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May 18, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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May 18, 1939 |
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Page Eight
......... , ......... i |ll i Ill. m
.......................... , ............................................................ i- -
l& ...... Clinton; three daughters, Mrs. l|ltn * I° ll, e olher at t{osedale, Union woniplace in the freshman triangular.
Obituary im, th Rogers of Minneapolis, Minn., I LIF~iliI1LP~k--~IAH[~IJ~IJI! ~ • both game.~: :Ill I'Mst,'r p.arty at [l'o(. again was first with S2 points,
MI s Gelti ude Baltby of Steele
. ," " . ./Able To Flay Again (]ri)ve s,.}lool:a lout' of (,ornell hud 45 points, and Grin-
MRS. ,JOHN IJ. • ,~ . i N. l)ak. and Mrs. Verna .M. Wade ] ~ industrial plants ill Cedar Rapids, inelI was third with 34 points.
Funereal services for Mrs. John l,. i of Los Angeles, Calif., a step-son,] Junior Simpson, son of Mr. and includiug \Vilson (~o., Hutchinson's,! Van Tuyle in tbe two-mile run
I)unn were hehl at ! :30 SundaY]S. S. l)unn of Chicago; two sisters, / Mrs Earl Simpson, who has been a \V.M.T., ('olonial Bakery, C°urti'md Vodieka in the javelin w'on the
t'rom the Non funeral hol,le in ! Mrs. George +backer and Mi .l ufd.. .r of nepl','osis for mo,'e ti, a,I m.,s,.. :i:,il: and luneh at a ri.stau,'-
Mount Vernon with Rev. Gaylard!olive l.eber and one brother, Wil-" a year was lille last week end to ant. ]only firsts for tbe Cornell fresh,
S. Hamilton of the Lisbon Federal- ! lic MeMatlon. Sbe also leaves a )lay for the first time since he be- A total of 1 S0 bookh~ts were i but other Cornell freshnlen won
Eight team soft ball tournanlent
starting at tvn a. m. Sunday. Ad-
mission frec. Happy Valley Ser-
vice Station, on No. 3o west of Mt.
Market Report
ed (,burch in eharge of the service, i host of friends in the several places
Burial was in tbe Mount Vernon I she had nlade her home.
Pearl 'May l)unn was born July
9, 1877 to Albert and Sarah Me-
Ma'hon in Clinton, Iowa, 'wbere tile
father was a raih'oad engineer.
She received her education in the
Clinton high school. In June 1921
she was married to John I,. I)unn
at Marion and they had their
home ill Cedar Hapids. Mount Vet'-
non and lAsbon.
Until the time of Mrs. l)unn's
Out of town relatives were Mrs.
Sarah Mc.M&hon and Mrs. George
Bella.s of Clinton; Mrs. 1,illian
Jones of I)eerfield, Ill., Mr. and
i Mrs. George Thacker and Mr. and
Mrs. S. S. l)uun of Chicago; Mr.
land Mh's. R. C. Malthy and son of
Steele, N. 1).. and Mrs. l{uth l{og-
ers and d'tughter of Minneapolis,
death there were live generations:. I)r. J. H. 1,:nnls spoke to tile
in her family. Intembers of A.A.U.W. (in Wed-
iOollowing a year's illness of call- i nesd&y evening, ell tbe s~bject.
cer, ,Mrs. I)unn passed away leriday ; "l'opulation as a l,'actor in hlterna-
morning, May 12, at the boule of itional t{olations". The meeting was
Mrs. IAllian Crofutt in Mount Ver- [ held in the Methodist church Din-
non, w'here she was taken fronl nor for twenty-three In(~InLbers was
her Lisbon honle several 'weeks!served by Division No. 3, of the
previously. ] l.udies Aid society of the Methodist
'Surviving are her husband, her !church, preceding the talk by I)r.
mother, ~Mrs. Sarah McMahon of I Ennis.
Phone 50 Mount Vernon
l,~resh l.'rlllts and Veg~tahh*s: AIA~ F'IR,~'r QITAIATY, xvc do not
halune s(~l'olld ~l.aih, Vl~tahles or Fruits
cAI~IAt'IAiIVER, hirge ]iealls, eiidi .......................................... '-):It,
NEW I'I)TATOES, lied or White, tl OOlllid~ .......................... 254!
