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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
May 29, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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May 29, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Ftmr T]BJ~ MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HAWK~YE-RF~ORD AND THE LISBON HERALD T U~J~L| L|~.ii]'O Mrs. George Walter of WaterlooI Mr. and Mrs. John McHugh vis- Mrs. Harry Stoneking of Cedar ~DUI1 llr,~ was a guest of Mrs. Fred Sittle on [lied Sunday with relatives and Rapids visited her aunt, Mrs. Re- Monday. I friends in Clinton. becca Richard on Sunday afternoon. Mrs C'~ J Alb---r'-ieh~ wn~ . glm,~.v Wesley Kolek spent Monday witht Jim Niday of Waterloo spent Sun- Mr and Mrs. Lewis Graver, Mr. J " r th i r n i d i i dinnor ~,o~t i,~ ~ Mr ~n,~ ~,~ hls b o er R cha d a. d ram ly] ay w th V rgil Stackhouse in the and Mrs. Robert Loose and Mrs. E'-F--Vornholt"ho'me near Springville. i I. V. Merriss home Inez Uhler visited at Morse on Sun- . . - day "- " -- ~ Mrs W Hanson went to Center Hurl Gibson of Marion was u in~V~e ~knapy~ili~ e~emL:a~ena Junction last week to visit for alSunday guest in the Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bell and ~, ~ a:~, "~, few weeks with her son W. H. Hun- / H. W. Walmer home. family of Wellman were Sunday sen and family, guests m the Mr. and Mrs. W L. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bmdges s ent darMr'Ranidsand MrS vi~ite,~E. A.gatn,~avRUnkle of~,Ce-lth Mrs. G. L. Hill' and sons George Sunday m" the home of her brotherP Boyd home. Mr~ Am~nd~ R, nk]o and Tommy went to Mmneapohs, ~C. E. Dine at West Liberty. Mrs. Mary Bailey returned Wed- i M nn Wednesday to visit until the Mrs Lou Lawrence and son Rob- nesday from Sprmgwlle where she , m~' and Mrs. rrea ~lacnour. oi first of next week in the Mr. and [err Ailen came home Frida- from has spent three month caring for wes~ Laoerty were ~uncmy evening M s aester Ru r. nkle home. Mrs Nancy Pearson r ,~ ~s ~x. ~- ~ ~,~, I Mercy hospital, Cedar Rapids. - ~1~ ^~,~ Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and l Mrs E H Zimmer with Miss Mrs. B. I. Smith returned Mon- ~u ga~L Max Stahl joined the aehr family lMiriam I)ieman of Cedar Rapids day to Omaha, Nebr, after a Mr. ann l v~rs. aonn . lwacamay group for a picnic dinner Sunday lsDent Wednesday in Davennortweek's visit with her daughter, came irom ~ayton ~aturaay t o at the Charles Lehr home near -Mr and Mrs P E Fr" :"- * '~ Mrs. A M Andreas and family spend me summer wire nor paremsiMarion The occasion observed! ink oi t.;e-~ . . Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Johnston three ~Ia- hir~h,~v~ dar Rapids spent Saturday in the l~awrence l~ong is home for the ~ "~" I Mr and Mrs R L Frink ~o'~e summer vacation ~rom his teacning Mr. and Mrs. Audis Bennett and l Miss Bertha Koch went to Mrs I - o~e,~r,~ ~,m; h,~ ~,~ ~ children of Walford visited Sun-IL p Krome's home in Cedar Ran'l John Harmon of Mount Vernon ~,~rn'~-'i~ "~o",~'~"~:. ~"':"'~,;~"~;*~ day afternoon in the narental W. I~.~o = a ;.~,~ o ~,~ wlth [and on Harmon of Cedar Rapids ~,~ L ~Kvnett and D A Bennett homes I ~'~-o ~'-'~ - ,u--~s ~ =~,n ~ /were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Harry J~."~" ~. . .~ " - .- .