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May 9, 1957 |
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ater Allee Chapel
• * _:_ Dedicated Sunday Tree Planting Rites Issues
I,;! M.,. ,u,.v A ft d HeldivByfS mboaflFroy StatementOn
e l sunny spring a ernoon provl - a erv-
llgglF-L---I led a perfect setting for the impreS-chapel ance was staged elementaryschoolM°nday morning II 7~1pul J~J~, II U~II~I~i~T.... ._!r
~r~ sive dedication of the Allee at the M t. Vernon
Sunday, May 5th, at 3 p.m. when ceremonies were conducted to i I
-- -- " " h w "er mainIAfter luncheon the visiting don- plant trees on the lawn of the new- R M Radl, financial chairman ofI- i Commencement speaker at Lis-
of highway 261 so a Extension oi a ~-inc a~ . '
highway could be built " th E1 mentar schoolr ors and frmnds were shown the in- est local school site. Fp the Lisbon Town Council has issuedl.. ~ m .i ,.,. t bun high will be Mrs Buena Mock-
Mr. Vernon is favored by Ike Greets Mrs. West irom near e e Y :'erior " "h ......
• ~ ot ~ e cnapet ann me mee- Prof. George Worley of the sci- a statement in reoard t'o taxes in i[l_~hC'ln Vll[~I/_~ Win i more family life specialist from the
house to the south end of Fifth Av- f
enue ..~.. .... me'~ .......... mh ....rhil~s rest-~'bergush recordbu on playerw , manipulated by' er~c(e dept. of Iowa State TeacherslLisbon for 1956 which are paid in ......... • r" ........ ~iextensi°n dept. of Iowa State cul-
L Highway Commissio~ a~]On 102nd Birthday dence has been completed by the . ~ ., Two Firsts and Two i legeGraduafion exercises will be
to a letter to Mayor . . p tt as demonstrated with a~oressecl tne elementary students,. 1957 The first half of the 1956
from John G Butter, chief ,~+., ,.~ ~+ ~r ..... t se~ecfions irom the large library of teachers and friends briefly on the]taxes was due on April 1 Mr
The digging was done by Mike]sacred mumc. s,gmficance of trees to the state oflRadl's statement follow~' ..¢"'on'4 ,,.,u"a*;n-s held m the Lisbon high seh~,al
.,_,.:_1_ . ~.~^ ~:, .... ~ ...... ~.;.~ I President Russell D Cole presided
which replies to a re- ~cm~- w,u~ ~L~ =-~w~=~' ,a,~, ...... ~. .
• h~ w~*or main ~nd installed a hv-,a~ me cledlcauon program on the
improvement of the 261 ............ awn " f
1 in runt of the chapel D~
the city with suggested drant at the south end of the newI • ".
- . Charles S. Hempstead minister of
g of
WTt~is~ydrant~'~"~ will give much bet-!the First Methodist church, Fort
: our ter proteetmn" new bufld-I' Dodge gave the sermon on Chris
w~n~enrO7 Assistant Dis- fire to the 7.'. . " "
C. C. Letner, has ings within the city limits located tmn ~ducatmn."
ated yourrequestforoim' - la~ .............. me m~ersecuun u~ u o.° ou°" ~,u--~ ~ "~o civirization can stand without
~-at of No. 261 through your .............. eJ,, ~m i,oh~wmoa Bob's Su~ern Valu a firm religious foundation," said
I~'~ ................ ~v,~,, ~,~.~o~n~¢~ ! Dr. Hempstead. "Science without
Letner reports that to prop- ' ..... .~ • . ~ God can lead us to destruction The
Kastle. The city will be reimbursed ~
past 25 years have seen a renewed
!arove this road is more than for the cost of laying the new main/. .
interest m rehgmn on campuses
)' maintenance job. It calls as lots along this street are sold. / " " •
e0raplete rebuilding of the t This chapel should provide a setting
~t cannot be undertaken in ~* A • for small student groups of young
UI$CUSS nnexlng people who are committed to the
~ause of insufficient funds.
e improvement of present i .a- i 1Christian way of life."
l through Mt. Vernon does Larson Irac~ I Charles Hedges, chairman of the
Ld itself to a modern street, I building committee, laid the corner-
-~of the steep grade at the Dale Larson discussed with the I stone. George M. Allee, the donor
• 'uon with Main Street from Mt. Vernon Council Monday eve- of the chapel, unlocked the front
tension of No. 94. and the ning annexing by the city of the ldoor and presented the key to the
eroSsing of the C&NW Rail- tract of land he recently purchased building, which was accepted by
of Ward Horton immediately north Sutherland Dows, Chairman of the
be of more service to of the Mt. Vernon Motel. Mr. Lar- Board of Trustees.
public if this road --Photo by Hugh Roberts son would like to have sewer and Dr. Earle A. Baker, vice president
Con ell, expre~ ~ed ~ppre ia¢ion
! the ollege in tal :, "R~ :ogni-
~n of :he Donor., "
"This enterprise has some beau-
s° we could build a
~y through Mt. Ver- Mrs. Jane West, Mr. Vernon's old-
is a matter which will est resident, who will observe her
decided sometime in the 102nd birthday on May 9th, has re-
the meantime, we willceived an engraved personal greet-
~e present No. 261 in the ing card from President Dwight D.
le shape, considering the Eisenhower. The card reads as
---------------------"Please accept my sincere eon-
ici gratulations upon your birthday.
I Mus ans May good health be yours through
-,tLree Firsts=~ many happy years." The card con-
thins the seal of the president in
~'ernon musicians performed
~, fashion for their school's fromA letterFredericaCCompanyingFox, specialtheassist-Card
Ltast week end at the state
ant in the White House Office, was
"¢i~ for large groups held at on White House stationery. It reads
As a result they received as follows:
PP! division I on the concert
L~irls' glee club and the mixed "Dear Mrs. West:
~,and a II rating on the boys' Through Congressman Talle, the
l~ President has learned that on May
illiam Nichols is director ninth you will observe your one
~?al groups, Kenneth Smy- hundred second birthday. The
e band. President asked me to send you the
enclosed personal card as a greet-
ing, with his congratulations and
warm best wishes.
