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May 11, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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Wet Hedges who is
sehools of' Algona.
Week end in the
Parents, Mr. and
Hedges. Vineent
Moines was also
and Windstorm
and Accident
Bauman Bldg.
:. 65; Res. 169J
Mrs. Fannio I.emmon of Cedar
Rapids was a guest last week in
the home of her friend Mrs. Gusta
M inert.
Mrs. Gusta Minott and Mrs. Lulu
a Blaine were guests last Sunday in
the home of Mrs. Mayme Boice in
\Vill Alexander returned home
Sunday froln visiting his in'other
Ho%ert Alexander in the Hines hos-
pilal, Maywood, Ill. The latter is
im l) roving.
Mrs. Surah Talhnan is expecting
Its guests this week end 'Mr. and
Mrs. M. \V. I)oyle and family of
Winfield, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Q.
V¢'illiams of Des Moines.
M]att l)i(,k of Chicago, 111., spent
the week end with Mrs. I)iek who
is visitin~ at the home of her sis-
ter. Mrs. Charles l¢leineek. On
S(luday afternoon they visited iu
the Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wall
home in Marion.
It's what you are, more than what you say,
that makes Mother happy. She lives her life
in your life. Any good that you do, any suc-
Cess that you achieve, are personal triumphs
for her. Therefore, not to forget what she
taught you--honor, truth, thrift, etc.--is
the best way to remember Mother--on
MOther's Day and every other day.
Mount Vernon Bank and
Trust Company
II. {2. Neal, Pres. R.B. MeConlogate, Vice Prig.
I). |]. Vail
Metre, Vice Pres. and Cashier
J. A. l,'ordyt e, Assistant Cashier
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Mrs. B. l{aymond Weston and
Mrs. lCrank Pearce of Mason City
will be house guests during the,
May festival ill the llome of Prof.
and 3,Irs. Jay B. Macgregor.
Miss Amelia Yeggy and a friend
of Iliverside will be over night
glleSts Salllrday ill ti~e home of
Mrs. ,lohn Blair |{ohinson. They
will all(rod tile festival on Satur-
Mr. qnd Mrs. \V. H. Robinson
and son Ralph of Mol)~,rly, Me.,
\veto gtlests hlst week ill l]le honle
of M r. and M rs. H. M. t{hoads.
Tiley left for their heineon Sun-
M'rs. ,lily IL Ma('(]regorreturned
heine ,~-lllnd[ly fl'onl IAtkehtnd, Fla.,
where she ~\'(,nt sev4qNll ~vei,ks ago
to tktlelld Ill(, ~4"oldeu wedding' anni-
v(,rsll l'y of hel' |1;1 Penis,Mr. and
Mrs. 1'].l'.'. l(elley.
l{oss 1),eiler, of the gl'aduato
sohool of l)olili('al s('ieuee al the
Stale l'niversity of Iowa. Iowa ('ily
wiil be a guest ill Ill(' honle Of ]~)r.
and Mrs. ('. 10. IAtt(,ll during the
May Music 10estival.
I'rof. and Mrs. ,q. ,l. MeLaughliF~
who 'have opellpied the Mr. and
Mrs. E. I{. l{istine home this year,
(!xpeel to move to the George i{ar-
})O11 r residellee soon, \V h i ('h lhey
have ]eased for next year.
, l)r. and Mrs. Glenn W. Harbit
land daughter lAllie (llyn of ('larion
were visitors Sunday in the home
of Mr lind Mrs. AI J. llobst, l)r.
und M rs. Har}dl lived ill Mount
Vernon sevel'a] yeHrs lIKe.
