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May 9, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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May 9, 1957 |
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Vernon Social Members of New Century will Friendship Club wlil note its 45th I(,-,v M.Ih=n I¢ Rr|d , Coleen Hay Is
close the club year with their tradi- ! anniversary Wednesday, May 15, at ~ "'~'I ................
' tional May breakfast Tuesday May 12 p.m. in the home of Mrs. "Lorene i Of Harold Primrose I
Rebekah degree staff will 14, at930 a.m. at Mrs. Walters' tea- Jordan. i Valedictorian '57
at the IOOF hall Friday, May lroom. Mrs. Roy Young honored Mrs.! Mr and Mrs..Bruce Mullen an-
T:30 p.m. , i Townsend club will meet Friday, I Frank Brooks of New York City at] nounce the marriage of their daugh- MORLEY -- Coleen Hay has been
Birthday club will mee~ May 10, at noon with Mrs. Emma ia dinner Friday evening•Covers i ter Kay Irene to Harold J. Prim- announced as valedictorian of the
Ray Hartung on May 16 : Ballard for a potluck dinner which i were laid for 10. rose on Saturday, March 30, at 10:30 57 senior class. She has a grade av-
at 1:30 p.rn. i will . be followed by a business I In~,leszde~, " club wilt close the club a:m. inT..St. Mary's ......... Rectory in Mar- erage of 95.181. She is the daughter
of the Cozy Corner club i meetmg. . ......... i rmon In ±no r~ev. wmmm x. of the Cecil Hays of Forest Com-
/year w~m a pOtlUCK supper a~ b:Ju ,, . '_ ; ........ on
' m -'reeedin," the meetin~ on Man i tJmanct oHmm~ea a~ me cerem y. munity.
eet for their guest day at 2:30 Ti~e Lydia Bible class will meet i p " ~ 1"~'a" th home o~ Mrs: ; The couple were attended by Mr. Coleen has been very active in
hursday, May 9, at Mrs. Wal- for a picnic luncheon at the home of
tearoom. I Mrs. Herbert Leigh at 12:30 on Tues- aay, lviay ~ t e [ ' and Mrs. John Wyman of Morrison. and outside of school. She was a
Alan DuVal. i The bride wore a rose beige suit lmember of the basketball team, !
City Rebekah lodge will meet' day, May 18. Mrs. Emil Mallie will Naomi circle of P.W.O. wilI meet
Tuesday, May 14. The i lead devotions and Mrs. Belle
]Thompson will have charge of the
to the Rebekah Assembly I program with a Mother's day theme.
Protect your Corn, Bean, Clover
and Alfalfa Seed
From wire worms, seed corn maggots and
all other soil borne insects.
-- ALSO --
Seedling blight, dampoff or seed decay.
Use Treater
or Lindane
For Corn 1 pound treats 4 bushels
Soybeans -- use 1 V2 ounces per bushel
I',0tox 25 Seed Treater .................... 1 lb. $3.45
Lindane 25% .................................... 1 lb. $2.79
Your Prescription Drug Store
with Mrs. William Valenta Thurs-
day evening, May 16. Mrs. Haridas
Muzumdar will be the gues;t speak-
er on the topic of United Nations.
Altruria Club will have a dinner
meeting at the Roosevelt hotel in
Cedar Rapids on Monday, May 13,
at 6:30 p.m. with the program cam- of the Johnson Manufacturing Co.
mittee in charge. Members will be in Mt. Vernon. They will reside in
contacted for transportation, an apartment in the Busenbark
house, 420 First St. West, Mt. Ver-
Mrs. Mark Hutchinson entertain- non.
ed Saturday evening at dinner as a
courtesy for Mr. and Mrs. Ernst!
Leiberknect of Letts who were here! ParaJta
for the final festival concerts and, Connie Campbell
for the Allee Chapel dedication.*,
Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. i The John Nibeck family were Fri-
Clyde Tull and Miss Signi Falk. l day evening visitors in the Earl el-
The Luther Plattenbergers were i~n h°~eeG~ndoSa~u:day c211~Sdian
hosts at a potluck dinner Sunday ~'~. .~
• a i i uapms
noor honoring the M y b rthdayst ~, " ..... - ,~_
of Mrs. Russell Bair and Mrs. Albert I--- ~a~rYho~encn l~pen: n~::;~V~t mV~e~e
Blinks. In addition to the Bairs' ~o • -
and the Blinks, guests were Dr. and non.
