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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
May 25, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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May 25, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page ]Four qTIE .MOUNT VERNON. IO~,VA, HAWK~YE-RECORD AND THE LISBON HERALD Thursday, M/ty ~5~ ii iii i ii ii ~,~d~4~MN~40¢**'-**:**:**:**;**:o~. ***'***;'*;**;"~'o=**;'I. "'*''''°''''*'''''''''''''''''''" Mrs. L. A. Davis" and daughter] W~t]t]ano'~" ..................... ........................ "'" Miss' Bowley, as she was eriticlz-" ....... ten day visit in the J. H. Perkins NOIICE" ~ OF - _ ........................ I Janette visited on Wednesday withI ,, ~.u,.,..,~, I I l~][~If~]~ I-][I.I.lrlPl~Q ing the speeches said she didn't home. AD]liNISTRATOI{ . l~Eill~IPq ill~ TIJi; Wh'k'K IIM I I RII$ an aunt in Davenport. I t,,~,~WVLL n~r *-JJt~_~xD~x~ xlx x.J~txx~to like the idea of getting up in front Mrs. Mabel Sigmund of Cedar ANNEXI!:D No. 151 JJllJi[]l.]d 1151 llil lllWtJl]k Ill IIJlUJItJYll Burton Kolek and Miss AdelaideI At 2'30 Sunday afternoon at the ":--::=:=--====--======:::--- ot the class and winking or smlhng Rapids spent several days last week State of Iowa, IAnn C, int .............. I Nemecek of Cedar Rapids werel .....") ....~ ~ .............I NEWS STAFF at one certain person in the room• in the Clinton Walton home. NOTI.CF IS tIFREBY • [olin E. McItlU~n, [~epresenmuve, rmme ]z.~ [ ............ t no.iv o~ Itev. ~. r. ~uatton mo~I ........... Ma"nard immediatel'" asked her Mr and Mrs R A Fowlie de • " • - ~-s ........ , ~unuay guests ot HiS sister Mrs. JoeI nlace the marriage of Miss Amber l r~ultor--Maruyn l~-rlnK y Y , .... - that the undersie'nea -" Ml~. l,~red Bittle. r, ews IT~porter, a-none ann Staskal in Mount Vernon. [Cornwell and Evert Bro-wn both Assistant Editor--W!lma Gage "What do you want us to do, wink parted Saturday evening on a me- this 22nd day "of May, 19 ,..,~.,~ .~~******1*********,***o***********,~**:,,:.:.:~:~:,,r~r~.r~,,r0,r~r0[ Mr. and Mrs. Mile Kaliban and l of Central City• Members of the l Typmts--Marllyn Frmk, and Evelyn at all oi tHem? . _ . tor trip to the west eoa~. .~ ore?n- appointed and qualified ~..-v-,,v-~.-,,-,~- ....................................... ~children visited Sunday evening/immediate families were present I Meyers We iresnmen are very glaa to er, ~ranK ~owue at r:ayettevum: rninistrator Wibh ~Vi.ll An] Mr and Mrs Edwin T usty and! o.M[; a2doMr . L%ckman!~.,ith the former's grandmother Mrs.I .... -~: ....-:-Z-- ~ _ Re~porters=Robert.Huey, Bill Mohn, know that.these speecHes are our ~rK., w m oe VlSlte.o. at me xirs~ the estate of Mary patter ...... • .... " .-. .~ ...... ~..-.o~,~,.~ ou,,,~,~z a~ ,,= .~. ~..,,.~=-, Anna r~alioan in Cedar Ra~'in- t ~ne lvlilo Lenr estate snippeu a ~ tloraon mann otto r~ruse ~owell last ones mls year anu we can give stop. ~nort stops Wlll oe mane at ......... dece WlllOrCl Ot ~eaar rtapms were ~u,- . . v '~. ~ ' ' " " "' Dallas Texas rl el IAIIII (~ountv IoW~, ' .... Fr" home in Cedar Rapids. t ...~ ~_ r. ..... ~ carload of cattle to Chicago onl Andreas Jean Vandeberg Mar- a big sigh of relief. , , Ca sbad, N. M. / • • : '. .... ~d e~ day vxsitors in the R.L. mkI ........... ~ Mr. a,,u ~,,,~. ,.,eorge ~naier otlm . ~ .... ' .... " .... I ...... F'~"RTH NEWS Phoenix Ariz San Die- ~ "_' persons ma(,mea to ~,~, home J. t~. rtaenlen or t,aiayette was.cedar Rapids called Saturda in iuesaay. )erie vanueoerg r~velyn t~aeyers, an .~u ~i~u ~v , ., go, J~ong ,. • ~]nedi • a visitor in the Rev and Mrs M .............. Y ~aro c,_ xr v..~t- ........... Peggy Frink Deborah Graver Those who have been neither ab- Beach and Los Angeles in Califor- requested to )n~ne!l~ andet h rles Ox- • " " 1,1112 It. It. Itl210. Home, on meir way ,,, z. x.~. ~.. x. ~x~x~ (at~c~cu ~ . ' .' .... lnell[ I/leFeo[ tO [llt~ Mrs. Jalaa Groll and C a . L Hill home on Monday. I ~, rh, ra .... vn,x, ur,,r.vo ~-.~[ Tinton hivh school Alumni Ran- I Caroline Kepler, Katy Kruse, Lois sent nor tardy during the entire ma. Sacramento will hold them ....... .. ~..~ .~,.~ .... ag~t~ ley of Marion were callers Monaayi"~,r .... T ..... n X~ ..... ~,~,hnn~]'~.~-~ "'\"..'--"; ........ .... I,,-,~* ,~. ~'~/~ ........ ~.~ ----I Roup, Ethel Bigger Harry Big- school year are Max]He Cave, Lou- longer for their daughter Opal is 1,ose n-¢-,s ........ •: .-at n in Mrs Harry Harmans, " "~ ~ ~ lvlianu Mrs Ivan Stanley last "* ~ s er P 1 A r a re 1 same ~]11 l~le them dtllY afternoo " • " . 2"2"" _ %~." ......... "~ ~ "'~'-°/ "' • ' , [ ~. ......".'