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May 8, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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May 8, 1941 |
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||r|i/O music and baptismal service at lllteacher in the Linn county schools. I,I"- it r Jay Cox of Grinnell. [weeks in the Ed Broulik home. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Zenlshek were
|~W~ I 'cl ck. IMr. Webster is a graduate of theI l k, all for unity L.W. Dunlap and George East Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krall of visitors Sunday evening of Mr. and
~. " I In the evening at 8 o'clock, the iTroy Mills school, near which place] I ~ . - of Cedar Rapids were Sunday after-lBlairstown and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mrs. James Barta.
uarry Freeman ~ installation service for the pastor ~ the couple will live on a farm. I ~ ~, noon visitors in the home of Mr. Sindelar Of Cedar Rapids visited Monday visitors at the home of
T,--~-- - l will be held This service will beI ~ ~.C~, ~ d[ / and Mrs. Wilbur Stearns. Sunday with Grandma Klouda and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kessler were
~-~ [in charge of Cedar Rapids Presby-I Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Van Sickle] ~ ~ (1 I Sunday visitors in the home of i Joe. Mr. and Mrs. Stub Wolfe and
n House of Cedar Rap- ] tery, and the official part of it will I were Sunday afternoon visitors in [ ~ ~" ~,~{ Mrs. M. f. Burroughs were Mrs. I Christian and Marjorie Reif, Jun- son Jimmie and daughter Beverly
r oz near sprlngvnle, 4be as follows [the home of their sister, Mrs. H K. ] ~ ~.~. ~ Anna McQuown of Mount Vernon ior Cilek and Lorrain Adams from of Burlington.
to Irvin A. Castle, son Prof George W Bryant of Cue Focht in Cedar Rapids. ~ ~ ~f:t~ and Mr and Mrs Bill Kruse of I Maple Grove school took 7th grade Mr and Mrs James Panzer and
M i .r
^^ rs E B. Castle of i Coilede will preside and will pro-I Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carbee andI ~ ~ ~ "7- : Lisbon. l exams Thursday and Friday in granddaughter Charlene Kessler of
Fvvociocl~ noon, T nurS-lpound the constitutional questions]Mrs` I. S. Pearson called on rela-[ ~ ~ ~W~ i Mrs. Dennis Taylor was a guest Solon. Waterloo and Mr. Stark of Iowa
~. nanscom pert o.rm- to pastor and people. Rev. C. V. R. tives in Anamosa and Mount Ver-I Am ~ ~ ~ i in the home of her son, Clarence I -~-----------" City and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Slay-
.'mony m me l.atue DeJon~ of Marion will nreach the non Sunday afternoon. - [ ~ ~,~ ~ l in Cedar Rapids, Sunday afternoon~ Solon maker and family were Sunday
cn at Nashua, in the I sermon Rev Frederick E Mun I Ralph Frank, Fred Ammeter, 1 ~ P/'Ik ~. I Loren Brown has been elected l afternoon rotators of Mr. and Mrs.
~r ~ r
Of the immediate families, i necke of Coggon will give the!Curtis Bickel, and G. C. BowdishI ~ ~"~ ~ !vice president of the Wapsie Val-[ ~ ~ F.~ller Fred Michel.
[ attendants were Mr. and charge to the pastor and Rev. Hugh returned from Detroit, bringing ~ ~f~,~ . YP ~ ley baseball league. [ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Warren Christian
~t,e, Dromer ann sls-IRobinson of Mount Vernon, former Ifour new cars and a pick up. I ~ ~ '~/~ :~' : Rev and Mrs. Paul Rotsch of faf:~ ~'J~r,~"~.~?~ ~.v.~.~L.:,^~v=~ ~,u. and Mrs Myrtle Burr of Rochester,
tne groom or marion ' ~ Mrs A C Newman spent several ~- . u~ut~=L ~t,t,~,~ w~cu ~u,u~y were n r " '
in^ ' .~ . l pastor of Springvllle Church, wlll l : .- / w"~ ~[~'1 ~ i Repubhc, Wash are expected to ar-1 t~ ~,h ~ ~a ~,-~ ~,~ Su day afte noon vmltors of
~.was graauazea, zrom I charge the people. The pastor, I days in the Mr. and Mrs. uale [ ~ ~ ~ i rive here the latter part of the week I ~-~.'~'%,"~,~'.'. "~" Mr. and Mrs Steve Fiala. Evening
. ,gn. scnool, attenoedfRev. Charles B. Willming will give]Gramling home in Central City. [ ~ ~ j for a visit with Mrs. Rotsch's sis-]"~'#~ ." *a~.:. ~ ~. ~r ^ ~ visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Rolla
~a The University ofI the Benediction. Other p'astors and l Mrs. Ollie Duncan returned to her ! ~ ,~^~ I ter, Mrs. Wilbur Stearns, and Mr. [ ,' ': ~"~, ~' "~, " '~ "~ '~ ~=' ~ ~]" Kessler.