Mr. and Mrs. l,. P]. Sit)ple were
visitors lust Nun(lay ill the home
of Mrs. ~ipl)le's t~rotller-in-hlw lind
sister, Mr. and .~l rs. J. "r. Wiu-
})()l'n he:it Io\vlt('ity. They wore
dPeoIn l)anied l)y their daughter
Miss \Vaunetla Sipple o,f Cedar lla-
Mrs. ,I. V,. l{obinson h'ls leased
gill apartluont ill lhe Mr. and .~lrs.
ttoward .Johns|on ]lOIIle \\'here she
will IIIOVe when (tie present oceu-
)ants, Mrs. ('arrie t)ates and
delighter ~'~11 Z:I 1111 e leave for Cali-
fornia after the (qose of Ill(, col-
lege year. Mrs. tlol)insoll recent-
]y sohl her honl(! lo Mr. and Mrs.
[ )ou i'ringle.
M rs. I'ldm und 'Photo pson will wt-
elite her house on Third Avenue,
North, soon and her son Claude
Tholupson and family will move
Into it. Mrs. Thompsou has leased
all aparllnent ill the I{oy Young
home. Mrs. Amy Goodlove and
Mr. and Mrs. l,ynn Goodlove have
rented ti~e }muse which will ,be va-
cated l)y the Tholnl)son falllily,
l)r. (L F. iAttell was tile guest
sp(,aker last Thursday eveuing at
lhe annual 'banquet of the Junto
club, graduate students of the poli-
ti('al seienee department of the
State IIniversity of Iowa at Iowa
qty. 1)r. l Attell's subject was
"Strong Presidents and the Judi-
ciary", l)r. H.ussell Cooper of
Mount Vernon ae(,ompanied him
to Iowa City and was a guest at the
Mrs. I.:lizaheth Kellogg, mother
()1 'Mrs. E. (I. Itunt is recovering
fronl her recent illness.
~Ven(lell ('lark of Chicago, Ill.,
('alle(1 oil former neig'h~bors and
friends in 3,1ount Vernon last Fri-
Cabot \Vohh'ahe, student at Cor-
nell, will entertain his ,pareuts from
Minneapolis, Minn., (luring the
May Music Festival.
Miss ttelen Morgan and Miss
It/riley of Perry will ,he guests dur-
in~z the May Festiwtl at ('ornell,
ill the home of Mrs. S. L. ('hen(tier.
Mrs. Mary Henry returned lo her
he:n(, in ('hieago. llI., on Wo(lnos-
day afler a visit in the home of
h(q friend, Mrs. IAoyd Me('utcheon.
The Misses Mar(ha an(1 ])orothy
I,illieh of ('(,thlr ltapids were guests
last ~]ln(t[ly in the ]lOlile of Mrs.
Margaret (h/truly and Miss I)essie
Mr. and Mrs. 10raueis tlartung' of
Madison, Wis., were visilors over
the weel,i end ill lhe honle of the
|'Ol,lllel"S lllothel', Mrs. (*hal'los Hal'-
}{ev. and 5It's. J. ,l. Kidder and
daught('r Joyce silent lhe first of
the \veek visiling ill the home of
Mr. lind "hits. (]lly Maeomber and
family ill ()liu.
Mr. "tnd Mrs., l,]d. Beeehley of
Joliet, Ill., wer(' visitors ill Mount
\rernoll on Saturdlly. They sI)('nt
the night ill the Mr. and Mrs. Fred
'J'ra \'is ]lOll/e.
Junior Travis, son of Mr. "~nd
Mrs. ()ren 'l'r/Ivis, sll|)nlitted tO un
Olltergen(,y al)|)endeetolny at Mercy
hospital,('edar I{alfids, Friday
III O rllin ~'.
ltobert l~ennett, sludent in the
State llniw'rsity of Iowa,at Iowa
I~ity. sp~mt the ,,veel~ end in the
honle Of ills Darents, Mr. and Mrs.
J oseph ]~;ennett.
Miss Hortense Hunt nnd friend,
Miss l{ubye Summers of Fulton,
111.. expect to come Io Mount Ver-
non fO Jilt!lid the May f(,stiwll eon-
/'errs on Saturday.
