National Sponsors
May 11, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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May 11, 1939 |
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Will Be
To Class
graduation exercises
high school will
school auditor-
evening, ,May 25,
*Wley, SUperintend-
District of the
lferenee of the
'Will present the
to the class. He
su:bjeet "Know
las Will be award-
of the sehoo
senior elass are:
David Hull,
motto is, "To
find, and not to
COlors are royal
the elass flowe/"
.be .Presented to a
of 25 seniors
Re,bert Merritt
Patricia MAtch(,ll
l'-'hn er Moots,
HOWard Orms
Margaret Sig-
Genevieve Sny-
L'llen Sutliff
Vivian Tonne
M L~Verna Travis
" at]erie Wor-
~lWood Young
'lene Zimmer
jr., Pastor of
the bacealaur-
le graduating
Vernon high
~Vening, May 2t,
church. The
II contribute to
of the pro-
Was elected
elub at their
evening. 7:-
:ill, sec-trea...;
Oyd Oakland;
C. West; third
L. C. Dean,
Miner, j. B.
W. G.
twister, S.
~rVisor of voca-
the 'Smith-
Was ;Present at
School ,board
ening and ex-
Ughes plan in
_Is. The plan
ur further dis-
Passed for
~board. "Phe
~neet at a call-
To Send
Vs State
I of :Mrs. Mabel
,by the Hahn-
Anieriean Le-
ta'Wkeye State
Moines this
have eer-
Wble to go
They ,must
16 and 20,
~nd scholastic
rises will he
Bob plans
June 3 and
Son will hold
two blocks
The offer-
~ed m an ad-
W. E.
auctioneer and
is Visitor
, trial exam-
:', visited in
esday. His
to travel
S. enabled
Part of the
ng a Case in
May 16, at 7
[iss Pinkerton's
give a recital
June Mathi-
John Crouse,
and Margaret
bell rang at
annual Pal
the Upper
the Upper
Will Be Soloist With !MIXED CHORUS AND
Chicago Orchestra
Karl Andrist will lm .,~)loist at
tile ~atun~lay evening (~moet~ of
tile Chicago
Syniphony Orchestra.
He will phly 'I~tio's, '"Symphonie
The forty-lirst May ~Music Pes-
tival will open this evening at 8:15
o'clock with a concert ~by Bruna
Castagna, leading Metropolitan
contralto who is one of the leading
opera stars of the day. A high-
light of her recital will be the
aria "Habanera" from "('armcn."
Her interpretation of this role on
the Metropolitan stage this year
made her the greatest of all Car-
Johis, Seroff
A fifth concert has :been added to
lhe Festival this year for the first
time since 1932. Jacques Jolas
and Victor Seroff, Russian pianist,
will present excerpts from Bach's
"The Art of the 10ugue" at the see-
end concert Friday afternoon at
3: l 5. This will be a two-piano
arrangement which they recently
worked out together, and which
has prompted enthusiastic .com-
ment on 'both previous presenta-
With Alec Tem pleton, blind art-
ist of the piano interspersing 'his
varied program with su,btle and
amusing improvisations, the Friday
evening concert at 8:15 will be
unique in its interpretation. Works
of Mozart, Beethoven, D@bussy, and
Bach will 'be included on the pro-
gram, and also a concluding group
of improvisations on new themes.
10ollowing this concert, tea will
be served to Festival patrons in the
Exhibition room of Armstrong Hall
with Mrs. Ninde of the Home Eco-
nomics department in charge.
St(x'k IA'mls 5th Conoert
Climaxing the festival program
will be the Saturday evening eon-
cert at 8:15 by the Chicago Sym-
phony orchestra conducted by Dr.
Frederick Stock with Hans Lange
as associate conductor. Karl An-
dr]st will appear as solo violinist
with the Symphony orchestra. The
program will include a Bach
'"Chm'ale" transcribed for the mod-
ern orchestra 'by Dr. Stock, works
of Schumann, Strawinsky, Honeg-
gel', and Wein'berger, and the tra-
ditional finale of "Pomp and (']r-
curtis(ante" or "Blue Danube."
