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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
May 30, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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May 30, 1957
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4 ................. "~---"~ t Mr and Mrs Andrew S,,encer ~A • sail ~ ,s___= ~=____ I-___ ! USE OF PIANO for storage. Rev. FOR SALE" 45 acres alfalfa andl ms. vernon, m.. w eye-l ,cu • • v fur anlze 1 .lua J~JJ x T r r , i r ¢ ,nd The Lisbon Herald , ~ 1 and Myron Moses of Davenport g _ e 1" ~ eps 0 I Will ams, phone 7491, Mt. Vernon. atfalfa-brome hay, from the ~1_ ] Thurs., May 30, 1957 rage o| were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. !Marthas' Monday ¢~-k^^le I 66c or in field. Louis Kepler Mr. ~r'] i and Mrs. ~:arl uavis ana :amuy. -- ~,s svvs~ . . . FOR SALE: Wicker couch, arm J non 33,~| ~~--~----~"l In line with the IFWC and local ........ chair and xocking chair; book1 ...... __ ~| ' club theme of Iowa Through Beau- ] (TaKen Irom LilSL me cony,noon i shelves. Very reasonable. Phone PIANO TUNING: I will be in w ] .......... • ty, Culture and Service, a service report of me ±~auonal ~cnool Ao- L 3561 Mt. Vernon after 5:30. 33c i ~÷ xr ....... ~ wo~. .... ea for at~l a a ~ ~ ~,~ ~q ss s-, •~- '~ m. - . -. ~ qministrators~ , .,,.~ ,,=.,,,, a,,~ ~o~,,, ~* , group was set up Monoay nlgn~ aL p ~----: " ' ~Y ~t~Uf ~lf JUNb I I the first meeting of the year forthe Earl Stevenson Chm board Ar-!_ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS, in:[ proximately one week beg'~/nt~. , - , ' " :door anti outcloor ancl columns oI v " " n a pure _ _ " _ " _ _ ~ 'local Woman s Club. The group will ~-"- Li*+l~ In .... Th~ m..~+ im~....t t ........... une 5. For mformatm P ~"| :oHio: .f_i.n:: .d.:i.p _or :eg: I ............. .an ~ypes we a,so seu one-pmce rt COFFEE, Folger s, fine, drip or reg ........... 98c !b:rde::g, nat~d ~v~rCl~bRM.~th~Sh~f°r ant next step is to rovide .ful . m ,,. . ,~ .~ g .... p ly I precast concrete porch steps Iron ! ~ent call Lisbon 2826 no late Ever clubwoman is m !xur me lz~ea zew, to maxlmzze/ crafters, Lisbon, phone 4121. 34c June 8. Paul Groh. PEACHESS Hunt s ................................................. 31 c ,. chmrman.• .... Y v a Dart of- ] their' eauca~lo nm aavantages, and to li ..... ~ ........... • ~ • i vl~ea m oe m. some wa. . I insure ma~ mis opportunity is mane ! " APRICOTS, Hunt's ............... 27c • [the group aurmg me year. available within the framework of i El ....... !.,,, ¢4,.1~l ...... " o. ~ ~ The first project will be one our public school system." ~ nJv~nu~n~ ~]r ~.~utn . . J • • ' " " " WOrl~ PEAKS, Kietters .......... zvc far the summer recess pemod-- I -- I Everythingon flowers--wired to all parts ot the ...... ~ . , ~'~- l; making of 1 by 2 yard light ,Eear A dm. tlyman.Rickover: CTAHL'S GREENHOUSES PLUMS, ........ :z/c IIi weight quilts for the pediatrics I 'uur senoo,s ao not perlorm I *~ . .. • ' _ _ _ _ II Iward of the hospitai at the State their primary purpose, wnichI Dial 3911 Lisbon, Iow~ PlNI:APPLE. Hhhu' crushed. No. 2 ............ 29c •! Wniversit~ 1 is to train the nation's Drain t | I These may be made of scrap ma- AN ART GOAL came when Mrs O W * power ~o ~ne nngnes~ po~en~mt. . ~--~- _ .... REALIZATION OF " " " . . . We shall not do justice to ~_~__ _ GRA~ TIONS, Ea,-Well, 303 ...... 19c •,terzal which zs new or still strong ......... , ............ r to Harold Tuttle instructor ....................... ! ~nrl Pnlnrfn~f "Rn¢'k~ tony be af cut- Drawner turnea lnls Oil putn=ung uv~ ' I uu[ ~,~,¢:==~t:u yuu==[ u==~=x we ! : ,. N [] CORa__iby s___.._.....A~PAR~I~LGUbS;Eat'WEJI.......__._....-.