"He hopes the occasion wilt be
Mt. Vernon des, n and
~1._ ~ • ..... ~rl Cop s pl ed the or- more by the 2nd grade groups, a cago Symphony Orchestra, featured still working on the case May 7 Baseball at Clarence
.ers nappy m every way ann ma~ you . " an ..... ~-----------" " " " ,
KeSlgn . ;,~. ........ .~a,. ..... ,~;~...~ a.m. to Hohday House. Seating was g • honey locust, a gift of the 3rd m theMayMusmFest*val. He sa,d, May 10. McVille G~rls softball H
! _ .........., +~.o ~na n] ..... t ....,~o~,, arranged w,th orchestra men and G. Lew s Albmght, Lmbon, was grades, a park locust donated by the There is something great and ere- ;Morley Hires Black May 14. Ox. Junctmn baseball, H
~ta0n'~ ~" -.~. ~,~V'~str~'~ "c~_ --NIrs-~v%re-st'~s c"h~i'iciren--lan to -a Chamber members alternating, the general contractor and Brown 4th graders and a Marshall seedless ative in the young man." Cross has I .~ .... May 16. Final immunization shots
onsonoa~ea a C~ a P g
! wi ...... - .... -- ............: .....= Chamber President L. C. Evans and Healey were the architects, ash planted by the 5th grade don- studied four years with Miss Ruth As Athletic Coach -
~0n~ regre~s ~nree res,gna- ~er ~.[~'5 *mj~,~^u,~ ~.~u[ma=y, ~,~[ welcomed the guests. President ~ ors' Pinkerton, professor of voice in the ! Dale Black graduate of ISTC has LISBON GIRI~ DOWN
uay nign~ ~, w.~. ~ ~,~u.,~ ~ ~,,~. r.~pcc~- • • • " [ ' MARTEI,LE
~ld Turtle, art instructor has ed are Charles of Eldora Irwin of Russell Cole sa,d th,s was one of the iAI..II r%.. I I___ . Cornell conservatory. I been hired at Morley as athletic
~%Jto accept a position in the Waterloo Mrs O F Washburn of most exciting days onthe Co rnell ¥¥I~11 IL~[lIll~[.~ Pictures Don't Arnve ,, ,~~ I coach. He lettered in both. basket-The Lisbon girls' softball team
~a sc*- .......... C^;^_ ~'..=;_' _:'; :r__._e ..... ; campus ann expresseo nis gratitude . - - /~ree ~-~,~enerarlon [ball and baseball at Teachers and nan ~oo mucn power at bat and too
zluol MISS Jan wymore =u,u ~a~,~u~ ,mu ~,~w~ ,,~e a,u • About the time that the Hawke e • • • • '
~, : ........................ ,-, ......... to the Chamber for the breakfast t Y ~,~ i. i .I will handle both sports m h~s new good pRchmg for the Martelle
• ~,terrttt ,2,wall nave given ~,uu,~ uz I¥iL v~rlluil Ubll~r lIl~21II- "1 was begmnm" " to feel that the mall" "
~t]°ns fr-----+~--i~ --'-~t ...... bers of the "famib, will be LucillelGe°rge A. Kuyper, manager of the, ~;rlKe DOUlaer g ......~,roups at auxiliary i job. He is currently in the army Lassies on Tuesday, April 30, as Lis-
~de --"." ..... ~' ° ~° ?~" ................. f~ ......... .:~l orchestra spoke for the musicians, l servtce was as sa~*smc.~ory as como ................. ;.... a,,..n;.~. ] stationed at Ft Benning Ga ' bun downed Martelle 21 to 8 Nancy
~ ~eacners.1heir iu~ure,v ~ ux ~,~,,~,a,~uw,, ,~ n--u~ul~...;...~ +~.. +~,,, ~^.t.v.~+ ~v+,~.. -; ............ De expec~ea a cuts ~ailea ~o arrive I ~.= ~v,~. vc--u, ,~s,,~,, -~-~.-,-,~-~, ' ' " Ph,~l,~ ~,~,~ r~,,,~ P~.~....,~ +.,~
~'~e not definiteat this time White family of Cedar Rapids, and ........ . .......,^.. ] .rogre~.on Lne arlnmg ot me city from the 'engraver Wednes d a y I held a mother-daughter potluck ~. I I ~ ::::~::~'~';:~:~'a[:~4~ ~,,~,4 2~:
J ~ "------ the Stephen Wests. [n gn: on me ~am wa?.7..~=~.=~.=twen on me. corn.ell campus has morning They included a May preceding the meeting Monday eve- : cnolarsnlD winner [;:T::h: "~,',.~2"~2 ~k~;F"~. 2;;:
[] Rit, ean,,,,-~ ,'^, Mrs. West is in fairly good health I .... \--:s.~ ~,=.~? .... ?.~.=~" .% .... ."'= I oeen az a smnasun since .uesaay Festival" ~,qcture ,.nicture of Bud i ning Three groups of three gener- '.,.,.,, . .. ", ~ ,, ~/.~ .... ~'~.. "D .... .,., ~,~. ....... =
" "'"1 ~ ~ wonaenm ~raamon o~ me May tes morning when the drill b~t struck 'Will ~,ena ,ornell uonna ~haroee *',amy moore ano
I. " _ . but has not been quite as active asia. • -I " " " Stanley and the pictures of the ' ations were present: Mrs. Dave ~ . .. . , .......
r ~va~ a boulder at around the 145 foot " aoyce l~os~ were me mg mree a~
.P of Dean Fisher usual during the winter. She enjoys[ ~ : ............ I f three 4-generation families honored Strong, her mother, Mrs. Lloyd I Sharon Kay Adams, daughter of ............
~menas o~ aonn ~.nma ~ormer m~ level whmh ha crestedrflhn f oa~ eacn rotund rouna trappers to
Iri" an occasional car ride but has not I ....... :7 .~ .71 " s r ' d ", ' g e - I at the Lisbon Methodist church Burge, and her daughters, Sharon j the Charles F. Adams', Charles City, , ., ...... [ ...
