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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
June 5, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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June 5, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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June 5, 1941 THE MOITNT VE/tNON, IOWA, i/~WKEYF -]tl~OORD AND ~ LISBON H]EP.AIAL Mrs. Lctha Armstrong of Viola Mr, and Mrs. Ed Heuer of Cedar l[1]rlhiTg~i! A~l[ &lTh hlNll~Cl~iTA| ]spent Sunday visiting her sister, Rapids were visitors Sunday in the home of Mr, and Mrs. Russell Pair V Mrs. Ida Fordvce r.lffiUl LULAL U AL Mr. and M~. Leland Brandau, Mr. and Mrs Rolland Heald of ~ ~ ~ ~ of Emporia, Kansas were callers Cedar Rapids were visitors Memor- ]in Mount Vernon on Saturday. tal day with Mr. and Mrs. William .rrett went to Guthrie Prof and Mrs. Lloyd Oakland [ f ' ~v~r and ,v~rs Al r~aoeocK spent Watson. ,Y or a visitwith motored to Blairsburg Sunday and " " and fri . Memorial say In ~ne nose ot their Miss Letitia Beranek returned ends. visited until Monday in the home of [ son Leslie DaoeOCK and ~amny m home Friday from Dubuque where Mrs J R E re were Prof Oakland's parents Mr. and ' 5 Y ' . ' - w,yommg she was enrolled during the year in t Week end in the home Mrs. William Oakland. Iblr . Mrs James Ten Eyck of Syra- Clarke college. s. IAoyd Thurston in I roe. and Mrs. Lloyd Oakland ~ expect to leave nex[ ~uesuay ~or case, r~.x. arr~vea ~unuay eveningMrs. Frank Coates of Paris, Ky `M ~ for ~t visit with her sister Miss arrived Tuesday evening for a visit is Joe alderman ~all- ~v]msoula, ~]ont where ~-rot. UaK- . ' afternoon in the Mr and land will be & member of the music Agnes Randall. with her daughter Mrs. Pauline r Jedlicka home in (~edar faculty in the University of Men- Mr. and 1V~rs. F. Ill. Bell of Earl: :Young and Virginia. tans. pills spent Monday m the home ot Miss Evelyn Hodgson of Era- ,Mrs I.ester Taylor, Mrs. Leo Klrkpatrtck, son of Mr. and thn~ir~2:'ln~laFWordnd:aughter' Mr. porks. Kansas, arrived Saturday for ~s and F:arl Davis were Mrs. George Kirpkatrick informed ~ . a visit of a week with her sister, 'ers from Mount Vernonhis parents in his last letter that he C N. Warren of Chicago, Ill,Miss Lillie Hodgson the rod,o in ('edar Rap- had especially enjoyed a convoy spent the week enu visiting in ~ne Mrs. Isa Kepler of Elizabethville, V a-fternoon, trip to New Orleans. He is sta- home of his son-in-law.and .daugh- Pc arrived last week for a visit .~Irs t' tioned in the army campat Camp ter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Traws. with her son Merle Kepler and oth- !of Keelhaul! ~e:cer~itn(~; Claiborne. Donald Lee, who ~makes his home er -relatives and friends. )'ial d, """ "- ~ " ':~-~ar~" Jean Alexanderof New with Mr and Mrs Warren Hepker Mr. and Mrs Eugene Parsons, ' &V In ~ne no'me o! Y " " e 's an( - - -- York Cit" is ex'~ected Friday, eve in Marion spent last week with his and Dr and Mrs J J Booth of 'Is ann aura,~wr. J -. - - ~. H. Hoover ningfor avisit with her mother, grand parents, Mr. and M~rs. C. A. Marion were recent visitors in the [ ~r " Mrs.Lloyd McCutcheon. She has Hack. home of Mrs. Aley Parsons e- s. Clifford Lahman been an instructor in interior artMrs. John Klimo returned Tars- Mrs. Edward Forest, :Mrs. E. C. a, Roger and Janet ofand design in architect in the New day evening from Chicago, Ill Forest and Mrs. Grertrude Kellogg ~ent the week end in York school of Professional Arts, where she spent several days visit- of Portland, Ore were visitors r 'ur--Lahman's parents, thisyear ing her son and daughter-in-lawi Thursday in the Leon Walker home "~. E. R. I~hman. Mr