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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
May 22, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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May 22, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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II, 104t THIn UOUNV VIRNON, IOW~L H Wl~SYJF~BD &ND ~ IAN~ON ~ Pugo Tint I I I I [I I[ I I - I {I I I ; l,r ~ ml,i i TI it, l,~r i irF, Eddy and BIll Mrs. C. C. Howard of Davenport engo were visitors arrived Wednesday for a visit In the ~me of the latters home of her friends, Mr. and Mrs. "Mrs. Scott Stone- E. R. Ristine. Mr. and Mrs. Chester W. Wll- presented the liams had as their over night guests ing address for Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lester D. the Methodist Williams, of Oak Park, Ill. last Sunday Mrs. Stanley Hrlbal and daugh- ter Diane of Rockford, Ill were Rev. and Mrs. Allan Darling of Caledonia, Ill, were visitors Mon- day with Mrs. Darlings mother. Mrs. Bessie Wallis. Mrs. Lucy Davis and son Earl Davis and Wtlma Jean Levy spent Sunday in the Andrew Spencer home at Rochester. Mrs. W. C. Keeler arrived in Mount Vernon from Akron, Ohio, on Tuesday afternoon and has open- ed her home for the sunder. Rev. J. B. Eyestone attended the state meeting of Rotary clubs held in Mason City on (Monday and Tues- day. He represented the local club. w. H. Bait IS vising his son Rites for D. DeCamp Volney Bair in Burlington, WIS. Mrs Je.y Waiters has been lil Were Held Sunday since last week and Is confined to her home. D.D. DeCamp died last Thurs. Miss Hortense Hunt, of Fulton, day evening, at the home of Mrs. Ill was a week end visitor with George Kirkpatrick where he had her sister, Miss Mattie B. Hunt. been eared for, 0he last year. Fun- eral services were attended by a Harry Hudeison, IS expected to large group of relatives and friends arrive in Mount Vernon on Satur- Sunday afternoon in the Neff Fun- day for a visit with hie family, era[ Home. Rev. H. A. Bassets of- Miss Esther Kidder of Olin spent fie[steal, and was assisted by the the week end in the home of her I.O.O.F. lodge. Burial was in the parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. J Kidder. Mount Vernon cemetery. Mrs. J. H. Sums of Clarion spent Deporter Dee DeCamp was born last week in the home of her daugh- near Solon, Iowa, on (March 8, Twenty-Eight Colleges Central ~ attend f~ mrvices for Archle's Chosen To Partidpate ma ~ ~ uncle, Hem7 W1]z~. In Educational Study rOmmT mcmc Twenty-eight"--~egs in fourteen Forest Edge school closed Satur- Mm. Bay Iteiten states have been selected by a day with a picnic dinner at noon. committee of the north central Three boys, Denn~ and Glenn Pea- George Shmtz Jilt Monday with association of colleges and second- ek and Robert Ruble are finishing Mr& Hattie Campl~H. ary sohoole to participate in a pro- country school and it will leave the Mr. and MrL Paul ~ apemt gram of educational studies and ex- school with a small enrollment this Sunday with George RoN'& perlmentation during the next two fail M~ Dick Fisher ~ Cedar years. The general north central idm spent Thursday at~mo~ at aesoci~fion study Is under the sup- GIIJI~Gil ~OOL Ray Boltml's. . . ervision of Prof. Russell M. Cooper, RNT]g]gTAINS 1"~ Mr. and Mrs. J~ J t~m er, on leave from CorneU for the pur, pose of directing the work. Gnmge Hall teacher, Miss Doris Friday at Pete ChrisUIm~s near ViOla. Dr. Cooper will teach one class Montgomery, and pupils entertained A good many of ~ INiraita Heals ex- guests last Monday in the home Mrs. Carl Crum~ugh came