~'~esfor Mrs. W. C. Fisher, attended any social events. ]vernon resmem, mey mougn~Iforts" I service on Sunday morning We and Janeen; Mrs. Elmer Clay, her !who is one of 17 high school seniors l ~°is~er~ne.scormg- ~exx game ~'ut
- ue h r e ne was very nappy m ms work reelThe workman thou ht the woul oe on ~rmay today ltnn wnen me
~t'~. an Evlyn Fis e wer Mrs West was born Jane Harden] ........ ~ g y d re=ret that the nictures of the Dr mother Mrs W F Holtz and her in Iowa receiving a National Merit . , ,
I~arshall, Mo., on Friday, on May 9 1855 at Princeton Iowa Ipas~ year. as liorarian .~or me thni- I try a small charge of dynamite to- j =R Gardner =Rollin Frink and daughter, Trudy; lVI'rs. Richard Day, !scholarship, will enroll at Cornell McVille giris come to Lisbon.
I,.."he passed away at Friend- a small town' on the Miss issim~il cago orcnestra, tins zs a very re- I day in an effort to speed up getting [1VIrs ' Mamie Rie,;er families and her daughter-in-law, Mrs, Robert ! college this fall for four years. She 1 ........... 7., ~.
l~v~n in Ford Dodge Tuesday, River above Davennort Her par- I sponsible job which he has handled! through the boulder. I of Bud Stanley ~'who will attend Neubauer, and granddaughter Vicky i is one of 830 high school seniors in i ~,~',~,-,~,~'~¢',*~ ~., .....
- lol - - ve well donn was a~ me cna t , i~.azr..z.u ~u~.zz x,~r,~zit~,~
~J~;.~ low:ng a long illness,ents moved to Linn county in 1862i ry . ,. ..... pe i The drilling crewworked aliI Boys' State cannotappear until Lee, and Mrs. J. E. Beach, her the nation to receive a Merit award ..........
-'~aer re arm for tne orcnes~rfl renears Lasoon nremen are urged to a~
I~" came to Mt Vernon ana o,~t+l,~,~ ,~.. ,).,. ~...~ $..,.+1. ..... +]P P g - Monday night and all Tuesday night next week ' daughter Mrs Charles Klein and Funds for her scholarship come . "
I~h^ - g , of .town later owned by Joe Sedla ..... I " " ' [ ~ granddaughter, Carol. f the ears Foundation Merit .~ ........ :
hen her dau hter w~th al whmh took place following the Th~s outfit drills to rock whmh is rum S t d the eetmg of the Lmn Coun
"~ rta o I breaKias~ t ~y ~lremen s Assn a~ me ¢hen~ral
[I"_ d her home came t ,-ek Th,~,, ,,,,.,~ ~,~,,~ ,,~;a,~,~+= ,~e - , believed to be a couple of feet be- ~__ t_L_..I n.... J..-- It was announced that the Aux- Scholarship I ..... ' .. - =: . ==
~s D ~ " ~ ........................ Victor Atiav assistantconcert ~ rrg-.~cnogl Kounuu ~lre statmn in theoar ~xapius on ~ri
~,~. can of Women. She Chandler~villo Mu~kin~um ~o-nt'~ t - ' - I low the boulder. Another outfit will I ~ iliary would sponsor a concert by I Miss Adams, who will be valedic-, ......... -
~edt from a heart condition ................ 6)hin'~aba]~t 12'm]:~[,= .................. fro~ CaI~m~hn~'] master made. his first trip to Mt.[ come to drill through the rockl -,,v,,,--T~"~eeie~ ,--,......~v"n;ne~ the Mt. Vernon school band at the 1 torian of her class, will major in ,! any May m a~ ~:~a p.m.
~It~ and was bedfast after .._' ........... !Vernon w~th the orchestra on Satur- ] which begins at the 145 to 150 foot I I ..... ~ . . patio of the Veterans hospital in i elementary education. She has been i*,,r-- ~,-,~ ~~.,
~:~ her hip in 1954 She was ~ne ann her nusoano, ,,ly west, [ day. He was formerly with the Met- Ilevel ] The annual loll vernon pre-scnooi Iowa Cit,, sometime in June The ; active in school nlavs Rainbow, "~.~'-"" .':':'~.~"( .......
• ur at ' , attended Cedar Valley school which i r A n in N w York " • roundu~ will be held in the all .~ " . ~ • = "' • Wilson rlign t=eaar Rapids de-
|~ her daughters home ...... ,. ° [ropol tan Ope a ss., e I A large amount of water is used J ~ - band will play the same selectmns; Club, vocal and instrumental mustc .......... " ..... : ..
ente I tnen s~oo(~ near me erossroaos Iur 1 r h r ur use room of the elem~n ar i tea~ed ivict%.lniey nlgn l a on ~rzaay
I~. red Friendship Haven, - ] City before join'ng the o cest a. t to wash out the drillings It is l P P ~ ~ t Y they will present at the first concert! and was voted the outstanding Y- 1 ........ ". .
'nOnths a o ther north than ~ts locatmn at the "~" school Thursday Ma 9 at 8 m ~ s n to wm me oaseoan tournamen~
~is~ g " . l ........... [ _ ~ / pumped out through the hollow drill~ ! o • Y , P: • of the summer series in Mt. Vernon.~ Teen of the year. She ha bee [ ..............
I~i~:"er and her .sister, Mrs. fume '~ wa_s m_ter razea., l~_was a!Chamber Members !pipe into a pit alongside the outfit] Parems oz all children in the his- During the business meeting!sub-district president of MYF and IPx~Y:~u..~,~ L~[u?,~~ ................
",re OI Marsnan lvlo were cru, ae xrame ~uucmre wtm c~ap / trict ehglble for Kmaergarten ~nls has received the DAR American vvtzuu. ~ xt.t sume m ~.e tu~z*ct
% ~, , ', ¢ . and runs back down the hole. A fire ..... Mmes. Day, Lester Buresh, William i • ' .
ort D d e on A ril 24boardseats and long board de ks ~ m ~ meet was played at Central C~ty on
uo ge P " " I .... _ ": . . : • Offer Students T~ckets hose connected to the hydrant near. fall are expected at this. eeting. Wooff and Eugene Strauch were~ history award and the sophomore .......