and Mrs J A Lindsey and Mr. and Mrs. John Kllmo jr in Miles. Ing moved last Thursday M(~ Bonnybel ~=irkpatrick went to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Baird and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Severley and his new home recent-Cedar Falls Tuesday to attend the Mrs Htrry Peel of Martelle were son Jerry of Cedar Rapids were from Lloyd Dean. graduation exercises at Iowa State dinner ~uests Sunday in the homeSunday evening supper guests in E. C. Rozwenc who Teachers college. Arlene Lindseyof Mr. Baird's and Mrs. Pest's sis- the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thomas apartments was graduated from the normal ter Miss Agnes Baird in Lisbon Stoneking. of the week to the training department. She returned Mr. and Mrs. Al Babcock and Joan Clark, young daughter of vacated by Mr home x~th them to ~pend the vaea "" " " idaughter Betty went to M'aquoketa Mr. and Mrs. James C. L Clark, lion. for a week end visit in the home of spent the week end with her grand- Mr. and Mrs. George Kirkpatrtck Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hamilton.mother, Mrs. Mary Newhard in and daughter Ardis motored to El- Betty remained for a two weeks Springville. kader last Friday where they at-visit. Mr. and M'ls. Roy Bair of Victor tended the Memorial day exercises, Delbert Richardson has accepted were Memorial Day visitors in the and brought their daughter, Missa .position as file clerk in the War Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bait home Groups Bonnybell Kirkpatrick home with Veterans administration at Wash- and in the home of Mrs Mae Foster them. The latter was teacher in ington, D. C to begin on June 6th. and family Reunions the first grade in the public schools He left here on June 4th, for Wash- Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Bair are and Portrait at Elkader. Her pupils presentedington, the parents of a baby daughter, the pledge to the flag in the exer- Miss Sadie Bell of Red Oak spent born Saturday at St. Lakes hospital, graphy rises on Vriday. the week end in the home of Mr.~Cedar Rapids. She has been ham- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blderman were and M~rs. Jay Fordyce. ,Miss ~r~Iary ed Margaret Ann. , r n's Pictures called to Prairieburg, WednesdayEllen Cameron of Forest Park, Ill Mr. xnd Mrs. Everette Bratty pecialty of last week by the death of their was a Memorial day guest in the and son Dennis of Shellsburg were ------- nephew, Raymond Holub His Fordyce home visitors Sunday in the home of 192 after 6 o'clock death occurred following an opera- Mrs. Stanley Kellams and chll- M:rs. Beatty's parents, Mr. and ~. tion Monday in the Monticello hos- dren Dan and Peter returned the ppolntment pital. Besides his wife and three first of the week to their .home in Mrs. Dana Stearns. car(l tO ~0X 4~ small sons, he is survived by his Marion after a two weeks visit in Bishop Ivan Lee Holt, of Dallas, ~mother one brother and two sisters, the home o" her mother Mrs Texas, who will present the Cornell / ~ Funeral services were held ICridayiohnrlo~'lTnr~n~. ' 'i commencement address, will be a n " [ ~[~ir~l~l~ l afternoon from the church i ! guest in the home of President and ~-~t~J~,~t ~O i e Mrs. Edward rorest ann uaugn- Mrs. John Benj. Mcgee. i t-ralrleourg. ~r. aria Mrs. ao -. . ~ ~-, n ,~. ~-~ ~*-" "~--"k tens Bonita and Vwginia l,ee, and yn.--^-- ~ --.