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June 5, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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June 5, 1941 |
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.:*~":~~:"*w***-*":":**:****~**~":**:~":****":":": ~:":":~:":":"~"~":": *:":":~:~:":~ :":":~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chermak of] Mrs. F. S. Armstrong and Sandra Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Bennett visit- Thursday, June 12: Feast of Cor- and Linn township was represented both of which were on
~llv~ ~ ~wl ml~w~ wly ~wiIr wlv w Ir~rtav Cedar Rapids visited last Thursday lDennis spent last week end with ed Sunday with their son Audis pus Christi. by Marily and Melvin Coppock. mona was six and Joe
I|||lN|.~ Ilk /l~lb ~t/Ikl41( IN I I~lZ|lltl with Mrs. Guy Johnston ,relatives in Centerville. and family in their home near Wal- -- -- --=- - old. Both received gfl
ilJ~Ufllq~llL} V|- ll|l'V| Jdldl~ll~ lallL)UUl] Mr~ Tom Davis went to VintonI Mr and Mrs Ral'~h Dorcas and ford COON CREEK CHURCH NOTES ~OCIAI~ Utltclb~ ~LUb The W. S. C. S. of
v " Sunday school 9"45 am HONORS CHARTER MEMBERS
John E. McHugh, Itcpl~esentative, Phone 125 Friday to visit for a few days with Lester of Cedar Rapids visited on Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Merriss at- = ~. .~ .3:~ := : e.~ church held their re[f
~veryu~y ~=u[uzaxxy a~v~ u. ;~ocla/ ~lrcle ~luo neln melr an- with Mrs. Ray Hartur
Mrs. ]~ed Bittle, News Reporter, Phone. 135, her sister-m-law Mrs. Lottm Mohn. Friday m the Bert Slver home tended, the funeral . fk a lOngamotime ~ nual tiuest Lmy on rnursnay rater- in her home last We&
LaVonne Vandeberg spent threeI Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peterson and frmnd, Matt Van Kit,at An saSDrin~ Creek Club Meets ,o, in the home of Mrs Lee How- noon Mrs. Joe Mil
C *~~'~:' "~."-:'*-"-": - ***"-*":'~-- ,"-"'-~-":'*~:"~'-'*'-"~:'--'-':-~'*":":- "e"1,---' *'-"-"'-": days last week in the home of her Ralph spent Thursday night and on ~unaay. - "~ ------ a-rdand her daughter -Mrs Albert
. sister Mrs.Leonard Hayslettat Friday with relatives in Viola Ill Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Rahn of ,Spring Creeb: clnb met at the Ben ~.:~ ^ ~, ^~^ :;, ~^~:^. Ruth assisted There
Lisbon Chapter O. E. S. will meet j Carol Conkhn spent Sunday night ~ ~ ' " k,~.w. ~ ~uv ~ ~v~u~ u~ ~u,~ attendance. Mrs. BYse
" " o tipmn. Mr an Mr Geor Oldfiel and ~ew xorK I.~'l~y arrived Tuesday taenxmnseu home ~t~L ~t'~' ~v
m regular session on Thursday, and Monday with the A. J. R gers d s. ge d . . wi,~ a enjoyed a socml afternoon [dent1- corned as a new mernbeJ
June 12, at eight o'clock, family in Mount Vernon. Mms Marian StIne of Des Morons I Carol of Cedar Rapids spent Fri ' morntng xor a vi~t wi~ n~s par- tn~,r ~.~ ,~)~u~,~, ~ .- s~ t lying the members by their baby Many from this neighl
A. M. Andreas was a business[ Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kidder of was aguest of her parents Mr, andlday andSunday in the parental en~e~/oan~va%~Sn~ton~.'~a. ~nw~ney ~3U~gg:r :neaatten:dnnC;" ,G~a~nre:]hy pictures Strange as it seems there tended the service atBV
visitor in Omaha, Nebr this week I Waterloo were visitors last week ~ntrt~: 2rwm bane irom Tnursaay[ L~. t=. nener home. : they had attendedSa National anti I esson'/ and Glenn Henrichsen was a smau resemoianee m neany home for Mrs. Georgi~
" or h e um ~ ~unuay. Mr and Mrs Carl Kruse went . ~. . everyone Two charter members,
on Tuesday and Wednesday Imthe ?r. E: P. Blgg. om The Evan-elical Missionar- soci-l to Humboldt todd-, where ~arl willlwar congress, played seve, al g u.]tar .selectmns' Mrs. Belle Thompson and Mrs. Har- Wednesday afternoon.
