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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
May 18, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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May 18, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~' II, 1939 THE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HAWKEYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON HERALD Page Seven first Opened oil May 11, witll the ~bril- I{l'una !a first apl)ear_ llig-h t. She With many ic cud - Voice, opu- richness and of V01Unle, a niag- a Spontan - g, she cleat- in nlost • ~me. (~ast;~g'Jla Sillgel', ll(!r i 111 arias fl'OIll and as fronl It is to t'ast,tgna re frequent use which ~t8 many tin)es and delicacy of 'by a too con- Alberto tlac- Diane. l~th l~inkerton. Were Derforal- Stand out ~llly ill relation which relation to all the 'Mass in B b'Ugue. Bach ill any f,,sti- is ex- hearing two I not be the last opportunity we will iSis tone was smootll and at tinles have of hearing them do it, and we wish them great success in their further efforts to hring this menu- mental work hefore tile American pud)lic. ious workmanship and so full of El~,vne Devereanx emotional content that it is worthy~ p,~'rem"'e'on Annual tel' a place upon any festival pro- 1 Oil gram. In fact it nlight almost comprisc a festival in itself since thereis so nluei~ varicty within itself, i~aeh has shown so fully what can be done with a simple thenle. The working of the the- m:tlic material alone is ahnost be- yoml oolnprehension. But he has not stopped there. Along with tile mechanical manipulation of musi0al nlatorial has gone all emo- tional expression the equal of which has rarely been achieved in any other nlusieal work. Messrs. Jolas and Seroff are to hc highly conlmended for ,making ~tvailal)le to festival patrons a hearing of portions of this monu- n/ental work. We are extrernely grateful to them for making" avail- able to us this second hearing of tl~is work within a space of three luol~ths, :t hearing which served to further enlphasize the splendor of the work. Messrs. Jolas and Seroff have appcoached The Art of Fugue ~with synlpathy, and ilumility which en- aimed tiloln to give a .perforlnanee which was outstanding. They have n)astered the secrets which the w~rious movenlents hold and through their artistry were able to eomniunicatc them to the aud- ience. Their performance of this work in New York and the greater length of time for rehearsal made this 1)erformanee a great advance over the one given here in March. Their precision and mastcry of the tel.hnieal experts have advanced e tFelnendously "tnd thus they were '. cnalded to give greater spontaniety lind warmth to their performance, { a l)erfol'lnance ,which was outstand- i iu~" dud ~i}l tte Ion~ relnclnbered. We owe a great dt~:ll of thanks to ih,,~e aclists for their devotion to "i'll(, Art of l,'ugue and for their 1 r(q~dition of it. We hope this will Which has in per- time of its Of SHellnlag- Such g]or- in and see our full line of ns, Elgins, Walthams, s, Westfields, Etc. line of diamond rings. Each one is insured ainst loss, hold-up theft, etc. Cedar Rapids 9 DRY CLEANERS ard Ave. S~V Dial 2-8131 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 8C0 1, MelNTYRE & CO. Investments & Power Co. stock bought and sold. Bank Bldg., Cedar Rapids, la. BRIGGS, Lisbon Iowa OPTICAL SERVICE RS-INSKEEP OPTICAL CO. Realize--Real Eyes 8E yooP, , o ALK4 , .. DEAR. o ) o" ,. a lld from on Stomach, Coldl After" and Mmmml~ one or two ALKA-SELTZER tablets I~ Watch it bubble--~ to It t~ dissolved, drink the tat~41y nolutl~. . exves al Takl _ ) me e--more Zike when dissolved in water, (Sodium Acetyl-Sallcylate), .. ~ its alkalizing agemts ~ to a~trnents associated with ~eddl~ has