~ . .......... [ g auline Warner' Bonnie Sim- "se Smyth and Martha nn Bigge . g'stered nurse has been on the "' ..... " ~ ' ~ -~.e C h,~rno O1 lvxount vernon spenti~ues~ayI Friday attended the funeral of the l mr. and Mrs. *.eonard White naveI mon~ Pranoo~ r~avn'l,~c ~ .... ÷h The boys and airls havin- a Her- hosnital staff for the Hast your ~nn cited in the office oI ~,, ....... -. . !with their granaparents, Mr. ann] former's grandmother Mrs Mary l as their guest for the week the t r~,,=:'S, ......... . ................. ¢~0, "~:.'.~ ~,~ o,~n~n,~ e'er ~'~ "last one-'half The ..... ill ~,,,:.~',--~ ¢~ the IAnn County, Iowa r Herman 14LXanal , • , . . ~,-,,~a,,. ,=~ o~,= ,,, ow---~ *~ -,~ o . j ,, , j,~,,,,,.~ ,,, w _M_r;_ and l~ff~ of Lowden and iMrs' F. J~.Kolek~. ..... I Stan!ey, at Cold Creek church near[ formers cousul Ned White of Dy-[ , __ six weeks have been Lenore Emer- Portalnd, Oregon, and return over Court. _- oaugllter t~*.~, ..... Misses wiima t:raI~ ann JOSml what t:neer. I sart. I ~ ACATION o... x~_~.~, Louise Smvth the northern route They ,-ill ro O J FI SFNBA~'I, .,. v¢tll larence . • • . . . ~,,-, *~,-v- *~ ,,~-, s , ~. ~J ..... - .... ~. : . • n ,. Mrs. Leonard- ~cnae~erot Is2..enin.I Wygle of Detroit, Mich., ar-1 Miss Eleanor Rieger will be home/ Rev. and Mrs. Forbes of Stan-] Vacation is a glorious word, es- Kenneth Siggins and Verl Ralston. turn in four weeks. Admm]stratm Wg were v~sI~°r~'~,~.~n~l~ome* ~ rive Saturday to oe guess Ol mrs.~ Friday for the summer vacation•[ wood were visitors in the Rev and pecialty so when the time has ar- We are glad that our health chart Mrs. J. H. Perkins and her Annexed. . : "lw.ttla~ elllt"'l~l"I" "~n "aS~t "*'lpa .'-c tor sw .-ee ra'l~e'. ........... =u~ " ra,'':'*[ ...... |[,,[i] he-y. -ar-c -lri -M -un-t --Ve "rn"on w -hed[__S.lreel| o -- -r,- ...... '.ll[~tl-- " ' a(n~?eeVere~e)asi nah;yy g ".l.lae.~unieorsS° Ellen°f~°l~erCa h / " ' re eels a • ! Elizabeth RunKle ann miss rtazeit She returns to Stanwood in the/Mrs. Hugh Robinson home on Men- l rived for us to enjoy it. Not only for cleanliness shows more blue daugter-in-law Mrs. Frank Perkins, O. J. Elsenbast, Attorneyr:.,5.~:lz • Mr" and MrSounL~t ~SrnR:yhOnn~ ~v~d!for a few days. . .~fall for her fourth year as kinder-[ day. ]school children enjoy vacations, but marks than red or black• A blue of Chicago visited the former's "* cnitaren ot ra , • i Mr. anu ~vzrs. Lewis vernon ana/ garten teacHer. [ Mr. and Mrs Hiram Eye of Svca- I our lathers and mothers leave their mark stands for 100. Those having brother Chas. McShane in Cedar --~ and Mrs. Joseph A. Holub andI children of near Anamosa and Mrs.| Mr and Mrs Paul Wickersham[ more, Ill. were Thursday dinner l vocational cares for a time each all blue marks are Betty Jean Graft, Rapids, who is reported seriously .... I'~ children of Monticello were Sun Merwyn Boots and daughters of ues ~ year to en~oy a vacation Vacation rtmihve Am hibt~ • I( .... - . . had as Sunday guests her parents g ts of Mr. and Mrs. Charles ." • " Ralph Petersen, Lenore Emerson, ill. P .... P e # day dinner guests in the Mile Kah- Mechanlcsvllle called on Mrs. Ada| Mr and Mrs. J. J, Zumsteg and/Maiden, i means the same thing to each of Louise Smyth, Floyd Gouehee, Dor- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Waln attend- On a farm In OhiO ther.~-~0~ ban home. Hempy, Tuesday afternoon. / sister Mrs Richard Moore an~i Mr / Mrs E1,~-~ ~,..n ..... n n_...~.,^_ ] us; it is a time to relax from rou- othy Gish Max]He Cave Martha ed funeral services for James Rob- centl~ found a slab of r~ Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Miller, Pa- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leinbaugh|Moore of Memphis, Me. '|Ruth "of "~I~ec~an'icsvil~e~s~en~"t~l~eltine, duties,f°ra wh!le.. A perma- Ann Bigger, Marie Kamberling, ertson of Marion last Thursday traek'sofaprhaltlveamPnW~pl tricia and. Gayland, Mr. and Mrs ! of Cedar. .Rapids were Thursday|. Miss Nita Floyd came home Sat-.. -I week end with her mother" Mrs. nent vacation lrom. nigH SCHOol. is Catherine. Dahn, and Zola Mac Mr. and Mrs I S Pearson.., Mr. ........... • .... * ..... the front feet, ar~ "u-''dl Arthur Miller of Waterloo were evemng dinner guests of ber sister urda fro John Miller I here seniors and a nice long Reltzel. and Mrs. Henry Carbee visited on -- *-- *-*-..