Tues- ter, Mrs. Harry Hudeison and ram- 1857, and passed away as Mount Friday for Minnea- of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Still. day afternoon from her home in il Vernon, May 15, 1941, age 84. He t visit of ten days Mrs. ATey Parsons who was in- Clinton for a few days visit in the YM 'Mr. and Mrs. Jured in a fall two weeks ago is home of her mother, Mrs. J.F. rs. Rose Slager of Cedar Rap- was the son of John and Pauline recovering very nicely. Mrs. Carrie Keys. ids spent last week in the home Duncan DeCamp. On the 26th of '~ell gave the mis- Gates is assisting in her care. Mrs. M. 8. Jordan of Clinton was of her mother, Mrs. James Bar- March 1888 he was united in mar- Sunday in the Mr. and ~rs. Francis Watson of a guest of her sister-in-law, Miss tosh. riage with Georgia Ella Trester and L in Monticello.Council Bluffs were week end vtst- Anna Jordan, on Thursday and at- A new front porch is being added theYding celebratedanniversarytheirin golden1955, wed-Mrs. to the Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gamble DeCamp preceded him in death on "Our Investmenttors in ~he home of Mr. Watson's tended the first concert of the May house on A avenue South. Jim May 15. 1934. Mr. DeCar~p spent parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wat- festival. son. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lehman, of Burgs is doing the work. his entire life farming in the vi- James C. L. Clark (Miss Gwyneth Young of Marion Ida Grove, plan to spend Memorial Howard Bennett, medic student cinlty of Mount Vernon with the ~tn and Miss Edna spent the week end in the home of week end in the home of ~fr. Lah- in the State University of Iowa, will exception of seven years which Sunday evening her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. arrive the last of the week for a ca- were spent in farming in Nebraska. the home of Miss Young and attended the May feast- Lehman. cation vtmt in the home of his par- He was always deeply interested rots, Mr. and Mrs. val. Miss Gwen Smyth, who has lived ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bennett. in music and was himself an old- in Falrfax. Celia Lynch of Cedar Rapids was at the Mrs. Gertrude Mldkiff home The many M~unt Vernon friends time fiddler. He was a lover of seer, w~ho has been a guest Saturday in the home of for the last year, is staying with of ~Mr& Harold Ringer of Lisbon good livestock and especially of fine 0 public school fa- Mr. and Mrs. James (McCutcheon her grand4mxents, Mr. and Mrs will be glad to learn she returned horses. ills, will spend the and attended the May festival con- Freeman Current. to her home from St. Lukes hos- He has been a member of the home of her moth- cert. ~ Mrs. H. "M. Kelly, of Nsenah, pital, Monday evening and is re- Mount Vernon Odd Fellows lodge tisser, before going Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy Johnson of Ce- Wis came Tuesday afternoon for a covering very nicely, for over thirty-five years. He is r study in the sum- dar Rapids were Saturday evening visit of a week or more in the home Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Moore of survivedclark of bYcedarOne daughter,Rapids, Iowa,Mrs' AmYand )we State Teachers vtsiitors in the home of Mrs. John- of Prof. and Mrs. William EbersOle Lander, Wyo and Mrs. Williamfour sons, Homer, of Pueblo, Colo.; son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. and other friends. Harrison of Phoenix, Ariz were Neff. Prof. and Mrs. F. M. McGhtw en- dinner guests on Monday in the John of Rollo, Me.; Earl and El- Mrs. Charles BeaeLh, Linn county tertalned their