I~E'I~PUCE, ttlid heaiL~i, 2 for ....................................................... 1.5c
'I~(}.t|AT{)ES, fUllt'y, ripe, "~ ll~llllidS ............................................ 7Pli'
NEW pEAS, Swat Variety, -'1 liOUlid.~ .................................... °3c
IIAiilSHE~, 3 bunt,hes ................................................................ lib'
ASPARAGUS, lionit' (irolvli, bUlil'h ............................................ li~'
Lt.~MONI, large size, dl,2en ............................................................ 7,~ll,
I,'IAiRiliA ,JUI(}E ()IIANGI'],% laege, thll~n ............................ :l,~'
NAVEL EATIN(I OIIANGES, dozen .................... 2-'it', 29(' lind llgl!
PINEAPPI,ES, largt; ripe, 2 for ................................................ 7,54">
CARROTS, ~weet (~,alifol'llill, 7 lllllll'ht,~4 .................................... 13¢'
AVACADOS, (ll'alR~frult, lll~lll, N~v Beets, Ne~v (!uhlla>~*e,
Sl~li•~et lJot~t~M~, (~ll(!lllllb4"l~, Muslil~[,ll|S, (Irelql IleallS,
Wlnesap and Delll.hlus Apples, Strawberries.
COOKIES, Sandwich or Cho('olate, pound .................................. 19e
MAXWEIA~ ]tOU,'~E CO]PI~'EI':, 2 I~ llOiilids, l)rip or lt~'uhir ,'>5~'
SANKA OR KAi,'PEI'; HAll, lei~ .vou .~l~ll, llound .................... "171'
WE HAVE 'I~iE NEIV Ci{ADI~F ,IELIAES, Stl'allled and
So~llet% for Infants (}r Cliildl~n, jar .......... 10(.
PINEAPPLE, No. III (;all Crll.~411ed ............................................ lille
O.%LAR FI~OUR, 49 poinlds ........ II.59 24 pounds ........ 8Ill'
OVAI~TINE, Snlali Size, l~g'lllar 39c t~lli .................................. :lilt'
NHITRF]NE R(X)T llEER OR GINGI':IIAI~E, truly (hqlt'iolus
beverages, full 32-oz Quart bottle, 3 for . ....................... 2.5('
(Plus bottle cl~rge)
GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, No. 2 ('.an, 3 for ....................... 2,5(.'
SltRI_~IP, fancy large wet pa~k, can ........................................ 1,5~:
GINGER SNAPS, fresh, 2 1)oul~ls ............................................ 17v
CRESCENT MACRONETS, short cut for ~, lb. pkg ........ 15e
SAIA1)A TEA, M-lb, pkg. with Free Utility Dish, Black ........ 2Oe
Green Tea ................................................................................ lSc
SEE IT AND BUY IT IN GIM~SS, Brlaxu]ale Tiny %%~]1ole iie~t~,
jar 18c; Tiny Green Bemm, 20(.; Sweet Peas 18~..
S~PUF~ED OLIVES, 4B, No. 7 h(ittle ........................................ 23e
HUSKIES, 2 pkgs ~'ith l~'erdhland B4dloon ................................ 19c
GWC CLOTHES BLEACH, QIlart Bottle .................................... 1,~
LE~VlS LYE, 10(~* cans, 3 for ........................................................ 25e
TOILET BO~VL BRUSHES ~'ith varnished handle, each ........ 10e
,calno ill, He rode his tiqeyele and
did things boys tire years ohl like
to do. He accompanied his parents
and brother Richard for a motor
trip to (,lerniont oil Sunday where
the day was spent visiting Mrs.
Siuipson's tnother, Mrs. H. J. Hel-
gerson. Junior's condition has
sho\vn a nlaFked iulprovenlent in
r0cont weeks, tie lllllSt still con-
tinue to have blood transfusions
.and this nlorning he submitted to
his 8Ist transfusion, Up to today
he has been given inore than nine
and one-half gallons of blood be-
sides two quaFts of serunl. Junior
has had nation wide recognition
during llis rare illness ,and has
uiany friends who will be glad
tO leal'll of his inlprov(~luent.
