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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
May 18, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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May 18, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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7 Page Four THE MOUNT VERNON. I()%VA. HA%VKEYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON HERALD I~SY I i iii 1 i~]l , i] |, I ill H • INH I ..... ..,..oo~..',-. .... *****.~.:..*~**.o. ,... - " " r S G Fouse were (%1{I) el IllXNK,'4 '*~*~~ .............. ]5 AND 6 GRADE NEWS I T • • T • v. ]~ l- i"~g • * t,'.**'~ **,o,..;,,,***oo,,..- . ° . ° ° ° ° • Mr anu ra s } 1 • _ ___ visitors in Clarksville on Sunday. ,:..,,,as our [ U*.I [ Perfect spelling papers were writ-i IAsDon LoeaJ Items t t'r_oeeeqlngs ~alMPe NI~ TU[ U/Illr IM I [qRflM Miss Eva K Floyd was a guest thanks amt sin,ere appreciation [ t, xOl.~,X, Ill 1Jlll~o [ten all week by Orvin Kent Frink, ~ ] Board Ot ~ut UVIll~O ur lilt, TYLLII !11 LIOUVL1 Sunday of Mrs. L. P. Krome in to,. tt!e dona!lon~ .and ~l,'l. that] ....... --.~-5_:_-Z2:.~.~ ....... ]Lawreneff Gouehee~ L~^Vonne Van-[, Mrs. Rosa,l~ght l~lnl:Tprovln~l T ,'~ . ~ -- ar Ra ida was g3ven ,)v tm, l.lm)on ,, H'e t oK- / N~JW~ ~TA]FI~" /ueu~, a.u r.uu*.u ~.• I ..u,,, ,,.-, ....................... , . Jnn , ~.~TV i a. , ,h R~ ire~,ntatlve PI one 12.5 Ced P " " " • • • a e "'s-' nurs flora Ce- ~_,. ...... ~ .OW . John E. l~|{|lug ,. l - , *o 135Mr. and Mrs. Lewis" Jonas and piny,. OUl" nelghoors, and the Goodt Edltor--Marflyn Frmk [ Friday was a ...... busy day for us.] I loren e KLs]nger, .e n Session," 1939 Mr.~. Fred Bittle. News l{eporter, I h ne .. childrenof Cedar Ranids visitedChe(,r club during and after the Assistant Editor--Wilma Gage We made Mothers Day cards. We]dar Rapids, ~s asmstmg Mrs. Je - ......... ,r .... d;,,, in the R~h~rt ~,eese home toss or our home i)y fire. Hoping[ Typists---Marilyn Frink, and EvelynI wrote letters to ou~, teacher's, moth:[ nie Kirkpatriek in earing for her / ........... ountV of l • ,~,~,_~.*-o.~~~"*'**:**'a***°:'~*'*~:~:~:~:';';~;~;~;'~' ~'"*"*'~ ................ "ome do-" we eun'n these / ievers / er, Mrs. ~l~cn wno recently nan[ mother I S~,~ ,,, Io,~ ,, C c~dar R • _ ................ * ........ n¢ Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Charles Howard l'indlv ,h,eds in s,)me other w'lv [ Reporters---Robert Huey Bill Mohn [ an operation in Fargo, N. D. We [ ........................ ] February : Mrs. J. A: S wan.ot ..r'lato lS,VlSn_-.I ;t~or.dau. l~ter"I~r~V~ary Tonne West Union were eTLa. ay" w~ttors " The Kershlke " | Gordon Rahn Otto ~use Loweli] finished the day by defeating Mt. i. ".'." anu.~t'°'.,'".'2.'a.r ..... a,,~\u,:u I The Board of SuperviSo~ ing for an mdetlmte ume wlm ner[ w t2 . .. s ,, . L" .....non in the Mr and wlrs. unarms moezt faro[i-" -| Andreas Jean Vandeber:~ Mar / Vernon's kittenball team 21 to 20 [ rarnuy or i etrolt, .vllen., were wen- suant to adjournment, a- sister Mrs. F. S. Armstrong. and rurally nearw~oum vev . home ~" v[ ~,~,~,~ v:,~a,ho,, l~,,~lv,S~t .... f[ It was a thrilling game "[ nesday guests in the honle of the ling oresent. -l ' • • il ren .............. ~ ............. ~' --~--'" "~-~-~' - • • . [ • . ., .. ...... On oration bv Supervisor Mrs Clara Wilson of Marion Mrs. Norman iYechau^and ch d Mr and Mrs. Charles Dodd and Mrs (; W. Stu,','es of Cedar] Peggy Frink Deborah Graver.] Richard Frmk has been very lll ltmule' s taste,. *hs. 1Aoyd Wa~ne~. Ionded b- Suoervisor stirm,. hP~r~. George Graver and family, with he . . " Sunday m the mrs. Fred Kohl ",o~,um )n( el Wt ln(sd v and/ Reap Ethel Bigger Harry Big-[ ~ vlmted with another brother lbers votmg "Aye thereon / s nt Sunday with he aughter o~. Mount Verno[~ w~ted Friday Mrs. Fanny Pfaff of Tipto sp ntira lids was a .nest iu the (?. R. ' "" with an e mf . ~ Mr: and M)s. Wa~ne~ and guests . . " i! ' ,~, adoptee r d . r aunt Miss Bertha Koch ..... In e ~ r Caroline Kepler, Katy Kruse, Lois[ ye ection I ........ I mg resolution ~ ~s _ Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hill had as Mr. and Mrs ..Harley Rooertsonith home. "' ,urs,l'tv., " [ ger Pauline Warner' Bonnie Sim-/ Weddln, s , i ('harles [[lake at Grandview. RI.2SOLb'TIONboH XPPROvALANDoFqT' their weekDean?d g~ueSmt to~eJ°r~ien~S ~nd da~ght~ISrZ~i~tery cS~.:;?Y I-~le MisStJoeanenS(~nk2et WaSeh°emn(~ ~7~h Ben Stahl of Davenport spent the/ ~°nncSaFrances Reynolds, Kenneth] I'I [hi| i ]b R PI~ORb i Mr and Mrs S S l)unn and ~ MANENT TRANSFFA ooot r • : _ _ , '': < : out ........... ton. D. C. .Mrs" Arnold yox ann ~ranK .an° her _narents Mr. and Mrs. Charles %Tillor,.vi...