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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
May 25, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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May 25, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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May 18, 1939 THE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HA VKEYE-RECORD AND el lq[F, LIgBON HERALD Page Five Pupils And Picnics and teachers of the their anuuHl Mrs. Johu l)agils of the pri- their .pienie ill the 'I'ht, lh'st and lheir leach- and Miss a joint picnic at honle on the Walker and pupils and Miss Maxine of the fourth Ash Park. Miss pupils of tile Country nhlt) for The si~tll Miss M/trio alon,K Al;l)l,y ** of Linn township heir school ,bo:u-d 9, at eden wood Presented i)y the additional IAoyd N(,tll, GOOdyear and Were Mr. and eisley, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. 1)on Mr. aaM M rs. and Mrs. Rtdl)h Johu ~tro,l h- Archie Minis]l, Uthoff, Mr. I Wielehaml, Mr. eal, l"l'tine l'dcg'- or, Mr. and Mrs. :Uth (;theft. J ulfs, Ger- l~thoff, Ar- ~rt Joh n y;on, and PlIEsl I)E NT its closing, meet- tt the hmne of |rooks OI1 Mon- 2nd. Following SUp,per at 6:30 nleeting was next year were President, 1,]s- ~Sident, 1 )orothy Nellie Ihtrtullg; Peisen ; Treas., comtuit- Itosetl:t l':yre, Etten. ehfield and Mrs. Joint hostesses O'elook hlneh- of Mrs. Burch- Wero "l.l'r;tn ~ od Centered wit h Was play- an. 'MFs. W. R. )thor of Mrs. ~[/lll pson of Wed Last Week IN MOUNT VERNON ........................ Large Group Breakfasted At The Country Club Approximah, ly 40 1)rook fasts Were serve(t at the .\[OUllt ~TOrllOn and Li,~bon country chlb oil Sunday nlornlng. ]i'l'ed l )d:line wg/s lhe ohef in charge Hnd served lip the breakfasts ill proper slyle (Ioli WLLS played tilter by a lllrge n/ul/- bet of those i/r(,sent. The golf OOllrSO is ill D- good and neat con- dition qn,d t)resenis a beautif~ll all- pe,tr0,n co. (~l,lqX~VO()l) SCI10()I* EN.IOYS TI{AI N RI I)1," The t)upils ,tnd to'loller of (lien- wood school spoilt It very enjoy- able day ill ('odor l{qpids visiting various phi.cos of inlerost. Wil- lard lfieger and Ray 10rederiek ftl rnislltql l rttnsllorlation. Pl,,bC(!s visited were ('olonial Bakery, Ilutchtnson lee th'eam, Court House and Jail, Post Office, Ga- zelle, and the (,oliseum. ()no of the inost interesting parts of the MILS. ~VII~MI,;I{ RICHAIII)SON lrip was % train ride froln (!oiler I{'tl)i(ls to ,Mount Vernon. A pretty hcmle wedding occurred Those takin.g the trip were Dean Thursday evening, May 18, at the l(irkp,atriel% lIarlan l¢odman, Bur- home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ton Rodman, l,]:laine l{iegor, Mary l'eet near Martelle, when their I'~o(1,mqn, )udley Smith, 1,co lered- daughter, Catherine, was married crick, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frederick to Mr. Wihner ]¢ichardson, son of Wqllard Rieger, Misses Ihden Step- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rie:hardsou of anek ~nd I,ucille Russell. l,iun Grove community. l)romptly at 8 o'clock the nlusic The Good Imck Social club will l(g'an with Mrs. Elzoe Plum,mer uleet for a guest day nleeting ill at tlle pi%uo, Dol~bert l{iehardson the horne of Mrs. I,aura Arnlstron.g, softly sang, "I la:)ve You Truly" Thursday afternoon, June 1. Last and Mrs. Robert Poet sang, "Be- Thursday Mrs. O. B. Hqeseler was cause", as the bride %nd grooul hosless for the chlb meeting with slowly descended the stairway and :l very good attendance present, u|archod to a large floral arehway from whi('h suspended a