Noted Catholic Speaker To
Lecture at Cedar Rapids
Can tbe ideals of denioeracy sur-
vi~,e? What iLlethods can we use
to offset the dangers of ~'omnlun-
isnl and I,'uscisui ? ]S there a solu-
lieu of tile war t)etween the fOl•('~'S
of delnOdq'aey and tile forces of dic-
tatorship ?
These and otbor silnllar quos-
tions 'will tie answered hy 1)r.
(_leorge HernlanI1 ])t!l'l'y, hOlt'(1 or:t-
Ior, ~,dueator and author of l)e-
troll, Mich., when lie lectui'es und0r
the atlspiees of the I{nlghts of
('OIUUlIIIIS, Thul'sday, May 25, :it
S:15 1).111. in the hnlnaeulale Con-
ceplion school auditoriuln, S:te 4Ih
Ave S.I']., Cedar Rapids.
Adinission is free and an invi-
tation is extended by the ('edltr
l{al)i(ls K.C.':~ to all ('iIiz('lls of
Mounl Vernon and vicinity tO ;it-
Mr. and Mrs. \V. E. Mutthews'
were (.ailed 1o I~.edhouse, \Vest Vir-
ginia, last week by the serious ill-
ness of Mr. Mattllews sister, ~Irs.
Noru I)unlal) who suffered It slrol.:e
of paralysis. They plan to be in
Ihe south foF sev(q'al weeks.
I)ivision 4 of the Methodist lind-
ies Aid will be entertained by Mrs.
)ion 1{. King on \V(~ 1 I('sday.
May 24th at '2:45 o'elo('R. MeIn-
bel's are asked to reln0nltier thal
this is tile last nleeting for Imy-
lncnt of pledgos.
Mr. and Mrs. (leorge Kirkpatrick
were bests for the \Vest 1,]nd Chin
nieeting oil \Ved nesday e v(~ning.
"Phirty were l)res(~nt. Gaules 'were
played and a social tilne enjoyed.
l{efreshnlents wl!l'(, served 1)y ~]l'S.
George \Vilson and Mrs• McMillen.
The Salu Bair property just
north of Ash (,i'ossillg will soon be
receiving its water supply fronl the
town of Mount Vernon. Work was
started digging the ditch for the
water pipe last week. The pipe
will lie ('onne('ted to the water inaiI1
at the (.oi'l~t~i' of Seventh avenue,
and Seventh street north. Part of
the Pit)e had been laid and digging
of the ditch from the R. A. Nelson
corner to the Bair property is go-
ing • thead rapidly.
Mrs. Kathrine l'enn of t{arlung
a caller Tne~tay aftt~i'i/oou on
Mrs, Eva Travis at Mrs. Ollie I)un-
('un's' honie.
Mr. and Mrs. lrvin l,acock and
Mrs. Eva Travis were Sunday eve-
ning callers ut the Mrs..May~, I)~qtn
at Amana.
]{alph l)uncan and flmi v and
dr. and :Mrs. ~qllard Hoffnuln
spent Sunday "it the honlo of .\ll's.
Ollie ])nnean.
Mr. and Mrs. l':. \V. Young atrd
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young of St.
Paul, Minn., returned to their home
on Wednesday after a short visil
with Mr. and Mrs. l{oy Young and
family Mr. and Mrs, E. %%". Young
Specials For Friday And Saturday
COFFEE, pound .............. 23c
CRISCO, 3 pound can ........ 53c
No. 2 n/z size ........................ 9c
PUTTER, Pound-O-Gold ...... 27c
NAVY BEANS, 4 pounds ...................................... 17c
SODA CRACKERS, A-l, 2 pounds ........................ 15c
FIG BARS, Fresh Baked, pound ............................ 10c
MARSHMALLOWS, full pound package ............ 15c
SWEET PICKLES, full quart ................................ 23c
ORANGE SLICES, pound ........................................ 9c
ARMOUR'S CORN BEEF HASH, 2 for ............ 19c
PINK SALMON, 1 lb cans, 2 for ........................ 25c
SAUR KRAUT, Del Monte, 2Vz size .......................