~........... h~rao ~unaav~ _,,is[tore. . were] --------- | The .wedding of .Miss Deloris• [ F -ida,,~ called. [)-~ the d~ath~ . of M~s. • ['nanus"'~'~'%"%'2"*"o[ tne TreasU~e-~"'" -~ t D C Davis of Mt Bill Fey of Wheatland spent FridaySankot Mr and Mrs DeMa ne Solma of NEW LIFE [ Pfeiffer and Harohl Pred no -e [ John 1 l)unn and spent t']e .week I$105 487 17 ered ted to the ( rnon and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. w~th thew smter Mrs. L. E. Cry y. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Horace Yeisley of Chicago• A new life ]s soon to begin for] both ot M~useatme, took place at/cud in the Gardner home. The ier_a! F und~ and -'- n( Mr. and Mrs_ . . - ' • 11 ~ " " " Y " " " • * • ' ........ - " ~ " ' VenderLinden and children of Mar-I W. M. Ferguson of Cedar l~plds [Cedar Rapids spent Sunday•with Mrs. Mary Bailey is in the Chas. the senmr c~ass o~ '39, wno are/nme o'clock Vr,day evenmg, May [ Harry Sizer family of Washington ]haW2E~RI'AI~ tlhreeresurer ion visited Sunday w~th the Har-twas a guest WedneSday m me nome lhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wfllardl Johnston home south of town dur-[ .~eavlng me naus oi ~,. n. ~. IOOK-[ 5, at the home of Rev. and Mrs. I were guests also froul Saturday $1 857.61 credited to the v old Davis family, of his cousin Mrs. Ehzaoem lxUnKle. Yeisley. ling the illness of Mrs. Johnston ]~ng torwar~, 2eW]Gaylard S. Hamilton. Mr. and/until Mondly mornin,g. Mrs. G. [Fun,% and .... is desired • • . • . . ' ~ZLtuuI~, ~IIU ll~W ~tlV~lltUl'~. lll~y " )' '" " ~ " ' • ' "" 1~*'***'~'*'=' "~ 0 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Graver,[ Buddy and Jackm Bridges of Mt. ] Mrs. Henry Fowler is spendmg[who is recovering from an attack/are "re"ared to con-uer them and] Mrs. 1 ,ttllek Smith attended the] x,V" Sturges of Cedar H.~plds wan a]$l 500 from the General C Everett and Eleanor, were among Vernon spent the week end with this week with her daughter Mrs. [ of the flu ] ,t._~..~.P ,~.~: .... *4 _,~ .... ~,,_:_] couple. They are at home in the [ Wednesday evening dinner guest for the following reasonSi aI grOUPs ce'°f twelve.~ aentertained at]l, their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J'l/RalphMr, and Mrs. Louis Lembaugh[momersMeCulloUghnem a~ and~nugfamilYmaroornear]me~1[] Miss. GeI trude" Ukahamer" of Le-|[ ()[ ] t~;~"~÷,.~ ' s,. ~,,~ ~v~,,~r~,v, ,,,..,,, ,,o ~,vw---"~"~'~-~] Bu rlinghaul.¢mt~aecuOnlora OtuwensPr°perty'xLms Elva'" recently, rmwley' va-lot•, Dr,~,,u~,,,~__and_,Mrs. Gardner. -**. i temb~r'Coun y SessionBa ()al rfl i'O[o )~ea;e~re, Sunday dinner in the Mr. and Mrs.[M. Bridges. Alburnett. Claire. Miss Elva Bowl[e. and Fos-[ classmen of the world To do thi;] cited by the Kent family on West 1122 ,,,ills on an ta~abL' Irving Graver home in Cedar reap- Mrs Harold Gardner and Miss Dr and Mrs Alex McKean of ter and Lcster Auliff of Davenport/they mu¢¢ hue i,m~ ~,'~om;o,~ ÷h~,~l Main street• Mr. Prednlore is ~ the County, Taxes payao :~- [ "" " .......... aterloo s"ent the ~ -" " "" '" " ~ "- ~ • ~'nda'" visitors in the W S ! _.4. _7-_~_- .:.-- v ..... ~.'~ .*'"~= I truck driver for the Standard I,'ol-- ] I i year 1939. said levy wLll ; lug. i ~race ~ltLle oz vv P [ Laoora were vial]ors on ~unuay 1.I wele ~u y . .| SKIllS Wfllcn mey nave acquired ana~ ............. ~| 1~ Am' ~O I/for the District Fair Fu [OU____.O-" tile lilY oi [ile rllat:illll• t~H_ I~ I ~ / . U ~ fll her M'rs F g A T U R g S H:::r:h:::l:::o:::::c:ai:r. t "re_'- I?~]-" " ~ ~'"'~" ~"- "g ou• p ot l.elatl~ves nan a lCnlC i s Anl Or :fsolm] of t, hem never r .a~ (ling (.onlpa.ny oi .vlo•lli]e 11110 ] R k In |. f iflllfi rSee US" " .[,1"." *fir l* **in "" rd" finOu nn.t , rs. V. V. Brown of Central City week end with thew mot • the home of Rev and Mrs. Hugh V~ eirick home. i developed, for much depends uponl " : ' ' ~ ~ /~ -- ----- i "--- ~ B ] solution of the Board isM nding a few da~s in the homelAnna Belie ,lille Robinson [ Mr and Mrs, J. S. Hank had as|the correct use of these skills inl t ..... =~..---~-,, [i l¥1av 1 lme 111~3~ ,,00:00 of the::' pe " " ' " • " ' .... alUl~tlll~ lIl~[/l~ ~ • ~ eo [o [he All IOWa , __-f _the Rev. and Mrs C F Stratton.. Mr'. and Mrs George Argotsmger, Dr, and Mrs. E. p." Bigger. and. "Sunday dnmer' "guests. Mrs.. 'Ida/" their new. life. In school this class[ ........... g, " ] ! .... J ...... " ! I Iowa, and $2.000f(.)r00 usecwas l; This afternoon Rev. Stratton ts .to John and EIva Mac, and Kate Kruse family spent Sunday with his Crawford of Mechanlcsvllle; Mr./ has built up character and person-[ ffllSS Lucnle r~mngton ! |And we watch it in all |[IAnnCounty Fair, ,ln "h s ak to a high school group in the visited Sunday with Mr. Argot- mother Mrs M C. Bigger at New| and Mrs. Orville Crawford and[ ality for each member knew this[ And James E. Doyle 1 | ~~_~_~'" "* "~.