cluster Mr. and Mrs. 1)irk P, usenbark of 'wedding bells aud many small entertained the I)resbyteriatn Guihl pink hearts. The color scheme was meoling at their home Tuesday eve- pink and white. Roy. Morse, i'res- ning for n picnic supper. After the byterian minister, read tl~e single SUpl)er Sergnant Day, of the Iowa riug ceremony, .which was very im- Sl:tlo }tighway patrol, t'tlked on pvessive. hig'hw'ty safety, w:hich was greatly The :bride was charmingly gown- eujoyed by the group. Twelve menl- ed in white silk taffeta with a long ~l)ers were in attendance, trtdn "lud lace :bridal veil. She ear- tied "t large bouquet of valley lilies Rev. and Mrs. Harry Bassett en- and white roses. torhlined at stl,l)per at their home After congratulations, delicious last I.'riday evonbl°. Gllests were: refreshments were served by Misses Mrs. Edna Tonl,lyck of Syracuse Gloria and Phyllis Peet, Shirley N. Y., who is a gtlest in the home Shotwell, June l{iehardson and l of her sister Miss Agnes P~and'tll; l)oris Lacoek. 57 friends were Miss lLandall, and Miss Mary Kep- present on this happy occasion. ler. When the ,bride aud groom left for Cedar Rapids tiley were properly Mrs. Earl Sohn.'l of Cedar Rap- showered with rice. Many t)e'nl- ids will he hostess for ghe regular tiful g'ifts were left b6hind. meeting" of the Ilome Social chlb, Tile bride is a graduate of Ce- l,'r day afternoon, May '.'6, at the dar Rapids Business college, and ho nle of her nmther, Mrs. I,ester for several years has rbeen etulploy- (',Ill'away. ed by the li'ire Underwriters Insur- Mr. and Mrs. 1,. E. Sipple enter- anee Co., of Cedar Rapids. The rained Sund~ty evening in honor of groom is a graduate of ,Martelle the birthday of their, high scilool and is engaged ill Mrs. P, oyd Horton. Other guests farnling north of Marion, .where wore Mr. Horton, Mr. and Mrs. the young couple will make their home. \V. C. tlorton "tnd Don. Prof. and Mrs. R. A. Nelson and Tile R. & N. Circle will meet family, and a group of relatives Thursday evening, June l, in the and friends froul lllioois on.joyed a I.O.O.F. hall. Mrs. Elizabeth Kim- Mrs. l;urch-ll)icnie Still,lay on tile Nel;:ou lawn. d)all aud Mrs. Myrtle Hea.dy will guests. Priz-There were t]lirty-seven present. I)e the hostesses. Members please awarded to Mrs.] note change of date. l°yd Me(~uloheon Miss l'2sther Kidder of Olin. who spent last we~d¢ at the homo of her ; Mrs. Byron Jones and Mrs. Jack ] parents l{ev. and Mrs. J..1. t(idder, Yeisley eutertained at a party Sat- ~rands ~ill meet ] entertained at dinnnr last Thurs- urday afternoon at tile Jones home, a. L. i~Hlard day evening. Guests inchlded aMiss in honor of their cousin, Miss WiN ,]ln/e 1. Mrs. the assisting Was hostess to ?lub oU Tues- Was piayed S. ~lrO/lllg SeFV- ~he flames. PeCeived high of West- guest. meet at the l~obst, Fri- tlsual Elliott of Cedar Rapids, Mr. and ,h:l l~urge of Goose 1,ake. The ,party Mrs. I,]. R. I,a]Huan and :Miss Mar- i was planned as an announeement th:~ Iarhman. Miss l,ahman, Miss p'lrty to release the wedding date Elliolt and Miss Kidder are te'~eh- of the guest of honor but much to ers in tile Olin consolidated schools, the surprise of the guests as well to the hostesses when the date A picnic supper Monday evening was announced, it read, ,Miss Wil- at the home of Mrs. I,ou West da Burge to I,yle 1)eitz, January ended the year for the Altruria 2S, 1939. Nineteen ,guests shared [ohrb. After a very delicious sup- the courtesy. I)elicious refresh- per the following progranl was 1)re- ments were served by the hostesses. sented: Jay Sigmund poems read Mrs. Deitz is the .daughter of Mr. 