.
Sehroeder and her mother, visited
Mr. and Mrs. "William Schroeder,
and Mrs. Lane visited her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bailey.
Mrs. Schroeder's other son George
who was recently inducted into the
army is stationed at. Maxwell Field
Montgomery, Ala.
The first Upper Iowa conference
meeting of the W.S.C.S. of the
Methodist church will be held in
Grace church Waterloo, next Tues-
day, May ]3. Mrs. J. D. Bragg,
National president of the organi-
zation, will be a speaker at the af-
ternoon session of the conference.
Mrs. F. G. Brooks and Mrs. Roy
Young of Mount Vernon will go
to Waterloo on Monday to attend
the executive board meeting pre-
ceding the conference. Several
ladies from the Mount Vernon
church plan to attend on Tuesday.
M~[21ODIST CHURCH Both Martha and Peggy will act
Rev. W, Glemt Rowley, Minister as waitresses at the camp. They
The church school meets at 9:45 will leave Mount Vernon on June
Sunday morning. 15th and plan to be back about
The morning worship service at September 5th.
10:45. Next Sunday is Mother's Senior Violin Recital
Day and every one has a mother
to honor. To worship the God who Miss Iqlain~ Thornell. pupil of Made from delicious chocolate
gave us mothers is the finest tri-!Prof. Karl Andrist. will be pre- cake and rich vanilla ice
bate to pay her. Go to church next ] ~ented in he)" senior violin recital
Sunday The music by the choir of{at S :00 o'clock Sunday evening, cream. Serves 6 to 8
youth will be approprmte to the May
' b ;~ " 11, in the Cornell chapel. Mi~s
day The sub~ect of the sermon Y I lh n
. ",i !: ~ Franeke, pupil of Prof. Jac- 49c
the pastor m A Mother s Dream
" -- ~, ques Jola~. will accompany ~Miss
Children." Thornell. Miss Thornell is well
The High School Epworth League k~own in Mount Vernon and lAs-
at 6:15 next Sunday evening about ben. In the latter place she is
the out-door fireplace at the home teaching vocal music in the pub-
of Dr. Albion King. It will be an He school. She has been a member RALPH HEASTY
service, of the Cornell orchestra for four
The CollegeEpworth League years.
at 6:30 " ruggmt
Next Tuesday evening, May 13, The first Iowa newspaper was
there is an exceedingly important [ established at Du,buque in 1556. ~- e-=- " - ---~ - - y -- -~ --- -- - =~--