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May 23, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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May 23, 1957 |
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Co e o.dents: Plea.. tl copy ..,y for .ext we.k beca. of V..o., 2--V,,,.. OU'--------"..,.r'ULr,.O'--n
printing a day e~rly on acoaunt of Memorial Day. and The Lisbon Herald~ .
May Installation, Skit,
Contemporary MusicPotluck For Mond'y
Symposium At Cornell
The Woman's Club will open its
[last meeting before the summer re-
HOUSE OF QUALITY A contemporary music symposium i cess with a fellowship potluck din-
in three sessions is planned by the lner Monday, May 27 at 6:30 p.m. in
HELLO, NEIGHBORS Cornell conservatory for Monday, the social room of the Methodist
1ASC Commiffee Mr and Mrs. Murton Kepler jr.
of Temple City, Calif, arrived
I Begins Local Check Tuesday to
visit until Monday in
the parental Murton Kepler home.
Local ASC committeemen will
soon start checking farms in their
township for compliance with acre- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY
age allotments and soil bank agree-
ments and contracts, it has been an- CARD OF THANKS
nounced by Gilbert Squires, Linn I want to thank all my friends,
ASC chairman, relatives and Love Chaper O.E.S.
WANTED: Reliable girl to
with housework and child
summer. Mrs. Robert Gaines,.
germination 98%, $2.50 per
en Stewart Lisbon.
FOR SALE: White Rock
3 to 4 lbs. 30c lb. Cliff
5971, Mt. Vernon.
MISSING pie tins brought
May 27 and Tuesday, May 28. The church in Mt. Vernon• Doing the checking in Franklin for the cards, letters and flowers sic Parents' canteen? If you
Meat Is Our Speciah"~ - Not A Side Line recital-lecture type of programs will Scalloped chicken and coffee for ~w~shiPn~r~aRU~e}lolBiair, Julian sent me while I was in the hospital, not claimed yours do so by
bring to the audience music from all will be furnished by a commit- . , . y , . Mrs. Sam Palmer nesday at high school office.
YOU Name The Cut - We Can Produce the greater contemporary composers {tee. Members are to bring their naesemr, ann ~al.e.n E ldred . will W-----AN'---TED--"~: Steady summer wor~ F---O-R----~-NT:---~Partly fu------'-~
and also some from the student l own table service and a food con- check Linn ~ow.nsn.lp. ion Arm: by high school junior Steve Me- apartment, 3 rooms, bath,
Phone 7412 Ken Bailey ranks. The public is invited; noltribution for the buffet. Mrs. Paul s~rong wnl check the eas~ nan oi QuoTh, phone 3651 Lisbon 32c porch; ample closet space.
.... ~ admission charged. I Ostergaard heads the committee on ~,lnncount.y. , .... ~ ................ only. No pets• Available J1
THESE SPECIALS ARE GOOD FOR Prof. Robert Cantrick flutist and iarrangements: Donna Switzer Ethel .vlr~ua, y a, zarms, mus~ .De :18 inch hand mower. Mrs. J. D. Peet, phone 5051 N
Prof V Earle Copes pianist ' will Ryan and Mmes. Harold Moore, Ray vulva v yrepresenmuvesox ~ne Carl Mohn, phone 2302 Lisbon. 32p non. ,
FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY present the first recital, Monday at Hartung, George Games, Mike Cody, ~un~y A~U omce~, make .el ....
8 15, in the chapel. Four numbers Harold Burge Darrel Gerot, Noel er an a c.eur~te a eternnnauon
~t~ ~IL~~ will be played: Sonata for flute and IHughes, Fred Young, Charles Lam-I WANT TO WEAR A POPPY or an estimate ,oz acreage m
piano by Hindemith, Sonata for lmert, Ruth Current, Howard Hahn, crops. . .