'by Miss M'n'y Staab; P'tul Engels and Mrs. John Bm-ge, of Ce- ipoems hy Mrs. Forest Walters. q2he dar Rapids, former residents of ladies enjoyed viewing the ,beau- Mount Vernon. Mr. Deitz lived one l tiful flower garden at the West in Goose Lake where Mrs. Deitz home. was a teaeher in the !aublie Beach, Calif. For Friday and Saturday Giant Bars, 10 for ............ 39c Dish Towel With 2 Lge Pk s 39c Canada Dry, 2 bottles ...................... 25c Pure, 2 pounds ............................ 18c Peaks, or Empress Creams, lb 18e l,arge Size Calif., 2 lb pkg .... 18c ½ bag .............................. 89c Meat, tin ........................ 31e Heinze :Boston Style, 2 lge tins 25c stuff Manzanella Ige size 29c Liquid, No Boiling, quart jar ...... 25c asted, 1 pound ............................ 28c 2 packages ........................ 19c E rite, 5 rolls ............................ 25c mbossed, 100 pack, 3 pkgs ........ 23c Baby Stuart, tiny whole,2 tins .... 33e Tid Rit Golden Bantam, 2 tins .... 29e arnia large size, dozen .................... 25c Mount Vernon, Iowa Phone 132 Norman Current was host at a dinner at the lictor of his par- ents, Mr. an,d Mrs. Harohl Current last Friday evening. Guesls were: l{aymond Kuudson, Roy ]g. Ral- ston, ]']nl il Anderson, lered oriel.: Schnlidt, Gordon Biohl, all students in Col'nell. A. J. Bobst w.hose birthday was last Saturday was surprised Sm~day evenin,g by a group of relatives :tnd friends. There were fifteen pres- ent. The I,adies Industrial Society of the Presbyterian ehureh will meet at 2:30, Wednesday, May 31. Mrs. Emma Platten,I)orger's division will serve. Mrs. Effie Butler was honored at a .birthday party last Thursdav af- ternoon at the home of Mrs. (?. W. Stegall. Two unusual birthday eakes were presented to ,Mrs. But- ler. 'Mrs. P;en Neal .baked a lovely white cake which was decorated with tulips. The ehoeolate cake baked ,by ~Mrs. Alvin Butler was decorated with pansies. The guests furnished a delicious picnic sup- per. There were fourteen present. Mrs. Blanche Crum~haugh was hostess Tuesday evening to the mem~bers of the Jolly Seven club. The Woman's Home Missionary Society lnet May 17 in |he church parlors, with 'Mrs. Roy Young, the president, in eharge. The meeting featured Dr. Harold Ennis of the sociology department of Cornell lie discussed ~he development of the idea of a soeial gospel in the Methodist Chm'~h. Much of the illustrative nmterial was taken from the various church disci- plines. Mrs. Harry Bassett had charge of devotions. Following the meeting a mite box openin~ was hehl. All obliffations for the fiscal year have 'been met. The regular meeting of the Mount Zion community eluh which was scheduled for Friday evening of this week ihas been postponed until next Friday evening, June 2. Mr. and Mrs. John F, Gaston who were ealled to Von Ormy, Texas. several weeks ago expeeted to leave for 'home today or tnanor- row, aeeording to a card received from them ,with the request to send their next H awkeye to ,Mount Ver- non. They said the wea,ther there }lad been very hot and dry. The corn and pastures were drying up. Large Crowd Enjoyed M.V.H.S. Senior Play The seniors of the Mount Ver- non high school elimaxed their high snhool dramaMe appearanees ill the play, "lgarly to Bed--Early to Rise", ],h'iday evening in the high school auditorium. Many excellent major roles were in the cast. Genevieve Ann Sny- der who played t{he leading role was very good and the supporting east which included Patri,eia Mitch- ell, Charles Hedge, Cornelia Brooks, Howard Orms, l.e,titia Ber- anek, David Hull, Viole,tta Cook, Don Krun/ln, Howard