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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
June 6, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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June 6, 1957
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Vernon Social BRIDE-ELECT HONORED The Good Luck Social club will INEW OFFICERS CHOSEN By Miss Ethel Ryan and Harriett meet with Mrs. Burt NeLl Thursday ILEGION AUXILIARY MONDAY MEE NG Clutter entertained at-a kitchen afternoon, June 13, for the annual, shower last Wednesday evening at guest day. i The Mt. Vernon Legion Auxiliary Maude Worrall will speak~ the farmer's home honoring Rachel West End clan will meet Friday' met Monday with 22 present. Mrs. work of medical missions of Yeisley. About 25 college friends evening, June 7, for a 6:30 p.m. iR°y Martin read the slate of offic- ers to be installed at the July meet- cesbyterian church at the shared the courtesy• Friday eve- picnic supper with the Lawrence iing: Mrs. Cecil Thomas, pres.; Mrs. meeting Wedneslay, June 12, ning, Mrs. Clint Whelchel, an aunt Hunters. i Charles Klein, first v.p.; Mrs. Dave P.m. Members of Martha circle of James Miller, Miss Yeisley's fi- be hostesses• A special offer- ance, entertained at a miscellaneous A group of neighbors honored ~ Strong, second v.p.; Mrs. Charles Mrs. Susan Yeisley on her 80th' Akers, sec.; Mrs. Gene Strauch, for medical mission work will shower at her home in Salina, Kan. birthday Monday afternoon at the itreas.; Mrs. Blair Quinn, chaplain; ~en. ~ Miss Yeisley and Mr. Miller were home of Mrs. Leoral Evans. Mmes. i Mrs. Martin, historian; Mrs. Emil and Mrs. Leo Gerst were hosts guests of the latter's parents, the Walter Carney and Harlan Levy as- I Reyhons, sgt. at arms, and Mrs. Pet- on Tuesday, May 25, to the Harry Millers, at Salina from Wed- in the Junior high school nesday until Sunday• sisted Mrs• Evans. i er Daws, asst. sgt. at arms. Mrs. Mrs. Dale Larson entertained rela- Richard Day reported on flag eti- Club picnic will be Jolly Workers will meet with tives and friends at a luncheon on quette and Mrs. Martin read the his- The Joe Murphy family and the The Paul Seotts returned Man- on Sunday, June 9, at 12:301Mrs. Walter Achenbach Thursday, Tuesday, May 28, honoring her son tory of the past year. Mrs. A. J. Charles Havills visited scenic spots day from having spent the week at the Charles Randall home June 13. P a u 1 following h is graduation. Rogers reported $176 from the sale in northern Iowa and southern Wis- end in Orient, called there Thurs- ;ville. Coffee and rolls Past Chiefs will meet with Mrs. Guests were from Maquoketa, Ann- of poppies. The social hour was in consin over Memorial day. , day by the death of Mrs. Scott's furnished. Bring basket George Wilson Friday, June 7, for a mash, Monticello, West Fork, Ark., charge of Mrs. Reyhons and Mrs. Rex Dean and Lee Crawford and, aunt Mrs. Eugene Tinsman. Mrs. Quinn. Wade Nelson of Cedar Rapids left Tinsman died in a Creston hospital potluck luncheon at 1 p.m. ! and Mt. Vernon. Saturday for a week's fishing on where she had been taken for care. / i i i i iil i Club Marthas will meet June 14,]Tr°ut Lake north of Tower, Minn• Rites were held Saturday in Orient• She is survived by her husband Dr. a week from Friday with Mrs. Louisl Mr. and Mrs. Jay Fordyce and Tinsman. B L ~ C Ji U [I ~ (~ H Ross. Those wishing to work thatlDick accompanied by Roy Muzum- day may come anytime from 10 a.m. I dar, spent Memorial day with Mrs. FETE CH~ to 2:30. If staying through noon lFordyce's mother, Mrs. Rose Bell~ Mrs. Grant Blum (formerly Mam- AHD L( I U!;EIt0L~] bring sackluneh. Coffee furnished, at Earlville. ,lynRoss) of Elmhurst, Ill., came ;E Mr. and Mrs. Bob Engelking and ithis Wednesday to spend the re- 11 Mount Vernon Locals in the Rex Dean home Monday at-!Roy Nelsons and other friends in ~- two children of Lanark, Ill., visited I mainder of the week visiting the ternoon. The Engelkings formerly!town. Miss Ruth Pinkerton enter- Martelle, Iowa Mrs. Dorothy Higbie returned lived at Deans while Bob was at-ltained Mrs. Blum and