ALKA-SEL~2R. ~ • ZI~ on our "safl~aetion-or-~ Federal Land Bank Loans on Farm Land Low Interest--31/2 % un- til July 1, 1940; never more than 4 % after that, if you get your 10an now. Long Term---341/2 years. No Renewals Necessary --Semi-annual install- ments paty off loan grad- ually. SEE US FOR DETAILS! very beautiful and he was entirely master of all the technical de- mands of the difficult work. ])r. Stock and the orchestra made a nlag'niiicent b'lekground for tile soloist. Mi,'~ Mary pllr~)ns To patrons of the Music laesti- val, tile l)iano reeit'tl of Alee Tetn- ,--~___ pie)on on 10riday evening, will, in l)erspeetive, he remen~i)ered as an SCIIOOL PICNIC cvening of excellent lnnsic lind good fun. The pianist's reverent attitude to- wards tile gl'eat nlasters was ilu- mediately shown in his sincere and direct approach to the oponin,g Bach Prelude and 10ugue. Sensi- tiveness of toueh, heauty of tone, and an impelling rhythmic vital- ity characterized the selections that followed. But is was the young English- man's clever composition "Bach" Goes to Town," hid inlprovisations in the manner of (?hopin, Moz~art, and Strauss, and his hilarious c'~ri- eature of a Wagner Opera that won his audience completely. The rare iwit and humor of this nlusie not I only n)ade it an enjoyable exper- ience for all, hut also, 'by contrast, revealed more clearly the heauties of Bach's Art of ],'ugue heard in the preceding concert, and made its hearers more receptive for the gorgcous syln phonic lllusie lind Bach Mass which wcrc to follow. Helen Venll B Minor Mass The fourth concert of the I0es- tival on Suturday afternoon brought together the (~ornell Ora- torio Society, the Chicago Sym- phony Orehestra, four soloists and Clifford Fairbanks visited on Sunday afternoon in the Raymond Thelma Von Eisenhauer, f~uthWalterback home. Pinkerton, William Miller, and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Humbert and I,'rancis German--and Eug(~ne llev- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Humbert of Ce- creaux at the chapel organ in a dar Rapids visited Sunday evening glorious perforn)ance of cxecrptsI with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vander- from l~;aeh's II ,Minor Mass. It is bilt. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crock and Miss impossil~le to single out any one Mary Merritt were Cedar Rapids part of the Mass for special men- callers the middle of the week. tion, as the comtbined efforts of Sam Overfield is assisting at the (:horus, Orchestra, Soloists and Or- Chauncey Peiper home. gun all under the sincere and ex- Mr. and Mrs. Francis Crock were cellent direction of Hans Lunge Cedar Rapids callers, Friday. produced ~l unity of sl)irit and' Miss Myrtle Manly and Mr. and Mrs. Alien SAver were dinner and ,t)alance seldom attained anywhere. supper guests Thursday with Mrs. In speaking of the performance of- Ida Andre. In the afternoon, they ter the concert, I)r. Stock was very all called on Mrs. Frank Robinson. enthusiastic and declared that only Edd Krumroy, whose condition in a few of the larger cities of Ger- : remains, serious, was brought to many where tradition of nearly one the home of his sister Mrs. Ida hundred years existed could a more Kohl for further care. His sisters Mrs. Hempy and Mrs. Vanderbilt perfect ensem'ble be attained. The assisted with his care over the week performance of the Mass at May end in the Kohl home. l,'estival is a tradition well worth Miss Corrine Robinson of Daven- n)aintaining. Considerablecreditport spent Mother's Day in the par- should go to Jacques Jolas, Helen ental Will Robinson home. Venn and lCugene l)evereaux for Miss Alberta and Verla Clifton their efforts in rehearsing the thor- were among those attending and taking part in the May Festival last us to