Mrs. E. P. Bigger and the S.F. Mrs. Milo Webb, Lindie and Gin-
Emersons of Lisbon and the Ru- ger spent Saturday in the Alta
dolph Notbohms of Olin. Penne home.
The Melvin Campbells and Barb
CAMP FIRE NEWS and Bob Nibeck were Tuesday vis-
The No We Tom Pat 'im Mim itors in the V. W. Baker home in
group met with their leader, Mrs. Savanna, Ill.
Richard Stol, tz, on May 6. After the Visitors in the Otis and Lona
business meeting we discussed pass- CampbelI home were Millie Bolton
ing rank and worked on napkins for of Des Moines; Chris Behrens of
the Mother's tea given by our group Cedar Rapids; Barb and Bobby Ni-
and Mrs. Miller's group at the Moth- beck; the Jake Campbell family;
odist church parlors Tuesday, May 7. Mrs. Jack Hrdlicka, Rodney and
Mothers and teachers were guests. Douglas of Marion; and Mrs. R. J.
Susan West, scribe. Woods and Carol.
dent council•
Salutatorian is Judith Tallman,
daughter of the Harlan Tallmans,
Green Center community. Her grade
average is 93.
Judy has been very active in mu-
sic, in glee club, trio, etc. She was
a member of the basketball team
and participated in dramatics and
speech. She has served as president
of the student council.
Coleen and Judith will each re-
ceive a year's subscription to "Read-
ers Digest," a certificate and book
from the Danforth Foundation and
a bronze trophy from the school in
recognition fortheir outstanding
Rich Line Aluminum Boats
from $239.50
:hevrolet Deluxe Two-
Dexter Boat Trailers
from $109.50
:ham " Boat Supplies and Accessories
• Picnic Supplies -- Keg Root Beer
rive A Full Line of Sandwiches
The melodrama "Little Nell" will
!be presented by the 8th grade the
i evening of May 15 in the Morley
17--Half day of sch0oi (Jregory, two year old son of the l Mr. Vernon, la., Hawkeye-Record
18--School picnic titan Nicolls, is back home after and The Lisbon Herald ~ ,
20--Senior trip ,,undergoing a tonsiIlec~omy at St.: Thurs., May 9, 1957 l'age I~
i L~'s hospital, April 29. -----~---------~
HONOR ROLL~ Th~ E. L. Gardners of St. Paul i Guy Wright, Mechanicsville, call-
Senior: Coleen Hay; 9~ph. Carol Minn., Harold Barnes sr., the Har-ed Thursday on A. H. Cother who is
Greenawald, Charles Vernon; frosh, I old Barnes jr., all of Cedar Rapids, convalescing at the home of his
Karen Abbott, Lois Kuchenbaker, were recent callers in the Arden daughter Mrs. Leonard June. Roy.
Margaret Shumaker. Achenbach home. Mrs. Gardner is Eugene Miller of Lisbon called
an aunt and Harold Barnes st. is an Tuesday evening.
uncle of Mrs. Achenbach. I Jim Kuchenbaker entertained 7th,
Mrs. Marie Zimmers and Miss 8th and 9th graders at a wiener
Esther Andersen of Anamosa were:roast at his home on the Morley-
recent callers in the Max Jurgensen Olin road Thursday evening. Dale
home. Greenawald accompanied the group.
To date Betty Van Behren is the
only student in the primary and
first grade room who has a perfect
So far in 4th grade and 5th grade
Jimmy Abbott, Leroy Stolte, Cm-ol
Gamble, Orin Davis, Kathy Joslin,
Richard Simmons, Dale Wooder and
Jean Hanson have not been absent.
If they don't miss in next two weeks
each will receive a certificate.
Orin Davis, 5th grader, has had
every word correct in every mastery
test in spelling this year.
Linda Joslin, Nancy Joslin, Karen
K u c h e 1 and Judy McConaughy
haven't missed a day all year.
Camile Slyer is back at school
after a long absence.