---------------'',,~c |'It~o'n'~ o~r'cotton f-iannel-a-~d-l-ining-of of an adu t art class in which Mrs. Brawner was enrolled. Mrs.I seek them out at an early ageI ~~1~11~ ! ASPARAGUS, Eat Well ............................ 23c • ' ..... no later thall 10 or ll----~nd I ,~ "-----"'"--'-""-'"---'"'"----| a smgle thmkness of outmg or used Brawner, roghe, ns telhng Mrs F A.. . Carnahan the story of the l ........ n .. i ~~~. | CORN Llbb" 's . 15c ..... ' ucture as the two v,ew the pa,nt,ngs wh,ch we e y I .... eauca~e [ em sepav'~t, ely e (He. i= ~~l~l~ flannel sheet blanket. If the quilt ..... r recentl on , y ............................................ . .... P . I has ~n arhcle in thus sam_ veto . .~s all nanapmcea it zs recommeno- ~. , - "~ ----t-ur art show hun- for a PTA meetm'-; ........... ! ~..~'.=~r.~L~L:.l PEAS, Eat-Well ............................................ 15c ~!i~.:t;ihe!!n):h!~:!a/tir°:u:n~fc~oh~! ?ns~.YV:;n22eHi;~~e '~ ..... ~ ................ u ~A?7 ,v, arcn ~ msue or me, ~~~ Tg~IHUIATPNII:¢ I=~, W,~II 17," I " .'. g' " ...... -, The theme of the art work is,,__ ~ .... L---- ] John Burchard Dean Humanities ~:~~ I =v,u..~uvho, ..~.-wv~t, ....................................Istanuy in use ann aL me launory. Biblical--"And it shall come to pass" ~r~. arnanan ~o~ I~r*{~] ~÷,,eti~c ~t" ~/firp. "W~ ~~'~ ........ , , ,.=n , ~, ~n_ [The. finished quilt may be quilted~ and is a little reminiscent of fine :,='" ;'.1--1" m m 1 i m'ustgr'ant t~t~e~cte~n~rat~'~c'r'ight'of~~W t ~fflLI WltM hearts, LIDD S, -~1~ OZ. ~'leC m mmpm pattern or ueu Ira estr themes which depicted m ~ " Y ................ -- - f raq n "f ~h "~1 - P Y .... Will eaa Ithe superior student not to be held ' - .... . ~ I. -~-ne pmn.o, ope ~ o. o, ~ em~ uo needlework age-old epics of per-! • i back by the .-oorer studer~t We T NA Eatwell z,~c i±vzartnaswlnveverynexiole There haps family histories 1~4mmos~= ~1~'~11~I1'~ I ....... ÷ .... f2 ~.];~,. ~÷,,~,,~'.,~-,~- ,.~ ---- -~ ............... w .- Ion w n " " " " " • " m 1 Mrs. Brawner had g a ted to mgor m teaching foreign language PORK and BEANS, E¢lt-WeJJ, No. 2V7 ........ 23c cm:nthot° wh~2an:r i~wt;:e~dore aY paint such a picture, and she can ! Mrs. F. A. Carnahan was elected ....... -- .... ...... ' ~ recite the Bible verses that promp-!president for next year of the Mt. [_ ~mar~ ~moway, ~res. ~'aclnc aider luncrlormay orlng a sack RED KIDNEY BEANS, Eat-Well, No 2 _14c lunch and sta= throu-h Places for ted each small part of the panor-iVernon Music Parents Assn. at thei~'ipeline Corp.: "Teaching facility ........ .- .. a ... ~'¢'" ~ ama. On the one side is the good 1 final meeting of the year held last in foreign tongues is the most need- . .... BUTTER BEANS, Eat-Well ............................ 14c ~2:f:egr~aPi~2:O::~lw~nn~°n~m~er; hf2rg~asth:l°therb~Se;V:flinterest to :;:sd~Yuse:en~g hbffe:°~ea:hewSi~h°l~lledti~r~pr°vement in American edu Dacron and 12c her and she used to wish the teach- i Mrs Richard Ross v p and Mrs. . .-7 --- , CORN, Butter Kernel, peppercorn ................ work together at their own conven- er would return some of the class i Homer Emerson sec treas Eric Savereld, Chief Washington ience; still others may want to work work done in grade school so she i Last year the organization raised Correspondent: "We must move CRANBERRY SAUCE .......................... 2 for 33c alone at their leisure. Further in- could have it herself. That promp-:$1,218.09 in clear profits through formation may be secured fromMrs, ted her doing free hand work on !five fund-raising projects: an ice B~ANS, Great Northern, 300 ............ 2 for 15c Hoidahl. All finished articles should her own at home. At one time she i cream social, netting $38.88; chili be turned to her. turned to painting of plaques, but lsupper, $54.13; Hawkeye subscrip- CATSUP, Eat-Well ..................................... 