the Nelsons Monday from a week spent at Mad- tending Cornell. Wednesday evening. Mrs. Nelson in- Tosettle the estate of the late Lillian Stewart Reed, we will sell to the ison, Wis., with her son Charles and Mrs. Daniel Burke and Judy ar- cited a group of Mrs. Blum's friends family, rived Saturday from Detroit to visit to tea Thursday afternoon and Miss Ihest biddersatthe premises located in Martelle, Iowa, of Real Estate Louise Freer, Champaign, Ili., is a month in the parental Russell Cole Betts was her hostess at lunch Fri- end Personal Property on returning for the 50th reunion of home. Mrs. Pat Rega and her three day. Mrs. Blum will attend Cornell her Cornell class. She will visit Mrs. children of Mt. Pleasant, Pa•, came alumni affairs Saturday, and the re- Miss Myrtts Pope of Cedar Rap- , ATTEND RURAL-URBAN Jor ensons See -ban ' - "" " idss pent Sunday with Mrs. Irvin The Mmes. Charles Randall, Linn/ln Forming In Canada I T--L--_ v----J_ m ..... Laeock and Christine. LUNCHEON AT MARION g ~ ge ur. muzumaar Mrs. Anna Gormly and Walter Twp. chairman, Louis Strother, vice Mr and Mrs George Jor~enson /UK~ |~U[" ~ LeQVg were dinner guests in the David l ehm., Arlo Stinger, conservationlreturned last Tl~ursday' from a visit l ........ Ford home in Cedar Rapids Sunday. I cnairman, Marvin Jonnston, public- fwith the farmer's brother Sebbi ur. nanaas lvluzunmar, prole~sor The S. J. Browns of Joliet, Ill., re- i ity chm., also the Mmes. Harry Dec- Jor~enson in Lethbrid~,e Alberta [ of sociology at Cornell college has turned h o m e Wednesday a f t er li°us' Ray Hartung and Melvin Canada Tiler renort rqea~nt weath ibeen given a year's leave of absence spending a few days with the Roy lHaeseler represented Linn Wwp. at ler during their "two-~week stay and~s° that he may lectu-'e and write Johnsons. I the Rural-Urban luncheon and pro- enjoyed a trin to themountain'cabin following his trip around the world gram at the Marion rural school on of one of Mr Jor"en ........ ~- ...... by plane th}s summer The Dewey Humphries family left Tuesday May 28~ ~N'ERA/~LN i • s ........ v'-~.w~ Dr. Muzumdar will leave by Pan last week for a month's visit with i~onmWe~i!toh°b~llgk~n~eii~ingy00ab~e~a~ksS A~O relatives and friends in Hartsville, OR ;l:agn tAhr~a/s~ ?eg J~es 24vofr Camden and Myrtle Beach, S.C. raised by the nephew. Jessie Coleman for a few days after Wednesday by plane for a visit• union of her class of 1937. ! 51 i 957 commencemenL Dean Howard Troyer attended ex- WILL PAI~TI--~A-TE-'-'~ Miss Gladys Persons and her ercises at Appleton, Wis., Thursday WORKSHOP ON ECONOMICS friend, Mary R. Grumbly of So. at which time his twin sons were Beginning Monday, Dr. C. W. Rich 1:00 p.m.--Household Goods 2:00 p.m.--Real Estate Norwalk, Conn., will be commence- graduated. Mrs. Troyer aecompan- of the Cornell ment guests of Mrs. Dorothy Hig- led him back to Mr. Vernon to be faculty will direct a 7 Room Modern Home in Martelle, Iowa ........... workshop on economics education me., ~lss L+rumom is assocmzea present for the Cornell Commence- f ........... or puoLm scnoox zeacners a~ ~mux wire ±vliss versons in the Persons ment o-q-i+i~ On 100x]20-Foot Lot ............... ciw. The workshop, which lasts lxeaamg crime. The E. B. Johnstons have re- three weeks is one of five span- John Hoodmaker entered Univer- ceived word that their son PFC .... ' ..... ...... sorea oy me Iowa L:ounCll on ~eo- Available for immediate possession. Residence excellently located s,ty hospital m Iowa City Monday, Robert Johnston, underwent car- nomics Education and those "artici- May 27, . and underwent surgery rectzve eye surgery at Brooks Army vatin~ will bo ~ivon credit ~vt gin , school. City water with complete bathroom. Running hot water, eriaay, lae is making a satisfactory hosnital in San Ant,rain T ...... ~- V..~ . - ............ ..... . - ~. y ...... ."