usual guest, Paul home of Mrs. Flora Buck and don both of Mount Vernon. Seven grandchildren and four great- I~lh i president of the Legion Auxiliary, Handke, librarian with the C~licago brother F. W. Moore. grandchildren. His last illness coy- ) r a]~Juts was a guest Tuesday at a luncheon Symphony orchestra, during the Mrs. Stanley gel[area of Marion ered a number of months past. g given by the Auxiliary unit in @en- ] May festival last week. came Tuesday evening to spend the He leaves a host of friends who [IGroup8 tral city. Mrs. C. G. Mason of Marshall-remainder of the week with her appreciated his integrity and up- ~!UlIlOIlIIi Miss Margaret 8mlley, who has town, a former student in Cornell mother, Mrs. Charles Hartung. Her rightness. been ill for several weeks, is able to attended the festival and called on sons Daniel and Peter came the Iaad Portrait .be up a part of the time. Her many Miss Anna Jordan with whom she first of the week for a visit. aphy friends will *hope for her continued roomed while in Cornell. Lesser Dacken Is attending the Improvement. Dr. Irma Plaehn of Cedar Falls General Assembly meeting of the 's Pictures Mr. and ~Vlrs. Harry Lewis jr. of was a guest the last of t~e week in Presbyterian churches in St. Louis, MP,8 ~IY~I~E G~RNE~ Mrs. Myrtle Garner, former resi- tlty Adrian, Mich were guests last lthe Mrs. Edna Messenger and Miss Me this week. He was elected dent of Mount Vernon, died at her week in the Mr. and Mrs. Frank I Ruth ~Meseenger home and attend- elder commissioner of General As- home in Cedar Rapids last Friday Benesh home and attended the [ed the festival on ~laturday.sembly last month at the Presbytery following a long illness. Mrs. Ggro after 6 o'clock May Festival. I Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Yates of meeting held in Mount Vernon. ner had ma~e her home with her It~[ tim tent i Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Slpple are ex- I Lime Springs, and Mrs. Glenn An- Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kater, and daughter, Mr& Roger Boyd In Ce- to B@I 493 I pectlng their daughter Miss Wau- I dress of Cedar Rapids spent Men- Miss Lydabeile Goodyeax Joined Mr ~ar Rapids for several years. Fun- I netta Slpple. nurse in Rochester, l day afternoon in the home of and Mrs. Ray Goodyear and son era] services were held Sunday af- ~Mlnn on Saturday for a vacatlonlMr, and Mrs. Dick Busen.bark. Edwin and Mr& Huld& Bliss of ternoon at the Brady Funeral home Iowa City for a picnic Sunday at with interment in the Mount Ver- erl of a month. ] (Miss Martha Lahman, teacher the PallssAes state park. The or- non, cemetery. [ Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Swift, and]in the Olin consolidated school will [ Mrs. Mary Young of Cedar Rapids [ arrive this evening for the summer easion celebrated Edwin's birthday. She is survived by two daughters, I0wa ]were Saturday evening callers in]vacation in the home of her par- Arriving Tuesday afternoon in Mrs. Boyd, and ~r~ Ward Loftus Ithe home of Mr. and Mr& Franklents, Mr. andMrs.E.R.L&hman, thehomeof Mr. andMrs. Joe~n- of Marshalltown; and four sop ~, [Young and family. ] Mrs. J. F. Keve, Mr. and ~rs.nett were Mr& Bennett's mother, Fred T. Garner of Cedar Rapids: [ 'Miss Margaret Keyes closed her [ James Kraner and ~by son, and Mrs. Nena Turner, and sister, ,Mrs. Dr. H. M. Garner of La Porte City: I second year of teaching in the ~ Vincent Keys, plcnleked Sunday at C. E. Melker, of Lincoln, Nebr. Donald George Garner, Manilla P. Mr& Turne~ will make an indefinite I.; and Ralph Garner of Long [schools at Stanley last week end]Eagle Point