17c Donations of materials will be that was not as satisfying as free l tion drive, $208; calendars $724.50; -'" very welcome for workshop, creation. In general she favors land- ! contest canteen, $192.58. This was WA/klIITC rN~----,,~i .kall~A A ~ _"l~r The first workshop wtll be held scapes, i added to the balance carried over ...... ' ....... this Friday at l0 ~.m. at t e - In 1931 she studied with Bertha i from the previous year to total e~L~anA~n nr~nv /Inkl/'~U &II~AT 37- dahl home. Sargent in the Little Gallery ini$1,235.81. t,/~l~l/~ui/~trq r~,~K~ LVtl~,,r~ ,WC~t* ................ ~. Jobs available will be: pressing Cedar Rapids, and entered a pic-[ . With this money the or.ganiza- ~Agl~ a=nu . .~ ,., n__ ,~-J_ material, cutting, laying out design, ture in the Women's Club-sponsored. tlon voted to md the musm pro- ~,~.~g,,- /VlI~, Derlrv rocKer ............................ Dec sewin~ nuttin~ to~ether binding contest. Later she took work with gram, instrumental and vocal, in -- --- -- and qu'il['ing or. tieing Ti~ose want- Nama Lathe at Cornell and joined '~ the following ways: majorette's POWDERED or BROWN SUGAR, 2 Jbs......... 25c ing to start Friday are asked to the Palette Club in Cedar Rapids ';uniform, $35.69; allowance on ex- ......... bring scissors, needle, white thread, in 1951. One of her paintings she !penses for eight student partici- I-~, ~racle ~ ~¢ thimble scrap material if you have donated ~o a benefit auction for the l pan~ Chosen ~or an-s~a~e ChOir Ies- .......................................... i an~ and sack lunch if you want to Capper Foundation for Crippledi tival a~ IJes ~vloines, :~32; transpor- Rln'rl:D n~,,k... 62c ~+:Y-f'~hrou"h lunch" coffee furnish-!Children in Topeka Kan. This was itati°n for spring oana tour, ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~v • • n•~, h|~l~v|| ............................................ ~a.~ .. .~ , [ "~.,r-~'~ ~..... h"~''~1 *-o-h~r i On order ior nex~ iall are zo small ed by nos~eSs, v ......... ~ ............. . . . ......... ~ ~=..,. ~ ~ j Last winter Mrs Brawner ~oined sized uniforms for marching band II r ~11 ~ • ~.- • ~ ~ T ~r~ ~! it" ............. ~ ........ [the local oil painting class an~i sev-'and five cho~^ robes, at a p_proxi- Dial ~44~"~ J ~ ~I~ K.~. jt~!m°i~:;dsfUm°i~Le~?d~ii 224~!1~er!t°fl" ,~ ! ' . " ,non''-'- " : 2 ~x~r~st'were'r ils::a: ~!ifi~!ili~ii:~ ~~ ~ o'clock potluck Monday, June 3 at ttreas ' Se'e"card of thanks on page ~~ ~ the cabin of Mrs. A. J. Bobst, below ! five ' Ivanhoe. Members are each to bringt ' A _ . ~/~:,.~_~ ~L(~'~_x~'x, .,, ,~, a covered dish and her own table Ba tist Mission meetin at home s wce e tat,veo,a ve e ~~ ~1~:~ ~ ~of Rev Sorden one block south of - " 5 {~ " ,~ made to tour the garden of Mrs. AI- ' ' . , vin Davidson at Meehanicsville, I Lisbon bank. Worship 9:30 a.m. IN~(.3~:::-~ffiffi~ffi~\ ~~[1~/~,.'~ ~V-~'~-'r~....~ "-~' ~ June 20. t Sunday school 10:30 a.m. I N| " ' " e N_ _. Ba, ley s COy Meat Market HOUSE OF QUALITY HELLO, NEIGHBORS Meat Is Our Specialty - Not A Side Line You Name The Cut - We Can Produce Phone 7412 Ken Bailey .... . ..... f " THESE SPECIALS ARE GOOD FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday National Biscuit ! • • I e e 4OO Count or Root Beer From Hormel e LIVER LOAF MEAT LOAF PICKLE LOAF OLIVE LOAF No Bottle Deposit WATERMELON 22;; Fancy Slicers Coastal Brand till 12 It costs no more to shop an S&H Store. Phone 3212 Deliveries Tuesday and Friday Mt. Vernon We Feature Only U. GOV'T GE .DE Plus I C NALIZE[ SERVICE- To Give You PS IN ! EEF ROASTS - T-E El K.C. SIRLOIN STE CHOICE ROLLED RIB - RUMP ROAST When You Desire The Best We Have It Fresh Ground Pure CHOPPED BEEF ......32c lb. 3 Ibs. for 89c Tall Kern Sliced BACON (Lean Sugar Cured A flavor you'll always enjoy) 1 lb. pkg. 49c Decker's (All Meat) Skinless WIENERS 39c lb. Decker's (All Meat) MINCED HAM ........ 