. ~asue attenctea scnool n " " ' home Monday after several days' arn ill ~u. ~,u ~m~. ~tmm otu~a~ox ~.v- Visito undav noon at the
. l co gregatmns are invited, and a l ] ~ ~kd'~ I Ste s` Rev. Rotsch w attend],~, w~,~ rs S after
xne. new nome is es- large attendance is expected,visit in the W. C. Hoffman home. General Assembly of the Preshy- '~'~ --,v ~ '~"home of Mrs. Anna M. Kucera were
in Marion. ----- Mrs. Paul Ewart and Mrs. W.C. ~ ~ ~%~[1 I terian church at St. Louis while I Mr-.s Frank Lorence, Sr Sunday Mr and Mrs. Frank Kuncl and Mrs.
O ~'~-~ I SCHOOL BAND WILL GO i Hoffman called on Mrs. Robert . ~,~ /J 1 /~] ~ll ] here ] az~ernoo~ I Edwin Knoedel and daughter Joan
-. -~. o. ~,~,~J ~ T~ ~n, PAUL ~ONTEST ' P~"* ~n"~ th~ --ew b~-" bo-' Dou~ I il~r~T' ~ ~ Itl II I /ill M~/I L .~' / Mr. ann Mrs. ~ta r~,lessin of Min-
. . ,-- -~. -~ ==~ ,~ ,~ =,~ J ~, s- ~ mrs` ~aary ~ewnaru ann ~:~erz . ,OI Iowa ~lty.
g the 19th district O E ~ ~ '~ neapolis, Minn Mr and Mrs Henry
~ 'i At the Rand Parent meeting held]las in Mercy hospital at Anamosa[ ~[~7- ~.j ~ ' ]Jordan attended a birthda, a'nner[ t Mr and Mrs C J Shimon and
"]~s`rl~ %M ~nUaYeWere:i Monday night it was decided the]Thursday [ ~" ' ~/]~ ;~]/~ ~ Sunday in the home of ~I~. and~Neuman and son Irvin and Mr. a.ndlMr, and Mrs. ~'h'ank "Shimon made
Larry I)vke t~gg~a~lV~' band would go to St. Paul to the Mr. and Mrs. O G. Newman re-I ~ J/~/~ ~,///# ~ ~'T I Mrs. James C. L. Clark in Mount/Mrs. wHat old Her~ of IaOoWa C2tyl a trip to Kalona Sunday where they
.1 - - I National Music t~on~est May 15 16 ~ turned to their nome in ~es Moines ~ ~ e e~// /~/~ ~ ~ II I Vernon The occasion bein- in ~ ~ were auests of Mr an,~ ~r ~ r-]o~
M Briner I C t ~ ,1 Minme Maymm and Lena of Mon I
Wrn l~itchell .T C" Waa'l.and 17 The band won superior rat- )o.n Sunday, following a three dayI ~/~////// ~///I '~ I~,!i'~Ihonor of Mr. Jordan and his sister/,~om. ',:~ ~,=.~ ,o, ,~.:jence Shimon and family.
J. C Waddell-'-T~.' L ~ ~--~--g a~ waverly las~ weex. ,~. D I vlsi~ wire mr. ano mrs` A. U. i~ew- A ~J ~/] ~]/i ~[ I J"" !Mrs Louisa Thomas of Cedar Rap-] ~'~== ,~=~,~'u~:'~=~ ~=~'~ Mr and Mrs. Joe T. Brock have
r, D' V ~--'--'-ff- "'~"{~^:: ! wmtman wm ne me onJy soloist, j man. t ~ ,- 'l lids I-".Z L~ .~ "?'" . ! received a letter from their son,
~,: .~ ~v2' ::':~==~ i He will play a cornet solo. I Bethany Circle will meet Tues- ] - ---- ----7" -------- ---- ~ : Mrs Earl Moor o# near x~-i +~o- ] t.~eorge l~eynons ot cnanute I Frank Brock who has ~
-~, ~ette F]snwfla. I ~ da Ma 13th in the church ar i " Field, Ill is visiting with his par- ' ~"
-- ~ ~ KAT~V~ ~v-~.D AN~ ~ARRY Y'- y- ~ day evening wsltors of Mr. and death of Mrs. Thomas Thompson, entertained the members of the/,~t~ Mr ~,~ ~rr~ .T,~ ~,~vh,~ ItaIn statmned at Shelby, Miss and
furs zor tneir annual roomer s ~ay Whittier se " circl e ~ ill 1
r~[AN NOTES i ~ ~ne~ ne~ ~E mr~ ] ' . . I Mrs. James Kelly. I mother of Mrs. Stentz. The funeral wang e W dnesday. / ~O,~r which h,~ ~,m ~,~ ~,~ o ] w cave for New York to accom-
"~Home--God" c' ~ane~ I"'~%'~'",x."~gi~d hs"':'~ ]progr am ann par~y I Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Carnahan en-I was held Friday. !Mesdames Hervey Dewees, Willard]~n i'~'"~p'~ "~ i pany 400 men toCamp Shelby,
.~- ~. ~, ~ ~ ~ ~u.uu~=u Willing workers oI me ~resoy G yes d B Stan ~"'"~" e he " "
~hip love Word~ that th t one ,~*h~,~,~,/ ]tertained at a dinner Sunday corn-I W A. Shaffer has been suffering l ro an L. . ley were t~ ~ ~r,~ v ~ 7o ~ohob[wher will be commander m
' . " ~-~ ~, terian cnurcn wnl ne entertsmeo ests from rin file " " I trainin
~h~sls m this day when I m,rr{oa,~ ,~ h,~ a~u~,ht~ ~r,th ~n I ] phmenting Mrs. Nira Smith. J with blood poisoning for the past I gu Sp gv . ] ro vi~* ~ ~ a,~ xa ~ ~ g.