-- ~Dme[-ma a .u ~v ~. r Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oleason and ~ss;us, iOwa Mr and ~lrs Harry iAneweaver ,Dlaerman a~tenaeafrom ~wount, " daughters Janice and Jane of Sioux ~ and daughter Lucille of Eagle Falls, S. D were visitors over the V~21"IIUII I " Grove were 2~Iemorial day guests ln l holiday in the home of Mr Glea- ~ the A. C. Bradd home in Lisbon. son's mother, Mrs. Leers Gleason. ~rs. Lloyd Burgs spent the first r~~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ of last week in the home of her! Mr and Mrs. Wallace Miller will II~L .I I ~i 1,i, son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and' leave today for Kingston, N. Y W~~ ~ ~'~~~ Mrs. Harris Strong in Monticello, their former home They hope to dispose of their property there and Mrs. Barge ia recovering from ~ return to Mount Vernon I sprained ankle ]eceived two weeks tg sold my residence, possession to be given " Mrs. S L. Chandler returned I now give you the opportunity to buy fur- ago h " " h Mr and Mrs Will Geiger and home Tuesday evening from Ode- ousehold effects at Pubhc Auction for eas . - " ~ " " ~-- - v bolt where she was a visitor over .= = . ~ a James lrvln Or t:neroKee were o er ael(I on tne premises, at 610 North 5tn ve I Memorial day visitors in the home Memorial day. She also visited in the home of her son Harry Chand- ion, on of Mr. and Mrs. C W. Heller and ler in Sioux City. I Mrs. J. P. Hainen. 'Mrs. Geiger. IAJ~m~P I ~l~l i 1~ [Mrs. Heiler and Mrs. Hainen are Miss Sally Tu.bbs, daughter of Mr. and M~s. Irl Tubbs received #~U~W~ I ~ ii{ V I sisterC Boyd of Elders Mr and her Bachelor of Science degree ln l ~[ commerce at the State University i C"" - EN"IN A- " 3^ V S Mrs. William Boyd of Cedar 'Falls of Iowa at the Commencement ex- OMM C (x T l : 0 and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Boyd and ercises on Monday. son Mike of Waterloo were visitors In calling particular attention to thispiano in Mount Vernon on Memorial day Mr, and 'Mrs. Lloyd Dean, Nancy am doing you music lovers and all who appre- and called at the Mrs. Lloyd M~c- and David and Richard Van Tuyle, instrument a kindness. The beautiful Cuteheon home and on Dan T. who is a Jup.ior at Cornell, were case, the action, the tone of this small Wolfe. weekentertainedat the athomeSUndaYof ~Vlr.dinnerand Mrs.lasti C E. Gillette who was employed L. M. Current and family. piano will appeal to you. Piano bench, ms- in Dover, N J has received an appointment in Iowa and is at Bur- Miss Bernadlne Barge who has lington where he is associate in- been a member of the high school One square oak extension dining ta- specter in the ordnance department faculty in Newton this year is ex- seat dining chairs; 1 5-shelf oak china of the government shell loading )ected today in the home of her size; 1 oak Chiffonier; 1 irdseye Maple plant. He spent from Thursday an- Mr. and ~'s. Anson Burgs 3 commodes; 1 oak stand; 1 small onyx til Sunday with his family who live o spend the summer vacation. 4 rocking chairs; 3 mirrors; 3 Electric in the Mns. ElizabethPersons Mr. and Mrs. Willard Maybauer house, and friend, Mrs. Louis Quinn, re- and stand) lamps; Electric light fixtures; oil Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Parsons and turned on Sunday to their home in metal bed and spring; few small rugs; pictures; children, Chandler, Patricia Ann Chicago, Ill following a week end books. Small kitchen table; 2 hard seat and Margaret L~u of ,Springfield, visit in the home of Mr. Maybauer's wash bench; ironing board; clothes iIll were guests from Thursday mother, Mrs. Charles Maybauer. jars; 2 fruit room cupboards. Good 8-day until Tuesday in the home of Mr. Miss Bertha Baldwin and broth- Parsons mother, Mrs. Airy Parsons er Ross Baldwin are expecting their & Wilson Sewing Machine, a good one. and with M:rs. Parsons parents, Mr brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and ---- An extra nice oak dining room suite, and Mrs. George Steffey in Cedar Mrs. H. E. Wernimont and two oak extension table; 6 oak chairs and buffet. 