39c lb. FANCY FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS (We cut up chickens at the time you purchase) We Operate of the Few Meat Markets Where Can Still Purchase CUT Not Pre-Packaged or Frozen Iowana Brand Pure Vegetable OLEOMARGARINE .................. 2 Ibs. for 45c POTATO SALAD, 16 oz. jar ........................ 29c Cudahy ROAST-BEEF HASH, 15½ oz tin ....37c Eat-Well Unsweetened ORANGE JUICE 46 oz. tin .................................................. 35c Libblgs Frozen LIMEADE ............... 2 tins for 29c Lisbon Sweet Cream BUTTER .... i lb. carton 59c HOME MADE WIENERS - BOLOGNA We Offer THE IN We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities On Specials the emphasis from concentration on pupils' 'adjustment' and place it where it is the school's absolute business to place it---on the pupils' intellectual d e v e 1 o p m e n t. This means finding and training teachers r who have a fire in their bevy about their particular subject matter." Gen. Carlos Romulo, Philippine ambassador to U.S.: "World lead- ership has been thrust upon the U. S. without her seeking it... The most important step for improve- ment of American education is to include in the curriculum such ma- terials and practices as would en- hance the understanding of the way of life of other peoples." John Gardner, President Carnegie i Corp.: "The schools must intensifyI their efforts to do justice to the' abler student. Not to give such aI student the r i g o r o u s education I which will call out his highest ef-I forts and prepare him for the d if-1 ficult tasks ahead is gross neglect--I damaging to the individual, and] perilous to the nation." I TOO TE ASSIFY CARD OF THANKS I Words cannot express our deep l appreciation to friends and neigh-] bors for the flowers, cards andI many acts of sympathy that came to I us at the time of our recent be-i reavement. Your kindness will al- ] ways be remembered, i The family of Jessie Marie Carney I CARD OF THANKS ---- ! Many thanks again to all my rela- i tives and friends for the gifts, cards[ and personal calls while I was in, hospital and since I have re-I the turned home. Also, very speciall thanks to all the blood donors. [ Mrs. Harold Batchelor High school graduate, 18 to 45 pre-[ ferred. Permanent. Full-time posi-i lion; 40-hour week. Vacation and i insurance benefits. Apply at John- son Manufacturing Co.,Inc., Mt. Vernon. 32tfc i LOST: class ring with initials D.S.M.V.H.S.-58. Donald Sievers, Dial 3571, Mt. Vernon. 33c Cotton Madras for fabric luxu featured ,n the handsome f ..... ii i,I DRAKE • : ] wash it dry it 'wear it _ ....... 1 / Dacron and cotton get together in a slik-smooth shirting that's long on wecr, easy on care. A wonder-weave of 65% d~crcn, 35% cotton in an ideal, year 'round weight. "h'itoga'-tailored in the popular Drake, a medium-.-.-.:ead soft collar sty/e with smart link cuffs. W¢:.Jerful in white, and colors, too. $7.95 Quality Since 1909 FOR SALE: John Deere rotary hoe, like new. S. P. Vandeberg, Lis- ben. 33p -FOR~SAI2E: Washing machine and refrigerator. Thomas Playie, 123 Second Ave. S., Mt. Vernon. 33, 34p. STRAND THEATRE THURS. - FRI. - SAT. A Slyful Eyeful! 10,000 BEDROOMS Dean Martin ~nd four eute. sisters! A big joyful holiday CinemaScope special! SUNDAY - 3 DAYS Sunday shows 7 and 9 Terrific War Movie! MEN IN WAR Rob't Ryan - Aldo Ray Story of the tough grenade- slinging Dogfaces! June 8-9-10 BOY ON A DOLPHIN Coming - SMILEY Be Ready For Strawberries RENT A LOCKER H0rt0n Lockers Dial 3912 Mt. Vernon -- Lisbon Sizes 6 to 14 ............................ $6"9 Same style with golf spikes ii.iiiiiiiiiiii ..... $8'9gi Same style in boys' ................ $4.75 and $ Quality Since 1909 Dad... Granddad JUNE e