~ -'. ". " I :;~: ~' :~.v ~:. son . ?oo I Harman and family ~vlrs. ttose ~athuurn, sons ~eorge Mrs. lad uraw~ora o~: Mechanics- [ wlnnltrea WOOOS ~O spend me nay I " a,~,~ ~o,m~nA ,~ al,;,~ o,~,~ ~,~h,~, ville, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Dean and',at the Fred McShane home near t Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Conklin and ~',~'~ =~'~n~':'~,~'~,',',~* :'~'~=~:~ daughters of Mount Vernon and Marion t Carol spent Sunday at Riverside ~a'y"su~ppe~r g'~ue's~tsV'~n~ t~e'=Henr'y Mr and Mrs John Hank were wlm ~v~rs. t.:onKnn's parents Mr~ - - ,I MISS lone ;dmitri came nome IrOm/an~ *~r ~ ' "L,acKman home. guests m the Orville Crawford!Wyoming Friday for the summer l a iv, s. a. ~. ,ansley. Mr -nd Mrs Fr-nk .~h,~h,~, home for Sunday dinner i vacation plannin, to return in the[ Mr. and Mrs. George Hanson of - :Y ,~, " ~ - :~:"'~Y~ ~''' ,s oaugnter florence and Jonn ~erter- Miss Viola Gutman is spending fall for her third year of teaching, l~larence and Mr and Mrs. Charles non of Iowa City were Sunday din- a few days this week with her lThis summer she will direct the ~rzansen visited in tne ~.ewis ~.ein- her ~*uest~ ,~ M~ A,~,~ ~g~,~ brother Herman Gutmann and faro- Wyoming town band for the weekly t ugh home on Sunday. and the Preston McCall family. ily. She came Saturday from Story concerts. ~ Mrs. W. C. Hodgdcn of. Oxford Mrs Harlan Briggs will sneak at City where she had been teaching Mr and Mrs S G Fous~ wer~ |Junction and Win. Elliott of Prince- . " :Y-' . ,'/ ~ ~ . tWO servmeson Memorial ~ay. In and leawng here will go to her lsundav visitorsin Clarksville }ton spent the week end with thexr +h,~ ,~,~,~;,~a ch,~ ~ ~,~,~,~, o~ h,~ home at St Ansgar ~ ~e o " " sister Mrs W S Weirick :" *" IT hey w re ace mpamed by Mrs.[ program m Clarence, and in the The Methodist W. S. C. S. will!Anna Belle Bittle and Mrs Jose-[ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hanson, andafternoon at the exercises at Olin meet with Mrs. G. J. Albright on tphine Kettering, the former stop- t twins, Gall and Danny of Stun- Mrs Pearl Dodson Miss JoS Thursday afternoon June 5 As- ping with her daughters in Water-~wood were Sunday guests of Mr ,~ " ' ' ' "~ecor ano ~rnest r~aemerm o~ iowa sistant hostesses are Mrs. L. N too, anct me tatter with remtives in anti ~vlrs. ~narles ~:ngeu~mg. Cit-" s--ent Sunda- afternoo- - i"~" Rahn, Mrs. Vernon Philips and Mrs Cedar Falls. Miss Carolin- ~n~ P" " ~-'^- !- ~" ~ ~ y ~ . w m T~ ~ xr,~,~h,]+ ,~,~ ~,v;o "~r .~ ~+ [ I . ~ a u ,au,*xcp~exMrs. ~vlargaret zsurKe, who accom- ~ ,-,:~ ,:~, ;,:os ;,y, rsare~,t Mr and Mrs Otto Bea]l of Ce-fentertained at lunch on Sunday panied them to call on friends at r'rogram leaner is ~vltss~enrmttaldar Ranids and'their daughter Mrs Ievening Misses LoisRoup Alma Martelle Bowder. . !Waiter"Raver and children 'werelVan Fossen and Stella Bova. Mr. and Mrs Ernest Tonne and ~ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slzer and lSunday dinner guests in the Chas. l Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Lemcke, Mr. and Mrs G C Warner and ra~zy anu J~uaay v~s~eu ~un~aylnlStaab home Mrs. Raver and[daughter Alice and Mrs. Mary sons of Davenport were guests of i me Mr. an ~rs. Amorose ~eFueI children left Sunday night to join[Millheim of Oelwein were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tonno for Sun-I nome a~ rreston and with wirs.l Mr. Raver in Denver, Cole,where guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stab- day supper Mr. Tonne is remain-] ~mncne Allen a~ ~vines Fatty ~s~ the-" will make their home ,enow . . " ~ - lng ior me weeK. ~leP~rndalng thirSs WRekelrr~ ~:glheymee::] Mrs. Ira Winchell and daughter/ Miss Maxine Burge is home for Mr. and Mrs. Gus Chifls of Ce- Springville !~Patty of Sioux City were Frida-,~ ,} the summer vacation. She was dar Rapids were Sunday evenm" gl ~night and Saturday guests of Mr |graduated rest Tnursaay from Tip- visitors in the home of Mr. and[ .