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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
May 18, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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May 18, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1939 THE MOUNT VERNON, IOAVA, HAXVKEYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON HERALD Page Five WEEK SOCIALLY IN MOUNT VERNON SOcial clu;h will meet ~of 'Mrs. l,ester Cara- ,irk Earl Sohua as hos- ay afternoon, May '26. Guiht will meet Of Mr. and Mrs. Dick [Or a picnic Sul)per and 7:00 o'ulock, q'uosday 2a. Mrs. Thonlas, Niehol- 10sts at a snl'tll tea Sun- at their honle, Llded [~ishnp and Mrs. Y of laooehow' Chin% visiting in the home of ~1~rs* Bruce lqyestoue; l'~yestone and llev. loyd Gustafson. (2. l)illey, Mrs. M. S. Mrs. Carrie Oates were Wednesday at a at the Palisades was played at the the luncheon. Out included: Mrs. John Jael~ Jordan of 8. 'Mrs. l~. V. R. Dvol-ak .at a Mother's D'ty din- honor of Mrs. Enuna of Mrs. Dvorak. the fanlily pres- the l)vomk family tad Mrs. IUldolph No- nily of Marion; ,Mr. Novak, Mr. and Mount Vernon Temple Pythiau Sisters will nleet for their regular meeting, \Vednesday evening, May be |)l'eSellle(1. .~tqllllel's u/ay take a guest. q'he closing meeting of tile ye,ar for lngleside clul~ w'ts a ,dinner held Monday evening "tt tile Baker house. Hostesses were: M~'s. IAoyd G/lstafson, ,Mrs. F:essie Crone, ,Mrs. Jeannette Ebersole, Mrs. l{isline and Mrs. Anna Knight. The IIrogranl 'by Mrs. Adeh(ide E'l)ersole on "Helen Keller's Journ'kl" was presented at the honle of Mrs. I(night after the dinner. MAY laENTIVAI~ TEA The largest social courtesy ex- tended festival guests last week end was the tea in Arnlstcong 'hall following tile afternoon concert played by the Chicago Sylnphony orchestra. It is an annual ,affair ill charge of the holne eeononlics de- partulellt under tile supervision of Mrs. lmella V. Ninde, head of the department; and assistant Miss l{e- hecf'a (,~r(,en, ]'lie tea tallies were lovely with rose colored tulips fron/ tile l)r. W. H. Norton gar- dens, and luerleusia and yellow tu- lips fronl tthe l'rof, and Mrs. I,L E. Moots gardens alld frolu Miss Nil.- Ilia lmthCs. Those who poured were: Mrs. larank (,ole, Mrs. It. IL V,an .V~eire, Mrs. IJoyd McCuteheon and Mrs. Gerlllan of Austill, Texas, ]nlother of Prof. 10raneis (lerlnan. i Menlhers of the foods class of the ]~lr. and Mrs. Lyall Bryant ell- honle ceonollliCS (lel)al'llnent as- tcrtained ~,tt dinnec at their home i sisted and included: Margaret Sunday evening. Guests were: Mr. Keyes. Althe.a (loodrick, Elsie and Mrs. H'trry Stinger, Mrs. ] (lai(le, llethany I,ehrnutn, I,;thel JI(IUOS l/ryant, of Mount Vernon; [i~l'O\\'n, Corine Anderson Itlld .~lary Nil'. and Mrs. Glenn Stinger of West Gall Hull. l~ranch, an,d Mr. and Mrs. linen l']ntre Nous ,will nicer for at 6:30 lqatner and son [~ruce of Cedar, o'ch/ck picnic supper aAld ineetiug, llapi(ls. I Mond/tY evening, May '2"2, "It the Ihome of Mrs. I,'. G. Brooks. Miss Margaret Dilley and Miss l ,Mrs. t'. H. Kafer and MFs. M/tcjorie lAttell entertained at a (]eorge ]{arhour will enterttdn di- buffet supper last Sunday evening vision No. 1, of the l,adies Aid So- at the horns of the latter. Guests jCi(qY of the Methodist ('hur('h at inchlded alert/hers of the Arrow i the heine of Mrs. Kafer, Thursday social group at Cornell. ~aftcrnoon, May 25. I Mr. and Mrs. John Klimo enter- Mr. and Mrs. John Klinlo open- O(i their heine for their annual tained tls house guests during the party for inenl~hers of the C lice.go !festival' five nlcul.hers of the Chi- cago sylnphony orChestra inelud- Syn/phony orchestra, following