--_'" | Iowa, however, dUrmhge '~iPipton schools, and with Mrs. Strat-i singer's mother in Iowa City. Boston Ill. I Robert Dean, and Ralph Moeller. [ time of departing would come all] -- [ i t~autlIUl mercnan-- ! l thfe thenYe~roulngt38' I~t:ir, ton and their house guest Mrs. i Mrs. W. H. Thompson spent the[ ~V~r and MrsFrank Moffitt and[ Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Fry and son/too soon, and he also knew he mustI Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Ellington[~ {llSe that go With tne ]lstroyed by fire. therefO Brown will be dinner guests m the eek end with her daughter Mrs "'" " Swi'tzer of Olin were Llo d Jr of Malcolm also their be prepared for many things evenI of Viola. ~wish to announce the ~ gorgeous fragrant | (:ounty Board of Supe:V , • w Mrs. Sam Y "' ' " In' . • ". . • , lurtner aiu tne ~.,,,.- -- home of Prof. and M s. i Julius High and family near Me-]sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Lea-]son Kenrleth Fry and wife of Ce-/ . . "- -- gg.- -[• . . : _ - .'" . month.- |,by grantng an addition r Holmes in famme or war A stru le for rec a~ rmge of then daughter I ueflle ~ a Tir~ton ! thanit~¢xril]o I ..- ~;..~^u / A=,- Wanids snent Mother's Da,, withl ognluon lies aneaa out mis armyl Ceenia to aaules E, lIoyle son of I | .......... _ _ I ~-ear 1939 for the purpOS • " inia • • Mr. Fry's mother and sister Mrs. 1caving L. H. S. is prepared to Mr. and Mrs. J. l,,. Doyle of l,isbon, I I Step in Our Froek Shop |It,on or a new gr nd ta' ~6! Misses Margaret and Vlrg ............. |~chieve andachi~veth,~-illwiCh[wh~-h*,,,~v~, .................. ~, .-Ao.... ,I WHEREAS sa,u ...... ---" ] Burd of Iowa C~ty spent the w [ and Bernelce spent Sunday with] .... [ T 1-T ~. h~*-: ................. "~ ........ ] | a*tu ~-~ ] [ permanent in' need ' nd ~ -- .. .-. ........ . . ........ tz~tttlA ott ~ttt:.t alan wt~su-I ~,ug'ust G 1,~;$8. I I ---~---- 11388, (?()de of 1935, and I ~-- I ~a2ia~sndteMiied:amentr;~u!~fi°m~S.a~D~!e~t~!:i1~y°nNd:y~:!:~dMt!ytG°t~L7H~7~/: s~o:°F~"e ::; !i~aVneYm~ b~i~abidiTftdT~{~sS~nfpaaip~!i ii~ei~':elGi~!Ts;Rogi:!Y:!~:th~: :f~il S;RAW-~RRIES i i~X:Ti~llt~e~ro]:{°~n~' I ~ H g g i ~ H F F B / Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Frink [[ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoeft were[ ,~n*o,*~;,,~n "~ = a, ....... ,o eI . . " .p . p g sI .'..'.. j • • " . . t. ]l can now behad for a e| oi~ motion'b.,'SuperviS [ |[| lllL-IL-L~ Ill. t-~ sons and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Tlus-~sunday dinner guestsof the Charles[~',,~¢'~_~:~'~ev~nin~'*'-'~l~e;~'~,,ff;:lwere in trounced a.,no a young pro-Ttne•eu!tor of "The B, ugle," lqlls-]~ most reasonable nrice. |ionded by Supervisor S~ s ........ • ,.. 2..n xxr;m~ra of Cedar Rapids~ ,,.~- ..~.a., the occasion observ-I ...... ~ - ~ .... ~ .... °1 lessor ot t~orneu ~r ttussell ~oop- I worth ~.arson Tne Ioll(~wing corn- / | ~'~'" "7,'~ ....... ~ ..... | !lowing" ~'esolution wa~ | 0 r 0 A 0 ~ | ~J ~ | ......... nda-, -uests in the R L.[ ........ r+hda-, of Mrs Hoeft l were Gee fie s grade teacher MissI er gave a very good talk on "Op-[ plete the cast: Jay Hanson the i | iou,ay they are lie a | [members voting "Aye. | ~ ~m r ~ u a ] [1 o [ ~"~in~k ~ome ~ lV~onday visitors werel "Mrs.~ Victor "Gustafson] ~Iemn wisna~, and ~unoay scnool[ portunities for Youth Today" The "it" boy of the school Joe Bova' li quart and wil.lbe less if |1 RESOLU'r j • . ~w . . , teacner Mrs. ~aul wicKersnam also r ' • / " ' ' • • ~'HEREAS the Boar | -- - ~_.. | Mr and Mrs P E. Frmk of Cedart Virgil Stackhouse and Gaylandl ~wro ~, ~ T4art ...... ~' .... )] g PUp adjourned at 8.15.--BM Shorty George, business manager ~ can possibly do it. I_[ ......... :=,., town | !UT ~ Rapids. | Miller of Waterloo were week endI Jr and Mrs L N Rahn 'i COMMENCEMENT .. of The. Bungle .and the eternal | That s our method. Good |1budget estimate of t • A .....s p ~ • -- ...... ~'--:-'--'~ atl -.~'~ in the I V Merriss home ~ ...... t its a calm quiet evening wire al paz or Jay, leee .VlCrteury; I)ora q~ .... !.---.!-" ..... ai _.2.. |]for the year 1939, lev~ Rev C Jr. ~tratton ol.c~u~eu guc~ .... Mrs Earl Warner and Miss Dais ' lllel-~ll;rl[1Ul~ig, ~ln~l, ll pI'lg on all taxable ropert • " " Central • " Y rising yellow moon There is an l)ean, the sooiety editor and Jay's l " P th~ { ~ U M M t fl I two funerals Tuesday in . II Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Van Fossenl Burd attended a meeting TuesdaY[ ....... " .... i ........ li es ]ltobe credited to --- Cit The funeral of Mrs. Wilham and family were Sunday guests in[ evenin~ of Mary Steele Guild ofl alr.m exc~temem, m me at mospnere! enle[ cause mr worry. Jean van l| • I [Ground Fund, and I ....... ... , I .~ Y: ............ ~"~ Fed]] ........... t ._. ~" ..... "l as 1i sometnmg Important is going de ~erg: .wargaret Allison the hi- II ~ | ~HEREAS in levY]! | ~~fft-t ~.:~=::~ | ...... "~aro Richard Barker of[ Tonne and Dick" Tonne in Bona-[ guest• [ '"~-^ ........... ;' .... 