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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
May 25, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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May 25, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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r, l~Iay 18, 1939 THE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HAWKEYE-RECo]~J) AN:i) TI~I~ LISBON HEI:L&LD Page Seven by FOR ONLY SUPER-COACH barqa;,ns to all America Lisbon llu~ Depot i)ililnq' l)('li (}lil'e I'holie 7,2 Bertram Mrs. Frank Letner SAM FOUSE TO SPEAK AT CAMPBELL CEMETERY Memorial services at Campbell's cemetery, north of Bertram will take place at 10 a.m., May 30. Mr. Sam Fouse of Lisbon will speak, Miss Myra Jane Scott will sing, and there will be other ceremonies DIVISIONS 1 AND 2 PRESENT FRIDAY PROGRAM Divisions 1 and 2 presented the program in the Methodist church on Friday evening. The audience sang a group of songs to open the evening's entertainment, Mrs. J. B. Eyestone presided at the piano and Herman Nebiker Sr., assisted with the cornet. Prayer by Rev. J. B. shouhl be selected wilh utmost regard for beauly, significance and We are in a position to help you make a suitable selection. MONUMENT Ave. S.W., Cedar Rapids Dial 7942 WALTER M. KREBS, Manager 2 Extra Layers Speedway- |&PETY-LOCK GUM-DIPPING of Safety-Lock G EAR.G R IP Proved for CORD BODY Cords Under T R E & D Highway Safety the Tread Day Trip :.and the lives of your tour car with a set Champion Tires. tire with any market in safety, in know 1939. And you'll cturers [opted it for their in the new Tire do you and exclusive eatures: each cord greater strength strength means exclusive r feature. FLOYD ROBERTS 1938 National Race Champion More champion race drivers select and buy Firestone Tires for their racing cars than all other makes of tires combined. These men, whose lives depend on tire safety, know tire construction and they refuse to risk their lives or chances of victory on any other make. a new and e process, the fibers, cords counteracts and heat and against blowouts. exclusive Firestone safety feature. of Safety-Lock Cords Under the Tread provide against punctures and more securely lock the Gear-Grip tread to the QXel ivdy' Firestone safety feature. Tread has more than 3,000 sharp-edged angles which grip the mad bOted hold to prevent skidding. It is so deep, so tough, so long-wearing sensational new non-skid mileage records. Xelusive Firestone safety feature. PrOved on the Speedway for Your Protection on the Gum-Dipped Tires hold all the outstanding records for safety, and endurance. In fact, for 19 consecutive years, Firestone Tires have winning cars in the annual 500-mile Indianapolis Race. Xehmive Firestone safety feature. ll of these extra advantages are yours at a price no more than you would pay mary tire and Firestone Champion Tires are backed by the Firestone Lifetime 'ao time or mileage limit. tXelusive Firestone economy feature. iresfone _CONVOY T| restofl¢ . , High Quality Low Cost CHAMPION tlere s extra quality, extrasafety and long mileage ~ ~-T"7~.. an unusually low price. Firestone Convoy, Tires 5.511-16 ......................... S114.i5 ve the Firestone patented cbnsirnczion fiatures 5.25/L50-I? ............... 14,65 %ci~rry the Firestone Lifetime Guarantee, no time 5.25/5.50d8 ........ ~ ...... 113,35 ~neage limit. , 6.00-18........~ ............... Z ~ " 9~ 4JS/L00-19 $ 8.60 ................. i ....... 16.gO 5.50-16 '- 10.60 6.25-16 ......................... I7,~ I Joseph Fort Newton; Talk by F. G. Anderson; two piano numbers by Miss Velma Anderson; reading, "Mrs. Smart Learns to Skate," was given by Mrs. R. C• Anderson; Rev. Eyestone read, "Something Miss- ing>" and also read an article about the Emperor of Japan. The pastor gave the announce- ments and the benediction. Velma Anderson and Margaret Brown comprised the entertainment corn- S.I5/S.S0-17 ............ : ..... 1i.00 6.5046 ......................... 1¢).33 6.0q-16 I1.95 7.00-15 ......................... ZI.3.S 6.2516.50-16..; ................ 14,5o 7.00- 6 ......................... ZI.9 Eyestone; George Kramer read ex-I cerpts from the writings of Dr. Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Linn County, Iowa, January Session, 1939 State of I,,lva, (~ounty of Linn, ss. Cedar Itapids, Iowa February 28th, 1939 (C.ontinued froth lAtst \Veek) q'hat lile a Plier tionlllt•llt ,if said alnoant silall lie Illade alld tile report shall be fih.d as SOOll as litJssi|)le llere- a ft,~r, and That lhc ('OUllty Auditor is here )y directed to issue to the said Board apportionnlent of which amount among tile various tracts of land included within said district shall be nlade by the Board of Apportionnlent consisting of lhree Illenlbers, Nt)\V, Tl~IlqRb]FOl1'l,:, Be It P, esolved by the Board of Supervisors of IAnn t'lltlllt)', iowa. that we hereby appoint 1'. 