the iing V. Jiskra, ,I. t]oullek, }a. lqsser, Sa.turd.ay evening concert. There ' {linskey and family, were forty-six present. V..liskr't, Dvak of lilly, nlenvher of the orchestra w'ho in forn/er years also prel)ared the Music 'Sponsors met food for tile evening' party ill the evening for their re- Klimo honle turned his dutiesover nleeting Mrs. By- to Mrs. Kliulo this ye¢u', who cook- elected preside.nt fored and served the delicious supper. Year and I,]ldon 1)el This party is always ")~ ph!asuce Chosen vice-presldeJ~t, for the Klinlo's as well as to tlleir and treasurer will gt ests, who look forward to it xt fall.An i~ce cregAnl every year. held on tile high evening fol- to be played by ~Ool hand. In case of the concert and so- inside. "~-- [ wiches, dishes, silverware und a P. bLo. will be on-[covered dish. le .home of Mrs. 10. evening, M'ary Parsons will lg hostess. Mrs. R. tel~ained tile last evelling of vs. N. A. Miner was Miss Ehla Leigh will lie hostess ~tleeting of Hill City at an all (lay meeting of the Emnla Will ,be held Tues- l,eigh Circle at her hou/e, Friday 23. May 19. s For Friday and Saturday Delicious Flavors, 4 packages ................ 19c With Bar Lava Soap ................................ 21c Richelieu, Drip or Regular, 1 pound ...... 27c Stuart, Red Alaska, 1 lb tall can 24c ',ANS, B. Stuart, Tom. Sauce, 3 for .... 27c Stuart, Sweet, whole, 22-oz jar .... 22c Stuart, large size, 2 tins .............. 29c Stuart, Light Meat, 2 tins ................ 35c Philadelphia Brand Cream, 3 pkgs 23c alif. Brand Colossal size, large tin ........ 25c ,LLOWS, Creamy Whip, 1 lb cello bag 13c 'ELS, Scott Rolls, 2 for ........................ 21c Richelieu Seedless Blk Raspberry jar 21c JUICE, Rich. Natural 2 No. 2 tins 19c IR, Richelieu, 5 pound bag .................... 33c Stuart, No. 2 tins, 2 for ............ 25c Richelieu, Large Red, 3 tins ........ 31c Richelieu, Full Quart .................... 32c Fat Yellow Fruit, 4 pounds ................ 25c 1 quart and Salad Bowl ........................ $1.59 Mount Vernon, Iowa Phone 132 ray erla d Lead Lime Sulphur Calcium Arsenate Bordeaux Mixture Paris Green Garden Guard with Continuous spray priced .......................................................... $1.50 to 60c 40, pound ................................................ $1.35 1)hur, 12-1round ................................ $1.39 a fine Wall Paper Cleaner, 3 cans for ........ 25c Varnish, a fine all purpose Varnish, Ion .......................................................... $1.79 brag Store Mount Vernon, Iowa Shop Here For Graduation Gifts I.L Metzenger and lq. Masaeet¢. iTheir son John Jr., who is a mem- :/)er of tile orehestr.'t was also a ] guest. He returned to Chicago with [the orchestra oil Saturday niight. ] Miss Ann,a Jordan entertained at la luncheon at her home on \Veil- nesdaVl l']Itces were l,aid for six. A M'&y hre'tkfast, Tuesdgly ulorn- ing at tim honle of Mrs. 1,:. iq. ,Moots closed the year for the New Century ehlb. Mrs. Moots, Mrs. J. It. Poet, Mrs. F. V. 1C l)vorak and Mrs. i¢.oy Young wore the hos- tenseS. "i'he t]lree course bro:li¢l'ast was served to twenty-three ]neln- hers, qAl(l one guest, Mrs. W. ,]. [,'lint, at one long tahle and sev- eral slualler tildes. (~ar(ten flow- ers decorated the t:tldes and the home. A short %usiness nleeting wa,s held "~fter the breakfast. A group nleeting of O.F].S. chap- ters of l)istrict No. 8, will /)e hel,d in Mechanicsville. Wednesday af- ternoon and evening, May 24. Any one froul the Mount Vernon chwp- ter desiring to attend may call Mrs. George Wilson and transportation will he arranged. Dinner reserva- tions nlust be made hy .S~tllrday. Mcs. Keith Hayden