OMAR FLOUR, 49 pounds ................................ $1.59
WHITE HAWK FLOUR, 49 pounds ................ $1.10
CHICK FEED, fine, 100 pounds ........................ $1.90
NOLA FLAKES, For Finer Fabrics, pkg ............ 23c
(5c bar of Soap Free)
NORTHERN TISSUE, 5 rolls for ........................ 25c
BROOMS .......................................... 29c, 59c and 69c
MATCHES, 3 boxes ................................................ 10c
DOG FOOD, Dixie, 2 cans ...................................... 11c
ORANGES, 2 dozen Sunkist Valencias ................ 25c
NEW POTATOES, Calif. Whites, peck ................ 39c
FANCY LETTUCE, 2 heads .................................. 15c
FRESH STRAWBERRIES, quart ........................ 18c
PURE LARD, pound .................................................. 9c
Sliced, pound ................................ 25c
PILOT OYSTER SHELLS ............ 85c
BLOCK SALT ................................ 39c
ROLLED OATS, for Chicks,
10 lbs .......................................... 35c
Phone 11
Flowers wired everywhere.
Lisbon, Iowa
the parents of t{oy Young and
I,'rank Young is l/is brolher.
Mrs. IAoyd Me(NIteheon went us
far" its t','hlora with Mr. and Mrs.
IAoyd MeCuteboon Sunday on their
way t)aek to Sibley and is visiting
this week in tile Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
lloyd ilonle. She is expected tiolile
this afternoou.
UNION No. I ~CH()()I, NI,]~'S
Elizabeth Houver, Teacher
Ttie Ih~ion No. 1 School closed
for tile sunllner vacation on Friday
with a i)ountiful pb'nic dinner ai
noon. Those iu atlendalr('o \\('r(':
Mr. and Mrs. line Noska, ])orothy
and Bobby Jo; ,Mr. and Mi'~< An-
tone Noska, Doris and la,onard;
Mrs. H. W. Klinsky, Carl, I,;llen,
leloren(,o, Harold and (llenn; Mr.
and Mrs. John B'lrtosh, l{i,chard,
talernadine and l~*orr/la, ,~]l'S. ],](1w.
Zot)el; Mrs. Maqdo Jiroutek, Ar-
lene and l)oris; Mrs. |larry ITp-
nlier and Hihla: Mr. und .Mrs. Gee.
Wolken and Mary Ann; Mr. and
• ' rs. Charles Yarbrough, Annis.
Vernon, Ix)is, 1,~rnest and (~harles;
Mrs. Joe Stastny. IAoyd and Ozella;
I{a:.hel Trular; Mr. and Mrs. An-
tone Netolicky, Maxine und Max-
well: Mrs. Ai•luon 1,0febllrc lind
Margaret; Mrs. 1.)dwar~t l/roulik,
Heru'iett:t and Helen; Mrs. Emil
l~roulik and Richard; arid b]liza-
herb Houver, teactier•
"Phe forenoon was spent running
r.lccs with candy bars as prizes.
Tbose winning were: Ellen and
C, arl Klinsky, Riehard l{itrl osh,
(~:tlarles Yarbrougb, l)orothy Mae
Nosku, Glenn Klinsky, Normu l{ar-
lo,~:'h, l.loyd Stastny, Ill the s't('k
race Glenn Klinsky won. The
wh eel't)o r ro/v race was %¾"on 1)y
IAoyd St,istny und Huroht 1,~lin-
sky; l)orothy Mac Noska "lnd I)oris
Noska won the tbree-leg~ged race.
Six pupils of the Mxteen enroll-
ed hnd a perfect atten(htnce records
for the year. They are: l{ernudine
I~artosh, Doris Jiroutek. I,conard
and l)oris Noska, Florence and
Harold Klinsky. lq'~eh of these
pupils were presented with a gift
.by the toucher. An average dally
attendance of 15.20 was lnainlain-
Each pupil enrolled reud ten
library books this year, several
read nlore than ten. "Phose l'cud-
ing niore than fifty were: l)orothy
Mac Noska and Arlene Jiroutek.
H'trold Klinsky read thirty and
Nornla Bartosh, twenty.