l,'isher and l,;llen Sutliff, did their p'~rts equally as well. : The auditoriunl was almost filled with listeners who g,'tve plenty of loud applause at the end of each net. l,ouise 1)vorak presented pia- no seleetions between "~ets. James l-lawker directed the play. l.ore'tta Hayes was the promp- tress, Violetta Cook, stage man- ager. The stage crew included Violetta Cook, Bill Kaplan, How- ard Fisher, Bob Merritt, Marguer- ite Johnson; property erew was: l,aVerna Travis, Margaret Siggins, Marjorie Worrell, :Marguerite Johnson, Donald Krum~m, Roy Martin, and Bob Merritt; make-up, Marjorie Hartun,g, and Arlene Zim- uler; lights, Elwood Young and Mark Hutchinson, tickets, Vivian Tonne, Alice McLaughlin, Phyllis Andre and Margaret Siggins. Rev. Joseph Gray Delivered Baccalaureate Sermon Rev. Josep:h Gray jr.. pastor of the Mo~lnt Vernon I'resbyterian church presented the :/)t~eealaureate a~ldress to the twenty=six seniors of the Mount Vernon high ~hool, ~unday evening, in the ,Methodist e hureh. The of his address was, "In t,he Sweat of Thy lt'aee." H.ev. Gray, stressed in his remarks. the members of the class .were reaehing the goal of independenee, and th'tt things do not ecru auto- matically 'but they must be gone out after, lie said, bew.'u'e of the feeling that the world o,wes you a living and that you must expeet ,to live by the sweat of your ~bro, w. Many dangers were eited whi,e'h they might encounter ,but he said if they are matured they will be able to meet them. Rev. Gray a.l- vised the class of young people, where a home is neat and a ,buM- ness is fuu.etioning slnoothly it straws the sense of responsibility of sonic one. If you are not quali- fie(] to assume leqderslfip :lie said find so,me one who is quMified and above "ill they must work with God. The ,hig, h so,heel mixed chorus under the direetion of Rieha~,d l,~uller sang several selections. ~Mrs. Helen Schroeder presided ,at ,the organ for the pr(>eession'tl and the recessional of the senior class, and all the musical part of the pro- gram. Ushers ehosen fro,m the junior el,ass ,were Jeanne Sullivan and Arlo allison. The invocation was given I)y the Rev. 1,1o!,,(1 Gus- tafson and the benediction was pronouneed by Rev. Gray. V-8's Win Second In Happy Valley Tournament The V-8's from Mount Vernon eopped second place in bhe soft ball tournament at Happy Valley Sta- tion on .Sunday by defeating Mon- ticello 9 to 8 in an extra inning ganle, and Chocolate Crea, lUS of Ce= dar Rapids 16 to 5. The local teanl lost to (,onununity Itouse of Cedar Rapids 4 to 2. In the first game Hoover allo,wed only four hits. Pirkey pitched the ('hoeolate Cream game. Larson hurled the ill'st three innings of the Comvuunity Itouse ganle and Hoover finished, not ,giving ~ run during ghe remainder of the ga~me. lAne-up for the locals was Fish e, Nelson l b, Botcher If, Lyneh 3~b, Burehfield 2~1), I,arons rf, Rodine of, Mill sf, Milholin ss, Hoover p. Anyone .wanting ~ome go.mrs with this te~m~ telephon~ No. 6. Linn Cow Test Assn. Co. No. 2 Re-elects Officers At Picnic 'Mere,hers of Linn Cow Test Ass'u No. 2 pienieked at the Uoper Pali- sades on Tuesday. Offieers were • e-elected at a business nleeting, (2. E. Neal, president: J. bZ Bow- ers, vice president and Rollie Bow- nlan, see.