, ~ is unaers~ood that there are
flute alone by Thomson Fancy forlKurt Larson Mark Hutchinson Ev- . A NATIONS SYMBOL OF, , ITS| /-iJ " Lit - /-~jP
• " "' ~ Mr erett Ludle ' Orville Crawford''on : ! aoout five acreage reserve contracts
flute original composiuon vy • I Y, , jJ " ,,,--^,,- ,-~,--,-.,-,- • ..........
t~antmcK'~ "' ......... ann t:oncer~o Ior ilu~e an-(1 ~ Boldt, Martin Bur"e"~s ~.~. :'. ~ICKU|~. 3~t~,Klrlt.l~ ' in ~,mn anu a Iew more in eranKnn
~~~orchestra' by /bert. 'The executive board of the club "~,z y-~~ township, with the total for Linn COFFEE, Butter-Nut, ""p
Tuesday afternoon Dr Philip will meet at 6•15 and will be seated " ~ ,,,,~,,,,, ~,~,o, t, ux,~,,,, county around 228• drs_,
......... ' " i~ {to"ether at one *-ble I ' Here are the general rules and re- PEACHES, Cling, No. 2½ ............................ 29c
~ezanson oI me ~a~e umvers ty ~ t~ ~a .
will lecture at 4:15 in Armstrong~ Following the dinner the Garden lWear o poppy to honor those quirements for corn involved, in the
• Club will ' ~arm cnecKmg WOrK wmcn is
all on contemporary music. That present a Conservationlwho havo_ ~;v~_n th,~;r I;v,~= ~ ....... ' APRICOTS, Libby's whole, No. 2½ ............ 29c
..... o CMilliner .... -- = ................ scneauled ¢o De completed by June
evenmg at 8:15 in the exhibltl n/ y Show m which orlgmal Ame ..............
................ ou n weather ann crop conmuons PLUMS, Purple, No, 2½ .............................. ~£/c
room six original compositions will i creations will be modeled oy ~v~mes. ! .......... ermit:
be presented plus instrumental and i l~a~pn ~acnman, ~.~o ?unger,.nar-i Mrs Susan Yeisley returned to p Corn Any farmer who does not APRICOTS, Halves, No. 2½ ........................ 33c
vocal numbers written by Hinde- Girt moore ~ay narmng 2,,. d. ." .... -- .,
.............. ne iBobst Har'-i ........ 2' ......~ net nome wmnaay ~rom University wish to quali~y for price support on
mien DUKe iVlllnaucl ann r~ome . o u ,~u~-ren~, ~. ~. nun~er, - s ita ......... "
"" ~ " "' ...... ill 1-a~ a "-an {Therese Jacobson and HaroldIn° p I m ,own t~l~y wnere she ms corn ann wno is not parhclpat- APPLE SAUCE, Eat-Well, 303 17c
e~r~saU;sF::~onl~onwin~ the conce~rt']Burge .... Narrator will be Mrs E. Rlhad been f°r °bservati°n and treat-iing in the s°il bank is n°t required ...................... '
~"'vn,y Hoidahl and b ck-ro - "i "': merit Her condition has improved I to be in compliance with his corn CHERRIES, Red, pitted, No. 2 ........................ 25'
-----------~--~-- , a g una mus c wni • [ ........