I - ~ ~ ~ May 1~ in me l~lla ~augt nome as- - - d --~ ~ '~"' "" "~'~' "~'""~ ~'~"~"~
tors and totalitarianism In w;~a ,~ r-,~,~o, wo,~;ao ,~ ~Zo,~ I ' Frmnds have received word that week. Mr. an Mrs. Ralph Wainmotor-]= a I Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Chamberlain
~" J] sisted by Mrs. T. ~. samuels.' [ ~ed to Des Moines Sunda [ a =~=-,~. 'an
We almo er . Mr. and Mrs. C. W Hoke and faro- Mrs. Edna Fox Crouch of St. : y, where d Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Lentz of
st wond I C. Barnts of Alburnett, son of Mr. Mrs W C Hoffman called m St Mr and Mrs. Frank Krob enter-I
~tne men had mothers---and Mrs Charles Barnts of AI [- - "- " .:" lly are planning to move to FortJLeUls, a guest of Mrs Vena Green-they went to meet their daughter,|tsinea ~ a, .~.~d~ M'r--.a',NOrth Llberty and Fred Eggenber
- ~uKes nospxzai ~eaar l-tapios, zwon {Mrs ar in Robertson of " ""~" of i ""
ntothers roba r - . . Madison soon, where Mr. Hoke is await, w~th Mrs. Greenawalt, were. D w Cedar I Iowa C ty were recent wmtors
. p bly wonde burnett. The marrmge will take Lottm . Mrs. Herman Stable and sons Paul~
their mission has failed nlace in the Methodist church inley mornIeg to ViSit Mrs employed as a guard in the statelguests at droner Sunday of Dr. and Rapids, and Mrs. Don Torrence of]~na .Timm,~ Mr sn l Mr~ V IOf Mr" and Mrs` Ernest stable"
~.broken, mother's love Springville May 18. I we~rlcK ~,~s~ n~ w~ rm s~:rlinglinstitution." ]Mrs R. A. Greenawalt in CedarMarion, who had been vIs,tIng rela-~ent-an~'~Bi~{~anc~"~)oro~hy'~en/:l~ Jake Hertz and son Herman and
a, I~u ' lwr ann mrs ~ t~ stanley were t~a ius uves at ~naana, me past weez I ' "
t God still hves and Miss Wild IS a aduate of the " ." " ' : P . " . shek. Su r uests were Mr. and Mrs. Ameha Hertz and son Elmer
~nor Mother next Sunday 1-,-~1 ~,~,* ~-~ ogrf ~,~o~ ~onin, ]jury was received by her In a fall lsunuay aInner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Neal and Mr. and Mrs Mr. and .Mrs. Arthur Topping ox[ ppe g t were Saturday visitors of Mrs
~'"~ i own nome Mrs. John Reyhons and sons Ken-
~Ing her church nu~in,~ f',~n,~a,~ ~ho h~ h,~,~n [ n ner . ]Mrs. George Emmons near Robins. I Adolph BIderman, Jr. and Wayne Cedar r~apias were ~unaay evening n,~th Wioh, va ~,d .T,~-v ,~ T.i~h Sarah Kohl. Mrs. S. N. Cambridge
" -- ~, mr and ivlrsAIDer~ -~OIIOCK -i
School at 10 o'clock t. ~,~: ~,^~=~ I - '. . . ' ]Mr. and Mrs. Wzlson Emmons of lot Mount Vernon were Sunday vis- callers ]n the home of Mr. and Mrs. I!. ' SJ%-;" ?-7" -- -Y" :-'--""" of North Libert-, was also a recent
n, =mp~uy=~ ux ,~=wu~xx.~ ~u,o R r nd Shirle Irom westof . . . re.r ann ~eorge l%roo ann
8 Day sermon ~r~i~l r, ~m~ ~r~ ~,r,~ ~ I. ode a . Y . . I What Cheer were Saturday evenmg litors of Mr and Mrs Clarence Neal Nick Schueler. [a h+o~ ~,+h T~,~v A,~,~, ~a, visitor
~ ~:^L::, 7~ "~--.~".::~ /t wn were sunaay alnner guestSlguests of Mr. and Mrs. L. B Stan-t Mr and Mrs Len Hagerman en- Mrs. Alice Carney entertained atl.~"s"~". ?" '~':'~f o-Y:'WI "
eusaseu m L~xmm~. I of Mr and Mrs. T. w t"Olleck, l l,~, ' I,~ ~' ~ :~ c, ~ a~ ainn,~r .~,mao~, ~ ~,-,a t#,-,~ w ,~ l~asey, mr. ann mxs. ~erman ~mnle] mr. ann mrs. a;agar ~za~ ano