Paul Albaugh of
Mr. and Mrs. r~lwoo~ rtesewenrI 'me ~mencan Legmn ~uxinary ~ J . I ~ ---'~- - Mrs A K Ru-~-le Mi~ rr~zel then the group Jistene(l to the ~ ~ ~"~'~ "~''~"" was one of the members
1 ' ' ri ety Will mee~ a~ z:~u lalesctay June] De assistant manager or me AnGer- ' " ' "'~' ~ *" ] ' 's r i addr s Th -z ~,~,*s=-, ~=-= ~=~,s,-~=,~ ~,-~--,~
and daughters of Stanwood and E - will meet with Mrs. Harlan B ggs . ' ' i D i P'emdent ad o es . e
and M ss a sy Burd attended the the afternoon The club was or-
al Schools Class to gra~
bert Beaver of Cedar Rapids spent on Tuesday evening, June 10. ~ .~ [ ,a,~,~ina at MJ~e ~r~nri~ ~,ma,~ metal committee served refresh- a~n~a,4 aha,~+ 9~ ua~w ann ~n th~
10, w~th Mrs. Inez Uhler and Mrs. son lumber company
Friday in the parental Charles[ Mrs Ted Gibson of Low Moor isl~ewls ~raver. ] Mr. and Mrs. Ed Westcott of De-i '~"'~",~l"'r~a"~'-'~n"~.*'~r~n~",~j'~'~; ments. Guests were Catherine and ~,~':~'n,~"'~r,~Z,:~'~'~ a~"~'~::~,"-~ exercises in Cedar BaP~
" P 1 h " r " i r " v~. day forenoon.
Beaver home. ,i~i~in~ ~i~e Saturctav in th~ home au T ompson of Central C~tyl t mt M ch. we e calhng on rela- ~, ~ h,~ ~r.~o .~,o .~ ~ o~ Eleanor Bmggs. The June meet- ,v~ ~ ,~ th
~" i i '] i s - = = s ,o~ Mr. and Mrs. Max
v s ted a few hours Monday with t yesm the Bert Rob and Frank mg will be ~lth Mr and Mrs Roy. .
Mr and Mrs Harold Huey and of her mother Mrs Ernest Jetting i . . : . ' byterIan church in Cedar Rapids, gwen by the club president, Mrs. Jeanette of Lancaster,
n s aunt tvlrs .~tta ~,ong in me ivtrs Slyer homes Saturday Gamble, ~lth M~s, George Johnson
children of Co on v~slted Friday " " ' " ' " an 1 n i h se e
gg Harold Hoover of Mechamcsvllle "~r 1 h-
' I d uncheo n t e Roo v It Clara Archibald and the response Friday in the Earl waln
eu r~on ume M O an(I Mrs 1,5 .atlJowns the menu
in the James Tyson home Satur- [ is snendin~ a two week's vacation " [ rs. J hnLynch of Mechanics- hotel * hv Mr~ Van Tn~]] mnth,~ nf M'r~
day callers were Mrs O K Frink wl la h~s -rand arents. Mr and Mrs Ernest Hotz and daughters ]ville Miss Winnifred Woods and' "Vh: ,~ h ~,n ,~,~,ahh,~,~,a h,~aeommittee, lkrlo--Stin~er---Gues't.~-"we're" M"rs" with other relatives.
't " p ' - u
and Mrs. P. E Frink a/r~~. 1~. g~oover ' Janice and Joyce spent Sunday with[Miss Bertha Koch were Monday l o ~=~.=,:,~'~-,~'~'~, ~'~':T~.:.::~:~, :~,~" ~ Chas Wickham Mrs Tom Arm-
Mr. and 2frs. John F'
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Leinbaugh ""Mr and' Mrs. Henry Pfautz Sally her.parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth] dinner guests of Mrs. George Bittle. ] ninTa'~'~'he"~.~ l~'~'ho'v"a'~om~e'f'or wrote OaK strong, Mrs. Murton Kepler, Mrs. visited on Sunday in th;
and Bernice were in Tennessee dur- [ Ann 'and John of Laurens visited i rtum at Anamosa, ] Tuesday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. I the Lester Roup family who moved Mrs. Olenn Slyer Milton Koch, Mrs. Mike Zingula, Mrs. W. H. Hohenscht*
ing the week end for a visit with I from Thursday to Monday with theI Miss Hazel Runkle and her De-]Fred Bear were her nephew Will Sunday to Low Moor Mr. and. n . ~ Mrs. Irl Hoodmaker, Mrs. Francis
.wrs v;rne~t Tonne and ~oo at o r
Floyd, stationed with Co. G. 129th ] Pie,~er and Pfautz relatives troit guests were Sunday dinner[ Bauer of Paton and Mrs. Rose Me- i Mrs. Billy Helmer will move from - . " . - " - C nner, Mrs. Ben Oxley, M s. City.