and ehildren Jinrulie and Naney of Los Angeles, Calif., were imnored at a farewell picni,e Sunday at Thomas Park, Marion. Those present were: Mrs. Hayden and chihlren, M{r. and :Mrs. I,ester Caraway and l)ean, M r. and Mrs. h'vin l~eock, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill I~urge, Mrs. Eva Travis of Mount Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. i)an (?a raway of ],ishon, 51rs. Mac 1)can of Anlana. Mrs. D. C. l)avis w'ts hostess for the guest (lay lneeting of the Cozy Corner ehlb, at her home in Mount Vernon hlst Thursday af- ternoon. There were twelve nleln- 'i)el'S and eleven guests preseni. A Mother's Day progranl was pre- sented and delicious refreshnlents enjoyed. I,ewis (,lenlents w'as gues{ of ilonor at a surprise hirth(l'~y party Sunday at the Palisades. After a ,pienie supper the group attended tim theatre. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. C lements, Mir. and Mrs. Holnev I,]nlerson, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Daw- son Sehlenuner, Mr. and Mrs. Mauriee Sinmnds, of Mount Ver- non. Miss Frances Morden and Glen Kohl of Meehaniesville. Mrs. Odette Siver was hostess to her "~fternoo'n bridge club and several invited guests on Tuesday afternoon. Bridge was played at four tables. Invited guests were: Mrs. t{o~hert B'trnes, Mrs. Julian Johnston, Mrs. A. J. Rogers and Miss Carrie Kyle. Prizes for scores were received .by ~Mrs. iaorrest Sig- gins, Mrs. Jerry Waiters, Miss Car- rie Kyle, and Mrs. I)i,ek Conklin. Mrs. Sivers served delicious re- freshments. ,Miss Jean Burge was 'honored last Thursday afternoon at a show- er given at tile ,honle of Mrs. Charles Johnston, at the Johnston home, with Mrs. J~tek Ciha as as- sistan~ hostess. There 'were thirty- five guests. Mrs. Wiitun G'unn as- sisted with the entertainnlent and Mrs. Mauriee Jolmston and Mrs. Claude Stine assisted the hostesses with the serving. On Wednesday evening of last week Miss Margaret Pitlik entertained fiftegn neigh,tiers and friends in honoc of Miss Surge. She was presented with a Session's nlantel eloek. I)elicious refresh- lnt+nts were served. Mrs. "W. G. Kruckent)erg will entertain Division No. 2 of tile badies Aid society of the Methodist church next Wednesday, May 24. Mrs. W'. C. Horton will be the as- sisting hostess. & FREE R Ralloons ites, Tops, Ask How ! t~ BE SURE TO READ YOUR COPY "THE FOUR LEAF CLOVER" %, OUT EVERY FRIDAY P.E.O. Members Attend State Convention Menlbers of Chapter DT. P.E.O. lla~e been ill attendance as as- sistant hostesses of [)ivision No. 3 at the Iowa state conven- tion of I'.l,:.O. hel.d in Ced~u" liapids on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- day of this week. On Tuesday af- lernoon, the lo(~al chapter present- ed the n/e,n/orial hour se'rviee. The prologue, "Burn ('andles Burn", w'ls written by Jewell Bothwell Tuil, of the Mount Vernon chapter. Mrs. Itelen ()akhmd, Mrs. Beatrice \Vilcox, Mrs. lmot'~ I~aunlan, Mrs. Grace Barker, Mrs. IUlth MeCuteh- con, Mcs. larances I{inger "tnd Mrs. l{uth I)ean, dressed in white floor length dresses, exemplified lhe beautiful and ilnpressive service. Mrs. Helen Schroeder played the ()rgan aCCOlnpanilnent. ;Mrs. or and Mrs. F~amnan placed the lillies and marguerites in the meal- oriel star, in 'honor of the menlbers deceased during the year. "Phe bene(liction w'as pconounced by MTS. Agnes Bartholomew. Mrs. Schroeder played a fifteen nlinute organ reeit=il during the af- ternoon Session Oil Tuesday. Miss Charlotte Reinke, Cornell sopilo- n10re, sang lave vocal selections. ; Mrs. liana Wilcox is a delegate from chapter l)q" and ~Mrs. l,], C. l'rall is a gu'~rd at the eonvention sessious. Anlong lhose attending