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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
June 1, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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June 1, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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and V~NON H&~VKFYE, VOLUMI~' LXIX, NII~MBF'R 'U L E, IEN - M ENT COMI ENCEM( ---- N I SPEAKER P B WILL FOR RURAL PUPILS YWEEK END WILL OCCUR JUNE 6 0mas Will Be Will BeHeld In Mc- ta ar edy ire'On Men-I Kinley Auditorium Mu ng Cedar Rapids Ot the 86t!l Cornell ] Diplomas ,,'ill be awarded to ~tt ~,i] Drlng luany l,inn coutity eighth grade graduates T~nt?el:not). over the I[ at the rural conln, ence.n, ent to ,be bna~ ~rauuanon exer- ] hehl in M~cKinley Auditorium in }i~t~i rno(~ling, with i ('edar Rapids on June 6, at 9:45 1 el,..°*t liug~lles as I it isannounced ;by Walter lie -,.rex t!m tour day A. Shupp, county superintendent Ce~t *1~.P~.anted m a[ ]~~ of schools. McKinley School is lo- an~,:u tins story. [Ilr JIV~ ~ ~ eated near the junction of Tenth si~~aL meeting of the[ [lCail~l¢' ~ street andMotmt Vernon avenue li ':°uveF t t All fin Cedar apids gStahl~.~" J'~'P°I~ts Ol ~ ]l~l~ ~ t The address will be given b~ *le --. ~' prcsment and i ~ I.]ames H Smith sheriff of Line , vice p '(,sid( tit aud [1 " "" '- ' "IVvllich has 'etary ~ail" :' " I ~ I county, q no progran ' " l I)t lllauo to ], 1)( (21 planned IS aS follows ' ' " " ]HINIi()I F:IllVIN iIOI;l' llI'(.~III,]S ~ " • '' " ": . _- lLIncheon for Coilleil[ [ ]'lane ])uet---"The ])alice oI the be ~leld ..... ~ .. I~ 10ireflies'' Max[no Cerveny, IA0yd at • ,, ~tt the 1 all- } D I PP I I A ITIF~171 A ml?t I Buresh of Cherry Valley School, ,~ ta:15 Friday, is a } ]D.k~kt~_J/-~.L~-~tJI'~][~_]-]kll~ I I,'airfax townsbi . ~ co!llmencetnent.. ] ~II)T~ ,~ TY'I~ I Orchestra N(Plnlbel ..... rhe Oar- ~ill .~Hbert attd Sulh- I ~l'-]P~2-]kJ[~k]P.aJ['~ [den of 1)reams" by Nield--arrang- ~...~e presented at / led by l(oberts. Director: Mrs. Eliza- evening" and/i ,ll,eth Sloan. leahe' • y (!VOlllUg In I Cornet Solo-- '"'lie lloly City" by . "• Local people }l~f° .. iAdams l{obert Madeson, of Edge- ae best seats Io ti ~ s "mOnte "' "" " ~/ ~:"• ~5. wood No. 1, aceonrl):Hlied by Mi, s )- " /I I Ruth Pr'ltt. ue USual class bleak / 'do s,' " / "- i I i Piano Solo- -"Valse Gracieuse" le°y, A!unltu Day, tim by Ch'lrles l)ennee. Mary Lot ; c~'[ Will ,be held in ]] [Thou itS, P "ai'c Union School, 2Ulr.,)h at 1.2: l!: p.n,. I ] I Marion Township. .2,y?ug ,v,l ,o!iow Ill , IIll, ill l,hlgewood No. 2. t'" meal ('ornelha!ls ( Violin Solo--"Traunlerei" b$' ..tend and are asked (Im~ : l{obert Schunlann l)onahl Heald, 'rtLiekets early .bYl] ]North Star School, aceotnpanied c. -e ahmlni offwe. ! "~ ~,~ lily ,Miss Doris Sehley. a" I--'- : I Aceordiou Solo -Arleen Imede- ~ternoon the :3lt I : i nann, l,'xcelsio" S~'hool, Marion ,Strong Ilall will he ~~!