,~ John Wild of Marion called on] a I a d s s and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon daughters, Donna and Vesta, of
Prompt Removal ] .WI S-P. CK l his sister Mrs Sarah Pearson on Mr. and Mrs. Jz V; Patt .wereI Roy Bowers and .and Mar- ertR2as and and M an d Mrs. Rol-lKent and Bill and Dorothy Zeni- Abington, Ill were Sunday guests
11 Aaa laowles oI wnlztler ann t.;lay/,~ . ' " [nosts xuesaay mgn~ to the ~oupieslsnan ~ooK or TOCIUVIIIe, MISS a.u ~ro~t ut ~euar x~apms. /~hek . M s.a M~ ~.~m we
Vl ~11 sunoay
. Peck of Waubeek were married in / [ Bridge Club. I Myrtle Bowers of Center Point; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Raft of Ce- /
Mrs ~:~ ~o~scn oll~arrelle
,~-,~= the home of her father Barton Cop- [ ~ ] Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander and I Mr and Mrs. Rolland Gott and dar Rapids were Sunday afternoon[ ~
Our ~" Nearest ol vWlXPhone AF"n Ckriereceptionndsin soWhittier ci ety followedCer' e monySaturdaVwas'" usedThe] cauea. [ d aY.Mr . and n tarS.Mrs . ~ttaHarry. ~Vm,smlth. ~axur-] 'thei~'A of familyAlexander granddautlhter dinner of ChicagOin the i~omeCar lattendedofRUth,family and MrSMr a I dar Mr.RapidSand "Mrs. " LonNancy Gott of Ce-Hagerman at- entsCallersMrs.Mr Robertin andthe Mrscon.dit.h mes of andF their Raft daughter par" I~ ww a ~lYW~w~T~IB ~W~I~ CL~[~I~~ SEC~0N I
3ollect near Vmla Beth Wilson of na
' ---~--" [ . ". ' "1 and Mrs. Frank Himebaugh at Cen- tended a shower honoring Mr. and Ruth of near Viola, were Saturday[~
a~, ]Ut 'J 4r,1 ct REED-WEBSTER WEDDING ].n]osa, lvnnme .wuson ot ~eaar ~aP:Iter Junction, Sunday. ]Mrs. Clifford Gott of Center Point, evening visitors in the home oflMM only lC t'er wore t'er insertion; zbe Minimum unarge, ss
~t 1~ 10S were sunaay ulnner guests ox
. apJus ~u/~ Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Reed have] n I Mrs. A. C Port, Mrs. Devere Thursday evening Mrs. Ida Condit. I~ Terms cash. Have Copy In By Wednesday Morning
wir aria mrs ~ ~ WllSO
~!~ ~4~ announced the marriage of their]:'. ~.~'~, ". ~ " ,~ I Port, Mrs. H. H. Cooper attended] Mrs. Hervey Dewees attended a Dr, and Mrs. C. C. Wells spent I TO Appear On This Page.
~tU, ltl Mr ann mrs ~arl ~enr ix
,~ U~ ~q[~ dau~,hter Jane and Charles L Web-! . " ~ ' ;. 'I Get-together club at the Mrs. Geo.J meeting of the D. M. C. Club in from Monday until Wednesday in]~ ~.~ .# ~ ~.~ o
~' ' " " i e'
~ oan ster of Walker, which took place~I A.: Fowne - : Mrso ~olph. Van. ~. b CKI ,iO,inger~ home, Monday afternoon. ] the Raymond White home in Mar- Des Molnes, where the doctor at-[ ulasslneo Aos tlrlng Results
"~twO a~tenaea me xunerai o~ ~aymona
OU OI)13 March 22 in the Ames Avenue l t Mrs. I. S. Pearson and Mrs. Bess ion, Thursday. tended a state dental meeting. ]~ pr
~lxlerIn ~larence :~aturaay aIter ~
r Methodist church in Omaha, Nebr - Newland called on Mrs. Austin/ Mrs. Roy Reed was a guest Friday! Mrs. Elsie Bradley of Cedar Rap- ------~~~
vernon I IUUU Rev. F. E. Wells read the cere- noon I Yocom and Miss Ella Kinney Wed-I in the home of her son, William: ids called Sunday in the W. S. Erion ~ I LAWNMOW~R SHARPENING.