U. S. GOV'T GRADED BEEF , " . ~ ano~menL ms corn acreage wince
Plan Work Week End At lbe.furmshed on the p,anoG, ! Ira H Needles, president of the B. estimated b~" a performance reoort- CHERRIES, Dark sweet, No. 303 35¢I
l~uw ulncers ior me woman's t - I - - --
~*.~'t. ~.~|t~e~e~ |l|.a ] ~ IClub will b~ in~t~llod ~t *h .... IF. Goodrich Rubber Co. ,Ltd., oiler, instead of being measured or ~'~Orl,~/~t~,~ACDADAg~-I~£, Winslow ................ .________...___.'--'-------'-'"25C
Plus -,-,s,r • ,,.~ ...... , - .~..o;.... ^, ~.^-.7.~=~..:_ "~,~'.=~ ~-~- ' t:anaoa, ieI~ ivionaay oy plane Irom l otherwise bein~ accurately deter-
. . . [~o; .... ~ ~,,=//,=~,,.~, ~v~r~. n. ~. I Cedar Rapids for his home in Kit-Imin~,~ "~ -
PERSONALIZED SERVICE pads mothers and frlenas oti~lanley conauc[mg t~e ceremony chener Ontario "~-n .....: .... LIMA BEANS, Garden Green ...................... 17C-
Camp Fire girls who are interested I New year officially begins in May l week end visit 'w~t~ ~;'paae[::s in j- Later but prior tothe coup!lance :
then neaculneWDlCn WillproDaolyve
To Give You . , in getting the camp ready for their[and ew program committee is lr ;~_~n hi~ ~rother al,,o~ ~-,~ ~ I . '
girls are invited to go to Camp Hit- setting up the program for next lti~%~'i~'¢-:Xnr ~n~i,~': ............. i.~ugust 1, .such a farmer may get TOMATOES, Eat-Well, 303 17C
ea un - --- - lUG compnance oy paymg ASC for
TOPS IN ?EEF ROASTS T BONE aga to work Saturday and Sunday IY r, dec leadership of Mrs." .................. 1 Sw'EP AS' Eat-Well, 303 ......... " ................................ " ........................ :1 :i:i
June 1 and 2. Sunday dinner at 1i George Penn. Dues are now pay- • •~L1 ,• .a~,~ the co~ of measur!ng his corn acre-
~age ano D QiSpOSlng oI any excess COR
p.m. will be furnished to all work- able. / /l%fi( IN NPW Y N, Eat-Well, 303 _ - ......................... 15¢
s~ Th , mm•~m,~v• I • ~-,,, • • ~ I by dlsclng or plowing under
STEAKS K . SIR'LOIN STEAKS ers. Bring the family, but if you e Woman's Club this year re-~
1 r ~ ~ I Corn acreage will be measured on
do please put in a covered dish to ce'ved ecogn't'on for a superior { ET POTATOES _.. 29 ';
When You Des,re The Best We Have It a_,,~ment the meal. [-lyearb°°k in the district and for 1O0 .Mr" and Mrs. Albert Blinks. were i all farms whose, operators, wish to - .................................. ,_i
~1] the committee member near- ~Der cent Fine Arts dent nartici~a- dinner guests of the Ray Wlleys in I comply with their allotments to
Fresh Ground Pure CHOPPED BEEF ...... 32c ~b. est to y-ouan-£1 let us know how i tion in the Adventures i'n Reading, Springville Sunday• i qualify for price support, on all CAKE MIX, Jiffy, white or chocolate .......... _.1~:~
will be coming. Lisbon, the individual certificates to Mrs. The- Mrs. Wayne Cramer and son Da-iIarmScorn anotmentsWmCn muS~to quainyDe .wltninxor wneat~neir MUFFIN MIX, Jiffy . _ lW
3 [bs. for 89c Paul Keplers; Mt. Vernon, the Rich-!rese Jacobson and Mrs. E. R. Hold- vid of Webster City were guests of ..