such a high degree of per- week in Mechanicsville. feetion and understanding. Mr. and Mrs. John Mutchler and Preceding 1he Mass, 1)r. Stock two children of Center Point visited conducted the Chicago Symphony over Sunday with his mother, Mrs. in a reading of Moussorgsky's "A Frank Robinson. In the afternoon, ! Night on the l~are Mountain," arelatives from Tama, Winterset and fantasy depieting the ritcs of a home.Walker visited in the Robinson p}tgan festival; followe(t hy Sibe- O.P. Dill assisted John Fry with lius' fourth Symphony in A minor,work the last of tbe week. a score that is scrubber, melancholy Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Kline of i yet intense, elemental yet profound. Morley were Friday evening guests It was a program worthy of the of Mrs. Ida Andre. Ifinest offestivals andone which Mrs. Hylah Tonne and her sister any college or university would ,beI Hrs. Hazel Hammond were Cedar !proud Rapids callers Friday. to present. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Minish of Chester II illian s Iowa City spent Sunday in the Joe Kohl home. Sy oh Mrs Ida Andre spent the day on m ony Friday with Mr. and Mrs. William Oldorff who are now living on the 1,'or the final concert of the fes- Kellar farm. lival, l)r. Stock chose a vigorous Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robinson prot':ram for which a sonorous and Janice enjoyed Mother's Day at the parental Asa Robinson home. transcril)tlon for orchestra of the Mrs. Leo Thimmes, Mrs. Ralph Bach chor~le "A Mighty leortress Wethington, Mrs. George Ross, Mrs. is Our Lord" was a fitting begin-Will Robinson, Mrs. Irvin Spencer, hAng. Miss Mary Fisher, Mrs. Mulherin Schumann's Symphony No. 1 and Mrs. Howard Platner assisted x~as given a mo~:t sfttisfying road- with the Junior-Senior Banquet on ing. The grace and charm of ti~e Saturday evening, which was serv- ed by Junior mothers. Silver and i scherzo movement will he hal)idly blue, with tiny airplane designed ,'~qn(,nlbered. place cards, decorations, and food The program inrltlded also the made a delightful setting under ballet suite fron, Struwinsky's colored lights from above. A fine "lOire ]~,ird," the eolorful "Pastorale toast program followed by a dance, ,l'i:le" of ttonegger in the modern furnished a delightful evening. Mrs. O'Maley was a guest in the ~l~:~nnor to which i)r. Sleek g'~ve home of her niece, Mrs. Leo Crock I 1),),4i~' interI>ret:ltlo:l. 'l'hc ('los- Sunday. in~',' numb,~r was tile vigorous l'olk:~ Miss Irene Whelan of Glidden and I,'ugue from "Schwand't" in was a week end guest of Mrs. ;~hich Mr. 1)evereaux assisted at ClaireScott. On Mother's Day, the organ. Its humor and swamk Miss Whelan, Mr. and Mrs. Claire iilade "t ha!apy ending for the fes- Scott and John D. were guests for tival, a dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Cook. Soloist of tile evening w'~s Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Driscoll and K~tr[ Andrist of the (:ornell (:on- family, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Crock, serwttory faculty playing the Span- visited Mother's Day afternoon with i,dl Sytnl)ho~y for violin and or- their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry ,'ll~.stra t)y l~alo. Mr. Andrist pltty- Wethington near Tipton. Claire Scott visited Sunday after- cd with brilliancy and assurance, noon with Edd Krumroy in the @~ : --- :-- - --~----4 Kohl home. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hempy visited with her sister, Mrs. Joe Kohl and husband, Thursday evening. John Fry was the delegate from Greenfield township to the meeting to elect Miss Morey, couty super- intendent of schools. Mr. and Mrs. Verlon Baker and Miss Ethel Hayes of Cedar Rapids enjoyed a family reunion dinner Mother's Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Jenkins in Ce- dar Rapids. National Farm Loan Associations 94 3d Ave, Cedar Rapids Serving Farmers In Jones, Benton and Linn Counties Harold B. McTavish, Sec.