National Sponsors
May 18, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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May 18, 1939 |
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Type Of
Will Be
ne Service will be in-
town ,tnd rural
now served by tile
telephone exchange
r, according
made today
manager for the
Telephone Corn -
Central office (quip-
Installed in a snt¢lll
Will be erected to
Present telephones
With dial role-
Cost of the telepilonc
PrOject will he :t;)out
the manager.
is nlodern service
IlSe,, said Mr. Siutl)-
skill is requir-
a dial telephone.
telephones call the
eY wish to reach by
dial at tile llase of
l)ial systents in
COmmunities have
time the dial systeut
OPeration, corn Idetc
the use of the nex, v
given to all custont-
ew System is placed
telephone service
in order to im-
Which now is inade-
all costs of providing
ice, said Mr. Simp-
hlts existed
expenses have been
efficient operation
,Present rates for
Ce Were est,~blished
ken the costs of fur-
~e Service for each
than they are
manager. Since
investment in tele-
nereased about 30
per tele-
28 per cent almost dou-
been increasing
Syste,m is not re-
rate adjustment.
it makes possible
in rates than
if the present
Were continued be-
sYStem will ,bring
orates in operat-
for business tele-
~lhaaged front $3.00
m, the net rate for
e'Party telep,hone
!r 'IIlonth and two-
telephone service
at ~ monthly net
telephone ser-
at a net rate
Installation of the
line with the aim
company to serve
equately, .~atisfae-
)mic~lly at all
the type of fele-
tioh will be most
eConontical in the
tO.hi m unity reveal
is the answer,"
'l°Yment for hun-
War Veterans has
the memorial
Will be worn on
May 27, in
Id War dead, ex-
imon(ls, Poppy
m-Howard Unit
WOtn en prepared
Servance of Poppy
~en made this
lary workrooms
Where disa'bled
do other work
Spring months.
restricted large-
ring little or no
'ensation and to
families. The
earned has gone
'families left in
reran father be-
ich 'will .be dis-
on Poppy
~ade at the Des
Vhere the disabled
n engaged in
red memorial
een supplied Lby
WOrkers paid
from Auxiliary
-rnings have ~been
during pant
are the
rs in the Auxil-
The women
flowers serve
~ers and all con-
eCeive go to the
Welfare work of
)n and Auxil-
notified ~by tile
I-Ienry Pfeiffer
Lege will receive
Will of Mr Pfeif-
April 13, i939 in
Rev. Russell Cole and Dr. Frank Cole
l{ev. l~ussell Cole was n,amed by to assume the resl/onsibilitics and
the ('ornell board of trustees Tues- duti(s of his n(w l>osilion After
day, to I)econte filmneial s(,cre-Igradilation i','onl (!o,';wll {n 1922,
tary of the college and take over for six years he was assistant secre-
th~~ work of that office which t'try of the Midland Mortgage Cotn-
heen done by his father l)r. Frank i p'my of ('edar l{al,ids, in charge of
Cole who hlts tendered his re-
signation. I)r.('pie will eontinliethe City Ix)an del);trtIIlent operat-
q.n president ofthe 'board of trus- ink in six cities.
tees, chairman of the cxeculive ]{ostolt l;nivcrsity
eou,n,ittee, ~qn(] fIN vice pFenil]ent 10ronl Cedar llapids Mr. ('pie
of the college, ttnd will work closely went to Boston lhfiversity for fill'-
with HeY. Cole when hc begins his tlter training, received the Master
duties soutetime during the sunt- of Arts degree front Boston in 1931,
mer. !and was graduated cunt laude frmn
Mcmori:d (lay services will 1)e
held in the Mount Vernon come-
tory on Tuesday afternoon, May 30.
The parade will form in front of
the American [,egh/n post hall and
will leave for t l, e n,arch to thc
celnetery lit 1:30 o'clock.
.ludge H. C. l{in~ of the Linn
('()linty l)istrict ('putt will 1)resent
the Mou,oritll day address.