* ~,~o* and s eall The Lembau bs y m Fonda for the summer one ior me rest oi us Ma we all tm ~u,~ m~, week end guests in the I. V. Merriss Mrs. Otto B . ' g vacation She has been re electe Mrs E R" Finson of ...... I • • Y Eugene Reyhons, Marie Kamber- Sunday in the John Carbee home .... "~ ' home. Sunday vsitors were Mr. had recently returned from several| for her 'second year as teacher ell is spendi'ngseveral day~e?l~r:lw~eletY]U~he~st as an advantage to us and ling, and Kenneth Siggins have all in Mount Vernon. ram~ and Mrs. Clement Hahn of Atlantic, months in Texas. Mrs. Kenneth[ third and fourth arades in the Fen / ...i,~ ~. ............... I ~r_ _.. _ been absent for one-half day this Harve J. Christian returned from ~~ ..... ~:-"-'~-~r "'-'~-"~ and children and Mrs• - - . ~" -/w ~,, ,,~, VareuL~, mr. ana ~ars. o./~I~NIOR NEWS week a month's trin to Los An~teles and iowa aceompameu oy ul~~ule mc~oe , "~ aa SCHOOLS / M Pfautz ~ ....... " " ~" ' ' r nd children of Cedarl ~ • • t ±HiS is pronaoiy the last article omts in Mexico last Thur Otis Hahn of Burlington Wis. who! Walter Rave a '1 Callers in the Rev C F S~ -- i ..... ~ .... -- p " " " sday. ~ d ....a is remaining Ior" an mac" " 'f'lni•re' tqme ~ rtap~ ids• visited in the p-arental Bealll home Tuesda were" 'Mr' tratton I Mr. ann. mrs. ~verett Fergusont whicH, this senior. . will write, for nw~w~wttt~ttwt • Enroute home he made an exten- in his daughter's home. :home the first of the week. 1Filloon Mr y" " "~" s. LuluI and family of near Mechanicsville[ the Lisbon Hi-Lltes, so he is going 51'RIN ,¥1LLE NI Wgl sive study of the Boulder Dam. S h e el' .... .I , s. lvtarle ~alcon, mrs.I were ~unaay visitors in the G K ] to le~ you look into his diary for ~'~ • ~l~ ~ ~ ~ [ Mr and Mrs Clinton Walton vis - -,tel~ Mrs Ralph Kha:as and daughter Mr. and Mrs Revert rteasmncl Florence Burlingham Mrs Williaml Frink home ' "/the past two weeks An-,thin" re ~r .............. I .. - " ........ - llT;~h ,,,!,,-~ ~nd pat ., Katherine of Syracuse, N. Y., ar- of Cedar Rapids; Mr. and . [tl Penley, and Wm. Goldsberry, all of[ Mr ~ wlot~h~,~ ,~ o,~no,| vealed will not cause an scandals -- dnv t1~o, mako vo thlnkYA • ' Mrs Sam ' • * , • J 8 - lit Y*, ltliI, Yl-y IPlFI2glllil, II lice. relatives In ttOCK lslan(l ~un- ,v ,,~H ~u,,a.o ,~-- r. I/¢ • . . . . s. Re ................... Y ---. ~,a~ ,.U rived Tuesday in the G. L. Hill Johnson of Lmn Grove and Mrs.I Central City. [ Rapids visited fro,~ n~-.~a ..... .'1/as did the diary of Mary Astor It ........................ I ,.~ ~.o r ¢ ...... * .,tell .... rin ville were ~ .., . . . , . • ............... o... .... are out in the ov home for a short visit before goingl Alice Carney of Sp g '1 Mr and Mrs Lloyd Peterson, son[ Saturday with Misses Aman,~n .~n,~] might give you a senior s version of R~ r, ~ ~--:*~- p~.,., tertained at dinner Sunda • Mr . _ t~ as surprise guests to the country lFriday visitors in the O. P. WilsonI Ralph and guests Mr and Mrs.] Ethel l~ickev ...... [ some of the events during the last o "_'_C-" "; "~'. ~'.~".*? ....... .~a ~.0 ~.i~o A.m~¢.naY2 ~n~ walking among the, e ; " " r in theaI ' • ' ~unaay SCHOOl at zo a m o..,~ ,,,,~ " "- ~" • e *" rother Conrad Mohn home Sunda vlslto s .... two week .................. t~e home of her b , • , Y ...... [ Floyd Horton and Lois of Onslow,[ ~...~ r ......... ] s of school. Here are ~r...~ ....... ~- ~* ~ = ~. [dauahters of Martelle lUg breezes. , o~ The first of June Mr. Kharas and ternoon were Mrs. Harry wmtman and Hu h Frazier of Chiea o n- , --,-so ~e~noaugn nan as a ~un- the days that have been locke ".L". ....... s.?=-~.~= ,,~ ** a.,j,.I ;,%o . ....... . _ _ ..o ....... i1 $1 vr- n,~t.,.. ,]] ~.,,~ ,h .... n *h, ¢~ ,~¢ whi*fior ~aro Frank Whitmallll• ~ g ....... g e. "l nay guest David Jeffrey of Los An-/ ................ d THere wul oe a union memorial l mr. ann mrs. waiter ~nclrews ann msplayea now 0." ~:.~:;~l='..",~";= ~'~'l~-rnia to'at~t~'n'd of lVlechanicsv[~le: Mrs Irvin Whit-'l j oyeu a picnic umner at me vans-I geles Calif., a scaler student atl dav~.• ...... e entry mane on mat service of both churches held in Roy Patten of Central City were cial table• .a ."~,,"'..'~" ~..~.."','..~o'~'#.~,~o ,, ~**,,,~ ..... ,~ Mr~ Roy Burke' and in[~".~.~ "'" ~.-.,~-,s. /Cornell college, l ~; .............. the Methodist church at 11 o'eloeklhonored guests at a birthday din- - .... o~e the " v~,,, ~v y;: ~ .~ .... ".'"'?.?" "~:~d"*,',:" ..... .'Z ~._ "-_~ .7_'_ A ,~/ Mr. ann mrs. Edgar Auliff ofl ~ .... ~ .............. /. ~,.?~ o..~,., uoy wna~ a renei, with the Rev R A Badger of the]Her Sunday in the J. Patten home. lttC, ZOC anti ~- me woria's ~alr ann visit anomer me evening ivxv., auu ,vx~.~x. ~'1Davennort were week end ~uests of[ ~=v. a~u ~v~r~. rxugn ttoolnson[ Inat l~ngllSn correctness acaaemicPr~hv*ori~n "~h~.oh hr.;,-.ab,-.a +h~/ In the afternoon th~ ~rm]n mot~rod ~ ..~1~ brother Ora Mohn, Walton of Mount Vernon / Mr an'd Mrs W S We]rick The~l w e r e ~aturday evening dinnerI wasn't half as bad as I thought it messa~e~-"~r"i.~.~","'~';...~'."'~'d~s ,,~"ff I to Oakdale to visi( ~Ir-s-~Rov--PaV n~.~ ~,,~ti7 ~U]~I~I~, -- ~ ~.-.....~'_~..'...'.o~':"-":":":":°°:":":°°:°';":° came especially at this time to a~-[ guests .at the Dr..George Gearhart[ would be. But just because I think .... + ~d~o]l,~v ~ .-~'~x=S~x-~a"u ~,,*~-iten • - - lnr~ ~,'~ ,, ~-., .nei* ~~'~ ~ • • • • • ° ° * ° ° ° • ° ° • . - nome in ~ rin vine .... , ~ ..... , ~,.~ w,,, ~,,~ a uue~. xne • . liJu' • i*.l tend the senior class play directe(il p g . :. [ it was easy is no sign It was. 111 Son~ of Peace•" [ Mrs. Elizabeth Gritman left on Cmderellas and :i**[ by their niece, Miss Elva Bowley.-[ Mary Shaler m mslonary . society[ proDa?ly nna out after .Miss Bow- " .~_ [ Wednesday evening for a visit in tes will frock your ast __ *~:[ Bert Tuel returned to Coon Rap-I meets ~vnursaay, June l, with Mrs.] l.ey gets mrougn graamg tHem. walt PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I the home of her son Supt. Ivan Misseo charmingly" -":* • ~* ~manaa l~unKle lne leader is till tomorrow ~t ' - ~ . dlB~ ~kA[ d~ ~ d["~ rl ~ I I~ 0 "~7 iii[ivdissitM°wnd~y f°~l°w:~egr a~w? ~ee~:~[MMS S,::d Kirrskp;thl:kpeterson n;Io2auYe9"sWffhYag:dethmecY thaT?t~hPoUet SundayReVhoRolAatB~dge:m. Ella]G mannc~t MWal'k~r" J" Miller and ~?nfabrlc~bullt;'rIl:°~01~_~ ~_ ! ~ • ~ II II II ~. $ I 1 ~ • ~ ~ ~" ~$-~1 Jetting. Mrs. Ted Gibson returned] ~. • a dI readin ....... ~-~o~ .... :~*^-- Foust, Superintendent. There is in-/M'ss Alma Miller visited relatives • Y _~¢ I~. 4- , --- ~/ **I~I to Low Moor Saturday after ten[ son ~o~ were guests at a familyl r.~.. "ff,~'2"~'v'_~'~'~¢~_~"' ~o,,~.,po- struction and inspiration for all in/at Hawkeye Sunday. seeing and as t i~ h0140 ~r'~"''O ~"~~1"*~ ililday;~aae!t!n~l~er P;~:t:~r£ :::1i~'~kein~Piu~Msyn:i:en:~:lthes" h~nel~:::~(~:~i~::~a~t~h~us~ee~ep Zn~i ~udymgh°~ :ladSsy°albllesstrUteh2sl~ter~dMayrsg:~rta S~mE~l:fFH°als~ P~:U:ee~s:a;n:g21n~i~'ll~:l 11~ ii Ilqk..~l. I~,.~ ~k.JJL.It~,,~,~ &JI. Ji ~..~ J- ~..~ *t**ltwo 'children of Chicago :is]ted] Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hill, George] May 12" Hadaswell*im,~*,~,~,,,~*] This congregation will join in the] Mr. and Mrs. George Clinger and attractwe. = ~-.~ ~t~ ;$_~1Wedliesdnv, mnrnina~, h~ ~*ho .............. M,~-] and Tommy, spent the week endl ~, ,h~,~ ~,.,,.~':'~,,,-~mor ~anquet" ...... ,""~;'" I UnionTne .Mem°rial Service at the/Roy, honored. Glenn Clinger at a Misses and Lamw, ~-'] Cora Doner home On Fri~ ..... ~ff'l with his parents Mr and Mrs G/~. ................... ". • i Methodist church sponsored yearly] birthday dinner Sunday Guests ~ - |0f ,~o . nay ,l*~llt- . . . ' ' ' " oa,*qUC~ W~ ~urely plannea nicely. " ' ' " • " " wer ' -" .~. **~.:[ ing Mrs Doner is expecting her son[ J" Hill m Clarion. Mr. Hill's moth-'] "Union Pacific" was a ~ood show ]by the patriotic organlzahons. The/ .. e Mr. and Mrs. George Bright, HUSKIES Now ..... ':~ X xlr^ .... nH D riotie and ]il Earl from Green Bay Wis for a] er is improving from a serious ill-I too ° '1 worship hour is at 11 a.m [ ~v~r. and Mrs. Jack MeVey and ..... ..,h each 1 ¥¥ ~ ,]13111 WlUII O~ll btl~::~ ~- ~ °~°[ two-day visit ' "' -[ ness. [ ~rnv la. ,* ................ [ The missionary society will meet/Pauline Taylor, all of Marion. A J~alloon w~, dead to 'his 'bed since April 5 suffering] ~etheh°eme of Mr. and Mrs. RobertI in the Library." |panied by MrS'anRc~lphrsWl~lnF a~i~e~: Potato Chips, lb [¢ • ,o from a horribly burned leg the " May 19: The play went over -- " • " " ' en 1~, • -~, • ' s . . Dr and Mrs Clarence Darrow motored to Bettendorf and Doven- Oranges, doz 9 Elburn being received from a bonl Mr. and Mrs Charles Linebacklwell. What a rehef. I hope it _,"..... ' ...... I~,~ql~.~ ..... On~j~ O~jk ~C Slid .¢~ ~t. T.,~ .. ~ • • • .~ **i_,"I fire [ and daughter Velma and John Line-I will go as well tomorrow night ann mary vlsitea in me parentaq v,~ ..... ~-~. o ._ . ~vc, ~oc, ~,., ^ ~11 I0* • -'~ " " • - M • • " ~eorge ~arrow Home in ~uouque ~ numoer Irom mis community • ~ $ we invite you Join us in these ]il The Methodist Aid society meetsl back ousted Sunday with Mrs. Nora] ay 20. A. very fine crowd and a Sunda- | attended vi-~ ............. ~-~ Grapefruit 6, ~, $ Marn nl .~T'XYlO~ h ~ 1") (~ 1" 1 1"1 ~3~ ?[Thursday afternoon, June 1:in thelSimm°ns at the.hospi~.l at Vinton. igran% rPer~ormance-.. I fe~l Band" Boosters and parents re-[Thursdayevenin~g ...................... 25e _. ~t .................... ~ ......... ~" .?lcnurcn parlors withMrs. C. B.l~vlrs'_~.~mm°ns is e.onnnea to tnel:"=.~" =_,~'~~, .... v-,,eu-,ruu~/l turned from Minneapolis in hi-hi Mr. and Mrs Will Simpson visit- ~h~,~ ~h~ lb from- • °° Jo • nospltal Tim a oroKen le a wral~ger, x~e~ S See, baccalaureate . . ~, . ". ~...-.-o.-~ .--- fhg~et'~ ~'~ t~llP rI~I~'I£~,TTIC t~a~:lt'] lXTh¢'~ ~qt'~- **~**[ hnston, hostess, and assistants] g" | tomorrow ,~iah, spirits, our Class C band rated first[ ed last Friday in the Sam Thumma 99** 9~ ~, 30e I ~.~o~ ~- ~ ~*,~-,-,-*,~ ~-*~.,-~-* v, ~*,-, ~,.. ,-$,1 Mrs D A Bennett Mrs Guy John- I Mrs Effie Butler son Leo .,na ~ .. -------. ..~ ...... :.L .1... ~,~ .,_ ..... ~ ann r~^.