1 Rapids. M~ns. Aley Parsons hassons I~rry and Ronald, of River- oak chiffonier; Morris chair; 2 oak dress- I recovered from her recent fall and side, Ill the last of this week for was able to spend Memorial day in a brief visit, settee; 2 wicker chairs; small tilt-top coffeeMarion and to attend a family pic- medium size mirrors; Desk chair; magazine nic at the Palisades on Saturday.Moline,RaY Millerlll spentand lastfamilYFriday f EaStwith gal. stone jar; dishes; cooky jars; hammock; Mr. and Mrs. M. Sehaefferle of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 9-12 Axminster Rug, and other articles. Garwln were guests the first of the William J. Miller. Additional vis- week in the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. itors in the Miller home were, the date on your calendar and be with us F.A. Blaine. They attended the Wands and Alberta Kohl, daugh- at 1:30. We will appreciate your presence graduation of their son ,Martin, ters of Mr. ap-d Mrs. Darrel Kohl. ~. from the medical department at the Mr. and 'Mrs. George Short of State University of Iowa at Iowa Lincoln, Nebr visited from City on Monday, In the afternoon Thursday until Sunday in the home they left in company with Mrs. L. of Mrs. Short's parents, Mr. and Schaefferle and children Karen and Mrs. C. H. Rumble . They spent Mark for Richland, 2~Io where Memorial day with Mr. and :Mrs. S. Burgs, Auct. D.H. Mueller, Clerk Mrs. L. Schaefferle and children A. J. Johnson in Propret~town, Ill. join Dr. Schaefferle who is station- Mrs. Bertha Hart and M:rs. A. W. ed at camp Fort Leonard Wood Revell of Central City were visitors in Mount Vernon Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Hart was a guest in the home of her son R G. Hart and Mrs. Revell visited her brother-in- law and ulster Mr. and Mrs. Sam Balr. Mr. ;tad Mrs. A L. Stoneking re- ceived word Tuesday of the death of their cousin's husband, Harry fling, at Manly. Mr. and Mrs. Stoneking went to Manly today to attend the funeral. Mrs. Kling i was Miss S)'lvia Daubenmler before her marriage. Js Mrs. E. R. Rhstine left Wednesday v~.-~" " for a visit with Mrs. Flora Smedley and Miss Dorothy Smedley in Me- Keesport, Pa. Mrs. Smedley, who suffered a stroke a few weeks ago, is beginning to show improvement. Mr. Ristine will join Mrs. Rlstine following Cornell commencement. are always safe when converted into the everywhere spendable AMERICAN EXPRESS Mr. and Mrs. Earl Simpson and son Richard of ~,Vaverly spent Tues- day and Wednesday in the home of their friends, Mr. and 'Mrs. F. A. Blaine. Mr. Simpson l~ enjoying a two weeks vacation from his dut- ies as manager for the Northwest- ern Belle Telephone company at Waverly. Miss Josephine Mcgee returned Saturday from Boston where she received her M.A. degree at Boston Theological Seminary. Her brother John M'agee returned home on Wednesds, y of last week from Bos-' ton where he took graduate work last year and received an S.T.B. de- gree. Mr. and Ms Glenn Low of Em- poria, Karts arrived Sunday and are visitors this week in the home of the former's father, L, R. Low. They will return to Em,poria next week where Mr. Low will teach in the speech department at the State Teachers college during the summer session. ~IMSIIS TRAVELERS CHEOUES You are protected if the cheques are lost or stolen. For sale at this bank in denominations of $10, $20, $50 and $100. Cost 75 tot. each $100 worth. DEPOSIT INSUIAN,O|PO|ATION Mr. and Mrs. Rims Young and son Paul of Sterling, Ill were luncheon guests, Friday in the home of Mrs. Young's uncle and aunt, Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Kidder. Paul