are: Mes(lanles I,eota ]{auulan. Joe llennett, It. ~V. Barker, Agnes l~artholoulew, Anson l~urge, le. O. l{rooks, J. It. Hewers, IAoyd l)ean, .lessie Coleman, J. B. Eyestone, J. l{. Eyre, S. G. laouse, 'Stewart Franks, Waiter Gray, C. R. Keyes, Il. iq. IAttle, Janles McCuteheon, J. IL MacGregor, N. A. Miner, 1Aoyd Oakland, I,L C. I)rall, J. B. l¢in,ger, F]. R. l{istine, C. C. Tull, llelen Sehroeder, liana Wilcox; the Misses Miriam I,'reer, (!lara Blinks, 1,ella Huehseh and Mary l)a rsons. q~wenty lnenl hers froln Mount Vernon attended the banquet on \Ve,dnesd ay evening. High School Junior-Senior Prom Was Big Success The Junior and Seuior classes of the Mount Vernon high school en- joyed the annual prom in the high school gyulnasiuu/ on Friday eve- ning. It was one of the gayest, if not the gayest parties of the year. The gynl was turned into a night chrt) for the evening, with small taldes arranged around the sides of the rooln, and dancing was ell- joyed ill the center of the floe,'. An orchestra from Iowa City play- ed for dancing. l~;lue and gold streaulers were hung from the ceiling and pictures of :black top hats, and champagne glasses decorated the walls of the inlprovised ni.g~lt club. M,arian laisher, Louise I)vorak, Peggy Her- ring, Ruth Minnish, Martha Jane Hogers and Cynthia Winsor, dress- ed in regular cigarette girl style, added to the re~tlness of the affair. A radio sketch, a song and t.ap dance by Marian Fisher and two songs by lletty Jane were pre- sented during tile evening. The ehalnpagne w'ts served ill bottles to th( guests. Chaperones were: Mr. and Mrs. Halph Carl, Mr. and Mrs. Harol,d Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Harold iqhle. James Hawker .tssisted with tile arrangenlents. F'aeulty guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde iAndsley, Mr. and Mrs. l{ichard 10uller, James Hawker, Mr .and Mrs. John Colon. Jr., and Miss Bernice Rey- nolds. Works Of May Hohlen and Local Artists Are On Display '['he new exhibition at Arnlstron,g Hall, ;which will renlain on view until ~May 29, consists in part of twenty-five works 'l)y May M. Hohlen, Sui)ervisor of Art in Bur- lington, Iowa. From the sunlit "Street Scene in Gloucester" to the focn/alized"IUverside l~arnl,'' from the soul,tie r strength of "Mending the Nets" to the gay '"Still IAfe with Venus," from "Tulips" to the "Senegalese Sailor" here is interesting variety in su:h- ect and treatment. Most of the )ietures are ill oil hut vivid water- ,olors and musical abstractions )rovide added attractions. 'l'ilis exhii)ition holds the high standard of the outstanding exhibitions of the year. That they have all been of high quality is "tttested by the fact that each ex'hildtion hqs seeul- ed "the ,best one yet" and this is no exception. Of definite interest locally is the retention by request of nlany of the works fronl the festival ex- hi,bit. Since many of the Mount Vernon people were so busy dur- ing the Festival that they eouht not give as much time to the exhi:bit as they wished a selected group of the works by M;Ps. Andrist, P'hilip Hen- derson, and Miss l,athe has }men retained, and rehung on two w¢~lls of the F]xhibition Hall. Their re- arrangenlent makes a new exhibi- tion even for those who sqw the Festival show. The public is invited any after- noon fronl 2 to 5, and the gallery will be opened upon request ~Mon- day, \Vednesday and lal'iday morn- ings. No other town in Iowa of less than 5(},000 population has Lily opportunity to see works of art to conlpare wi'th Mr. Vernon's con- st,ant privilege. Most of the works shown can be purchased "It very reasonable prices, for Cornelidoes not eh,arge auy coulnli~,sion for sales. Many of these