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May 9, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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May 9, 1957 |
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l~l ............. " ..... a house~uest of the Klimosl .. i. | |-- 1 Truly this great musical event is I _
t. vernon, to., naw~eye-~eeoru u~a,,v s . I AJ~,,, 11~41,~a~a~l a~l~Oe* lane of the finest of all Cornell tra-!l
and The Lisbon Herald n___ ~Iwhen they first moved to Mt. ver-i]Vl~l~r II1~ Ulllki Ik~lll~ t ....................... h .... i~1|
Thurs , May 9,1957 I-age h'lnon in 1911 the year Jonn wasI / , v lu,~.,u,~?, ,~ ~=- ..... ~,~:u~ ~.,.~ = ~.~'~[I
" I n Mr Jiskra was a bass player ......... I ................ prmclpms upon wmc, me co.e~er=
~~ bin: =. " .......... - ___ }Anomer Cornen May music ~es- I men. wnen all guests were gone, ionowea Dy ~lzefs ~ympnony in ] was founded a magnificent achieve- i I
/anct his wile ~ne narpmL ±ne cou-~ ' ' .... d '
"r L... t.I .... b~..~ D ~r ~ tel I .............. , rival has come to a close and again ] she tripped off to the kitchen to ex- C equally thrilling to the crow , ment year after year 1
.,~ ,,u w r,~ },~-, ...... I ~)g~Ke°x~an2 ?~ a~n~c~g°nW~%i~mem [ Dr. Paul Beckhelm and the festival lpress appreciation to the women Following the intermission the [ With due respect to" the values of!l
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye , ......... committee are tube congratulated on l in charge and to join them in re- orchestra accompanied the Co.nelli ....... ' ....... ~ 1 ~ I
, -., ,. , ,, ,J ~ music, rte was z~ wnen ne jomeo b .. Some wa the ~ood [ sam~lin~ the cookie assortment. • ..... • " ~ i ±v ano ~s ormgmg at great arusts : 1
ana the L soon nera,a • . its success• y ~ , p ~ , - oratorio society In presema~lon or ~t,~ ~'~ li,,inm~,~ m~d tn ~ho l
the StLouis Symphony. I ............... ~,," ..............
104 2nd Ave. North, Mount Vernon, Iowa" }director of the. conservatory hast One good thing followed an- Norman Della Jmo's Song of Af-[convenience and superior quality of:[ ![ .!
Official New-~paper Mount Vernon and ..... ~,.'-~ ..... come to friendlier terms with thel other as Havana-born Jorge firmation dear to the hearts of Car-, h~ fl recordings ther~ ~s no medium: 1 I!
Linn County ' loV:r~:/~t~c~°~)atS~man~aSn~:ygr~etlWeatherman, because his order forii Baler presented the Friday eve- nellians since its composition was of-artistic musical presentation that I
The Mount Vernon Remarker ~ . ........ :_~ i"fair and sunny" came through alli ning pian~ concert. An intensecommissioned by the college for its ..... ls the live coneer~ ~,, brin~ out I
• • - • - -' .......... i
Founded tn 1897 by Mznar,t Lozter Et~°f the sea]q~.~lS¢~i,~c~m~,/~ wrapped up in blue sky and white handsome and well-built mdl- Centenmal Festival. I*h~ h~+ ~¢ +~ ...... r ........... ,~ +,~ ~i.. I
The lisbon Herald 2'\%: h~.~,~flV~ ~l~tle"~li~os~.] clouds and t!ed wi!h huge bouquets' vidual, he was a far cry from Perhaps because of its repeti- I the ~hr~il~i~ng'empa(hi'c~'e's';o;seOof I
Faun hd in 1894 by IV F ~tahl ~;~;U~s s~t~ll ~v~riting on the side "[ of Hopi crao apple reassures, reaI the age-old literal idea of "long tion, but surely also because ~f !the audience I
.... . ~ , . -- ; bud spirea and tunps, , hair' But his musicianship his its excellent nroduction it was I __ : 1
James W. McCutcheon adsent~;'°USis~alesA ct~lghctodvU:;sn"I The fair smile of Mother Nature] fire and color and his power more warml; receive¢l even IF, ~-t . il
Editor and Publisher .. • ...... - i was echoed in the Thursday n ght were in keeping with the tradi-than in 1953 I ~erman ~-aucaTor ! 1