~MI~. Helen .Graver, who attended land Mrs G B Young while here[t n Junior College, and this next Mrs. Henry Schnoor northeast of] ~ne2ha:e~um~v~ers~Y a~2 wa ~,Y'I to attend the High School alumni~year will teach school. Lisbon Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lack-[ m'~er=vacat~or~"~'bn'~ iuesda: ~Usl~'e]banquet on Friday evening They] Mr. and Mrs. 5. L. Cork and Mr. man spent Friday afternoon in the I went to Huron, S D w'~th ~er arespending the week with friends t and Mrs. Clint Hank of Mount Ver-same home. ] =: " . .~ ~in lvlarion and win return to the~non spen~ ~unoay with Haaks' Joe Proiette arrived Wednesday ~:nm tm~te'he~r'SSue~sft~Yr :?ee~aignl Young home for Memorial Day. [granddaughter and husband at their from San Diego Calif to join Mrs l . |home near Center Point. Proiette and daughter Joette who the home of her parents, Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harms Thompson l I Mrs Ha~man and dau~'hters Martha and ~11- o Mrs. J~rea Leese oI l- olla MO. came severaz wee~cs ago co me nomeI Mrs A M Floyd and Mr and Downers Grove, Ill were week visited several days la~ week with of her parents, Mr. and Mrs: T. H. I ,"~--". " " - I end "'ests of his mother Mrs W H I ~vlr and ~'~rs ~ooer~ ~.eese going t~ameron. ~a~er on mey Will go to I Nlrs ~lanley Melsn ann oaugnter su . . "~'"~" I Thom'~son and sister MrsC, L from here to spend a few days with wslt hm parentsin New Haven ] l~lta Marie of t:eaar l~aplas erove ~' ' " Conn " to Fondu Saturday to bring Miss l Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Hill entertained lnor oaugnter a~ ~rnoms ~'ar~. - } Mr an Mrs Harol Mr and Mrs Harlan Bm s Mr Nita Floyd home for vacation at Mrs. Thompson their guests and d . d Davis at- - "gg .I the closeof her teaching year En-IMrs. Edith High of Mechanicsville tended the monthly meeting andand Mrs. L. A. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. I route home they stooped at Ark-~at dinner at the Palisades Lodge picnic supper of Linn County rural Harold Davis and Harley Robert-] ley, Mrs Floyd'shome town, where i on Sunday carriers held Saturday at the Them- son were in Davenport Tuesday to I ~h~ ~,~,~n ~ ~,~,~ ,;~; ,;.h ,~n~ as Condon home in CenterPoint attend a second district joint con- a-a *"~" "-~ Tne ~narles llllla iamily ol ' f en f " " friends." Eagle Grove were winters' " m" town . Mrs. Joe Staskal and daughter ~,v;~;er ce o the, rhoAmemean,~,~o~,~Legmn;.~ a^~and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peterson Mr. i on Saturday They came from Mar- Leota .of Mount Vernon were Sun- an'~::~*~', ~,~"s [ and Mrs. Stuart Franks, Mrs. Paul!ion after attending the wedding of day d~nner guests in the parental "~ ~ ~""~ . F o ~olek home Supper guests Mr anu Mrs Harold Blecka Helvey and Miss Betty FrazierlMrs. Tillia's sister, Miss Helen " - --" daughters Janet :*;: were Mr and Mrs ~urton r~olek g ~tsu an(] duo,~n drove to Fort Madison, Saturday[Lake and Don Mader of Iowa City " . of Mount Vernon Ann ann tvlrs Ehzabeth Prender where Miss Frazier took the train!at ten o'clock in St Joseph's ~ " - for her return to San Diego, Calif church. Marc Tillia is staying for .A farewell surprise party was ingaS~the f WillI Wa DuganCity visitedhome FridaYMrs after a week's visit in her sister, ra vacation visit with his uncle and g~ven ~oDer~ l~oup oy nis class- Prender ast and r '" ' "' Mrs. Peterson's home. Mrs. Helvey, aunt Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoeft. mates of the eighth grade on the. g g an~oaugmers another sister left Tuesday for Ak-I "hi school lawn Friday evening The remained until Monday. Mrs. Anna ~"" '~;^ ~r a ten da- visi* in~ ~ s evening mr. and ~vlrs. aonn Rou'- f"'~;; ;-~" *~^ ,~,t:oo~c and J K. ~arnicle of Cedar ,v,~' ~o.'o~ ~ Peterson and Don will attend the ,~ ~ ~- *, T ~ Rapids the Claude Ferguson faro I wedding of Mrs. Peterson's sister,-*Mr; G=L". ,:. ~ ~ oor . ily and Mrs. Mary Philips were Mr. and Mrs. O. S. BurlingamelMiss Mary Joy Finne~an and Le- . . .AIDr~ffl --O g t ano aaugn~r Sunday visitor~ in the 13,a~n h,~m,~ ,o -,Patty accompanied b Mrs A1 ~" and children spent Saturday and[land Hoyman of Stanwood at the Y - Sunday in the home of his par-',Presbyterian church in Mechanics- bright's mother, Mrs. E. M. Bebee ents at Clinton, and Wallace is re-iville. On Monday, Mrs. Peterson maining for the week They wentI attended a bridge luncheon, hen-: especially to see a brother, Dick~oring her sister, given by Mrs. F. Burlingame in the hospital, suffer-IM. Wilson in Mechanicsville. On ing a badly mangled hand. The:. Tuesday evening Mrs. Peterson and accident happend when his hand iMrs. Frank Carbee were guests at was caught in the rollers of a ma- i a miscellaneous shower at the home chine at the Dupont factory. It re-l of Mrs. Will Davidson near Stan- quired 125 stitches l wood. O Tomato Juice or Fruit Cocktail Country Fried Chicken with Dressing 50c Swiss Steak 50c Mashed Potatoes and Gravy Home Made Noodles Creamed New Peas Spring Salad Hot Rolls Coffee Iced Tea Milk Dessert Pineapple Cream and Cherry Pie or Fresh Strawberry Sundae We Will Be Pleased To Serve You (Reservations May Be Made) $ LISBON, IOWA of Springville spent Saturday in the home of Mrs. Albright's sister Mrs. Lee Ireland at Anamosa. Mrs. Harlan Briggs was a guest i of the University of Iowa Inaugural Day. Festivities included lunch and dinner at Memorial Union; recep- tion at the Hancher home, besides the inauguration at the Field House. Mrs. Earl Warner attended a piano recital of pupils of Margaret McCall, held Sunday afternoon in the Cedar Rapids Woman's Club i house Her niece and nephew, Mary and Kenneth Holvenstot played Mrs. Clifford Bruch of Eagle Rock, Calif was a guest Friday in the C. M. and L. M. Gish homes She stopped enroute from a trip through the east and south, and had attended the D. A. R. National con- vention in Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Clay, son Willard and Elliott Baird of Cen- ter Point were Sunday guests in the Harley Robertson home. Miss Lucille Clay, who spent the week end with her cousins, the Robert- son girls, returned home with her I parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wooldridge, daughter Jane, Mr. and Mrs. G. R Camp and Mrs. Mary Johnston drove to Manltowoc, Wis Saturday where they were guests of Mrs. Alice Markham overnight. Mrs. Johnston is staying for a several weeks' visit I H The flags of Memorial Day fly above tha graves of our valiant dead. But--thanks to their sacrifice---the flags fly, also, above the homes and institutions of free men and women. In the graves in less fortunate lands, Liberty and Justice and Hope lie buried, too. But if the spirit of this generation proves wozthy of the spirit of all the generations that have gone before this will never be true of America. [ Memo~ial Day is a legal holiday. No business "~ will be transacted by this bank on that day. LISBON CHURCH NOTES FEDERATED CHURCH Rev. G. S. Hamilton, Pastor Sunday School Teachers Prayer Meeting 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Young Peoples Service 7 p.m. Evening Service 8 p.m. Message from the book of the "Revelation " Come bring your Bible and study with us. ,~ Thursday Prayer and Bible study service at 8 p. m. Last call for Vacation Bible school which opens Monday morn- ing, June 2nd at 9 a.m. We urge parents to send their children to the Bible school where they will receive a very thorough training in the teachings of the Bible There is no charge or registration fee as Business Hours Complete service up to 12:30. Closed afternoon and evening. DECORATION DAY ACCESSORIES Are easy to find and con- nect with in our FROCK AND DRY GOODS SHOP OUR GROCERY FOR TABLE SUPPLIES Diamond C Flour, 49 pounds $1.19 Diamond C Flour, 24 pounds 60e Quaker Flour, 49 pounds $1.45 5 lb bag and bake dish Free Quaker Flour, 24 pounds 80c 2 lb. bag Free Late Seed Potatoes, 100 pounds $1.50 Chicken Feeds, Mash, and Grains Protex Health Soap, 4 bars 16, Palm Olive Soap, 4 bars 19c Liberty Bell Crackers, 2 pound box 15c Salt Flat Herring, 8 pound pail $1.20 Mackerel, 1 lb can 10c 0vai Sardines, 1 lb can 10c Quaker Oatmeal, lge 20c Eatwell Oatmeal, lge 17c Merchants have agreed to close Decoration Day at 12:30. Lisbon all expenses will be defrayed by But you needn't weep, nor even cry, his vigor and vim. the music of the a free will offering on Sunday eve-, For you can bet that they'll get by. "Variety is the spice of life," and I As she skates oe'r the ning, June 15th. Now they've come to the end of who shall doubt rhythmic sway; ~.~ o - = I that long, hard rope; That Merle and his girl friends do lVivian's her name it's s~- ~BO~ M~:'ritODl~T ~tI~RCH For twelve years they've worked not bear it out; likes er~ Rev. Win. D. Bostren, Minister I in hope ! He likes them all sizes; tempers I But it could be her pa~ t~ 9:30 a.m. Church School. Depart- That they could leave behind some included, often delights; ~, mentalized and Graded. t little traits i But wherever he is he's never de- I In hopes she will use it Wv~ 10:30 a. m. Worship and Preaching. I That you might accept and appreci- ~1 luded; t part 6:30 p. m. Epworth League i ate. And now as he's leaving he's going To Dorothy her sgaJum ------- I Let us pass down the line where a[to help John [ that's really an art. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLICCHUECH little girl stands !The secret technique of becoming . ~-'-/"~ -- I~ .rvev. L. J.Enzmr, r . [With her only big traits behind her! a Don Juan. Additio~m! l~sbon friday, ~viay ~. ~ay.[name and her plans; [ We all like to dance, we all like to I page 3. Mass at 7:30. Law of abstinence ~s She has tired of her stature andIsing, I --- --. ,~ ,~. dispensed. . I wishes to leave i But it takes Grace and her accordi- ] ]~'~'~'~g'T ~0~~ Saturday: Vigil of Pentecost Day I Her small, dainty features to your I on for a real fling; I " '~" ~'~-~ ~" - of fast and abstinence. Conzessmns:I own Bernice; Just name your song and she'll 1 f~-- ~ Afternoon ano evening. I So from Bigger to Leinbaugh with[ soon play it [ m~c~ ][or Sunday~ Pentecost. General Corn-I pleasure we give i Out of her music box and you will! mun on ~unoay. ~:~o rngn Mass. [Our Bigger's girl's shorh~ess that's l soon sway it; l ~]~ '[[~1~"[~ ~ 9:30 ~ow Mass. I at home in a sieve ~But you'll still want music long ,1~ ,~,J[~l- IJ[-~h~' " Monday, June 2. Summer vaca-ILet it never be said tha~ we know l after she's gone I - . ~ ~mn school begins w~th Mass atI not how to love; ISo she leaves to Leona her smilel ~ |~4~[,[,-, l~ ~ [$~ ~:00. All scnool children are tO|For amon~ us there's a Romeo who[ and her song ] ~,t.~ ~--~L~.~ ,--,- attend, starers from Cedar RapidsI belongs up above I"Off boys for life' was the motto ~,-, ~| w!ll assist in the instruction. Dis- I So to Bob Franta goes Hank's lov-of one, ~ l~ ~ ![] l~ || m~ssal at 11:45. I ing technique 1But the heart of a blonde boy shel ~B.~ ~" ~l~ ~" weekday Mass 8:00. And believe me and you it can't has now won; .