9 ...... ]l]tll'ke, of the police department, ! Sandwich Snread | p.y the Board hO t SO' | ---~,in~ ore rease which is, put 1 &vxv. a~u ~'~ ~• . -I . / / ~..o..lxvt~etiietl~ v~ wt,a~, x a~ Bill ivlonn', and .~wenson, the dumb • r • t~oullty, Iowa,. tzta •, | ~7,'~h~ ~n~elal wheel ]Mount Vernon were co-hosts at a[ party. ] Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long hadl myself• ]sn,,k ~e *h .... u.~ ¢ .... ~.--I| __.__ ] leollected during the Y, ~. ,,a~, ,- ~- nm inthe HIll f , ,x~ [to the Dlstr](t va]r • | ,"~ ".'~' ~.--: "~,;~,:,,. |party Friday eve " g " l[ Mr• and Mrs. Glenn Gabbert ofla amily dinner in their home on[ "Why commencement of social re- I t~asn(ore ................. 1| CMif t~-an~ la~ 15c |,,d ..... All ~ • acKer lout • • . • , .... --- ~, ..... , . • .,~,~ .... i bearing repac~er. IUUt ] home following the May Music Fes-[ Muscatme and Mr and Mrs Ira[ Sunday in observance of the May[ sponsibllities ' replies my con-[ ....... I | ....... ~ [ Papids Iowa and if a shared' ' -- ', ' t t.ouls t~rannaman is the stage I| zUC. zac. ann ~oe otal } front wheels are repine- | tival concert• Fifty guests a[ Maiden and family of Martelle were[ birthdays of their son Merle andt science ...... " ~s , ," " i ]leered 'n aking a t • , ulanager. .vtem~)ers ot tne proper- • . . . t n to led e 19 05e/o | and adiusted, the courtesy. | Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.Ison-ln-law, Clayton Nosley. Com-[ "What's all this about~' you ask ] ........ [I Arlz heavv in ~ulce 25¢, |~a d P g -$- " -~ar ...... " i n letin the rou r . . " " ty crews are Avnerta IOrK, -vtax- "~ d a ~ - leered during the y~ | ...... _ ~ - -- . | ........... C'-eor~,e Johnson.] Charles Ma de . / P g g p we e Mrs. Long,] Thin my reader, is Commence-/i.. ~ .............. /l ~fl,~ ~1 ~,~ i I the District Fair Grot • • • ~wr,a.u ~,--~. -~ b , Mrs Nosle Marlene andh ' '. ........... ~ aml :.via •JOrle l~ranna- ~.,,,. t~..,a vt.~. I air Iw | Special Spring Price C, onnie and Mrs S E'.[ Mr and Mrs. Hubert Stoddard of[ . Y, C arles, l Kent night for Lisbon High School l ~> " .... , ./[ .-. . • |11,inn County F . i /r,_~_f- ~ ~'----L il/1,,,~,~lo | ~'~-'~-~'--~'~t'a~tendecl the Baccaiau-I Minneapolis Minn. and iris parents[ Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCoy and[ seniors. ]n~tn..,,~ i~'~)l:S~ty isn In charge or L| t~raperrult, 5, 6, 8 or |l[ra]~C!t2", iowa, a~mt, ror L rrunL ,, aa~*,, ~,,,,r,~o • , ' ' Tomm of " • .,.a.' ..... v,',,,,, am, oan,ce muey .-~.¢~tru ., ~, reate in Mechanlcsvllle Sunday eve- Mr and Mrs Frank Stoddard of[ y Cedar Rapids and Lau-] As soon as the ceremony is over ] .._ ." . • " • I| 10 for 25c • i000 ...... for & lr~;~ ••**~*,, / ning, and this evening will attendlAnamosa werevisitors Saturday inlrence Long. [they will walk out of the auditor-i~l~:C:ne: ;;:~:ttaeedlSM:~nP:;i~dl| New Potatoes 71bs 25c ~1 CJn "motion by SuP ommencement program. Mrs. the Mrs. Jonn rteiger nome. A family group for Sunday dinnerl ium free from school burdens and[. : ..... . " '" g [| ' | I seconded by super ~ • front the C • • ' • " res onsibilitie bu h Coo~, ana /~utn rtarman is the , o'clock A M., March I Note--RePacking.. front t lArbingast's granddaughter Mar~oriSeI Mr. and Mrs. Mflo Kahban andI !n the parental F. J. Kolek home] P ....... s, _.t: o_, the newih.~,,~ .... h~,. mh..~.. ~ ..... ~. *~ I~ Carrots ........................ 6c |]ti .... and date set fo | wheels is a special job | i Whitman is a member of the grao- I children visited Sunday with herl mcmaed Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ko-I responsloumes wmcn mey take on/ .:~" ? ....... - ,~."" v'.'~ "~'.~""~"....... I][g'~hi~o~,~ A,,I I for 8,710 lineal feet ot " ~ • • lek and David Lee of S rin vill • are much greater and of a more ' .... ~ ...................... culvert p'pe • rt of a re u- uatmg class, mother Mrs. Anna Reyhons in So- p g e, . • . ..... Audit, t ar of aregu I ............ --Ilon and in the ,~arental John Kali[IMr. and Mrs. Robert Kolek of Ce~lser]°us nature. Upon their should-/ Tmkets f°r reselved seatsmay bell Chick Feeds that make I]a~'dthe~(2°untYto hub: | lar grease job. Petter | Mrs. J. r~. ~.onnston, w~rs. --e,z?21 hnn home in Mount Vernon [ dar Rapids: Mr. and Mrs Joe[ era may rest the future of millions•] purenased fronl Ramsay's Drug [| th~ ~,hb, b hnrrv f, hrtdi. ~ ]o~ ".~ll"'~]e~nt)ers (~oti: | have your front wheels [ Johnston an~ ~rs; ~lOy~ o -% ...................... o .., ': .... ^1Staskal and family and Mr. and[ Several who plan to be doctors may[ Store in IAsbon. t| ~"",~.. k...a'~'--"--..--a--"-'.~-:...-*~" ~'~-"~ ~ [ ~'" " .-~- u[ i . _ _,_:_t t attencteu me iunera~ ot ct~e a~. .°1 ~..~. o ~v e ~=~=.,.~ w~.~ ~o! ~,.o ~_:, ~__.