r and I isbon uon aoout ~lauoe.~ i • . • i • • ;
Published at Mount X, ernon _, • . . ~ opening concert when Adele Addl-, tmn of the masters. . ................. ~,, r ...... ,[
in Linn County Iowa every 'llaursoay. --~ n Ii i ~ so-'rano artist com'qete i ~. , ,. . _ ., l~arro/ct ~nliiier o~ ~ne ~tate Unl- v # /] VII ~llll~] •
• il matter at the ,so " s n~ p , . - ~axn Frmay mgnt s artist was • L CEDAR RAPIDS
Entered as second elass ma - _ it al a u ~ A # U Ill U t~ La , ' .... " "-i'h her[ ..... ~ .... VeFSltVspeech department narrat-, I
Iost office of Mount Vernon, Iowa, and ~k ][ D/~l~ VV n Cl~lilY cnarmea net auamnce ~.t n-imc°ntr°l°Immse~Iana°fnlsaua- ed the Benet poem to which the[ Dr. Albert Donnepp, Director of:l
I i~bon Iowa i graciousness ner exlreme poise a a ience His music san~ both lightly . ................;~.. c~., .... + ~,q i 1 Sunday 2:00 p.m,, May 1 9
' " ~ • ' • " of i • .~ ~ - music was set, this was originally I ""= ...... ~' .................... "'to:" "
Subscriotion Rate TEN YEARS AGO even a slightly puckish quality and thunderously; hm moods var-. ....... *~ ~ ~. 1~1~ .T,qr~ himself IGermany in the Ruhn Valley visit-: I
ONE YE4R in iinn and adjoin- m ~ May 8, 1947. ksmiths iexpressl°n" , . I!ed, calfying the audience along iMiss Addison "ea~I~i'ed ~the- soprano led the Cornell campus May 2-5. Dr. I Hawkeye Downs Fair Grounds
Tickets Now On Sale - All-Iowa Fair Office
- ty Saturday afternoon in present - (1952)was the most interesting .... v change program Dr Eric Kollman l Res. and Boxes $2.50
"clean rural comedy " it sea here • of Affirmation ~ ....... • " ' " "
• , , hun of The Song " t " i Addison: .... ]is also a leader in the Education
What Tax Pro qram? . . . MVHS seniors give I, The same control was apparent in ]:Not. as^ou -go~ngas^M ~.~ ........ It will not be during our)lfehmelExchange and has made similar IGeneral Admission Adults $2.00; Kids 50c
-- Goose Jacque areas as SOlOlSg ~. h ~;.., ...... oi,,,~ -h,in~ totm ~0.~o~, .= that me young composer nncts nls[ ' "~".~ w .... ~ i l
,,, - • • . ,.erp,,yo,~o. =,~v-~oo.,~,,, ~.- ~ " " in i VISITS 1 r ~,
"Who'll get the tax b!ame,i a bi- with Chicago Symphony in Ravel'S i her listeners a visual as well aslnevl~rth::eSwSet~le::edrtW~trh h~sd Sre'imche in the hall of .fame, y tow% I Dr Donnepp was a guest in theil Mail Orders Accepted, Send M.O. or Check
While who gets tax marne s g Concerto for Left Hand ana Tauno ,,~ ~ o~l ~,~¢or,~.o¢~÷~,~,~ ,,,blab nro I e y Y - i cannot out wonoer lI tile c . ' ........ ~
i t
• . " I • • • • i ............... ~.~.~.,... ........ ,- - • n • ,names oI rrolessors tuonman anu
question in Iowa, one more import-, Hanmkamen as conductor definite- ~idod a ~ichness and fullness and 1 sponded wlth several unannou ced who first applauded the now great I ~ ^ r.. ~r~, .~ ~ .+^ ~.~ +~ o+,, i .
ant is what klnd of a tax progra ly please festival audience. I ~. :_~ ^^.^~ ^ reserve which is a' encores. , ~masters dld not do so also wlth en-I ." .... ' ...... ]
• ]yc~ mu~catcu a . . i . • ctent Gluing nails. ~e was iavor-i,
will Iowa have. - ....... inls t ~ II mark of a real artist• She displayed I The artist's mteI'ests extend be-.' thuslasm foI- contemporary idiom f ably impressed with the campus as I
Adoption oi a revenue .. TWENTY YEARS AGO ' a most acute awareness of audience yond his musical career• He is wnicn so neeoeo expression mrougn 1 a whole--the landscane buildings I
session was made difficult Dy me May 6, 1937 ['reatc ion. andres ondedaccordin lyp g • greatly interested in amateur Ph°'ithe fine arts' and If they am n°~] o .... ............... ~,~o nnd cnn~Prt~of tho Mav'l See [| HOW!