I .... .•• ---- ~ many, as ou a~enaea m wm~er. I South Hall runs continually into the Birth certificates are to oe Drought. appointed as the nominating corn- } scholarship. I ~v~u.uay.
l' rs Will Kfes~,~ !~ms watKeo o v._er iences_on ~opo~I Through the generos~y of some!pit to make up for water lost in the tThe school superintendent, princi- mittee to report with a slate ofi ~ !WILL HO~
=- ••• ------ ~- .e ~IYIILS on w~ LO ~cnool ul~ I al nur e ncl KInQ r ar~e ~eacn • •
~._ - . ~ . - . ~ Y . .. ~ .... members of the ~ocai ~namoer O~lground Tuesday the city pumpslP , s a ' e g n - officers for election at the JuneI A ..... I ..... r'IA.J._ !~n;T~. ~ M~n~v
• school house was torn Clown In J.t~]U fo n m ' "-
lilWl~ A~ ~1.. ~ ..... i " . ~Commerce, it was possible r a iraised 325000 "allons of water thelers will talk to the pare ts expla" - meeting. Mrs. Emil Reyhons re- /- U lllUrV I=ll l[l ...... .-7-"2" .......
¢" #'%| ~Iy %,~[~:~[ I and new one built on land donated h ~ [ m rocedmes for re mtratmn and J I All L~soon ~amp F~re and Blue
., , I number of students of high sc ool lar=est amount ever numned ' . " g P " g' " ported on the Linn county conven- ~ . .... " . ~"
• .. ~ , • . . . . ~ ~ ~- . . . . . . . . • . . ....
by Ely West s famer wno then hved [ school re ar tmn Thin roun ~ tara groups wm parumpate m a
I[ ing littlo aifferont inI , f and 3umor h~gh to en~oy concerts lWATER PATRONS are urged p p a . dup s tmn at Central C~ty in April and ~,.,~,~ ~iIA~l. J .... •
............ n • "" " • • " •
|~[¢}f him` ~"~'~' ~'~"÷~- "";ll I° place later owned by Joe Wolrab. of the May Festlval th*s year. The to use as Httle w~ter as pos- sponsored by the PTA Mrs. Ward the Second D,st. Conf. held m |¥~[~• ~¥~|l|~[J councn nre a~ 7.30 p.m. Monoay,
l] I Mrs Wes~ attended Cornell m ~ h r Ma 13 n the recreation room of
Ill'ted =-:; ...... :_.. • action carried a two-fold benefit: s|h|e until this emer~renew has ~Vtter e m. m an effort to a~d pa - Bellevue Sunday. I - I Y '
|~.~ehool in Mt Vernon when [1874an.d 18'/5 and was a teacher m l it supported financially an institu-~ passed, i ents in getting the,r youngsters ....... :..--;777..~-~-W7-~-~.~.~ r~i~, Di, J,~e,i~,~t~, I the new schoolhouse. Parents and
I~'~r~ n~ ....+ m~,~ ~.~ ,+ ~,, ]me ~mr~ax scnoo~s oe~ore ner mar- tion which must never die in the ---- [ready for "The Day" next fall r~.~r~ ~vuv.,~,. ~,~.,~ gl~l• |lg~|~| II i Imen~s o~ me g~rts are mv~ea ancl
I • A .... . --:,"~'."~y~ ] riage March 2, 1876 in Marion. The ....... ;÷. ~Y~f-~ Jt o-~7~:a ~ ('11%1"~"1.- [ I I • Illg • ! " ~ " The Mariners, young married, . .......... ! urged to attend. Rank will be taken
I e arac er rme, ~na~ ot an I Wests in 1881 purchased from l:.',~'.~.~'~~- ==~,.= ==,~,~:-*~={]ea-i"~'~%uW To Hear Director ! ATTENDS NURSES' couples of the Presbyterian church, t wlrs. uon ±v~mer~ o~ ~soon. was,by Camp Fire girls and members of
~i,~e_aler' will ge~ iocus oi,iThomas Dill the farm which is now t ::m'o~ nf~'t~he~finest ~nus*~c" toVbe'of"- Ir%~ ~;I,~e ~,,,,~|,~ .,.~,~ '1['%2 I CONFERENCE IN CHICAGO are planning to hold a rummage : e~ec~ea presiclen~ oi me ~econcl dis-Ithe fourth graders Bluebird group
II~, ;~pPmmen~ecl vy an an- ! ,, .... +,~a ~,.. ]~,. ,.¢~.~.4~.~ (~4.~-~.~z~.~ J ="".'~ v = ...... - I Vl IIII|I~ I~&~I~,~ ~.aII~ • " 1 .. "" " - .... sale Saturday Ma'~ 26 For details, tric~ American Legion Auxiliary ~orl will fl,, u TM into Cam TM Fire
II., ,a the form of a black-rvv''''~"-~" '~-" ":=" s-,-,~,o-- ~=v,.=,, ;IereCl in me iVllClwest [ {~ ~a:a ~unnlngnam, aaugnter oI .. ." . ".-. ". .. ,~a~ ~,~* u,^" ~''~---~. a~ a~"+ ¢,~vi,¢~. ,, o~,~r I ~ ~ ~" '
I~."~d - IWest In 1911 they retired to Mt I The students and their music di I ..... "'--.:" ---^^* :- *~- ...... Mrs Mm"aret Cunnin-ham is at see nouce m classlned secuon on ~--- ~;. ~ ......... "~
• ~,~ ~ romance. ~ ..~" • ' I . • • - 2~.2% U. )/%' Will /llt:~E~b 111LZI¢2 IIUIII~ , s . ~ ' - "~ ~ o° , ence neld a~ .t~ell_evue. • • I • I
vernon to a house now standing on recmtlve of thisl ~ ~ nu ses ~ s
I~'?, Under direction of C E I ' ~ ]rectors are very app . economics rooms in the Old Sere. tending ~ natmnal student r ' ' , M~-~ ~d[inort x~n~ ee~mnlotin~ n LISDOn LOCalS