~%4~','~ COON CREEK CHURCH NOTES I if be,b/a:een him in action ford [Its aiw~man's mght to change hert ]~~Ze~ ~,i,~l,~ Sunday school 9 45 am Y ~ " " :. l very long while land it is Betty's fault that she was I ~ ,/tt~ or ~'~ ~veryooay cormauy lnwtea. You'll wonder wh ~ ~" - I b hin~ I '~//~ ~idt~,- at t~arrymore nas e n ~ ~ ~ ,-, eva I got besides a profile, [In discovering she's only a girl at[ ~'~ ;~'s,t~'~ --~,:~,~$,-~f~,=~: ~,~,=:~---T--~,-~,~.4 Now you've heard of our boy with[ heart; t:~.~:~ ex,rs~r~ ~ bl tiUIN l-ll-blTPJ I the bashful ways [So "her way with the boys" tel.~' "%.'~ d~**"7~. /Who can never find anything to[ Ellen she parts, i~ ~,~.~'~ has ~ -- I say ["A million dollar smile"is the I~"~.~1]~ P.h n~e ~:r. ~ NEWS STAFF He's so bashful and backward it's I phrase I'll use '~ :~"~ Editor" Ethel Mac Bigger I really a shame 'ITo describe a senior whom you will ~ ~'Y~;~ ~h~,d-u,~ d .~ Assistant Editor Phyllys Franta That we should embarrass h~m and soon lose ~ ~'[; ~ ~ ~ar~ b l .d Typists: Bernice Leinbaueh, and itell you his name; !But she has not wasted her price-i -f,".~ - o,~a.u~ ~,"-~ Frances Reynolds. " But from "Mike" to Ralph we will less gift ~] ]~ .~f~'~".~' -- ! with dehght !For a well-known country lad has[~[ "LI n okmee--,--f~: FINAL WILL AND TESTAMENT IHis stories that liven parties atI decided she's "it". [ 11 :~l~ ~";=,~re~ OF THE SENIORS OF 1941 I night !~ T^ : ^ ;,: } II I1 ,ha.a,~"'~ Now listen my children, and you Worthy ambition is what we all ~'" a"war~t~ w~ nuwI,t~ (J~ Of ~hall;;a~r will of our Seniors need, /The "million dollar smile" that the [~. ','~L~" ~~J . ,lIf you're wondering who has it l boys all adored ~-'~ ~l~~~ For'~'~o~nrthe twenty-first of May m He,s~:~taY;: :maketih::d:nd wanting S hhe waltzes and she two-steps to 5~.~~ to work They shall bid *adieu to you every- / W.M. BENNETT one ' And there's never a job or duty Lisbon, low~ . ~. ,~ L0~ We hope you shall he sorry to see he'll shirk; t Real Estate and Insurance Iowa tate lelepuu them go, [Roland's his name but it's by "Po-[ Farms for Sale ~,~ For they'll be lonely as you prob- ~key" you know him; ! Houses for Sale or Rent LlSDOn, ~-- ably know; But he bequeaths to Paul KeplerI Office Phone--146 : /, UTSTAPlDI I i vA u : HOME & AU PAY WEEKLY IF YOU PREFER 4.40/4.S0-21 4.7S/S.00-19 4.75/5.00-19 5.2S/5.$0.18 S.2S/5.S0-17 STANDARD TIRE AND YOUR OLD TIRE 6.00-16 This famous tire with a patented cord body, exclusive safety tread and extra long mileage tread compound has AND YOUR OLD TIRM 6.00-16 CONVOY TIRI ~e biggest tire 4.40/4.50-21 Extra miles of dependable service with extra safety, priced down tobedrock. Hurry, Saleends June I st. tlYETIME GUARANTEE Every Firestone tire & written lifetime tedto 12, 18 or 24 month~, but for full life of tire without mileage limit. n HIGH SPEED TIRE AND YOUR OLD TIRE 6.00-16 FIRST QUALITY AT A BARGAIN PRICE Don't miss this big tire value. always been a popular thrift-bu~,--make extra 2~/ BATTERY SALE savings ~uring this sale. A powerful 5.25/5.50-~8 5.25/5.50-ff b a t t e r y, guaranteed. Now at a big saving. 98 u, SUPREME AUTO Ill .a This 8-tube Air Chief has Push-button Dash controls, Mnroon 3.0 brake otltr Ideal fish- ing motor. Walter GOLF Accurately matched sets; Power Groove shafts.You'll like the feel of these clubs. 98 |tONS woo s $ 9B PAR HOLE GOLF BALLS 49C m. Uqdd Sadw PICNIC JUGS Strong steel case, fully insulated with earth- enware filler. and seal lid. A real buy. Come i. and get your complimen- tary package of the .ew Idabelle Firestone Marigold flower seeds. They are yours for the ask/ng Listen to the Voice of Fire,tone with Richard Croaks, Margaret Speaks and the Firestone Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Alfred Wailenstein, Monday evenings, over N. B. C. Red Network