~,~ ~,,_~. ~_ ...... ,,,,,.~ ,.~,,., ~-- ,--, • • • , • a ~- I ' ' , '~ ~ I MaV 91. ~,~,, x-ro,~;l+,~ ,~ a,~**~; wl~l~ ul~ x~orLnwooQ anQ l=tOl-/ " ~ xau.a~u welLy ~iome a~ walcl, in the defense ston, Mrs: John Peterson, andMrs.i Mrs. Floyd Butler of Mount Ver-I wonderful" t~k*tonT~h;'~n÷gavwe~a stein bands. Frederic Taylor was[ near Tipton. Donald had recently __":W~. ,~n~C|~kl~ xl~Llt~u t~,~,.,,x ,lvwo _ *~:[ Mary .~.auey. The leader isMrs.[ non; Mr. and Mrs. Don Price of[ erated church and ~:e~ ~,~n~'~,~ ~:~[ rated second with his tenor solo.[ returned home from a Cedar Rap- 10e COOKY ~r~ a of our country in order that we {![ :arMarS.Eiiiu:inda Rieger and Mrs. I !i~erdsXisenS?th~e B~a~rbaka~?e~eh~d°Yl cr~vIWady' 22' What fu~. "If is'~su:e~ Tehcenbra;:ti22artet was also giveni ~dSiohOSoPpt:rlath:nVlng undergone a As~or~edrsK~kes l~..u.1~ might have eedom in the fullest i ]lc B flu~'h:;c°mpanied by Mrs.I ~s ...... g _ = / nice to have your parents with you o,Classnigh~t and. 8tb.grade,gradu:[thy~So2ertHupP-wh°~ha~sb~eenin ~,P/.Y :a,'~hS]~i~t '~ oo~'.1 S" .... t: ~ el VlOla,went toI lvlrs, rxarley t~ooertson ann rtar-lat a banouet. I h'ked ................... th~ m~nn~- ~lulI WaS nelo in me ~aemoctist/ ,,,= u~ ~,~ UnCle, x~. /~. Isnrlst- WHile lUU J*" o~o~ :t:[ Tea City, Saturday to attendthe[lene visited from Friday until Sun-[ in which on,• ~t,,,~,~n+ ~,~+,,~ .... n church Tuesday night. [ man returned to her home in Kan- ---~---- , t9¢ ~w~xow. .t0 funeral Sunda of " ~ ................. r sas Cit • t" ~,[ y Mrs. J M Dye,[ day at the home of her sister Mrs.] each other with a ~hnr* nn.m T* M and Mrs Ralph Frank Paul-] y, Me, Sunday. Mrs. Ceha ~ t~ ~k ~,,~ o .... i- ~t~ el¢ °"°t a sister of Mrs. Rieger and Mrs'. Hubert Shankland near Newport' was ul --= ........ ~" ........ ine, Geraldine and Darrell 'James Daniels of Cedar Rapids was a re- .~ ,u o,x~; ~u~;,--, ..--P' .... , !~![ Dutcher. They returned home o~[ Mr. Robertson, Nola and Mar~l Maq ~ ~ai~d~athe- mr "" i Story and Mrs. Bess Hendrickso~] cent visitor in the L. B. Christman Cane .................... We pledge our froth m Amerma s Monday evening. --I Frances joined them on Sunday• '[ night. We Seniors ha~Ya p:r°~yt°i] m°t°redt° Sterling, Ill., Sunday• ~ and Mrs;Anna Harm. home. . 100 lb bag sagar, T • ~ " ~ r, ~.*:] Mrs. John Hall and Sylvia return- I a,,,~s*,~ ,~¢ v,,,,~, ..... , ........... I the auditorium What a alo-~ .... [ lwr. anct zars. P. W. Sterner enter-I mrs. ~eona wtinenart, WHO Has 1/,~,~ ....*~1 taems ann t)emocracy. ! il ed Monday from Fertile, Iowa,| M,~H~.t~" S~n~la'y~"~".ere" M"ru "anal[ time. • ...... Ira]ned the couples bridge club on been_.teaching near Anamosa_ is t~ ............... ..-~"~ ".:'1 where they attended Commence-I ~'lrs Gh,n't~owdis~..-: ..... :~ ,: ....... ~-I May 24: Were my knees ever sha- monaay eyening.. .. j spenamg a Iew uays in the ~zra .................. o'~ 01" @ .~:lment programs last week John[ -";: • .... '- ....... .~"." ......... Slkin~ when I roooiv.d my ~llrd,-,m~ mr. ann mrs. t~en t~ates and' ~vunenart Home. ~ne wire nar Nl~w PntatoeS. r~-- $~ I Jr a r " • ..... . uaughter Barbara arrived Monda daughter Janette, will leave soon .... ,o ., g aduate, came home with le~ Olarl" of Mour ~. It was good to see that signature .. Y -- • White ound - ~t~ ........ ~t Vernon and • . for a visit with Mrs Bates' mother for a visit with her grandparents ' P .l t them to Iota the family who moved Mr 'tml Mrs .. ,, . blanks were all filled in. I wonder • . ' , ' ~ --" T • I 1B n • | in the sorin~ to the Orlev w~l,~ - ..... Jo.~ ph Zaehe~ an if T nm ~tln ~n,~n ~ ,,~.~.~ ....... Mrs. Christine Lundeen, and her Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alcox at 1 lb Marshmallow 6¢ 0¢ ~" " I0 |n l trl(l 10111111~ of ( ~dai Ra - ~ux u. a Fr $ " 1 11 ~ h ~ q~ | I R ¢~ ~ l~ ¢~J t~ d~ ~i:[ farm east of town "'~ "'"'~'J :-' : " .... ~" " ~Pq "graduate";" ~.~lumni ~an-u--* "~-^ J brother Carl Lundeen and family edrika. 9 Ih~ l~.mnll~ C0~0 ,~ l l .. e. They came from • • pe "nd some • ' • " • " i .......... ' t llt.ltOL UUIIIpOL ..... h~.~ r .... : ....... m[saturday Mrs Peterson son Raln~an[of the might .... i .... • In the Mrs. Jessie Hoagland Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Gibson and Ammona .... ~-lllt | :::2: i:=- i]il .................................. ' "21[ Lhera, fl~r~mO ................... oaMn~%M°i~d::!CehTtmMr! ia~.MU~a~Fl°ren:~22v~a~°r~Ot~red 1 rl oo • . n~i] !!nt aMnsrBlod~i~ .... home in Cedar Rapids he teachers Miss Dorothea Gemger I rae Junior r 1 and her brother visited their real summer I//2 gal can G P 1 ;$~ yea n the school for the g e found dOmgoharid ~ " an ' AL AND SURPLU $ , blmdl~eand°leave F°r/~°d~:fni e tMen]~alsdter~h~t b ss h :Ccan peele John Au onlogue, 4* " " ~*]Mr and Mrs C B Johnston Mrs.] " /._^: ..... :;7 ........... J d Mrs Willard Groves ' d Mrs James Pirie and .qvr,,n Peache '% • • I*O .... ' " la~2111~ 111~ lvluuet A with the Iast- ' " • "--.