is a prospective student for Cornell iu the fall and was investi- gating facilities at the college. Mr. Young is secretary of the Y.M.C.A. in Sterling. OP TNI FIDIRAL I IH i li "--Ill E~HI" I I I'l'l "il'l-~ ~ T]'IIIIF--- 1 G. I Franks was a visitor over UT I/E'DM~M I Mi~ I l),~f~;ia &f dence in the state of Iowa and that Memorial day with relatives and ll|ll WP.IIIll|II /-I[IU [ ~ ~*--~ ~-,~,~,~**~ x~ /the (tisch.trg-must be recorded in friends in Montour. [ ,v. l Amant]atl .q~ltlla,-m I the office o-f~ the County Recorder Mrs Anna Gormly had as her ~h~lPg1~llf~lf~h~d l| t ~,~ ~,v~,aa,~to in the county where the veteran guest over Sunday, her son Walter [ lll'10~ liED /4 /iLL l Tax Exemption Law l a:'t a!ly livo,where he is l ~" clalmlng exem priori Gormly of P,bilade phia, k'a -- I -- J " Lloyd Kent began a ten day vR- Mount Vernon and Tipton tie( I Details of the amended law undIBo~ cation from his duties at the Mount 24 each in a golf tournament plays( I which application for and handli l u -- ,~a,~,~.~. aavt.~a~u Vernon post office on Wednesday on the Mt. Vernon-IAsbon countr, of soldiers' tax exemption in Io, Robert Platt~r ~nn ae Mr f Re ' ' *'~ ' x~.~ x~r ~-r o.~, ~a ~ ~,~gh~rt~ club Sunday a ternoon Art g . will be sunplif~ed h: 'axe been recel' j and Mrs. I~uther Plattenberger, Mary Alice Crew spent the week ers turned in the low score for .th, led ,by Count)" Auditor Robert Ifreshman st.dent in the agricul- end with Miss Julia Crew in Cedar, loca~ team, ~t ~. l-lowara I Vesely's office. ! tural department at Iowa State col- Rapids. ~nrdI RUd:ndV Ldoiey:htdt777?, Ralp,The new measure, effective J,: J lege, was one of the honored guests x ~ o~^ ~ e Oh~ca~, ~1 ~a ~ . ] 4th provides that starting with t at a banquet given by the faeult is ":n~'expec~i:d~'week~end" gue;('in T hOwmpSon, Willie and Sheets she [1942 assessment the application f ]recently. This honor was afforde~ th~ home o Mr and Mrs P W ' the.lo . scor?s, for T ipton, 77s. Bil !~uch exemption will he permanenl /Bob for being in the upper three P~arann ! Dallas turneu m a l~ I established as long as the ex-servi ~ per cent of his class in grades. He ---~.'-~'~" . ! Louis West won the blind bose)i applicant holds title to the proper t wms one of eight of the freshman estCi~ ~wUC~iea lwn:::re~tnS~ni ~t:r Fn t urnament on Memorial Day. [involved. ]students in the agricultural depart- . Y " .~ I Local scores in the Tlpton seei ~Before the 1942 application c: Iment who received this honor His the home ot ~r and zars. rlyronlarc as follows:,Ibe made, however, the a'pplica [parents went to Ames today and Jones and lamny. ] A. J. Rogers 35 38--7,[ must have filed with the Coun I hc will return with them to spend Mr and Mrs Artie Edaburn were H Johnston 38 39 7 I r - I -- ~,Reco d~r a record of his or her dl the summer vacation here He visitors Sunday in the home of R Vodlcka 39 38--77tehar e fromservice nlan~ ~n r =:*--, I g . eturn to A,~o .~ ~ Mrs. Edaburn's mother, Mrs. Grant R. Carl 41 37--78[ The law as amended does not de- Peck near Central City L. West 39 40--79 feet the amount of exemption al- Miss Sue Kepler, who has been a Mrs Dick Pusenbark and daugh- C. Johnston 42 39--81 lowed--J500 for World War $ l 800 /~]ember of the faculty in the Des ter Judith were guests WednesdaY iW' Kohl 42 41--83I l for Spanish War and $3,000 for ~l-vl mes schoo!s this year, is e xp.ect- in the home of Mr and Mrs Glenni ~-~" ~ezson 43 41--84I Civil War veterans { eu ~a[uraay 1or a vacation visit in " Lomison 43 42--85 " the home o; her .mother Mrs ~d:a.e Andrea~, in Cedar Rapids. I-- .~ " . I If a veteran has already filed his I.