Many activities were carried on
this year in our school. They in-
cluded: Hallowe'en progralu ,tlld
carnival; a visit to the Men's l{e-
formatory; a large Thanksgiving
dinner; a Christlnas party with
l{oger Grove ,,mhool as guests;
two kitten-ball gameswittl Hose-
dale school, one gallic a[ J;lliOli,
nrade ill connection with the var-
i()lls sludi~'s dlirilig the yetlr.
Cornell News Notes
Carl Sand/mrg Here-Monday
(':/l'l ~:indl)ul'~ lasl night canle
IO flit' (':lnlplls for llie seventeenth
tiIllO since 19"0. ltis prograul,
which was presented ill lower cha-
pel, included his telling of the
acti~iiies ill which he has beell eno
gaged during ttl(, last year and the
re:tdilrg ()f scvt,ral l)opulur poeuls.
M r. Sandburg, a(,colnpanying him-
se]f olr tl[s Kuitar, also s,Lng SOV-
('I'll1 0f the SOll~S inchlded in llis
Fresh 'Fake Second And
Varsity Third In Meets
l{()y Me( •:tliley s!'()l'('(] the ouly
lil'st foi" ( 'Oi'll~ql ill flit' triangular
ienough phlces to pla('O thenl ~ltlead
of Grinnell.
Micbaelson won second in the
shot put, third in the 220-yard
dash, and fourth in the 100-yard
dash and the discut;. Stevenson won
third Dlaces in lhe low-hurdles and
the high-hurdles and second in
i the broad jump. Dahlberg won
set'end in lhe discus and fourth in
the slier put. Other Cornell fresh-
Ilion ;',he placed were: l.oepp, third
in the high julnp; McKinley, fourth
ill both the low and high hurdles;
,: \Vallace seeond ill the 8St)-yard
run; and Gash, tbird in the 440-
yard dash.
i JUST WHAT %VE ,~kR|q
: It would be niee to have a job
wilb good wages and no danger of
losing it.
~,i':l(']< ilicel al ('~/,' Satllrltay, ('oe iIt would be nice to have a town
won lhe meet ea>q!v with 71 l~ property Off which you could colleet
]the rent every month if you didn't
point~. (;rioneil was second with ! bare to spend anything for up-
62 points. :lilt1 ('oruell was thirdi keep.
/with 2s % points. ' It would be niee to have a farm
,\l('(':lllley \volt lirsl :lIl(t St'breed- on which the buildings and fences
~,i won l}lird in t}le two lnih, run. would uot run down, nor the soil
(';IFSl)('l'l{¢ql \VtlS se('olrd in the ' wush away.
lli~tl junip and lhird in llle pole
vault. 1L,!l took second in the dis-
cus and fourtii in lhe shol put•
Glee ~\Oll I'onrlh iu the 440-yurd
(la:dl and folll'th in the I)ro:ld juiiip.
()lher II/eli who plut'~ql fur t'ornell
\vote: (~hqii~,ilS. folirlh ill the mile;
l'eck, s(,('olrlt ill tlie l li0-yard dash,
llcirli~,ll, tied for thh'd in the high
junip: .Mcl{~,uii. lhird in lhe SS0-
yard rlilr; Andersorl. fourth in the
tll'Oad .i/llill); lind (Icshnor, second
in lho jav(!lill.
The fresh tl'aCl~.stel's won seoond
It would be niee to have a buM-
iness that would run right along
Iwith an even ineoule without bay-
ing to rustle or advertise for new
I It would be niee to have a gov-
; ernnlent that would funetion
slnoothly year after year without
the bother of eleetions.
It would be niee to live and not
grow old.
These are the things people are
wanting those clays• They don't
:call it crying for the moon. They
call it demanding seeurity.--Indian-
oil t{ecord.
Clih,a~) Sto('k M~lrket
Hogs, Chicago top .................... $7.25
Cattle. Chieago top ................ $14.00
Sheep, Chicago ........................ $10.75
Hogs, Cedar Rapids top ....... $6.95
Chi('ltgo (Iraln Market
Corn, per hushol ................ 49%e
Wheat, per bus'hel ............... 78 ~e
Oats, per :bushel .................... 33~/~c
Call 135-\V, I)ale Halnlnond, for
those yard cleaning aud repair
jobs. l~awn ulowing wanted. 28-3t
YOU Pick--the farln. See us
about financing the deal. Federal
Land Bank loans to farm buyers
nlade at lowest rates in history!