~ ..... ! sa.,~ ÷h~,,sands of li .... b-" formu-~ ---- t• ~l-l|~uu i~llU lttt~a. .t[y ai On motion ,y S. i eaeeKeu. }!sister-in-law Mrs. Jane Platner, m Cedar Falls Friday, called by the] ynons and iamuy O{llat, ind, rums -- IJ full-o-hen or Purina AI l/seconded by SuperVlS • "' r " " • ~w~u.~ v~.on; wesley ~urton ann s . ~v~ a ,,,a~ u~ a.- r r " " C untv Auditor was | ~ • J-r~¢~ ~ ~ | Mechanlcsvflle on Monday afte - serious illness of her sister Mrs. i~..... ~n at home ' chitects or im-^rtant nav-" or arm--| ACADEMIC TESTS I ....... l/ • . ee ~J~k 1 "~ I~',/~ |noon. Others attending were Mr. JeanPhilpot, who passed away inI ~'="" ,, ; I men White'e; their ~)Ysition iYn~ ~ ~ SO Ieeaing oat.mea . _~o: |] dra hew rdantvS O~e~si | ,~'* " --.-- ~ :'-- .~ ] and Mrs. O. P. Dill, Mrs. Caroline the evening. Funeral services were[ wlr. an% mrs. marlan Sober, Shar- [ life 'we all have a feelin~ or hunch[ (Continued from Page l) [~ corn ann mlxeu ann || Kent of Widows pens i Kettering. Mrs. Charles Bard, Mrs. held Sunday. on and, ~ue, R. P. Andreas and! thee Chov ,ari|l on~-rv their hnrdon~[ 12th Grade [] coarse scratch |!by Section 3641, 1935 ervlce tat]on Merle Kepler Miss Bertha Miller, • Lowell nau a picnic supper Sunday [ ~,~'~,~¢~'(. "~',~ ~'~,~'~,,7,~'i:,-, ~-~;tff~,[ Otto Krus~ .., I1 " • I the amount snownq~ • _ervi__ _t tlon. , . ... Mrs. Lou E. Mitchell spent Sa~-t .................................................................................... ~• -- ¢lCourt Oruer to ~ar~ | Dean Clark, Prop. }Mrs. Anna Belle Bltfle, Mrs= Nellie urday afternoon with Mrs. W. M.]at-me yansaoes wnn a group Oli24 1939 these fun-lovinff hard~.[Marilyn Frink 226[[ l~v,~r~h; ....A |line Pegump Hattie I ...... ~,~ • ;o~.... l~ ~ Plattenberger ann ~oy, mr. and Oberton Sundav visitors in the[ out OI town relatives, wlrs. menry] ..~r~ina' ~ .... ; ..... Ul ~llr .,~¢| Jean Vnndoh.~,.~ .......................... 9,)~ [i ~',~-.x ...... ~,**.u | ] ma Wilson, ~ts granted | rnone [Do ~l~u~tt, an.| Mrs Oscar Mohn John Mohn and Oh~r*on" ha .... ;,~,~ ~, ~,,~--~:'-Irley and Bernard Stoltz of Dixon ~'_='_-~_'~__~_'_~7:~"~ Y_;Y ~:'.7"'" =_"=/ -;;7~.T%.L=Y:::::~2 .......... /i Jteasonaoie |[as B. Powell. All l ~ i " ..• _ ' ........... ...-*.- -.-.. .,,~ ~...o. I I11 ~r. . A ~ttf t~ vv ~ • ~' I IUUU £UUII1 ~cnooI WOrK UUU neveu~ ~ui-/tl nm~u~ry----~ ~ • ! "Ave" thereon. ~@ W. S. WalIlCK. Marvin Andre and Paul from south] :"-2"~" ,~n~, ~,~rs.,~.11. r~errlcK] ~roo from ~ho hand¢ af ~d~mn¢i~n no| (~harlos H,r,m,q ~o /~ -- II On motion by SuP . . " m lxauscatineMr and Mrs :-'~'~. ................................................................ ~ ~ rvi~ ~. of Mechamcsvllle. '] Ye"e ...... '-1" .... ::.Steve/,ts firm teacher When they leave/Katherine Kruse 41 /~ ~A~~ ||secon.ded by SUerPeww t . ~ t~ r anu ouuy o[ ilpton; 1vlr. ana~ th h 11 I k " . .... ! -- " ....................... ]1 ~imi tim*" • / County "rreasur ' I .... • Sunday dinner guests in theIMrs D O Andreas and Mr ~,.a/ e a ,now Key Will carry/~aylord Owens ............................ 39i| ~m~ V~t~ |[directed to transfer | ~ ~' I ____ _~__ l.L __ I .~L ..... 7]¢ ] Charles Engelking home were Mr.[ Mrs" G' A'Andreas of-O~a~-'-~'~',~'*[ everyone's blessing, including God's[ V.S. Histor.v--91 /] v .,_t ...... [[General County. Funde ! "" lYlvgterv in me lDrarv I rand Mrs. Earl Hoover and Harold[ ida ........... -i with them.--BM [ Jeanne Stone ........... ~ .................. 56 IL l~l~ll, •owa j/for claimspa!a teOd~url I &v~]' ~,~,~'~ .7 "*'*" ........... *g I r of Mechanicsvillo. ~- ~..n ~.~1 " ~,~d~o ~,~**,~vr~x~ /Glenn Hall ~/~~/.,~ ........... t~ -~ar I - Three-Act Mystery Comedy ! ]Will Hansen and children Elwood[ ......... P. I The seniors of '39 were guests ofl Peggy Frink 50 [ *~-*~**~'**~****~. ~'~,~**~**-'~ [Fund and the C _.' " Han ' umner ~unoay wire mrs rmnry . " ............................... • ~ " * ° ° * * ~ .... authorized and direct' [ Bv Helen Hines I - sen and Henry Engelking -]Fowler in ho . - " .... [Supermtendent and Mrs Rahn last[Ehzabeth Frederick 50[ T, 1 ~ • Ibooks accordin.~ly ) y " nor oi ner ~)irm~ay • " . ..................... [~ s • I ~.v :a~z.~al :*=.~ -- -- = ] [ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hendersonl and Moth-r ...... r., ¢~, ...... I Sunday evening at the Rahn home.| General ~'l~---~ l laden l uslness ling "Aye" thereon• J Idl I ttLL ]~[----- r)f~&L ][and famil-, of R"an wer~ ~--~='-:[ -- --- ".~ *"-%'~ -'~" .I The program included the read-I Fugene Clark 66[ 1-~. ~ I On motion by S ''' 11 ~ : ~ o..u~ were mr. ana mrs. rran~ wroo ana • ~ ................................. onded b Su e'rvisor | IVlay 1 [n---lvlay L tn i l afternoon callers of Mrs Hende~l Elaine of Mecho-I .... m,~ ~ .... al lng of several poems and a chapter] Harry Bigger 541 mrectory I• • - ~- p 01ul | ~~__ Cedar Ranids ! ]son's grandmother Mrs R o sa[ Mrs Harold Batc"h'el"or"M~r a~'nd Mrs] from Proverbs by Mr. Rahn. In[ Pauline Warner':i:: ........................ 