~ ..... ,, . I townshkp ~bhe.. Dr. and Mrs.I~~~ I Address--James H. Smith. ;y. w,n bare aa in- Piano Solo--"i,' .eaves"-- ~' ,or.guests at tllei,' ]mill ~. ] ]l)elve,-na Wilkinson, Rowley No. 8, a' unh} 5:30 o'clock. [ / Maine Township. ,Un]m banquet will I~l,. ~~] [ Presentation of Diplomas--Wal- ~wmall Hall at 6 I~~'~l ]ter A. Shuipp, County 'Superintend- 'ZOrnellians are es- I int. to attend this ev(nt cents ana ,.~.o,.v. i~ i • ' 'm ~ "" ........ - '~' I the four local townships who will " ate promptly by ,-----• ...... ...m.. / receive diplomas are a~l{. H. ,L ll~lTi'ilJS"llxlmmlm~m']tt I " 'fOrmanee of "Iolan ] BERTR~!M TO~VNSHIP -'Seated in the I ittle ~ [ Jean Davidson l,eona Moenck ) n ..... " " h-, ~i ......J-AI_I_ _ t Alice Lnenicka Patricia Rudd r .... ~aturaay 1)][.Durgstamer, ) Sand rs Y club will have I orothy Sparks Ralph e at) ..... _ h~. l~la ~ln¢l rh- N~r I I':,'nest Bena l,eo e. l I[~I[Tili n "IT / ] [{udolpn Boxa ~eona ," ' the acad( hie Io [on YYllllie honored ('o,,nne ) ('kson Edmnnd Tucker and at ;0.30Ptll; +_____. ]/?larence Krizek Robert Martin a will "be de- The dinncr to honor President George McGowanDavid Ford ¢)y l)r H J tterbert J. Burgstahler I)r. [,'rank Dorothy Zinkula a Will be Dr. Burg- ,e ~king appearance it ldents. t Will be open fronl O'clock Sunday af- "~t ve~Pers will bei dents of the Con- sic in the chapel at ~day evening. Orocessiou will 1, 'MOnday ,morning[ nCement exercises ~ifl.Holt Hughes as "t In the chapel at niches will be se "v-i 'n~itories following i eWill be 10I diplo- ~s awarded. Hon- i Will ~o to the fol-[ DUane Hunt, '07,1 e, '05, Dr. Paul E. ! OW dean of Morn-, ia Sioux City, andI ~Ie, '22, newly ap-i Secretary, all of eive the doctor ofI ~' Mrs. Thomas of reth, ed Ilishop fOPlller I 'ltiu ill- ! lell, Will receive the] )r Of law, and the! i0. Of pedagogy ,(1 UDon Mr Arthur of Cedar Cole and l)r. ~,Villialn H. Norton, to which invit,ttions have been is- sued by the Board of Trustees of Cornell college, will I)e held in Bowman Hall, rather than Pfeiffer Hall as first announced, at 6 o'clock on Friday evening, June 2. Portraits of the three honored guests, which have been painted in recent months I)y Christian Abra- hantson of ,Chicago, will be un- veiled during the program follow- ing the dinner. A. 1,• Killiau will apt as toast- master. ,Music will I)e furnished by tim Freshntan string quartet of J. D. Mallonee, and 2%.1111 Cill- bertson, violins; Phyllis Pearson, cello and Catlmrine IAlly, viola, who were trainod iby h:arl Andrist of the (!ornell cOnservatory faculty. l)ean I)itsen, of V:ldora, a menl- ber of the b,,a:'d of tl:lstees will speak on Coruell. \V. IL Boyd of Cedar Ral)ids, a Cornell trustee, aud fiuancial se( l'etttry of tim Iowa State IIo:trd of l,Muo'~tion, will speak on I)r. Cola; l,eo l)aulger, of Wasliin~4ton, ILl'. a Cornell trustee, and ohief of oxiiniinel,