park, Clinton Sund~y visit in the Bennett home and Beach, Calif. Mr. Garner preceded [and is a vacation visitor in the ] in company with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mrs. Melker will spend only a few her in death in 1952. [home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. IC'hmmbaugh Hold ICharles Keyes t Mr. and Mrs. Albert Iesa~s of da~r" and Mr~ Robert Laeoek of ate [ Mr. and Mrs. Nick Peet, Junior Gillespie, Ill were among the fes- Tipton were Sunday dinner guests and Joan expect to move to Iowa tival attendants last week and vie- in the home of (Mr. and M~. L M. ~erviee~ Sunday City after the close of the school ited their daughter, "Miss Helen, Current. Becky Lou Current end year. Mr. Peet has *been engaged in who attends Cornell and rooms at Nancy Dean returned to their Baccalaureate services for the homes with them after a two day Mount Vernon high school class of the contrasting business there for[Pfeiffer hall. more than a year. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Biderman visit. Other dinner guests included 1941 were held at the MethodbK Mrs. Dean Risser and daughter and .Mr. and Mrs. Emil Dolesal, at- Mr. and Mrs. l~red Travis and Mrs. ohurch, Sunday evening, May 18. Martha Jane of Waterloo are ex- tended//he funeral services for Mrs. Hester Trs.VIlL As the thirty-two seniors march- petted thbs evening to spend the W. W. McCilntock, mother of Mr~ Sunday dinner guests in ths ed down the aisle to their seats at night in the home of ~-s. Grace J. C. Milholin, in Vinton, on Satur- home of Mr. and Mr& Russell B~lr the front of the room, Dr. Rowley Risser. They plan to motor to Le- day afternoon, were Mr. and Mrs. Ben ,Maudlin of of the Methodist church took roy, Ill on Friday for a. visit with Miss Miriam Freer who spent the Aurora, Mrs. M~e Foster, Bill, charge. Girls' AND Styles and colors from and $1.98 SUmmer Colors 59e former's parent& Mrs. Louis Reyhons has *been mffering with a 'brokenrib since Sunday evening when a cow he- came frightened while the family were milking. "Dhe cow ran, knock- ed Mrs. Reyhons to the ground and stepped on her chesL Mrs Helen Schroeder has heard from her son who entered the army service ~ few weeks ago. He is stationed at Maxwell Flying field, near Montgomery, Ala but has not been assigned to any particular part of the work as yet. Kenneth Butler was taken to the University hospital Iowa City last Saturday where it was expected the cast would be removed from his body and a br~ce placed on it in- stead. He was severely injured in a~f automobile accident February 18 south of Iowa City. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnston of Davenport, and former Mount Vernon residents, will be pleased to know their son Roe Johnson has received an up- SUPPLIES Party Sets, and Cups. winter with her sister, Miss Helen Leers and Arthur. .Mlse Dorothy The Girls Chorus sang, "But the Freer in Minneapolis, Minn return- Maudlin, who taught Roeedale rural Lord Is Mindful Of HIS Own" while ed home on Wednesday night of school this year and stayed at the Mrs. Helen Schroeder presided at last week and has opened her home Bair home, returned to her home the organ. It was interesting to for the summer, with her parent& sunday afternoon, note that the Girls Ohorus is Ice- Mrs. Gertrude (Midkiff and daugh- Approval of the sale Of the Flora ing eig~ht of its members with the ter Miss Hazel Mdkill have gens Busenbark estate house, on North ~enlflr Class. W. R. Fuller. in- to Delhi to spend several weeks and Seventh Avenue. to Dr. and Mr& struetor in music at the high school, have leased their apartment