~-~.~" -- s D A Bennett and Mr L Mrs Harold Maxson and Verona Mr and Mrs L G Th baby daughter of Cedar Ra lds l'~, President Vice President :;:[ • • , s. yle Cap-~] -" ....... al est horse and buggy I .... oma, Mr. -- - P , -- ..... ise P +~ ~ t t1-*ll ~°l----L2---- o~.lper attended a district O E S.I spent lvionaay ana Tuesuay wiml j^~.. ,, ....... " _ _ and Mrs Milton Behrens, Mr. and were ~unuay guests in the W J. • ~lt. ~viuy~J,~ .. I ' ..... tAIL V~lll Will oe seen Her 2 tw. ~. rim, t~asnier .{.] group meeting at Mechanicsville On] her sister-m-law Mrs. Lloyd Staab.] ther "n,, 9 9 9 e anct Mrs Ralph Waln and R. A Badger Plrle home lng ............... rod" ,. . . e dol..~ . . , . . . • . . . . - ..... , triter a stay oi several months with picnicked at the Wa sl inl The followm farmhes mnlcke t p ~ Wednesday evening In the ritual- • p p" "con State g p " d flu t HOyI~.S..DaUy Effcept Saturday iI] istic work Mrs. Bennett filled ~e] relatives in Marion, they are rtehJ wR~):ert~hyi/2 ben our first song Park Wednesday. in the Wapsipinicon State Park on 1 .Qt. IOA Pea .... 9 to 12 a m, i to ~ D m , ~turtlay u a m to 1 i) m oo turnm the last of th g g to compose a Sun ter {~ .... " ...... ~'[ office of marshal and Mr Johnston[ " g e week to| son,, named ,,r~.t-~..,, I Coach and Mrs. Milton Behrens day: Mr. and Mrs. Homer Pol ..................... "* offi ' • " Eagle Rock, Calif., to join Mr. Max- ~" • ~. ...... . will leave Frida for Cedar Falls lock and family Mr and Mrs Rob- il be ~t~ the ce of associate patron Geraldine will be our first damn Y W I t MEMBER b'~EDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPOI{ATION iiiJ " ~son who returned some time ag~] . . " g and Waterloo where the,, will s..end ertBegley Mr andes R C'Bain Our Stores .... ¢, J I J n t~a~:!~anrdnlh~iP~Rsaxt~hm°n~di:e~ee~ila~! fa~nr~e~i~aMOnlrirlMan~i~a~!~ L~eWill~°ri ~a~;~nd a~y[?sel~ ~] : "~ ..- .. t ews of] On Sunda-- af'^r .... ~"* ...... ~J .......... lovely mother Mrs. Vena Greenawalt on Mr. and Mrs John Ricketts were • . ............................................................. ~al'rcn unio THey came toat- ~ ~ ,,... ~,x~. a.u mrs ~,rl WlUl mue eyes ~ ~;:~;~=::::::::~:::~:~:~::~:~:~::~:~:~:~::~:~::~2:~=~::~ ........... ......... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ' " Ra mend Li ht an . Wednesday evening to celebrate the guests of Mr and Mrs Porter Hem- : :::::i:ii::::~ ............. ~ ........................... ~ ............... ~.)~:~:*~ .................................. .............................................. [end comnlencemcnt as Miss Atl:]Y g ds°nKenneth:fl I°ne wIll be at h°me °n the hill[do ............ i .............. ~A.~. ~erta York is one of the graduates.] Des Momes and Mr. and Mrs. EriI as heaven is the next best and . Y ~J~ ............... ........ ::::::: ............ " Light and 1 • . . Mr. and Mrs. George L Rose Mrs. Albert Taylor was hostess ....................................... ~ .............................................. : .............................................................................. / g C ayton ofDavenport closest if Alvin lsnt there • ::::i:i::i:i:~:::::~ ........ ~::::::~: .............................................................................. ....................................................... b'(t" and Mrs L A Davis attenu-i called on Mrs l.i~ht A~*. ............... " . wlsh to thank everyone who assist- to the Progressive Club at her home T ;oh,m |OW~i • ." ........ ."-"x ......... "" "> "~ .......................................... ¢ ................. ~ .... -- ..- rl~lUq~tl,~l lIIVlt~:~S all Her classmates, . l~,~t~a*.~ -- ................. ~::: ................................................................................................................................ d th • . ° • ed in an wa " west of Whittier :: iii:~i]~iiiii::]~i::i~iiii::i]~]!i::i!i~i::ii!~i::ii!!~::i::::!::!::::::~:[i::::(!.i:i::::i:i:ii::~:]:::::::::i:::::]:::~i~i~i~::~i::::i::.]:::~~ ............................................................................... : .............................................................. [ e commencement piogram at[ ......... i to l~'* h~, i,~ ~, ....... t.~___ Y y at the time of their Fmday afternoon. i ::i i~`!i*i~::i::i]i*::`::~i::~i::i*~::::~iii~iii~::i~i~i*ii~!~`~iiii::~iii::ii*iii~`~iiiiiiiiiiiii*ii~iiiiiiii~i!iiii~iii~i~iii!iiii~iiiiiii::iiiiiii~i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii~ii~iii!~::~!/-~'JPh~'t:lustjLhe~trsd~Ye]r~gVeon~ngo;h~drel ~)V~l'a~ad~;L:vat~n~?rt~s°~ond taWn~l heJrVi!