fact that Governor Loveless an- Kenneth Litts buys D. C. Davis . ' ...... I tography and has his own dark then speculate, even as we today ..... ' 7:'-, ........ I
nouneed early that he would veto al grocery Driverless truck plows ] ~ r~ers was proo.amy :~ne at ~ne ) room for photo developing in his "how far will this man go?" music ~esnval. I
2~& per cent sales tax bill• As this into northside tavern. Proprietor! ~$g?~fePs~?g:l aa~ud?gSc:°~oabC°te lapartment in Greenwich village,] It must be an extremely diffi- IROGER S~ONORED ]
was the rate in force it meant mat Ed Pitlik, near front door, sees truck I b~gn brought here in some "where a man may appear in his ! cult task to pick up the baton I
a~e o chan e ....
the legislature would h , t g coming--shoves little Eddie to rear ] .............. [work clothes if he desires " accord .................. I Roger Schnittjer was honored as I Today![
, • gin~e lgIS{IIHICUlg lnueeu ~o , ~o leau ~, iUll evening s concer~ ....
the present law. ~of room and yells warning to pa- ." - ..... l in= to Mr Bolet His other hobbv l ............. -',~- ]"outstanding initiate" at the formal I
• " i eas to a reel l suit a program [o tne comolneu I. ~ • " " . - playeu Dy an orc.estra w,*., [ .....
If you think its Y . g I trans. En route the truck overturns i ,_, .... ~ .¢ ........¢ u~t,..~.~ I is racing cars a sport about whlch~ ..,i. ..... h~a h,,t ~ scant hour , initiation ceremonies of Delta Up- I
on how to raise government reve-tDon Bowers' Model T parked on i ............. :----v. ....... ".'--7 I~ is enthusiastic While he was Y-"'~Y:'" 7-" %"'- .._ _ silon men's social fraternity at ] LOWEST PRICE EVER
nue just start a discussion among a lMain Street Des ite the interru ~ with a comprenenslve musIcat :'~ • . ~ in wmcn ~o renearse after ~ '
• " • • i P P-r ...................... i,I, a }In Mt. Vernon Mr. Bolet enjoyed a l -,ear's absence from their podi- I Iowa State college at Ames Sunday. I
group any~hnere ana see no~ m Y tion Don, attending a bridge party ....... ~oit with ProfSaul ~,ibirskv of: a ................ i His mother, ~virs. r~owaro ~cnmtt]er, I
..... I" " dvanced ~ - • I great love at gooa music out a ~ ~ i um xet mIS was me ena.eug~ ~ h Sehnltt er of
dl~e~t2de~S:nree:~y for the legis-]nnatlhCy,IgoEesLogh~oS~iga~tYtr;°mg! more limited te~hntC::mkrniOwl- Itwhi~#~rnel}nf~C?2ntYshwh° conversed[ to ht.MrangC:i:hkal/::geS.~ue~i~ ~v~n:rihi~ ~stre[prR~°d~ for theJocca- on a
lature to agree on the best way of : in cards for the evening, • oogeanoa,uro p g, g' ' ..... M YT G
raising the money needed to runi Vernon repeals ordinance No. 17 students who perhaps have Saturday afternoon was the ' 0~ the Chicago Symphony mere- [~;°nat After:he lt~ietla]~i~i:teLem2gd
m ubhc billiar ta lesl never had the opportunity be- highlight of the Festival for i bers [,_ • .' ". ..... -- I
the ~tate I prohibit" g p " d b - .... I .......... i " . imeir parents a[~enoeu cnurcn ana I
This writer auestions whether i and licenses Rav Farr to onen haul ] fore to hear eoncer~ ~r~s[s at ~ many. t, eorge ~cnIc~, who nas It might be- reasonable then zo a, noon were ~uests of honor at a i
x a. ers - -~. .... the uality the festival ¢,upports. I been a favorite with May Fes- exnect that the spark would not [~ .... ~" ~ ~ _ I
a majority of Iowa ta p y hall I q .... % ............. 1 "e- ~ " , ...... i oanque~ a~ me cnap~er house. I
have the same ideas on a sales i But she happily ,~aineu cIa~lC I l[lval crowu..~ ior ~, .... "~ = =- [ignite a reai nre unti~ me seconct I~ I AUTOMATIC WASHER
tax tlmt the Governor does. Our T'I~TY~RS AGO l a2nd contemporary; leider, spir- i s~ns, was recalled from his i half of the concert However the f
experience with a small poll or "" *~VIay 5 1927 itual and a bit of calypso; dra- ! work with NBC opera workshop i ve~-y first number" Brahms' 'Aca- ~,~ I
i!!a toh FA2 e:r ad: P'tj aDkan!s Cp : r/dhra jerX: : ' 2:e I Newest Member of 57_xthe Highlander Clan