to Mr, Neff Miner for $1,T00 wire given bF sang, "Prayer Perfect." and Mr& Phaxas for the summer. Judge C. J. Ham in the I~inn dis- Rev. Joseph Gray of the Preeby- Mr. Pharas IS a member of the Joe tries court on ~I'uesd&y in a partition terian church delivered the address, Fisher dance orchestra, action brought by Oscar Busenbark, entitled '~Hnndwriting On the Miss Virginia Fussell, daughter of plaintiff and referee, against Flor- Wall." Rev. Gray pointed out to Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Fummil of Ce- ence Berry, Ralph, Robert and the Seniors that the same laws dar Rapids, former residents of Maxine Buaenbark, that govern activity today will do so tomorrow. He also said that Mount Vernon was graduated on Mr& Edwin Harris and daugh- "These things we es~ know-~if we Tuesday from the Presbyterian has- ter Ann, Mrs. J. W. ~,a~rbee and will." "You either conform to the .pital school of nursing, in Chicago, Miss Carrie Kyie motor~d to New laws of nature and science or you Ill. Mr. and Mrs. ~il went to London te~lay where ~hey are visit- will not survive." he told the group Ch/cago for the exercises. Jog in the home of Mr. and Mrs. In closing *his address. Mrs. H. E. Little returned Men- Don Steele. Mm, Steele and baby The Senior Class wore the n~w day from Belle Plaine where she daughter 8andra sue were expected robes, purchased by the school, for spent the week end in the home of to ,be released from the Burlington the first time. They are maroon. her sen William Little and family, hospital today. ,Mr~ H&rris and the school color. Edwin Little, her grandson was Ann expe~q~ to remain until Sunday The Class Ushers, elected by the graduated from the Belle Plains and Mr& ~rbee and Miss Kyle plan Senior Class. were Betty June high school last week and will en- to return this evening. Hed~ es and Lud Hedge. Other roll in Cornell next fall. ushers were: Hailie Frank W.insor pointment to the U.S. Naval Acad- Dr. and Mr& J. B. Magee wereM~. VJ~II~ON ~ NOTI~ Bernice Slpple, Harriet Moffit, Bet- emy In Annapolis, Md and expects in Madison, WIS the first of the I ~ ~ ~ ty Kohl, and Ruth ~tlevers. to leave for there June I. week, where Dr. Magee occupied ~ .3~ ~* ~, nh~e I~ Mr. ~nd Mrs. Charles Fisher of the pulpit in the Methodist church j Entertained By Seniors L SPRAYS Cedar Rapids former residents of on Sunday and spoke 'before a group ~ ~htl~ ~ch~ol. wi to $1.19 " Mount Vernon are announcing the on Monday evening. (Mrs. Magee 10:~16 ~oiz W~ th rec- The Senior c~-'~ of the Mount wedding date for the marriage of accompanied him and visited re[a- ogn/tion 0f ~orlal DaVy. Sermon, Vernon high school entertained the their daughter Miss Mar~ret fives near Madison. She returned '~Fhe ~ of ~/~/cion." Junior class at the annual Junior- Vernon Fisher to Claude E. Runner, son of home Tuesday and Dr. Magce ill ~ ~ ]~ltaVor S0 ll!ty Senior ~plenic on Monday, May 18. l r~ and Mrs. John We Runner of expected Friday from the northern Cedar Rapids, Saturday afternoon, l~art of the state where he had sere~. .mee~t~" The picnic was held at the Upper flay $1, in ~ Pau|'a Methodist era[ speaking engagements this ~~ullr~ ChUrch in Cedar Rapids. Week. C, ~ ~ ~ty m~g. Pal. The group of $2 Seniors and 28 i Juniors arrived at the Pal at two ---. on June 111. ,' 20.VacuUms m~ll ~ ~une lO- p.m. and ate supper at five-thirty. "--" ' The food committee was made up of Irene SIpple. Mark Hutchinson, and Marian Fisher. The picnic was IRST held to *l~.nk the Junlers for ~v- The Iiiiii ~~ "II~II~'~I at 9;415. ing the Banquet and Prom April IS. Sunde~ morning worship is at 0.e ffit ,- Play