~ . ' " r t r~vans 4~ 4Z--85 1 c r 9 ~epler. Rev. V~. D. Bostrom and the]o F-l~m~- " ~ ~ ~tappi ation fo 1.41 exemption his .~ . Misses Grace and Henrietta Bowder !~ i~rucke~nbe'r 42 47--89 t right to exemption is protected for/ . of Lisbon called on Rev. and 'Mrs. M" Bur,-- " g ~ ~.-- Ibis taxes pc,cable in ~94'2. If such tl FILMS DEVELOPED I M. L. Hill on Monday afternoon J "Cooper 51 48--;9lapplieati n has not been made with iAND PRINTED I Mrs Bruce Mullen and children]=`. ~" 'P -- I the assessor the veteran must file I[ ;.k ---. I ~ucnanan 46 53--99 . " ] a~.~a~ w mr, am the apphc~tion with the County of Oskaloosa are spending this Mount Vernon-l,isbon golfers will ! :. -- ,[ One Enlargement ?[~{ i we-'- in the home of 'Mrs MuIlen s i ~,~u,t,'s ~ ,~ ,ater [nan JUly II LJll I ~ " i meet ivionucellO in a ~ournalnen~ On (~ [Il~.~h 1~!1 mmv I parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Mitchell. i the local course on next Sunday ~' ":'~: I I ']ne laW specifies that the apply- [ ItE;A~T DRUI~ ~TOI(I~ | Mrs J W. Bloom spent several a[ternoon, in- veteran must have ctual r " days this week in the home of her ---------------- I g a esl- son-in-law and daughter, Mr. andMr. VERNON CHURCH NOTES Mrs. Will Knous in Cedar Rapids. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clark of Fort Rev. Joseph W. Gray, Jr ]Pastor Madison were over Memorial day Sundgy~ week end guests in the home of 9:45 Church School. Mrs. Clark's father, R, H. Bow- We will dismiss our common wor- man. ship so that our people may at- Sunday guess in the home of tend the College Baccalaureate Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Prall were, ,Mr. Service. and Mrs. A. E. Madsen and child-6:30 Christian Endeavor Society. ren, Virginia, John and Robert of Toesday--- " aaDii .I Waukegan, Ill. 9:00 Vacation Bible School begms. Donald lV[erritt, Bobby Thomp- Wednesdgy-- son, Dale Travis expect to go to'/:45 Missionary Society meeting Des ~Molnes 'Monday to attend the at the home of Mrs. Forrest Walters. 12th annual Carrier salesman con- vention and Frolic. Dr. and 'Mns. Frank Cole and two grand daughters Nancy and Betty Cole expect to leave next Wednes- day for a several weeks stay on Dr. Cole's farm at Black.berry, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Martin and son Roger, who have been living in Stanwood, moved this week to an apartment in the home of Mrs. Martin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W hitlatch in Mount Vernon Mr. and Mrs Lewis Chapman had as dinner guests on Memorial day, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chapman and daughter Carol Jean of Cedar Rap- ids, Mrs. ~Mae Kepler and Miss Mary Kepler of Mount Vernon. Dr. and Mrs. Russell Cole will have as their house guest over Cor- nell commencement, Dr. C. M. Mc- Connell of Boston, Mass who comes to Cornell to receive his Doctor of Divmity degree, on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. I,ynn Goodlove and Mrs. Amy Goodlove, moved Tues- day, from the ~rs. Isa Kepler house, to the Langrill house, on south side. Mrs. Kepler will oc- her own home during the rammer. The Lisbon-Mt. Vernon Townsend ~lub will meet in the club rooms in the City Hall Thursday evening, June 5th at 7:30. All members are urged to be in attendance as mat- ters of importance are to be con- sidered Newell Fishel who was a visitor last week in the home of his moth- er, Mrs. S. H. FIshel returned to his home in Downer's Grove, Ill on Sunday. Mrs. Fishel motored to Mount Vernon on Saturday and he returned home with her. Ralph Bowman, of Flint, Mich. was a visitor last week end in the home of his father, R. H. Bowman and in the home of his brother Roy Bowman. Mr. Bowman Is employ- ed ,by the Congoleum Rug com- pany, with headquarters in Flint. Mrs. Robert J. Noble and daugh- ter Phyllis Jean of Wichita, Karts and her ruother, Mrs. C. W. Manatt of Cedar Rapids were guesLs on I VCednesday in the home of Mx. and l~rs. P. W. Peterson. Mrs. Noble is a daughte,'-in-law of Mrs. Peterson. 