-treas.; George Brown and (qarenee Stonerook of Clarence are directors. Ernest F. Nation of Mount Vernon has been re-employ- ed as tester. Previous to the picnic the group udged Holsteins at the E. C. l,'or- est fai~lll aud two elasses of Jerseys at the Dows farms. Top scores were made by F. J. Ilaehmau of Clarence and Harold ginger, of Cedar Rapids who will compete ill the state contest at the fall ~eattle t'ongress iu Waterloo. Tom Davis Farm Sells For $19,500 The Tom Davis 160 aere farm three miles suoth of Martelle has 'been sold to A .F. Kahler of Clar- ence for $19,500 or a litlle le,~s than $122 an acre. Mr. Davis will re- ,tire. The farm has good improve- ments and productive soil. Ice Cream Social Nets $25 For Band Uniforms The Mount "Vernon 3fig'h sehool ban(], under the direction of Rich- • trd b'uller,' supervisor of lnusic ill the ,Mount Vernon sehools, play- ed a very generous coucert on the high school lawn last Saturday eve- ning. Memt)ers of the band, dress- ed in their new uniforms, worn for the third time, presented a most Measing appearance. The ice creazn social, held on the so,heel lawn at the same time, tby the School Music Sponsors, was a success. More than $25.00 was netted to the organiza- tion, who are very appreciative of the l)atronage given theln. The balance of about $20.00 has .been paid on the 4)and unifornls whieh were purchased recently, Mrs. E. V. R. l)vorake, president of the or- ganization, reports. Mr. and Mrs. ('avl Travis and children Dale and lk try, ,Mrs. I,. B. Steinbrenner and Miss Nell Stein- brenner of Cedar Rapids motored to Anawan, Ill., for ,Me:her.; day and Mrs. Steinbrenner renlained for a visit in the home of her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vandermoon and family. She returned home on Friday. lolanthe Will Be Presented June 2-3 "Iolanthe," lhe Gilbert and Sul- livan co,into opera which the ('or- nell Conserv'ttory of M usic and the l)epartment of Speech and held at the White Oak church by its members to elect a trustee to fill the vacancy made by the death of W. H. Kline. Fred Kuntz was elected trustee and Harlan Russell was elected secretary and trustee. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dorcas re- ceived word Saturday of the birth l)ramatic Art presented in the new of a grandson, Saturday to Mr. and ......... A mst~on [t tll [ Mrs Francis Conner Mr and Mrs ,lille "l~nea.lre el *r ." ' g L t .... . , Conner were former residents of |ast '-~,l ; it r (* h lS I)elng rovlve(] lor • " ' l .... ! this eommunity tWO perfo" IUCeS 1P "nlay and ~at- r~ . ~. ' . .. -- • " " > " ~ ~ ~ I ~nlrley ~tearns spen~ IVlOn(lay af- ur(lay eve I ]gs Juno 2 tin,. :,, ~S t~ terno n " ~'' "~ ' O a~ Lilenn i~lvers part of the colnnle let nlentfes- i • Lorena and Bobbie Connor are tivities. visiting at the Harry Dorcas home This gay production which play- I for several weeks. ed to capacity crowds last Mar~'h] Dorothy and Shirley Stearns .bhls fair to phty to standing roo nl ispent Tuesday evening with Velma only during the June revivM ae- and Janette Sivers. cording tO advance orders for seat reservations. Many ('ornell ahuoni "is well :Is Gil:bert aud ,qullivan devotees from ,ill parts of the st'tte "tnd "Is far O'lSt as ('~.hi(,ago have written for ticl;els. Townspeople 'who have not yet made tl~eir reserw~lions will be in- terested to know lhat the hest seats now av'dlable are for the I,'riday eveuing pel'forln "l II c(L B.eservatious should be 1;lade a[ once by telel)honing either the ('el- lege financial office, 107, or the Cornell Sport News Cornell Men Take Two Firsts In Midwest Meet Cornell tied for Ilr(h pmce with Knox in lhe ),iidwesl eonfernnce tr'tck meet hehl 'It Cedar Rapids ast Saturday. (,oo won the meet. 1J_. All lickets Captain l{oy Met,Juicy won the IAttle Theatre, ( '~ should be claimed at the financial two mile event l'or the I>arl)le in office boftlre June tirst. [!10:3.9 and Ilolb (floe junpel '21 GiH)ert and Sullivan Opera is il'eet 7 