B. Minor l|lt~s
The first of the Chicago Sym-
ohony's two concerts will feature
a performance of Bach's B Minor
Mass with the Oratorio society at
2:15 Saturday afternoon. Guest
soloists, Thelma yon Eisenhauer
and William Miller, noted concert
artists, will sing the soprano and
tenor roles. Both are well-kno,wn
to CorneU audiences, having made
previous appearances on the earn-
pus in "Messiah" performances,
and William Miller has also sung
in the Bach Mass. Miss Ruth
Pinkerton and Prof. Francis Ger-
man of the conservatory faculty
will sing the contralto and baritoP.e
Io,wa City will 'be represented ~by
the most festival guests, according
to reservations which have ,been
made up to the .present, Forty-
two guests will be on the campus
from Iowa City and t'hirty-eight
from Cedar Rapids.
Those from Iowa City are E. T.
Peterso'n, Miss Kate 1)aura, Chesley
J. Posey, Curt A. Zimansky, Bar-
tholow V. Craw'ford, H. A. Mattill,
Sarita Robinson, Ramona Wallace,
Mar]erie 1). Smith, L. E. J~mamy,
V. B. Moreland, F. E. Deatherage,
George C. Albright, Ellen Mosbek,
Mrs. G. H. Woods, Dr. Ruth Up-
degraff and M~rs. Janet Cumming.
l:rom Cedar Rapids will come
Jessie !M. Averill, John Parke,
Mary Howe De Wolf, Miss L,ouise
Craw, ford, Mrs. W. R. Boyd, Boqa
Moody, Helen Chada, Eleanor Tay-
lor, Mrs. Marshall Bre~bner, V. S.
badegaard, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Johnson, Mrs Isaac B. Smith, ,Mrs.
James Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs.
Sumner Quarton, Mr. and Mrs. ,W.
J. Brown, Miss Ruth Horner, Mr.
and M~-s. W. J. Foster, and ~Mrs.
Others who have ~lade reser-
vations include Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Snedeeor, Ames; Mrs. Helen G.
Morgan and Flora B. Bailey, Perry,
Hazel O. Runkle, Lisbon; Julius
S. Weingart, Des Moines; ~VIar.
garet MeNeill, Monticello;Mrs.
Maynard-Schell, Clinton; Hortense
(Continued on Page 8)
Two l ocal Music
Groups Judged In
First Division
:Mount Vernon high school must-
clans were awarded two first divi-
sion ratings last week end at the
State Music Festival held in Iowa
10irst divisions ratings were won
t)y the mixed chorus and the girls'
glee chlb. which makes them
eligi'ble to eonlpete in the national
contest in Minneapolis, Minn., on
May 18, 19, 20.
Superintendent Clyde lAndsley
says that, on account of the very
!busy school calendar for the re-
mainder of the school year the
contestants will not go on to the
national contest. Lack of funds
to sponsor the trip of the two
groups is also an important factor
in not making the trip.
t'atricia Mitchell, who ,was en-
tered in the flute solo division,
and .Charles Hedge, who was en-
tered in the ])ass vocal solo division
each received second division rat-
ings, which is a very high distinc-
tion because of the stiff corn,peti-
The M.V.H.S. orchestra was rat-
eel in the second division rating in
the ClassB-C orchestra. It was first
reported that the orchestra had
not placed. Word came Tuesday
morning that a recount of the bal-
lots revealed that the orchestra
had received second rating.
The system of ratings this year
was changed from previous years.
What was formerly superior rating
is now called division one, and the
former excellent rating is now" di-
vision two. Only individuals and
groups which rate in division one
at the sub-district and the distriet
contests are qualified to participate
in the state contest. In the same
~ay only those rating in division
one at the state contest may take
part in the national music contest.
Two regional contests were held
in the state this year for the first
time. One was ut Iowa City and
the other at Carroll on the same
dates, Thursday, Friday and Sat-
urday of last week. Memiber~hip
in the Iowa high school music as-
sprit]on this year stands at a record
high of 641 schools. 10orty-eight
events, UlOl'e than ever before, were
entered on the 1939 state festival
at lows City.
Mem'bers of the mixed chorus
and the girls glee clu:t) :n'e as fol-
SOPRANOS-- Betty Stoneking,
1st, Ardis Stinger l st, Kathleen
Current 1st, Bette Longer~beam 1st, (
ltut.h Minish 1st, Cynthia Winsor,
Betty Mae Babeock, Mary Mac-
Grcgor, Violetta Cook.