[ The following progralu will be
given at the cemetery: Selection by
the Mount Vernon baud, "March
(Inward ('hristian Sohliers*': In-
vocation, Hev. IAoyd (lustafson ;
lAn('oln's Gettysburg address,
Charles Ho(lge: ]¢ea,ling" of Gen-
eral Logan's Order. Howard ()rnls;
Address, Judge tt. C. t{inK; Bene-
diction, Bey. ,I OScl)l, (l ray, Jr.;
"Anlerit'a", by the band: firing"
squad sqlute; taps; song, National
AIII ]ieUl, aceoin l)a uied 'by I}IC
I .............
,Announce Program For
Graduation Exercises
The graduatiou exeruiscs of tlle
Mount Vernon high st'heel will tie
held ill the high sc]lool aliditoriuul
I II~+xt Thursday ev(,niit~', M:,y 25, ;tl
8:0o o' eloek.
] I)r. ~V. (l. ltowley, sui, crintend-
ent of the 1)avenport district of
th( t:pper ]owIi (.oufereilCe of the
Methodist ('hurt'h, will speal( to
the gruduates o,, the Sii,})j el'L,
'"Kn¢~w Thyself". 10olh)wing" is the
prograln :
l'roeessional lligh School Band
Invocation l{uv. .losel,t~ (}ray
"Night ttn(l I)ay" ]tayden
Girl's Sextette
Address I)r. Glenn l{owley
Seleete(1 Girls' Sextett e
Award of Honors, l>rin, l¢alph ('arl
Presentation of Class -
Supt. Clyde T. 1Andsley
Presentation of 1)iplolnas
Pres. A. J. Rogers
I~enediction - Rev. IAoyd Gustafson
l{eeessional High School Band
M.V.H.S. Senior Class Will
l)r. Col(+ J)egan his career qs a i the Boston l,niversitySchool of
minister on l'eb 5 1895 at 10ort "tcolo "v it, ,", Present Play Friday Eve
• ' ' ; , g. 133~, withthe degree
Smith, Ark., where he rcmained for i of llachelor of ~acred Theology. The senior class of the Mount
two and a half years before tr'tns- tAt commencement this year Cor- Vernon high school will llresent a
ferring to the Upper Iowa confer-
once. As a direct testimony to l)r. [nell will award him the honorary eontedy "Early to lled--F:arly to
Cole's efficieney and .guidance to]degree el' Doctor of l)ivinity, lose", in the hig'h school auditor-
the churches he has served, he held l~ev. ColCs Methodist pastorates ium on Friday evening, -May 19.
only four charges during about 38 include Charlton City, Danvers, Genevieve Ann Snyder will play
years of service in the II'pllt,r h)wa tleading, Winchester, all of ,Massa- the leading part, of Patsy li'uller,
iconferen,ce. I ebusetts, Since 1937 'he has been :Othersa mischievoUSin ttteeleVCncast :u'e:year ohlHowardChihl.
His congregations were so well : a field representative for Boston Oruts, Charles Hedge, l~etiiia Ber-
satisfied with his work that they University, working in connection anek, ('ornelia Brooks, l)avid Hull,
were always .anxious for Iris return, with the Century of Service for the l'atricia Mitchell, Elhm Sutliff, i)on
let.ont tinte to time he selected University School of Theology. TheKrumm, Violetta ('ook, and iIow-
for nlore responsilde charges. Pan-
torates he has served are North-cantpaign in which he bas :been ard Fisher.
wood, Waverly, V~raterloo and l)av-iw°rking will be contpleted in ,June.
enport. Athlete • : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : -- : -- :
W,hile at ~Vnterloo he was instru- Mr. Cole is ma,','ied, has two Was Wed Tuesday
mental in the tmihling of the beau- daughters, aged 14 and 6 and is a
tiful ieirst Methodist church therc.. Mason. He is fond of travel aud • : : : -~ : : = : : = = = : : ~ : : : : ~ : : -~
lcroln 1921 to 1927 he district ]toured Europe in 1934. While a
superintendent of the ('edar I{apidsstudent in (~ornell college he was
district, an outstanding athlete, competing
It was a fortunate (lay for ('.or- both in football and track. He was
nell college when ])r. Cole beeante track captain in lq. '2. '~ and was a
vice president and finan.cial secre-
tary of the collegein the fail ofI member of the relay team that
1927. /~()n in the ])rake, Illinois,and
He first became a n~em.berj l'enn Relays.