Harold B. MeTavish, Sec.-Treas.
National learm 1,oans Associations,
94-3d Ave S.E., Cedar Rapids, Ia.
28-9-30-1 4te
225-W, Mt. Vernon. 13-tfmade, very attractive. 125
b'or Sale: Practically new Per- b'eed gifts coupons (one
fection tbree-burner oil stove, l()lt lb ~bag.) Muny other
Priced reasona~ble. James Macau-lus F J. Peterson,
ilay. Phone '2'26 I,W. 3t7 Third "--[!n-'d-er-ssiz(~d VurnaCe."
! Ave S. 29-2tctrouble! Makes ,,forci
For S'de: Dining table, 6 chairs, sary, Jburns out the cast
2 beds, sewing nlaehine, pasteColonktl's faetory engll
,board, papering tools, ehe'tp. Mrs. survey your heating r~
Harohl Minniek, 214 S 2nd St. E.[and prevent this error.
Phone 195W. 29p Johnson.
b~or Sale: Farms, Acreages, Painting Time:
Town Property ill Mount Vernon ning to paint, either
and Lisl)on. H. I). M'ueller, Off.see us for estimates
phone 160, Res. phone 273W 29p tion on famous pratt
]~ ~ occupancy o-'---'~n o""--r paints. C. W. Iosty
!before June 15, small eompletely Mount Vernon.
nlodern house or 4-5 room apart- For Sale: Nursery
ntent. Refrigerator and stove in- price oil fruit and
[eluded. Responsi,ble couple will vines, currant busheS.
. lease by year for reasonable rent. rose sale ends ,MaY 20.
' Address Box A this offiee. 29p Phone 277VV.
i \Vanted to Rent: Sleeping room l,~or Sale:
i to working girl. House number kerosene stove; high
317 A Ave S. 29-p 1.argo oven. Good aS
Per Sale: Typewriter, violin, iJ°hn Haak, Lisbon.
deer head, piano, eook stove, newFor Rent or Sale:
rag rugs, hair switches, phone- -good ternls. Also
graph, reeords, eacti, other things. G. Wolfe, Agent.
It. 3, Box 185, Cedar l{upids. I)ial Wanted: Hitbestpr
3-2101. 29p wool. For Sale:
For Sale: 1930 Model A Vord Yellow ]{esistant
Week-End Specials
BROWN BEAUTY BE,ANS, 2 cans .......................... 19c
P & G SOAP, Giant Bar for lc, with 6 bars for .... 24c
SALAD DRESSING, Mayflower, Quart Jar ............ 23c
MILK, ,Jack Sprat, 4 tall cans .................................... 25c
SALMON, Mayflower, 2 cans .................................... 25c
RAISENS, Mayflower, 2 pound package ................ 15c
PRUNES, Mayfh)wer, No. 10 can ............................ 29c
ICE TEA BLEND, large cello bag ............................ 15c
CHOC. COVERED PEANUTS, pound .................... 19c
SUMMER DRINK, Lucky Charm Free, 2 lge pkgs, 9c
NECTAR, Mayflower, Giant bottles, 2 8-oz bottles 17c
WAX PAPER, 2 40-foot rolls .................................... 15c
MARSHMALLOWS, one lb 10c pkg ......... 5~zc
(2 limit)
PRUNES, Large 40-50 size, 2 pounds .................... 17c
NAVY BEANS, 3 pounds .......................................... 13c
LIMA BEANS, 2 pounds ............................................ 19c
BROWN OR POWDERED SUGAR, 2 pounds ........ 15c
FLY SWATTERS, each ................................................ 9c
CHOCOLATE CREAM COFFEE, 1 pound jar ....... 29c
JACK SPRAT COFFEE, 1 pound tin .......................... 25c
GOOD CHEER COFFEE, 3 pound bag .................... 39c
HYTOX, "Wash and Clean with Hytox" lge pkg 22c
PROTEX SOAP, 3 bars .............................................. 14c
CRISCO, 1 pound can .................................................. 21c
BABe, 2 cans ................................................................ 25c
WAX RITE, pint can .................................................... 39c
Jack Sprat Food Store
Phone 38 Mount Vernon, iowa
Quality that stands out against
the field! Pants are cut over stand-
ard Oshkosh B'Gosh graduated
patterns.., shirts are specially
designed for roominess, fit, com-
fort and appearance! Collars fit
perfectly--extra large, roomy
armholes.., plenty of length...
two flap pockets with pencil
pocket! Both shirts and trousers
are cut from finest quality vat.
dyed drills and jeans. Both are
Sanforized Shrunk... fast color!