AI,TOS--I:ay H.ogers 2nd, Alice
Vodieka 2nd, Letitia Beranek 2nd,
Mary C. Plattenberger 2nO, Betty
J. Hedges 2ml, Esther l)vorak 1st,
Pearl Whitlatch 1st, Martha Rog-
ers let, Patriots Mitchell 1st, Helen
Culbertson 1st, Marion Fisher, 1st.
BASS---Charles Hedge, Don Cur-
rent, Howard Fisher, M~ark Hutch-
insoil, EIwood Young, Bill Foster.
TENOR--Robert Smith, Don
Merritt, Don Minnick, Bo,b ,Mer-
ritt, P;axter Lowe, Ludwig Hedge.
SOPRANOS -- Betty Stoneking,
Ardis Stinger, Kathleen Current,
Bette Longerbeam, Ruth Minish,
Cynthia Winsor, Betty Babcock,
Mary ~McGre.gor, Violetta Cook.
ALTOS -- Faye Rogers, Alice
Vodicka, l,etitia Beranek, Mary
' Carol Plattenberger, Betty June
Hedges, Esther Dvorak, Pearl
W~itlateh, Martha Jane Rogers,
Patrieia Mitchell, Helen Culbert-
son, Marian Fisher. Louise Dvorak
was aeeompanist for all the num-
bers. Richard Fuller conducted
the musical groups.
Grading on the road south from
the Bidge road west of Grange
Hall to the Lincoln highway near
the Marley Clark farm was start-
ed on the north end of the road,
near the Frank Stinger place, on
last Friday.
With good weather the work
will probably :he completed next
Tuesday. The outfit is working
now between the Will Kleineek
and Marley Clark farms.
J. B. Hannah has the contract
for this grading as well as other
grading projects in this vicinity.
He has three caterpillar type trac-
tors, an elevator, qflade and a dirt
wagon at work on this particular
When this work is completed the
outfit will be moved to a mile
north of Springville from which
point it will work into Viola.
It is possible that another outfit
"may be brought here to grade the
road north-west from Ivanhoe to
Frank Pitlik's. east to the Jim
Milholin corner, and north to the
Palisades road. Gru~bbing on this
road was started yesterday.
Articles made by ;blind people
in their own homes ,will qbe sold by
salesmen in a house-to-house can-
vass during the last of this week.
Salesmen, who ,will work through
the Iowa Commission for the blind,
will bear letters of identification
from the state commission.
Mrs. Sarah Hayes, was awarded
the contract on the Star Route,
from Mount Vernon to Stanwood.
She will ~begin h___~er dutie___~s July I.
I Expert Lawn Mowing. Call
135-W, J. H. Hammond. 28-3t
Senior Play Cast Doing Good Work
On Comedy Early To Bed--Early To Rise
l~eft to ri_'ht: Patri('ia Mitchcll, tIolvard Or]n.'4, (lencviele Ann
Snyd@r, Churles lhxlge, (~ol'nciill Brooks alnl l~!titia I~('rallek.
The senior class of Mount Ver-
non High School will present the
play, "Early to Bed--Early to
Rise", ICrid'ty evening, May 19 ,'it
8:00 in the high school auditor-
The comedy, liy %Vin. V. I)avid-
soil, will prove very entertaining.
]t concern:; the, 10ullcr faintly, who
live in an ,ipartntcnt a:l)ove :/ pet
store. Genevieve Snydcr will por-
tray Patsy I:uller, a nlischievous
eleven-year-old child. Her father,
Everitt, a rather unsuccessful ,mid-
rile-aged inventor will lie Howard
Ornls. Ch-n'les tIodge will play
Bol)by, Patsy's seventeen-year-phi
e'u'-crazy brother. His girl friend,
Spanky the dal ghte • of a slot ma-
chine racketeer is l.etitia lleranek.
Marion l,'uller, a young t)usiness
wonlan is C:o ruolia llrooks; her
boss and suitor, Jilu Griggs is
David Hull• Annt A'b'ldc Fuller.
l,]vcritt's middle-aged sister acting
as mother will be Patrieia Mitchell.