piclures are ones which would he "l eonst'mt joy iu the right ilolne or office. University Professor Speaks At Lions Meeting 1)r. L.IS. professor and i/cado!"the ol.lhodonlia .lepart- nleHtof the State I*niver:;ity of Iowa dental school was the speak- at the l.ions club dinner on Tuesday evening, l)r. Higiey, whose profession deals with irregu- larities of the teeth, told in,any in- stances of inlerest to the group. He advocated preventitive del/- tistry. I)r. tIigiey is a eontri,hutor to several dental llla~aziues, an(l at the pres~q/t time is writing a text hook with I)r. Iovd, "tn Iowa City physician and I)r. l~r'lur, who is in ,cti.arge of the public health department ill Iowa City. The nlelntlers appreciated his interest- ing talk. 1)r. E. C. l'rall was ill charge of the progranl. Mrs. Jessie Colen/an and Miss I~u'by Wade will be joint hostesses at a 'bridge hlneheon Saturday at the Palisades l,odge. Mt. Vernon Hostel Opened Saturday Eve Itistory was made Saturday night on College Bouleward. ~vimre the first Youth Hostel to ol)en in Iowa had its initial guests. A gl'oup fronl ()lllaha, Nebraska, sIayed overnigilt but the opening ceronlony W[LS attended also :by local residcnts and students and by visitors fl'Olll Analuosa 'and lows City, about thirty ill "Ill. After some singing by the group .an(1 in- lroductions around the eiccle the local cOnllllit tee chairnlan, l~.ev, Joseph Gray, and tile treasurer Prof. J. Harold lqnnis, spoke I)riefly. Miss Winafred Blake I'ouncil |~;luffs, organizer of tile iowa chain of hostels who i)rought the group from ()lllahlt hy auto tohl of tim hostels now ch~lrtere(i (five: Anaalosa, .Monticello, North IAberty, Honlestead and Mounl Vel'IIon) and to 'be chartered ,soon A large chocol'~te cake gra.eious] I)rought :by Miss Mirianl l~l,ake of Iowa City for the occasion was out and served ,with fruit punch. q'he hostel was decorated 'by Miss Blake with large colored tra- vel posters and i}.)y C-wynetil Young with beautiful houquets of flowel.'s from the gardeu of the house fettl- e,', J. J. aones. The charter, d'at- ed March 28th, was on the wall as evidence th,at tilts was Olle of []lOIISands of ]losle]s Itround the world. It was expected that hostelers wouht I,ike over frou/ Iowa City. ,~n~lIIIOSI~ alld (_'edar l{api(ls and slay over night after "lttending the I May I#esliwll tit Cornell wheu the (?hicago Symphony (Irchestra would play (whicil occasioned the (i'~te of tile opening). While no one did come by bicycle interested people from Iowa City 'and Ana- lllOSt canle by auto, returning after the celebration. At this time lhe hostel had a bO.~S i)uIIkFOOlU Ul)St~lirs and down- stairs a girls buni{roonl, a eonl- IilOIIS recta, kitchen and large screened porch. Cooi¢ing .was done on a htrge kerosene stove and dill- ing facilities were provided on the torch and ill the kitchen for in- cleolent weather. There were do- nated cots and .beds sufficient for eight persons, q~hel'o wore seven donated (luilts ,and Idankels. ~'~onle (]ishes and utensils were also OU hand. The local colnmitee as el)point- ed was: (~hairnlan, ]{ev. Joseph Gray; Treasurer, Prof. ,I. Harold l,]nnis; i,]quipulent, Mrs. Jay Mac- (3reg'or, Miss Dorothy i{og'ers, Miss M inish, Miss l,etitia Beranek; Secretary and I'ublieity, ~Miss Alnta Moots; ('.onstruction, Elliott l'eck; Tr'tils, I'rof. C. H.. Keyes; Speakers, Prof. i{ussell Cooper; Housef'~ther, J. J. Jones and Housenlother, Mrs. Jay MacGregor. IPun(ls |lttve 1teen raised hy con- ributions rroul We,hen's Chilis and 3ersonal gifts of nlelnhors of the Lions an(1 t{otary Cluhs. Other groups have prou/ise(1 ahl at a later date. Rotary Club Hears Interesting Talk By R. B. McConlogue Ft. lk M