" tended th~ ammm banquet m r
Inf trifle) 33rd dip. at Camp For- .~ ::" I guests of Bishop and Mrs. Thomas]Cann and Mrs Goldie Butler of l the Paul house south of town to . ~ .' " Beasley, M s Shaffer, Mrs Ed John-
.' I ~ev. ~yron wr]gnt oi waucoma, J~ichol~on in ~^un* ~rer"~n I Marion I ' . ' Mecnaniesville Frioay evening ston Mrs Don Meeks and Mrs A statement In the Co
es~. . [ Ernest Stanert of Werre Haute, Ind d ~ ~ . . ~,~ ? v ~),o.~ . [ - ~" I tne nouse ttoups vacated. Mr and Mrs Ray Simpson of Lv~l~ ~rv~n~ ' ' lege bulletin of 1857 Stlpll
Mrs. margare~ ~urKe spent irom and Mrs Ida Van Kirk of Anamosa mr. and mrs. rtooert Auim anaI week enct guests ot mr. ann xwrs.] Earlier contemporary members of ~r,o~',~oo u~. :. ~ a "~ " "- "- " "the escorting of Yo~ng.
Thursday to Sunday with herjcalled Monday in the I. V. MerrissdMr' and Mrs. Edgar Auhff .ofJSwtr~rtelF/2nks 7~eLoMtr].s and Mrs:lthe Federated choir, when Mrs. ning in ~h:'Erne[~'t'"Po~ne home. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Koch and young gentlemen is
naugnter, ~vLrs. t=iarence ttoegler home ~rmcemn were bunchy guests m] . o u ", ~ao and Winnifred Woods was. .a member, ~ The Raloh Wethington familv family were Sunday dinner euests - W M BE10"I~'
and family at their home near West/. ~r ~,~n ~/r o ~o,~ o~,-,e~ '-"'~-^" ut~'lthe Mrs. W. S. We~rlck home. ]Mr. and Mrs. ~ete Janss of DesI gave a lower Pal pmnic in her, . ~ ~' ~n ~,~ ~ ~ ,o, r ~,~,~ ~, ~,~ ~0 h,~,~,~. ~,~n ~r,-~ r~,~
Branch, and summer cabin near I ~::'~.~::~f'* ]~,~o''~uott:'*~e ~r Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Cork and Mrs, ]momes. favor Monday evening Fifteen were ] day afternoon Evans near Ivanhoe About three "I~I~on, Io~
Chalhs and
Rochester. Her .b,rthday was c~-[an~" E Mr and!W" Mrs. Paul Kohl of M t. lPresent the spirit the yester-I Tuesday afternoon Mrs. LeRoy weeks ago while tending his hogs
orated w~m a runner n Tnurs y a~o ,v,~, ~' ,mo e ~ ,r,h, ,:~,~, I visited ~?rom Thursday until Sun- Ivernon ann mr. ann iwrs. ~am r~om nays permeated me enjoyamie oc- Stout ~md Mary Jane and Jean across the road from the house a Farms for ~ale!