-Treas. D ..... tf'l~l~ q[~]l~¢~]on. [Oakland Grocery, poor prov .... [I~LIHE~I~I~U[III~ UIL lll~l~ On motion by Supervisor Beeson, O'l,onnor hkalinda, poor nursing' n ~ ~,~o t'~ • I seconded by Supervisor Seevell, the J Pioneer Lithe Co., Clerk D C l~oar(l uI i upervlsorslfollowlng resolution was adopted, all books and binding ........... ;members voting "Aye" thereon IPusateri, Frank, poor rent .. ---- RESOLUTION [PArAland Service poor fuel .... Linn County, Iowa, January [ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Poses 9th St. (Iroeery poor prov ~;,~,~ IOQQ I Supervisors, Linn County, Iowa, con- J Peoples (lroeery, poor prey .... oes~tult, xooo vened in regular adjourned session, that [ I)inneys (Art,rely, poor prov . . . . - the sale of waste materials or obsolete Peoples Groeery, sol rel prey .... Bichmond & 1Murrays Lot E, City of equipment must be authorized by any Peoples (Iroeery, sol rel prov .. Marion, ('ertifieate No. 429-PB. memller of the Board of Supervisors. Fenneys t~o J C, sol rel clothing l¢.iehln(md & .Murrays Lot 10, (~'ity of On motion by Supervisor Beeson, see- Pullm0.n (~Afe, sul rel nleals .... 12.76 2.O0 22.95 10.00 6.12 26.52 5{.00 9.58 11.02 4.08 9.30 1.08 Marion, t!t, rtifi('ate No. 430-PB. ended I)y Supervisor Seevell, the ful-Perpetual Savings & Loan Ass'n B k id Tayior s 1st \v20ft N20ft Lot 5 Blk lowing resolution was adopted, all poor rent ................... 10.1)0 roe s e 3 t?ity of MArion, Certificate No. 4;]5- members voting "Aye" thereon: Penney Co. lnc J C, l)oor eloth- Mrs. Will Robinson PB. ~ RESOLUTION ing . ........................ 33.98 Tavlor's 1st XV20ft S100ft Lot 6 Blocl¢ BE IT RESOI~VED by the Board of l'e(~ples (iroeery, poor prey .... 141.10 :I, ('iiy of .Marion, Certificate No. 436-i Supervisors, Linn County, Iowa, con- I{egistrar of Vital Statisties, reg- PB. [ vened in reguhlr adjourned session, Astral ....................... 42.00 Ta.vlor's 1st "~V20ft Sl00.ft. Lot 5[that a schedule governing the purehas- Reeves Kale, poor rent ........ 10.00 Hazel Hill school closed Friday, l~ioek 3, t'ity of MArion. (ert~fwate No. !es of all provisions supplies, and re- l~isk Ferris. poor prey . ........ 7.70 May 12, completing a most profit- t37-P[k l l)airs, be adopted as follows: ltisk (Iroeery. poor prov ........ 10.20 able year under the direction of Winter & H)l ~es l,ot 4 Block 9, City l 1. Court I~touse supplies and repairs Rude Auto ('o., ()'seer ear rills .. 1.66 Miss Helen Ward. Twenty-two oft°f 51:,ri,~n, Certificate No. 441-PB. County Jail supplies and repairs. RAthj~,s (Ir,)(.ery, sol rel, prey .. 14.69 IC(;i~ft SI20ft l~(~t 5 irr snr W of l)ur- ('ounty Shops supplies and re- J{aDids ('hevrolet ('o, equ | rI rs 16.45 the district people gathered for a}hams Add NV~r NI'] G-S3-G, Certificate] pairs, leapids Blue Print Sel'~,'iee Eng community picnic dinner. Follow-IN,). 457-I-'B. I County ftonle supplies and repairs, oft supplies ............ 17 71 t't'rtificAte N,). 463-Pt~. I of $25.00 or over, the nrder or re- Sn)ith TYl)ewriter i'('. 1, I?, Treas ' ' ing a bountiful dinner the teacher ] [,,,t 3 il'r Sill' NW S~V, S('('t on 6-83-6, ! for all llUr~'hAseS in the total sum (, lew't let Co. new equip 76'(5'20 treated the entire company to ice ] 51itch~dls all la)t 2-S of l~B. & all I,ot ] quisition for the same to be sign- of(, supplies ........... 