I ~r ann lVlXS ~ w ~earnart I
,mony Mary E. Colison of Omaha, " . " . -. o nesday afternoon in Marion. and family in Cedar Rapids. home. WANTED ]Work guaranteed. Dial 4651. J'.
nave recelvea iniormauon zrom
,ANITARY and Chester M. Wallace of Mucks- I Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. George Keith, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bruger en- " I H. Hammond. 26-4t
melr son in law ann uaugnter
NDERI P- #~f~ burg Iowa attended the couple. ! - -. and Mrs. Arthur Listebarger of Ce- Elsie Bradley of Cedar Rapids and tertained at Sunday dinner, Mr. I-~
' ' . ~v~ajor ann mrs. ~narles beeanam " ' an Mr 1 Ht heat ea~shBABY CHICKS Only a limitea
~ ~ Mrs. Webster is a graduate of the! dar Rapids called Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cooper of d s. Herbert Pollock and tam- WANTED. Woo. g . .
-- na leS iowa ~anci Iam]iy ma~ they nave been i1 n ur farm Lar e~number left now for May aellvery
P " local school and attended Iowa[ ' on Mrs. Bess Newland. Marion were Sunday guests in the "y of ear Whittier, Mr. and Mrs. prices paid on yo . g. ! '
Calle~ nome Irom l-lonoiulu where ~ Booking for June at reducea prices
13ept ~, State Teachers college at Cedar . . . Springville friends numbering 53 home of Mr and Mrs. Frank Earl Bailey of Marion and Robert governm nt orders make heavy de-
~ ~ cu~t,r~ " 'they nave oeen stationea zor me " Wfl i nds lens Phone or Many thousands of Oordon s chicks
I. ~ense No 1 Falls where she was affiliated with attended the Centennial Tea and Foughty. " d. ma For Woo . '
i past year anu Will ~)e trans~erreo i 1 r Iow have been raised In this commun
the Phi Sigma Phi sorority For to Washin~'*on D C where Ma~orprogram given at the Linn Grove Mr. and Mrs Lester Mitchell of M ss V'olet Bruger is spending a write Katz Salvage. Ma ion, a. -
the vast six years she has been a]. ~ . ", . ~J. church last Thursday. Atalissa were Sunday guests in the few days this week with Miss Phone: Cedar Rapids, 4924, Marion ity this year Average mortality to
- i eeunam Will wor~ m zne OnlCe ~---'^ M,rna BaP", ~-" ~'--" ~27 26 4t-date on all chicks sold is lees than
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hoffman and S. Workman h a ,~ - v
' oi the surgeon Lheneral in me u ~ 2% Order yours now~ THE
i Medieal Cor- Mrs. Ollie Duncan of Mount Ver- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bradley and Mr.and Mrs. G. L. Dyke and ~"
P' non were Sunday dinner guests of family of Cedar Rapids were Sun- Mesdames Ralph Waln, L. L. Batch- GORDON HATCHERY, Marion,
Iowa. 28-3tc
Your Furs
Furs at
l Very Fur Is Cleaned Before Being
Placed in Our 100% Safe Vaults
fur Coat is thoroughly clean~ and glazed by the
lining of your fur court is thoroughly cleaned.
fur coat is sterilized against germs and moth egws
being placed in our vaults. It is placed under periodic
of storage experts.
fur coat is guaranteed safe from moths, fire, heat
k'Your fur coat is insured under SCHOEN'S $1,000,000
against any loss in ator~ge aud transit.
rips are rel~ired.
furs are stored in scieuUfic vaults where filtered
airAs constantly circ~tlating.
on onr~ mean your fur coat is available
~lnntes, notice.
fur coat will be called for by a bonded messenger
within our delivery area. Please ship express c~l-
from other points.
on rolm4ring a~d restyling without charge
Prices during summer months
2-9852 210 Third Ave. S. E.
I Mrs. G. W. Gearhart entertained
at a luncheon last Tuesday compli-
menting her daughter, Mrs. L. A.
Johnston of Springville and Mrs.
!Henry Kruse of Hale. Places were
laid for 15.
Carmen Boxwell accompanied by
Alice Hyde of Marion attended the
State Dental meeting in Des
Moines, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ernst spent
the week end in Bellevue with Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Till and Mrs. J. C
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bailey were
Friday visitors in the home of their
son, Marvin Bailey and family in
Cedar Rapids.
Mabel McShane spent Tuesday in
the Mr. and Mrs. Fred McShane
home near Marion.
Mrs. Elsie Bradley of Cedar Rap-
ids spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
F. M. Bailey.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dunlap, ac-
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Erickson, drove out Saturday for
Cambridge, Pa to attend the fu-
neral of Robert Dunlap, an uncle
of W. F. Dunlap, which was held
Monday morning. The group plans
to return home this week.
Carol Rodman, Carol Burroughs
and Phyllis Leacox of Cedar Rap-
ids, attended the Quad-H.illcrest
dinner and dance in Iowa City on
Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Batchelder
called in the home of their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E Ratchelder in
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shellhammer
called Sunday in the Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Stivers home at Olin. Mrs.
Stivers is confined to a wheel chair
with a broken leg,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ewart, one mile
east of town.