Friday In mind a homo li t you would to buy? you d.c+ d morro Day the church program. The differ~t pllt~tie organisa- The ~orneli c---~ege band under lions of the col~ettmlty have been the direction of Prof. CheSter Wile Invited as ~meiai~. "Lest We llama will present a concert on Forget" ill the ~ .of the set-- Pfeltler lawn next Friday evening, men by the IXUd~. The special May II, at 7:11; p.m. music by the ~ ~ collep youth Prof. Williams promises an inter. will be a~ ~ the GeeSe/on. estlng and varied program of The ImbUe is cord/ally Invited. The co~lt~e ]~orth League selections among which wilt be meets at ~:30. Huldigung, 'by Grief, &rrans~ for The Hl41h School ]~mrth League the band by Prof. Devereaux. A meets at 6:30 in ~ Kenneth Lltte band arrangement of the Emperor home. Jean HUlXt will have charge WaRles by Johann Strans~ will be played In addition to Souea'a ram- ClUUBTL4N ~i~NC~ CHUI~H and Body" will be the sub- Lesson-Sermon in all Christ. Scientist, on The quotations ous march, Stars and Stripes For- ever. The rest of the program will consist of several more marches and music in a little lighter vein. This is the second concert of the year by the forty-five piece band and will probably prove highly en. retraining because of long hours of practice, the unusually interesting program, and the unique environ- ment of the sky for a ceiling. Every- one is invited to attend. the Scriptursm# ~t~ Mary Award Ten "C" Keys Ten Cornell men have been awarded the honorary "C" keys by the Men"s Senate, it was announced in chapel Wednesday morning. ItS 4}1' TN! P'I|ItAL DIPO|IY IllJMttNCl CO|PORAIrION at Cornell next semester, the parents and a few special guests Cornel[ is among the four Iowa at a banquet at the lmh ool hotter peele gttsllded the imlltlanlltI day colleges te ,be included in the new Friday evening. Covers were laid proilrem at the I2an Grove church program. Others are: Dubuque for about 40. The colors were blue all day Sunday. Mr. and M~ D. A. C~ok alad university, I)ubuitue; Luther col. and White. The lixth graders, Gel). Wani~ were dinner ~ at Minish, David Fisher, Dick ~i- BoRon s Sunday. legs, Decorah; and Central college, wards and June Ann Koch, served. Pella. This new program of institutional S pe~, guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jlmlt ~ research and experimentation con- Walter Shupp, county superintend- Mr. and MI~ Waiter Laslllm tinues a study which, during the ent of schools; Rev. and Mrs. Hart- faml~ spent Sunday with Mr. lad Mrs. Charles Thom~ near gly. past year, has involved intensive zeil all.d Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Stinger. George Role has l~Urehased a Dlvid Fisher as toastmaster in- rhe~,~i~t ~,~t~ surveys at 12 representative col- trod-- "" 8th d ieges. The purpose of this new ucea me gre era: t~narx~~,- ~t, ,i ~. m~,tt, it. ~-~'"r anA Junior ~"~" -,~'^ re- "-" "'" " "-- TM "" .--r-- program is to determine what are -~ -" .~.~.~, v week to t~ ~ h~, A,~ the educational objectives of t~e spondod In u very commendable Jack ~.~ ~--Jt-~r~mt ". liberal arts colleges in the training ,-~t.a. is our o^,~+,~- ~ ~-~ ~ ~----~------ -~ --'-'-'-~ of secondary school teachers, and used as her topis "Our Public ~'~. 1i~ "~II~,I um,t*l, m~l what are the procedures best adapt- ed to realizing these objectives. SChool." Other numbers were giv-*~]'v~ e~ lb~ 61~e ~4~I~ a44~1~4~ ~1~.4~, -~ ~m~t ~ Prof. Cooper and his committee be- . ~,y vm~ ~,~.