1()0 66 cream. A social afternoon followed, f3 l{h)ek 1, ~]l Lot 1-S of RR & all Loted by any men)ber of the Board Swift & Co., {',) H~)me prey .. ] 7:510 Miss Ward presented each pupil 4 P, lo(:k I i,ily of ;Marion, Certificate l of Supervisors. SI)rague ('laude IC. poor trans l0 ')7 No. 413-PB. 2.Purchase of office supplies up to ISavage Lunlber Co ' I) or fuel " " " 1")'7 with a free theatre ticket. \\'III,]I~I~JAS, noti(~e i~f extliration of tile sun) of 95000 bv the head of[St. Anthony & Dakota l,]lewlt('>l- "" tillle for rt~d('mlltion from said sales the department and" any purchase J t?o. poor fuel ') t'1 ,viden(ed by said certificate has been In the total sum of 950.00 or n)ore St.Josephs .~,ler('y ' ............. Hose, l)o,~r ~"' MRS. CASS PLATNER duly served as provided by law, and the order or requisition for the :rmanence a )uld be selected with utmost regard for beauty, significance and are in a position to help you make a suitable selection. There for erection before Decoration Day. Dial 7942 Again, the Angel of Death has visited our community and called to her final rest one of our beloved pioneer ladies, Mrs. CasH Platner. A devoted mother and grandmoth- er, a lover of home and actively taking part in affairs of the com- munity so much as her strength would permit, she will be greatly missed. She lived many years in this community but following her husband's death moved to Mechan- icsville. A very large company gathered to pay final tribute and join with the community in extending most sincere sympathy. The services were held Monday at the Hornel Funeral Home, conducted by Rev. E. Winslow Brown of Cedar Rap- All Farmers Feeding Pigs Should Feed Riverside Pig Meal S.W., Cedar Rapids WALTER M. KREBS, Manager for faster growth, and healthier pig s ; more weight at less cost. Let us prove to you that you can save money by feeding Riverside Pig Meal. We can save you dollars. Try it Today! Manufactured and For Sale at Riverside .Feed Stores All kinds of Feed, lah)nr, H:ty and Straw Main Store 1 19 14th Ave. S.I,'. Store No. 2, 222 Ist St. N.I';. P|lonc 2-7120 Cedar IOtpids We Will Deliver Free er tile etc .................. 4.18 Jay Burge, ditching . ......... 20.20 Jay Burge, sexier labor ........ 20.80 Lloyd f{iddle, sewer labor ..... 19.20 I,loyd Biddle, ditching ........ 9.60 }{. t'~'. BUl)ert, fire ('hief salary.. 12.50 11. tt. (ireell, services .......... 12.:]11 Leader Specialty ('o., e~pl)er r~ngs ...................... 6.12 The Delning Co., Raxxhide pini~m 24.05 L{ell Teiel)hone (?t)., tolls ...... 1.48 )'hAndler t_'o., pipe ............. 23.;{5 Badger ,Meter ('(~,, lnet~-r repairs 3,92 lllOl't2 thai) ninety days from the coln- plett'd service thert~of have expired and it is now desired that tax deeds be tak- en as provided 1)y ~"dection 7284, 1935 t?ode of lowa, 2r 1)rov ...... 1.57 pr,~j ........................ 5{).17 (?lit I{ate ],'.)od Sh,lll 1)m~r prov . 11.68 i ]nvestnlent Co., poor StaY,'- (~herry Bnrrell ('orl), poor sur- I ing i)roj .................... 278.46 II)hIs supplies ............... 2.40 l,~utrules tlrAnees, poor re)it .... 12.00 ~'hoteborskv. ,I~ll)n,s, poor rent 10.00 King, Mrs. Clara, poor rent .... 6.00 Conwnv ,~- (!,). \V ,I. poor rent .. 10.00 i Karr tlerbert, pool" rent .. 10.00 City XValer Works, 1leer water .... a(I ! Klinsky (Irocery, poor prey .... 55.83 service ..................... ~4'8'1 ~ ' I,;ash & Karry Store, po~)r, l)rov. 20.66! Corner ( ror prey ........ 8 R4 Par:)h Food .Xtkt. ~)oor nrov .... 13.77 F;~rl)],,l's (~(I-Ot) Exc]lanffe poor fuel ........................ 11.07 First Ave Potato Mkt. sol rel 1)r,)v ....................... lq,8~l I,'l~ltliv (Iro('ery, ,~o] rel nrov . . 12 65 t,'ishw~,ld &- Son. ]~ poor prov ... 6.48 F~.very (]ro('ery 1)o~r prov ..... 2.88 t~irst Ave Pot:lto Mkt noor prov 14.61 Po))~e S. el,. poor nrov ........ 20.48 Critlnan 5. T,. C~o Bonrd of Edu- ontion })lee)in L~ .............. ~Sa (li|lman. (Ice)rile W 1)'~or riled aid 9r~ 5n ~1~t',e /Irocorv 1leer nrov ...... 15.03 {la}l;lrrher (]rl)ecry P TT, ll