v g. to Sunday day with relatives at Algona and Iws~ted with Mrs. Fred Kohl on I casion. Naturally, song burst forth ] Shrope called in the Ralph Weth- passing car threw a rock, striking Honses for Sale or,
i " [ Burt / r'riday Mrs Kohl is improving and harmony floated over the river t ington ho n- Lee in the left e e His e e has Office Phone-"~
iwiss irene vanaeoerg was out ~r ana ~rs Sarr~, Whi -~an ~n"~ ' ~- '." ." ' " Y " Y
from Chicago to spend from Thurs- son~i~obert~of 'Snrin~ville and l~r~. Mrs. Preston McCall attended the I r m ner serious niness, mrougn "me ~ree raps. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tonne enter- been treated but the vision does not
day to Sunday in the parental S. A G Walton anct i:tavmond of Mt' graduation of her nephew Bob[ Misses Betty and Jean Sankotand Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller of Sioux[tained at dinner Wednesday: M:r. return. This was a very unfortu-
P Vandeber~ home On Sundayl " " ~ 'lSchneberger from St Mary's high/their guest Miss Margaret DeVries ICity and Mr and Mrs Fred Kees-land Mrs. John Bodenhoffer and nate accident. We hope that time T~
tlae Vandeberg and Larry Gouchee. [ annVern nmrs.V~l~ea~. ~. wuson' mr. Ischoo1. in Iowa. City on Sunday eve-]studentsi at Iowa State College vis: [burg of. Waverly were guests, last, [MrS.mosa Racheal Vanderbilt of An~- will return the sight of his eye. EaSV t0
families and Mr. and Mrs. Melwn t nmg. ] ted from Thursday until Sunday lweek in the home of Mrs. Millers] . This wclmty has certainly been
Oldorf Of Stanwood had a picnic ' iv~r an~ ~rse Jonrll ~ a~I and son J ~r ~ ~ ~r~ ~.~1~ ~'~h~mh~r ]in the Charles Sankot home. [ sister, Mrs. C R Yocum, and with . Allene ]~sh er spent Tuesday with bitten by some kind of a bug as ~ 1 ~
" 1 " " ' " I i
dinner at the Pal Metwn ot ~eorm, ~i were weeK iu~ ,~,~o ~ n r~.~,Mr and Mrs Lawr~nc,~ ~rvno~]the Yocum family attended a faro-]her roster Mrs. Leo Dmseo. E four of our young ladies and one aKK~-|Vl
end guests of theL H and C W ~ ~ "
Mr and Mrs Ward Shantz of l~, ,~m~ r,~: ~ ,~,~" :i of Milwaukee Wis. called on Miss land daughters of Clinton were Sun-[!lY gathering in the Emil Dircks Mr. and .Mrs. I:eo Drisco and young man will.plight their nup- U
" r A" ~ o-.-,-,s ~,= ~,~*. ~,=~ ,u,~r,~+- ' ~.~ ~, ,~.~': a,u"'~'~ ,--~.a"~" ~.n~/day, ~.auests of Mrs. Kvnett's, moth- nome at bowuen, mrs. haverne cnnaren ealleU in .the Arnom J)ris- ual vows. during the monm. oI June
Stanwood and Mr. and M s.W. Sunday was the Guy Cave family/~, r ]er Mrs Ma~me Rie~er an,~ ~,~ ~ I Benning and .Roma Lee of Clar-leo home near Ohn Sunday after-[Heartmst congratulatmns are ex-
Shantz and daughter Sandra of D of Cedar Rapids noon
~- ' ! ~, ,-, n ~ ~parental W. L Kynett home tence were also guests in the Yocum- ]tended to them and may the best Like all Quaker.
WltL VI~IL~U gllta~:ty lit tile r~, &~, Mr and Mrs Darrell M~rnina~tar ~ a ~a ~w-~ l h,~,~ Floyd Siver attended a rural - ',-~ ~- =~,h ,h.m ,so o=, it is bes'
" M ori ~
Frlnk home. Saturday afternoon i Mr and Mrs Ivan Stanl and Mr ]der are in Vlnton this week from | era( a! Day callers on Mrs. I a~; r,~o;a =.~n l Y uth picnic at tile State park in homes
and evening guests were Mr. and and Mrs C. "L Alhright~h~ ~hoir I Tuesday to Saturday attending an/mary ~m~tn were v~rs. ~mma Me J- ~ ~ *:~=% ,~:,;a ~ a*~aVu Z ~:~ ?: ~,Anamosa Sundav r3 - Now Enriched bY
. . .-
Mrs. O. K. Frink and Catherine of coi~nles club b'rid~c wit'h" rr -an'd[annual gathering of alumni of the/loft of Kenosha, Wis Mr. and Mrs.[Wire,red w g .e etro2t,2wicn Ivan empyand Mr and Mrs sis er.- ffrsO Roval"Pa rk' ." "
I ~ ~" Elmer Reid and dau hter and Miss were guests oI mrs .~. r~ ttunme
Des Momes and Mr and Mrs. 19. E. Mr~ Rzvm,nd puffor nezr Moeh~n I Bhnd School [ g / " - ' . Glenn Slyer and daughter were I p,rk~ 0 ~h,~i, hom,~ ~n r~ ,~
" ' ~" -" - ' G Jepsen and [ ' ' " / M1 zel r - ~ ,
Frink of Cedar Rapids Mr and l Mr and Mrs eor Ruth Reid of Cedar Rapids and ss tia ~ om Tnursaay un amon those who attended class I
-. ~ ~ icsville, Wednesday evening. { . . ge .~ . til Sunday Mr~ ~untrl,~ and g a Mich on Saturday for a few weeks This highest
mrs. Joe r~mvecA baurence, ~em,I ~rr -nn ~nro n~ ~ r n an;oolGeorge, jr of Prague, Okla dr-/ znree local men, /Jr. J. R tiara-/~.~,~~ ~'~," ,~-'q:.-'.~,~-~ -/'"~'~ ~.~':~ picnic held in the Edman Vernon visit.