Mrs. L. J. Miller was hostess to
the Past Matrons of the O. E. S.
Tucsday afternoon. They are known
as "Elizabeth Stewart Circle."
Dr. W. O. Courter has been re-
quested to report daily to the draft
board in Des Moines. He was giv-
en his physical examination last
week. He and his family are spend-
ing this week in Colfax in the R.
E. Cummings home.
Roca Burroughs home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Draker en-I
tertained Sunday. Guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Yenn, Mr. and
Mrs. Clement Yenn and family of
Hills, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hutch-
kiss and Gerald.
Mrs. Rhetta Jenson was hostess
at dinner Sunday. Present were Dr
Lloyd Borwell of Nashua; Margaret
Slater of Ames; Mr. and Mrs. Will-
ard Boxweli, Carmen and Lolan
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Carnahan
and Mrs. Nira Smith called Thurs-
day to see Mrs. James Carnahan
and Sharon Kaye in St. Luke's hos-
pital. Mrs. Carnahan and the
baby were taken to their home in
Marion Sunday. Mrs. Cleveland
Bennett of Paralta is assisting with
their care this week. Mrs. Carna-
,han is the former Bernice Bennett.
Mrs. J. S. Bowdish and Mrs. D. i
V. Peterson attended the Mother-
Daughter banquet at the Jordans
Grove hcurch Tuesday evening.
Regular Masonic meeting, May 12.
Regular O. E. S. meeting May 13.
Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. H. J, Christian and
family were Sunday guests of Mr
Misses Imogene Christian, Ahce
and mrs. August volKman at r~ rmi O'Brian~ Rosa Rosinek of Cedar
I Rapids 'and Stanley Smith, spent
Mrs. Lyle Evans and son TerrY}Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Harry
Wayne of Waterloo spent from Sat-[Freeman. In the evening they eall-
urday to Thursday with her parents, led in the Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Free-
Mr. and Mrs. Devere Port. OnI man home in Anamosa.
Sunday the group visited in the Mr. and Mrs. E .H. Levsen and
Herbert Rustl~olt home in Williams- Maurine Christian spent Sunday
burg. with Mrs. W. P. Bowers and Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Robertson Betty Levsen in Maquoketa.
and Lucille of Martelle were Sun-
Mrs. L. A. Johnston, accompanied
by Mrs. Henry Kruse of Hale, Mes-
dames T. E. Waters, A. D. Straw-
man, Samara Smith of Anamosa
left Monday afternoon for For~
Dodge where they spent a three-
day session of the Biennial conven-
tion of the State Federated Wom-
en's clubs. Mrs. Johnston is the re-
tiring county chairman of the fed-
eration and director-elect for the
second district. Mrs. Kruse has
just completed four years as di-
rector of this district.
Lucille Reed left for her home
in Washington, Iowa, Monday eve-
ning after several days visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
The funeral of Howard Butler of
Viola, was conducted in the Hunte
funeral home Tuesday afternoon
The Government is urging Iowa farmers to raise more poultry in 1941.
It will require 20% more poultry meat and eggs than last year to supply
the requirements for army camps and exports. It is absolutely necessary
to raise more chicks during May and June to produce this increase.
Cash in on this Guaranteed Price
15c per lb. on Poultry -- 22c per dozen on Eggs
Roc We have only a few thousand chicks available for this month. White
ks hatching every Monday. White Leghorns for May 22nd and 29th.
Also booking for June delivery at slightly reduced prices.
day afternoon callers in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Groves.
The Progressive Club will meet
Friday afternoon, May 16, with Mrs.
Wilbur Stearns.
Mr. and Mrs P. E. Rallou and
Bobby spent Sunday in Des Moines
as guests in the home of their
brother, Virgil Ballou and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Yocom spent
Sunday afternoon in the home of
their mother, Mrs. J. H. Wiley in
with the Rev. C. D. Boggle in
charge. Burial was made in the
Wilcox cemetery near Viola.
Meredith Ann Reed has gone to
her home at New Liberty after a
month's visit with her grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reed.
i Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Emmons of
What Cheer; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ern-
mons of Cedar Rapids; John Wild
of Marion; Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Stanley of West Branch were Sun-
day callers of Mrs. Elizabeth Em-
Mrs. Jesse Gordon of Coggon
spent from Wednesday to Sunday in
the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Calvert were
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Harris and
family of near Mount Vernon; Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Bray and family
of Anamosa; John Wild and Miss
Ethel Harris of Marion. Mr Cal-
vert is improving nicely from his
recent injury.
Mrs. Alva Carter and Joan of
Perry were Saturday evening din-
west of town were Sunday guests
in the home of Miss Nelle Davis. i
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reed of Cedar'
Rapids were Saturday night visit-
ors in the home of their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reed.
Mrs. Geo. McDonald of Waterloo
and Mrs. Walter Henderson of Cog-
gun were Monday guests in the
Darrell Manley home.
Rev. and Mrs. Charles Willming
and family drove to Iowa City Sat-
urday afternoon where they visited
their nephew, Art Fisehbeck, who
is a senior at the university this
Henry Carbee of Springville Pres-
byterian church was one of the
Elders elected by Cedar Rapids
Presbytery to attend the General
Assembly of the Presbyterian
church, U.S A which meets in
St. Louis the last of this month.
Two ministers and two elders rep-
resent the Presbytery.
Mrs. Sarah Pearson was a Sun-
day dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Kyle Clark, north of town.
Mrs. I. S. Pearson and Mrs. Bess
Newland were Wednesday after-
noon callers of Mrs. Austin Yocom
and Miss Ella Kinney in Marion.
John Wells, son of Dr. C. C. Wells,
and Wayne Larson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Neal Larson have been elected
as delegates to Boys' State, to be
held at Camp Dodge, Des Moines,
early in June. It is sponsored by
the American Legion.
Missionary Society of the Pres-
byterian church will be held May
28 instead of May 30, in the home
of Mrs. Dolph Van Sickle assisted
by Mrs. Harry Freeman. Mother-
Daughter Banquet plans for June 6
will be completed at this meeting.
Word comes to Springville friends
that Dr. Clarence Darrow has been
elected secretary of the Medical
Staff of Mercy hospital of Dubuque
and a member of the Finley hospi-
tal staff, also of Dubuque. Dr
Darrow practiced medicine here
before going to Chicago and then
to Dubuque.
Mrs. Dennis Taylor was a Sun-
day dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Taylor in Cedar Rapids.
Clarence just recently was made
an employee of the Collins Radio
Donal Gordon.
elder, Willard Boxwell, Howard
Briner, F. C. Roberts of Springville,
Mrs. J. C. Waddell of Forest Edge
neighborhood and Mrs. Win. Miteh-
ell of Waubeek attended a group
meeting of the O. E. S. at Tipton
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Clem McGowan and
!family of near Marion were Sun-
day visitors in the home of their
mother, Mrs. Alma McShane.
Miss Betty Caldwell of Chicago,
and Robert Caldwell of Cedar Rap-
ids spent Sunday in the home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Caldwell. Mr. Caldwell, who is
seriously ill, remains about th~
Miss Ruth Caldwell of Cedar Rap-
ids, who has been spending the
past week in the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cald-
well, returned home Sunday eve-
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith of
Ceylon, Minn and Mrs. Geneva
Christiansen Guves were Saturday
guests in the Earl Lehr home.
Mr. and Mrs. Avery Litts of Ce-
dar Rapids spent Sunday with their
mother, Mrs. Bertha Stinger.
Sunday dinner guests in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Taylor were
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor of
the Wires Corners neighborhood,
and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pollock and
June of near Whittier.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lehr spent
Sunday evening in the home of Mr.
md Mrs. Andy Hunter in Lisbon.
Fred Woods of Linn Grove was
a Sunday guest in the home of Mrs.
Lila Plattenberger.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bond of Ce-
dar Rapids were Sunday guests in
the home of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Bond.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rickett spent
Saturday morning in the home of
their granddaughter, Mrs. Arthur
Sivere in Cedar Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rickett were
Friday callers in the home of Mrs.
Alice Raymond in Anamosa and
Mrs. Martha Barber in Martelle.
Mrs. Charles Healey of Anamosa
was a recent caller in the John
Rickett home.
Mrs. Ivan Huge of Whittier was
a Saturday afternoon caller in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pal-
John Woodworth and Miss Marie
Henry were Sunday guests in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Park De-
lancy at Prairieburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harper re-
cently entertained Mr. and Mrs.!
John Wander and Mrs. Edna Mc-
Coy of Monticello.
Mrs. Alva Carter and Joan of
Perry were week end guests in the:
home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. K. Romans. Other callers Sun-
day were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Har-
ris of Linn Grove.
Mapie Grove
Mrs. Edwin Beelelm
Several women of this commun-
ity attended the apron dance last
Tuesday evening held in the Solon
Joe Pavelka and Charlotte were
visitors last Thursday evening of
Mrs. Zinkula and the Jerry Rarta
Margaret Vislisel was a week end
visitor of Gladys Karel in the
Frank Karel home.
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Rushek
and Mayme, Mrs. Charles Sonka
and Tommy visited Sunday with
Rose Cerny in Cedar Rapids.
Sunday dinner and supper guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Becicka
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Parker and were: Mr. and Mrs. Lumir Becicka
Mrs. Cecil McKinstry of Scotch Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Par- and Marcella, Lorraine Studt
GrOVeof Anamosaand MrS.wereEmmaFridayMCKinstryguests of ker and Barbara of Martelle, Mr. Frank Becicka, Joe Zbanek, Jr
d ""r land Mrs. A. J. Rogers, GIadys andI Jean Randall, and Anna Becicka,
~v~. a[, m ~. ~ennem ~uuer. ! Durant of Clarence, were Sunday ~ all of Ely" Mr. and Mrs. James Hall,
Mrs. Hobart Fowler and Judith I afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. I Arlene and Maynard, Mr. and Mrs.