acreage reserve- or conservation re
ard Stoltz'; Mechaniesville, the Lyle ahl for reporting on 25 books read Mrs. Pauline Maiden Tuesday.ser~e payments and on all farms B~SCU~T MIX, Jiffy .._...__.__.______......_______.._.._''
Tall Korn Sliced BACON (Lean Sugar Cured Kehms; Martelle the Albert Bobsts. during the year and a subscription Mr and ~rs H K L~e of ~"~ ~ '
' . wh ch must be under their allotted
• award to an art magazine for em- ~uoketa and Mac~ Lee s,~ent S,,n-
A flavor you'll always enjoy) 1 lb. pkg. 49c RAINFALL REPORT !phasis placed on encouragement of day at Amana andLone ~ree. ~" CoOrn a:reage;£ meet thee terms of POWDERED or BROWN SUGAR,-2 [bs ......... 25c
The sun was shining WednesdaY lart in the the Miss Carla Bair snent the night c n a 'cage se[~e ag[e~nen?~, ~ SUGAR, Granulated, 10 Ibs. $1.05
Iowana Brand Pure Vegetable mornin~. after ........ two weeks of cloudy, !chosen from the clubPaS¢ year. bit ms~rlCtfor next "'ear°IIiCers were .......... ;' " "~ Y excess ........................... by
May laln wlIn her irlena ~arolyn corn will be notified mall RAISINS, IIb ........................ ~i ...... __ _._____---------._-19¢
rainy weather t) J. t:unumoer re-, ' ~ ' Hod den in the Wane Hod ' "
OLEOMARGARINE .................. 2 Ibs. for 45c .... ' ' " ........ h" i g y gden of the amount of the excess and the
porls o in oi rain iell ivionuay nlg ~-- -- -~- home near Ti'-ton
• i " " ~ deadline date probably August I,
and another 2 in Tuesday There Fnendsh n Club Notes ' , PRUNES, 2 Jbs .........................- ...... . ........ 35c
Rath's Black Hawk (Pure) LARD .'~ - ' ...... ' he~v-i t" Mrs. Beryl Andre left Tuesday for for getting into compliance•
were severa~ orlzziu~ no~ a ~ ~ __,... _ . Iowa Falls to atten Ae
d funeral services reage Reserve---All acreage re
enough to measure during the past 3tn ,u, nnlversary - EGGS, Grade A ......... " .......... _35¢
for her cousin, Vernon Kepler, on serve tracts must be measured. If
1 lb. pkg ................................. 2 Ibs. for 35c
(We cut up chickens at the time you purchase)
Cream Style CORN, 16 oz. tins 2 - 25c
Early June PEAS, 16 oz. tins 2 for 29c
J TOMATOES, 16 oz. tins ........ 2 for 29c
Van Camp's PORK and BEANS,
16 oz. tins ...................................... 2 for 29c
Libby's CHILI, 16 oz. tins .................. 2 for 45c
Libby's Frozen GREEN BEANS .......... 2 for 39c
Libby's Frozen SPINACH .................. 2 for 35c
Decker's (All Meat) MINCED HAM ........ 39c lb.
Decker's (All Meat) Skinless WIENERS 39c lb.
Lisbon Sweet Cream BUTTER .... 1 lb. carton 59c
Offer You
We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities On Specials
! •
Lawry's SALT
with 2 oz jar of
Biscuit Mix
Pie Crust Mix
Pancake Mix
New Long
Mary Bowman will entertain the
girls of her MVHS senior class at
breakfast at the Bowman home at
9:30 a.m. Monday. Nan Hardy of
Chicago, who will be Mary's house
guest from Sunday until Wednes-
day, will also be a guest,
Phone 3212
FRI. 7:30 - SAT. 7:30 and 9
Admission 25c and 55c
Big beautiful - thrilling Cinema-
Scope western in color!
Oscar Winner Anthony Quinn,
Ray Milland nut Debra Paget
A fine all CinemaScope program
feature and shorts!
Sunday shows 7 and 9
The all-time record attraction at
Radio City, N.Y. - World's
largest theatre.
A Marvelous Movie
Aud'y Hepburn - Fred AstMre
It's The Best!
Don't Miss The Best!
White Cake
Spice Cake
Buy Pack at GET 6 Pack King
Regular Price at ½ Price
It costs no more to shop an S&H Store.
Deliveries Tuesday and Friday
Mr. Vernon
Charter members and ~ormer
members were honored as Friend-
ship club observed the 45th anni-
versary of the organization last
Wednesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Everett Jordan.
The first meeting of the club was
held in the same house as the meet- ]
• ing Wednesday. It was then the
home of Mrs. William Gormly whoi
had invited a group of neighbors]
from the Jackson school district and
surrounding community to her home
to organize the club. Seventeen
were on the original roster. The
late Mrs. Isaac West was chosen
president and continued to serve for
seven years.