[,aura Montgomery, a southern
!iuducod into taking it cut, though
'slit, lil~ellag'es to so0 it often,
P'ttsy is notified that her lot-
]tery ticket has won the model
home, ('inilerclla House, but she
has lost the ticket. When she does
find the ticket, she sells the house
SO that tht!y lnay have ulooey with
which to btly Marion SOl]tO "oil-
] vil'onllients" so thal Slit' nlay be the
!('qual of Miss Moutgonlery who is
'>~lealing ,linl's affections.
I ]'tits)" foils I ,aura's plans by
!nuikir, g her :lPl)ear ridiculously
!afraid O1 "~ wllitc rat. l~o1)i)y and
~l)alil~y elope, hut are refused a
liccnse,but what lhey return with
ii is liiueh more illlDortant to the un-
i langlingof the coniplicated plot.
i Mauy otl~er incidents add spice
I . .
!to tilt plot and attoi3(]lng" this pro-
f . . .
!(]llC[l()n shoald llll'nlsh a very sat-
] isl'a('tory cvtyning's ent('l'tte inulent.
! I,orelta Hayes is the proniptress,
iand Violetla (rook, the stage man-
] agel', Tile stage crew includes Vie-
girl, who attempts to win Jim with letta (rook, Bill KapI'm, Howard
feminine wiles is played ~l)y ],]lleniI'isher, I'ob Merrill, Marguerite!
Sutliff. Donahl Krmiun "~s MT. iJohnSon. The prop crew is head-
Kirchmeier, the old German ke(,p- [ed by Imverna Tr'lvis and is eom-
el" of the pet store downstairs; [l)oscd of Margaret Siggins, Marge
Vie]ella Cook as the dashing news- i Worroll, Marguerite Johnson, lion-
paper reporter, Daisy l:airfax; and [ahl Krumm, l~oy Martin, an(] Bo~l)
tIoward Visher as Mr. Conkh,, the ! Merrill. Mar]eric Joy Hartung and
htndlord complete the east. i Arline Ziinni(q" will work on niake-
Everitt l:uller is perfecting an up. whila I.]lwood Young and Mark
unbreal~a'ble egg-crate as .lint calls ttutchinsou will eontrol the lights.
for Marion. While he is still there ! Vivian Toune, Alice Mcl,aughlin,
to everyone's otnbarrassuicnt, Pat-l'hyllis Andre, and M~u'Karet Sig-
sy, who is overly fond of aninlals, ighIs will take charge of tile gate
enters carrying a skunk. She is ~li(q¢(,t sales.
Burnett Ringer
Named Secretary To
Sutherland Dows
l~hu.nett l(iuger, who h'ts boon
local nlanager of the Iowa Electric
Light and Power (,ontpany, st'~rt-
i] rrhe licorice, l{ose reside,nee a
Iquarter of a nlile east of the liar-
alla chur(!h i])urued to the grouud
ed work this morning as secretary abmlt six o'clock on Tuesday eve-
to Sutherland 1lows, viec president ning from a fit'(, which was started
of the Iowa ]dlectric Light and by the explosim~ of a gasoline stove
Power company, "it ('cdar Rapids. in the kitchen.
He succeeds Mr. 1)ow's secret:try Most of the contents of the
who is leaving after ,having t)ecn house, other 1ban those in the
with him for 16 to 17 years, kitchen and 1)asement, were say-
News of this well earned pro- od. The ]IOIISO \V;IS insul'ed for
motion will be received with i $2 0tit in the ]Ann Township Mu-
pleasure by Mr. Ringer's many tual and the contents were partly
friends in Mount Vernon and I,is- covered by "~ l~rown To~wnship ,Mu-
ben. The Ringers plan to continue I tual policy.
to live in Mount Vernon.
Miss Murphy will do Mr.
Ringer's work at the loe"ll of-
rice for a few days until Mr. Reier
of Cedar R'tphts, is sent hcrc as
local manager to take Mr. ]Hugt, r's
place. Mr. Reier will come as soon
as he recovers froth an attack of
the flu.
Will 0p--en Mi_Vernon
Hostel This Week
Mount Vernon will 1)e marl