52 ] ~:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:..:. [I~n °ld'r~url~Scing o[ euar lU . ' " • .................... I ~o., t~eoar rtapms I I Lmht Mr and Mrs Eri Light ofl w,~ r-r,~.r~o÷ ~.n r .xr~.-.. ~'... r, v'[ the course of the evening pleasantl Biology--99 ] I on the County Line b ' ore Daven rt were Sun • • . . . . retrospective views of school days Elizabeth Fry r' J.M. CARREE Jone~ Counties, I - R~ at Ramsay'. sDruff Store l i ~. ~ day visitors ofI Bailey and Miss Retha Baxa. Vlslt-~ were related b,, all concernin~ hu!l = .... de lek .................... 73 ] [County Engineer for,~ | Priee.~ 30c. 20c and 10c I I ms momer. 1 ors in the afternoon were Mrs Rose/ ~ ~ : . ~ ~1 ~lenn trail .................................... 68 I Itmuranee I bers voting '"Aye" ~" ,~,~ or% ~t,~ a~, • " morous emoarrassmg anu worxn- Pe Fr' On motion b SUPel | ................ 8 P. M. |/o.Mr--and,Mr A. M. ,Floyd spent[ ,Wl_ckham, Mrs.. Joh~ Fryear and] while moments of former schooi] ggY ln~h~si('~'8"~ ................ 63 t No~ry Public ]onded by supYrvisot, • ~C][1UU1 ~nuILUI|UlII v ...... 1 I ou.uay wiul me latters sister w~rs.I xvzr~• .oyu z~avls or ~.euar ttaplctS,| d.vo • / ~ ~,~, t ~-~a_ ....... Iowin~ resolution w. ......... ~ / Laura Hoffman in Mount Vernon.I and MissMarieWickham ofCres-/ "-~,~m,~,÷o ~,, ÷h,~ ¢,~,.,~ ,,¢ ~,o~hl Gordon Rahn ................................ 69 [ *-none lz~ Llsnon, iowai h~em-I)~rs'W)-ting "Aye ~Marvin .. U =_= r -_ -=-- - - = -- -- - - - " Other guests were Mr and Mrs. I ton / .'~':~":'" ...... % ............. .=o..i Reynolds 68 ..... RESOL ~ • • • s~rawoerrles on ice cream w~m • • " ..................... u~ I Ed Shawver of Tlpton and Mr andl ----~ [ ......... II Wfllmm Mohn 55 I R L FRINK i WHEREAS on A • " • cake were Well recelveu ny all. " ............................. I " " ~ ' isor 1 I I~ 14 i I • Ik IF M i" i [Mrs. Stanley Melsh and Nlta Marie[ White Oak / .......... [ Algebra---50 i ........................... I Board, of superv o of Cedar Rapids. i .. ~. "~ "'g'" [ M~_~VI~U . [ Frances Reynolds 27 ........ K, rtumoaag, msiu wta-m~ Iowa: Dy re.solut~Tat~ ............ / ~urs. ~aymon atearns / The auniors entertained the se-I Melvin Sca-^'~ • ........................ __ I Res. 94 PHONES Office 1101 9~. tne un.lteo ~ _ 1 inW~ve~a;~)a~. ~r]gtg?ngpeTt~eWm~h°r~Y] M.~ss Eldora. Koppe.nhaver .and] ~71~s x~kgrand_pl_rate style_ on MayI Pauline WaU;ner . 2~] Lisbon, Iowa [ ~lgna~Unt~in~a°W~nsgi - ~:! ~t.___:._. ~" ~. ..... --Ipuplls oI me wnite uaK ~cnooll • n urcu was maue or real,M ...... ".......................... , I Seconuary ~oaus .o~pltalS anu ~aKlng treats zrom me . , erie r~easmore 23 --------~ cket'No I ......................... ~e[ closed the school year with a pic-[ yellow, and black colors on the] .~ ." ....................... I ] known as Do . :, ~. ~,~'k~J~ !~ux~ary ~o me worm war vet-I..:~ ~: ....... .. ....... / ceilin" A 1"aa~- ~o,~ r..~.h÷~.., t, eon~etry---46 / W M BENNETT / WHEREAS thai • .it um.uv w~n tne parents nrlng- m. auu~., ..o.. ....~..~.~ . " " ' at ._._~L..-C~. erans. In the evening she was al ............... [ n ..... ,..a ~^a ,,......I... .... t. :~_[Maxme Kirkpatrick 21i Lisbon low- /under the Terms ~, J~w'r~'27"/i~r~&A.,x~ I .~...~f ~¢÷h~ h~n,~ll,~¢ ¢,~. a,~]Ao÷.. I lng Well iute(1 DasKeLS. donn ~ean I ~xa~u, Ac~ ~p bu uxal~ t~X~ll lu I ~.-_.~. ; .. " ................... / -- . ' -- obligated to pay ~** suv u s ~ , ~xa,erme r~ruse 18 Re ~~4~'~,~[~-ff_~,~._ [ i~_""":'_':,~":" L"~ ",% y,,, ~,,;a, I Stearns had a perfect attendance[ a crow's nest effect. The speakers'l .... - ....................... ] at Estate and Insurance I cent of the contract P ~- , ..... - " ,-- l .... ' ~e[ record for the school year. | table was on a small platform at] Y " - ........................... 15i Farms for Sale !done under said ag .q ~/'~,~,~'~~ /~eglon home. | John Sivers marketed hogs inl one end of the room and the ship's[ Latin I---t34 Houses for Sale or Rent ! ,~H.EREAS'At.h~orr~ • " " Pe ' • f~lL Jl--f. vv. • /~l~~~. Mrs. J. B. Robmson of Mountl Chicago Wednesday and attended[ steering wheel was on the wall be-[ ggy Frlnk ................................ 98 I Office Phone---146 ]Conditions" relating Vernon anu son Harper Arblngast a hind th~ Evelyn M)eyers n er the 1~ ~ ~a.~..~/~/~y~ "o~~ . stl ball game• | ' "s table. At the other end[ ............................. 98t ..... projects u d ~'u of Peoria Ill were Sunday guest~ Mr an of the room Gra~ce Schott THE BRIGGS MONUMENT CO Admimstratlon of r" ~l~~'~gf~ .... ~~ .... ~ ~, ,-, . ;ts| . d Mrs. Raymon Stearnsl was an anchor. An[ ................................ 