a property tax. , the ladder they are unloading from i audience was the response as to the [ included t e - " ' g t t It" ~/ . ~, . a a
We found that practicMly every- ! the fire truck at the D C Merritt "favorite number" For some the, Act II of Wagner's Lohengrin which and Circumstance closed the 59th I [ ~-'/~//~]2~f~/J'~'~/~ ] I
one seemed to dislike the income house fire Seniors release an-German leider songs were the'Ipleased because of its famlharlty May Music Festival in a blaze ofI[ .~T£~v~l'~d~ [ I
tax Many felt ~hat some people nual "The Headlight" Mr~ Joe high spots for others The Blessed land its fine execution. This was gmry. ] ........... I I
x~';el:e evading paying their fair :Mead and Dorothy 1Rogers ctirect i Virgin's Expostulation, and for still!l [ Notice o# 47th Consecutive Dividend• | I
share, while ew:ryone paid on an WAA in Wizard of Oz for Cornell ! others the° spiritual Lord, What i t ] The Board of Directors of Investors Stock I
;~tcula: :;a:~nolnd2¢ ta, sale{!~c!i~ :i~,BM::cF;t;latseGni~2~studeRn!~YiiSh~lII D;as that Miss fddi~o~'; Another Shell Heating Oil I I
Administration and c ' • • presentation of gold pen and pe c i charm was only a stage p p " I snare payable on May V, I~/ to I
f X Clousl recel'ved ~ ~ [ ~harehoder~ of record as of A rd 30
salcs tax involves a minimum o e - a billfold and a key case to Supt. dispelled as she gra ' y " " t'~4;~;~ r'~m~nr} P~tra--- I shareholders of record as of April 30, ]
pence to the state as business men'Stansbury leaving his position here!festival-goers for over an hour at ,,~ Haa~,~e ~wv~,/v-e ...... t I 1957. I
" " e the tax and , ' ~ ' - io in " - -~ ¢ loseph M Fitzsimmons
are requwed to coll ct , , to wolk on PhD. ;the Woman s Club zecept n ......... {~ , i Joseph M.F.,'~zs/mmon$. i
Cha~rrnan of the Board
pay it over to the state. --~ Armstrong Hall after the concert. INN/ , II C oi..... fhe Board I
mSd~ea~ihas~ °~ht:e p,!~p:Iet,! andd Explains Adequate ~ ,~N ~N ~~~ ~ II KEN I
monies and cledlt taxes alc g as y
"" " " " "rl" o Wiring To Rotary Club i ~'~i ~~~! ~ ~ ~l~ ] 309-3101owaTheatreBIdg. I
unfair. The public is oitte y p- i ~ "" .......................
1 ro ert I ' EM 4 8343 Cedar Rap,ds
posed to any increase n p p y, Jim Rosche, of the Iowa Electric TAKE N N N --"' ........... [
taxes. , Light & Power Co. presented a talk ! # ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i a ~ I
!h~o!~:Ttal~fo~rei~b~ehn:p~!!u~eetdo~rlae ~rdidgmt:i~;a~o~ar~AnreillU~22:i~hU~.i ONE / ~d i ''~ ~ ~ i I~. ' i ,. I
• ' " 'Beacon Ca p " • • ~ ~ ~ /
usual. Some have found it ne, ces- i B. Ringer in;roduced the speaker. ' ~" .~M, ~~ " " I II" i
i'!~Ye?°dni:ym:° S;Vyng~l~iIeVe2c~e Merlc~u~'en;o? iS:a:e: ::m~:I ;: / ~ ~ ~ i /
aZhe~ $7o2 bhlh°n:eder~leb?dg~2o~!! hq~{ts a;:rth~:h:r2n'gg ~ l~@lf~ ~ ~2"Otl get,ea~tprotectlonfor ;our heating ,s 11 You have an /
taxes this spring. Iowa ta p y i -qiances the speaker said I \ ~ / [ ~.7~ ' system when you order our Certified Comfor[ " I1 /
• hesitated to express them-v , ' ~ • " O "
ha~e not ...... ': Overloaded circuits, besides being~, ~ J [~[ servlce. At no extra cost, we apply Somtor to Y ur tl I~& VICTC~R /
selves to members ,of me mgmlature ~ ............. to oloetrieitv in heat ] ~ |~ ] ]]] storage tank Sonitor starts to work minutes after J | ............ /
so the legislators nave oeen unoer~um~c~u~, .. ....... 7,--:---- -- • -i / "~ * " • "*' -[,2- " •"
pressure from their constituents on ingthewiresandbmldmgupresmt-i //~X ~ , it s placed ln your tank. It stops old rust from II -- , ---- - - / Only $179.95 Exchange
• ~ ,~ttor ance. Evidence oI overmaaea mr-/ ~~ \ ~ / $oreadin~--prevents new rust from forming. ]| ~.oIor IV :~et ,
On top of this the Governor, in elhnhaS I cmts, lights' areslowbllnklngstartlng, andot dlmmlmotors gano" ~] ! | l~-'-~7~-=|l ~ ~ w~tn ..................... our ~neu ~erunea wormor~--'" via-,"' ....... y~" -" [|l Terms arranged on the spot.