Ii'~Lwill be basically from "the Ia plot of ground owned by Mrs. gesture made by the Light Co.,! on the Cornell Campus Wednesday i organization meeting in Chicago ~r~ p~,~ no~l ..... f~m~id City !*~-~-~ ,"~;";',~'i~:nf~T'h[.'f~'li'~n"" i Miss Arlene Ames and Dor~s Cilek
I~~s With a cou~le~ of un- ,IWest s parents.. Kaliban, White, Bailey, Judy John- , May 15, for a potluck droner, at ~ th~s week at the Mormson hotel. ~:. Dak., was a breakfast guest of the ference ~:1~ 1 be held in Cedm" Rap- , of Cedar• Rapids spent Friday in the
en Mrs West ~s a member of Altru Trust Co Stoll
I~~. carrying lesser roles, I ..; . -Iston, the Bank and ., , 6:30 p.m. Meat and coffee will be Sara, who has been elected wee Ch~r]~ ~o~o~' .qnh]rdnv iH~ fM~nwin# ~h~ dm~m-~mont ,.nn Bruce McCullou~h home
~o ria ~luo Orde~ of Eastern Stars Meredith Bob s Cu 'furmshe b a m
Ill the policy of building " [ Stoltz An-Nu , ~' - d y co mittee" each president of the local student nurses ,,ontion ; m~,~ ~,-~, ,-, .......... , r,,~.. ~ ..,.~
|~.~.~Denenced all-school nu-IPast Chmfs Assn., and the Metho-tper Valu Roberts Tuberty Prall, imember wL1 furmsh her own table at the State Umvermty was select- Wee~ end ~ests n thCharles l ~÷+~.~;-~ ÷~ ~-;~+ -~..~ ........ ~..~m~o" .... ~.+,,~ ..........
|~ ~:ater each year. Curtamid~st church. IBeraneks and an anonymous donor, tserwce. Mrs. Opal Lee Barnard, l ed as 1 of 16 to attend the Chicago Bryant home were Mrs. BryanVs from Lisbon were Post Cmdr. and~guests of the Darrell Mornings~rs.
~i Week end guests in the Charlesi
1 ~ ryant horn ~ wer~ lv rs. 3ryanVs
o' 8:15 i , director of films radio and TV in i convention mother and sister, Mrs. Alice Ed-:Mrs James Westhoff" Past Cmdr [
~e wards and Mi~s Muriel Edwards of Harian Brig,s and Past De t Pre~"~ Mr. and Mrs• A. C. Bradley of
II : Arts Dept. Bob's Super Valu Plans. , c;[a Rnap~ds° PaUbh~?vSCh~. T/Sgt. t~obert Neubauer with his " ~ --, P .... Kansas City, Mo., were S~turday
o Melrose Park Ill. They came es- : Mrs Briggs" 2nd Dist Sgt at Arms "
li;,.".~d, to all appearances is lI--..-'~--.-- ~II.L......... Do,. Show On May 18th leers for the coming year will be, wife and three children arrived inpecmlly ......... to help httle Crmg Bryant Don Mmert an n ~ :' P , guesis in the Harold Davis home.
I~'~ble ~entleman His chief |~Vl][~ %,~IUI~]~w~r][][¢~ ~ . ! .. elected. I Mt. Vernon Monday evening to visit ' " d 2 d Ds~. V.. Mrs. 'Mrs. Bradley and Mr. Davis are
IE~jhis • j~/ Show on the parking , celebrate his third birthday. ' Minert Approximately 400 attended.
Drov?, I IBob s Super Valu will hold a ~ag i
~. "de happiness and se- i ' i ~ :: his mother Mrs Richard Day Bob brother and sister.
;/ ' lot at the store, ' ". ' '
• gifted daughter Mar-, 0 Hear Norrclard ~
I ............. I James Lodge returned home from who has served m Japan three years
: Mrs. Watson Kepler and her! STAG AT HILLCREST Mrs. Ira Walters of Mr. Vernon,
u has v ~on -,amroay lvtay lt~ l~exc week s '
|l~. been brought up m t ~ , ~ ...... ' " ~ . _ ~ i a Cedar Rapids hospital Tuesday las an electmcmn m the mr corps, houseguest, Mrs. Florence Morgan,/ Sta~ Thursday May 9 with din- Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Lee of Maquo-
c 1 n r I aa Will invite everyone to take par~ w _, _ ,
I~'~ g orance of her father's i All ~ omen of the Woman's Club ' • ....... m" i after having been there since last I will have a 40 day leave before be- went to .Kewanee, Ill., on Monday, her at 7:30 p.m. Mechanicsville men keta and Macy Lee spent Sunday
|~ a promising young vio- ! are invited to attend the Fine Arts I Pr~zeswill oe g~ven mcmmng, ca.- ! Wednesday evening for observation, l ing sent to France. The Neubauers ~o ws~ m me nome oz wtrs. *~ep- in char~,o are' r~n Davidson chm visiting in Manchester, Backbone
~aged a ~ e d me , Th eras romps loving cups ann rm , .......
to an ttract'v I ept eting ursday afternoon, l. ' ,~ ' ......... :1 His illness was diagnosed as a atom-]arrived in Seattle, Wash., Friday ler's daughter Mrs Robert Beran-~w ~...+. l~nh Fl,~vid~n R Pu for Park and Delhi.
~s Dons mere Will De Iun for all IZ
|1~i~1,. doctor. /May 16. at 3:30 in the social rooms i ". ..... ". !ach ulcer, from Tachikawa Air Base in Japan. - ' " i ............................. f ....
.eK. _--- ---------------- Joe Paidar. Mrs. Elizabeth Prendergast enter-
-u kiel s ns n anh e you non t nave a clog oorrow yuur
I~ta . "s ru a "qu j of the Light Co., in Mt. Vernon. I • ....... I • ] ......