Three charter members are still
active in the club, Mmes. Gormly,
Ben Neal and Elizabeth Kimball,
and were present Wednesday in ad-
dition to 15 other active members l
and 17 former members.
Mrs. Mild Wolrab had arranged
the program for the occasion, con-
sisting of several accordion selec-
tions by Linda Armstrong and slides
shown by Anders Mather of West
Branch• Mr. Anders, a farmer, had
taken a trip to South America and
showed scenes photographed there.
The menu committee, Mmes. Jack
Turner, Jay Milholin and Anton
Biderman, arranged the tea table
and provided the refreshments. Mrs.
I Neal and Mrs. Kimball poured and
!Mrs. Gormly held the guest book.
"Special guests" the members en-
joyed seeing were the triplet daugh-
ters of the Rollie Shovers whose
mother is a member.
Delmar Todd, Former
i Resident, Dies
Delmar Todd, 46, local representa-
tive for the Northwestern Bell Tele-
!phone Co. about 14 years ago, died
~of cancer in Des Moines on Satur-
i day, according to word received by
friends here. The Todd family lived
i in the former Earl
:now occupied by Mr. and Mrs.
Merle Dennis Besides Mrs Todd
I~t. LS understood that three sons sur-
i vlve
Take Out Trees To
..Provide Parking Space
Five large trees back of Olin Hall
• were taken out on Tuesday by Rob-
ert Gaines and William Zearing to
I make room for a larger parking lot.
The Gaines dozer and Zearing
crane were used in taking out the
i trees. The crane winch was fastened
!to the trees at the same time that
i the dozer undertook to pt~sh them
over. They were sawed into sec-
tions and removed•
Dirt taken from the 'site will be
[used for grading around the new
library and social center. The hill
will be cut back about 30 feet in
i the deepest place to provide more
[ parking space.
Mount Vernon Locals
Mrs. Mark Hutchinson will leave
May 30 for Emory, Va., where she
will spend the summer with her
mother, Mrs. F. M. Peery.
Week end guests in the Richard
Brooks home were Mrs. Brooks' sis-
ters, Mrs. Pauline Skinner and Mrs.
Shirley Hahn, both of Des Moines.
John F. Young is enjoying a two
weeks vacation at home from his
duties at the Iowa Electric Light
and Power Co. Power Sta., in Cedar
Mrs. James C. L. Clark has been
ill at her home for several days suf-
fering from pneumonia. Mrs. Sue
Thomson Merriman is teaching her
fifth grade classes.
Mrs. M. L. Hill entered the Mt.
Vernon rest home Sunday. She is
able to have visitors and will be i
very happy to see her friends any
time during visiting hours.
Commencement guests in the Roy
Bowman home to see the Bowman's
daughter receive her diploma next
Tuesday will be Mrs. Bow•ann'
parents, the Henry Wehmers, and
her uncles and aunts, the Ed Wehm-
ers and Carl Wehmers, all of Chi-
Mrs. Kate Y. Wrigley of Honolulu~
Hawaii, came last Tuesday to visit
in the home of her brother Roy D.
Young. Additional visitors in the
Young home over the week end
were the Arthur Rusts of Brush
Prairie, Wash. Mrs. Rust is a cousin
of Mr. Young and Mrs. Wrigley.
Mrs. Wrigley 'plans to leave by
plane for Los Angeles on May 29.
Wednesday afternoon.
Misses Clara Waln and Esther
Nelson of Chicago spent the week
end visiting relatives in Cedar Rap-
ids, Mt. Vernon and Lisbon.
Mrs. Wayne Mason of Detroit,
Mich•, arrived Wednesday morning
for a two weeks' visit with her
mother, Mrs. Sherman McHenry.
Mrs. Rachel Miller and Judith
were guests at Rockford College,
Rockford, Ill., during their annual
May party held on May 17, 18 and
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Carbee left
Saturday for three weeks at Hilli-
er's resort, Nestor Falls, Ont. They
stopped on Sunday with the W. C.