- Jgonam Lmwson, another member of recovery, lie is in room C 41. May 28, and is making a satin- the Cornell faculty will also par ~Urnace needs replacement. Hardwood floors in downstairs rooms. Mr and Mrs Karl Smykil of factory recovery tici ateinthe ~'h ._ T ome may be inspected in advance of sale day, contact Miss Elva Hoff- ' ' - p wor s op projec Wellington, Kans., are visiting the Mr. and Mrs. Ed Starry moved his duties will include giving a ser- ~an, Martelle. , farmer's brother, Ken Smykil, and Friday from their trailer near Iv- ies of lectures at each of the work- his family this week• They came es- I anhoe into their home on 2nd St. S., shops pecially to attend the wedding of l vacated by the Leo Thomsens, who " -~_~ Legal Description--Commencing at a point 162-feet due east of Mr. Smykil's cousin, Jean Feuer-]took possession of a home they re- The Clyde Russells of Bettendorf bach, and Nelson Branch in Spring-Icently purchased from the Emil spent Sunday in the Marley Clark 0rtheast corner of Lot One (1) in C. M. Hubbell's Addition to town of ville Saturday. iMallies, home. artelle; thence south 120 feet; thence east 100 feet; thence north 120 Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Thomson ofl The W. F. Schroeders, Steven and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johnston River Forest Ill., were guests of!Susan of St. Louis, Mo, returned were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. :eet; thence west to beginning, their daughter and son-in-law, the lhome Sunday after spending the George Fegan at Anamosa. Evening Joe Peliseks, from Memorial day i long Memorial day week end with guests in the Johnston home were Terms of Sale on Real Estate--20% Down on sale day, balance upon until Sunday• While here they help- Mr. Schroeder's mother and grand- Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Johnston Mr. ed another daughter and son-in-law !mother, Mrs. Helen Schroeder and and Mrs. E. J. Shanklin, Cedar Rap- lelivery of deed with merchantable title, the Grady Merrimans, get settled in i Mrs. G. E. Bartholomew. ids and Mrs. Flay Raft from Augus- the Cornell barracks ............. T ta Ga. On Tuesday the Marvin I ~ues~s a~ me w P:. r~om nome tjo The Dale Stinger family who had,last week w~r~ ~-~ ~r~.l ..... , hnstons Mrs. Raft the Mines. planned to msit in the parental, ~r¢ ~,~m~ m~,~. ,~ r~l;,,+~... ,.:: " e a d HHda Shankhn visited Household Goods ' ' ................... ~ Calri n .... homes of Mrs. Myrtle Staley and iie~t~'l~e~nesda~'a~era~v~'ee~:s ~si~ with Mrs. Nellie Gregg of Rhodes the Arlo Stingers have postponed ] ...~ ~_ ,.,~.'~,~. ~_~,~ ........... Iin the home of her daughter and her Living Room--Davenport and chair, overstuffed chair, several odd ' • ' ......................... their visit because Mr Stinger has i- 1 ............. sband Mr andMrs Donald " ~ n- aw uze 2x. ~-. xxonls oI ~zmmer- Nobl a:' Tam been transferred from Duncan ~m n V~. ~ . .. - ~ .. t e t a. irs and rockers, dropleaf table, odd table, stand, whatnot articles, 5 ...... ,, a , ±vlmn., WhO vmnea irom ~won-t UKm., Borger, Texas. They will day until Friday All were here to/ Returning to their homes Sunday ,~ rugs, 9x12 rug, piano. ~move as soon as nousing is located : ....... '. -latter a visit with Mr andM .... • I az~ena nlgn scnool commeneemem, . . • -~. *~- ~. r Guests in the Ralph Simmons i the Kohls' daughter Judy being one [ (Waud) Mmnlck were Mrs. Min- roCKS remuves ner mother Mrs i home from Sunday until Wednesday of the graduates ' ' .... Dining Room--Dining room suite, extension table (extra), buffet (ex- were Mr Simmons' parents Mr and Mr M rk H '" hinson h h tM Young of St Louis Mo her sis- linens, dishes, odd dishes (large assortment). I • ' '. s. a u~c w o as ..... . Mr s Momes ter Mrs Tom Stam sr of Farmm s. Otto Warner of De " ~n~ ÷- Emor- ~r~ +~ '~,~ ÷~ I , .... g- They accompanied the Simmons' ..~ ~ ' ..... , t n Mo. the F. N. Fosters of Ames Bedroom--Bedroom suite, 3 dressers (extra), 2 commodes, sanitary ....................... ,o _ . . summer wl n ner morner nas leasea h ' - " ..... name zrom North Enghsn ~unday ho- a .... +- +h- ~l,~h C]aa,~t~o ~nal er Drainer, rtaymona xoung, ann le ended the his sons Ra mond r and Donme mattress, bedding, stand. " ...................... ' • where both coup s att • • , Y, ]., , ......... their four children of Cedar Rap-land their fri ..... v ........... weaning oi ±cir. ~zmmons' nephew. ;,~ ,m,,~ Ph~d~b~ h~v~ ,~ur-h~,~a ~i ~uu ua e ±ucbam~, u~ Kitchen--Skelgas stove, refrigerator, kerosene stove, cook stove, ................ n ......ISt Louis• Mmes Young and Stam Jay De Friel of Bellevue, Wash., 19-acre tract from Joh Worrelli .... ............ ring machine, vacuum cleaner, sewing machine, coal burning heating - "-' .............. 1 .................. .................. aIormer resmen calleCl onmesoum oI lvg vernon ann pan m De ........ ' • " ~ . m- l aecompanlea mem ~o /~mes Ior a .~, 2 oil burning heaters, kerosene heater, kitchen table, serving cart Marley Clarks Mrs Mac Mitchell gin erection or a name soon Tney~ ....... ~; .~• ' . " xew hays' VISI~ wl~n LYLFS ~am's and Miss Sylvia Turner Mr De- hope to haveitready for occupancy ........ "~ .~ Friel had come to a£tend the 50th w h e n Mrs Hutchinson returns "e h r " - " =:" "" te enamel), stand, kitchen utensils. • - . ~uuugn~er anu son-m-row me ~os- .............. " ~ rs w o emrnea ~o ±vlL vernon reunion oz ms graduaung cross a~ aoou~ ~epL 1. l with them Saturda- Mr Youn" and Miscellaneous--2 metal lawn chairs, other articles too numerous to i the Marion high school. The De- ~" " Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wallace spent the young men drove up Saturday Frieis moved to Marion from Mt. Memorial day week end at Bloom- and Mrs. Young and Mrs. Stam re- Vernon. ington, Ind,, visiting their daughter, turned home with them• Terms of Sale: Cash on household goods. , The Dean Brawners and their: Mrs. Henry Van Meteren, and her sons, Jeffrey and Scott, of Des family. Their other daughter, Mrs. LADIES DINNER Moines were overnight guests Sat- iRussell Mooney, Becky and Timmy The annual ladies of Rotary din- urday of Mr. Brawner's mother, ~of Washington, D.C., came home ner will be held at the Ox Yoke I Mrs. O. W. Brawner. They were en with them to visit for several Inn at the Amanas on June 10 at route home from a visit with Mr. [weeks• Mr. Mooney had brought 6:45 p.m. The program will be Elva Hoffman, Executrix Glen J. McLaughlin, Attorney Brawner's army buddy, Jim Del-Ihis family to Bloomington a few given by Harold Ward of Cedar Colby, Auct., Mechanicsville Guy Martin, Clerk, Martelle [helm near Rochester, N.Y. The trip] days earlier and will come to Mt. Rapids• The committee is the Leo l home was made via Canada and De-[Vernon to take them home at the Kirkpatricks, C. W. Smiths, Carrol i troit, i end of their visit. Stalls and Watson Davis'. CHARLTON HESTON, a middle-of-the- road dad, favors the Tableau Swim Set. Distinctive, two-tone woven cotton plaid. ~un 'n' sea won't ~hrink or fade it. GLENN FORD, a snappy pappy, delights in the Bretano sportshirt, a striking pattern from the magnificent Silk-and-Cotton Collection. Com- pletely wadeable. KIND To help you choose the perfect gift for Dad, fill out this questionnaire. It will give you an accurate idea of his personality and preferences. Then make your selections from the McGregor Sportswear created especially for his type. Circle the letter (,4, B, or C) in the answer column which is most appropriate for each question. YES NO SOMETIMES A. B C l. Does he initiate social activities for the family? 2. Does he talk things over before making decisions for the family? C B A 3. Does he dress to please the family? C A B 4. Does he like help in selecting his clothes? C A B 5. Is he slow to try out new things? B A C Count to see which letter you have circled most frequently. If there are mostly A's, he's a SNAPPY PAPPY \\ ! : 4 i KIRK DOUGLAS, a strong and silent father, pre. fcrs the elegant Silver Tones sportshirt, a luxurious woven cotton stripe from the Ivy Tones Collection.) ~ Completely washable. - - Bay No-Pleat Bermuda S!mrts o[ polished eot to_~ ! wi! Make this Father's Day one he'll REALLY remember! Give him the gift that's most appreciated . . handsome McGregor Sportswear. He'll think of you every time he wears it. And at Bauman & Co. you can be sure your choice will be proper for poppa. We have specially created selections of McGregor Sportswear... each