Gas Station Men Maintenance Men
Garage Men Fishermen
Milkmen Campers
Farmers Porters
Taxi Drivers Store Clerks
for both
Shirt and
g bought separalely
SHIRTS .... $1.45
TROUSERS.. $1.95
Two popular shad.s:
Soft Wood lmulber, $20 per 1000 $60. I,ynlan Howe. 29p toes,I,'ushion wilt
and Oak, $25 to $40; Oak \Vood I,ost: Friday afternoon after and late ,plants, 60c ]1
l)elivered, 5 cords or nlore $4.50i
cord, pay ell or 'before Sept. 1. ie°ncert' between the Grill corner sweet potato plants.
and post office, a lady's dark redil)ep°t street, phone
Posts, White uud l~urr t)ak, 1Be tO lsilk glove. Finder please leave at Vernon, Io'wa.
25o, aecording to size, also tops forI
sale. H. Pieper, Phoue 21b'-30., Grill or H:awkeye Reeord office..p b'or Sale: Stnart
Mount Vernon. 28-3tp [ Free: Bridge Table, chairs -- ' refrigerator. 1937
Sa~e." 2 Springingheifers-- ! Table has Masonite top. Strongly ITonne. IAMion.
1.. A. I,einbaugh, I.isbon -8-.3-1)
Floor Sanding: New and ohl
floors. Lawren('e l{unter, 191-W, : TWO of th~
Mount Vernon. 23-tfcI
Delul Aninlals i¢l,lliO%'eli l'~ree, i Best
Call nearest ldlone hy No. colle('t,i
Mt. Vernon, 307;Marion 77; Anu- i SATURDAY
Inosa, 74U~21, for ('lean, filet coln't-] TO-NIGHT - FRIDAY-
cous ~rviee. l,~ran(.is Pa)'tou, i Bigger, better than Jesse James. The big
Agent, Analiio~'l, lowa, for Farlu-[
ers lkndering Works. State I,i-i historical epic in Gorgeous Technicolor
eense No. 7, Iowa City, la. 17tf
Will be available for piano and ERROL
voice lessons this SUnlnler. Call OLIVIA Dell
40I{3 for further inforluation.
Elizabeth Bryant. 26-29-c The picture of the month.
Warlttid: .... Buildingi~nd t(epa]r
SUNDAY - MONDAY--No Matinee Sun a
ing, lnasonry, painting and paper
hanging work, l ]slirnates furnish- Out of America's stirring" past emerges ano .er, i,
ed. Pbone 222-J. N.J. Peet, Mt.
Vernon. t)d. 2S4S motion picture. The story of
17{&no tuning, usual charge $2.50;
cane seating and chair wrapping.
R. E. Sanderson. 31,q Third Street
North. Phone 125-J 9tf
Highest priees paid Wool, One of America's most thrilling stories with a
Hides, iron, rags and metals. Rub- of players--Don Ameche, Henry Fonda, Loretta
ber tire trailers and wagons made Fidler gave it 4 Bells. Definitely a "Don't
to order. D. 1]urgers & Sons, phone ture." Disney Cartoon. Fashion forecast reel
and news.
A big Mid-Week Show
Said to be the best West Point picture ever
You get both at this store coupled with moderate priori
that you can afford to pay
Merchandise from these Makers are here for your selections:
Hart. Shaffner & Mark Clothes
Stetson Hats
Crosby Square Shoes
Arrow Shirts . . . Ties... Hankies . . . Underwear
Wilson Bros. Haberdashery
Cooper Jockey Shorts Paris Belts, Suspenders and Garters
J. Schoeneman Inc. Clothes
Bontany Ties
Sizes and Styles to Fit Small Men . . . Big Men . . . Tall Men