and Virglma of cenar ttapms w r~o ~i, r~, ~ ,~non ~,~ qm a ir]ved Tuesday to wmt m the Mr.]ner, Dr. E. P. Bigger and J. E. Mc-] ~ ~o ~ ~ r~,+~^ a~r home at Anamosa on Sunday. ! Carolyn Neal expects to spend flour is.verY ~
i i s ,-- able in rice'
Sunday v s tot . ~. ~ r, ~. ~ ~ .~ a, ^ ] and Mrs E M. Franks home dur- ]Clelland lea~e Sunday for Indian- I~ uA ~v ~ e.~ ~ ~r~ - ~ Mr. and Mrs. Otto S]ver called m I the next few days with her aunt,
,:, ~ ~. ~^ ~ :~ .~./ "i inz a two weeks' vacation trin / P s, d to attend the Natlonal[,r~ .~ the Ira Hempy home Sunday eve-IWinifred Goud m Rockford Ill
~s~vxy tare ~nuuy xnm.y w,~ ~-=]yranK /-lira anct son James ~,arl i "~ " -' |Shri ~ im.~,~.~.] ~ n m~ m~ x,u.~uo~ a~=rnoon, a.d the grad-," " Y - - ' "' l }l
only complete family back for Dec-!lborn May 18. Mrs. Hird was for-I Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Struck/r,tur~~ Th~r~v'~dh~ ~ I uation exercises that evening. Mrs. nmg: wnere sne is tea cning scnool 49 lb sack and 5 IM
oration ~ay. The nve siszers, were. merly Miss Helen Chamberlin. ~ and Dick of Kewanee Ill and Mi~ / ~"" Runkle's o aranddauahtero,J a n e L"'. ~ . eo rmrtman mr. .and mrs. ~oy ~owman nan free, on y -:"~L
- Mr and Mrs Homer Slyer and~ were ~=ea:tr t~ap]ds callers on Mon- as their ests over he week
here: Mrs. Charles Delo of Chmago,r a Esther Warner of Monmouth Ill ' . l~urtz gave me vamaIctory, gu t end.
Mrs. Carrie Jamison of Shell Rock; M . . n.d Mrs. G. L. Albrlght andi were -uests in the Mr and'a"-- /Mr" and Mrs. Earl Slver and Patty day and Tuesday of this week Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clark of Fort 24 lb sack and Z
Mrs J D Fouse of Oak Park Mrs Pa~w ]omed a family group at the ~ . ~.~ " ~": ;|of Cedar Rapids visited Friday inl ,mr'. ann ~ars L~onal~ .wm~ia~cn. Mrs. Mary Fairbanks and Mrs. Madison (Mrs. Clark is the former free, only
"" ~-'-""- tt ^ ~,' ,rs'[home of her sister Mrs Lee Ire- ~an warner nome on lv~em nm]the Rob Siver home Sunday vis ~oDme ann ~eim oI ~ip~on, and Glenn Siver and Janet Kay called Iv 1 Bowman) Ral h Bowman of -
maoe~ ~weyers o~ ; ~ a ' - " " Y ; P We have Om r i
D y Miss tsleone ~urns oI t ;larence in the Evvrett S o
r ~r~.~^- ~, r,~.~ ~ ~ '~*h land in Monticello Sunday to " ]itors were Mr and Mrs Walter . ! . ~ ,~ pr ston home near Flint Mich" an uncle and aunt of
er members of each family were I celebra~ the birthdays of Donna I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Engelkmg|Cook of Mount Vernon p per gues)s ~nursaay eve- Mount Vernon, Tuesday afternoon. I Mrs. Bowman's from Chicago; and bury and
~1~ in attondance= A ~orthv, rec ILee JreIana and ~vlrs. ~ee ~eoee. i were guests Sunday in the A. H.| rdi~ f~io,~ .~,~ ~ ~ rang m me. ~.rxowara wntua~cn. Clifford Fairbanks of Scott. Field, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laughead of very reasonable
~ - *Hansen home at Stanwood at a ~ :"L=~'.- ~'~ ~ home. Miss t;leone spent Friday Ill spent Fmday and Saturday in Iowa Clt t
ord of Decoratmn Day attennd- Mr and Mrs Walter Allison of l /Falls arrived last ~riaa3 to spend ~ ~ c--.~- :,t. ~, "'.~ . "Y. An early eontr t
" " ~ dinner to celebrate the birthda s of 1 ~ a,~ o,ua~ w~,x ,v,~. n,u ~v*rs. tne t~enn Swer nome. on nis way i Mr and Mrs Dou la Ruble th
ance is held by Mrs. Del.o, who has I Cedar Rapids and Miss Jane Foote J ~ I a ~wo weeks vacauon wire her par- Whitlatch and her brother Maurice ~--~- .- ,~ ~ i~ . . . : . g s, Ru mitsUS to Sell ~'-7
b:e~th~e!!n/::en~Y?j:tw]~terws.Y~:ii ~f. Ch]:agoLw~!ediSu~d~esln the ~rs henry nansen and ~ari rlan [~knt~eM~ :2dd Mr~t CnBheJohnhstOmne B:;nSvOfni2;llweiPlat~:mSpe~r S:nd ii~ria~ya~doi~ay~nie~n~.?~T~:~]gun~l' gu ents:n:th Orh !tr eo n era?n eaY C under the nta %]
I day visitors in thesehomes were ] Miss Carrie Leese of Cedar Rap.-] TM MISS Luella Johnston of Oak- Mrs. Ralph Ealy and family of extent of his injuries have not yet lBranch 49 lb bag
mm in ~t. J~ou,~ n,u ,m~,xer ~/.e Mr. anu mrs. ~awn ~tolJet oi t~e-i ins visited Irom nursday until lua~. Belle Plaine called at Whitlateh'~ h~, ~ a h, ~ ' 24 lb bag
he was on business in New Mexico. dar Rapids [ Monday with Mr and Mrs Ro~'^~" a~r -n"~ a~r" P~'~ f~ " - :'-'7. '~-~ 7 .s ~nown ~nat Mr. and mrs. ~eonara lversen oI
" - ~'='~1 ~'~ " ~ ~' ~'~ ~',~c~u. ~eam~e on wennesaay evening, he was Da(lly cu~ and still un- Cedar Rapids called Thursday eve-
I [ Leese. Friday visitors in the Leesel and Jackson of West Ellis Wis. ~ conscious Monday evening nin in the home of Rev and Mrs A big meal, 31
lvlr. aiIEt ~vlrs. -~. I l-Ollng nail I g . .
] home were Mr and Mrs Ray Bails were week end guests in the Chas Mr and Mrs Verlon Baker w
as guests from Saturday until Tues-! f .~. . " ' I. . . -. LISBON CHURCH NOTES ere C. F. Hartzell Pork & BeanS
io ~mnwooa IH eft home Mr and Mrs Hoeft Sunday
droner guests of Mr and
day their daughter Mrs James " m . .
~1~O~ ~J~ ~'~ A T,enter " e ' r " ~ * -- - A small meal, 16 oZ
Lynch and Beverly of Stuart, a~ Mrs. Randall Warfel and Dickie-
I ta d the C esson family and Mrs I ew Baker of C
FEDERATED CHURCH ~ ~ edar Rapids. r~ .~ ~am.11
I co m Marc l fll a at dinnerSunday at Rev
~'~,~, OF~,us" Mrs. Lizzie Clifford of Men-lof Dixon, Ill are spending thelAmn' i " .G.S. Hamil~n,]Psstor COgISDllll fork&BeanS
lo, and Mrs. Poling's brother and week with Mrs. G. J. Albright Mr] a a. Sunday School Teachers Prayer uentral Llnn Mrs. Gerald ~eott Big Quaker OatS,
wife, Mr. and Mrs. J W Fowler of/Warfel brought them Saturday re-I Mr. and Mrs. O. S. BurlingameMeeting 9:15 am. Mra Milton lgoeh --
[ Kelso, Wash. I mained until Monday and will re- [ and children and Mrs. W. S: Weir- Sunday School 9:30 a.m. " Max Bachman has been visiting or quick
] turn for them this week end [ ick spent Friday with a family Worship Service 10:30 a.m. COMMUNITY CLU--'--'B HAS his grandparents in Newton. He re- Big Eat Well 0
,~v~r an~ mrs. R. L J~'r]nK were] " [ group for a picnic at the home of Young Peoples Service 7 p.m. INTERESTING PROGRAM turned to his home Wednesday.
~rnn~aYho~r~eneirn g~e~:rI~:;iet/an~[ Co~:% :~aIr w~arYe ~a:v~?r:n~nMrsl~l~-]Mrs. Burlingame's parents, Mr. and Evening Service 8 p.m. Mt. Zion Community club met Mr. and Mrs. Donald Whitenack or quick
] overnight -uest- -f ~" ~" - ' ='- "] Mrs. W. C. Hodgden at Oxford Thursday Prayer and Bible study Thursday evening May 29 instead and Dixie Lee, Mrs Edythe White- Cloth bag fine
Frink ~ami~v ~he: s"en~las~e~Ie ~ nmer o~ ~asaclena, ~ani ~v~rs. JJunction. service at 8 p m. of the regular date last Friday eve- nack and Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Oli- Sugar :
,~. ~ v - r~ma me~mt~ oi rxenosna, WlS Frida Pra er s r " " " ' "
dav evening withMr an~ Mr~ P ,! ,~ ~r, ~n,~ M~ ~ ~ ~r~, ] Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kruse and r Y Yr e vice at the home ning, as it fell on Memorial Day. phant and. Ke~th. enjoyed a picnic Fancy Ginger
~ ",~ ~ ~ -- " -'---'--' i =Z" "'*'& "7": ""-~" .=:" ~" ~'L~'' / family attended the graduation of of M s. J. Ca penter at 2 p.m. It was a busy time so the program droner Friday in the Gerald Scott
~earr~ ~u~ee~neirsummer cabin] ~lss~s~i~ulan and ~,orence oI t=e-[Miss Anna Kruse from the school There is still time to enroll in the was not long, but had good quality home, and in the afternoon with pound
" I of nurses' training at the State Uni- Vacation Bible school being con- After the business meeting the pro- Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Joe, visited 80Z tel bag
versity commencement exercises in ducted daily from 9 a.m. to ll:30]gram opened with community sing- with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Koch and
a.m except Saturday The 90 who ling and a very good talk on the family.
Hot water for an average
family at less than 4~ a day!
Fully automatic hot water
---no gas or electricity needed l
Plenty of hot water l The
Duo-Therm has extra-big
storage capacity--faster heat-
ing service I
SMALL Cucumbers, Large each
PAYM E NT Cabbage, solid, 3 pounds for
EASY Root Beer, gallon
Lemons, Jumbos, per dozen
Pure Cane Sugar, cloth bag, 10 lbs for 59c
Oranges, Extra Juicy, each lc
New Potatoes, Reds or Whites, 10 lbs 25c
Apples, Fancy Washington Winesaps,
4 pounds for 23c
Send me Duo-Therm Water
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Pure Ground Beef, per pound . 15c
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ii Minced Ham, per pound 15c
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the field house at Iowa City, Mon-
day morning
Mrs. E. P. Bigger and Martha
Ann returned Sunday from a week's
with Mrs. Bigger's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Gunderman at
Lenox. Enroute to Lenox they
were overnight guests of the George
Harlan family at Indianola.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Dunn and fam-
ily of Lansing, Ill came Thurs-
day to visit in the Harry Sizer and
Dr. J. R. Gardner homes Mr.
Dunn and Jack returned Sunday
and Mrs. Dunn and daughters are
remaining for a longer time.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Conklin and
Carol attended a reunion Sunday of
teachers and pupils of Linn Grove
school near West Liberty, where
Mr. Conklin had attended school.
They visited also in the home of
his sister, Mrs. C. R. Gatcs at Dow-
were present on Tuesday indicates
something of the enjoyable as well
as profitable time each one is hav-
ing in studying the Word of God.
The stories and teachings of the
Bible never grow old and this is an
opportunity for the children and
young people of Lisbon and vicinity
to learn more of its contents. Come
there is still time to enroll. The
enrollment already has reached 102
which includes the teachers. The
school will conclude by presenting
a program on Sunday evening,
June 15th.
Everett Staab of DesMoines
Thursday night and Friday at home. I
Sunday guests in the Charles Staab
home w~re Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Staab of Cedar Rapids Lesta Jean
Rion of Marion is spending this
week with her aunt, Mrs. Lloyd
Staab and children
gev. Wm. D. Bostron, ~r
9:30 a.m. Church School. Depart-
mentallzed and Graded
10:30 a. m. Worship and Preaching.