811 '' ........... r the Co ~i~~ . ~~ m me ~rs. lvlayme ~orcas nome. land family spent Sunday at thel eerie pirate effect was obtained byl Literature---97 I Lisbon, Iowa construction accoulnt' ~~v,~llr~. ~t~" " Mrs. ~toomson is spenamg part of] John Mothes home in Marion• Mrs. I the placing of candles in bottlesl llth Grade I Dealers in money be on depOS~ "-----'~" :~f~ the week with Mrs. Dorcas while l Emma Stearns of Cedar Rapids was[ and by using kerosene lamps for[ Peggy Frink ................................ 821 ...... is a member of thef ~~/t~1~I~r ~ moving from her home, which sheI also a guest. 'l lighting. Parts of a skeleton were| Evelyn Meyers ...................... 68 t;emetery Memorials _ sur~nCea~O~Potratyo~,t ~~l~~l ~[~~ sold, into the Johnston apartment•] Tuesday May 16, Dorothy Stearnsl found in various parts of the room. I Glenn Hall ................. 67 I ~EORGE D .q.~H•nR L~mrlrl~R ~[dminlstrator and t~ __~.~ ~11~~ Mrs S G Fouse attended the l entertained a group of friends in[ The pirate waiters turned out to] 12th Grade .... I ,~_-__~',"~'_~_'~'_[- ....... for construction ot • " ' ~II~II~IF~I l-i-lll~tll;l~ made only from this ~~~rf~ . State P..E.O. convention at Ce-] ob_servance of her 18th birthday:i be freshmen and sophomore ,boys:[ Marilyn Frink ............................ 72i Notary Public, Deeds, Wills, count "~t li:( ....... ~ll~ll~ii~lL~,,t . aar t~apias Tuesaay ana weanes-I~ames were piayea ana lignt re-I ine mysterious uapmm ~lueDeara[ marvin Reynolds ..... 79] License~ WHEREAS on ~,~ ! --'"~~ . . ~- ".day. Mrs. H. F. and Miss Catherinel freshments were served by the[ was revealed as Sheldon Rahn and[ Gordon Rahn ....... :........... 70 ] ~i,,,, ;.... ~a .... ~,, .... xxr,,,.~ Board of S~perVi.S.o! hos • . . ' . " ............................... ,~,,,~ ,,, *~,u=~,~=, ~u*,,~* "'~"" authorized the cou,, " .. .... ~,. Echternacht of Marshalltown were] tess. /he furnished us v~th pirate music[ Contenlporary Affai~87 ] ................................. fr( • Mr . • lllg ~llLL LvIaIKt2L i~L,, ~llUll~ OU trans[er ~,b~*~.Oo uests m the Fouse home and also and Mrs HoraceBrutsm between courses Nut cu s in the Ft ~~ g so[ "., . • an[ • • P, eI Marilyn Frink 66]--~-- Road Construction "~~ attended the convention. Dr. Ech- 1 and Emel were Sunday supperl snipe of treasure chests and al Gordon Rah- " ........................... ~, I struction Account D°~. . .....:-. ~ " ternacht visited among Lisbon] guests at the Charlie Starry homel menu which consisted o'f blood]otto Kruse ................................. DR. ALBERT YORK said amount beindged . friends during this time [ near Springville• | cocktail, wooden legs, tombstones, I ...................................... Physician and Surgeon c°ntractsoas,~a~'na(~er t Mrs. Ermina Ringer and Haroldl _ Mrs; MaryFairbanks spent Sun-] etc., made the food more interest"I _ ~ I Corner Main and Jackson Streets --':W~I"I~I~.E'.~§, the snU[ "1" II I ~ II • 1L/ | ~ • I~ r I~ i ~ I~ r ~ r ~i ~ • ~ ] ~ had with them for Sunday dinner[ clay at me tiien Sivers home. / lng. / Cutles o] 14 Centurie• I .... ered by the three co t r ...... An organ prelude by Mrs Wick ~he olre alle welepnone ~ completed and the / H I XII A! l II A H t ff I h U r r r N U R D L r M . and Mrs. L. S. Wright of Day-[ ................. [ , . . -] L V y of France, [ work exceeds the c°2 , ,,, ~ ....= -- 1... -- -- -- uv.. .~..u~., ~u-,~ ersnam was played while the ests emea ........ enport; Miss Bernice Ringer and] "'~" [ o gu s[ apotted generously wlth enchantlne $2,086.47, it is de TUr tM~I/Y /nanrR WtTH FLOATING w H Bicknese of Fairfield Mr.]ST. JOHN'S CA~LIC CHURCH] Iound their places. Then Toast-I castles Is a story In stone covering DR. J. R. GARDNER Board of Superv~S::: ss sh v....s =.v~----o• "'" and Mrs J B Winaor .Torrv ~na I ~.~h~ ,~ --- ! mistress t.:aroline l~epler ~ave a! --- - ' ...... I o~.~'# from tne . +. i - -- ." .'d '.-~."~'--' -"==~ -"~.l .-.,~r ~eorge ~temm, Pastor ~hart na~,~ .,,h;.h ..,~. ¢....."....~ i.. f tuurteen centumes or tne country's I Physician and Surgeon struction Fund ln~Z., e¥/lltlrlrR pit2.1( lip AND RAK£R BAR l~arry oI lViOUnt vernon, mr. and[ Schedule effective May 7th" I;L'"-~,,"'~ ...... :~- E2" ..... ~,..~" U~l early history " [ ......" ...... a, ~,~. ~ a,Account Docket low, v..,,..--,, ,.--.-'---- ,-,., Mrs J W Albright of Cedar Rap-I Sunda,, M ..... "" ~ ~=;. ime welcome ny maxine t~eimer '' ,-,,~,,,=~: ,.,~xx~=~ ~-*,x. ,*~a. ,.,-o.,. vide sufficient funu=_ • • " . d a~ .:u~ ann v:~ a m • • • ' t over ldswere evening callers ~ I Catechism 1n na ~. • /Jumor class president Marvin] L ................... ~ of said eontrac --'~IR • ,,.,,,, a.,., Re n • • -- ................ NOW THEREF~ y olds, Semor president re- ' Boa SOLVED by the HERE Is the hay Ioa r t g : .. ... .. ". m[ METHODI-~---CHURCH [ P this and then the food ........... f I inn County Io de hat ives Mr and Mrs Paul Wickersham s onded to wa ....... ~ ,___ spent me week enct wlm ner par-I ,~l~n_ o ........ I was served After the last courseI lI you neeu new ilres lor your summer Urlvlng, come gular adjourne,cl sel • .