I~~oC~Ually he buys and sells i MarJorie Norrg~rd, radio book Ine~gh°°r's. ,,ue~ans wm appear *nI ...... I Mrs. E. ~sident of ed Mercy hespital in Iowa City Sun-
II i els from thieves. He is I reviewer a.,*d eemmentator from iB°b's au m me tiaw~eye next weeK. i ..... ...... the Lisbon Past Matron's Circle and day where she underwent major
i the shadiest characterCedar l~pids, will speak on -- ~ 1 members Mrs. Harry Sizer, Mrs. E. surgerYstaying inM°ndaY'the CarlJ°hnsailorBarniChhome. is
I~'~qerworld, who commits "Summer Fashions in Print." I Hello World ........... i P. Zimmer, Mrs. J. R. Gardner, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nosley and
I Ons which he. capital- ,I Mrs. Norrgard. will have some ,of } .-..................... uu . ,,,,. ,.u i Glenn Plattenberger and Mrs. Hen- Candle of Iowa City, and Mr. and
IIR ,urn* t, op there. ]s a secret the current hction and non-tic ...... /~oDer~ ~amng" ....... on ~v~ay ~ m ~. i i ry Hunwardsen attended the meet- Mrs. Howard Mason and Mardel
aCe,a skillfully, i con- I tion books on display and will ~, ~,~-~"~ .... ~ *'"~';÷~-,~ow.~¢,-. ~..~.q'~"~ ~XT~,~;..~,,~...~ ..... ... i ing of the Linn County Past Ma- were Sunday guests of the Edson
I~e" ,~Owesmantela ve pamb~tlouece'' " s !, talk on trends in book tastes to- I ~,~n*l~ ...... ............... ,~ ~n*,~ *he ~o~m~r Han=- I, tron's Circle meeting at Springville Koppenhaver family at Mechanics-
|~bulo ' ry . ] day with previews af stammer!py Valley filling station west of~ Ion Tuesday. Mrs. Hunwardsen was viLle.
us young man accl ~ .....
IIIE ^ - , '. re dlngmaterial. [~vTt Vornnn I ,mtmted into the circle
ers tielss S secre~ ann
|~'~ .... "'. ..... I Following her talk those who caret ..... ] Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slofer of So-
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Smith and Ion and the Bruce McCulloughs at-
"~ oiacKmallS him l-lelss ~ r
I riv ...... " ~to may join the group in an ea l'y !REBUILD STATION DRIVE
~n ~O use Vlolence on r
|~ f ..... [potluck supper. Coffee will be fur-; New conere;e was poured for part i Clarence M. Smith of Des Moines tended the wedding and reception
-u cl~spose of the oouy
|~I ~ ....... ' ,. nishcd. Those attending the supper of the front drive at the Mt. Ver- I attended the May Week End festivi- of Miss Clover Luck and Milo Bed-
~r(I s~eps in ana ~ne
| ~-~%li .......... i are to furnish table service, their non D-X station on Monday. Gaines ~ties at Lindenwood College, St. nashek in Cedar Rapids on S~mday.
Ill~ ~S ~na~ ne mus~ ~ace i own sandwiches and a covered dish. & Son took out the old drive and Mr. Bednashek is a nephew of Mrs.
I .... S1ofer and a cousin of Mrs. Mc-
I L~I~ces of his orI This program has had a shift of Kruse Construction Co. had charge
ou~ oI me counEy
|~ desPerat ~ f .~_~idate and time to accommodate the of the work. , A family dinner at the William Cullough.
e zor ear ma
|~ MD ...... i speaker who because of recent ser .... IGoudy home Sunday honored the ~r,-~ ~.1~- hahn o,~*o~*~,,~,~ o, o
i h r ..........................
• learn me lru~n D i
|~t ~._ " .. i ious illness has not been able to INSTALL AIR CON ITIONERS , I b rt days of Mr Goudy's rathe G. •
|~ t~¢.ome.s more compn- '.complete evening Commitments Re- Air conditioners for 10 of the 17 ~.,a ....... L*ouay O~ ~snon" ..... ann me mue"'" b~rthday. - partyf ~ rSaturday ..... afternoon
daughter of the Willard Palmers ~ "h birthda-- wi"~ "
llll~ ~l¢~n~l,~ne~oas~neP~o ; member members .are Welcome for rooms at Che Mt. Vernon Motel are J THESE MEN PLOWED AND HARROWED severaJ fields for Louis Strother on Thursday, May 2. : ~. . 'nerm nonor~ o ne s,aaugnterm aJUaYwtener°n
e '" "-~ *""~ ~''" .... ~ the ro ram even ~f they cannot re- being instal'led this week• The Glb- . " " I " " .. ...... :.. _ . _ rua~ c I y~u ,~ ~ e ra*tsaues e-arx
hmax, prommmg to .P .g ., ..... ] .......................... Kneehng, left to right: Louis Strother, John C ark, MerJe McConaughy, Ivan PJatner, Marwn Hm- who was one year old ~ues~s were ..... n-'o ...... h ........
~¢l'lence In" sus ense untll,'maln ~O l'oln [ne pOI:lUCK group son utree-quar~er tuu u~u~ ~ ' r e g a a thecourtesy.
[ | ~I" - P , ~, ~o÷s from outside the club ma~ ~placed permanently in the walls rich, Elmer James, David Baril, Henry Weideman, RusseJJ Jomes, Eugene StriegeJ, Mike JohnstonIt>on,~r" anaM,ssmrS.Mary ~" m.Goudy~OUaYof O~cedaU~S- Thirt ...... enam an~uests--'sh ...... re- " " "
,~a|rl , "~ ~ ~ " : , ....