3~r. and Mrs George Carley, and Mrs. Carley's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Pelland of Chicago, Ill returned to their home the first of the week after a brief visit in the home of Mr. Car- ley's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Carley. IMr. and Mrs. Dale Johnson and daughter Marguerite returned Wed- nesday evening from Oeonomowoc, Wis where they visited in the James Doherty home. They were over Sunday visitors in the Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Schiller home in Ash- ton, Ill. Miss Maude Ogelby of Sioux City is a guest for over Cornell com- mencement in the home of Mrs. John Batr Robinson. Miss Ogelby's parents are former residents of 'Mount Vernon, and lived in a house where the present Methodist parsonage stands. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Runner, of Cedar Bapids, who were married last Saturday afternoon, were guests Tuesday in the home of Rev. W. G. Rowley and family. l~rs. Runner. was formerly Mi~ Peggy Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher. Mr. and ,~rs. E. J. Osgood and family ~pent Memorial day in Clarksville with Mrs. Osgood's fath- er, William Roberts. Mrs. Louis Roberts and son Jack were over- night guests in the Osgood home Thursday and returned to Clarks.- vilEr with them on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hedges and daughter Betty June motored to Kanam~ City last Thursday and vis- ited several days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arch Maulsby Betty June remained for a two weeks visit after which Mr. andMrs. Maulsby will bring her home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carley had as guests over the week end, Mr. and Mrs. Forest W. Clark, and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Britton of Oklahoma City, Okla. They also visited in the .homes of Mr. and Mrs. Homer iCarley and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Car- Icy in Cedar Rapids. Mr. xnd Mrs. M. I Hill and daughter, Mrs. Ruth WMson and son Robert, left on Tuesday of last week for a brief visit with relatives in Charles City, New Hampton and Deeorah, returning home on Friday evening. They report much more rain fell in the northern part of the state, than in this locality. In De- corah, they witnessed the result of the flood of last Thursday night, with its devastating effects. It was a scene long to be remembered. Thursday-- 6:30 Guild picnic and General Assembly report by Lester Dacken at the Lower Palisades. Next Sunday-- The Childrens' Day program will be held at the time of morning worship. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH "God the Only Cause and Creator~ will be the subject of the Lesson- Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sundays, June 8. The Golden Text Is from Revel- ation 15:3, "Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; Just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints." The Lesson-Sermon comprises quotations from the Bible and from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker E~(~ne~" of the Bible citations reads: "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to re- ceive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created" (Rev. 4:11). Among the selections from the Christian Science textbook Is the following: "There is but one creator and one creation. This creation consists of the unfolding of spiritual ideas and their identities, which are embraced in the infinite Mind and forever reflected. These ideas range from the infinitesimal to infinity, and the highest ideas are the sons and daughters of God" (pp. 502, 503). 