~ inW~lelstbmfntt°°;intiri~bder~y: flrl~r, and Mrs. O. G. Newman of P~inn,t N~e ~iragS?~ SMttaatirlndsa, i~i;~]ij~~iiiiiiiii]i~i~i~i~i~i!i:~i~!~!!~:i!]!~i~:::~i:.i]ii::]!~i:~:~:i~]i~i~:i]~;`~/ ~caduates Janette came home with[ 'ss 0 a nn of Glendale Calif..I-atch ....... Des Moines returned to their home Sarah Whitaker, Inez Switzer, Mrs. ~ j |'e~c Pa~e~tsMwh~)ar~:e~tol~£ o eei![ !! o dhMM dtYe i trauii:lio sn.KatM ha ]LMeariYrn lP I : °:/° °rC a dNMa:Yw~:a~nsi~hvemntg:°lpl°Wn~gls~ver~l, iiiYerl~rsBeFrm:nkBe~Ik'thMaaedC~re~; ~ .-~ . " / o:~ o] the Standard Oil Station. I " , ' ' " " "'It- ~,n,~ ome. pe . Refreshments were served I~ qd::, ~ N~c , ~.. ,~". ~. / , land Mrs. Curtis were formerly[ -,:'"'r' . ...... Mrs. Alice Carney spent several in the nature of a two-course din- [~m "~ /~ ~~~~ "-- -.- , .. ]. ~,~r. ar!d Mrs. Harry Mill]man of]missionarieS in India, while MissJo_!~arv~.n~s going to take tosports: days last week in Cedar Ranids Her. ' |~ I i1~'~ Ifl~ " z ":"" 7. ] . .. [ ~fs ~viomes cai.ed trus week onl Dunn is a nurse in the Glendalel~_W_lmmmg' .He says. 1. ne'h with relatives - Mr. and Mrs Henry Roever of I • ~ -~ nave a special react mane out n lr ann mls B C Walmer while orth r in the Harry Sproston home ~ h k .~" :~~..( - .~ . ~ " [" " "" • ". " ', " e[Sanatorium. Mrs. Curtis and Miss]of ...... Miss Caroline Sterner assisted by Waverly were Sunday guests in the J ~_.~.,Jl¢~ town so mc eun won t • ~ ~?x ~ ~ " " ' : ] . ' " , e|Dm n a e cousins of Mrs Schoff |rou-h "o--- " ' Mrs P W Sterner entertained at Mrs Millie Bolton home | ~':~.~[~k ".~ ~IrMilliman is repailing the pipe " ' g t ". .... '" ' • • " . a miscellaneous shower honorin Mr. and Mrs O J Emmons, ac- an n bhs Ralph Ealy and son Nathan Bill is om to work g /~;g t the college auditoriuPe]of Belle Plainel Miss Cleon~ B,,r,~a[,,o o''~ ,go~ ........ and then Bernadine Sterner of Cedar Rapids companied by Mr. and Mrs. Joe ~ ~ "~/ • ne ooys were army pals in trance . , ~ u 11o ~ ~t~ ~.u *~..~tll.tul-llia In the 1all h " • - • ' "n isku- f " . - w o will be married to L le S Crew and son David, motored to 9 a d Tony W s o Tlpton and Does Kat et in on 9 Y I' th serving in the motorcyclee] r~rl ...... aI ner wer~ ~ ............ ' ]J ................. Y g that too: . Richardson June 25 Forty guests Maquoketa and Chnton Sunday." " ~-I ~" or ,_, c~ ,, ,. c ,.,,.,-ua,r a,~=l- ,-,,,~, ,,-,-,~.y ~ plans are maennite ' ' • • . ...... . . ..:~.... j pS. ]noon visit)rs in the HowardWhit:[ Joe will again be found worki='- shared the courtesy. Those from .. Mr..and Mrs... John Irish. and [~ ~ " ~~[ Major and Mrs. Walter B. Hough]lnteh hem, ~qundnv ov~nin~din-J for ~tahl~ v .... , .... :'~ OUt of town were: Mr and Mrs ,.verett oi ~nellsvurg cahea on ~ . ~~[of Hamilton Field Calif are visit-[n-~r-'~,,o~tq~w~r-o Mr'n~-'~r'r~ ~'~".~l.~,:,..,-..'7~"~.'~^t.*-~ ~aa~ucan see Him Charles Sterner Mr ancl Mrs Wil" relatives and friends here Sunday• . ........ Sl [ ling from Wednes lay until Sundayl t al]'is nd" ir -an'd"lVlrs - ona i] o ng' o ol°u a'baaYco n aaY t° 's liam Richardson and daughter" Jean Mrs. W• E. Bellwas a guest Men- I]MUI= t I ' r with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R_ ] Whitlatch Bobt~ie and I~eith -¢[bunuo thi~ ¢~H g u- Mrs. Darwin Robertson Mrs C W' day in the home of her brother F.II1 || It_ ~, It_ ~ ., ~l~rrl~ IIII1~ II||V|||~ l~|~rl~ J *r|A||i~ IR. Reid.. They stopped enroutelTipton in observanee of Mrs. Whit_"I Otto'wants to help Mr. Smyth J°hr~St:lr~' M-innie Wilson, Margaret A.amK.:2nedy and Mrs. Kennedy in nP n II /1[~|~] .~l~ttll IIV ll~|llMh ill~rl(~/lllN.~ i~ o m t~mcago, wHere mey were j latch'S birthday. A lovely decorat-lthis summer and he hopes to ~o -- "'~ l~ oI t:e~ar ttaplds; Mrs. J. • lIP.FAblill' ql~lm'l~ V/ IIH/11111~ V/mlliiql/IVIIV~alie~l oy the serious illness Oiled angel food cake was baked b,,Ito colle,,,~ *~.~ *-,, --~ . . o m. taurrougns, Tipton; Mrs ~loya -- ..i ,,-- :Major Hough's mother whom theY|Mrs Donald Whitlatch for the o~|medicin~.~ ~;r"~-~'~Ja-nu" .taKe up Robert Oakdale" Mrs Fred'Kutzli Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Lee and ~. _. . telt ...... much lmprovea ' ~caslon" ~ - oe~ a suoshtute: ,,~ a,nOcreamnearu ne migHt Miles', 'Mr... an,~ ~r~ "A ~ vr .... e ' Judith Ann of Maquoketa were rOY .. W | T H A B | ~ ~ A P A C | T Y • ] ' • I . . ' hauler for man of Pres;on' "Mrs "iVla~'" %"'"':" - Saturday night and Sunday guests _. ,, n Mrs John Miller attended a -~--- Mr. ~epler sometimes this sum- . . , • y ~tamey, of hi r n r M ~.;,~.7~ ..................... ~[ LISBON CHURCH NOTES ]mer Whittier; and Mrs. Harry Smith. _ s pae ts M. and rs. T.M. ~ JJ M M ~- P J O H N D E E R E S W E E P l',yle R Dmtz given by Mrs Byron] .... JUNIOR NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Hoffman Z2__~ tbl IM • __ _ Jones and Mrs John Yeisley at then[ST" JOIIN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH The juniors are on the homeward ~gde2~" and lVIrs. Paul.Ewart mo- ~ ur .... ove rill ~flI-ll~qr'i-ll~l) ~^ ...... ,h~ ~,~hn I~ .... Jones home in Mount Vernon• Mrs.