Rapids, Mrs. Bthel' Palmer o was' - or nt tho r)nhn hnrna
[ includes Paul Larson ' be brought on the usual guest fee, They were purchased through Stan-! from Judy Johnston s Oii Co. whmh furnished the tractor fueJ, Alan Strother, HaroJd Hargm and f "'" h ,ce ..... ~e were servea mr-
| ~Y, Mv~f~,~ P~ark Di~k' rate, the hostess providing extra ilcy Applia,nee of Lisbon with Fred' Loren Stewart. Standing: Alfred Olsen, Lyle BieghJe, Dick Strother, Art Hinrlch, StanJey Parker, [ingt°n, the Charles Randall family ~- ..... n :'-:-"'" "='~'"~"
mr a a ~v~rs ~rank Kolek attend
|I ren ~l~ary Bow- itable service for the guests, of Bittle doing the mstaHatmn, i Dale Strother, Russell Johnson and Doug MeConaughy with the Johnston oi[ truck. I of Springville Lloyd Neal the Rob- • - -
I.~.÷ r~ ~';1 ....a ÷~ W;lla,-d ed the wedding of Rosanna Fields
J~. ~tdw • ' course I ~ ~'~ ~'== "°'""~ """ "'~ ..... I •
ell D*ck Washburn ] ~ I TO PRESENT STYLE SHOW I, rk ulhn lOW n I
.... • ^--'- ~'-- ~'~'^" *~'~--~'r. and Francls Pusateri which was
~'~allll~:~£- J.¢lLlll£,y. AVAI~ .~.aLII~:A g(~L[lll~
II~'~ey ~;.,r,.,~a ~,,,,÷÷ ' : . Eighteen outfits were at wo , 16 p " g p s a d two harrow'ng. Miller ImpJement Co.,
I I~..~on~"t~he"c'a~-t"l'~'t"lastl NEW BEJkUTY OP]~. A..'~R. .The M~S home .ec de DDartment Lisbon, furnished a John Deere tractor and Stoltz Co., Anamosa, a tractor, visited her son and his family
I ~ ~le ha-,.. ^~ ,,~ .... *~-, Mrs Shirley Campoeu wno re-~win present a stym snow Tnursoay Willard Palmers, from Thm:sday church S~t.urday at 10:30 a.m. in Ce-
• I~ %~'- ' ................. .z- t.~.,÷~': com-,leted her t~ainino and evening May 16 at 7:30 in thel The men were served dinner at the Russell Johnson, Loren Stewart and Glenn Strother homes, luntil Rnndnv laar *tap os. At noon they attended
~u appear as a pohce t~''~'~ v ~ ........... " " " '
~received her beauty operator's. It-iaudit°rium• Everyone who is in- Mr. Strother has recently spent more than two weeks in University Hospital, Iowa City, and I Ja droner m the Donald Kolek home
cense has opened a boothin the terested is invited to attend Mere- hn, nnt h~n nhI~ tn He~ h;¢ nwn ~e~rk
I~'~ I , f h hum ec ci 'es will ............................. I Mrs. Sam Palmer who lives northlalong wH:h the wedding party. They
~o~ h of Ti ton s ent Vernon Beauty shop The wrong up- bets o t e e ass . . .
LI ~ith ~g . p . p ......... ":- -n .... th- mode~ the clothes Che" have made' Men who had worked earher are- Lloyd Andre, Ralph Bader, Art Berkenpass, Franc~s Daws,,~°fsurgeryMt" Vernon,at St. Luke'sUnderwenthospitaI,maj°r|werece- receptiongUestSfromin 2theto afternoon4 at the Knightsat the
J I ~,A" her granaparen~ the enlng aa~e appcare¢* *u a au u, c .~
I "' Hawkcye during the year. John H. Davis, Don Erenberger, John MaJlie and James Miller. dar Rapids on Wednesday morning, of Columbus hall in Cedar Rapids.
Iowa:, [ "1956 Lisbon tax bills are now be- ! auditorium on Tuesday, May
Ahnough little emphasis is laced ....... ~ ~ ~ '
P i mg prod and there appears to be Lisbon hzgh musmmns won two I at 8 p.m.
on the fact today, said Mr. Worley,!some general grumbling as to their ldivision I and two Division II rat- c, .... ~ ..... . •
h ' " , 1 ~. . . , ~,~t;...~u.=.~e will be held on the
!, e 1.umbering industry was one of amount. It ~s also apparent that rags ]n the state musm contest at:~,revi,,,s ~,,na ......... ~,,~ M~,, ~a
me ~mportant ones of the earlyI the reasons for this tax increase are Calamus on Saturday May 4. i ~* ~.~n'~, m~,,~ ~w'~+~'/~s ~÷'~,.~'~,'
days of the state. He mentioned the still not fully understood, and that'l Winning top rating were the girls' i ~,~'e'~e~v'~"~.'u e'ne'"~i'iler'°w~il"l~'~e"_"
prevalence of saw mills in Iowa and I , g
• " the Lisbon town government is be- glee club and the mixed chorus, livor ~h~ hnoon/nnro~to ~ormnn
the need for continuous lantin of .... ~ 1 .............................
P g ling charged w~th the enhre rose m The glee club won one of two I,
trees to replace those which haveI taxes. This is not correct, ratings given among 14 entries. I,-,~, a ~ ,,, .