The program for the baccalaure-
Morley Methodist Church: Rev.
ate Sunday evening: Processional by Oswald Sandbach, pastor. Sunday,
Lois Kuchenbaker, invocation by May 12, special services for Moth-
the Rev. Oswald Sandbach, scrip- er's Day. Sunday school 10 a.m.
ture by the Rev. Harold James, This is one Sunday you should
trio (Judy Tallman, Janice Wilken, bring your family in honor of the
Lois Kuchenbaker), address by the memory of your mother who start-
Rev. Mr. James, Methodist church ed you in Sunday school. Come
Anamosa; song by the girls' glee along.
club, benediction by the Roy. Ev- Morning worship 11 a.m. Mother's
erett Bennett and recessionalby Day message by the pastor: Is it
Miss Kuchenbaker.
I true--"The Hand That Rocks the
__ - [ Cradle Rules the World"--Today?
CO MMENCEMI~,NTSPEAKER / Baccalaureate at the high school
James tt. Joraan, ~irecmr of Uni- ] at 8 p m Free to the public. The
versity Relations at SUI, will be the/Roy. Dr( James of First Church,
commencement speaker May 16 Mr
. '" "1 Anamosa, will bring a very timely
oordan received his education at} message and you should all be there
East Waterloo High, ISTC and SUI. to honor the graduating class.
The high school graduation pro-
gram: Processional by Lois Kuch- The Gone Smith family were Sat-
enbaker, invocation by the Rev. Ev- t urday supper guests of the Ed For.
erett Bennett, introduction of salu-/rotor family at Coggon. In the eve-
tatorian Judith Tallman and vale- ning Gone acted as one of the
dictorian Coleen Hay, sophomore/judges for the Boy Scout Exposi-
girls' trio, address by James R. iTM a.t Central City.
Jordan of SUI, trumpet solo by Lyle Mmes. M a x Jurgensen, Da 1 e
James presentation of classb IGreenawald and Harlan Russell
Supt. L. D. Greenawald, presenta- I were hostesses at a baby shower hon-
tion of diplomas by Delmar Find-/oring Mrs. John E. Andreesen, jr.,
ley, pres. of board and benediction I and son Johnny at Mrs. Andreesen's
by the Rev. Oswald S~ndbach. home in Anamosa April 30. The
I honoree and baby were presented:
Calendar of Events dollar bills pinned to a lamp shade
May 9---Monmouth baseball T representing a merry-go-round. Mrs.
12--Baccalaureate Russell was in charge of the pro-
15--8th grade Commencement gram. Mrs. Greenawald poured for
16---H.S. Commencemen¢ the refreshment hour.
Headquarters for the
Mrs. Ruth Smith spent the week
end with her daughter and son-in-
law, the Dial Behnkes of Mechanics-
Mrs. Edna Zaruba, Olin, called on
her mother Mrs. Ella Grassfield
Sunday afternoon.
The Rev. Everett Bennett left for
the E.U.B. church conference at Dy-
sart last Tuesday. He was to come
home Thursday evening and Mrs.
Bennett will accompany him for
the final day of the conference. Mrs.
Fred Kuchenbaker is the delegate
from Morley E.U.B. church and
plans to stay through Friday.
R, E. trolly) Kohl of Marion
called on Lloyd Hunter and Rob
Bickerstaff Sunday afternoon, The
Will Sievers of Mechanicsville call-
ed in the Hunter home Sunday af-
ternoon. The ladies are sisters.
The Rev. S. V. Williams arrived
home Saturday from an extended
visit with his sister in Los Angeles,
Calif. En route home he spent a
day in Salt Lake City and stopped
to visit friends in Denver and Colo-
;rado Springs.
The Marvin Newhards, Marion, i Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Prall attended
called on the J. R. Bickerstaffs Sun- : the convention of the Iowa State
day afternoon. Dental Society at Des Moines from
The Cecil Hay family were guests Monday until Wednesday. Mrs. Prall
of the Joe Bailey family near Whit- i is treasurer of the Women's Auxin
ten Sunday. The Baileys were form- ! iary to Iowa State Dental Society
[er of the Hays. which met at the same time.
_l1:1:1 II = 1"t q I |
may 12th
51 -gauge, 60-gauge, Nylons"
15-denier 15-denier
Rich, glowing shades with handsome
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ier self - s e a m
stretch nylons.
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Circular run-resistant lacy
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Snag-resistant sheers! 66-
gauge, 15-denier.
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Criss-cross straps to flatter your
foot.., wear it every day,
Plenty of styles to select from . . .
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Quality Since 1909
Phillips service station at the west end of
Mt. Vernon is for lease. Good gallonage. Ex-
cellent opportunity for right man.
Call EM 4-6141 or EM 2-9897, Cedar Rapids
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