inches to give ('ornell an- somethiug" lhaL people enjoy see-~:other first place. Se,hroeder fin- ing alld h(,arinK over and ov(q', and ] ished in tihird phlee in the two "IolanLhe" b('ing one of the lnost ,Itllle and the (?ornell mile relo~y tuneful and colorful of the all teanl t0ol( a third. Bell was fifth eolnic opel'as, loc'H t)atrons are ] in the stlot aud lhird iu the discus. lnanifesling particular (!nlhusiasln ; (,oruell golf and tennis teams over the repeat l)erfor]llalle{~s, failed to ra[e anlong the winners in lhe. loop court alhl links eonlost Obituary hel~ at the s'tme time. I~ISSIAIICK I'~EY NOld)S i Coe Dual Meet Friday Bisnmrck tfeynohls, former resi- dent of Mount Vernon, and "/ bro- ('ot.'s Midwest (~oufel'eilce cilaln- ther of Georg'e :till] l,h'ncst l{ey- pionship tl'aek te'ltu will meet the noh]s of ~Monilt Ve|'non, died ill a ! ]'tlrph, tracksters ill a d/la[ ulee[ K'tnsas City hosapital S'lturday, of ; at As:h I"a|'K Frhtay "tfte|'noon at tljl ries suffered when struck ,I)y 4. ('or, led by Ralstol|, J/as fil|- an automobih', on April 28. l,'un- era.1 services :tnd !})urial was ill I(ansas City. lle is survived by his wife, a da||g'hter Mrs. W. I,. \Vado; a son iq. ,I. t{eynohls, and a grand d'tughter M'lvy I;'r:tuces Wade of Kansas ('ily; four b|'olhers, John and (?hal'les of ( 'ndar H.apids; Ern- est and George of Mo|||lt Veruon; four sisters, ,Ma})le alld |lose Roy- ||ohls, M|'s. J. F. J{ogers and Mrs. Ada Van Milligan all of Cedar Bapids. Wbite Oak Mrs. Raymon Stearns Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Eye of Illi- nois spent Friday at the Ira Kohl home. Mr. and Mrs. John Sivers and Janette accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kohl of Mount Vernon were Sunday guests at the Don Sig- mund home west of Mount Vernon. Mrs. Raymon Stearns called on Mrs. Kate McCall and Mrs. Carl Dahn Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ruhl and daughters of near Anamosa called at Glenn Sivers Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Raymon Stearns en- tertained Sunday in honor of the birthdays of Mrs. Arl McNeal of Cedar Rapids and Dorothy Stearns. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Arl McNeal, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fink, Mrs. Emma Stearns, all of Cedar Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Kohl and Eugene and Phil Ward of Mechanicsville. Tuesday evening a meeting was l,isbon Business Directory ....... • :., ,0:-:....:,.:..:-: ......... ,-,.-. .... J. M. CARBEE Insurance Notary Public Phone 127 Lisbon, Iowa R. L. FRINK tleating, Plumbing, and Wiring Res. 94 PHONES Office 110 Lisbon, Iowa W. M. BENNETT Lisbon, Iowa Real Estate and Insurance Farms for Sale IIouses for Sale or Rent Office Phone--146 TilE BRIGGS MONUMENT CO. Lisbon, Iowa Dealers in Cemetery Memorials (~EORGE D. SAILOR, LAWYER General Practice Notary Public, Deeds, Wills, Licenses Office in residence, corner Wash ing and Market St., Phone 80 DR. ALBERT YORK Physician and Surgeon Corner Main and Jackson Streets Telephone 36 ~== ==~= '5 DR. J. R. GARDNER Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 2-91. Res. 3-91 b~hed ahead of Cornell in se~e|'al n|eets lhis yeaP and is the top- Ileavy f:lvorite ihis week. However, hi reviewing the f'tets, (~oaetl I)ick }~larkor n]:tinls that ('orne]l has had few trains belter thou this ye:|r's ;~qllad. ( ,aptai|l Roy Mc/?aub,y is close to thn st!heel reeo|'d ill the two..n/ile run, and with Sehroeder close i)ehind, the Purple is USllally eeFlaiu of several poi|llS ill lilts race. Best Shot Putter 1)pc Bell is the best shot-putter Cornoll has ever had, and tllere have been only a.bollt one or two nlen better with ttle discus. Very few (~o|'ne|lians beeu able to lh|'ow the javeli|| farther than ,lack I I ~6 ABOUT You get a quick, close, comfort-shave the first time -- no patient practice necessary. Has practlcal, patented features different from all other dry-shavers ---a new principle all its own. The ON'sLY electric shaver with a powerful~ brush-type, s~lf-startlng Universal motor. Complete with case. AC-DC $1~,00 Nhavema.