~lr. and ~l l's. ]#rIln]r, Bahlwin
and Mrs. Williams of C(~(l'tr R'tpids
were visitors Sllnday afternoou in
the home of Mr. llahlwin's sister,
Miss Bertha l~aldwin.
Mr. and ,~,[l'S. I,'red Travis mot-
ored to (]alva, |ll., last Sunday and
spent the day visiling wilh Mrs.
Travis's l'alher ('. N. W:trreu alld
sister Miss lIehn Warren.
MY. qnd Mrs. (?harles Alexander
of Madison, Wis., weFe guests last
Sunday of lhe f()rmer's father,
(~harles AlexaI'al(r, at the, Mr. and
M rs. John Wiel(ham home.
(,harles Savi(lge, who was ealled
to Mount Vernon htsl leriday by
the death of his mother, Mrs. S. E.
I,eib, retllrlled to his hollle iu
Onlahu, Nebr., Tuesday afternoon.
,Miss Sue l~epler, who is a stu-
(lent in lowa State college, Alnes,
was called home the last of the
week 1)y the death ef ]lor grand-
~mother, Mrs. S. 1,]. l,eib. She re-
urned to Anles Sllnday eveninK.
leading low-priced , Ford "
engine in any low priced car.., smoother, more only chassis using Torque-tube Drive and 4
responsive, more £un to drive: no need for radius rods at this price.
Constant shifting.
18T IN STYLE with the2ostt dv:l:::styling IsT IN QUALITY OF CONSTRUCTION
: with the only Centriforce clutch.. • only cast
in the field; the only t ue s a " design; steel alloy crankshaft, only A-floating rear
r~¢W interior luxury to match, axles, only straddle mounted pinion, only fully
1' enclosed drive from fan to wheels, with Torque-
IN ECONOMY witla best gas mileage of all tube drive.., in its price class.
leading low price cars as demonstrated by 85
h. p. Ford V-8 in this year's Gilmore-Yosemite
road run.
With 162 sq. inches of braking surface; biggest
ever Uaed on a low priced car.
N RIDEBASE ,2a b ween
front and rear springs: the easiest ride of any
ear in the low price field.
Ford Authorized Sales and Service For
Phone No. 6
Mount Vernon, Lisbon and Mechanicsville "F'7>: .....
Mount Vernon
51 rs. Aley Parsons qlaS recovered
fronl her recent illness and is
ag'ain a~ble to be out.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde IAndsley en-
tertained M r. and Mrs. Clifford
1Andsley of Davenport at dinner at
lheir home last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hahn and
,family of l.]arlville were guests
Sunday ill lhe home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. d. l{ogers and family.
Addison Hall of Ho('k Island was
a guest Sunday and Monday in
the ilnnle (If his son-in-law and
daughter M'r. aud Mrs. Bert Avery.
Mrs. I )an Travis entertained as
dillIler ~lleSts Oil Tllesday. tier
gllesls were: Mrs. ]{lloda Neul, ~Mrs.
Nellie I)llneau and Mrs. ]']VU Tra-
Mrs. l~essie Crone will have as
a guest this wee].:, end Mrs. l,larl
I,]rdi/'e and d'(ughter Miss Eliza-
belh l,:rdiee of Keota. Mrs. Er-
di('e will remain all next week.
Mr. and Mrs. l{alph Carl had as
dinn(r guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
l(ivhard Fuller and baby daughter
and the l)arents of M!r. Fuller, Mr.
and .\lrs. I). E. Fuller of ,Savannah
Mr. und Mrs. P,. M. MeGranahan
of Newhall w(!re callers Tuesday
e\'ening ill the t{. A. Busonlbark
and the \V. ('. Her(on immes. Mr.
3,1 e(Iranahan is it cousin of Mrs.
f { 11 sen'b'trk.
Mr. aIId Mrs. lAoyd McCuteheon
of Ni'ldey, are exl)eeted today for a
visit in the heine of the forlner's
Ill()( her, Mrs. I,Ioyd M e(~uteheon
and to el(end the May Music fes-
Miss 101oren('e Ellison, rosunled
}1('1' work in the relief offiee ill
(?linton the ilk'st of (he week, after
reellperaling six weeks at the heine
of her 1)Ilr(,llts, Mr. 1111(1 Mrs. Ottis
Ellis(m, f'ollowing au operation.
l)rof. ]~'ranois (]erlllan is onter-
Iitinilu4 his Inof hel' frolll Austin,
Texas, in lhe ilOllle of I)r. and Mrs.
[,'l'allk (~,O]e. Mrs. (lOl'lnHn arrived
Mollday ni~'ht and will relllain un|il
afler the Mqy Musk" l,'estival.
Wiott ('an(l-all and niece Mar-
ian l(adloff of San})orne left on
'Monday for lheir holne after
sDerldinK a week visiting in the
]lOllle of Mrs, elite ])/ineiin and
other relatives in the community.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlev ('lark and
Mr. "tnd Mrs. John MeHugh left
today q'or 1)es Moines where Mrs.
('lark and Mr. MeHugh will attend
a postmaslers eonvention which
convenes on Friday and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. 1,'orrest Adallls of
lk)ise. Ida., called on t'riends in
Mount Vt,rnon Monday afternoon.
Tht,y had spent the winter in the
I,'lorida "lnd were oil their way
hollle. They ltre forlller Cornel-
Miss F]orenoe (~}/tlnr])ers spent
the wl,ek end in the home of her
tlarents. She is a inem,ber of the
high school t'aeulty in Clinton and
D1;tns tO attend lhe SllIlllner session
al Northwestero University, Evan-
slon, Ill.
M]'. "lDd Mrs. 1)ave ]lrlln](ow and
f:llnilv of l,ov,'del/, Mr. and Mrs
\Vi]f NhIl(lle of NiKoln'noy, and Mr.
and Mrs. q'olu Nhal]le of ('edar
]{el)ills were gqlests Sllnday in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Thonlpson and family.
|'rot. and 'Mrs. T. 1L MeConnell
aud family of St. lq~ul, Minn., were
vb;itors fromFriday unlil Sunday
in the home of Mrs. MeConnell's
moiher, Mrs. ('.E. Kegley. Mrs.
Ki,gley returned to .qt. Paul with
theln for a visil- of a week.
Mr. "rod Mrs. W. G. Bartlett were
visitors Monday afternoon in the
lmme of Mr. and Mrs. J. I,:. Co]ton.
Mr. lkH'ttelt is h'tving his tenant
}lOUSe in Mollnt VeFnou, whieh is
oeeupied 1)y the G. C. Maeklem
family, Dainted this week.
Mrs. M. S. Jordan and son 1)avid,
were aeoolnl):Jnied tl) Grinnell on
Nllll(]Ily, 'by tile followil/K stlldents
from (!ornell: Miss Nancy Hob-
son, Howqrd Johnson, Rohert Ir-
vine "~nd 1Al I1 ress A ('klllan. '['he
day was silent visiting the Grin-
nldl eolleg(, eatnpus.
I)r. J. I/ ('ul,bertson, ])r. Nieh-
ohts Knight, Irving Johnson, Prof.
l{ollert ('roeroft and l)onald KniKht
allended a e]lenliPal lneeting" Tues-
day evening at Iowa City. The
speaker \~as l)r. Alfred J. Stare,
stmior ehenlist of the IL S. Forest
ln'oducis l,abratory at M'tdison.
lh'. M. ],]. W'ing, of the faculty
of Beloit eollege, was a guest last
\veel{ end in tile hOlile of t~/[|', and
Mrs. I'L ,1. OsKoo(l. He was "tt-
t(!llding Ill~ convention for geol-
o~a'ists at Cornell eotlege. ])r. Wing
and Mr. Osgood were friends when
the lalt(,r w'~s a teacher and ath-
h,tie ooaeh af Heloit eolleKe.