[ Father. t~eorge. Stemm, Pastor J stretch of this year's work. Friday wher^t%-t~-.ew-~°st°n' l~l., .~unqay, '.... ,"-'-'- -!! I~ vv ~=.,~,,~.-,~. ,7-,w w.~,., ,.,,,~ ~,,aaaa ~,,~,~a~ ~cneauie enecuve ma 7th the elos e uley attenctea a Iamuy flirt rease clean '~ Dietz was formerly Miss Wilda " Y : y ed their American litera- ne " " " g ' e~ GP-74 Hand Lift or the GP-72 Power Burge daughter of Mr. and Mrsll Sunday Mass~ 7:00 and 9:00 a.m ture books for good unless some- Mr ....... "- J~ ~ and parts wit ._: Lift Tractor Sweep Rake, you are sure ......... John Burge of Cedar Rapids. [ t=atecnlsm ~u:tm am, [ On:stSho~IdtsdeC~dal:~yStc~dYsefO~aS~e Donalidi~h~s~ia~a[rL~ne;~nynant~ 1L O repack the be r: s r I~ A • U [i I~ J Miss Ione Smith arrived home METHODIST CHURCH dr Fiank Summy and son Warren and a new clean, of getting complete satisfaction. ~ " ' .... " 'r vacation"~| • . .. [ awn to a close with final reports dru-hter ...... ' .. kl /! ............. hich The~ ~aed liahtweiaht rakes em- • Flexibility a0-~a~ur~ay ~or2ne summne ....... ~[ .. Glen.n S_ Hartong,,~-astor . [dealing with diseases, scientists and .... ~ .... uorls ot ue.aar aap~as, IM~fllPgg lug grease ~-~,,ia] .... _ .......... - ....~ ............ r~.~a~=u .......... I memorial ~unuay ialis on May l insects. The US T-TI~÷ .... ..... ~. Z,.-,~u-eu ~u *lpton, calnng on mrs. . ..vw.~v., in with a sp~" body all of the good features you have , ..... ~ a^,,,_ teaching contract at Zearing to a :l-Sth. The observance of the day[is running a race with'the"~ .... ,~¢* , s man in the Harry Meth- h~nrlno, nacker" ___ o . . o a~ a~uxaa u~m cept the position as instructor oI I will be a Union Service of "~'^~of "-:- --~ " __~ "~:° "~ ven Home -i . ~- ...... ~, --1- ..~ P band and vocal music in the Wyom c r f ~,e ~m~ SCHOOl ear " " Mrs W;lbur Stearns was hostess f nt wh ~v • No. 74 has auto. . ~ , , . " " . . -J hucheso thetown, to be held in [ fear they are going t'o lose the raee ÷,~ o.=~" ....... xtravmtance j • ted. mg scnoom at an mclease in salary h l Church ~,,~ ~- ~ ~s oi me r~ver een ~ ~ nd ad us Both fit the John Deere Mod l matic push-off; ...... " . . .Ithe Met od'st . The Rev Is]nee there are ouite a nu,~*,o~ ^~; ~". • " " ' gr a J ,n ,, ... . ..~,, ,~ _ ...:" - hand lever is uaed n.!s a..twe)vemonm posiu?n as sne[Gaylard Hamilton, pastor of the]chapters remaining ........ tte De~ah Lodge Thursday. o • ~ ~_..'~ff n, ,% ann ~ lractors. llley for raisin~ and wm airect me oana ior me sum- I Federated church willbringthe Eleven years ~:,^ ,~-.'- - mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitman, to bake at home when peclal ;!il ili!i i;i ii i iiii: iiii:i :i Tractor power lift raises the load ed with a bouquet of pink carna-] ~ ]FRESHMAN - " " ' " .les cakes ls and wheels is a P ,, .rid I.~ra th~ t~th when nr*~a,,t-~ • Weight of No. tions and pink candles. Sharing] FEDERATED CHURCH [ The freshmen"~rls~- .. mr._and M_rs. Devere..Port, .Mr. -~.--'=~-: '_ ....... " ...... and is not partm' .- .... "~:'-.'- "'~ ..... ": :" ..... ~ ....... 72 is carried on the courtesy were Miss Helen Gra-[ Gayiard S. Hamilton, Pastor ] tickled t- ,',~* ¢-- t-~,--'-n---are really ann lVlr~. A. U. ~'ort cauea In me p ........ -- "~ ............ ! ....... ~ iob. 18 appll~l tO lOOt penal, wheelt ver and a group from the Univer--[ Sunday School 9:30 a.m. [ nar~ the," ....... ~2"'~-~"~erV~eur ann pre- ~mert "rnompson home in Merit]- this an ~onontieal ;~, ~,c,~o.. ~...att,,._ slty' at Iowa City,' including Miss[ Union Memorial Service at 10'30. Ieu~'~L['°a"quet...... t~aon~aymenight~eni°r'par'That ThomasCell° Sunda~rstahl andre alSOMar calledl OUr v"ian nave your ir . Helen Mather and Eugene Matherla,m, at the Methodist church l i~ an *~-~* .......... " • " tel e. M. checked. • o ,- ~-,*~ ~uulu oe talKeu S " I" | T T "1~/[l" • | • of West Liberty" Thornton Cava-] Sunday evening service at 8 p m about tahl is badly injured from an ac- _ ....... ¢~, ' l " ' ciaent with his truck ~ .~.,~.. H " l-Y'r oau~ of Alberta, Canada; Miss] B'ble Study and Prayer service Mrs Ruth Bru~er who has been LISBON PAT S dUllll • lo l~'l • ~ Susan Spearie of Lake Geneva,[at 8 p.m. on Friday May 26th. nur "" .... %~ - ......... • "- v,..t.^- • .... Wis., Miss Lillian Ellessor of Am-[ "God calls' no answer is an an- , sing in me ~. t,. ~reeman nome lSAltEl£¥ o ...... :: :::i i:: ::::l ~i~! ~]~i~ ~°'mP tb!iffi i~]s X;IIS: ~cO lNud;:y: ~c'~Ko o ~HURCH ~i:a~~ffl Lisbon |eTa 7:oDn~Va71:CTa ~|: --[,|; lei O q!!li/..1 il I * ." I * .*,* -- Pho te 147