Ann spent Tuesday and Wednesday lW. A. Shatter. I Randall Rogers and Mr. and Mrs.
in the home of her father,Jack Mr and Mrs Charles White, of Mike Schulte Rose Marie and Lois
Barker in Coggon. I north of townl entertained at a Ann of Cedar Rapids; Henrietta,
Mrs. A. E. Switzer entertained at I birthday dinner Sunday, honoring Leonard and Richard Broulik of Mt.
a birthday dinner Saturday night[their son Archie, and Harold Shee- Vernon and Alvin Klouda; Mr. and
as a courtesy to Mr. Switzer. hy on their birthday anniversaries. Mrs. Fred Krall of Blairstown; and
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stentz spent Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. A1- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sindelar of Ce-
Thursday and Friday in Sabula, I bert White and Mrs. Archie White dar Rapids were evening callers.
having been called there by the] of Springville, and Mr. and Mrs. Stella Klouda is visiting for twoI
FOR RENT: Room, reasonable,
close to college and town. Dial
6452, Mt. Vernon. 28c
FOR SALE: .Small Univers~l
cook stove, and Bupane Gas Range.
Geraldine's Beauty Shop, .Martelle,
Io wa. 28 c
FOR SALE: Mukden soy ,bean
seed, recleaned and delivered. Ger-
mination 96%. Price $1 30 per bu.
Lyall Bryant Dial 3201, Mt Ver-
non. 27-28c
FOR 3ALE: Garden hose, gar-
den tools, general electric ice box
kitchen table and chairs, Simmons
studio couch, large Majestic radio,
boy's bicycle, small 3-drawer chest,
2 sleds, large mirror. Mrs. H. E.
Hudelson, Mr. Vernon.28c
FOR SALE: Black Wilson bean
seed. This is a bean bred exclu-
sively for hay. Price $1.75 per bu ,
recleaned and delivered. Lyall
Bryant. Dial 3201. 27-28c
FOR SALE---Cheap. Hartman
%Vardrobe trunk in good condition.
Mrs. Fred Travis, Dial 6561. 28-2tc
FOR SALE: Sand and gravel
Ashes hauled, gardens plowed
Highest prices paid for Wool, Hides,
Iron, Rags and Metals. D. BurgeM
& Sons, Dial 5341, Mount Ver-
non. 2 Stfc
You've been wanting one--now you
can get a genuine LMaytag for as
little as $59.95! Has every possible
convenience. Easy terms. Come
in. G.A. Beranek, Mt. Vernon. 28
yield but It requires ample plant
food for maximum results. Use
increase the plant food content of
your soil. Lyall Bryant. Dial 3201,
Mt. Vernon. 27-28c
now so cheap you really can enjoy
it. 18 gallons of hot water auto-
matically heated with fuel oil. Cut
your present heating ,bill as much
ms 75% to 80%. Plenty of hot
water so cheap you never need to
stint, or run out! Fully automatic!
No gas or electricity needed! Burns
cheap fuel oil! And it costs so little
to install on a payment plan any-
one can enjoy plenty of hot water.
Think of it 100 gallons ot hot water
for 39c. Call 110 FRINK'S PLUMB-
IN(] & TIEATING for the facts
ER HEATER, Lisbon, In. 28-3tc
healthy chicks with Sargent im-
proved vltimized Starting Mash. In.
creases your profits. F. J. Peter-
i son. 28
PIANO TUNING, tmual charge
$2.50; cane seating and chair wrap-
ping. R. E. Sanderson, ~19 Third
Street North, Dial 2622. 9 If.
F~ee, Call nearest phone by No.
collect, .M[t. Vernon, B07; ~ 7'/;
Anamosa, 74F21, for clean fast
courteous eervice. ~ Payton,
Agent, Anantosa, Iowa, for ]Pan~-
ers Rendering Works. State IA-
cetme No. 7, Io~t City, IL 17-tf.
policy paying for personal injuries,
loss of time, ms a result of aCci-
dents. Why not protect YOUR in-
come this way? S. N. Merritt, Dial
4262, Mt. "~ernon. 28
Classified Ads Bring Results
Cut Down Your Car's "" WASTE" Line
After bucking Old Man Winter, your car may seem
ed and listless. Now is the time to wake it up! Our
Summer tune-up service will put new pep in your
motor and make Summer driving more enjoyable.
Take advantage of our tune-up special--a complete re-
juvenating job at one low price. Don't delay . . . drive
in today !
Summer Motor Tune-Up
Complete Grease 3ob
Check Spark Plugs and Points
Refill and Adjust Shock Absorbers
Service Battery and Adjust Charging Rate
Repack Front Wheels
Adjust Carburetor
Clean Fuel Pump Screen
Flush and Refill Radiator
Test and Adjust Brakes
$4.00 Complete
Dial 6912
Your Ford Dealer
Mount Vernon, lowa