6:30 p. m. Epworth League.
Rev. L. J. Enzler, Pastor
Friday: First Friday: Communion
at 7:00. Mass at 8:00. C.Y.O. meet-
ing at 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, June 8---Summer Schedule
Sunday Masses: 7:00 and 9:00.
Week day Mass: 7:00.
Mrs. Harry Sizer and Mrs. J. R.
Gardner were hostesses Tuesday
evening in the Sizer borne at
bridge party in honor of Mrs. S S.
Dunn of Lansing, Ill. Sixteen
guests shared the courtesy Mrs.
Rex Dean of Mount Vernon was
an out of town guest.
Mrs. Earl Fehman of Manly vis-
ited from Wednesday to Sunday
with her sisters, Mrs. Irene Andre
and Mrs. George McCall. Joining
them for Memorial Day were Misses
Dorothy Selden and Leona Zalesky
of Chicago, Misses Daisy Zalesky
and Mary Risacher of Cedar Rapids
and Mr. and Ms. Amos Zalesky of
West Branch.
Miss Ione Smith, a member of
the Iowa Bandmasters Association,
attended the three day session held
in Cedar Rapids on Sunday, Mon-
day and Tuesday Miss Ione was
one of the three women bandmas-
ters among the nearly 200 men at-
tending the convention She is di-
rector of the Wyoming school band
and Wyoming town band for the
summer concerts.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dacken and
Janice Milligan were in Minneap-
olis, last Wednesday evening to'at-
tend the graduation of his sister
Dorothy from North Western Bible
school and her midnight marriage
to Wilbur Sanford in the home of
a college instructor. They spent
the remainder of the week in the
parental F. C. Dacken home at
Lone Rock, returning home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kurtz, Jane
and Robert and Mrs. C. M. Robinson
of Fort Dodge were Thursday night
and Friday guests of Mrs. A. K.
Runkle and Miss Hazel With them
for a picnic dinner on Friday were
Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Erb, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Remley, Mr. and Mrs.
Wright Frazer, sons George and
Ross and Miss Zoe Kurtz of Ana-
mosa; Mr. and Mrs. Byard Kurtz,
Mrs. Moore, Tom and Dick Kurtz,
Misses Hope Kurtz, Harriett Moon
and Ethel Woodbridge, Mr. and
Mrs. John Funk and David all of
Cedar Rapids, Charles Runkle of
Davenport, Mrs. W. H. Runkle,
Miss Daisy Burd and the Runkles'
Detroit guests.
work of the Legion by Arlo Sting-
er, commander of Hahn-Howard
Post of Mr. Vernon, which shows
we have overlooked some good local
talent Mrs. Elva Minish spoke
briefly on some interesting points
of her work as state agent for the
Juvenile Home. The program closed
with the singing of America Then
everyone faced the east for 30 sec-i
onds in memory of the war heroes~
who have answered the final call.
Arlo reported there were nine
graves in the Mt. Zion cemetery
that would be decorated on the fol-
~lowing morning, one the grave of
a confederate soldier, Mr. Rose
The committee for the June meet-
ing is: program, Mr. and Mrs. Emil
Mallie and Mr. and Mrs. Don Good-
~ear; menu, Mrs. Herbert Leigh.
Several families attended the
Linn County Rural Eighth grade
graduation exercises at McKinley
high school in Cedar Rapids on
Tuesday We are glad to have two
from our midst on the honor roll,
Charity Fisher and Robert Ruble
There were also four pair of twins,
Catherine Waln and Willis Bach-
man attended the Dinner-Prom of
the June graduating class of Mc-
Kinley High in Cedar Rapids of
which Willis is a member, on Sat-
urday night. It was held in the
school's large gymnasium.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bachman
and family and Catherine Waln at-
tended the Elkin-Freese wedding
at the Presbyterian church in Mar-
ion Saturday evening. Mr. Freese
is a nephew of the Bachmans and
Willis Bachman served his cousin
as best man.
Louis Johnston of Marion was a
visitor Sunday in the home of his
sister Mrs. Carl Struchen and fam-
Mrs. Nettle Duncan spent Tuesday
night in the Ralph Duncan home.
Joe Scott spent a couple of days
last week with his uncle and
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Street
Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Nel-
son, Ramona and Donald, Donald
Struchen and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Deeious spent Sunday in. the Ger-
ald Scott home helping Ramona
and Joe celebrate their birthdays,
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