of lhe .board of trustees in 191'2 .~lrs. Col('
and was elected preside.nt of the Mrs. Cole, w'ho will /)e remora-
board in 1926. He has ;been a bered as Miss Arrola Bush of Van
lnell3ber OI" the ext'('tlti\'e OOllllnit- }Ioruc, is tin a]uninus of (~ornel]
tee since 1916 ~ltl(l ('hilirlllltn since(in(] a person oi' ohttrllling" l)erson-
1927. "tlity.
tTn(ler his sound, conservative,
After she had a fantily she re-
and shrewd nlanagenlent, ttle Cor-
nell endowl,lent has*'}leen w sely in- turned to Cornell for a sunluler
vested and tile reitl estate holdings sessiol/ and coinpleted work for her
ellTi('iently opcra'ted unlil (h)rnell
is ] A.B. degree whic'lt was awarded
in the best financial condition of in 1.q31. She became interested in
its history, writing during' a course under
Not all "~re familiar with the Prof. and Mrs. Tull in sumnter
fact that I)r. C.ole tllks ,worked long school and her stories and verse
hours daily and has visitcd tim 34
]lave ,been printed in The ttusk.
('ol]ege fill'IllS, sortie of whiCil are..
3110 miles from here, at regular Writing radio ,prog'rauIs ,for a
intervals. The average return nalional hookup is It highly s]te('ial-
front the farms according to his ized activity Io ,which lnany are MRS. I)ALE ,IOHNSTON
last report to the trustees vv,as 3.28 called and few chosen 'l)ut Mrs. Cole Miss ,lean IiHizabeth llttrge, only
per cent. The ave.rage net re- is making a decided success of it.d,aughter of ~Mr. "~nd Mrs. H'trold
turn on the $2,269,996 en~lowment
She writes most of the programs Burge, bccante tlte ,1)ride of Dale
l'or the fiscal year ending last
August 1938 was 4.12 per cent. for the leleischmann's Yeast hour
Income from investments is ab- listed under the name of William
sohttely vital to the operation ofI, Stidger, which ean be heard
a college and in handling Cm.nell Monday to Friday at 9:45. Accord-
finances in such It sound and .~lfe ittg to the, ('rosley rating there are parsonage in Mount Vernon, on
Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
m,anner i)r. ('ole has performed afour nil]lion listeners. There areThe Rev. Joseph Gray officiated.
work of great value to the college a l)out 2,000 fan letters a week, 'Phe conple was attended iby Mi~s
and to education, many from l,]ngland and h.elandt~oberta Johnston, sister of the
Rev. Cole both by training Itnd where it is picked up on the short groont, and ,by Vernon Burge,
experience is extremely well fitted wave. brother of the bride. Witnessing
t'he eerentony were: Mr. and Mrs.
Mount Vernon Is 49th In
Sales Of Baby Bonds
A release from the Treasury De-
partment lists the total sales of
Savings Bonds at $2,4a7,108,850.
Chicago leads the nation in sales
for the first class offices-- Calu-
met, Mie,higan leads the second
elass offices and Horse (?ave, Ken-
tucky for the second consecutive
year leads the third class offices.
Approximately 22,000 post of-
fices throughout the United States
sell Savings Bonds. Antong the
113 second class offices in Iowa,
Mount Vernon ranked 4.qth in per
~'a pita sales.
Rev. Joseph Gray jr., pastor nf
the ~{ount Vernon Presbyterian
church, expects to leave Monday
for Columbus, Ohio, to attend the
Presbyterian general assein bly
meeting. I~.ev. Gray was chosen
commissioner to the assem,bly at
the Cedar R.apids Presbytery held
in Cedar Rapids last month. He
will return home the last of the
month. Dr. A. t{. King will supply
in the Presbyterian pulpit a week
from Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cole of On-
t~rio, Calif., were visitors on Tues-
day and Wednesday at the home
of l)r, and ~VIrs. Frank Cole• Mr.
~ole is a brother of Dr. Cole and
Call it was ~he first time they Im,d seen
28-3t each other for 35 years.