~Iayr is an ideal Gift for (~radnation or on I,'atil- er's l)ayo OlllXIsite Paramonnt Theatn~ in Cedar l~l)ids _ I Geshner is throwing it this year. Phil Carspecken ranks with the best Purple lligh jumpers and pole vaulters. T,hel'~ have i)een several faster sprinters than we find on this years tea|n, but very few hurdlers ql.tve been better. Bob Glee, despite a bad leg injury, is doing a fine job at the quarter-n|ile and the broad jump. MeKean, also handi- eappe~i by a bad injury, ranks an|ong Cornell's best half-milers. ltandieap With Tracts and Warden out nil seasou with injuries and Glee, Mc- Kean, and Jim Anderson suffering i||jtl|'ies during the season, Cornell has been eoulpeting under an ob- vious ,handieap. It also nlight be well to lnentiou t.he fact that Coo has the inside facilities for track a|ld field practice in the winter. George Sehroeder is bhe only sen- ior ou the squad, and with several pro||lising fresh coining I|p to the va|'sity uext year, tile squad shouhl show considerable iulprovement. Promisiug freshmeu are: M[itehael- ,SOl| and l)~lllberg, weights and the broad jump; MeKinlay, l,oepp, and Stevenson, high jump; Vodieka and Field, javelin; Wallaee, half-mile; Gas]l, quarto|'-mile; aud Van Tuyle, mile and two-mile. Ql|entin Joy holds without dispute the distine- tion of being the "bad-luck" fresh- u|an. Ite suffered an injury during football and broke his hand during the wrestling season. With better luck next year, he should 'l)e a good inan in three sports. Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Linn County, Iowa, January Session, 1939 State of h)wa. County nf Linn, ss, (?edar l~.apids, h,wa Mareh 2nd, 1939 q'he Board of Supervisors met pur- sualll to adjournolent, all |nenlt}ers be- ill~ present. This being the date heretofore set for opening bitis for 16 Ite|ns of grading and incidental work on 43.05 miles of Secondary roads involving 3,151 ruble yards of Class I excavation, 175,710 cllbie yards ('lass II excavation, :516.- 900 cullie yards Class II-A exeavation 11,693 station yards overhaul, 9,220 lineal feet ()f culvertinstallation and clearing and grubbing, Linn County, Iox~a, t*. W. A. Docket h)wa t230-F the following bids were reeeived and ()pened at tell o'clock ,I. B. ltannahs, Vy'est Point, Iowa. Ben C. Johnson, Cedar Rapids, lowa (]. 11. t,owe. (?edar Rapids, Iowa F. T. Patik, Cedar Rapids. lowa. ()U |llotion by Supervisor Seevell seconded by Supervisor Stirnl, i! is hereby reconlnlended to the Bureau of Puhlie Roads, Omaha, Nebraska, that the bid of .1. B. Hannahs West Point, Iowa, on Item No. 7--Head "A J" M.n- roe Township---in the total sum of $2952.94 be rejected for reason of error in bidding on Unit A which read "Cast II Excavation" and should have read "('lass tI Excavation." All lnelll- bets w)ting "Aye" tbereon. On moth)n by Supervisor Seevell, see- ended by Supervisor Stirnl, the follow-i i|lg contract was awarded for the fol- lowing described projects for bids re- ceived this date on P'.W.A. l)oeket Iowa 1230-F, however, that the awarding of said eontract shall not be effective un- til the following successful bidder has been notified in writing by the County Auditor of such award, and the certi- fied checks of all the bidders sllall l>e held by the (?purity Auditor until the successful bidder has I/een notified of sm'h award, all lnenlbers voting "Aye" [ ll|, r(~on.