men out. He was introduced byI "Of the total 1956 tax increase Four I ratings were given among:~PIllS /Anare KeTurns
Supt. Harold Plank. l under discussion, the Lisbon town the 11 in the mixed chorus contest. [ Homz~ Fr,~m ~,.,i~e,|
Three trees were set out in cere- ! government is responsible for 30%. The boys' glee club and band each ,~ v||| | |v~ •~•
monies which followed, each a gift lCommunity growth is ahvays a cost- won division II ratings. No I rat- Ellis Andre returned Tuesday
of a local service organization. Mrs. [ ly matter and doubly so when as in ings were given in the glee club afternoon from St. Luke's hospital,
Myrtle Staley, principal, made the! the case of Lisbon it has been long contest The band plainly had an Cedar Rapids, where he had been
acceptance speech, i overdue ' off day and did not present its usual ! for three weeks having skin graft-
Gene Strauch represented the Mt., "Barri'ng unforeseen events, there performance, ing on his left foot which was ~e-
Vernon PTA at the planting of a is every reason to believe that the _ ~ ,verely burned March 15 while he
cannaert juniper and Geneva Meers present Lisbon tax structure willsee ~!'%| I~'|~ ~e%~h l was burning grass at his home
spoke for the League of Women no great change for some timeto .,,,,..,v,.~, .--~,,.v,,., tsoutheast of Lisbon. Ninety-six
Voters at the planting of a seCond come." B~,,r~ T~& ~ ..... ~,j [inches of skin from his back were
tree of the same kind These were ~ 1,4 II Ill.Ill I~ldllll~ii.i/grafted onto his foot. Ite will be
placed at the corners at the front of Chas. Wells Will A barn is under construction on lat the Sam Andre home for the
the building, the James Bartosh farm, north of present. It will be several weeks
At ,the foot of League Tree was t'%..-.J..-& ~....&:-,..- Lisbon and east of highway 261, to lbefore the can walk on his injured
set a plaque bearing these words: %,~;||i~|J~| IV|~|I||~ replace the one that burned last fall. I~ooL
"U.N. ree ledicated : y t:m ~eople Barney Block and his crew are do-I ~-
of thi commun ty on the 1( ih an- Ctarles k. W~lls, j )u, na: .st edi- ing the work. The barn is 48 by 68tCaneer Crusade ColJeets
nicer., ry o [ th~ Unit ~d ~ [at ~ns in tor ~nd a tist c f N~ ~ Yo k ~ity, feet with the sides 20 feet above the ~,~.~ ,~^ • ,. ,
1955." The tree could not be plant- will spend from May 19 to 22 con- basement so that it will be a little: ~.']U In LISbOn
water service extended to the tract• of Cornell, expressed apprecia¢ion "U•N. tree dedicated by the people . . .
The council voted to have a survey of the college in a talk, "Recogni- of this community on the 10th an- Charles A. Wells, journalisL eat-
made to determine the cost of ex- tion of the Donors." niversary of the United Nations in tor and artist of New York City,
tending sewer and water to serve "This enterprise has some beau- 1955." The tree could not be plant- will spend from May 19 to 22 con-
this area• A decision will be made tifully significant features. It comes ed on the anniversary because of ducting a community religious pro- higher than the former barn. There The Lisbon Cancer Crusade was
after the cost is known, from the intimate circle of the Cur- building construction going on a~ gram enutled the Charms A. we.ns will be space for milk cows and two completed Saturday with $254.90
The letter from the Highway nell family and has been a coopera- the time. A plaque identifying the Conferences on Chr,s~ an(* me box stalls in the basement part of raised. Mrs. Willard Rieger, chair-
Commission regarding First Avenue tive effort. It bears witness ,to some- donor will later be placed at the World Need J n Mt. Vernon and the barn. man, thanks the contributors and
was read. This letter is printedthing that happened to them while foot of the PTA tree ,.lSDOn. tie wm speak a~ me lviem- ~ the workers who solicited in the
Mrs G H Scobe ' ..,^.~ ,h^ I odist churches in Lisbon and Mt
elsewhere on this page. Summer they were here," said Dr. Baker .... Y w ~-:,~=u ~ ~ . "
i- .. J
school with a ~fitzer innin~r ~h~ohlvern°n and at the Presbyteman ror~e~
street work was discussed and the Tom Mikelson, president of the ~- ..... ~----~ ..........
usual bills ordered paid. Cornell Student Fellowship, spoke was plantedT, at the .base of the flag !churchtieWlll'ln alsoMt' aaaresS a ~om~Vern°n" ... mee~-" Checks Locally Lisbon Hello World
_~,.,h2J~n; fOryou a]lto studentSall whoaS havehe said,made"Thanklthis a~p°le'~hUbafternoon-hUs was a gift of the Worn- J,ng' of the Lmns" and Rotary clubFour forged checks were taken by t ]l~rtananoEdward 6wlrs., ..lbs 9'&. .~.°z" _.b°rn
the young folks awtil~heneB:~Ca°~[~ehOnchM:O~ 2aOeand h,,,, ....... ;n Mf V ....... ~1, 0 wlr. l-lomer ~,oneKmg,
Cham oys building possible." - ......................
Breakfast With Then followed the "Act of Dedi- conducted their individual gradei-] v . " Lis~n r~ently during a'week orlcMeatY:~daa:dStGLr:k~'Sarh2ts.Piatal t~e
cation," in which the President and planting services as they set out six [ o y. ~ 10 day period, p . . p s re e
I Harold Stonekmgs and the Tom
,_ _.,,_. _~rek~,~r- the audience participated. The bene- trees along the south fence tine. The I Richard Cross To Join Lauren Tonne's name was forged,..
diction was pronounced by the Rev. youngsters are contributing a dime J on one of the checks. Fictitious "
Kenneth Plummet. each to the cost and have pledged lNBC Onera Worksho, names were used on the other , ,,.,
C h i c a g o Symphony orchestra The choir, under direction of Dr. not only to have had a part in pur- [ i- r checks. In Ine Servlre
members started their day in Mt. V. Earle Copes, sang an anthem, "I chasing and planting their tree butI Richard Cross, Faribault, Minn., Leo Kaliban, who cashed, one of Pfe. Dewey Burrows, son of Mr.
V e r n o n pleasantly Saturday as Will Lift Up Mine Eyes," by Dr. to also water and care for it during I senior in Cornell college, auditioned the checks, became s~spmmus. As and Mrs. Ralph Burrows of Lisbon,
guests of the Mt. Vernon Chamber Copes, and "Oh, Light From Age the school year. I last week with George Schick, di- .soon as he could pohtely excuse has been ill the past week with a
of Commerce at one of the most To Age the Same," by Leo Sowerly. At the east end the kindergartens 1 rector of NBC Opera, and was of- mmseE from anomer customer, ne throat infection He is stationed in
successful of the breakfasts held for The audience walked through the planted a Norway maple. Moving I fered a position with that company left the store to try to follow the Bamburg Ge~*~any ......
the orchestra each year. chapel, admiring its beautiful earl.y west the row includes a green ash, I beginning next September. Schick man but the check forger had dis- ' '
Buses brought the men from Ce- American de;ign ~nd eq~fipn ent set out by the first graders; a syca- came to Cornell to direct the Chi- appeared by that time• Officers are
dar Rapids exactly on schedule of 8 while V. Earl Copes played the or-