[ Burge, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice John-
High School Band Will stnn and chihlren, Mauroen, Joan,
Play Concert Saturday Eve Marilyn and Carolyn; and ('barlcs
• On Saturday evening, May 20, The bride ,wore a (Ire.~s of pew-
ihe Mount Vernon hgih s('hool band der i)hle htee, with accessories of
under the direetion of l{iehard navy blue und pink. Her corsage
10uller, will present a short ntusical wlts of pink rosebuds, and lilies
' prograltl on the high school l~wn. of the v:tlley. Shc wore It dianmnd
In case of bad weather the pro- lavalier that had bclonged to her
gram will be presented in the high grandntother Burge. The ,brides-
school uuditorinm. This will be maid wore a tan lace drens. Her
the lirst opportunity forMount corsage was of gladiolis and lilies
Vernon peolde to see the band in of the valley.
its new unifornts. After the The .bride was t)orn lln(i raised
program ~by the 'band the Scttool in the vicinity of ~Mount Vernon
.Mosic Sponsors, who were respons-and has spent her cntire life in
ihle for lhe 1)nrcimsing of the uni- this community. She was graduat-
fort:IS, will have an ice creaul so- e(t fronl the Mount Vernon high
eial. The spoi,sors lteed &bout scltool in 1938 aud h'is been active
twenty (lol]ars to COml)h,te the pay- in 4-H Girls clu't) work.
m~qlt for the unifornis and are hav-Mr. Johnston was grluluated
inF" lhe social for that purllose, from the lA,~l)on high school in
- ......... 1935 and is engaged in farming
Students of Miss Pinkerton with his father. The new hOnle
Will Present Recital May 23 has tleen established on the John-
ston esta.te farm near IAsbon.
The Cornell (,olle£c conservatory Thirty-five relatives and friends
of Music will present a group of were guestn at a reception given at
students of Miss Huth Pinkerton the Burge home at 8:15 o'clock
in a song recital Tuesday evening.Tuesday evening. 'Phe home was
M~ty 23, at 7:1t11 o'clock in the Cor- beautifully decorated with bou-
nell chapel. I"trticipating \viii be: qnets of white lilacs, lilies of the
I)orothy Beach, Winifred Neal an,dvalley, and narcissus. The color
Robert Bryant front Mount Ver- schente of green and white was
non; Margaret Pierce Neva Kluss !carried out in the decorations and
F'htvis H.icha~xls, Marjoric Humby, ]refreshments. The Misses Mar-
Laura Halvorson, June ,Mathison garet Siggins, :Margueritc Bear and
Bernice Goagh, John Crouse, Chat'-Helen [Agh,t, friends of the bride,
lotte I~einke and Edith Carver. The and Miss Clara Brown, a cousin,
public is cordially invited to at-assisted with the serving of the
tend. refreshments.
Plans Are Made For
Alumni Banquet
The Mount Vernon high school
~It]nnlni i)anquot will be served by
the Industrial Society in the l>res-
byterian ehllrch on l,'riday evening,
May 26, at 6:30 o'clock. The 1939
high school gr~tdu:lting ('htsn will
be g'llests Of houor ~il,d will I)e in-
dueled into the Uhlliini association.
Mrs. tlazcl (llllln, nlcllll)er of the
('laSS of '21), will be toasItllistress.
l)auciltK will ,lie ill the high school
gylllnasiunl after tile bqln(|llel•
At It lllecling hehl recen'lly by
the* ofl'ict!rs, t|le folio,whig eonlulit-
tees WeFe appointed : l) I'Ogl'all I,
~ll's. (}linll,Mrs. ,~,lHe l,'oster, Mr.
all(t .~[rs. }lowttl'd Neal; noininttt-
ing, IAiurence ]llinter, Mrs. ]~ldon
I)e('anlp, Miss Vera Wicl. IIertha Bittle has b:,en the .MFS. ,leroule, t,:dntonds, W;a~bing-
oIIly lUC|nber residing in I,isbon ton; \.\rill l{upert, I,,'ugone, ()regon,
for 0. n|lluber of ve:lrsI,'()tlt' or rtmle 4; Mrs. Jantison, Shell Rock,
live nlcnl}~ersof the eluss :ire ex- Io\~a; Mins I)odd, Cilarles City;
ipecled to be pvesent at the b;tn-Miss Davis, lies Muines, 61i3 l','liclid
jqllet, .\l~ty 26. , Axe; Mrs. Bittle, l,inboll.