perfectly suited to one of the three basic person- ality types. FATHER'S DAY IS JUNE 16th Hundreds of Gifts to select from . . . All Gifts smartly boxed and wrapped. This is the Jorgensons' sixth trip to Lethbridge since 1949 and they report remarkable changes in the farming methods during that time. When the wheat market became glutted, the farmers turned to rais- ing both beef and dairy cattle, using the wheat for feed• Irrigation proj- ects insure plenty of moisture for crops and greater prosperity. Leth- bridge now has two creameries where previously there were none. While raising only wheat, farm- ers moved to town for the winter. Now they live on the ranches all year and buses transport the chil- dren to school in town• Mr. Jorgenson's sister, Mrs. John Markert of Barnesville, Minn., ac- 'companied the Jorgensons to Can- ada. En route home they stopped for a visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Pound, in Minneapolis. Quality Since 1909 scene in the new-born nations of PREPARES CORNISH HENS I Asia and Africa. FOR IOWA WESLEYAN ALUMNI "I hope to interpret to them Roy Johnson, owner of Holiday the American soetal hertt~ge House, prepared 445 Rock Cornishi and the American ways of life hens and the wild rice to go with them for the alumni banquet at,I as seen through the eyes of a Iowa Wesleyan college at Mt. Pleas- Gandhi follower who has been ant Saturday. He was assisted hy participating in American life his sister, Mrs. Katie Dennis, of as a naturalized citizen. Mechanicsville. The food was pre- "I intend to point out to Asians pared at a bakery in Burlington andi and Africans the sacred trust the transported to Mr. Pleasant in heat-!American neonle have voluntarily ed cab nets• imposed u p o n themselves ever [since their birth as a nation; name- • ly to serve as a beacon-light ~f M.V.H.S. Seniors Take I . ...... /hope and inspiration to the Opo Week End Trip To Denver tpressed and the underprivileged of ithe world. Twenty-four Mt. Vernon seniors| Preserve Fire of Liberty and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stoltz spentI "The immortal wozds of Geoi-e Saturday and Sunday in Denver I .... "" "g ....... 'i wasnington snail serve as the point uolo on me annual senior ~rlp I ~ _ . . "' • " ' o~ aeparture rot my American They traveled on the C~ty of Den- I ..... story xne preservation of the ver from Marion. Saturday morning ': . • sacred fire of liberty and the des a sightseeing bus took them to. " - 1 Bfllsltmy of the republican model of Lookout Mountain, Buffa o ' ' + ' grave and the Red Rock park in i government are justly considered, that area. They were on their own lperhaps as deeply, as finally staked in the afternoon and attended alan the experiment entrusted to the movie in the evening, t hands of the American people.' " Sunday morning a tour was made In his month's stay in India of the city, including the airport and i and Pakistan Muzumdar will a stop at Lowry AFB where they make e i'al st d of co . aspe uy m- were not admitted on a Sunday ..... ". .... ". " mummy projects, ,tiananl's nasmc They took the tram Sunday after- ~ ._~.,~_ ~ ~^.__ ,_ ~ .^_ • • • I ~uul~lun ~ii~iil~ ill all: lloli, noon and arrayed in Marmn early: ......... Monday. romt your ana omer ale pro- j grams. JAMES LONGERBEAM LEAVES I FOR OVERSEAS JUNE 19 GUEST SPEAKER, LUNCHEON t FEATURES OF W.S.C.S. MEETING Pfc. James Longerbeam of Green- [ The general meeting of the Wo- leaf Kans stationed at Fort Rileyt men's Societ will be held in the • , . , y is scheduled to leave for overseas IMethodist church parlors Wednes- duty in Korea on June 19. He and I day, June 12, and will be preceded Mrs. Longerbeam and Terry Pat ]by a covered dish luncheon at 1 p•m. left Saturday after• a two weeks.. 