~' b'. T. Patik, Cedar Rapids, Iowa ltenl No. 1 Road f{ ........ $ 1,693.01 Ite|n No. 4 B.oad A (I ......4,950.63 Itelu No. 5 )toad A I-t ........ 3,848.41 Item No. 7 Road A J ...... 5,689.33 Itenl No. ll [toad A S ......6,402.88 item No. 12 Road A W .... 2,305.40 Item NO. 15 Road B A ..... 2,427.65 $27,317.36 On motion by Supervisor Beeson, see- ended by Supervisor Seevell, the fol- lowing contract was awarded for the following described projects for bids received this date on P.W.A. l)oeket [owe 1230-F, however, that the award of said eontraet shall not be effective until the following named successful bidder has been notified in writing by tbe County Auditor of such award, and the eertified cheeks of all the bidders shall be held by the County Auditor until the sueeessful bidder has l)een notified of such award. All menl- bers voting "Aye" thereon : J. B. Itannahs, West Point, Iowa Item No. 2 Bead T ........ $ 3,309.:{4 Item No. 3 Road AF ...... 2,922.45 Item No. 6, Road AI ...... 2,321.81 lte|nNo. 8 Road AM ...... 3,680.65 Item No. 9 Road AO ...... 2,996.34 Item No. 10. Road AP ...... 6,613.19 Item No. 13 Road AX ...... 1,503.09 llenlNo. 14 Road AZ ...... 1,605.32 Item No. 16 Tr Road BB .. 3,522.53 $28,474.72 On nlotion the Board of Supervisors adjourned to March 7th, 1939. M~arch 7th, 1939 a'he Board of Supervisors |net pur suant to adjournnlent, all luenlbers be- ing present. On nlf)tion by Supervisor Beeson, see- ~,nded by Supervisor Seevell, the fol- lowing resolution was adopted, all members voting "Aye" thereon: RESOLUTION ESTABLISItING SEC- t)N1)ARY ROAD DISTRICT No. 128 IANN COUNTY, IOWA \VtIEREAS, on the 13th day of ,January 1939, a I)etition was filed for the establishment of a district for the surfacing of a certain township road, which petition was referred to the County Engineer on the 17th day .f January, 1,(F,19, as provided by law, and WHEREAS, the County Engineer has personally examined the lands inelud- ed ~ithin the proposed district and the r,ad to be improved, and has filed his rc])ort thereto under date of Febru- ary 14th, 1939, and VCIIEHIqAS, the hearing on the es- tablishment of said proposed district was set for the 7th day of March 193[), at 2:00 t/clock l'. M., of whieh notice was duly given ill the Cedar Ra- pids Gazette on the 23rd day of Febru- ary and the 2nd Day of March, 1939, as provided by law, and, WHEREAS, this Board is of the opinh~n that the proposed secondary 111[1111 ili l}I IImll tll I IIli[i[l[llllllllllllm$1tllllllllllllllllil{lil]iliiliilHl!ll r"~3d dis~!?t ~hEIHd />e established . I r I I N )W "l'ttt ttpP(lt~l~ 14e 1[ I~.eS)IVeG fllllllllI,H[lllllllllllllll[INIIIIIIIIIIl@llllllllllll[@lll IIIIItllt[llllllllllllttHIIIlitlFFIt@lllllllllih -~ • ' ' • o '~ :, " .... ,' ' [/>: It v lhe U, ard f Supervisors of Linn PI~'I*AR I~AI~II)~ 1OIVt ] I',}llll{~)'. Io'~va : == (a) I hat sa|d d|striet t e and the ;7 salo~ is hereby establk;hed. ~.~ :-_-/ (b) That said district shall be de- ~ ~.~..~.. ~[sign:~ted as "See(mdary Road I)istriet ~-~ .'~'~_l'll ~ Nunlber ()no ltundred '['wenty-eight, == ~,~v~,~ ~ Linn County, Iowa." (c) That the district shall inelude ~i:~-the lands listed on the published notice -;~ of hearing and the boundary of said :~ dh;trict shall he as shown on the at- taclied plat, wbicll plat has b+,en signed -Iby the members ,)f the Board of Super- : =lv,sc*rs and is Intlde a I)art bereof. ~,