31. l)avis, ,I. H. Scllaunl, and "Wlu. P. Set rist, as nlenll)ers (if the Board of Apt,or tiOlllllen t for Secondary Bead l)istrict NIl. 125, Linn County, lows. That tile apportionment of said aluount shall tie nlade and the report shall tie filed as soon as possible here- after, and That the tNmnty Auditor is tlereby directed to issue to the said Board OTHER SIZES PRICED OTHER SIZES PRICED PROPORTIONATELY LOW PROPORTIONAIELY LOW entire program. This group of young musicians is sponsored by the Optimist Club in Cedar Rapids and comes highly recommended. There is no admission charge and the public is invited. LADIES AID TO MEET The Ladies Aid society of the Methodist church will meet Thurs- day afternoon, June 1, at the home of Mrs. Joe Mikulecky with Mrs. Ray Hartung as the assisting host- ess. All members and friends of the society are most cordially in- vited to attend. MOTHERS HONORED BY JUNIOR FARM BUREAU Members of the Linn County Junior Farm Bureau honored their mothers Wednesday evening in the community hall. Each mother re- ceived a rose and was introduced to the audience. Milo Soukup, Jresident of the group paid a lovely tribute to the mothers; Flute solo, Esther Booth: An illustrated poem with Miss Ruth Mikulecky as read- er; piano solo by Miss Helen Ro- selle; a play, "While the Toast Burned," was presented by a group of members; a male quartet sang a group of numbers. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. The Misses Catherine Reinheimer, Maxine Fer- now, Ruth Mikulecky and John Prasil comprised the entertainment committee. PLAY CAST H~ARTY Members of the cast of characters who recently presented the play, "George in a Jam," held a camp- ing party over the week end at the Sokol camp near Center Point. Her- man Nebiker, Jr., was a member of the group. Mr. and Mrs. Trejt- nar directed the camp activities. mittee. .f Aliportionlllent a eOllllillSsion to ap- ])orti,)n the said special assessluents OPTIMIST ORCHESTRA ~{ ~ ~ ~ ( } l ~ g1 tile lauds included withiu said TO ENTERTAIN FRIDAY EVE distri('t. I tin motion I~y SUllt'r\'isor Stirm, sec- On next Friday evening those ended :¢ Supervis.r Seevell, tilt'fol- who attend the entertainment to lotxing resolutiou was adollted,all be given in the Methodist church la*,ml,ers voting "Aye" tlltq'eon: ll ICSOI,UTIt)N will receive a rare treat• The Op- \VIII,]I{t,]AS on the 2fill day of July, tim[st Junior Orchestra under the 1'938, the Board of Supervisors of l,inu(*ounty, I(}v.'a, l)asst!d a rt, solu- direction of Miss Kathleen Check tion )1'¢~ losing the establishnlent ofI of Cedar Rapids willpresent the Se,.ondary Bead l)istrict No. 112, Mar- ion Townsiiitl, whicil resolalion \V/IS I duly forwardt!d to tilt' State ltig'hwayi ('O I SS on Oil the 26111 day of July, I q:;8 and the said district tbvrelly flit- I ally i•stablislled as tilt. i;iw provides, I S II d "WIII,]I~b]AS, it alillcal's that there should lit: specially assessed against tilt' real estate inehlded x~ itiiin sliid district approximately $ ........... the aPliortionlllent of wilie]l alllOUnt anlong tile various tra(!ts lif land illcladed /~ithin said district shall lie n)ade by tile B,}ard ,if Al/portionnient consistillg of tllree ii/elnbcrs, NOW, "rlllqllt,ll,'OltI,], 13e It l{esolved V lilt' tgoal'd Of SUli(q'visoI'S I)f lainn (' ,Ullty, lo\va,Ibat l~e hereby appoint i'. M. Iiavis, J• it. Sebauni, and Will. P. S¢.('rist, as iil(qllt)ers ,if 1 lit• Board lif ,\ lil)~}r t iiin llliqlt for Secondary Road 1 list rict No.I 1'~, Linn t ~t)Ullt y, l,o wa. That tilt" apl,iriionulcnt of said IllOUllt shall b~. Illadc lllld thereport shall be filed as St)till as l)ossillle here- il I'ter, all(l That the (!,,runty Auditor is herehy i]irrclt'd to iSStie to the said Board ,~1' ;~i,])ortiO[llnt*nta e,)alnllssion to ap- per ti.)li tile said Sl)eeial as.';eSSlllen t s illll()nK the lan(l~;incladt'd witilin said district. (in Illotion by Sup(q'visor Stirm, see- ~)nded by Slll)~:rvisor Seevell, thefol- ]l~\ving resolation was adoptvd, all lllellll~ers voting "Aye" thereon: l~. ESOLU T ION WIIidP, IqAS, on tile 26th day of July, 1!t38, the Ihlard ,,f Supervisors (if l~illnth)unty, low:l, llassed a resolu- tillii proposing the• estaltlisblllent of Secondary lb)ad l)istriet No. 116, Fay- ette and C]int(H1 T(,wnships, w]lich re- solution was duly forwarded to the State ftighway (hmlmission on tile 26th day of July, 1938, and the said district tilcreby finally established as the law pi-~vides, and V¢it b~l{l!L,\S, it