-. ;;c[?:;: HC::urchschoo] 9.3o a.m., Supt. J. and about a set of New That is why it gathers all kinds of • Stron li ht home in Baring Me On their re- Morning worship 10:30. Theme, Lowell Andreas v' ; iowa 1228~ F to cote ............ I- ~'--'-~"- ^ u - ,,, ,, • ©a .... ~',. ,,,~i ~ turn Sunday ~Irs. Wickersham's [ "The Manifesto of God. ["Winds"" ana.. .~--'~"oh''ga. e a ~messagea^°n ~ 1 1 •r • regulations- as he. re~,r llay clean, ~v~n_•n rou_gn •~!eauow~, capacity ' " parents came with them to Pella.{thya~c~l:lu~e~tec~uerV~ce:t~fllo,b~oc~lscribed ,',Onr Adven~ures~,~'o~low. f ~ lf~f~ ~ ~ ~ I _lt~ll~~ Retting it up and handhng it gently, where.the group attended the tulip] Sunday evenin~ "-'i ........ iing this, the entire group sang "Oh [ ~ V V ~11 y qi~lL~ J~ i-JIJ, l#~l[41[~ig ~Jg 0 On motion by SuP~ • •Three-point test[vii. /. -" ~, wt,t rtev. r~amll-]L H ,q" ,m~ ~, ...... ÷ ¢~...'~' a:_'l IF ~ onded by SuperviSO" The three-point mounting redeves mountin ~ives ~ .. ........... iron oringing the message. I.erse~l-and'~oth~"",2"_=~_"_'~_'~ y'~l lowing resolution .... Mrs. L~, d. AIDrlgnt nan as her ine womens Fore[ n Missionar v c~u~se~ sp~n~ a " members voting "~- "-- '""d"r of shock and twistln stablhty ...... er] ..... g Y[ very en o,,able evenin ........... I Protect yourself and others from accidents caused by " -v' txt~ ~oaa ~ ~ guests on ~unuay mr. ano mrs. J.l~OCmty will meet at the home of .... ,;~ ~_ ~ a~, ~muu RESOI(,e strains Rives stability, and adds years • Loader will notW. Albrlght of Cedar.Rapids; M!ssI Mrs. J. R. Gardner on Thursday l~ac_lnc' --VF / blow outs See this safety tube. .^WHEREAS, on tof ' Mar 1 " ' " ~ENIOR NE " lUa'~ tne tmaru ....... ~_ __!--.__ ~t.~ tip forward onto y A omgnt o[ umcago; Miss[ afternoon• May 18th at 2:30 o'clock [ WS ] H~: Count,, IoWa, t . t, waoon Margaret of Iowa City; and Mrs. I ----- I g d many of the seniors were] t~o'n" uronosl~ng the , w~ioht re.~t~ on the two main wheels " Carmen Albright, Susan and David[ FEDERATED CHURCH ] seen down in the pest office licking] ~ Second l~oad .DistriC~ .... ~ ......... .- . . . • ~Solid, rust - re- of Mount. Vernon. On Saturdaytv] Gaylard S. Hamilton, Pastor postage stamps for the Invitations" • • lngton Townsnip, l~ ~'" and the pivoting forecarrlage. Ad aistinl~ steel" deck evening Mrs. Albr]'ght attended the Sunday School 9:30 a.m. so they could get them off to their Stateres°luti°nHighwayWaS codUrnr~ h,~t~hleanronandclose hookun al- - ........ mother-daughter banquet wl Worship Service 10:30 a.m. destinations. II,~d Car.~ day ofJune, 1937, a~' J ~- i" . ~ r leXlDle, qlllCK- Marp'arot ~t Momorinl TTnlan in[ Baccalaureate Services nf thol A few of this distinguished ~rmlnI "~" vv'~m v~m~v thereby finally ester' low delivery far forward on the wagon, detaclmble hitch Iowa ........ City.'-........................ i high school graduatin~ .......... class at 7-3-b~ I have been absent from se-h-~-m°~'~_ iprovides, and avv"~ • • i . . , WHEREAS, it ............. ,- P , ,!. ,~ ~ ~, a, .......... B~ble Study and Prayer service ng the past week. It was not be-] 1937 Chevrolet two-door In excellent condition should be speclallYl~ ~ M F I ~ A N U ~) t. I ............ : at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday. Everyone, s'ckness but for a good[ the real estat ,, t~aiit, arrive~ last weonesuay night is welcom~ I reason namely to ,,et th~- ,,.~a,,. I district approximate~/ apportionment of T T i to spend the summer in the home "East is East and West is West]ti°n clothes. ] ~ P II II III 11_ d | tl~e various• tracts ~ oz ms oromer tsnaries ~ngelKmg They have been bother s said district , , and never the twain shall meet. I ed quite within ."~ and other relatives in the surround- Just so far has our Heavenl,, F-÷~- |a little the last week by ~ivin,, out! the Board of Apportl m_ m • "8"• in " ' ' ~ .... - " " ~" P ] i ~ of three members, g commumty. With a friend cl lhrou-h the Lord Jesus Chri cards• This is the fun of beln a[ Ili 1-1 |l|i~[~||~| |~] ~|.~ [~[11 , R[ ' ' ', g st ~ , g NOW THEREFO Ul , removed our transgressions from I " e-[ by the Boa h x~ Lisbon, Iowa had spent the past month in the us now and through eternity" i alized what a kick they would eetl ~k .... 1 .... A Dh, ~.l .... A Q .... ;~ t:ounty, Iowa, t at~ southern ~faf,~ Mr ~hno~ ~oina ' " ~" | in nn~ina ,me ,~,~.. " I ,o,a.*m*:* a,,u a,j,,,~u~,, oa,~a a,,u ~o~,,,~ P M Davis J E. ;~" ........ , ............~,...,,..~, -'----- /"" ~" .... "?" ......... " "'"~." Seer[st as mem3erS from here on to the northern partCOON CREEK CHURCH i There is not much studymg to bet Phnna ~1 T.|~h~ ][~wfl[ Annort'lonment for . of Iowa where he has farm inter- 9•45 Sunday school• i done since the Academic Tests are~ ............... ' .... D[s~triet No 10'0, Din' ests. 10:45 Church. over.--RH ~- y-- -- - -~_ - y_-, _ ~ ~t_--_ - =~_- (To be