put in his oar occasiona.lly t ~:gslowheatin-ofa-,qiances I also get the only heating oil with special additiv" I ........ :,, oo.
-- Newlyweds --
Let us show you how your first washer and
dryer can be The Best--MAYTAG.
In Mount Vernon Since 19.13
i ROTARY CLUB MEETI G i t¢¢ti ...... tl
_ _. , ~-- . ~ A colored movie on "The Great] - ll ~ a~ • ~
MI ht Mention . . • "Story .... of Corn" was shown at the ,~ • i
g Florence Hoidahl [Rotary club meeting at the Beacon l~ • e I--
Cafe. Elmer Bergmann arranged i ~ ~ alP/~J }'~F;~P~')ffJIw~J~' !
Lucius Degke:;}of Se2ttaIgucWsaShn teh~" :~lTg{]amm'wt~a/Phh B2sChvmary sh?w- i ~e~~___~~ --'---- ;, t
campus for the festival, was con-estmg. The annual fish droner will ~"
siderably surprised that the young be held next Monday at lhe Beacon. i ['
men of the hilltop did not present ~~~ | !:ii
their fair friends with corsages to
wear to the concerts. That had been I I
a custom in his day. • • t .-- -- -- --
He also noted tl~at the old grape onaay through Saturday I
arbor in front of the White House
was gone. "That used to bc a fav-
orite dating spot," he chuckled.
Pete Ink has probably the out-'
standing festival attendance record
to date. It is reported that he has
missed only one festival since its
inception, and that time he was
sidelined with rheumatism.
It seemer strange not to see John
Klima in the bass viol section of the
Symphony orchestra this y e a r.
John's work is done before and
after each concert now as he very
capably handles the job of librari-
an. Can you imagine the amount:
of music he has in his flies from the.
great repertoire of such a large
musical organization which has been
in existence so many years[
It's been 20 years since John was
signed with the Chicago orchestra,
where he worked up to soloist on
his bass viol, an unusual feat since
the instrument requires considera-
ble mastery of handling to be ef-
fective in solo work. John also
doubled on tuba during five years
he had spent previously with the
St. Louis Symphony.
9:30 to 5:30
Thursdays 'til 9 p.m.
g tribute
with GIFTS
of lasting loveliness
Interesting people just naturally
have interesting things happen to
them and the Klimo family was no
exception. Friends still recall a
couple of stories about John's first
approach, shall we say, to symphon-
ic music.
Elastic; Carboniz®d
,dand ei~tim ! :will
mn : on ~loping ~ur-
a t ick r bber,
like blanket:that soaiS
your roof against ieak~
and deterioration.
Wilcox Coal Company
A. Rieger, mgr.
Dial 6612" Mt. Vernon
• Exclusive Heatin| Element
Thermogray's im-
mersion-type element
is self-descaling to
The INSIDE sTORY of Electric
Water Heating Quality
"~ OU~
assure trouble-free
• New Thin Wall Cunduil
Protects wiring
throughout your O~ ,,A ,,-- ..,~ g" L • ~L.
Thermogray. a V U y u u l s u y roe
• Exclusive Thermogray Treat your entire family to the comf
Thermostat - - convenience of automatic water
: Household tasks diminish leaving you
is easily adlusted more leisure hours when tl~ere's plenty
for temperatures up
water to speed your work.
to 180 degrees. Every member of your family gatn
". , • • •. " . " . "