Carbees at Rockford. Mr. Carbee
took a 16 foot aluminum boat north
with him.
The Stanley Svatosch family of
Mt. Vernon, the Arnold Bair family
of Tipton, the Frank Bairn and Dar-
rell of Tipton, the Richard Ohrts of
West Branch, were visitors May 14
in the Carl Bair home near Tipton
for Mr. Bair's birthday. Mrs. Sva-
touch, Mrs. Arnold Bair, and Mrs.
Carl Bair each baked him a birth-
day cake, and lunch was enjoyed
by all. The Oran Clark family were
Monday evening, May 13th, visitors
in the Carl Bair home.
Frank Abel, former resident of
Lisbon vicinity, was injured in a
car accident Saturday, April ll, and
died Wednesday morning. Funeral
service was held last Saturday at
O'Keefe Funeral home in Waterloo,
burial at Fairview cemetery at Wa-
Mr. and Mrs. Preston McCall, son
Dean and their guests, Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
i Nelson and Danny of Ophiem, lll.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mesick
and Chucky of Rock Island joined a
group for Sunday dinner at the
Amanas to honor the birthday of
Mrs. McCall's sister, Mrs. Francis
Schneberger. This group included
Mr. and Mrs. Schneberger of Iowa
City, their son Robert and family
of Centerville, their daughter Mrs.
George Holoubek and daughters of
Muscatine; John Pavelka of Daven-
port and son Bob.
the reserved tract or tracts on a
farm contain more land than cov-
ered by an agreement, the excess
may be put to any desired use so
long as crop acreage requirements
under the agreement are met and if
the excess land is officially measur-
ed out.
Any farm participating in both
the acreage reserve and the con-
servation reserve must be in full
compliance with both programs to
qualify for any soil bank payments.
Conservation Reserve--In most
instances, designated conservation
reserve land and total cropland by
fields have already been measured
on conservation reserve farms. Now,
the total acreage put to soil bank
base crops in 1957 must be measured
to determine if the required reduc-
tion has been made.
Mrs. Austin Armstrong has been
in Mercy hospital for over a week
for observation and care. She is im-
proving satisfactorily.
Mrs. Berl McGuire, who has been
visiting her son, Robert McGuire
in Garden Grove, Calif., for the past
month, is expected home Friday.
Her daughter, Mrs. Alvin Hensch
and little granddaughter Renee of
Cedar Rapids accompanied her.
Mrs. McGuire was on hand to wel-
come a new grandson who was born
to the Robert McGuires on May 8.
Be Ready For
H0rt0n Lockers
Dial 3912
Mr. Vernon -- Lisbon
great news for stouts
now available
in sizes to 54
Now, Mr. Big can choose
from a giant collection
of slenderizing V-Line sport
coats.., yet pay no more
than "regular-size"
prices. See them today!
Sizes 40 to 50
In short stouts also.
Quality Since 1909
BUTTER, Lisbon, 1 Ib .................................... 62¢
Are you interested in putting fancy whole
Sugared STRAWBERRIES in your locker?
They are ........................ 30 Ibs. for only $5.99
Let me order these freshly packed 1957 berries far yoU.
Dial 8441 Mt. VernO"
experience counts...
get more in Viracle by
In •1951, Hart Schaffner & Marx introduced the
first Dacron-wool tropical ever made: Viracle.
Today's Viracle is even finer.., and it's backed i
by more tailoring experience than any Dacron-
wool suit made. In a Viracle you go your cool
way unrumpled by wrinkles, undaunted by showerS,
unworried by spots. And you go handsome too, ,
thanks to HS&M'S exclusive trim Trend styling.
You'll like the new patterns too. See it here.
VfRACL£--reg US Per Off
DACRON--DuPont polyester fibM
Regulars... Longs... Shor}s . . . Big SiZes
Quality Since 1909