Mrs. M:(rgaret l{i(,hardson, Mrs.
Jennie Hohnes, Mrs. Nell Little-
fieh], Mrs. (lertrude tlrown and
Mrs. Mabel Morris of Keota will
be glleSts next Tuesday night ill
lhe home of Mrs. Bessie Crone.
They ((xpeet to attend the P.E.O.
,.onvenlion in Cedar ]{apids and
spend the nigllt with Mrs. Crone.
])r. W. (L ]~owloy, superintend-
ent of the Davenport district of
the Upper lc~wa conference of the
Methodist church, spoke Monday
evellinR" at It ruen's gllest, lneetillg
iu Iowa ('ity. On Sunday ,lnorning
he was tile speaker at the special
edieation of new hymnals in the
Methodist church in Central City.
John Klimo jr., who ,was a guest
lasl week ill the holtle of his par-
trois, M r. and Mrs. John Klimo,
returned to Chicago, Ill., the lirst
of li~e week. lie will make the trip
to Memo! Vernon with tt~e Chieago
Sylltphony orchestra of which he
is It lnembex of the bass seetion,
the last of this week, to take part
ill the festival eoneerts at Cornell.
Miss I':sther Kidder, who teach-
es hoDle eeonolnics in the consoli-
deled st'heel "~t Olin, spent last
week end in the heine Of her par-
enls, tt.eV, and Mrs. J. J. Kidder.
Miss Kidder r(,turns to Mount Ver-
non this \reek end for a vae'ttion
of a week I>efore beginning teaeh-
illg ill tin eighl \veeks sun/n/er
eOUFS0 ill honle econonli0s in the
()lin schooh~. Optional courses in
hOll!e eeolloluies and agrieultnre
art} taught dllring the sunliner.
.~r. and Mrs. Anson Burge and
M r. antl M rs. l')ana, Wilcox and
(laughter ('orinne nlotored to New-
ton Sunday to visit Miss Bernadine
l{urge. From Newtou lhey went
to l'ella wiwre they enjoy-
e.1 seeing the lovely tulip gar-
dens for which that town in fam-
ous. Many of the adults and
ehihlren were dressed in dutch
(,(i,%tllnles and wore woodetl shoes to
advertise the coming tulip festival.
Seniors Are Urged
To Correct False
Thinking Of Today
intendent, and Emerson eel(ins,
I,isbon principal.
Following the dinner, President
S;nn Mel,aughlin welcomed the
guests, telling theln that there are
6,7(}0,000 pupils in ti~e secondary
sehoo]s of the U. S. and 1,5(|0,000
of theni \rill be graduated fronl
high st'heel this spring, Ill no
hither ('ountry in tile worhl is
there such an opportunity to ob-
taiu the advantages of a high ]
sehool education he said. Supt. i
Clyde IAndsley was introduced and
took charge of the program. The
IAsl)on guests Were in(rod(iced ihy
Sa,u/ 10ouse,
l)r. Russell ('ooper was lhe
nluin speaker. He eoulpared the
worhl of today and the opportun-
ity for graduates with the worh
of 1924 when he was grIIdualetl
from high school. There is ulore
lenseness and loss seourlty today,
he said, and then he considered
wimt was the matter with the
worhl ill whi('h we qre living, out-
lining' three nlain points of weak-
I. The worhl has lloeome oIi-
sessed with the false idea that you
shouh] get for yourself all you can
and give as little Its possfi)le. Get
more from society than you give.
This has led ]Is into insecurity
and rest ]essness.
2. The end justifies the means.
AnytMng is alright if you can get
away with it.
3. The worhl is a terrible mess
/leeause huulau nature is at fault.
l'eople are weak and they e'ln't
be changed. It is natural to be
selfis]t and cut eoruers. This false
idea is fal0_l and is keeping ns ,froln
progress, the spe'd(er said. Indi-
viduals tie grove and nlature and
as eviden('e he asked the seniors to
reeall how they were as freshulen
and eonlpare it with them now as
more mature seniors.
If this generalion recognizes the
fallacies of present th|nking and
t'orreets tileln by giving ibuek to
soeiety as Inll('il as the individu'tl
receives, it will 'be recognized ,by
posterity. In ('losing he said this
Happy Valley Kitten Ball
Team Wins Season Opener
"Phe Seniors of Mount Vernon
and IAsbon high schools were en-
H°tary[pids. The tealn fiehling in nlid-
elu'b at the M;ethodist church in
I season tel'Ill eouph>d with I~ach-
~Mount Vernon on Tuesday evening, iman's two hit pitching was never
A fine dinner was served i)y l)ivi- [in
t roul)le.
: sion 9. Guests I)esides the 25 M. V.I lecky, who was able to get on base
H. ,q. seniors and 21 IAsbon sell- I four tin/es ollt of four trips 1o 1he
iors were A. J. Hogers, president phi(e, and steady hitting l)y the
of the Mount Verl!on school board, i rest of the te~lln, the ou|eoloe of
R.t{alphI'. Carl, M.V.H.S. prineipal and~ the genie was never in doubt. The
Pr°si- I"rolie chlb in spite of the oue-
dent, iAoyd Hahn, IAsbou super-
sided score ]lhlyed tl very good
!good crowd was out for the game.
Tile score.
H H I,"
The Happy Valley kittenh,lll 10relic Club ...................... 2 2
Happy Valley , ................. 1 1 I 5
team opened their '3.q season Sun-
[day with an impressive I1 to 2 win
, over the I,'rolie ('hill of Cedar l{a-
The se('olld gHllle wi|h the Mollnt
Vernon iealn \\as rahled o/It. A
Mount Vernon
i I I
Whether you are thinking of Luilding a new
house, adding a new room, building a garage, a barn
or any other Luihling--or making repairs about the
farm or home--NOW IS TttE TIME TO I)O IT.
Bring Your Building Problems To Us.
We Will Be G ad To Assist You In
Every Way Possible
Mount Vernon
Illll Ill Ill Illlll Illll I-'lll Illll i, Illl
tremendous OPl)ortunity faced the I
gTaduating (!lass of this year.
M ther's
('{)]'{]on l{a]ln, ,vith 'Mrs, Paul I 0 a y
Wi(.kersimn~ as "wl'ompanist, sang[ I
the two nuulbers he used ill thei
state music contest at Iowa (~ityI I
las week, '"rhe Hnls of Honle", ill You will find a wide
and "lnvietus". ] •
range of selections from
our large stock.
Father George Stemm Spoke!
At Cornell Chapel Service [|
I,'ather George Stemm, pastor of •
St. John's (,atholie Chur('h :it IAs- i
bOll, Sltoke at the Cornell chapel
service Oil Monday :nlorning. •
The re'tin emphasis of loather
~tellllll's message was that without •
religiou :Lnd morality, onr present
forlll of d ento(q'atie governnlent
(,ann()l s/irvive, The greatestdan- •
~(,r to our country today is not •
from the oulside, such as war',
aggression, ~but from within our
(,ountry. If demoeraey is to
Sll rvive, then religioIIs tolera nee
must survive. •
l,'ather Stemm pointedout that ::I
fifty years ago it wouhl have been •
tlnheard of rfor a Catholic Ilishop
lo be invited to give a chapel talk !•
Yardley's fine toiletries
in Appropriate G i f t
Sunday, May 14th
Whitman, Gales a n d
Page & Shaw Candy,
Priced 25c to $3.75
The high spot in our
Candy Stock is a delight-
ful Sewing Cabinet with
sliding top, filled with
lbs of Fine Candy,
Outstanding Greeting
Cards by Gibson
Gorgeously decorated boxes of
the finest chocolates, fresh from
the makers. Order now|
in a Methodist institution. The ' • The Sompler--17 oz .... ~1.50 •
yOUUg l)eople of today are t)egin- ' • Also 2, 3 and 5-lb. Samplers. I
ning to see the other person's view- ' I The Fakldll ....... $1.00 lb. •
point and tO know eaeh olher bet- I Shop for Gifts At Aho203and5-1b.F.i, hills. I
ter. • •
............ LIFF l •
elmtly fro Wallingford (?onn., I •
I where she was in the home of Mr. ;I Dru- Store M •
' ) , N~thaus tn(1 • g ount Vernon, Iowa
and 1 ayt ~u " ~. • .' ~ i• ••
I ~ .......... - .............................. 7I Ill l
Having sold my home and having to give immediate possession, I will hold a Public
Sale of my honsehoid goods at my residence located 2 blocks east of the Mount Vernon
H g'h School, right on Highway No. 30, Mount Vernon, Iowa, on
2 upholstered mahogany chairs, one a rocker, the other a straight chair to match;
1 leather rocker, genuine leather; oak rocker; mahogany floor lamp; large bevel
plate mirror and combination hall tree; foot stool; magazine rack; 3x4 Olson rug,
(taupe); rug 3t/ x5Vz, old rose color; 6 or 8 rag rugs, nice and clean; 3 braided rugs;
3 small Olson rugs, these are like new.
Dining room suite complete (walnut); nice round table (extension); 54 inch buffet;
6 leather seat dining chairs to match the set, beautiful glass China closet; 8 day clock,
a dandy; a lot of miscellaneous dishes; breakfast set; a lot of cooking utensils; single
oil stove oven; combination work table and kitchen cabinet; 2 card tables; 2 large
electric table lamps; 2 reading lamps; smokers humidor; wicker Japanese serving
tray; 2 silver candle sticks; Perfection bedroom heater; wooden bed; dresser and
commode; a nice one; iron bed stead and springs; 2 brussells bed room rugs; bed room
curtains; nice oak hall tree with drawers;8 pairs of new bed room curtains (dotted
swiss); 1 set of bath room curtains; electric fan; electric water heater; porcelain slop
jar; set of bath room scales; bath room chair; medicine cabinet; nice writing desk;
high boy with 5 drawers and bevel plate mirror; tall fern stand; hickory chair 100
years old (a ladder back); 2 antique muzzle loading rifles; walnut high hey with 4
deep drawers; leather seat youths dining chair; dandy oak dresser with bevel plate
mirror; large oval dressing mirror full length; 2 fruit cupboards; work table; 3 kitch-
en chairs; 1 heavy oak bench; 2 Alladin lamps; 1 round wick Rochester lamp; set of
irons; some fruit jars, pints and quarts; 2 kerosene lamps; floor waxer; kitchen
stool; new 5-gal. kerosene can, 6 gal. jar; 2 gal. and 3 1-gal. jars; clothes drier, sew-
ing table.
TOOLS, CEMENT EQUIPMENT ETC.--125 feet of good garden hose in 3-pieces;
garden tools; 2 or 3 wheel barrows; buck saw; saws; tools of all kinds; step ladder;
2 or 3 heavy doors; a lot of galv. lined cement post molds; dandies for sheep
troughs; good lawn mower; 125 ft. of new hay rope; new hay fork; all kinds of
forks, shovels, etc.; 5 cement water tanks, 5 ft. long, they hold about 75 gals.; some
seasoned oak posts; garden plow and ninny other articles to() numerous to mention.
Anson Rurge, Clerk
W. E. Challis, Auct., Phone 130, 1,isbon, Ia.