311 First Avenue North METHODIST CHURCH Rev. W. Glenn Rowley, Minister The Church School classes from the Junior Department meet at the usual hour in the church. The congregation from this church will join in the College Bac- calaureate service at 10:30 Sunday morning in King Memorial Chapel. President John B. Mcgee is the speaker. The High School Epworth League meets Sunday evening in the Har- old Minnick home, 214 South Sec- ond Street, East, at 6:30. Mark Hutchinson is the lesson leader and Don Herren has the devotions. The newly elected officers of the Epworth League are: Pres Peggy Mcgee; First Vice- Pres Bernice Sipple; Second Vice-Pres Clair Littell; third Vice-Pres Betty June Hedges; fourth Vice-Pres Betty Cole and Billy Litts. Sec.-Treas. James King. The second Tuesday evening of the month is the regular time for the meeting of the official board. The hour is 7:45. The Children's Day program will be at the church school hour a week from next Sunday, June 15. Preach- ing service is to follow as usual. The first union worship service between the congregations to be held in the Presbyterian church will be June 22. The general meeting of the W. S. C. S. will be in the church parlors, Wednesday, June 11. Every lady in the membership and constitu- ency is invited. Miss Ruby Byers of Cedar Rapids will have charge of the program. The leader of the devotions is Mrs. Ringer. Division Nine is the hostess group. Whether you have in mind a new porch, the re- pairing of a barn or corn crib, the building of a new hog house, or merely a few odds and ends, take our ad- vice and make your plans now. Every week and every month needed materials are becoming more and more scarce on account of war needs. You may not need building materials now, but you will want them on hand when you do start to work. So take our advice and lay your plans now. Let us know your needs, so that when you do want ma- terial we can have it for you. Mount Vernon Walgreen Agency Drug Store Ralph Heasty, Your Druggist FARM AND GARDEN NEEDS Lead Arsenate Red River Paris Green 4 pounds Potato Mix 1 pound 59c 4 pounds 79c 49c THE ONLY HARMLESS FLY IS A DEAD FLY Use our own Fly Spray on your milk cows. You will have dead flies and more milk. 1 Gallon 89c DR. LEE'S ACIDOX Helps Chicks Through COCCIDIOSIS without bad after effects 12oz. f r2 300weeksChicks $1 USE KLENZADE DISINFECTANT On Milk Utensils, Separa- tors and Milking Machines. Leaves utensils free from deposit, film or sediment. 1 Gallon 98c HOG MANGE OIL A suiphurized oil, light in color and light in weight, clears up mange and leaves the coat soft and glossy. 1 Gallon 59c || WORM YOUR POULTRY II Lee's Germozone 40 With Lee's Gizzard Cap-IIH Walko Tablets 47c Dr. Hess Tablets 39e sales. Sizes for chicks, U Pheno-Sal 50c Pullets, or Adults II ,Avicol 47c 5 lbs 5 lbs 5 lbs Epsom Salts Blue Vitriol Sulphur 23c 69c 29e II COME IN AND TALK PAINT WITH US m [] [] [] m m m [] mm [] [] mm [] [] )mm [] [] mm [] [] m [] [] m [] What Would You Do-- with a second chance? See what happens to the characters in "Dear Brutus" when they visit the land of "might-have.been" is the most entertaining of all the witty and whimsical plays by Sir James S. Barrie Cornell Commencement Production Friday, June 6, at 8:15 p.m. Saturday, June 7, at 8:45 p.m. Little Theatre Armstrong Hall Admission: 50 cents for Adults; 25 cents for students and children For Reservations phone 5662 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []