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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
May 11, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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May 11, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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our THE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HA~VKEVE-RECORD AND THE LISBON HERALD .....---- Thursday,.._.fl,4Ma~lL PageF ......... ~~ • ar-1 Mr and Mrs G K Frink, Helen1 Alburn Wear of Cedar Rapids isli Evening Service T30 p.m. ]be of peach tapioca.--PF, love.( Deborah--or._is it Margaret?)ThomasRTilurrlola~lh:~e~ y?aYa tlo £YY g ae t%rT ay, Lucilie Richa;d and Lynn visitedt spending this week with Mr and Bible Study and Prayer service SOPHOMORE NEWS !¢UN-- ND FROLIC'' : ,: I,ISP~N NEWS ]o ::. ,. gfl. .... ,~g,,,~hrelativesinTinton Mrs Leonard White i at 7"30 p m on Thursday Everyonel This week was a quiet one as, Merle' "I suppose you dance? .-.,. ~I~e~i~-~ ....... in the Mrs tlarry tlarman name. /ou,,,~,,+ ..... r ' / " " i. " . ' • " / ....... i ... ' ....... Biuy zearmg aRm w~..:A,~ • + ............ + ~--- "~;+~'-~t Mrs Marv Bailey went to Snring-~ts wemome .~everywnere we were Demg arineaI r~etavene "un, yes,t tore to. ~--- nf nor Fourth Gra~,JR ------ Mr and Mrs. W E. Paul of - • . '" n ville Tuesda to soend several daysI In spite of what God knows for the on-rushmg academic tests (love too) bea~ • "" '" in the]°f Cedar Rapids were visitors o Y P + " " ' " ' ' n bers Betty Longer ~iwibYtiel~a~;n~dfaalu~iz ~i~IT°wnsend Club meetsa~dRan~m.the Clmre~Mnii:yWere SundaYaTWtn~aWn~ihiiih~ee~ ] t~!~!!in~!iiv)slt°rs" " me I Tuesday m thes~.~/~.C M~h~s~[i'~| visitinGish ham t~l!!~lt~en~dcr~euH~!i~~~li!!g among friends i about~h?~i:~;~r!Uryrs~LsV:iesH;di~ / ~eailVi~!~tii!!!~ ! ~~£?~ii~i;us' and that is more than .... The only predmtmn we can make Merle: "Great ,,ThatSllb~tebetter~that:: / ...................... .... ~ii2ii~i:~awd~~'~~V~rn°n 1~"1~; R. L. Frink home. Mr and Mrs. Fred Tonne.________~.__ L~berty" ' ws" ited Sub, day in the home[ Ill., spent the week end with her ,i COON CREEK CHIYRCH [ attached .................. to'them -- -- I Mike• "What is a skeleton~'' I ~ ..... t**-..-.,'_,****'**.'.**..._'oe,." ,'..'_..'_..'°.r.-°..r**-'**'0.'-**'-**'-o.'-o*°*,'-*,:'*'.o0"-o':*':oioIw~:~:°*r'~° ,-,t ~*.~ e ..... '¢ sicter Mrs JM I parents Mr, and Mrs. E. F. Wal-, 9:45 Sunday school. [ On~ *h,~uah* ~ho~ ......... ~. ,.,I Joe' "l don't knowWhat is a!]"- ~_ •~ "]' ;.~,1 Bridges. [ ..... ] .......... /our ears was the good news that l skeleton?" I! ~~tr~.xr | ]l$1V 1~ l~ X ~'./., Mr. and Mrs, W. L Kynett spent/ M~ss" Marxon R adloff and Wyatt ....... _-~'~-]~_ ~-- .......[the "World Horizon" magazines areI Mike: "A stack of bones with all'| a.,. ~. Jr *-~'-~...][~ ~ *$-*1 ~ week end with their daughteri Cantrell oI ~anoorn were guestsi ~-:~-~.~.~.::-~-~"~.~-~.:.f-[ here, This being the last edition[ the people scraped off."l| I~[_&]L,~,.~ |~$[~ ~: ~k ~.['~6~ i~! Mrs. Audis Bennett and family nearl !n the Mr; and Mrs. Don Frm~:, !,I~BU~N I-II-LITE~ | we shall order, they shall undoubt-/3-4 AND 5-6 GRADES PROGRAM I| ],~ll[JL|l~l[- ~ ilJ,"~.l~. "$-, '~l'V,Y]~ .~0,,. .'i:l Walford. / name on wednesday. ........................ / eoty oe given more .attention than[ A very interesting and. amusing! | . _ . _~ ~l~, i~ ~J~-~ i~il Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blessing./ Mrs: JohnPetersonhadasguests NEvv~ ~VAF~ /~noothe past. (That ,s, if that ,sl program was presented Fr~day eve: !I It is emphas~z~,~l: .50--~_1~7~-,¢ :'~ .*ID.,,~ ~n,~ ~obbv of Cedar Rapids,/on yrmay ~v~rs. Jonn t~u~,u,,.,., ,,..~.] ...... | ~, ......... I ning in me auoitorium oy me ~-~ ! ~,md~*r MnV 1~*~~ :i', ..~a.~/]~j~?f~.'~ :, :~:[ ..... . "~=_~'S..unu~ ~',,, ~'he ,,~arental J.| T. M. Miller. son Edward and Mrs. Edltor--Martlyn" ' Frmk" | Frankly, the news is simply di- | and 5-6 grades The different Rum- I I ou,,~,~.~, ,,---~]t~ !~ ~~_,~'~(~'] i~i]~pe~toh7 hom~ ]Barclay of Anamosa. iAsistant Editor--Wilma Gage [minished so this is your Rovinglbers were directed by the twoi[ _ .~ ..,|11~, '.i'. ~~~ *~'.1 __ m " ..........a ~,~| Miss Carrie Leese returned to Typists--Marilyn Frink and Lee[ttepor~er mgnmg off until next/ teachers Miss Westphal and Mrs. i| Aslight token wP"L ~ "~[lll~?~"u=~ ~;] . ,M . ~ y ........... ~ wuo~dav[ Cedar Rap,ds Saturday after a McHenry. [ week.--LR [Clark. The program was opened] | -- h~'.--on~..H ~ ilb EL ~" ~ ;,$;1Anen Lmm .... ~;-'-'-°~'-~:':--~t's-~Vlr./ week's visit in the home of her Reporters--Bill Mohn GordonlFRESHMAN FLASHES I with a piano solo played by Le-i I ~let ~p ..... - X ~7" ~ _*$'.1 in me name m her p ..... [ brother Robert Leese. i Rahn, Otto Kruse, Robert Huey,] Many sighs escaped when Tues- by a play, "Keeping Store," given | D .... ~,.~.. ~,~ reille~ll~ ~-~t, "' and mrs ~tto ~,~,, I KememDer to*~ o:o ;*Jr " " . . [ ...... ~ ~i ..... f ~ontrz] f~itv Caroline Kepler Margery Van-lday ended thus leaving those aca-tby the 5-6 grades with Eugene, I ttememDer to , .... °;° ,$. Mrs J W Streeter o~ ~namosa ~,., ......................... -~ ' . • , ~ ] . • ' .~ .~, .|; ......~,~,* x~r,~,~,~,~,~ .... rl q'hnr~_deberg,Jean Vandeberg Peggyl dem~c tests as nothing but mem-, Bova playing the part of the clerk ~ Her • :" ¢" s ent Sunda with Miss ~va ~loya, ~ ~v~,,~,,,s .......... ~ ....... i - ' '" ~ he ~.~ X/ P Y .... [ ~-.. ~.~ ,~.. ~ ..... ~ h ..... en*~ Frmk. Deborah Graver Lore[ arms (and bad ones too) I A Dutch song and dance was t | I $ e were dinner guestsin me uay ,,t ,,c ,.v,.= ... ..~. v-- ~, . ' , °;o ~ -~ /!" • • ~ }:~ Th y . "- • ~ ~- ~n~ Mrs J M Pfautz ] Roup, Ethel Mae Bigger, KatyI We wonder why it is that the! first number given by the 3-4] n,,~ Prne~, _*~.* • • ~.~ I~ /| ~ ~[" ][f~ ~ ~'~ ~ | • g'~ • 7" °.*o| Lewis Lembaugn name. | ""- ~" "~ _ .~. " .~" . .. : .... : Kruse, Evelyn Meyers, Harry[ boys are wandering aimlessly now I grades. The opposite movements of | ~ • ~,"_~'_" :~'--.n i~..~ o* F Mr an(1 Mrs ~ d J~.OleK Wltn (iOOUS ~no 1~ ~" ~.: • ]~ | | [ ~/ 1 [[ | | | | [--- | ,~ | ~ £'~ ~/ ~:~ Mrs. Fred Downing, Mrs. J. -I . :2 .... " '. '. ..... i Bigger, Kenny Duncan, Bonnie[ with no idea of where or how they l two student arms pictured the ] t~OOaS ~nop ~,~ -'~ l ~ • 1 ~ ~ kJ ~ ~ ~ t nded the ire ~nm r~eynons iamuy oi mount~ t a w- .~, ~ • I 2_ • l~ ~ ~,] o;o| Bowers and Miss True at e ~[., ......... Simmons, Pauline Warner, Fran-[ are going. Could it be the warm l turning wheels of the windmills. ] | place to select a .....'i° "~°| funeral of Louis Hoeltje in Lowden[ see ~ ernOUme t_,rottoenj°Yeaat a trlPLncKeyvme~.UnoaY.w~stO cis Reynolds and Elizabeth Fred- weather? Or is it that thing calledl The play, "Class in Geography," I gift" . I ~/o- Tuesday afternoon l~ ' ' "erick. "l"spring fever?"--HB land son "Play Ball" were pre-I~ gift. _ 1~ • *~$*~ "'~$*'| -Harlan Sober" spent the" week end[ Mr. and Mrs, Albert Gaines." A1- ......... ~ ,__ [ BRUSH PILE i sented. The song~ "Play Ball" re- ~ I~ra~¢ . X . attributed their sue- :i:| in Chicago with Nate Kazbler w ,ll berth and Leon, anct .mrs. ~ena lU l'lll~ ISI~A~ Or" ;ill ,, ,~a]. That look of rapture and certain icelved go~d applause .from the an-,] ~, ~=eL~'~ ITI ;!; Many famous men have • left Cedar Rapids to loin Mohn spent Sunday w~th Mr. and . Each one of you, the class .... ~unior eirl's face Monday was cau~' mence The remammg program I ercnle , - IK i!i cess to the wise ,uidance of their mothers ~ii~ ~ce~telYe Krupa band. 'l Mrs. Andrew Rmger near ~xxon, ULi nas_fre.ams o~_ ~_ne mtufe." ..Many oft ed I understand, by "the receipt',consisted of the play, "Mot.her | items await you, ,~¢11~ .*i.' ' • -" .. "i'| ~- .~.a ~r,-o r~ ..... 13i~hton andl Mr. and Mrs Oscar ~taoenow t uem w~ never ma~enauze, °utl of the class nictureof certain [ G o o s e Convention Hungarian |I ~r~at .~ ih i~mellt m.'~l~" ,$~1. ~ .... w~th the former s father F ed Pete p eyes light ' ' h Z durra childhood vears. For most at us, a ;!;t .......... ,~ ~r-¢= orraine McCannl and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Stab- o t s)op areammg lest you get]semor Isn't he cute Evelyn9 i Dance Telling the Truth Seven~,~ff'%--n I~1 ~.~l~ i~i g - _ . ." ." ;$.[c~.,u ....... ~,~vt~LuCnda..withMrs~enow spent Sunday at the Frankin a rut. xou nave your youm,I It s'eems that Peggy and'Ethel[Dwarf's Visit Snow White," and~~.L~: "i~0t~ 1",1 fond mother's love has been the greatest sin- ~:l°~..~°gg°:V~er Mrs J~nnie Kirk"l Klinkhammer home near Stanwood. d.reams, and ideals;..never loseI Mae have a new interest in Ma-' concluded with a tap dance to',~ frocks just in. _.~:' ~[u ~ ..... ,', ....... :- •~,.*,,h~.. ~ho Ol)nrse of otlr **~:1 ~*~r~c~ ' ] Mr and Mrs Lloyd Peterson and memj., li..tne ou..t.l.OO~ ~ s ome_w_hatl quoketa since the Epworth League !"Yankee Do, die," by oLaVonne !] eidently-, bee aU~ ~v ~+ gle llllltllffLiee Ill ~,,al'..,~ ....... *t*| v+ • . t ~ , ~. +.;+--a m,,nn.., ;,~ a ..... a~S.~u,,,~, .=+e+ ++re way to pesst-IRallv in Iowa Cit~. on Su,~a+-, i Van(aet)erg lne action at the sev-t| nlnnna¢l it th~t 'all~, ,t, ~.;I ~-.~- rou Sankot went to Ames~ r~atp~ v,~,~vu o,,,,,~,~a ,,, .... ,, ..... mism Ther- ar~ ,~,~-- ~,~h~ ,,,~,, I " " ...... ~" ' - --" ....... ~ -,--- I gmtmvu ~ _ ";:-_~.I plY] ° - J ~ • ' r r ......... a .... w., Maxine Kirk atrick's - :en awards in me a-~ grade p~ay; • ' lit ~.i lives. ,, today to spend the week end with] ........ r~_.. ~,~v,,~ ~,~,~,~,~,~k- to youth than to any other age[ un with that maai,~l 'q .... ~;,~,,,,,, displayed likeness to the real Snow .[ They_ will delig a:d ;$.* ~'*/her sisters Betty Ann and Jean.I son ano ~Le .... ~f" ~ ....... ~''""~"" group. Industry wants youth, fresh| every time sh'e'"~es" ~"-=.~'.'~.. i White and seven dwarfs in the re- | and fold you in ~,~o~ • *-* • • • . . **-° attend the annual three-oay Miss ,.ve~yn r~w~man o~ van:from the classroom i " ." . -° " ~'~"' ! • • • Iv , ;!, If your mother ~s liwng, be sure to remember ;!;[ and ....... ~[ ~-rne a student in the Cedar Ra ............;: with ~deas of[ senmr. My, my, tsn't love wonder-cent moTe. ! We invite you w • ~., . ,. • :~,/ve~sna ~esuvm. [ ~x~, , . ,, ~, now tile uuslneSS SnOUlQ De run, aI ful~ !.~-4 GRADE NEWS ~| ',~m a~,~r .~l~ $-; her w~th" some littl• e token of thougnti ulness. :!:!: Mrs. Wallace Mason. of Chicago tids Businesscollege,, was a week : zeal_ for work, and. an ambition tol ~....... ~ ou,pxta,,~;~";~'" ~tuwU......... many people -7.,----.~ -;l~ow tna~ ourh"'---par~ ......... in I.ul~ ~lgltUei']al I ~7111, OYVb°"- i[lcw*l ~i"~ $'; °° last ~eek w~th her aunt end guest of M~ss ~ima Van r os get somewhere m the world The ha I ~ It s like looking ;_~ ................. t ho day ~ visited ' ~,1 .... ... lel ve dates for the Junior-Senior!school program is over we are a~~.OOkl'llg a~" g ;_~; If slle lives only in your lnelllU/v, ........ .. ~.$~1 Mrs Mavme Dorcas Sunday eve-I sen. omer men WhO nave seen tneirl Banouet and then -"-;-- ~, ........... 1. .............r u~ual les-I | Flowers. ;*.; ..... -., . , ........ n h-;,,'ht ;*_;/ nina visitors were Mr and Mrs. IThe Methodist m~sslonary socmty castles crumble and have lost theirl ~risin~ how ma .... ;-~ ............. ( | ..... - • Y* " rive OU O ortunltyto t~=ta,, *-*,~ ,;o ~, ' . • • ~- ~, -~ s,-~ ~rem ~u pre- ~v,~. ------- ~I~ will g y PP ....... ;!;/George Johnson. /meets xwth .tMe~S.o(Jn RMGard~erRoen" ~l~12nddas~b~h~nr2:ewthe onesI fer the maiden life to that of the! The Fourth Grade has made and ~ At~raetiv'~r~ ~tF "[" nietures ofthe past . . . and to re~eet upon i i| The Mary Shaler missionary so-[ Thursuay aI e n~ ..., y . ,, - ......... y .~ a.y. "l'neyI company of our boys. I colored some original health and ~ttractt~i~ al~ :i," r " " •" ................ " " . tvS" :~:| ciety will observe Ascension dayI memoer, your ~vmmer's ~ay order i a~.e ~.ema~mmg- ' youm wire. mese] Our brilliant Merle Dahn upon l safety posters showing how to pre- } Good i • lC that were an cxp m s quanues mr mey Know mat mey bern , t • many ,' ,' ' *=.~ of prayer on Thu y, Y 3.1 " :~ ........... ~Yl " g d "n history class the' vent accidents. ' 1~',~, ~v~rv .qW~et ~ .. acts ol sacrlI e ~ rsda Ma 18 g aske l i~i ..... L..... 'ave for ,,ou "~'| They will meet at 2:00 o'clock with[ Miss Helen Snyder and Robert ~h~e~nn~Pe mecnDus,mess as^weu .as[ other day what occurred in 1793, I A perfect spelling score was at~;YI ~'~ '~ • * our nlotnc[ ,~ ] J ,* ~ v,.~,, -,~- .o,,u r a[lu ~ ,~, ,,~ sion ol y ' " ',~',IMrs E R. Calkins. |Werning of Cedar Rapios visiteo ...... • .... ~= ",~ - ~'1 eptied that John Wesley had atltained by the following boys and | ana.~pecm~ ,~- l~ ;.~ **~i ~-'- " - ~ ~,~.~ .... ~o ur~,~es-[ Sunday with the farmer's sisters re%re ~s no pmce mr ~ne Day or that time been dead for two ears irls during last week Maxine' Motlaer ;$,~ i~![_re~t~a;goao:Vl~a~,~lT"'~n~t~hec~hu~:ch[Mrs. Don Frmk and Mrs. Fred gw~..wn° nas very.lithe skin o°r[He,s certainly a well-read maYne. "l~ave, Lenore Emerson, Dorothy[ Motller. ~ .,_ ber ' " " d Greenman. ~^ ~. . ' , [ ]~ I! of l~rownswlle Texas Mr They stopped on their return from '., . "'- " " ]~ III White a mrmer resment of Day Bloomington, Ill,, going on to War .... [I |1| erloo for a week and will be here enport, was president of White-II again before leaving for their home Fhillips Investment Company. He I LisboR, Iowa Phone 20 Lisbon, Iowa in South Gate, Calif. countretired ofab°UtpoortenhealthYears andag° Onmoved!ac-~ Lisbon, A group of nine from the Meth-to Brownsville where he was in-I~ ~ odist church attended the Epworth terested in a citrus ranch. He is League Davenport District Rally in survived by his widow, who is a Iowa City on Sunday afternoon and sister of Mrs. Sam Harman, and evening. Gordon Rahn was elected two children. Mary Jane and Geo., ! , ~0~~,~5 I first vice president and Rev. Glenn jr. ~ii~.l~l~l~ ~ TAYLOR S. Hartong was elected one of the ' " three councilors. There were two[ ----~-~-~--~- [ -"~ ~"' "~ (I hundred in attendance. LISBON CHURCH NOTES i Miss Luella M°hn spent the week ST" 'OHN'S C~L'C CItURCH I DJ~ ! end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Father George Stemm, Pastor Oscar Mohn, and had as Sunday Schedule effective May 7th: guests Mr" and Mrs' L°uis Zute Sunday Masses 7:00 and 9:00 a'm i C'~'~'~ ~t~'~ I of Knoxville. Luella, who is era-Catechism 10:00 a.m, .' played in the soil conservation of- I L0"~ b 5~a'~'~I rice, has been located in Marion METHODIST CHURCH ~, for two weeks when the office was Glenn S. Hartong, Pastor moved there from Knoxville• Mother's Day has won for itself • the distinction of one of the Great ~ ~.~.~ ~ Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Stoneking Days in the Church calendar. The and three children and Mr. and spirit of motherhood is a recog- Mrs. Glenn Stoneking moved in nized power that holds the world '?rom the country this week to the together. This day will be observ- Albright property on South Wash- ed next Sunday in all churches. ivgton street. W.A. Herhst is The theme is, "Mrs. Zebedee and .... kavllag the place and will go to the request for her sons". Special Great Falls, Mont., and Miss E~ther RAKING TIME CUT IN HALF JOHN DEERE SIDE.DELIVERY RAKE DOES A CLEAN JOB AT TRACTOR SPEED THIS is the only side-delivery rake designed especially for use with trac- tors. The self-adjusting, floating cyl- inder, an exclusive, patented feature, is geared to work with the smooth, slow, easy motion of the horse-drawn rake, and a fourth tooth bar provides extra raking capacity to compensate for the faster ground speed of the tractor. On this light-running rake, the teeth follow the lay of the land and rake the hay clean into loose, fluffy windrows. Be sure to see this tractor rake before haying starts. DROP 119 WHEN YOU ARE FEATURES • Extra row of teeth for greater capacity • Floatin~ cylin- der floats the hay ~enlly into wind- rows with leaves inside @lluilt extra stron~ for use with tractor 119 TOW19 Lisbon, lowa Fterbst will retain two rooms in the house. Mrs. Ella Kutz returned Sunday from Central City where she was called by the death of her son Ar- thur Byers. Mr. Byers, 49, died Monday, May 1, after a few days illness and funeral services were Thursday. Besides his mother he leaves his wife, four children and a sister Mrs. M. D. Woodward of Prairieburg. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Crawford and Robert Dean, Mrs. Mary Terry- berry and J. S. Haak were Sunday guests of Mrs. Ida Crawford in Mechanicsville. Mrs. Haak attend- ed the afternoon Educational Day program sponsored by the National Hairdressers and Cosmetologist As- sociation of Cedar Rapids in the Roosevelt hotel. music and honorable recognition of the oldest and youngest mothers will enrich the service of the day. Young Peoples devotional hour at the Methodist church at 6:30 p.m. FEDERATED CHURCH Gaylard S. Hamilton. Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Gish were pleasantly surprised when Mrs. Annie Cook and Mrs. Elsie Buresh of Cedar Rapids and Mrs. Josie Fackler of Herndon, Iowa, three sisters, called on them• About fifty years ago Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Fackler worked for Mrs. Gish's father, David Bruch, owner of the Lisbon hotel, and this was their first meeting since that time. W. C. and Oscar Hoeltje of St. Paul, Minn., called on the farmer's sister-in-law, Mrs. Fred Downing the first of the week. They were in Lowden for the funeral Tuesday of their father, Louis Hoeltje, who died Friday at a sanatarium in St. Paul. Mr. Hoeltje was in the hard- ware business when the family were Lisbon residents for several years, returning to Lowden about thirty years ago. 10WA TELEPHONE CO. LISBON, IOWA We Have the Agency For STUDEBAKER AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS Come in and drive one of America's Low Priced cars. Arrange for your Demonstration today. Drive one and know why. Buy one and save the difference. Auto Repairing is our Specialty. Any make. Drive in and we do the rest. Reasonable Prices for Guaranteed Work Phone 150 Lisbon, Iowa E. H. Zimmer, Prop. You like to see the young folks' faces wreathed in smiles at graduation time. Forget to ive them a fine watch and they'll have to hide their disappoint- ment. Siebke & Taylor proudly pre- sents an unusually fine selection of na- tionally famous watches. Famed for their hair-splitting accuracy. Styled to please the most particular graduate. Priced to make it easy on dad's budget. Prices are from $9.75. Give a fine watch from Siebke & Taylor's, the gift they'll be thrilled to thank you for! Slebke & Taylor's Budget Plan lets you manner most (~)nven Unquestioned Quality Since 1889 ! 219 Seeond Ave. SE. Cedar Rapids, Iowa