't Members of the newly const~'tuted visit with his parents, the Wflham i circlesl will be seated together. All Longerbeams south of Mt Vernon women f h c , • • [ o t e hurch are invited to Thursday the James and Wllliam attend Longerbeams, the Bob Longerbeams I Mrs• Gordon Neilson of Iowa City of Ottumwa and Charlie Sellers ~i tr'c" secretar ....... ~: , . et s -t ~ y o[ t.snrls~lan social and Harve Herring of Lzsbon and - - ........... relatmns, will be the guest speaker. uan T. wolfe OZ ~meago were am- ner and supper guests of the George Baxas of Lisbon. The John Smiths and Ellen Smith were evening call- ers. Friday evening the James, Wil- liam and Bob Longerbeams, Mr. Wolfe, Ellen Smith and the Baxas were dinner guests of the John Smiths. A recent survey showed that about 28,000 acres of Iowa farmland were under irrigation last year. If there are mostly B's, he's STRONG AND SILENT If there are mostly C's, he's a MIDDLE-OF-THE-ROADER e On his return on Sept• 15, he will devote his time to lecturing under the auspices of the Associated Clubs of America and to writing on the experiences and observations made during his tour. In visits to personal friends, heads of states and ordinary citizens, Dr. Muzumdar will attempt to show the peoples there "the American ways of life as seen through the eyes of a Gandhi follower." From late June to mid-Septem. her, the professor will visit the countries of Iretand, England, Ger- many, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Ghana, Jordan, Israel,India, Pakistan, Burma, Malaya, Indonesia, Japan, Formosa, the Philippines, and Hawaii. Study New-Born Nations "I want to study at first hand," explained Muzumdar, "the chang- ing political, economic and social The David Seotts have returned from an extended trip through the Southeast• From Key West, Fla., they travelled up the east coast to i Portland, Me., also visited various iplaces in Pennsylvania• The Scotts, former Marion residents are now living in Mr. Vernon where they l built a new home last fall north of the Mrs. W. H. Hoover residence. Mrs. Scott is the daughter of Mrs. Lee Pickert of Lisbon Local Cub Scouts Show At Anamosa Mrs. Jay Fordyee's Cub Scout den performed for area leaders and committeemen Tuesday in a meet- ing at Anamosa. This appearance was part of the new scouting pro- gram of leaders' meetings to coordi nate emphasis by all Cub group~ on the month's theme. Each meeting some den in the area will present some of its past successful skits to give ideas to den mothers for their own dens. Local Cubs illustrated the theme of "Outdoor Opera", which combin- ed several stunts into the musical entertainment, directed by Mrs. For- dyce and Mrs. V. E. Copes. Greg Harman. from a space ship unit, was emcee, introducing a ma- rine puppet show with starfish, dam and octopus; a band using homemade i n s tr u m e n t s: Larry Copes, bottle tones, George Rompet, comb, Diekie Fordyee, tamborine, Greg Harman, cymbals, John Thom- son and Andy Meek, horns, and Randy Harman. drum; a parody on Home on the Range plus musical group games. Two Campus Writers Debut In May Husk Two campus writers, Joan MeAl- lister and Linda Adamson, made their debut in the May Husk, Miss McAllister is represented by a short story of high school, "The Return." Miss Adamson furnishes a poem about Chicago's people, "Girl in tim City." Students who have appeared pre: ]viously in the Husk are Dan Kel- [lams, with a parable, "The Sky is Pink," and a poem, "Incident"; Jan I Black with a parable, "The Dream"; i Lueille Hunzleman, with "Similies !and Metaphors"; and Jo Pullen with a poem, "Contradiction." , Alumni are represented b~'Lo~us L. Wilson with another series of "Obiter Scripta" and Marjorie Wil- l liams Weber with a poem, "We Sel- !dam Look at Shells," dedicated to an alumna friend, Margaret Dennis Apfel, who died last year. Contributors from oww the coun- try and England are: Helen Har- rington, Lamoni, Iowa. with a poem, ~"The Tongue of the Sheaves"; Mary Graham Lund, Los Angeles, with a short-story "Stars over a Curtain"; J. Phoenice, who has just had a book of verse published in England, with a poem, "Bathing Amazon"; 'Louis Fabrice Hancock, Chicago, with a poem. "Tourist Home"; Charles Gerard, Lincoln, Ii1., with a 'short story. "Can a Spy Fly?": Mary Dragonetti. New York, with a poem. "'Scarecrow Passion"; and William Allen Ward. Dallas, TexaS. with two short "Observations." The cover was made from a lino- leum cut by Loren Cocking.