~ m~wtms m~,mta Of ~ ~,W, "~'- work they have been ~^'-- "~*- " lleve that only as the educational um wu ~ ~m ~ ~ u~m night. practices in the college become year which has been very latllfae- ~ .llt~n~ ~ .MI~ Doris Wry. The school win close this more vital and efficient can a really week for Shelf vacation. " good Job be done In the training of day. high school teacherS. Social Circle club will hold their ~v~ ~a. Comes Summer School Will ho nmeU ?~[re~s. Day on May 29, at the ~[aVy ~qeeas men Offer C.A.A. Courses ome of s. AIhert Fisher and her moth~, Mrs. Lee Hov~trd. The Navy has urlent need for The Cornell summer school pro- ~ will he sorry to hear $5,000 additional men by June |0th. gram will definitely Include C.A.A. that Clarence Neal is now at an The Navy" recruiting servi~e will Iow~ City hospital for observation, accept applicants betw~m the gg~8 classes, the administration has an- At this writing they see no chan~ of 1~ and 60 for en~e~t in tho nounced. Many Cornelllans have In his c0adifl~ Nav~ Reserve. M~n enll~ing in expressed interest in taking the Keith Tech~u is ~ this[the Naval Reserve will be aeronautic~ course during the sum- week with his grandparents, Mr./on active duty durit~ff a ~b~al mer months, and Mrs. Milton Koch- l emergency. They will be t~deasod Another feature of the summer We are very sorry to report thatI to inacUvo duty after tits tmlmeg- school will be the presence of Prof. OUr ~wmer teacher, Mrs. Leo Aler, l ency. of Central City, is again conflned t Men will be accepted for eall~t- Jacques Jolas on the es~npus fer in St. Luke's hospital, Cedar Rap-j ~ent tfn the ratin~ f O~ wltleh qmtli- the first four weeks of the first term ills, having suffered a relapse. Her ~ ed, rom i~.ppren~ awtmen at to give a series of non-public lec- small daughter, Gloria Jane, is be-iS~1.00 amonth to ehl~f lml~officer ture-reeitals as well as handling a ing eared for In the home of Mrs.]at $99.00 per month, Appl~' tit master class and giving private in- Aler's mother, Mr& Agnes ~arak.[ Rooms ~8, 19, Post oilier, Cmlgr structions. Her many friends hope she will, Rapida, owe. For the first time in several soon be able to return to her home.| ." Mr and ~z~a ~Ji'il/~ WN-h .- .~1 Then users m the Im~neaet~ years, Prof. Rich will teach ~'*~ ~'~" emU~m k " "I ^. an who sprin lea salt on h~ fami y and Mr. and Mrs. Norman should rs " -- e "" -- " classes ~t summer school. Courses Techau and family w~ g-~dav~ e to glV the lmpressl~ available will Include economic dinner auests of lW r "-'2 ~r ---~.~.lthat he hu dandruL---~ theory, economics of consumption, . u.u mx~ ,~[ and in addition, there will be in- Nelson at Mechanicaville. Other : . guests were Mr. and Mrs. C~rleton FILM~ DI~VIKIA~ dlvldual instruction of such a ha- Armstrong and family Of Martelle. AND I~~ ture that it will probably fit the Mavis, small daulihtor of Mr. and II~I~II~.1~ ~lllh needs of any one interested. Mr& Tom ~awaras,-~-- fell o~ me nee ,~ ~t-, t Also, a course in literary values ola Thursday morning, fracturing u u~ zwm~~ her left ann In two place& i$1telt ~ will be taught by Prof. Lane If Mr. and Mrs. Arehle Minish me- enough interest is shown, tared to Joliet, I11. on Sunday to Former itor Wrttts Prize Wk bl Book n Mildred Mastin Pace, Cor~ell, ex. Q '29, has been awarded a $200 prize by the New York Herald Tribune for the "best book for older boys and girls published in the spring of 1941." Her book is "Clara Bar- ton," a biography of the founder of the American Red Cross. Following attendance at Corneil, during which time she was editor of The Corneillan, Mr~ Pace did advertising work in New York, wrote for the pulp magazines and finally for Photoplay. In radio re- search she got her idea for a tmok for children on Paul Revere, "Early American." She was married to Clark Roberts Pace, financial edi- tor of "Business Week." In 1985. They live in New York during the winter ~nd on a New Jersey farm in the summer. Seotts Mm M~ Gereld Seatt Will yeu piece yore" eopy one day e~-/y next week am the H~wke~e will be mail- ed Thars~y m~ln~ Imeanm there will be no rural deiivm7 on Me- club haid their annual guest day in the K V Cide in Marion on Thursday afternoon. A large crowd attended. A progrmn under the supervision Of Mr~ Lester Scott was given. Those from here at- tending were: Mr~ Harry Hor~ Mrs. George Coster, Mrs. Harry Stoneking, Mr~ Marion Jamtsen, Mr~ Claire Watso~ Mrs. Nettle Duncan, Mrs. Floyd Decioue, Mr~ Argene Allbee, Mrs. Butt Nea], Mrs Emmett Albaugh, Mrs Ralph Mrs. Harry Caraway Mrs Claire Booth, Mrs. Willard Husk, Mr~ Paul Sperry, Mrs. ~ News- wander, and Mrs. Gerald Scott. The Emmons school closed Thurs- day Of this week with aplcnie. The. Caraway School enjoyed a picn~nicc Sunday at the Happy Valley gta- lion with a large crowd attending. Caraway school closed last~ Kenneth and Richard Moore naa the chicken pox last week. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Decious spent Saturday evening In the Gerald Scott home. Mr. and Mr~ Floyd Decious spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Oliphant near Center POint. Catherine Wain and Will~ Bach- man attended a DeMalay picnic at the Palisades Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mr~ Carl Struchen and ~, vi~ted Mr~ Struchen's Mr~ John Johnston, near Marion Sunday afternoon. Miss Laura Julf~ ~ Earl Wain, Mrs Noel J~ and Benny Lee, Mrs. Marion Jami~n, Mr& Gerald ScOtt, Mrs Warren Waln and Dick- ie, and Mr~ Landis attended a birthday party and luncheon honor- ing Mrs. Earl Wain and Mrs. Ethel McAHen in Mrs. ~vAllen's home in Cedar Rapids on ll~rtdity. Those from Cedar Rapids attending were: Mrs. Ellen Tltler, Mrs. Jack Benesh, Mrs. Bair and MI~ Hofer. Gifts were presented Mr~ Wain and Mrs. MeAllen. /J~mc It~tefman has been ill at his home in Marion. He is the father of Mr~ Harry Stoneking and Mrs. Sherwtn Caldwell. The pupils of Emmorm school ~tthe Martin's Creek school In a game pli~ed at Martin's Creek on Friday afternoon. Whether you have in mind a new perch, the re- k use, or merely a few odds and cads, take our advice make your plans now. Every week and every monMt mm&M becoming more and more scarce on of war need You may you will want them ou lmml So take our advke and us know ne ts, st we can have it for you. now. Let Drug Store Ralph Heasty, Your Druga~ . I I /I t I II I I 1genre 1azure LIME SULPHUR Stdi urizod FLY SOLUTION MANGE OIL 29c 59e gaL 50e 47c Dr. Hess WHITE DIARRHEA , 39C 60e ice's GERMOZON 40e LOUSE PWDR. 19c Bklaneres GALL SALVE Prtees In Quntiltta ,i , $2. 0 The~ ar~ anuually presented to a Mr. and Mrs- Wlllard Hoffrrmn of ~LM few Cor~3~l men for outstanding St~ringvlUe and Mrs. Nettle Duncan BA &mdng particil~ttLon in the cam~pus activlt- wqre eul~day dinner guests in the q'ho~e honored were: Cabot Vi~M~spenl~ht Jet~ ian~ Ca~lo~ 51}0M~ "The body Wohlrabe, Minneapolis, Minn.; EPSOM SALTS Charles Splett~r, ~pencer; FAton ] ScOtt home. Nelson, D@r~t~gt0n, ~IS.; MelvIn[ Mr. ~ M~. ltnrry Dl~cio~ Her[and, lioeheile, Ill: Bill Me-tD~rislu~d;~ob~ltSl~mntSundayIn 23~ this explanation; Klnlay, Oak Park, Ill.: Gayle How- |Fct~t DeCI~ii ~e at Mechanics- Vle H ,m of ery. Darii. onM has,-I Caraway )~ L*~thereby disceraed son, Clinton; ~edgWick Manson, Og- r{A.~~~~" ~ ~' ~]~n; Bob Osburn, River Forest, Ill,: 1 oMr~r]~ ~~~e~dr" || ~~ )~roi~ * Walt Haloupek, Belle Plalne. 5J BLUE VIT OL 69c COME IN AND TALK PAINT WITH US!